Dev. Terms

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Term Definition
Adaptation Adaptation comprises of measures that help communities and ecosystems to
face real and expected effects of climate change. Such effects include climate
change, sea level rise and natural disasters like drought and flood.

Ecological assets Ecological resources consisting of various terrestrial, coastal and marine
ecosystems with treasured biodiversity and play multiple roles in providing
ecosystem services, including buffer against climate change and natural

Low Carbon City City that adopts the principles of sustainable development to meet the needs
of every groups of the society. The city also contributes and demonstrates
seriousness at the global level in stabilizing the CO² and other greenhouse
gases (GHG) production which are causing climate change, through actions to
reduce global pollution. The city also manages to prove its high ability to use
energy efficiently with low energy sources, as well as in technology production.

Biodiversiti Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defines biodiversity (shortened

form of two words 'bilogical' and 'diversity') as the variability among living
organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other
aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part of;
this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.

Brownfield Brownfield area is referring to area that has been developed but left abandoned
or neglected or having dilapidated structures or an abandoned development
area which is yet to be completed. The area may be contaminated or not. The
term brownfield also covers long-abandoned buildings or completed buildings
that are unsold. This particular definition refers to abandoned projects which
are not completed after more than 10 years of development implementation.

Cohort Survival Model Simple prediction method for forecasting what the future population will be
based upon the birth rate, mortality rate and migration rate..

Crime Prevention Through CPTED is an approach to deter criminal behaviour through the environmental
Environmental Design design. CPTED Implementation Guidelines prepared by the Federal Department
(CPTED) of Town and Country Planning Peninsular Malaysia provide detailed designs of
the physical environment that can effectively influence human behavior from
making mistakes and reduce the fear of crime and criminal incidents while
improving the environment and quality of life.


Term Definition
Open Skies Policy Open skies is an international policy concept that calls for the liberalization
of rules and regulations of the international aviation industry - especially
commercial aviation - in order to create a free-market environment for the airline
industry. The bilateral air service agreement under Open Skies Policy allows
Malaysia and foreign airlines to fly without restriction in terms of frequency of
service, flight capacity, type of aircraft, routes and number of airlines allowed
between the two countries.

E-Commerce Any commercial transaction conducted via the electronic networks, including
information dissemination, promotion, marketing, and supply or delivery of
goods/ services, although payment and delivery of related transactions may
be carried out offline.

Eco - Tourism An environmentally responsible travel to relatively undisturbed natural areas in

order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and any other entailed cultural features).
Eco-tourism promotes conservation with low tourism impacts and beneficial to
local population that actively involves in any socio-economic activities.

B40 households Bottom 40 per cent household income group. B40 households refer to
households with income up to RM3,855 (based on Household Income and
Expenditure Survey 2014)

M40 households The middle 40 per cent household income group from the overall distribution
of revenue. M40 households have the monthly income in between RM3,860 to

Vulnerable groups Households earning between the Poverty Line Income (PLI) and 2.5 times the
PLI. Based on the national PLI sets at RM800, thus vulnerable households refer
to households earning in between RM800 to RM2,000 per month.

Greenfield Area/ land covering a habitat/ forest and a productive agricultural land which is
yet to be developed. This includes green belt in the urban areas.

Water catchment forest Forest that serves as a water catchment area where all rain and run-off water
are collected/ absorbed before eventually flows to a creek, river, dam, lake,
ocean, or into a groundwater system. Water catchment forest acts as a natural
filter to ensure clean and clear water flows to the catchment areas.

Creative industries Refer to those industries that are based on individual creativity, skill and talent
with the potential to create wealth and jobs through developing intellectual


Term Definition
Inclusive Ensuring equitable opportunities for all segments of society to participate
in and benefit from the country’s prosperity, regardless of gender, ethnicity,
socio-economic status, age, education, religion, and space.
Intermodalism Movement of goods transported under a free contract from an origin to a
destination with multimodal transports or different transporters. The movement
involves a few transporation modes in a trip.

Audit trail A system that traces the detailed transactions relating to any item in an
accounting record that enables an examiner to trace the financial data from
general ledger to the source document (invoice, receipt, voucher, etc.).

Special management area Areas at major ranges where development related to agricultural and urban
activities may be allowed. It is an area with population concentration and
having basic infrastructure and facility.

Protected area IUCN defines protected area as a clearly defined geographical space,
recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means,
to achieve the long term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem
services and cultural values. (IUCN Definition, 2008)

Catchment area A catchment is an area where water (rain water and run-offs) is collected by the
natural landscape and eventually flows to a creek, river, dam, lake, ocean, or
into a groundwater system. There are two (2) types of catchment area namely
the dam catchment area and the water intake area which may be located along
the river or further downstream of the dam.

Mineral sterilisation A condition where some minerals are no longer available for extraction due to
non-minerals development sitting on the minerals deposit.

