RAFTA2011, The Innovation of The Manufactured Floating House Model: A New Concept of Waterfront Settlements For Flood Risk Reduction in Indonesia
RAFTA2011, The Innovation of The Manufactured Floating House Model: A New Concept of Waterfront Settlements For Flood Risk Reduction in Indonesia
RAFTA2011, The Innovation of The Manufactured Floating House Model: A New Concept of Waterfront Settlements For Flood Risk Reduction in Indonesia
----------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT ------------------------------------------------------------
The influence of global warming appears to worry to the world and Indonesia, especially the effects of floods
happening at the riverside that potentially cause losses. Indonesia is an archipelagic country threatened by
such a risk because its geographical zone is spread across a very active tectonic area, beside it the longest
beach having some waterfront settlements in 300 cities located near rivers or coasts. Most of the dwelling
houses in the areas are kampongs, stilted houses, and marginalized traditional floating houses.This study is
intended to contribute to risk reduction of floods, through manufactured innovation in RAFTA2011’s floating
house model, and develops a new setting of waterfront settlements that are healthy, safe, ecological and
relatively inexpensive. The research outcome supports integrated design development and opportunity for
growth in new related industries. RAFTA2011 based with qualitative-quantitative design research methods at
Martapura riverside in Banjarmasin, supported by The Higher Education-Kopertis-4-DP2M, Competitive
Research Grants Programme.
Natural disasters such as flood and earthquakes have occurred more frequently in Indonesia lately.
These disasters have caused considerable losses and are a burden to both the affected communities and the
government. Natural hazards need to be considered by various parties. To find a solution to reduce the burden
of the loss, they need tips and innovations of academic concepts.
there, it certainly raises the material and non-material losses for society. To control natural disasters,
especially on the very edge, spatial policy developments need to be considered.
The research purpose is to find a new architectural design solution for prone waterfront areas. The
results of this study are innovative designs for a floating house model to be manufactured. RAFTA is an
abbreviation for the riversides. This innovation is also expected to contribute to society in Indonesia’s critically
flooded regions. RAFTA becomes an option for a model for waterfront housings today, which can reduce any
level of losses due to flood in safe, healthy and ecological. RAFTA innovation research has developed typical
traditional floating houses for a model on the banks of the river Martapura in Banjarmasin. The RAFTA model
is recommended as a solution to many waterfront cities in Indonesia and as a new concept for developing the
waterfront settlements, particularly focusing on the problems faced by tidal banks that face extreme conditions,
being exposed toflood-prone fluctuations (not the flash floods or tsunamis).
following are:
(1). For the community: - As healthy floating house choices that reduce losses at flood prone areas. - Open
new jobs in the floating house component industry, for expeditions, field technicians and so on.
(2). For private investors: - Develop technology for the floating house industry and the market prospects, -
Provision of the floating houses quality, health, safety, and ecological aspects.
(3). For the Local Government of the city: Increased Regional Budget Revenue from the city taxes and
levies sector; Support programmes to create new jobs; Improve environmental quality in integrated and
development efforts to flood prone riverbanks in an orderly fashion.
(4). For Cooperatives: Providing healthy housing through alternate social gathering for members of the
cooperative enterprise; Being a sub-field of cooperatives of fishermen,fish farmers; Providing healthy
homes through alternate social gathering for members of the cooperative unions, and so on.
(5). For the Banking sector: Distibution of industry, investor, suppliers capital loans; Distribution of
cooperative capital loans; Distribution of housing investment loans.
