Aries - Saturated Eddycurrent - Tube - Procedure

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Procedure for Saturated Eddy current QHSE/ P11/ ANDT/

Date: 24/10/2022
condenser and heat exchanger tube JP22/ ET/Gen

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Rev Issue Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:
Name & Name &
Name & Signature:
Signature: Signature:
Lalith R. Vipin Shetty Ganeshbabu.M
Level-II Level-III Level-III
QHSE/ P11/
00 24/10/2022

Date: 24/10/2022 Date: 24/10/2022 Date: 24/10/2022

Procedure for Saturated Eddy current QHSE/ P11/ ANDT/
Date: 24/10/2022
condenser and heat exchanger tube JP22/ ET/Gen

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Table of contents
1. Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

2. References------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

3. Definitions------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

4. Qualification Of Personnel----------------------------------------------------------- 3

5. Safety------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

6. Principle--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

7. Test Equipment------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4

8. Calibration------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5

9. On Site Implementation-------------------------------------------------------------- 5
a. General------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
b. Tube Cleanliness------------------------------------------------------------- 6
c. Services Required at Workstation---------------------------------------- 6
d. Equipment Set-up------------------------------------------------------------ 6
e. Inspection Sequence---------------------------------------------------------- 7

10. Test Restrictions------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7

11. System Capabilities & Limitations ------------------------------------------------- 7

12. Presentation Of Results---------------------------------------------------------------- 8

a. Reporting Criteria------------------------------------------------------------ 8
b. Inspection Reports------------------------------------------------------------ 8

APPENDIX A : Calibration Tubes---------------------------------------- 9

APPENDIX B : Differential Analysis ------------------------------------ 10

APPENDIX C : Absolute Analysis--------------------------------------- 11

APPENDIX D : Overview of Test Instrument ------------------------- 12

APPENDIX E : Set-Up of Test Instrument ----------------------------- 14

Procedure for Saturated Eddy current QHSE/ P11/ ANDT/
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condenser and heat exchanger tube JP22/ ET/Gen

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13. Sample Report Format---------------------------------------------------------------- 17


Section / Name
Revision Date of
Checklist Amendment Details
No. Amendment Reviewed Approved

00 24/10/2022 Initial Issue Vipin Shetty Ganesh Babu M

Procedure for Saturated Eddy current QHSE/ P11/ ANDT/
Date: 24/10/2022
condenser and heat exchanger tube JP22/ ET/Gen

Rev # 00 Page 4 of 17


This document describes an Eddy Current inspection procedure for examining "In Service"
ferrous heat exchanger tube.

The technique described is designed to detect and classify eddy-current responses originating
from metal loss in ferrous tubing, by the measurement of amplitude and phase of eddy current
responses to flaws and comparing them to manufactured defects in standard reference tubes.

It is the purpose of this procedure to establish the minimum Equipment & Personnel
requirements along with the required sequence of operation during the inspection, and
records to be kept.

This procedure shall be applied only when no client procedures are applicable.

Any special requirements for a particular inspection shall be agreed upon prior to inspection
commencement, and will be identified on the Work Request and or Report Sheet.


· SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualification and Certification in

Non-Destructive Testing.
· PCN Gen Personnel Certification Scheme for Non-destructive testing Personnel (In
accordance with EN 473).
· ASME V Article 8 Appendix I & II - Eddy Current Examination Nonferromagnetic
Heat Exchanger Tubing.
· ASTM E309 -16 Standard Practice for Eddy Current Examination of Steel
Tubular ProductsUsing Magnetic Saturation

Unless otherwise stated, all standards and procedures referenced are the latest issues on the date
of release.
Other standards that may be required by individual clients shall be detailed on a technique sheet
and the relevant documents made available. There shall be no amendments to the text of this

Definitions given in ASME V Article 8 Appendix I – Glossary of Terms for Eddy Current
Examination & BS EN 1330 Part 4 shall apply in addition to those definitions listed in
Section 10.0 & 12.0 of this procedure.

The team leader engaged in Eddy Current inspection will have a minimum of
· PCN Level II or ASNT Level II in Eddy Current Tube Inspection.
Procedure for Saturated Eddy current QHSE/ P11/ ANDT/
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· Comprehensive experience of tube inspection.

· Full comprehension of this procedure, relevant standards and referenced

All inspection related activities shall be carried out in accordance with Health & Safety
requirements in addition to all site related Local Rules and systems of work.

Particular attention shall be paid to good housekeeping in order to minimise trip hazards
associated with eddy current tube inspection.

Eddy Current inspection is based on the principles of Eddy Current induction.