Gross Domestic Product The total value of goods and services produced in a period of time after
(GDP) deducting the cost of goods and services used in the production process. This
is a gross value before deduction of fixed capital; namely the total value added
in the producer's price for local residents before the addition of import duties.
GDP is equivalent to expenditure on GDP (at consumer's price) which is a sum
of total final expenditures on goods and services minus the import duties.

Conurbation An urban economic growth area comprising of cities, major towns and
urban areas that have merged physically, having economic connections
and experiencing population growth to create a new built-up area which
continuously developed.


Term Definition
National transit development A corridor refers to the corridor along existing national railway networks
corridor & hub (proposed) namely the intercity HSR, KTM and ETS in the Peninsular Malaysia. Hubs are
referring to cities/ towns with main stations along the above-mentioned transit
networks, where the towns have potential to be developed as a transit-oriented
development hub.

State transit development corridor refers to the corridor along existing railway network or proposed
corridor & hub network at the state level which is not cross-boundary (either LRT, monorail or
BRT). The proposed corridor may be identified by the state in the state public
transportation master plan. Hubs refer to towns with main stations along the
transit network, where the towns have potential to be developed as a transit-
oriented development hub.

National transit development A corridor refers to the corridor along existing national railway networks namely
corridor & hub (existing) the intercity KTM and ETS in the Peninsular Malaysia. Hubs are referring to cities/
towns with main stations along the above-mentioned transit networks, where
the towns have potential to be developed as a transit-oriented development

Landscape/ Ecology/ Marine A corridor connecting various habitats or ecosystems (including marine
corridor ecosystem) to allow movement of wildlife populations.

Land-bridging Referring to the transportation of containers by rail to the ports.

River Basin The area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a sequence of
streams, rivers and, possibly, lakes into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary
or delta (EU Water Framework Directive 2000).

Infrastructure Levi Charges imposed on developers for the purpose of developing new and
comprehensive infrastructures at new development areas.

Malaysia My Second Home Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Programme is promoted by the Government
of Malaysia to allow foreigners who fulfill certain criteria, to stay in Malaysia for
as long as possible on a multiple-entry social visit pass.

Malaysian Good Agriculture MyGAP is a rebranding exercise of Malaysian Farm Certification Scheme for
Practices (MyGap) Good Agricultural Practices (SALM), Livestock Farm Practices Scheme (SALT),
and Malaysian Aquaculture Farm Certification Scheme (SPLAM).


Term Definition
Sustainable A United Nation Agenda that sets 17 suistainable development goals to
Development Goals (SDGs) end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while
ensuring that no one is left behind. The SDGs, also known as Global Goals,
build on the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and aim
to go further to end all forms of poverty. The new Goals are unique in that
they call for action by all countries, poor, rich and middle-income to promote
prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must
go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and addresses a
range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job
opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.

Mitigation Mitigation is an action to reduce the severity, seriousness and painfulness of

something. In this case, it refers to measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
emission which is the major cause of global warming and enriching carbon
collection to reduce the climate change impacts.
Human capital The skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an individual or population,
viewed in terms of their value or cost to an organization or country

Social capital Features of social organization such as networks, norms, and social trust that
facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit

Multimodalism The movement of goods transported under a single contract from an origin
to a destination with a few mode of transports or different transporters. The
movement involves a transporter in a trip.

The knowledge worker ratio The number of workers with higher education (tertiary/ diploma/ skilled and
related) divided by the total educated population.

Knowledge worker A knowledge worker is anyone who works for a living at the tasks of developing
or using knowledge. For example, a knowledge worker might be someone
who works at any of the tasks of planning, acquiring, searching, analyzing,
organizing, storing, programming, distributing, marketing, or otherwise
contributing to the transformation and commerce of information and those
(often the same people) who work at using the knowledge so produced. A
term first used by Peter Drucker in his 1959 book, Landmarks of Tomorrow,
the knowledge worker includes those in the information technology fields, such
as programmers, systems analysts, technical writers, academic professionals,
researchers, and so forth. The term is also frequently used to include people
outside of information technology, such as lawyers, teachers, scientists of all
kinds, and also students of all kinds.

Tourist A person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure or interest, and stay for
at least a night and not more than a year at the visited place/ country.


Term Definition
Transit Oriented Development An approach to development that focuses on compact, walkable, pedestrian-
(TOD) oriented, mixed-use development centered around high quality transit station
or corridor (usually within walking distance) to maximise access to public
transportation and often combining features to encourage transit passengers.

Mixed Development A type of urban development that blends residential, commercial, cultural,
institutional, or industrial uses, where those functions are physically and
functionally integrated.

Infill Development The process of developing vacant or under-used parcels within existing urban
areas that are already largely developed.

Sustainable Development Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
(Our Common Future/ The Brundtland Report).
Cultural Mapping A crucial tool and technique in preserving the intangible and tangible
cultural assets. It encompasses a wide range of techniques and activities
from community-based participatory data collection and management to
sophisticated mapping using GIS (Geographic Information Systems).

