Marrickville DCP 2011 - 2 17 Water Sensitive Urban Design

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Part 2 Generic Provisions................................................1

2.17 Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) ............................. 1
2.17.1 Objectives.................................................................................... 1
2.17.2 Development to which this Chapter Applies ............................. 2
2.17.3 Water Conservation Requirements............................................ 2
2.17.4 Stormwater Quality ..................................................................... 3
2.17.5 Information to be submitted with development
applications ................................................................................. 4
2.17.6 Specialist Advice ........................................................................ 5

Marrickville Development Control Plan 2011 i

Marrickville Development Control Plan 2011
Part 2 Generic Provisions

2.17 Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)

Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is the sustainable management of water in
urban areas through intelligent and integrated design. It takes into account all of the
elements of the urban water cycle including: potable (drinking quality) water, rainwater,
wastewater, stormwater and groundwater.

WSUD includes a suite of technologies such as water efficient fittings and appliances,
and rainwater tanks to reduce potable water consumption and costs, as well as bio-
retention systems (rain gardens), grassed swales, porous paving, wetlands, vegetated
roofs and vertical gardens (green roofs and walls), to reduce the pollution from
stormwater ending up in local waterways.

Why have a Water Sensitive Urban Design DCP?

A key outcome of Inner West Council’s Our Inner West 2036 Vision is that ”The
A Water Sensitive City has
community is water sensitive.”
a range of water sources.
Water infrastructure also
The WSUD provisions within this chapter apply to new development and
benefits the environment and
redevelopment within the area and aim to:
helps the city cope with the
effects of climate change.
• Reduce potable water use; and
People, business, and
• Treat stormwater so that the area reaches the relevant stormwater quality targets governments work well
for stormwater reuse and/or stormwater entering receiving waters. together and support an
ecologically sustainable
The potable water reduction targets within this chapter relate to developments that are lifestyle.
not covered by State Environmental Planning Policy (Building Sustainability Index:
BASIX) 2004 (BASIX), while the stormwater quality controls apply to larger
developments and redevelopments within the area.

2.17.1 Objectives
O1 To protect and enhance natural water systems (e.g. creeks and rivers) in
the Inner West LGA.
O2 To treat urban stormwater to meet water quality objectives for reuse
and/or discharge to receiving waters.
O3 To minimise wastewater generation.
O4 To reduce the consumption of potable water through water efficient
2.17 Water Sensitive Urban Design

fittings and appliances, rainwater harvesting and wastewater reuse.

O5 To use rainwater, treated urban stormwater or treated wastewater for
non-potable uses where appropriate.
O6 To implement WSUD into the public and private domain for multiple
benefits, including improving microclimates, improving habitat for local
fauna and maximising the visual and recreational amenity of urban
O7 To shift the focus of water management from the traditional flood control
approach to a sustainable stormwater management approach.

Marrickville Development Control Plan 2011 1


2.17.2 Development to which this Chapter Applies

Specific developments are required to meet water conservation and stormwater quality
targets that have been established for land where this DCP applies. The controls for
different development types and information to be submitted are outlined in Table 1.

Table 1: WSUD controls and information to be submitted for different development types
Development type Controls Information
Water Stormwater to be
conservation quality submitted
targets targets with DA
s2.17.4 s2.17.5 s2.17.6
Residential development involving new or additional
C1 C4 C6 or C7
gross floor area of >700m2 and <2,000m2.
Residential development involving new or additional
C1 C4 and C5 C7
gross floor area of greater than 2,000m2.
Commercial, retail, and industrial development
involving new or additional gross floor area of C2 and C3 C4 C6 or C7
>100m2and < 2,000m2.
Commercial, retail, and industrial development with a
total site area greater than 2,000m2, which results in
C2 and C3 C4 and C5 C7
new or increased gross floor area of greater than
Child care centres, educational establishments,
community facilities, places of public worship and
C2 and C3 C4 C6
recreational facilities (indoor) involving new or
additional gross floor area >700sqm and <2,000sqm.
Child care centres, educational establishments,
community facilities, places of public worship and
C2 C4 and C5 C7
recreational facilities (indoor) involving new or
additional gross floor area of greater than 2,000sqm.
Any development which involves the construction or
designation of 10 or more additional uncovered car C2 and C3 C4 and C5 C7
parking spaces.

2.17.3 Water Conservation Requirements

Potable mains water conservation seeks to reduce the demand for potable water, with
the added benefit of reducing wastewater volumes. Reduced potable mains water
demand is a key commitment of the NSW Government as outlined in the Metropolitan
Water Plan (see The NSW Government’s BASIX
Scheme requires all new residential development to incorporate water savings
measures ( However, other development types including
commercial and industrial are not are addressed in the BASIX Scheme.

For all development types identified in Table 1, water conservation controls are:
C1 All residential buildings are to demonstrate compliance with State
Environmental Planning Policy - Building Sustainability Index (BASIX),
as required.
C2 All buildings not covered by the State Environmental Planning Policy -
i. that are installing any water use fittings must meet minimum
standards defined by the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards
(WELS) Scheme. Minimum WELS ratings are 4 star dual-flush
toilets, 3 star showerheads, 4 star taps (for all taps other than bath

2 Marrickville Development Control Plan 2011

outlets and garden taps) and 3 star urinals. Water efficient washing
machines and dishwashers are to be used wherever possible.
ii. are to install rainwater tanks to meet all non-potable demands,
including outdoor use, toilets, and laundry (for child care centres,
this water is to be used for irrigation and toilet flushing only).
iii. are to incorporate passive cooling methods that rely on improved
natural ventilation to supplement or preclude mechanical cooling
(refer Section
iv. where cooling towers are used, they are:
a. to be connected to a conductivity meter to ensure optimum
circulation before discharge.
b. to include a water meter connected to a building energy and
water metering system to monitor water usage.
c. to employ alternative water sources for cooling towers.
C3 Water use within common open space (for uses such as irrigation and
water features) should be supplied from sources other than potable
mains water (e.g. stormwater, greywater or wastewater) to meet 80% of
the water use demand.

