Housing - Midterm Exam Reviewer: Development of Poor Urban Communities Project (Dpucsp) Urban Development Program

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Housing - Midterm Exam Reviewer

Decentralized Shelter Program

Provides decent housing to low income families Republic Act No. 7279. An act to provide for a
Program of the National Shelter Program comprehensive and continuing Urban Development and
Providing loans to local government units Housing Program, Establish the mechanism for its
National Shelter Program implementation, and for other purposes. This Act shall be
Emphasizes on decentralized shelter delivery for low income known as the “Urban Development and Housing Act of
families. 1992”.
Habitat for Humanity Habitat Transforms Lives Habitat for
Development of Poor Urban Communities Project
Humanity Philippines is a non-profit, Christian Housing
Ministry that works both to eliminate poverty housing and to
Urban Development Program
make adequate housing a matter of conscience and action.
IMPACT aims to develop the capabilities of the LGUs and the
urban poor communities to work together for shelter Community Build
projects that can access investment financing through BASECO Project, which was initiated by the local government
DPUCSP of Manila.
ₓ Affordable Cost refers to the most reasonable price of land Dreamland Heights Project, which was initiated by the
and shelter based on the needs and financial capability Muntinlupa Development Foundation, a non-government
of Program beneficiaries and appropriate financing organization composed of concerned citizens of Muntinlupa,
schemes. to resettle Muntinlupa residents who lived in informal-settler
ₓ Areas for Priority Development refers to those areas
declared as such under existing statutes and pertinent Innovations in House Construction
executive issuances. ₓ Concrete Interlocking Blocks (CIB)-more volunteer
ₓ Blighted Areas refers to the areas where the structures are friendly than CHB. Use less cement
dilapidated, obsolete and unsanitary, tending to ₓ Compressed Earth Blocks (CEB)-cost roughly the same
depreciate the value of the land and prevent normal as CIB, they look prettier
development and use of the area. ₓ Steel Frames these are light-alloy steel frames that are
ₓ Idle Lands refers to non-agricultural lands in urban and pre-cut by computer guided equipment
urbanizable areas on which no improvements ₓ Medium-Rise Buildings (MRB)- project in Taguig is a
ₓ Land Use Plan refers to the rational approach of allocating showcase of appropriate building technologies
available land resources as equitably as possible among
ₓ On-Site Development refers to the process of upgrading Wind Protection -wind loads are considered horizontal
and rehabilitation of blighted and slum urban areas with forces, wind pressure, for design purposes, should be
a view of minimizing displacement of dwellers in said assumed to be applied to the gross area of the vertical
areas, and with provisions for basic services projection
ₓ Resettlement Areas refers to areas identified by the
appropriate national agency or by the local government Protection Against Fire There are two distinct aspects of fire
unit with respect to areas within its jurisdiction protection: life safety and property protection.
ₓ Security of Tenure refers to the degree of protection National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
afforded to qualified Program beneficiaries against Classes of Fires
infringement or unjust, reasonable and arbitrary 1. Class A fires involve ordinary combustibles and are readily
eviction or disposition, extinguishable by water or cooling, or by coating with a
ₓ Small Property Owner refers to those whose only real suitable chemical powder.
property consists of residential lands not exceeding 2. Class B fires involve flammable liquids
three hundred square meters (300 sqm.) in highly 3. Class C fires are those in live electrical equipment
urbanized cities and eight hundred square meters (800 4. Class D fires involve metals that burn such as magnesium,
sqm.) in other urban areas. sodium and powdered aluminum.
ₓ Socialized Housing refers to housing programs and Automatic Sprinklers most widely used apparatus for fire
projects covering houses and lots or home lots only protection
undertaken by the Government or the private sector for Standpipes Hoses supplied with water from standpipes are
the underprivileged and homeless citizens the usual means of manual application of water to interior
ₓ Urban Areas refers to all cities regardless of their building fires
population density and to municipalities with a
population density of at least five hundred (500) Chemical Extinguishment
persons per square kilometer Foamed chemicals, mostly masses of air-filled or gas-filled
ₓ Zonal Improvement Program or ZIP refers to the program bubbles, formed by chemical or mechanical means, may be
of the National Housing Authority of upgrading and used to control fires in flammable liquids
improving blighted squatter areas
Chemical Foam was the first foam developed for fire fighting
High-expansion foam use in coal mines, where its extremely Movement at any point of the earth’s surface during a