Gross National Income- Gross national income (GNI) is defined as the sum of value added by all
(GNI) producers who are residents in a nation, plus any product taxes (minus
subsidies) not included in output, plus income received from abroad such as
employee compensation and property income. GNI measures income received
by a country both domestically and from overseas.

Technical and Vocational Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) includes formal, non-
Education and Training formal and informal learning that prepare young people with the knowledge
(TVET) and skills required in the world of work. According to the United Nations
Organisation for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), TVET has been
called many names over the years – apprenticeship training, vocational
education, technical education, technical-vocational education, occupational
education, vocational education and training, professional and vocational
education, career and technical education, workforce education, workplace
education, and others.

Aging population Population aged 60 years and over reaching seven per cent (7%) of the total

Urbanization A process of change and application of urban characteristics to an area where

it involves inmigration of rural population, changing of economic activities,
urban area expansion, increment in urban facilities provision, social changes
(from a traditional to modern community), and overall land use changes.


Term Definition
Affordable housing Affordable housing includes low, low medium and medium cost with selling
prices between RM42,000 up to RM150,000 per unit to cater for the needs of
low and medium income groups with a monthly households income in between
RM1,500-RM4,000 per month.

Transfer of Development A voluntary, incentive- based program that allows landowners to sell
Rights (TDR) development rights from their land to a developer or other interested party who
then can use these rights to increase the density of development at another
designated location.

Tourism product Refers to product which can attract tourist or the prime reason for tourist to
choose a destination. Examples of tourism products are eco-tourism, sports
tourism and education tourism.

Agropolitan centre A rural settlement centre with the potential to expand its agricultural activities
with higher value-chain.

Fulfillment centre A place where goods are stored, packed, and sent to customers who have
ordered them. A modern term for packing warehouse.

Catalyst centre A catalyst centre comprises of medium and small towns with strategic location
to steer urban growth of its surroundings and has the potential to become a
specific-functioned hub.

Urban A data centre for reference, monitoring and national reporting of urban
observatory sustainability and well-being through the social, urbanization, economic and
environmental aspects.

UTC-Urban UTC is one of the goverment effort and initiative in providing the urban
Transformation community with key goverment and private sector services under one roof. The
Centre Ministry of Finance (MoF) has been appointed as a main leader in the whole

RTC- Rural UTC is one of the goverment effort and initiative in providing the urban
Transformation Centre community with key goverment and private sector services under one roof. The
Ministry of Finance (MoF) has been appointed as a main leader in the whole

Urban Sprawl A horizontal expansion of an urban area which is unpredictable or uncontrolled

or moving out of the urban boundary.

River reserve A strip of land adjacent to both side of the river banks gazetted under Section
62 of the National Land Code.


Term Definition
RORO RORO is an acronym for Roll On/ Roll Off. RORO ship are vessels designed
to carry wheeled cargo, such as cars, trucks, semi-trailer trucks, trailers, and
railroad cars, that are driven on and off the ship on their own wheels or using
a platform vehicle, such as a self-propelled modular transporter. This is in
contrast to lift-on/lift-off (LoLo) vessels, which use a crane to load and unload

Wetlands A wetland is a land area that is saturated with water, either permanently or
seasonally. The RAMSAR Convetion uses a broad definition of wetlands. It
includes all lakes and rivers, underground aquifers, swamps and marshes, wet
grasslands, peatlands, oases, estuaries, deltas and tidal flats, mangroves and
other coastal areas, coral reefs, and all human-made sites such as fish ponds,
rice paddies, reservoirs and salt pans. There are various wetland ecosystems
in Malaysia, where the endangered ecosystems include the freshwater swamp
forest, cajeput (gelam) forest and seaweed beds.


Build-up area An area where the primary use of land is urban land use comprising of housing,
commercial, industry, institutional and other infrastructure facilities.

Youth Individuals aged in between 15 years and before reaching 30 years.

Senior citizen Individuals aged 60 years and above

Region/ Territory Region means an area that spans two (2) or more administrative areas.
According to the Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (Act 172), territory
consists of two (2) or more states.

Coastal Development Zone Coastal areas where controlled development is allowed when necessary, i.e.
for use of infrastructure (ports, terminals and piers), breakwater and waterfront
development. Development in this area must has the EIA approval and
fulfilled the safety criteria, secured, productive and pollution-free with minimal
interference on the coastal assets.

Buffer zone Buffer zone is typically in the form of a green area, which separates the two
incompatible land use activities, for example housing and industry.

Coastal Protection Zone Coastal areas where no development is allowed for conservation of important
ecological components such as marine parks, turtle-landing sites, bird
important site, seaweed beds, tourism areas and natural disaster risk areas.

Development Promotion Urban aglomeration areas which are connected economically and have
Zones (DPZs) potential for rapid growth. The areas will be encouraged for development and
population growth.

Recharge zone Recharge zone is the surface area surrounding an aquifer from which water in
the form of precipitation or surface waters replenishes the groundwater stored
in the aquifer.

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