Unit Planner - DataManagement - Y16
Unit Planner - DataManagement - Y16
Unit Planner - DataManagement - Y16
) discipline
Unit title Data management MYP year 1 Unit duration
Statement of inquiry
Being able to represent relationships effectively can help justify characteristics and trends uncovered in communities.
Inquiry questions
Conceptual: How does the way in which information is represented impact our ability to interpret it? What makes one
representation more effective than another?
Debatable: Whose responsibility is it to identify and help fix problems within a community?
In order for students to be successful in analysing issues, students will identify trends and forecast possibilities (Thinking: Critical
thinking skills). The strategy that students will learn and practice is “what do you see?” where they will be given data in a variety of
forms and asked to identify trends. Students will also be asked to suggest reasons for each trend and its implications.
Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit