TN Final Norm

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Tractatus Numericus Statistical Report

Final update : May 8th, 2023

Tractatus Numericus is a numerical test, which can be taken under no time restriction. It consists
of 33 numerical sequences, which step-by-step tend to increase in complexity and difficulty. It is
both suitable for people that haven’t tried such a test in the past and for people more acquainted
with such tests. Knowledge required is set to bare minimum (addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division); advanced mathematics aren’t required and won’t be of any help. In addition, sometimes
sequences need to be encountered in a more abstract (as if one has to deal with simple symbols)–
and even more culture-fair – way. Pattern recognition ability is the one required most in this test.

Unfortunately, as answers have been discussed on some online fora, no further norming will take
place. It is strongly suggested that scores on this test received after the end of relevant contest
(January 10th ,2023) should be revised thoroughly by any possibly interested third parties (eg. IQ
societies). Quite a sad circumstance, as this test showed some strong psychometric properties.
However, this test will continue to exist, for anyone who wishes to enjoy a numerical test or acquire
a rather reliable estimation of their potential.

1-Fundamental Descriptive Statistics.

Mean and Median were calculated at 25.86 and 28, respectively. Standard deviation was calculated
at 6.2 and standard error of measurement at 0.7. Lowest score was that of 5/33 and highest that of
33/33. Shapiro-Wilk test suggested that distribution of scores is not normal.


Cronbach’s α is calculated at 0,95. Current sample (N=68) is relatively sufficient for precise

3-Correlation with standard supervised psychometric batteries

Following figures are provided according to relevant scores reported by several candidates.
As one may easily notice, there is a pool of quite capable candidates, averaging an IQ over 138
(M=100, SD=15, >99% of total population).
Correlation of Tractatus Numericus with standard psychometric batteries is encouraging towards
theoretical IQ estimation, as it provides a high positive correlation at every measure. Of course,
more data would allow even safer conclusions to be drawn.

Test Pairs (IQ range) ρ MIQ MΤest

Supervised 52 (114 - 170) 0,74 140,7 27,1
Supervised* 32 (114 - 160) 0,89 139,8 25,9
WAIS 17 (114 - 157) 0,90 140,2 26,3

Standard tests used : WAIS, RAPM, IST70-R, FRT-A & B, BADyG, CCFIT III, MAT, WPT, SB 5, B53, IBF-S, Unknown
Mensa Entrance Test.

Total* : Ceiling scores excluded.

Supervised* : Ceiling scores excluded.
ρ : Spearman’s Rho.
MIQ : Mean IQ (M=100, SD=15).
Mtest : Mean raw score on Tractatus Numericus.

(Norm follows in the next page)


Presentation of Theoretical IQ (TIQ, M=100, SD=15) per raw score (RS) points follows.


7 <=110 16 113 25 134
8 <=110 17 118 26 136
9 <=110 18 119 27 139
10 <=110 19 119 28 141
11 <=110 20 122 29 143
12 <=110 21 125 30 145
13 <=110 22 128 31 147
14 <=110 23 130 32 >=150
15 110 24 131 33 >=150

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