Investigating The Energy and Exergy Analysis in Coal Fired Power Plant
Investigating The Energy and Exergy Analysis in Coal Fired Power Plant
Investigating The Energy and Exergy Analysis in Coal Fired Power Plant
Increasing growth in energy demand has already made its importance in the last century. Due to the large
contribution of fossil fuels to world energy, it is almost impossible to replace the fossil fuels with other energy resources
in the near future. However more no of power plant are placed, where 75% of power is generated by burning coal.
According to high energy cost and necessity to reduce it, optimal use of energy and energy consumption management
are very important.
So the research purpose is analysis of energy and exergy in coal fired plant was carried out, then the initial
goals of present research are to assess the plant parameters singly and to determine and measure the coal plant with
Original Article
largest losses for energy and exergy. However, analyses of energy and exergy have been performed for coal plants like
boiler, turbine, and condenser and pump majorly.
The results reveal that the reduction in the efficiencies of energy and exergy is comparatively tiny. The
symmetry among losses of the energy and the exergy for the parameters of the plant separately revealed that the peak of
losses of energy (75%) take place in the condenser, so that the peak of losses of exergy (82%) take place in the boiler. So,
to obtain major increase in energy efficiency, the condenser and boiler systems required to be changed, that require
more techno-economic research.
Received: Dec 12, 2018; Accepted: Jan 02, 2019; Published: Jan 24, 2019; Paper Id.: IJMPERDFEB201947
Electrical energy is universal energy that may be turned various kind of energy, and so the need for
electric energy is increase in worldwide. However many of plant are not placed, where 75% of power is generated
by burning coal.
The maintain process of energy in coal plant considered as one of the vital factors to decrease the speed of
use of fossil fuel, via sharp developing of civilization use of energy is also enhancing quickly.
According to high energy cost and necessity to reduce that, and environmental problems, optimal use of
energy and energy consumption management are very important. In this regard, we require data analysis tool that
we may find in two laws of thermodynamic [1].
The analysis of energy focused on first law of thermodynamic that irreversibility of the systems is not
determined, and features of power plant or decrease of energy quality is not examined.
The actual effective losses of energy cannot be specified via the fist law of thermodynamics, since there is any
different among the characteristic and extent of energy [2].
The analysis of exergy focused on second law of thermodynamics. The exergy of power plant allows determining
the irreversibility’s in the production process and to determine this for plants and the reason that affect the total efficiency
The energy-exergy analysis has been performed for components of coal plant like the boiler, turbine, and
condenser and pump. The result of thermodynamic analysis is determined in terms of 24.12% energy efficiency of plant,
35% exergy efficiency of plant and 11% energy efficiency of boiler respectively. The various exergy losses in the
parameters of coal plant have been shown [4].
Husnain et al (2017) carried out a study under analysis of exergy and energy in plant station Muzaffargarh in
Pakistan aimed to investigating the plant with maximum losses of exergy and energy in the system. The result shows that
highest energy losses can be seen in the condenser system was lost in the environment.
The percentage proportion of inalterability for the boiler system is 84 % and 9% of the condenser system. The
efficiency of energy specified according to the fuel less heating amount is presented 34%, and the efficiency of exergy for
power performance is 32% [5].
Rajper et al (2016) in a study examined the analysis of thermodynamic 210 MW dual-fires, below a critical
threshold, heat again plant that run with steam placed near Jamshoro, Pakistan.
The results of study revealed that the net value of power outlet, the efficiency of energy and the efficiency of
exergy determined equal to 186.5 MW, 31.37% and 30.41%, respectively. The main region of exergy destroys for boiler,
turbine and condenser was 350 MW (82.11%), 43.1 MW (10.12%) and 12 MW (5.74 %), respectively. Considering the
finding of parametric research, change in operating components had more effect on the function of plant [6].
