Application For R&D
Application For R&D
Application For R&D
1. The Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) is operating a scheme for
granting recognition & registration to in-house R&D units established by corporate industry.
Companies seeking recognition to their in-house R&D units should be engaged in manufacture or
production or in rendering technical services. Companies engaged in contract research and also those
engaged in research only at present but have plans to start manufacture at a later date are also eligible
for the recognition.
2. The in-house R&D units applying for recognition to DSIR are expected to be engaged in
innovative research & development activities related to the line of business of the firm, such as,
development of new technologies, design & engineering, process/product/design improvements,
developing new methods of analysis & testing; research for increased efficiency in use of resources,
such as, capital equipment, materials & energy; pollution control, effluent treatment & recycling of
waste products or any other areas of research. At the time of application, the R&D unit(s) should be
functional and should have well defined, time-bound R&D programmes leading to development of
innovative products and/or technology(ies). However, market research, work & methods study,
operations & management research, testing & analysis of routine nature for operation, process
control, quality control and maintenance of day to day production, maintenance of plant are not
considered as R&D activities.
3. Companies desirous of seeking recognition to their in-house R&D units should apply to
DSIR as per the prescribed proforma. The proforma and other details about the scheme are provided
to the interested companies on request. The proforma and details of the scheme are also available at
DSIR website ( The application should be signed by the MD/whole-time
Director of the company. The application should be submitted in 8 sets along with latest Annual
Report, Brief write-up on the past achievements, on-going and future R&D projects/programmes of
the in-house R&D unit. Photographs of some newly developed products or application of the
products/technologies along with caption should be enclosed. In addition, the company may enclose
copies of bio-data of key R&D personnel, major infrastructure available for research, product
brochures/literature, certificates of merit or awards etc., which may help DSIR appreciate the
strengths of the R&D unit. A softcopy of the application along with the corporate presentation & a
presentation on the R&D and a walk-in CD of the R&D unit should also be submitted.
4. Criteria for Recognition:
• The company must spell out a long term R&D policy which should be displayed
prominently in the in-house R&D unit.
• R&D activities should be separate from routine activities of the firm, such as, production
and quality control. The units should have separate & identifiable infrastructure for
carrying out R&D work.
• It is preferable that the in-house R&D unit be located outside the factory premises, or it
may be located in a separate building within the factory premises or it may be located in a
separate floor. In case of small companies, the R&D unit may be located in a separate
room or area. The R&D activities should be clearly demarcated from the manufacturing/
quality control activities.
• The R&D units should have well defined, time bound R&D programmes. The unit should
maintain proper record of its R&D activities in the form of documentation.
• The units should have qualified staff exclusively engaged in R&D and should be headed by
a full-time qualified & experienced R&D person who has direct access to the Chief
Executive or to the Board of Directors, depending on the size of the company. The number
of R&D manpower should be commensurate with the S&T manpower size of the
• The R&D units should maintain separate books of accounts for all the R&D expenditures.
Expenditure should be booked when incurred and not allocated. The company should
reflect the R&D expenditure (both capital & revenue) in the Annual Report and Statement
of Accounts of the company in separate schedules. The R&D expenditure incurred should
be commensurate with the financial size of the company.
5. During the course of processing the applications, DSIR may hold discussions with the chief of
the R&D unit and executives of the firm, in order to obtain first hand information on R&D activities
of the applicant firms. If needed the units may be visited by a team comprising of representatives of
DSIR along with domain experts. Based on the discussion notes, visit reports, and the Department’s
own evaluation, final decision on recognition & registration would be taken by DSIR.
6. Government of India has announced a number of fiscal incentives for research and
development by industry from time to time and many of these incentives are implemented through
DSIR. In-house R&D units recognised by DSIR are not only eligible for these incentives (wherever
applicable) but also for receiving funds for R&D from other government departments and agencies
such as DST, DBT, CSIR, ICMR, ICAR, TDB where recognition to the in-house R&D centre by
DSIR is a requirement. This is the only scheme in the entire government set-up for benchmarking the
industrial R&D.