Attempts to answer research objectives through innovative architectural design using quantitative
and qualitative methods for interpretative design by research have been applied. Stages of the research and
design of this architecture are as follows: 1. Studies and comparative literature, to find information and insight
into viable technology; 2.Observation of field problems, data collection at the site; 3. Exploration,
assessment and testing the feasibility of the main material for the innovation model; 4. Preparation of design
concepts for RAFTA models, for flood-prone riverbanks; 5. Designing pre-plan RAFTA models for the study
sites; 6. Calculation of the structure and buoyancy RAFTA models, the burden of exposure to tidal waters and
winds at the sites; 7.Making animation and design mockups of RAFTA models; 8. RAFTA development of
design models; 9. Making mock laboratory test models of RAFTA; 10. Preparation of research reports and
RAFTA design models; 11.P ublication of research results through seminars on RAFTA models in architecture
journals. This activity is approached through: 1.Theory; 2. Context; 3. Architectural Design, to: Aspects a):
forms and natural phenomena; Aspects b): of the physical environment of urban spatial streams; and Aspects
c): enabling technology.
elaborating the concept of reflection to the context of a place and the location of the natural
environment where the architecture is located. What is the relationship, between the medium condition and
one another’s, supporting the realization of alternative forms - functions – constructions. The theoretical
approach is applied to the design concepts, conducive to extreme floods on the riverside of Banjarmasin city.
The lanting house is traditional floating house of architecture typology in this area, in addition to its
architecture of houses on stilts along the banks of the river. Both types of floating houses and houses on stilts
are a form of the Banjar residential community’s attitude towards tidal river, each day commemorate local
settlements, due to the hydrodynamic pressure effect of the Barito river flow, which affects all boils down to the
river there5.The phenomenon of flooding had already become a regular customer to this city throughout the
year. Flood prone areas in the city are inevitable since the tide submerged due to global warming. According to
the study, the projected sea level rise will increase from the year 2010, 2050, up to 2100, will rise 0.934 meters
from the present, which tends to eliminate 115 islands located in Indonesia, including the third city of
Banjarmasin 6. The predicted spatial physical city will be faced with a flooded neighborhood domination.
Mainland cities will have high density and should be utilized more efficiently, to support the need for
agricultural land.
If floods submerge the land, living in the water returned to space of choice architecture development
in river city that are prone to be submerged. The problem is how to address the architectural paradigm of place
in the context of floods? Architectural paradigms attached to soil-bound places (such as houses touching the
land) are no longer suitable for flooded regions due to tidal conditions. The type of stage house becomes
limited to high scantling stages. If the water level continues to rise extremely, ultimately the limit of the stage
floor will be flooded as well. Just imagine the urban special phenomena bound to occur if the solution to hold
out against floods only consists of continuously raising the masts for houses on stilts or else to survive by
erecting dams and artificial hydrological entities called polders. Conceivably, urban spatial phenomena that
occur, if only the dissolution continues raise houses on stilts or survive to build dams and polders city. How
much energy will this take and what is the cost to the community and city management? A number of
questions related to architectural design and architecture of the city need to be addressed to find a solution for
this case. How physical spatial structure of urban space and architectural form of houses stage must address the
phenomenon when the tide happens to be more extreme? How should access be positioned from building to the
road network and other cities? The three schemes 3, 4 and 5 below illustrate the formation and natural
phenomena, the effect of the floods and attitude towards architectural design tide and earthquake. Natural
phenomena causing extreme flooding of the influence of global warming, illustrated in scheme 3. Schemes 4
and 5 show the type of architecture that is more conducive to buoyancy and one that would minimize the risk
of the condition of flood and earthquake oscillations.
Adapting the context of water-land, the architectural order that regards the river only as part of the
spatial orientation of the house, for example lifted houses lined orthogonally along most Martapura riverbanks,
Banjarmasin. 3. Controlling the context of water-land, the architectural order is not oriented toward the river
but to the land and only employs the river as drainage and accommodates waste disposal. Settlements on the
banks of the river and likely formed by water villages consisting of a row of raised houses with a proximate
and solid order, oriented to the road or the ‘gertak’ as wooden bridge and turning or facing the river space.
This arrangement is affected by the river tidel. Construction of the stage or raised houses is supported by quite
high columns.
The threat of an extreme flood condition being higher than the supported column height, this house
will certainly be flooded. The observations show the development of the raised houses environment into the
wet, muddy, dirty and unhealthy, environment especially when the water recedes. The quality of this proximate
and solid order is poor, because it was built by random, spontaneous patchwork, which closes the view to the
river from the road, and became susceptible to fires.