Hafdhi et al (2015) conducted a study on analysis of energy and exergy in a steam plant for phosphoric acid
factory. The heat recovery systems used in the different parts of the plant are also considered in the study. The balances of
exergy and energy produced based on the major components of the plant. The influence of components examined on the
function of plant. The efficiency of exergy for the heat exchanger was 88%, the efficiency of exergy for the steam turbine
generator was74%, the efficiency of exergy for the deaerator was 72% and the efficiency of exergy for the blower was
equal to 66%. The impacts of high pressure steam temperature and pressure on the steam turbine generator in term of
efficiency of energy and exergy are investigated [7].
Olaleye (2015) in a study examined the exergy of coal plant and steady state simulation. This study show that
development in function of turbine and the motive power accountable for CO2 capture lead to enhance the efficiency of the
plant [8].
Kumar et al (2014) performed a study entitled thermal performance and economic analysis of 210MWe coal-fired
power plant in North India. The plant examined in term of the consumption rate of coal, thermal efficiency, steam flow rate
in boiler, and Net Present Value (NPV) of plant. The economic analysis consisted of operational functions including the
cost of device, the cost of combustion, the cost of function and conservation, income, and Net Value of system.
Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Investigating the Energy and Exergy Analysis in Coal Fired Power
Powe Plant 485
Economic believed that the effect of condensed exploitation pump amplitude in term of NPV is permeable than
feed pump amplitude of boiler [9].
Gulhane J Sarang et al (2013)) have found the value and original of inalterability in the boiler of power plants.
They have also determined that maximum losses of energy occurred in part and it lead to developed the plan of that part
Pal K. M. et al (2013) have recommended that the real inalterability of various parts of the plant can be computed
in term of the analysis of energy and exergy. They have concluded that actual evaluation of the plant can be carried out via
analysis of exergy. This study examined the analysis of exergy of different components of plants and creates various curves
At full load condition parameter reading is noted down. In this regard the entropy and enthalpy amount is denoted
from the table of steam. Analysis of energy and exergy is determined for every parts of the coal plant. The destruction of
exergy is determined for every section and losses are calculated according to position and value.
value The efficiency of energy
and exergy estimated and to determine the losses
loss in coal fired plant parts.
Steam is expanded in high, intermediate and low (HP, IP and LP) pressure turbine and power is connected to the
generator (GEN) that placed after the last low pressure turbine (LPT4). Steam flows for turbine with pressure at high level
with high energy and exergy going to boiler for reheating
reheat with low energy and exergy.
Hot reheat steam flows passing to turbines such as IP and LP respectively.. The condensed steam is pumped to
going to the 3 pressures at low level for feedwater heaters and deaerator.
Upper terminal temperature difference (UTTD) utilized impregnation temperature at the exploitation pressure and
the temperature of water at the heater output. This temperature was constant at all feedwater heaters within the cycle. The
DEA is an FWH that applied elicited steam such as closed feedwater heaters. So, other pump is needed due to the pressure
output which is not higher than the pressure of the elicited the steam. In order to have best performance in exchange, the
control amount has to applied pressure at low level. The boiler considered as an open exchanger with pressure at low level
that the fluid lead to increases the temperature of that in order to enter into turbine phases. GEN efficiency is considered
for thermal efficiency calculation.
In this part, the exergy approaches are presented to analysis the exergy destructions and potential for efficiency
for coal fired plant. To calculate the coal fired plant efficiency, the control volume is examined (Figure 1). In this study,
analysis of exergy for various parts of coal fired plant carried out. The exergy is a criterion of the utmost amount of a
system to carried effective study as it exceed to a special ultimate mode in balance.
The exergy is fundamentally not utilized as energy but also destroyed in the coal fired plant.