7. Fiscal Incentives and Support Measures
There are number of fiscal incentives and other support measures aimed at promoting R&D in
industry and also at encouraging the utilisation of locally available R&D options for industrial
development. Some of them are as follows:
i) Customs duty exemption to in-house R&D units established by corporate companies, other
than a Hospital for capital equipment and consumables needed for R&D. (Notification
No.24/2007-customs, dated 01 March, 2007 as amended from time to time).
ii) Central excise duty exemption to in-house R&D units established by corporate companies,
other than a Hospital for capital equipment and consumables needed for R&D.. (Notification
No.16/2007-central excise, dated 01 March, 2007 as amended from time to time).
iii) Central excise duty waiver for 3 years on goods designed and developed by a wholly owned
Indian company and patented in any two countries out of: India, USA, Japan and any one
country of European Union (Notification No.15/96-CE dated July 23, 1996, amended vide
Notification No.13/99-CE dated 28 February, 1999).
iv) Exemption from customs duty on imports made for R&D projects funded by
Government in industry. (Notification No.50/96-Customs dated 23 July 1996).
v) Goods specified in List-28 (comprising of analytical and specialty equipment) for use in
pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector allowed to be imported duty free {notification No.
26/2003-Customs dated 1 March 2003 (entry substituted at S. No. 248 of the table in the said
notification)} Subject to conditions mentioned in the notifications.
* * *
(Please read instructions carefully before filling the application)
1. Whether application is for:
(a) Fresh recognition
(b) Renewal of recognition
(c) Recognition No. (in case of renewal)
4 Address:
5. Nature of business
6. Company Structure
(a) Public/Private/Co-operative/Joint Sector/
Proprietary/Partnership concern/100%EOU
(b) Whether Foreign Equity Participation (Please give name of foreign equity participant
and percentage thereof)
(c) Names of Directors of the Board/Proprietors
(d) Name and address of NRI(s), if any
7. Capital structure
(a) Authorised Capital
(b) Paid-up Capital
10. Technical Collaboration, if any:
(a) Foreign
S.No. Product Name & Address of the Technical History of
Collaborator Collaboration
(b) Indian
S.No. Product Name & Address of the Technical History of
Collaborator Collaboration
1 2 3
13. Total manpower employed by the firm including those of R&D:
Total (a+b+c)
14. Total R&D expenditure of the company (year-wise figures for the past three years (actuals),
current year (budgeted) and total estimated for the next three years.
Year Past three years Current year Year Next three year
(Actuals) (Budgeted) (Estimated)
2. Is the R&D unit has already been recognised with DSIR? If yes:
a. Year of initial recognition and its validity period
b. Current recognition letter No. and its validity period
c. Break in recognition, if any
6. Main objectives of the R&D program
13. Whether any of the new technologies developed by the company have been
(a) commercialised by the company
(b) exported
15. R&D project proposed during the next three years, as per Annexure - 2
17. R&D expenditure of the unit (year-wise figures for the past three years (actuals), current year
(budgeted) and estimated for the next three years.
18. Income-tax rebate availed on R&D expenditure under IT Acts / IT Rules, during the past
three years:
Year 35(1) (i) 35(1) (iv) 35(2AB) 80-IB(8A) 35(2AA) Rule 5(2) Any other
19. Details of grants-in-aid / funds / loan / equity received for R&D programmes/
commercialization of technologies from any central / state Govt. department(s) during the
last three years
a) Doctorate Degree
b) Master’s Degree
c) Graduates/
d) Diploma Holders
e) Others
22. (a) Have you obtained any assistance/purchased know-how from NRDC or any of the
National laboratories/universities/IIT's/other institutions during the last 3 years? If so,
please give details along with year and source.
(b) Whether any of the items of R&D work in progress or proposed by you is being
done elsewhere in country. If so, please indicate location.
23. Do you have necessity of collaborative R&D efforts for projects with CSIR or any other
National Laboratories/institution?
24. Indicate briefly any incentives/benefit derived from the recognition of In-house R&D unit
other than those mentioned in Column 18&19.
I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that all the particulars furnished
above are correct and complete. I agree to comply with the terms and conditions of
recognition as laid down by the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry
of Science and Technology, New Delhi and via lotion of the same may lead to de-
recognition automatically.