Floating house is not a ship. The floating house is an architectural product in principle related to its
location. The location context takes into consideration orientation the spatial comfort arrangement for indoor
and outdoor space of the houses for the residents. In tropical climates such as in Indonesia, the location context
is an important consideration for the comfort of the room arrangement of orientation inside and outside spaces
of the house. The orientation position of the sun in the area determines the zone position of all functional space
and conditioning the coverage. For example, to make a decision of northward house orientation, the north
facade will be positioned as the front of the house, as well as determining the order in which space functions.
Thus the east side will be allocated for the room that requires the morning sun and the western side will be
occupied by a space conducive to receiving warm afternoon sun. Similarly, the south side will be adjusted to
the supported zone and services for the house. The attachment to a place establishes the principle of
architectural design leading to decisions. It is not the same in designing a ship or vehicle positioned to move
freely, changing orientation in all directions.Based on this principle, architectural paradigms either define an
architectural work or not. Therefore, architectural design of the floating house must be bound to a certain
place. If the water as the architectural built environment then let the water become a part of the floating
household life, which bring forth a distinctive water-bound local culture.
The driving vertical force is due to the weight of an object on the water, such as archimedes' principle: any
object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight ofthe fluid displaced
by the object7. the balance principle applies to the floating house. the float condition is due to of the
enforcement balance of vertical force, and will experience movement or shock by tensile lateral force due to
river water stream pressure or flooding. The water surface is dynamic, whose condition is greatly influenced by
the flow of its generator that causes the horizontal and vertical thrust force. The horizontal thrust is caused by
differences in elevation, the wind blowing on the water surface that bring forth the flow of waves, and also
generated by moving objects (boats, and so on). The tensile force of galactic objects, especially the sun and the
moon to the earth, generates the tide of the sea, or the extreme by tsunamis that occurred because of volcanic
eruptions or tectonic earthquakes at sea. Dynamic conditions of water surface influence the forces that strike to
floating objects in the water, as shown in the following scheme 6 and figure 2.
Macro Scale concept, a design concept of the RAFTA innovation model’s settlement arrangements
are expected to provide a solution to the problem of the Martapura river banks order, namely: built up as a
tight and solid structure that closes the view to the river from the land, and saturated condition which is dirty
and not ecological. The settlement concept of RAFTA 2011 solved the problem of these environmental quality
constraints and weaknesses. Criteria for the waterfront settlement formation (Variant 1 and Variant 2): 1.The
form of the waterfront settlement unit is a cluster with the capacity of RAFTA 16-32 units; 2.Non-tight
arrangement provides open space between the building from the land into the rivers and the ecologically
conditioning maximum sunlight to the bottom of the building in the water; 3.Being able to anticipate the flood,
the cluster structure is conditioned to go up and down automatically. 4.Ecological waterscape, government and
RAFTA residents are required to develop the culture of water and maintain the river between the units;
5.Access to housing through the
floating bridge and gertak, patterned perpendicularly from the road ended at the river dock to tie up
the boat and socializing space. For variant 2 is equipped with a connection among the floating bridge on the
river. 6. RAFTA units are complemented with bridge accesses, which are moored to the floating bridge. For
each mooring unit available electrical connections outlet and water supply through a flexible pipe, the network
is propagated along the bridge from the land.The concept of the RAFTA waterfront settlement order proposed
two models: Variant 1.RAFTA is on the river banks and variant. 2. RAFTA combination is on the river banks
and in the river. The results of the residential design development of RAFTA 2011, are shown in Figure 4.