The destruction of exergy calculated in term of inalterability which is base of efficiency loss. So, an exergy
analysis calculating value of exergy destruction determines the location, the amount and the original of inefficiencies of
thermodynamic in a plant. The balances of energy, mass and exergy for each control amount at ready mode with negligible
potential can be expressed:
For each control volume amount at ready mode, the balance of exergy amount is given as
∑ m =∑ m
o (1)
Q &
& & = S+
∑i ∑i T gen ∑o ∑o T
S+ +S (3)
& =m
Ex & (ex) (5)
Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Investigating the Energy and Exergy Analysis in Coal Fired Power Plant 487
The balance of exergy at high level is given generally. For the process of combustion, as the exergy of fossil fuels
is calculated, the inlet temperature must also be calculated. The expression of thermal exergy in Equation 4 applied to
estimate the losses of exergy along with the thermal losses transferred to the environment. Special exergy could be
estimated via the below equation.
When combustion occurs in a boiler, coal is burned and carbon dioxide, water vapor and other combustion
products are produced. The combustion reaction that describes combustion of coal with theoretical air is:
With the assumption that the boiler will work with 20% of the extra air, the combustion reaction will be as
The Exergy balance equation for the reaction [12] is equal to (Moran and Shapiro, 2006):
∑N p
& p = ∑ N r (h fo -h-h o -To s)
(h fo -h-h o -To s) &r (11)
Exergy of gas for the carbon mass of gas is illustrated by equation 12.
Then, the efficiency of exergy and energy in the plant are given as follows:
ηexergy = (13)
ηexergy = (14)
m f ×C v
Table 1: Definitions of the Destruction Rate of Exergy and the Efficiency of Exergy in Plant
Exergy Destruction Rate Exergy Efficiency
Ex e -Ex i
ψ boiler = &I
Boiler boiler =Ex f +Ex i -Ex e
Ex f
I pump
ψ pump =1- &I &
Pump Pump =Wpump +Ex i -Ex e
ψ heater =1- heater &I
Heater heater =Ex i -Ex e
Ex i
Table 1: Contd.,
ψ turbine =1- turbine &I &
Turbine turbine =Ex i -Ex e -Wturbine
Ex i -Ex e
Ex e
ψcondenser = &I
Condenser condenser =Ex i -Ex e
Ex i
& &I =
Cycle components ψ cycle =
W net,out
cycle ∑ I&
X& all component
In this section, results are presented and discussed relating to plant efficiency and so a parametric study is
presented to elaborate the impact of operating components on the plant function. In the parametric research, net power
value, efficiency of energy and efficiency of exergy are taken as performance parameters while the pressure of condenser,
major pressure of steam, boiler and main steam temperature are determined as operating parameters.
The model of the coal power plant is modeled to determine various thermodynamic values at whole state modes in
Figure 1 and is tabulated in Table 2. Moreover, some constant parameters are adopted from the “thermodynamic
performance” [13] heat balance sheet at Economical Continuous Rating (ECR) condition (583250 Nm3/hr and 48400 kg/h)
provided by the power plant authorities. The evidence was prepared via producer at the period of plant operating at utmost
200 MW loads.
Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Investigating the Energy and Exergy Analysis in Coal Fired Power Plant 489
Table 2: Contd.,
24 5.74 157.1 707.8 66.2 46852.0 0.021 2.018 156.52 10360.25
25 5.74 157.1 663.0 406.4 269460.0 0.000 1.914 140.16 56963.47
26 5.74 118.5 497.6 319.1 158804.8 0.000 1.511 84.77 27051.50
27 16.99 118.3 497.6 319.1 158804.8 0.000 1.508 85.60 27316.57
28 17.48 92.1 386.9 319.1 123473.9 0.000 1.215 54.89 17514.89
29 2.07 121.3 509.3 14.3 7780.4 0.000 1.542 88.06 1345.26
30 2.07 97.8 401.6 14.3 5789.1 0.000 1.260 57.46 877.68
31 0.8 98.5 401.6 14.3 5789.1 0.004 1.260 57.33 875.83
32 0.8 98.5 391.6 34.5 13516.1 0.000 1.233 54.79 1890.85
33 17.53 98.7 393.8 34.5 13591.0 0.000 1.234 56.64 1954.61
34 17.53 91.5 380.3 284.6 108237.6 0.000 0.000 53.23 15150.22
35 17.53 91.8 381.8 319.1 121828.6 0.000 1.201 53.60 17103.47
36 18.02 53.6 228.9 278.6 56485.1 0.0012 0.749 21.15 6019.59
37 0.18 89.5 128.9 5.9 1073.5 0.012 0.845 20.99 87.22
Energy and exergy flow rates, energy and exergy rejection rates and exergy consumption and exergy destruction
rates for the total turbine cycle are estimated from the plant’s performance information for operating area presented to have
better function: utmost load with outlet. The properties of operational thermodynamic for different coal plant are shown in
Table 2.