(To be signed by M.D./Chief Executive
or Head of the organisation)
Name :
Designation :
Full Address :
Tel. Nos. :
Fax No. :
Email Address :
Mobile No :
Annexure - 1
Sl.NO Title & Scope of Name of the Year in Duration Estimated Project Cost Remarks
the R&D project Project which of the (Rs. in Lakh) (indicate
Leader stared project specific
reasons, if
any, for
the R&D
Capital Recurring Total F.E.
Annexure - 2
Year S.No Title & Scope of Name of Duration Total estimated project cost List of List of Remarks
. the project the project of the (Rs. in Lakh) specialised any (indicate
proposed leader Project equipment special specific
required to raw reasons, if
be material any, for
purchased required proposing the
and with R&D
indicate cost project)
their cost
Capital Recurring Total F.E.
Annexure - 3
Annexure - 4
1. Farm location(s)
2. Type of land (with area of land):
a. Irrigated
b. Non-irrigated
3. Availability of germplasm:
a) Imported
(b) Indigenous
8. Have you obtained approval of DBT to conduct research in the area of biotechnology? If yes, provide detail of Institutional Bio-
Safety Committee members
Instructions for filling up the application for recognition / renewal of recognition of In-house R&D unit(s)
Part ‘A’
1. Indicate yes or no in column No. 1(a) & 1(b). If yes in 1(b) indicate recognition No. in 1(c) otherwise write not applicable.
2. In column No. 2, indicate the name of the company as per registration certificate issued by the Registrar of the company. Incase of
partnership deed firm write name of the company as per shop / factory registration.
3. For column No. 3, submit brief history of the company (on a separate sheet not exceeding 250 words).
4. In column No. 4(a) - 4(f) indicate complete postal address with Telephone and Fax Nos; Mobile No. & Email address of the
concerned person.
5. Nature of business should clearly indicate that the area of operation and the type of the activities being performed by the company.
6. In column No 6(a), indicate whether the company is a Public Sector / Public Ltd / Private /Co-operative/Joint Sector/
Proprietary/Partnership concern/100%EOU
In column No 6(b), indicate whether company is having any Foreign Equity Participation, if yes, indicate name of foreign equity
participant and percentage thereof.
In column No 6(c), provide list of the Board of Directors. In case of proprietary and Partnership Company provide the name of the
partners with their qualifications.
7. In column No. 7(a) & 7(b) indicate Authorized and Paid-up-Capital of the company respectively and also attach a copy of the latest
Annual report and Statement of Accounts.
8. In column No. 8 Indicate the category of the firm as per registration whether the company is large/ Medium/small).
9. In column No. 9, Indicate the name of the administrative Ministry concerned.
10. In column 10(a), provide the details of the foreign technical collaboration (History of technical collaboration should indicate year(s)
of approval(s) including extensions and the date of expiry of existing technical collaboration agreements)
In column 10(b), provide details of the indigenous technical collaboration, if any (History of technical collaboration should indicate
year(s) of approval(s) including extensions and the date of expiry of existing technical collaboration agreements)
In column 10(c), provide details of R&D collaboration applied / entered in India and abroad.
11. In column No. 11, indicate Annual Turn Over of the company for past three years, separately mentioning indigenous and export
Turn over.
12. In column No. 12, provide details of the main products manufactured.
13. In column No. 13, provide details of the manpower employed in the company including those of R&D.
14. In column No. 14, provide details of the Total R&D expenditure of the company for the last three years – actual, current year-
budgeted and estimated for next three years.
Part ‘B’
(In case application is for more than one R&D unit, Part ‘B’ of the application should be submitted separately for
each R&D unit)
In column No. 2(a) indicate year of initial recognition and its validity period
In column No. 2(b) indicate current recognition letter No. and its validity period
In column No. 2(c) indicate details of break in recognition, if applicable
In column 3(c) indicate addition or deletion of R&D and pilot plant facilities.
In column 3(d) indicate any other changes in R&D setup.
