Fogra PSD
Fogra PSD
Fogra PSD
Here the emerging multipart standard The Fogra PSD has three main objec-
ISO 15311 covers the requirements for tives:
printed matter utilizing digital printing
technologies for the commercial and First, the different output processes
industrial production. Contrary to ISO are examined to achieve a consistent
12647, which is structured by the dif- print quality.
ferent printing technologies, it will be Second, a consistent colour commu-
separated by typical use cases. Part nication by means of faithful image
1 will describe the concept, relevant reproduction must be in place [colour
parameters and measurement meth- fidelity].
ods, and was recently confirmed as a Third, the entire workflow is subject
working draft. Whilst the requirements to critical scrutiny as to its capacity
for the commercial production on small for sustained achievement of consist-
format machines will be covered in part ent print quality and colour fidelity
2, the pertinent specifications for the [Workflow].
large format sector will be nested in ISO
15311-3. Both parts are currently dis-
Andreas Kraushaar cussed within ISO TC130 and first drafts
are nearing publication.
Every print shop is committed to a
high level of quality. A basic prereq-
uisite for this is to use meaningful Fogra PSD
rules, hence a standard. In standard- – Answering the
ization a distinction is often made growing need for
between the specification of the process stability and
final aim and the needed [process] quality assurance in
steps to achieve that aim. A good digital printing, not
example for the latter one is the PSO only for Fogra mem-
- ProcessStandard Offset, which is bers
successfully in place for years. The
PSO facilitates the printing aims A consistent and reliable digital print Taking into account these three aspects,
defined in ISO 12647-2. So you can production will be achieved by tak- it is possible to make prints, regardless
say: “ISO 12647-2 defines the aims ing important aspects of the work- of the specific technical conditions of
and the PSO the way how to achieve flow and the staff under scrutiny. The a digital printing press, or of differ-
it”. objective tests are based on economi- ent materials. The important aspect to
cally and technically feasible aim values communicate is the reference printing
This established principle is now and tolerances throughout all stages of condition or more general a characteri-
transferred to digital printing. the production chain. This is especially zation data set [such as FOGRA39] that
important in digital printing, where the ought to be simulated or matched.
production steps, the materials used In the case of printing media-independ-
and output processes have traditionally ent RGB based documents the print
been very diverse. buyer often expects a pleasing print
output. In this case, a basic test for the
grey reproduction and tonality is carried
Extra no. 25
Standardization does not mean that The benefits of Fogra PSD can be sum- Is there a Fogra PSD manual [hand-
materials such as substrates, inks, toner marized as follows: book]?
or machinery must be limited. On the ¬¬ Increased production reliability and
contrary, Fogra PSD aims toward a a smooth workflow Fogra plans to publish a manual that
manageable facilitation of a material ¬¬ Reduced costs in terms of time and provides concrete and detailed work
and process diversity in terms of rigours materials instructions for the daily practice. It will
and consistent print quality. Only then is ¬¬ Improved quality of the printed be focussed on two general use cases,
it possible to identify suitable “combi- product. small-format digital production printing
nations”, i. e. collection of a driving [RIP and large format printing. Here, Fogra
& colour management], a substrate, ink works in close cooperation with practi-
or toner and a printing press. It should The subjects for examinations are: tioners in the field.
be noted that the Fogra PSD is currently
restricted to printing substrates, that 1. Output process control Achieving
allow for a meaningful interpretation a repeatable print output When can I get certified?
of ISO 13655-compatible measuring
instrument readings. In other words, 2. Colour fidelity Process and mate- A presentation of the prerequisites
matching measurements for conven- rial independent realization of regarding the certification process
tional and digital prints need to be con- a. Consistent print quality against a and the detailed test conditions will
sistent with the visual judgement. This defined aim [e. g. FOGRA39] be presented at the Fogra symposium
means that at this stage only paper-like b. Pleasant print output for RGB- “Digital Printing meets Offset” to be
substrates are used. based documents held on May 23/24, 2011. From then
Extensive studies of Fogra show how on certification is offered through
different “combinations” are able to 3. Workflow Realization of consist- Fogra. Appointments, however, can
achieve a defined print quality. Recent ent print outs, across different work- already be made now.
results form the basis for the used tar- flow and RIP-solutions, based on
get values and tolerances of the rele- complex PDF documents. Availability Your Contact:
vant image quality attributes. These are of adequate instruments and staff Andreas Kraushaar
published on the Fogra website3. The knowledge. [email protected]
presentation of the detailed require- Tel. +49 89. 431 82 - 335
ments is planned for the Fogra sympo-
sium “Digital Printing meets Offset “ on As with the PSO, we highly recom-
23/24 May, 2011. mend to visit a preparation seminar at
Fogra, see Fogra webpage for suitable
Chairman of the board: Stefan Aumüller
Small Format Responsible for content: Dr Eduard Neufeld
Chief editor: Rainer Pietzsch
Photos: Fogra
⇒ Stability ⇒ Printing the Expected
3. Workow
Data Preight PDF/X Output ICC Handling
Fogra Forschungsgesellschaft Druck e. V.
Graphic Technology Research Association
PDF/X Creation Altona Test Suite V1 & V2 Light Audit Streitfeldstraße 19 Tel. +49 89. 431 82 - 0
81673 München Fax +49 89. 431 82 - 100
Germany E-mail [email protected]
Fogra PSD concept. Aiming for a consistent and predicable print quality, the three aspects output process
control, colour fidelity and workflow need to be evaluated.