Thermal efficiency is the proportion of output of pure electrical energy (32.1%) to input of coal energy (33.1%).
Obviously, the efficiency is relying on certain input of heat to the steam. The balance of energy reveals that 75% of the
energy summed to boiler is destroyed in the condenser and surroundings, so the amount destroyed in the boiler is only
However, efficiencies of energy returned non-intuitive due to a criterion of spirituality of conversion of energy is
not prepared. Major losses of energy have a huge amount, however it’s thermodynamic is down, so if estimate it for energy
with low amount. In other word, efficiencies of exergy and destruction of exergy or entropy reveals a criterion to process
spirituality or separated from spirituality, and then a criterion of energy amount. The losses of energy for different parts are
determined in Figures 2(a) and 2(b).
Second law efficiency, exergy and percent of destruction of exergy for different parts of coal plant are presented
in Figure 3. It is shown that the destruction value of exergy for boiler compared with whole other inalterability place in the
coal plant.
The destruction value of exergy of boiler 82% of total losses in the coal fired plant. In addition, destructions of
exergy in the condenser were equal to 2.8%. The reasons for this are inalterability intrinsic in the process of combustion,
loss of heat, and imperfect combustion and losses of exhaust. Moreover, we can say that the boiler needed to some
necessary modification for reduction of destructions of exergy and improve the plant performance.
In addition, the losses of energy in the condenser cannot be actually applied to reach a development in the outlet
of the plant, due to its low amount.
This may be the findings of the plants age, or the fact that it is not operating completely in design conditions. We
can deduce that significant opportunities are available for efficiency improvement. Inherently, some inalterability cannot
be denied because of constraints in physical, technical, and financial aspect.
The analysis of exergy in coal fired plant show that the improvement in the boiler can increase the total efficiency
of power plant. It is clear that the major issues in the terms of losses of energy and destruction of exergy are the condenser
the boiler. Since redesign of the boiler for further total efficiency improvement would be difficult, expensive, and possibly
not even feasible, it has come to our attention that further improvements should be investigated in the direction of
integration with another process.
The total efficiency of energy was equal to 30% and efficiency of exergy was equal to 40% for the plant ([14],
[15] and [16]), that match with the findings reach for the Kolubara plant.
The efficiency of exergy as second law efficiency for different parts is obtained and their comparison is drawn in
Figure 4.
Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Investigating the Energy and Exergy Analysis in Coal Fired Power Plant 491
The efficiencies of exergy of the plant for HPT are equal to70%, for IPT 82% and for LPT 65%. The efficiency of
exergy for the boiler and the condenser obtained 40 and 50%, respectively.
The analysis of energy in the plants reveals that the positions with maximum energy are destroyed in the
surrounding. Analysis of exergy indicates that the positions in the plants with maximum process of inalterability, preparing
the data concerning the amount of energy exchange. Indeed, analysis of exergy indicates the eventuality for development,
with a constraint that some inalterability is unavoidable as specified by the second law of thermodynamics.
In this study, analysis of energy and exergy in coal fired plant showed that the plant parts separately analyzes to
determine and quantify the positions with the maximum losses of energy and destruction of exergy.