6. In column No. 6 indicate the main objectives of the R&D work
7. In column No. 7 indicate whether R&D establishment is housed in a separate building inside/outside the factory premises?
8. For column 8(a) provide a copy of layout plan of the In-house R&D unit.
In column 8(b) indicate approximately area of the R&D unit
For column 8(c) provide photographs of the major R&D facilities
In column 8(d) write yes or no
In column 8(e) write yes or not
In column 8(f) provide details of the environment clearance obtained, if applicable.
In column 8(g) provide details of the DCGI approval obtained for conducting clinical trials, if applicable
9. In column 9 indicate present values (Rs. In lakh) of the R&D and quality control equipment procured:
11. In column N0. 11 is related to R&D achievements made by the company during past three years:
In Column No. 11(a) provide detail of new products developed alongwith photographs
In column No.11(b) provide detail of the new process developed
In column No.11(c) provide detail of improved existing production process(s)
In column No.11(d) provide detail on energy conservation
In column No.11(e) provide details of pollution control measures undertaken
In column No.11(f) provide details of items developed and foreign exchange earned.
In column No.11(g) attached a separate list of the Seminars and Symposia attended by the R&D personnel
In column No.11(h) attached a list of the research papers published
In column No.11(i) provide a list of R&D personnel who have attended R&D training
12. In column No 12, provide detail of the patent(s) filled in India and abroad during past three years.
13. In column No. 13(a) indicate detail of the technologies commercialized by the company during past three years.
In column 13(b) provide list of the technology exported during past three years
In column 13(c) provide the detail of the technology sold to other parties in India/abroad.
14. For column No. 14 provide detail of R&D projects in progress as per Annexure 1. Please note that each column of Annexure-1
must be filled.
15. For column No. 15 provide detail of R&D projects proposed for next three years as per Annexure 2. Please note that each column
of Annexure-2 must be filled.
16. For column No 16 provide details of import related with R&D activities as per Annexure –3.
17. In column No. 17 provide year-wise detail of expenditure (Rs in lakh) during past three years, budgeted for current year and
estimated for next three years with clear bifurcation of capital and recurring R&D expenditure.
18. In column No. 18 provide year wise details of income tax rebate availed on R&D expenditure during past three years under
different section / rule.
19. In column No. 19 provide details of grants-in-aid / funds / loan / equity received for R&D programme / commercialization of
technologies from any central / state Govt. department(s) during the last three years.
20. In column No. 20 provide details of Sales turnover attributable to commercialisation of R&D products/technologies developed
during the last three years.
21. In column No. 21 provide educational status of the manpower engaged in R&D. The details of future recruitment proposed to be
22. In column No. 22(a) provide details of assistance/purchased know-how received from NRDC or any of the National
laboratories/universities/IIT's/other institutions during the last 3 years. If it is so provide year-wise detail for the same.
In column No. 22(b) provide detail, if some similar R&D work is in progress anywhere in the country.
23. In column No. 23 provide detail requirement of the collaborative R&D efforts with CSIR or any other National
24. In column No. 24 indicate any incentives/benefit derived from the recognition of In-house R&D unit other than those mentioned in
Column 18 &19.
Annexure – 4
(To be submitted only by Seeds Producing Companies)
2. In column No 2(a) indicate measurement of the irrigated farm land being used for R&D.
In column No 2(b) indicate measurement of the non irrigated farm land being used for R&D
3. In column No. 3(a) indicate source and quantity of available imported germplasm
4. In column No. 4 provide details of Technical arrangement with Agricultural Universities / ICAR Institutions.
6. In column No 6 provide detail of the crop wise Annual Turn Over during the last year realised from research varieties / hybrids
8. In column No 8 provide details of DBT approval obtained and Bio-safety committee formed, if applicable
How to Submit
The application for recognition of In-house R&D unit(s) should be submitted in 8 (eight) sets
in case of fresh recognition and 3 (three) sets in case of renewal of recognition. The application
should be submitted in the enclosed proforma, signed by the Managing Director/Director/ CEO of the
company/organisation, to DSIR along with all relevant enclosures, like:
Shri R R Abhyankar
Scientist 'G' and Head (RDI)
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi-110016
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