TERM/WEEKS: Term 2/week 3-6 Year Level: 9 Learning Area/Topic: English
TERM/WEEKS: Term 2/week 3-6 Year Level: 9 Learning Area/Topic: English
TERM/WEEKS: Term 2/week 3-6 Year Level: 9 Learning Area/Topic: English
General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)
Week 3 ACELY1746: Identify the elements of a film 1. Formative - Introduction (10 minute) Beauty and the Beast
Lesson Create poster – visual, written and class discussion Film poster analysis film poster for class
1 imaginative, technical - and explain their and mind map to Review SWAT code viewing strategies (symbols, analysis
informative and effect review SWAT written, audio, technical) https://bltomato.com/pr
persuasive texts codes and Teacher-led class discussion: students to analyse and oject/beauty-and-the-
that present a Create a movie poster evaluate level of beast
point of view (persuasive text), experimenting visual literacy deconstruct film posters for Disney’s ‘Beauty and the
and advance or with elements of design and Beast’ and Ridley Scott’s ‘The Martian’ The Martian film poster
illustrate form, symbolism and layout to 2. Summative Record discussion in Popplet mind map on the smart for class analysis
arguments, demonstrate how a written text (Part 1) – board (to be uploaded to class Weebly once complete) https://www.imdb.com/
including texts can be transformed into a visual Students to create Students to consider: use of colour and symbols, title/tt3659388/mediavi
that integrate representation a movie poster for ewer/rm289804288
layout, taglines, lighting and angles
visual, print text studied -
and/or audio Appraise and critique integrating Adobe Spark Post
Body (35 minutes)
features conventions of film posters written, visual and Application (iPad) –
Create a film poster activity
included in own work technical software for creating
In pairs (groups of three where required), students to
ACELY1745: convention. collages with various
Explore and Students to create a film poster based on one of the texts studied templates
explain the Include in the course using the app Adobe Spark Post on
combinations of independent their iPad (students will remain in these pairs for the Popplet – online mind-
language and annotation/200 next three lessons) mapping tool
visual choices word commentary
that authors of choices to Brief summary of the app and its features i.e. Google form survey –
make to present check includes templates and in-built free image search online tool used to
information, understanding of In creating their posters, students to consider: gather responses
opinions and persuasive (multiple choice and
perspectives in techniques in o Target audience, mood and tone, colour choices, open-ended)
different texts multimodal texts. font selection, layout and tagline
Due for Check in with each pair throughout activity to clarify Course text
ACELT1638: submission with instructions, invite questions and prompt students to suggestions (focus on
Experiment with film trailer at end justify their choices sustainability):
the ways that of week 4. o First Light by
language Rubric for poster: Conclusion (5 minutes) Rebecca
features, image Layout and Plenary activity Stead
and sound can design Plenary activity: individually, students to complete o The Last Wild
be adapted in Organisation of ‘Google form’. Questions to include: by Piers
literary texts, for
example the information o Name three things you learnt from today’s lesson Torday
effects of Quality of o Was there anything you found challenging? (remedial)
stereotypical analysis o What did you enjoy and want to do more of?
characters and (annotation/com
settings, the mentary) Homework
playfulness of Students to complete and edit their posters (due for
humour submission with film trailer end of week 4)
and pun and the Students to annotate (remedial) or write up 150-word
use of hyperlink
commentary justifying their stylistic choices (i.e. what
design features were incorporated and why) to form
part of summative assessment
Week 3 ACELY1744: Identify the techniques used in 1. Formative Introduction (10 minutes) Worksheet ‘What is a
Lesson Use film trailers to appeal to viewers assessment at Theory introduction film trailer?’ (The Film
2 comprehension beginning of Adapt worksheet ‘What is a film trailer?’ for ‘Kahoot!’ Space 2017)
strategies to Evaluate the purpose of lesson using survey. Conduct poll and receive live results.
interpret and variations in the structure, tone survey tool Students to select whether they ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ Kahoot! – Online
analyse texts, and conventions used in film ‘Kahoot’ – survey tool to record
with statements. Invite students to explain reasoning.
