Salient Provisions of CREATE
Salient Provisions of CREATE
Salient Provisions of CREATE
3. Enhanced Deductions*
- These are deductions that may be allowed in addition to regular deductible expenses:
*The registered enterprise may elect either the 5% SCIT or Enhanced Deductions. It cannot
utilize both incentives simultaneously.
4. Duty Exemption
- Importation of capital equipment, raw materials, spare parts, and accessories shall be duty-
5. VAT
- VAT exemption on importation and zero-rating on local purchases
B. Tier II
- includes activities that:
(1) produce parts and components;
(2) intermediate services that are not locally produced but critical to industrial
development and import-substituting activities
C. Tier III
- includes the following activities:
(1) research and development resulting in demonstrably significant, value-added, higher
productivity, improved efficiency, breakthroughs in science and health, and high paying
(2) generation of new knowledge and intellectual property registered and/or licensed in
the Philippines
(3) commercialization of patents, industrial designs, copyrights, and utility models
owned or co-owned by a registered business enterprise;
(4) highly technical manufacturing; or
(5) those that are critical to the structural transformation of the economy and require
substantial catch-up efforts.
2. SCIT/Enhanced Deductions
- 10 years
- Cannot be utilized by the registered enterprise simultaneously.
Additional Incentives
1. Two (2) years additional ITH for registered enterprises who locates their business in areas
recovering from armed conflict or a major disaster
2. Three (3) years additional ITH for registered enterprises who relocate from NCR
Limitations to Availment
1. No renewal or extension is allowed
2. New incentives may only be granted to new projects and activities by the registered entity
1. Filing of tax returns shall be through the electronic filing system of the BIR
2. Registered enterprises shall file, within thirty (30) calendar days from the statutory deadline for
deadline for filing tax returns, with their respective IPAs or governmental agencies administering
tax incentives a complete annual tax incentives report, which shall include:
a. income-based tax incentives
b. VAT exemptions and zero-rating
c. Customs duty exemptions
d. Deductions, credits or exclusions from income tax base
e. Exemptions from local taxes
3. Penalties for noncompliance with the filing and reportorial requirements:
a. 1st violation – Fine of PhP100,000.00
b. 2nd violation – Fine of PhP500,000.00
c. 3rd violation – Cancelation of registration