Eddy currents are alternating electrical currents induced into a conductive material by an
alternating magnetic field. Should the passage of the induced currents within the material be
modified in any way then the effects of the change in value in the induced currents can be
analyzed and presented so that the NDT inspector may interpret the possible cause of their
modification. Magnetic saturation bobbin probes are designed to inspect ferritic and Duplex
stainless steels, as well as nickel-based alloys commonly found in condensers and feedwater
heaters, among others.

Magnets in the probe completely saturate the tube wall, making it possible to use inspection
frequencies usually reserved for the inspection of non-ferromagnetic materials.

Two basic probe coil configurations are used for tube inspection:

1) Absolute - this is a single coil arrangement. Absolute coils are sensitive to gradual
changes in tube dimensions such as gradual thinning.
2) Differential - this is a twin coil arrangement. The coils are connected in opposition.
Because of this differential, probes are not sensitive to long defects but are highly sensitive to
sharp defects such as pitting corrosion.

The results of the scan are plotted by electronically, providing a permanent record of each
tube. The severity of any damage is assessed by comparison with the signals from an agreed
reference tube.


The equipment to be used for the inspection as a minimum requirement comprises of:

· Olympus NDT MS5800/EDDYFI ECTANE and all required cables, with a valid test
certificate to indicate that it has been calibrated in accordance with an approved
maintenance schedule within the last 12 months.
· Laptop loaded with the appropriate version of "software", licences & security keys.
Procedure for Saturated Eddy current QHSE/ P11/ ANDT/
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· Eddy Current absolute and differential bobbin probe with optimum frequency band, coil
arrangement and fill factor with adequate length cable for the tube under examination.
· Appropriate reference tube “See below”.
· Winch unit and cables driven by compressed air (If required). The probe may either be
hand or winch operated. Care should be taken to ensure a smooth pull-back speed. The
maximum withdrawal speed from the tube is not to exceed that which provides adequate
frequency response and sensitivity to the applicable calibration discontinuities stated in
ASME 5 Article 8 Appendix II II-840.3.
· Reporting Software package (Optional).

Reference tubes of the same dimensions, material and geometry as the tube type to be
inspected shall be machined with artificial defects as stated in ASME 5 Article 8 Appendix II,
II – 860.2 with additional defects added or additional reference tubes used to formulate the
required depth curves “See Appendix B”. Each reference tube must be permanently identified
by a unique serial number.

The above reference tubes are used to carry out the inspection calibration of the MS5800

System Calibration verification is to be carried out:

· At the beginning and end of each unit of data acquisition and storage.
· After any change in equipment, cables or operating system.
· After damage to the equipment or if any errors are suspected.
The Multi view software is used to call up the optimum frequency for the tube being
inspected i.e. the F90 frequency this primary frequency must allow adequate defect detection
and phase separation as stated in ASME 5 Article 8 Appendix II, II – 860.3 & 4. The Multi
view probe selection software is used to select the optimum probe type and frequency
bandwidth. After the initial settings have been entered into the Multi view software wizard or
existing settings have been recalled, the probe response is calibrated to produce the required
signal responses as stated in ASME 5 Article 8 Appendix II, II – 860.3 & 4, and required
depth curves plotted.


a) General

Orientation of the exchanger/tubes in terms of inspection end, row & unambiguous tube
numbering system together with the extent of the survey, recording level and location of the
tubes to be inspected will be established via a pre-inspection consultation with the Client
(Instructions shall be detailed in the contract document or work request sheet).
In the absence of client instruction the above will be at the discretion of the lead technician,
where anything other than a 100% inspection is required the tubes selected for inspection
should include at least the following tube bundle regions:
Procedure for Saturated Eddy current QHSE/ P11/ ANDT/
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· In close proximity to Inlets/Outlets

· Adjacent to impingement plates
· Surrounding previously Plugged/Removed tubes or tubes with known defects.
· An adequate cross sectional spread of the entire bundle to determine its general

To avoid errors is signal interpretation an adequate fill factor must be ensured and probe
wobble kept to a practical minimum by means of plastic adhesive tape or a mechanical
centring device

b) Tube Cleanliness

Very hard adherent deposits are typically encountered on exchanger tubes, therefore it is
highly recommended to clean tubes back to bare metal as debris can cause blockages and
spurious indications.

Ensuring adequate tube cleanliness is the responsibility of the client.

Prior to an Eddy Current tube examination, all tubes to be inspected should be cleaned by HP
(high pressure) water jetting, UHP (ultra high pressure) water jetting or some other means of
achieving adequate cleanliness.
It is recommended that, in the majority of cases, the minimum cleaning requirements should
be HP water jetting of the inside of the tube bores using a minimum pressure of 10,000 p.s.i.
with a rotating polishing head used as the final cleaning pass.

Inadequate cleanliness, indicated by poor signal response, blocked tubes or spurious

indications shall be reported to the client’s representative.

