Melles Photodiodes Integrating Spherres Amplifiers
Melles Photodiodes Integrating Spherres Amplifiers
Melles Photodiodes Integrating Spherres Amplifiers
Available in:
✔ Production Quantities
✔ Custom Configurations
Laser-Beam Characterization
Silicon Photodiodes
UNMOUNTED SILICON PHOTODIODES $ 10-mm2 and 100-mm2 silicon photodiodes are available in a
Single-element planar-diffused silicon photodiodes are ideal rugged BNC-connectorized housing that accepts 25-mm-
for general-purpose medium- to high-speed applications. diameter band pass filters and snap-on filter holder when
$ Low dark current and high linearity ensure accurate used with a 13 DMA 015 adaptor.
detection of power levels from visible into the near-infrared.
$ Photodiodes are sealed in a metal can with cover glass to SPECIFICATIONS: SILICON PHOTODIODES
ensure reliable operation.
Spectral Response: 350–1100 nm
Responsivity: 0.45 A/W @ 830 nm nominal
Photodiodes, Integrating Spheres & Amplifiers
D E fF pin circle
Silicon Photodiodes
1 2
Active Active Dark Current Voltage Rshunt Capacitance NEP
Area f Vrb = 1 V Breakdown Vrb = 0 Vrb=0 at 830 nm PRODUCT
(mm2) (mm) (nA) (V) (MΩ) (pF) (W/√}}
Hz) Package Type NUMBER
0.31 0.6 0.7 60 300 10 1.5!10414 TO-46 13 DSI 001
1.00 1.1 0.9 40 120 25 2.3!10414 TO-46 13 DSI 003
3.10 2.0 3.1 30 60 72 3.3!10414 TO-5 13 DSI 005
10.00 3.6 10.0 20 40 230 4.1!10414 TO-5 13 DSI 007
31.00 6.3 31.0 15 10 713 8.1!10414 TO-8 13 DSI 009
Power & Energy Meters
Available in:
✔ Production Quantities
✔ Custom Configurations
Laser-Beam Characterization
High-Speed Silicon
PIN Photodiodes
Melles Griot silicon PIN photodiodes are ideal for low-intensity SPECIFICATIONS:
high-bandwidth applications such as fiber-optic communications HIGH-SPEED SILICON PIN PHOTODIODES
and data links, video systems, and industrial sensing. Spectral Response: 350–1100 nm
$ Excellent high-frequency response; rise times are as fast as
Bias: 49 Vdc (included in 13 DAH assemblies)
0.35 nsec with an appropriate transimpedance amplifier.
$ The photodiodes are available unmounted for integration into Battery Type (mounted only):
custom detection systems. 3, 3-Vdc lithium batteries; 9 Vdc total
$ Post-mountable versions interface directly to Melles Griot
Termination (mounted only): 50 Ω
3.81 12.7
front view side view rear view
50 35.5
f4.65 f2.54 pin circle
cathode BNC connector
(signal out)
dimensions in mm dimensions in mm
13 DSH high-speed silicon PIN photodiode 13 DAH high-speed mounted silicon PIN photodiode
0.23 0.35 typ 6.3!10415 0.02 typ 1.0 typ 30 0.35 typ 13 DAH 001 13 DSH 001
1.0 max 1.0 max 0.4 max
0.5 1.0 typ 9.0!10415 0.05 typ 2.5 typ 30 0.35 typ 13 DAH 003 13 DSH 003
2.0 max 1.0 max 0.4 max
1.0 2.5 typ 2.2!10414 0.25 typ 5.5 typ 30 0.35 typ 13 DAH 005 13 DSH 005
3.5 max 1.0 max 0.4 max
1 All specifications listed for an ambient temperature of 22ºC.
2 Noise equivalent power
3 A 50 Ω termination is required for mounted 13 DAH series.
Available in:
✔ Production Quantities
✔ Custom Configurations
Laser-Beam Characterization
Universal Modular
Mounts for Photodiodes
The universal modular mount and accessories have been designed Universal Modular Mounts for Photodiodes
for easy mounting and simple connection. These mounts provide a
convenient interface to filters, apertures, and other optical components.
Universal Detector Mount 13 DMA 001
UNIVERSAL DETECTOR MOUNT Stackable Snap-on Filter Mounts
The universal detector mount is post-mountable for quick For Filters up to 7-mm Thick 13 DMA 003
photodiode installation or replacement, and it is supplied with For Filters up to 14-mm Thick 13 DMA 005
adaptors for TO-5, TO-8, TO-46, and TO-75 style cans. Adaptor for Mounted Pinholes and Slits 13 DMA 009
Large Slit Assembly (100 mm!15 mm) 13 DMA 011
Photodiodes, Integrating Spheres & Amplifiers
Available in:
✔ Production Quantities
✔ Custom Configurations
Laser-Beam Characterization
.2 .5
0 .3
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
400 600 800 1000
Characteristics of integrating sphere coating WAVELENGTH IN NANOMETERS
flattening filter
TIA Current
NEP (Watts rms)
Gain Bandwidth Noise
67-mm and 152-mm Integrating Spheres
(V/A) (kHz) (A rms) Det/Amp Only1 System2
103 45 20!1048 4.4!1048 8.0!1047
Response-flattening Filters 13 FSD 001
106 35 9.0!10411 2.0!10410 5.0!1049
Opal Glass Diffusers 13 FSD 003
109 0.1 1.2!10410 2.7!10412 4.0!10411
1Assumes a responsivity of 0.45 A/W.
