Possum Magic Forward Planning Document

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General Capabilities:
Literacy ICT Critical and creative Personal and Social
thinking competence
Cross-curriculum priorities:

Notes about device access in the classroom:

 1 iPad available per student
 All apps will be pre-downloaded onto the iPads and ready for use prior to the lesson commencement
 Apps that will be used during the lesson:
o Puppet Pals
o Plickers!
 Links will be made available via Weebly:
o AnswerGarden
o QR codes – able to be access via camera app on the iPad
o Padlet
o YouTube
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 4 Content Area:  Identify and explain  Formative assessment Previous Lessons:
Lesson 3 English the character traits at the beginning of the  Teacher read the students Possum Magic by Mem
Strand: Literature
Sub-strand: Creating that contribute to lesson using Plickers! Fox and generated a class discussion around the
Literature the establishment of to gauge understanding characters in the story focusing on character traits.
Content description a fictional character of, and memory of book
code: (ACELT1607) Introduction:
Create literary texts  Develop and create Possum Magic by Mem
Fox  Teacher will direct students to the Weebly site iPad
that explore students’ an original
https://ict2018presentation.weebly.com/ on the
own experiences and character and  Formative assessment
imagining screen at the front of the room. Students will follow
character profile during the lesson using
the lesson from this site.
using the ICT tools answers students input
Content Area:
provided into AnswerGarden  The teacher will explain to students the purpose and Weebly:
English requirements of this lesson using WALT (We Are https://ict2018prese
Strand: Literature during character trait ntation.weebly.com/
Sub-strand: Creating exploration Learning To…) and WILF (What I’m Looking For…)
Literature which will be displayed on the screen at the front of
 Summative
Content description the room and on their iPads
code: assessment at the end
of the lesson using  The teacher will hand each student a Plickers! page
(ACELT1794) Plickers!
marking rubric to as they will need to answer a series of questions
Create literary texts
by developing assess students that will be displayed on the front screen, so the
storylines, characters character creation and teacher can gauge their memory/ understanding of
and settings character profile. Possum Magic
Assessment will be on  Students have used Plickers! in previous lessons so
Content Area: Digital
visual character are familiar with the program
Strand: Processes creation and how well  Teacher will read out the questions whilst displaying
and production skills it on the screen for the students to answer using
Sub-strand: Digital suited the visual
character aligns to the their Plickers! page. Answers will be displayed
Content description character profile. anonymously on the front screen
code: (ACTDIP011) Character profile
Use visually assessment will focus
represented Lesson
on the in-depth
sequenced steps  Teacher then directs students to use their camera
(algorithms), including exploration of character
app to copy the QR code displayed on the front QR Code
steps with decisions traits and the
screen that will open AnswerGarden on their iPads AnswerGarden
made by the user explanation of the
for them to answer the question, Who’s your
(branching) characters background
favourite character in a story?
in the profile.
Content Area: - Students have used QR codes in previous
English lessons and are familiar with them
Strand: Literature
Sub-strand:  Students will be given 5 minutes to type their
Responding to answer and answers will be displayed on the front
Content description screen
code: (ACELT1603)  Teacher will then generate a class discussion on
Discuss literary the answers provided.
experiences with
 The teacher will be attempting to get the students to
others, sharing
responses and delve deeper into their reasoning for liking or not
expressing a point of liking certain characters so that students understand
view that good character creations have background
stories and depth to their characters
Content Area:  The teacher will then direct students back to the
Strand: Literature Weebly site on their iPads to watch the YouTube
Sub-strand: Minions Short “The Competition” mini-movie
Examining literature https://www.youtub
 Students then need to “think, pair, share” with their e.com/watch?v=tod
Content description
code: (ACELT1605) shoulder partner, discussing the question displayed cApS3BIY
Discuss how authors on their device, ‘What are some of the qualities you
and illustrators make see in the characters?’
stories exciting,
moving and  Students then use the new QR displayed on the
absorbing and hold front screen to access AnswerGarden to type their QR Code
readers’ interest by answers. As they type the answers will be displayed AnswerGarden
using various on the front screen (and their devices) for the
techniques, for
example character teacher to generate discussion
development and plot  Teacher will then generate a class discussion by
tension calling on students based on the answers. The
Content Area: teacher will be attempting to get the students to
English consider all aspects that make up a character (not
Strand: Literacy just physical, but mannerism, voice etc)
 Following the class discussion students will then be
analysing and directed back to their devices to look at the
evaluating character profile example of Steve, the Blue Tongue
Content description Lizard.
code: (ACELY1690)
Identify characteristic  Following a discussion by the teacher on how to put
features used in together a character profile, students will need to
imaginative, access the Padlet link and complete the profile
informative and template.
persuasive texts to  Students need to add the teacher to their Padlet
meet the purpose of
character profile upon completed as this forms part
the text
of the assessment for the lesson.
 Once completed, will watch an example character
Steve, the Blue Tongue Lizard, created by the
teacher in Puppet Pals. Puppet Pals
 Students will access the Puppet Pals app on their
iPads to create their character based off their
character profile.

 The teacher will summarise the lesson by going
over the various different technologies that were
used in the lesson.
 Students will ‘think, paid, share’ with their shoulder
partner 3 new things they learnt from the lesson.
 Once completed, students will send the teacher
their story created in Puppet Pals for assessment.

Learner diversity:
 Instructions will be displayed visually on the front
screen, the students iPads and in written format
with examples and demonstrations provided for
each learning tool.
 A written copy of the marking rubric and instructions
will also be available for all students.
 The teacher will be available throughout the lesson
and can demonstrate how to use each ICT tool with
individual students if required.
 Students will be interacting with their peers
throughout the lesson and will engage in “think, pair,
share” activities to share knowledge and discuss the
tools. Students will be permitted to discuss the tools
with each other and provide peer assistance.
 For advances learners, additional activities have
been included via links on the lesson page for
students to access. If students complete their work
early the teacher will direct them to access these
links to learn more about the Possum Magic
characters and real Australian bush animals.

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