Scene 3.1: An Enemy?
Scene 3.1: An Enemy?
Scene 3.1: An Enemy?
[Romeo exits]
Benvolio Romeo? Cousin Romeo?
[Juliet enters]
[Benvolio and Mercutio enters]
[Romeo enters after Juliet and grabs his 2 relatives]
Mercutio He is wise.
Tybalt [to the nurse] Know you the man my cousin made welcome?
Benvolio He ran this way. Let's call him good Mercutio.
Nurse Nay, but he would seem to be a goodly youth.
Mercutio Romeo? Suitor!
Tybalt Goodly and deadly. He is Romeo, hope of the House of the Montague.
[Juliet comes closer to the nurse]
[Tybalt exits]
Nurse His name is Romeo and a Montague. The only son of your great enemy. [Romeo enters]
Juliet My only love…sprung from…My only hate… To early seen unknown and known Mercutio [at the backstage] Madman!
too late.
Romeo He jests at scars that never felt a wound.
Nurse What's this? What's this?
[finds Juliet sitting in a table in the orchard and hides]
Juliet It's nothing.
Romeo [to himself] It is my lady. Oh! It is my love. The brightness of her cheek would
[Juliet looks in front] shame the stars as daylight doth a lamp. Her eyes set in heaven would give forth such
light that birds would sing and think it were not night. See how she leans her cheek
upon her hand. Oh, that I were a glove upon a hand that I might touch that cheek.
Juliet Ah me. Oh, Romeo, Romeo. Where for art thou, Romeo? Deny thy father and
Romeo Call me your love and I'll be baptized henceforth. I'll never be Romeo. Nurse My lady? Madam?
Juliet What man are you that hides within the shadows of the night to spy on me? Juliet Anon, good nurse. [to Romeo] Sweet Montague, be true. Stay here.
Romeo My name, dear saint, I rather not tell it to you. It is hateful to myself because it [Juliet walks away]
is an enemy to you.
Romeo I'm afraid this is all but a dream. Too flattering sweet to be substantial.
Juliet Are you not Romeo and a Montague?
[Juliet turns back]
Romeo Neither dear love. If either you dislike.
Juliet Think if your love be pure, your purpose marriage?
[Romeo comes near to Juliet]
[Juliet walks to Romeo]
Juliet Why have you come? This place is death if any of my kinsmen find you here.
Romeo It is my lady.
Romeo To see you look severe, more frightens me than 20 of their swords. Therefore, thy
Juliet Then I will send to you to learn my fate, where and what time we will perform the
kinsmen are no stop to me. Look you but sweet, and I am proof against their enmity.
rite, and all my fortunes at your feet I lay and follow you, my Lord, throughout the
Juliet I would not for the world they saw you here. world.
Romeo But I would not have missed the words you spoke. Nurse [at the backstage] Juliet! My Lady?
Juliet I blush to think what you have heard tonight. Romeo, trust me, and I will prove Juliet A thousand times, goodnight.
more true than those who play the game with far more cunning wit.
Romeo A thousand times the worse, to miss your light.
Romeo Lady, by yonder moon I swear-
Juliet Romeo.
Juliet Oh, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon.
Romeo My love.
Romeo What shall I swear by?
Juliet What time tomorrow shall I send to you?
Juliet Do not swear at all and listen hard. Are we too rash, too unadvised, too quick?
Romeo At 9:00
Romeo No for this bud of love will prove when next we meet. I promise.
Juliet I will not fail. 'Tis 20 years till then. Good night, Good night.
[Romeo holds Juliet's face attempting to kiss her]
[Romeo & Juliet kiss]
Nurse [at the backstage] Juliet?
[the two part ways looking back at each other]
Juliet [rushed] Go and good night.
[Juliet rushed away]
Friar Laurence The earth is nature's mother and her tomb. Within the petal trim of this [both exits]
small flower, poison has residence and medicine power. Boiled and mixed, the smell will
bring us health.
Friar Laurence The result is instant death. Scene 3.5: Letter from Tybalt
[Romeo enters]
Friar Laurence Romeo! Up and about in early morn. I do not look to see the young at
Mercutio Where then is our Romeo? Did he come home last night?
dawn. Here I'll guess it right, our Romeo hath not been in bed tonight.
Benvolio Not to this house. Mercutio, there's news. Tybalt, has sent a letter, addressed
Romeo That last is true but a sweet rest is mine.
to him.
[student leaves]
Mercutio A challenge in my life.
Friar Laurence God pardon sin. Were you with Rosaline? Ah I pray you're not playing
Benvolio Which Romeo will meet.
Satan's game.
Mercutio Alas, poor Romeo, he's already dead.
Romeo Who is Rosaline? I have forgot the name.
Benvolio Why? Who and What is Tybalt that he is so sure of victory?
Friar Laurence That's good my son. Where then have you been?
Mercutio More than a prince of cats, I tell you now. He fights like a music player, all
Romeo Oh Father, know my heart's desire is set on the fair daughter of rich Capulet. As
precision, and keeps his time and distance perfect play. With, one and two and three-
mine on hers, so hers is set as well. But this I pray, you consent to marry as today.
swoosh-in your chest. He's a gentleman and a duelist, and none who fight him lived to
tell the tale.
Friar Laurence Holy St. Francis! What a change is here. Why is she cast off that you did
love so dear? Jesu Maria! What a deal of brine has washed your sallow cheeks for
[Romeo enters]
Romeo Ahh gentlemen.
Romeo You scolded me for loving Rosaline.
Mercutio Where did you vanish to last night? You gave us both the slip most prettily.
Friar Laurence I scolded you for moping like a child. I'd not believe you tasted true
love's joy. Romeo Pardon Mercutio. I was much taken up.
Romeo Then scold no more, for God has taught me now to know true love, and Juliet Mercutio Nay, we forgive you, for you are Romeo again.
has her face.
Mercutio Is this not better now than groaning still for love? Now you are sociable. Great
Friar Laurence She is a Capulet! love will only make us fools.
Romeo What care I for the quarrels of the past? Or rivalries now buried in the tomb? Benvolio Stop there.
Friar Laurence Well, well. I think I see a chance, to end the city's strife. If, as I pray, your [Nurse and Peter enters]
marriage should prove sweet, you'll turn your families' rancor to pure love. Come…you
[Romeo looks at their way]
waverer, and go along with me. I'll grant your wish…and be your wedding priest.
Benvolio Romeo, there's a letter come for you. I fear it is a challenge from Count Tybalt, Romeo And does she like him?
which will not brook delay in your reply. You could soothe his rage…
Nurse Never! She would as soon as slain as a stinking toad! Her thoughts are all with
Romeo Excuse me, both I prithee… you, as I have taunted her. But you should know of him.
[Romeo ran to the nurse] Romeo And so I do. Now commend me to my lady.
Mercutio Cousin? Where are you going? Nurse I will. A thousand times.
Mercutio What tired old bawd is this? And who is he that wears the hated coat of
Nurse Why was the man so rude? Why use his tongue to wound an old woman?
Nurse Now before God, I'm so vexed every part about me quivers. So, to the business.
My young Lady Juliet…She bade me to seek you out and say. First, if you should do
double with her, you will have me to answer to.
Romeo Just listen. She must gain her mother's word to make confession later on today.
Let her but come to Friar Laurence's cell. There she will be absolved and married too.
Nurse There is a nobleman in town, named Paris who plans to marry and lie with her.