high expansion rate allowed it to be generated quickly in temblor may be recorded with seismograph
sufficient volume to fill mine galleries and reach inaccessible Seismic Scales
fires. Modified Mercalli scale compares earthquake intensity by
Carbon dioxide an extinguishing agent-surface fires, such as assigning values to human perceptions of the severity of the
those involving flammable liquids in confined spaces. It is oscillations and extent of damage to buildings
non-conductive and is effective on live electrical equipment. Richter scale assigns numbers M to earthquake intensity in
Halon 1301 halogenated hydrocarbons, accordance with the amount of energy released, as measured
bromotrifluoromethane (CBrF2), used with varying degrees by the maximum amplitude of ground motion.
of effectiveness as a fire extinguishing agent and was
included in the Montreal Protocol on Substances that PROTECTION AGAINST WATER: Typhoon Resistant
Deplete the Ozone Layer signed in September 16, 1987. It is Construction
currently limited to “critical uses” and is planned to be flood stage- flood occurs when a river rises above an
phased out by 2002. elevation
Dry chemical extinguishing agents used originally to flood plain an area that can be inundated by a flood, should
extinguish Class B fires. One type consisted of sodium be protected against a flood with a mean recurrence interval
bicarbonate base with additives to prevent caking and to of 100 years
improve fluid flow characteristics. Dry chemicals are effective Definitions of Terms Related to Water Resistance
on surface fires, especially on flammable liquids. o Permeability. Quality or state of permitting passage of
Dry powder extinguishing agents are powders effective in water and water vapor into, through and from pores and
putting out combustible-metal fires. There are several interstices, without causing rupture, or displacement.
proprietary agents effective on several metals, but n0ne o Pervious of leaky. Cracks, crevices, leaks, or holes larger
should be used without proper attention to the than capillary pores which permit a flow or leakage of water,
manufacturer’s instructions and the specific metal involved. are present. The material may or may not contain capillary
Types of Exits. o Water-resistant. Capillary pores exists that permit
¤ Corridors, enclosed horizontal or slightly inclined public passage of water and water vapor, but there are few or no
passageway, which lead from interior spaces toward an exit openings larger than capillaries that permit leakage of
discharge. fire rating of 1 or 2 hours. significant amounts of water.
¤ Exit passageways, horizontal extensions of vertical o Water-repellent. Not “wetted” by water; hence, not
passageways. A street-floor lobby may serve as an exit capable of transmitting water by capillary forces alone.
passageway if it is sufficiently wide to accommodate the However, the material may allow transmission of water
probable number of evacuees from all spaces at the lobby under pressure and may be permeable to water vapor.
level. o Waterproof. No openings are present that permit
¤ Exit doors, doors providing access to streets or to stairs or leakage or passage of water and water vapor; the material is
exit passageways. fire rating of at least ¾ hour. impervious to water and water vapor, whether under
¤ Horizontal exit, passageway to a refuge area. a fire door pressure or not.
through a wall with a 2 hour fire rating, a balcony providing a National Housing Authority’s enormous Vitas Housing
path around a fire barrier, or a bridge or tunnel between two Project or the Katuparan Ville, was built in Tondo, in the
buildings. 1980s to resettle families displaced by the Port Authority’s
¤ Interior stairs, inside a building and that serves as an exit. new container terminal.
should have a 2-hr fire rating.
¤ Exterior stairs, open to the outdoors and that serve as an Compressed Earth Block CEB, formed in a mechanical press
exit to the ground level. should be protected by a that forms an approximate mix of dirt, non-expensive clay,
fire-resistant roof and should be built of non-combustible and an aggregate into a compressed block.
¤ Smokeproof tower, a continuous fire-resistant enclosure NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS
protecting a stairway from fire or smoke in a building. Tensile Structure is a construction of elements carrying only
¤ Escalators or moving stairs. Building codes may permit tension and no compression or bending
their use as exits if they meet the safety requirements of Ecological sanitation, also known as Ecosan or Eco-San- is a
interior stairs & if they move in the direction of exit travel or modern alternative to conventional sanitation techniques.
stop gradually when an automatic fire-detection system Green roof is a roof of a building that is partially or
signals a fire. completely covered with vegetation and soil, or a growing
¤ Moving walks, horizontal or inclined conveyor belts for medium, planted over a waterproofing membrane.
Refuge area is a space protected against fire and smoke.


Resistant Construction
Hypocenter- sudden release of tremendous amounts of
energy within the earth by a sudden movement at a point

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