Note: 07 PBS 003 adjustable mount and 07 BPS 003 base plate must be
2For a system consisting of 13 DAS 011 and 13 AMP 003. Assumes sphere reflectance of
ordered separately. See page 49.7
98%, with 100 mm2 photodiode active area.
mountable photodiode
13 DAS 011
(see page 49.2)
13 ISA 003
Photodiodes, Integrating Spheres & Amplifiers
air slits iris port
152-mm sphere 13 ISA 001 reducer
13 ISP 003 13 ISA 002 13 ISA 005
integrated detector packages are available with NIST traceable calibration in chapter 50.
bare-fiber holder
13 PDA 009
67-mm integrating
(see page 50.6)
sphere 13 ISP 001
Power & Energy Meters
integrated detector packages are available with NIST traceable calibration in chapter 50.
Laser-Beam Characterization
Adjustable Mounts The following port accessories are fully compatible with the
These mounts provide 360 degrees of rotation about the vertical Melles Griot 152-mm integrating sphere (13 ISP 003).
axis and an inclination of 35 degrees from the vertical axis.
Precision Air Slits
The inch version is directly compatible with the 152-mm
These slits are ideal for spatial characterization of lasers and
integrating sphere and universal base plates.
broadband sources (0.1 and 1.0 widths). They mount directly to
Universal Base Plates the entrance port of the integrating sphere, limiting the incoming
Available in:
✔ Production Quantities
✔ Custom Configurations
Laser-Beam Characterization
Melles Griot offers a large-dynamic-range amplifier for use as SPECIFICATIONS: LARGE-DYNAMIC-RANGE AMPLIFIERS
a general-purpose current amplifier with photodiodes and other Input/Output
detectors. Accuracy: 81% all ranges
$ Nine gain settings from 10 Q to 1G Q ensure accurate Input Current Range: pA–100 mA
detection from 1 pA to 100 mA. Input Connector Type: BNC
Range Selection: 9-position switch, 2 nA–100 mA
$ The amplifiers operate for eight hours from a set of fully
Monitor Out: 52 V to +2 V full scale
charged NiCd batteries.
Output Connector Type: BNC
Photodiodes, Integrating Spheres & Amplifiers
PRODUCT f Amplifier Gain (V/A) Amplifier Gain (V/A) Amplifier Gain (V/A)
NUMBER1 (mm) 103 106 109 103 106 109 103 106 109
13 DSI 001 0.6 45 35 0.1 2.0!1048 9.8!10411 7.1!10413 4.4!1048 2.2!10410 1.6!10412
13 DSI 003 1.1 45 35 0.1 2.0!1048 1.2!10410 7.9!10413 4.4!1048 2.7!10410 1.8!10412
2.0 45 35 0.1 2.0!1048 1.5!10410 9.0!10413 4.4!1048 3.3!10410 2.0!10412
13 DSI 005
3.6 45 35 0.1 2.0!1048 2.6!10410 1.4!10412 4.4!1048 5.8!10410 3.1!10412
13 DSI 007 6.3 45 35 0.1 2.0!1048 5.7!10410 2.3!10412 4.4!1048 1.3!1049 5.1!10412
13 DSI 009 11.4 45 35 0.1 2.0!1048 1.2!1049 3.5!10412 4.4!1048 2.7!1049 7.8!10412
1 The table shows the combined performance of Melles Griot silicon photodiodes with the 13 AMP 003 large-dynamic-range-amplifier.
2 Noise equivalent power values are for a responsivity of 0.45 A/W.
Available in:
✔ Production Quantities
✔ Custom Configurations
Laser-Beam Characterization
PRODUCT f Amplifier Gain (V/A) Amplifier Gain (V/A) Amplifier Gain (V/A)
NUMBER1 (mm) 103 106 109 103 106 109 103 106 109
13 DSI 001 0.6 5000 450 15.0 100!1049 2.1!1049 36!10412 222!1049 4.7!1049 80!10412
13 DSI 003 1.1 5000 450 15.0 110!1049 2.3!1049 38!10412 244!1049 5.1!1049 85!10412
13 DSI 005 2.0 3800 440 15.3 115!1049 2.6!1049 44!10412 255!1049 5.8!1049 100!10412
13 DSI 007 3.6 3500 400 15.5 125!1049 3.2!1049 55!10412 277!1049 7.1!1049 115!10412
13 DSI 009 6.3 3000 340 15.8 145!1049 5.0!1049 65!10412 322!1049 11.1!1049 145!10412
13 DSI 011 11.4 2000 220 16.5 170!1049 7.7!1049 130!10412 377!1049 17.1!1049 290!10412
1 The table shows the combined performance of Melles Griot silicon photodiodes with the 13 AMP 005 wide-bandwidth-amplifier.
2 Noise equivalent power values are for a responsivity of 0.45 A/W.
Available in:
✔ Production Quantities
✔ Custom Configurations
Laser-Beam Characterization
High-Frequency Amplifier
voltages up to 8 mV.