If no further cleaning is possible, the restrictions to test shall be recorded as described in

section 10.0 of this procedure.

c) Services Required at Workstation

The client is requested to provide the following requirements at each workstation:

· AC mains power (Client is to advise as to the voltage i.e. 110/240V and if a non
standard electrical fitting is required)
· A habitat to protect personnel & equipment from adverse weather conditions and to
provide the correct viewing conditions for the VDU.
· Where bundles have been removed from the shells, the bundle should be positioned so
that adequate working space is available at the inspection end of the exchanger and the
bundle inclined slightly towards the inspection end.
· In the case of “U” tubes the “U” tubes should be positioned horizontally.

d) Equipment Set-up

Connect all appropriate power and communication cables to the equipment. This should
include the Eddy Current probe cable, power leads and communication links with between the
MS5800 Base unit and its dedicated computer
Procedure for Saturated Eddy current QHSE/ P11/ ANDT/
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Power up the base unit and boot up the Multi-View Software and create a new file directory in
which to save the subsequent inspection acquisition data.

Recall an existing Set-up or create a new set-up in the Multi-View file directory and carry out
the calibration, depth curve creation and mixing out of support plate signals detailed in
Appendix E of this Procedure, in accordance with the settings detailed in Appendix C & D of
this Procedure, using calibration tubes of the same material, thickness and diameter of the same
design shown in Appendix B of this Procedure.
If necessary attach an earth cable between the exchanger and the test instrument in order to
minimise any external interference.
e) Inspection Sequence

Feed the probe into the end of the first tube to be inspected and push along to the far end such
that the nose of the probe is flush with the far tube plate (or the end of the straight leg in the
case of U-tubes). This position should be clearly marked on the probe cable using tape.

The screen layout for viewing the eddy current data should be set up in a way that allows the
amplitude of the differential (in horizontal and vertical planes), mix (in vertical plane) and
absolute (in vertical plane) to be viewed in entirety at the end of each data acquisition the phase
view of the differential should be selected for every data acquisition together with either the
mix or absolute phase view depending on the predominant defect mechanism encountered.

Start the data acquisition and pull the probe assembly consistently along the tube towards the
operator. The maximum withdrawal speed from the tube is not to exceed that which provides
adequate frequency response and sensitivity to the applicable calibration discontinuities stated
in ASME 5 Article 8 Appendix II II-840.3. A complete "clean" exit of the probe from the end of
the tube must be ensured.

When the probe exits the tube, data collection is stopped and saved.

When possible analyze the data and record the results together with any relevant notes (e.g.
defect type, location/position, severity…..) immediately after data acquisition, with hard copies
taken if required.

The repeat level for large defect indications may be varied at the discretion of the lead
technician, taking into consideration the general condition of the tubes, and the repeatability of
the tests.
Feed the probe into the next tube to be inspected and repeat the above process until all tubes in
the survey have been completely examined, any deviation from 100% must be documented as
either a restriction or a limitation.


All tubes selected for examination and not subjected to a complete and satisfactory test shall be
identified as follows:
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· Obstructed (OBS) - A tube which may have been partially, but not fully inspected along
100% of the tube length due to the probe passage being impeded, usually by silt scale or a
If a partially tested tube is found to contain a reportable defect, such a defect shall be
· Plugged (PLG) - A tube no longer in service. It will contain a plug fitted into both ends
of the tube.
· Inaccessible (INA) - Any tube that can not temporarily be inspected i.e. due to
scaffolding etc.
· No ACCESS (No ACC) - Any tube into which the probe cannot be inserted.
· In case of U tubes , the tubes which are having less than or equal to 6” diameter of the U
bend cannot be inspected.


Typical examples of the MS5800 Eddy Current capabilities and limitations are as follows:

· Bends cannot be inspected using standard probes (Separate inspection would be required
using a specialised probe).
· Defects at tube sheet cannot be detected.
· Circumferential cracking cannot be detected using standard probes (Separate inspection
would be required using a specialised probe).
· Magnetic inclusions/Deposits can cause spurious indications.
· The minimum defect diameter detectable by conventional eddy current probes is
approximately 1.5mm.

Any additional inspection limitations must be detailed in the report.


a) Reporting Criteria

The reporting threshold of percentage wall loss will be established by consultation with
the client, together with a threshold above which hard copy printouts would be required.
In the absence of client instruction all defects above 10% are to be reported giving the
estimated percentage wall loss with defect location in the tube length (Where defects are
not of a random nature) and hard copy printouts showing images of all defects above 50%
wall loss. Defect description codes which accompany the percentage wall loss are used to
describe the defect mechanism:

· PIT – Isolated pit on the ID/OD of the tube wall

· THI – General corrosion/Thinning on the ID/OD of the tube wall
· DSI– Defect at support plate.
· NDD – No defect detected (Less than 10% wall loss noted)
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b) Inspection Reports