Refer to
• The NSW Health rainwater tanks brochure provides further advice on the
use and maintenance of rainwater tanks. Visit:

2.17.4 Stormwater Quality

Urban development increases the pollution load entering local waterways. To address
the impacts of urban development, the following pollution load reductions have been
established for land where this DCP applies.
C4 For all development types identified in Table 1, stormwater quality load
reduction controls are:
i. 90% reduction in the post development mean annual load of Gross
Pollutants (greater than 5mm).
ii. 85% reduction in the post development mean annual load of Total
Suspended Solids (TSS).
iii. 60% reduction in the post development mean annual load of Total
Phosphorus (TP).
iv. 45% reduction in the post development mean annual load of Total
Nitrogen (TN).
2.17 Water Sensitive Urban Design

C5 Modelling for the determination of the pollution load reductions must be

undertaken in MUSIC (the Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement
Conceptualisation) and in accordance with Marrickville Council’s WSUD
Reference Guideline.

Refer to
• MUSIC derives default water quality parameters for a range of
pollutants generated from various land use types. The latest
version of MUSIC Version 4 (2010) is available at
• Marrickville Council has prepared a WSUD Reference Guideline
to assist applicants in meeting the stormwater quality targets.

Marrickville Development Control Plan 2011 3


2.17.5 Information to be submitted with

development applications
Developments are required to submit supporting information with their DA to detail how
the water conservation and stormwater quality controls will be met for their
development. For simplicity, an option of a deemed to comply solution (C6) has been
identified for residential, child care centres, educational establishments, community
facilities, places of public worship and recreational facilities (indoor) >700m2 and
<2,000m2 and commercial, retail, and industrial development involving new or
additional gross floor area of >100m2 and < 2,000m2 to meet the stormwater quality
targets. All other development types, as identified in Table 1, need to submit a WSUD
Strategy (C7).

C6 Residential developments, child care centres, educational

establishments, community facilities, places of public worship and
recreational facilities (indoor) developments >700m2 and < 2,000m2 and
commercial, retail, and industrial development involving new or
additional gross floor area of >100m2 and < 2,000m2,
i. A report that can show compliance with the stormwater quality
control (C4) by implementing the following “deemed to comply”
measure. All roof water is to drain to a tank which is 3,000 litres
per 100m2 of roof area of the development. More than 80% of the
roof is to drain to the tank. The tank is to be connected to all
toilets, irrigation and laundry. For child care centres, this water is to
be used for irrigation and toilet flushing only. The rainwater tank
and associated details need to be documented in a report with
appropriate information to show compliance with this deemed to
comply solution.
ii. A BASIX Certificate is to be submitted for residential developments,
including the residential components of mixed use developments
as per the requirements of the BASIX Scheme. Details of the
rainwater tank connections should be identified in the BASIX

Refer to
• The Guideline to the BASIX SEPP produced by the Department of Planning (2006)
states - Where a provision serves some other legitimate purpose, such as a
provision requiring the installation of a rainwater tank for stormwater management
purposes it is not overridden by the BASIX SEPP. See

C7 All other development types are to submit a WSUD Strategy from a

suitably qualified consultant. The WSUD strategy is to detail the potable
water saving and stormwater quality control measures that are to be
implemented on the site, and to include the following detail:
i. Proposed development – Describe the proposed development at
the site, including site boundaries, proposed land uses.
ii. WSUD objectives – Identify the WSUD objectives that apply to the
proposed development.
iii. Water conservation – Demonstrate how the potable water
conservation targets will be met. For residential developments this
maybe in the form of a BASIX Certificate.

4 Marrickville Development Control Plan 2011

iv. Stormwater quality – Demonstrate how the stormwater quality
targets will be met, including the location, size and configuration of
stormwater treatment measures proposed for the development.
v. Details of MUSIC modelling, with the MUSIC parameters and
assumptions outlined in an appendix to the WSUD Strategy.
Parameters to be submitted include rainfall, source and treatment
vi. Integration with the urban design – Identify how the WSUD
elements will integrate with the development layout.
vii. Costs – Identify capital and operation and maintenance
procedures, resourcing and cost estimates of proposed treatment
elements. Both typical annual maintenance costs and corrective
maintenance or renewal/adaptation costs should be included.
viii. Checklist – outlining the details of the WSUD strategy and
reference to the location of the information.

Refer to
• Council has prepared a WSUD Reference Guideline to
assist applicants in the preparation of a WSUD Strategy.

2.17.6 Specialist Advice

Applicants and developers are required to obtain the services of appropriately qualified
and experienced practitioners for the development of appropriate WSUD plans and
strategies. The benefit of using consultants with demonstrated capacity to fulfil the
requirements of this Chapter will generally reflect a smoother and straight forward
approval and construction process. Members of the Stormwater Industry Association
provide a range of products and services.

Council is undertaking a pilot project, funded by its Stormwater Management Service

Charge Fund to provide low-cost water management consultancy support for selected
low income groups.
2.17 Water Sensitive Urban Design

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