Analysis of energy in the plants in term of the first law of thermodynamics reveals that the maximum losses of
energy occurred in the condenser. However it concluded by the first law of thermodynamics that analysis of energy, cannot
be used to show prospective areas for enhancing the efficiency of plant, since it does not show the data concerning the
amount of the energy losses.
Moreover, the second law analysis applied to determine the inalterability in the plant, show the data concerning
energy amount to produce energy. The analysis of exergy in the plant revealed that the losses of energy in the condenser
are thermodynamically trivial because of low amount and maximum inalterability and eventuality for development of
efficiency seen in the boiler.
However, some inalterability cannot be denied because of constraints in physical, technical, and financial aspect.
The analysis of exergy in term of function and preservation decision-making in coal fired plant confirmed more useful.
Plant consisted of a high level of exergy, so enhancing the importance of destruction in such plant to at least probable level.
Controlling exergy in performance of plants leads to better function of both energy and exergy resources.
In this study, the analysis of energy and exergy in coal fired plant is performed. So the research purpose is
analysis of energy and exergy in coal fired plant was carried out, then the initial goals of present research are to assess the
plant parameters singly and to determine and measure the coal plant with largest losses for energy and exergy.
This study elaborates the method for analysis of energy and exergy in a coal fired plant. It is deducted that
analysis of energy and exergy are effective for determining the function of a coal fired plant.
The losses of energy at different parts of plant are estimated and we can specify that significant loss take place in
the condenser (75%). These findings rely on first law of thermodynamics. The significant destruction of energy takes place
in the condenser which led to inefficient heat transfer among flue gas and water and air.
The analysis of exergy on major parts of coal fired plant are performed, so we can determine the significant loss
of energy which is takes place in the plant are estimated via condenser, even though significant loss of energy are in
condenser and but significant loss of energy are in boiler (82%). Indeed the findings are more accurate. So the condenser,
boiler is redesigned to reduce the heat loss and better heat transfer in boiler, and by redesigning the condenser.
The symmetry among losses of the energy and the exergy for the parameters of the plant separately revealed that
the peak of losses of energy (75%) take place in the condenser, so that the peak of losses of exergy (82%) take place in the
The efficiency of plant parts is estimated via estimation of energy and exergy. We can observe that the loss of
efficiency in condenser and boiler is compared to other plant parts; indeed we should enhance the efficiency of boiler and
condenser by redesign and reconstruction. However the percent of loss in condenser is more the quality of the energy is not
good. Hence scope of saving energy is more in these components.
It has been seen that losses of exergy takes place in boiler. This refers to boiler is not perfectly adiabatic and
combustion is not perfect. This huge amount loss of exergy is basically due to the combustion reaction and to the huge
temperature difference among heat exchange between the combustion gas and steam. Other aspects that may apply to the
huge value of exergy loss including fuel amount, tubes fouling, defective burners, incompetent soot blowers and etc.
investigating of this device require to be performed during the boiler outlet. This study shows that the boiler need
necessary modification to decrease destructions of exergy by plant function can be developed.
The analysis of exergy of plant specifies the region that most of the effective energy is destroyed and elaborates
the probable of the energy losses for enhancement of efficiency of energy in coal plant.
It shows that the condenser and boiler of a plant is the main original of effective loss of energy. From final
analysis of boiler it could be deducted that perfect combustion takes place but because of high pressure of air, fuel
consisted fines that flies with flue gas and burns at the above of boiler by enhancing the temperature of upper heater and
exiting the boiler at upper temperature.
However losses in condenser are higher than the amount of energy; indeed we have to focus on boiler and
condenser to enhance the plant efficiency.
Only negligible amount of effective losses of energy can be recovered by performing other heat recovery plant. In
order to achieve significant improvement of energy efficiency the condenser and boiler systems need to be altered and
redesigned, which need more techno-economic research.
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