A preliminary report detailing defects found during the inspection will be given before
leaving site. A final report will be issued within one week of completion of inspection
and will contain as a minimum the following key information:

· Client and site details

· Contract number or work request number
· Unique item identification number
· Date of test
· Procedure number
· Test restrictions or deviations from the technique
· Tube details
· Flaw detector model & serial number
· Calibration/reference tube serial number & type
· Probes used – type & serial number
· Frequency & gain settings used
· Techniques used
· The results and location of each tube inspected
· Summary of results
· The tube identification system used
· A statistical table showing the total number of tubes in each defect class
· The specific details of any tubes not inspected or limitations of the inspection.
· Signature of operator
· Operator qualification
· Date of report


ASME calibration tube as described in Article 8 Appendix II”Eddy Current

Method for Installed Nonferromagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubing” I 865

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Specific Absolute Analysis Reference tube example for depth curve construction


This appendix specifies the method to detect and classify defects with the aid of phase analysis
to determine whether defects are internal or external and to estimate through wall penetration.

Where defects are positioned at support plate locations the support plate signal will have to be
removed to enable assessment using a suitable mix of signals, this can be achieved when
channel 1 frequency (Fl), the normal inspection frequency (i.e. f 90 ) is twice that of channel 2
(F2). By using MS5800 all that is required is that the support plate signal is identified. The
“MultiView” software then minimizes the signal automatically. The operation of software lies
outside the scope of this procedure.

Calibration Tube
ASME calibration tube as described in ASME 5 Article 8 Appendix II "Eddy Current Method
for Installed Non-ferromagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubing” II 860.2

Eddy Current Instrument Calibration Frequency

Test frequency will vary according to the tube material and tube dimensions and, unless
specified by the client, the frequency used shall ensure the required phase separation and depth
of penetration is achieved in order to comply with criteria as detailed below. The optimal
frequency is automatically calculated using MS5800.
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The instrument shall be balanced with the probe in a defect free portion of the calibration tube.
The spot shall central on the impedance plane display.

The phase shall be adjusted such that the signal from the through hole defect in the calibration
tube lies at a phase of 40 degrees and is initially negative going on probe withdrawal.

The amplitude of the 4 X 20% Flat Bottomed Holes defect shall be adjusted to give sufficient
amplitude as stated in ASME V Article 8 Appendix II ”Eddy Current Method for Installed Non-
ferromagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubing” II 860.4.
Defect Classification and Reporting
Defects are classified according to their estimated wall loss as determined from a correlation
curve of phase angle plotted against wall loss derived from the ASME Calibration tube. The
MS5800 automatically calculates the wall loss upon selection of a signal of interest. The
amplitude of the signal is also recorded during this process. The information contained in the
computerized results files then forms the basis of the final report. Each tube shall be classified
according to the largest defect signal obtained


This appendix specifies the method to be used for detecting and classifying general thinning
type defects. This will be the preferred method where general thinning due to corrosion or
erosion is expected to be the main cause of wall loss.

Calibration Tube
ASME calibration tube as described in ASME 5 Article 8 Appendix II "Eddy Current Method
for Installed Non-ferromagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubing” II 860.2

Eddy Current Instrument Calibration Frequency

Test frequency will vary according to the tube material and tube dimensions and, unless
specified by the client, the frequency used shall ensure the required phase separation and depth
of penetration is achieved in order to comply with criteria as detailed below. The optimal
frequency is automatically calculated using MS5800.

The instrument shall be balanced with the probe in a defect free portion of the calibration tube.
The spot shall central on the impedance plane display.

Phase Adjustment
The phase shall be adjusted such that the signal from the through hole defect in the calibration
tube lies at a phase of 90 degrees while the response from the 10% internal groove is in the
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Amplitude Adjustment
The amplitude of the 4 X 20% Flat Bottomed Holes defect shall be adjusted to give sufficient
amplitude as stated in ASME V Article 8 Appendix II ”Eddy Current Method for Installed Non-
ferromagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubing” II 860.4.

Defect Classification
Defects are classified according to their estimated wall loss as determined from a correlation
curve of phase plotted against wall loss derived from the ASME Calibration tube and Absolute
Analysis Reference tube. The MS5800 automatically calculates the wall loss upon selection of a
signal of interest. The amplitude of the signal is also recorded during this process. The
information contained in the computerized results files then forms the basis of the final report.
Each tube shall be classified according to the largest defect signal obtained


Procedure for Saturated Eddy current QHSE/ P11/ ANDT/
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Procedure for Saturated Eddy current QHSE/ P11/ ANDT/
Date: 24/10/2022
condenser and heat exchanger tube JP22/ ET/Gen

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Procedure for Saturated Eddy current QHSE/ P11/ ANDT/
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condenser and heat exchanger tube JP22/ ET/Gen

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