comparing and trailers students to live responses
evaluating justify/explain Briefly introduce the purpose of film trailers
representations Construct a storyboard, their responses o Designed to capture viewer’s attention, raise ‘Boords’ – online web
of an event, experimenting with structure, to curiousity and create anticipation tool for constructing
issue, situation plan a film trailer 2. Formative storyboards
or character in assessment – film Body (35 minutes)
different texts trailer storyboard Compare and contrast activity – film trailers Frozen (2013) trailer
activity. Observe View film trailer: Frozen (2013)
ACELY1745 students’ work in
progress and o Discussion points: https://www.youtube.c
consult one-on- Audio techniques – use and effect of om/watch?v=TbQm5d
one. voiceover narration, soundtrack oF_Uc [2:32minutes]
Genre – comedy, adventure, family
Frozen 2 (2019) trailer
Structure – distinguish between https://www.youtube.c
narrative and trailer structure om/watch?time_contin
View film trailer: Frozen 2 (2019) ue=1&v=eSLe4HuKuK
o Discussion points 0 [1:59minutes]
Analyse the effect of no dialogue in
trailer Pexels website
Identify variations in tone and genre m/search/advertising/
Evaluate the reasons for changes
(i.e. target audience) Pixabay website
Record discussion in Popplet mind map – use https://pixabay.com/im
SWAT codes as subheadings ages/search/advertisin
Planning a film trailer activity
Remaining in pairs from last lesson, students to plan
a film trailer by creating a storyboard
o Students to use the website Boords on
iPads to create storyboard, logging in via
school Gmail account
Storyboards to include
o Images that might form part of trailer or that
represent action students might film
o Describe the sounds that will be included –
voiceover, dialogue, soundtrack
o Describe each scene – action, lighting,
camera angle
Students to use the following platforms to find free-
use images
o Pixabay
o Pexels
Conclusion (5 minutes)
Plenary activity
Groups to pair up and to take turns to ‘pitch’ the plan
for their movie trailer
o Students to highlight choices they are most
proud of and justify why they are included
Week 3 ACELY1746 Discuss the persuasive purpose 1. Formative - Introduction (10 minutes) iMovie (iPad) – video
Lesson of film trailers ‘Think, pair, Review of previous lesson editing application
3 ACELT1638 share’ to assess Think, pair, share - students to recall the purpose of
Create a film trailer using student film trailers Google Form Survey
appropriate conventions and understanding of Students to share answers through class discussion
integrating written, audio and the purpose of
visual techniques film trailers Record discussion in Popplet mind map on the
smart board (to be uploaded to class Weebly once
Cooperate in groups to select 2. Formative – complete)
and justify the use of specific Kahoot! Quiz to
visual and audio techniques test recollection of Body (35 minutes)
key terms and Create a film trailer activity
theory Using storyboards from previous lesson, in same
pairs students to construct a film trailer for chosen
3. Summative text studied
(Part 2) – create a
Students to use iMovie app on iPad to construct film
film trailer for text
studied. Due for trailer
submission end of o Brief summary of how to use the iMovie app
week 4. (adding media, recording, incorporating text)
Rubric for poster: o Students may choose to integrate still (free-
Structure use) images or to film sequences in and
Content around the classroom to create scenes
Audio Meet with each group to observe progress, invite
Audience questions and check understanding
awareness Film trailer due for submission (with film poster and
annotation/commentary) end of week 4
Conclusion (5 minutes)
Plenary activity
Individually, students to complete ‘Google form’.
Questions to include:
o What’s the most important thing you learned
from this project? Why do you think so?
o Was there anything you found challenging?
o What do you want to learn more about?
o What are you most proud of?
BLT Communications. (2016). Beauty and the Beast [poster]. Retrieved from: https://bltomato.com/project/beauty-
The Film Space. (2017). What is a Film Trailer? [Worksheet]. Retrieved from:
Walt Disney Animation Studios. (2013). Disney’s Frozen Official Trailer. Retrieved from:
Walt Disney Animation Studios. (2019). Frozen 2: Official Teaser Trailer. Retrieved from: