Marrickville DCP 2011 - 2 17 Water Sensitive Urban Design
Marrickville DCP 2011 - 2 17 Water Sensitive Urban Design
Marrickville DCP 2011 - 2 17 Water Sensitive Urban Design
WSUD includes a suite of technologies such as water efficient fittings and appliances,
and rainwater tanks to reduce potable water consumption and costs, as well as bio-
retention systems (rain gardens), grassed swales, porous paving, wetlands, vegetated
roofs and vertical gardens (green roofs and walls), to reduce the pollution from
stormwater ending up in local waterways.
2.17.1 Objectives
O1 To protect and enhance natural water systems (e.g. creeks and rivers) in
the Inner West LGA.
O2 To treat urban stormwater to meet water quality objectives for reuse
and/or discharge to receiving waters.
O3 To minimise wastewater generation.
O4 To reduce the consumption of potable water through water efficient
2.17 Water Sensitive Urban Design
Table 1: WSUD controls and information to be submitted for different development types
Development type Controls Information
Water Stormwater to be
conservation quality submitted
targets targets with DA
s2.17.4 s2.17.5 s2.17.6
Residential development involving new or additional
C1 C4 C6 or C7
gross floor area of >700m2 and <2,000m2.
Residential development involving new or additional
C1 C4 and C5 C7
gross floor area of greater than 2,000m2.
Commercial, retail, and industrial development
involving new or additional gross floor area of C2 and C3 C4 C6 or C7
>100m2and < 2,000m2.
Commercial, retail, and industrial development with a
total site area greater than 2,000m2, which results in
C2 and C3 C4 and C5 C7
new or increased gross floor area of greater than
Child care centres, educational establishments,
community facilities, places of public worship and
C2 and C3 C4 C6
recreational facilities (indoor) involving new or
additional gross floor area >700sqm and <2,000sqm.
Child care centres, educational establishments,
community facilities, places of public worship and
C2 C4 and C5 C7
recreational facilities (indoor) involving new or
additional gross floor area of greater than 2,000sqm.
Any development which involves the construction or
designation of 10 or more additional uncovered car C2 and C3 C4 and C5 C7
parking spaces.
For all development types identified in Table 1, water conservation controls are:
C1 All residential buildings are to demonstrate compliance with State
Environmental Planning Policy - Building Sustainability Index (BASIX),
as required.
C2 All buildings not covered by the State Environmental Planning Policy -
i. that are installing any water use fittings must meet minimum
standards defined by the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards
(WELS) Scheme. Minimum WELS ratings are 4 star dual-flush
toilets, 3 star showerheads, 4 star taps (for all taps other than bath
Refer to
• The NSW Health rainwater tanks brochure provides further advice on the
use and maintenance of rainwater tanks. Visit:
Refer to
• MUSIC derives default water quality parameters for a range of
pollutants generated from various land use types. The latest
version of MUSIC Version 4 (2010) is available at
• Marrickville Council has prepared a WSUD Reference Guideline
to assist applicants in meeting the stormwater quality targets.
Refer to
• The Guideline to the BASIX SEPP produced by the Department of Planning (2006)
states - Where a provision serves some other legitimate purpose, such as a
provision requiring the installation of a rainwater tank for stormwater management
purposes it is not overridden by the BASIX SEPP. See
Refer to
• Council has prepared a WSUD Reference Guideline to
assist applicants in the preparation of a WSUD Strategy.