Micro Scale concept: The innovation concept design of RAFTA 2011 unit models is expected to
provide solutions to marginalized problems of the floating house type, and improve the quality of
thespontaneous raised houses type on the Martapura river banks. Design concepts of RAFTA unit implement
the three architectural principles, flooding environmental context, and technological innovation of industrial
building components, namely:1.Architectural paradigm bound place; 2.Taking into consideration the
environmental aspect on the banks river that and up and down due to the tides and floods; and 3.Using the
principle of self-assemblage from fabricated components, to facilitate the distribution of the RAFTA,using
general goods transport vehicles to the site. Design concepts are divided into two: 1.Concept of sub-structure;
2.Concept of upper-structure. The criteria for sub-structure concept are: 1.Bound to place; and 2.Being able to
float when the tide strikes and turns down back into its place when the water receded. The results of sub-
structure design innovation of RAFTA, designed not to use foundation and poles, but using: 1.A floating
platform; 2.A pad for the floating platform; 3.An automatic anchor; 4.Fastener in the ground of river, in order
to stand still. In sub base construction is placed: 5.Ground reservoir; 6.Bio-septic tanks and networks using
flexible pipes. The criteria of upper-structure concepts are: 1.Floating houses whose minimum standard size is
T-22: 2. Space program consists of: a living room serves as a multipurpose room, completed with pantry of a
2.3 x 4.6 m2 areas, a bedroom of 2.3 x 3.5 m2 area, bathroom and toilet of 2.3 x1.1 m 2 area. 3. Upper structure
construction consists of principally the assemblies of manufacted components made up of these components: 1
floor panels, 2. Non-structural columns and beams, 3.Wall panels, 4.Doors and window frames, 5.Roof
skeleton, 6.Ceilings tile, and 7.Roof cover.
4.1. Macro Scale:
Policies for spatial development of the city on the river banks needs to develop a water management
system of the city, no longer following the tidal fluctuations that lead to more extreme situations. Keep the
city's canal system restoration and construction of the canal in the right place. Develop the residential order of
RAFTA 2011 as well regulate the tight and solid raised houses or spontaneous houses in flood-prone
This publication is a report on the final stage of the research results in 2011 for journals and
seminars.On this occasion the authorial team wishes to thank:
[1] The Directorate Of Research And Community Service (DP2M) Of The Directorate General Of Higher
Education, The Ministry Of National Education Of The Republic Of Indonesia,
[2] Coordinator Of Private Higher Education - Region 4 (KOPERTIS-4), West Java As DIPA Funders,
[3] Board Of Development Planning (BAPPEDA) Of Banjarmasin City, Settlements, Water Resources
Planning Office As Sources Of Data And Information
[4] Research Institutions And Community Service (LPPM), Faculty Of Engineering And Architecture
Department Of Parahyangan Catholic University, As Facilitator, Motivator And Research Team Builders.
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[3] Schulz, Christian Noberg, 1980 Genius Loci, Academy Educations, London.
[4] Trancik, 1986, Finding Lost Space Theories of Urban Design John Wiley and Sons.
[5] Subiyakto, 2005.
[6] Susandi, Armi, et al, 2008 Proyeksi Kenaikan Air Laut: Meteorological Studies Program, Institut Teknologi
Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia,
[7] Archimedes of Syracuse, 212BC Archimedes principle, www.archimedes.com, www.google.com, 28 Maret 2008,
Journal Papers:
Astuti, House Improvement and Healthy Environment Workshops for Traditional Riverside Community,
Scientific Journal of Geomatics of PUSLITBANG PERMUKIMAN, Bandung, Bakosutarnal 1 September,
2008 Vol 11, 112-116
Research Reports:
Kusliansjah,Karyadi, Tjong,Lydia F, Suriansyah, Yasmin, Kedmon,Elfan, Inovasi Perancangan Arsitektur
- Model Rumah Apung Fabrikasi pada tepi air, dalam menghadapi global warming-banjir-gempa di
Indonesia, Research report Competitive Research Grants Programme of The Directorate of Higher
Education of The Republic of Indonesia (DP2M-Kopertis4), 2011-2010-2009
Chapters in Books:
Subiyakto, Bambang, Infrastruktur Pelayaran Sungai: Kota Banjarmasin Tahun 1900-1970, in Kota Lama,
Kota Baru: Sejarah Kota-Kota di Indonesia, Jogjakarta: Ombak, 2005
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Global warming, www.google.com,2009,
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April 2008
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