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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001
Vol. 9, Issue 1, Feb 2019, 365-372
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.




PhD Research Scholar, Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering and Technology, Yavatmal,Maharashtra State, India
Deputy Secretary, Maharashtra Board of Technical Education, Regional office Aurangabad, Maharashtra State, India
Joint Director Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai, Maharashtra State, India

This research work investigates the flow field and the heat transfer characteristics of a Membrane Helical Coil Heat
Exchanger for the cooling of syngas. Finite volume method based on FLUENT software practised and the RNG k–e turbulence
model was adopted for modelling flow turbulent. The distribution of the resistance, the distribution of the heat source, and the
porosity rate introduced to ANSYS R18.0 by coupling the user-defined function. The variation of local heat transfer,the
pressure drop, and the temperature distribution studied under the effects of the syngas components and the operating pressure,

Original Article
and the impact of the arrangement of the membrane on the heat transfer investigated. The results show that higher operating
temperature and pressure can improve the heat transfer, however, brings more significant pressure and temperature drop.
The components of the syngas significantly affect the heat transfer and the pressure drop. The arrangement of the membrane
influences the fluid flow.

KEYWORDS: CFD, Syngas, Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger, Heat transfer & Underground Coal Mines

Received: Nov 21, 2018; Accepted: Dec 11, 2018; Published: Jan 12, 2019; Paper Id.: IJMPERDFEB201935


The global concerns are that the syngas will raise in the underground mines. The continually rising syngas in
underground mines are increasing the accident and diminishing the life of a worker who works in the underground
mines, discover methods to minimise the disaster and survival of a worker who works in the underground mines.
Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger is a vital Heat Exchanger to reduce the high temperature and high pressure of
syngas in underground mines.

It recognised that in Underground Coal Mines, the coal gasification with the heat recovery membrane helical
coil heat exchanger shows high efficiency, so it is essential to understand the heat transfer characteristics of the heat

The scope of this research work is to investigate the flow field and the heat transfer characteristics of the
membrane helical coil heat exchanger for the cooling of syngas in underground coal mines by CFD simulation.

The membrane helical coil heat exchanger for the cooling of syngas in underground coal mines has two

• The syngas includes different gas composition, and

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366 Sagar. S. Gaddamwar, Anand N. Pawar & Pramod A. Naik

• The syngas works at high pressure and temperature.

The calculated results were used to analyse the influence of syngas components, working pressure and the
arrangement of the membrane on heat transfer.


Delineation of the Geometry

Set of standard types of heat exchangers are used in heat transfer applications, the membrane helical coil heat
exchangers are still the most common type in use. They have more extensive heat transfer surface area-to-volume ratios
than most of the common types of heat exchangers, and they are manufactured efficiently for a large variety of sizes and
flow configurations. They are the cost-effective heat exchangers that can operate at high pressures, and their construction
facilitates disassembly for periodic maintenance and cleaning.

Figure 1: Geometry of Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger

Figure 2: Geometry of Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
CFD Analysis of Membrane Helical Coil for Optimization of High Pressure and 367
Temperature of Syngas in Underground Coal Mines

Figure 1 shows the zero and Figure 2 shows the geometries of the helical coil heat exchangers with three types of
membrane arrangements called configuration 1, configuration 2 and configuration 3, respectively. The syngas passes
through the tube side and the water falling on the tube. The U-tubes designed inside the tube which acts like a porous zone
through which the syngas passes that absorbs required heat to decrease the temperature of the syngas. The syngas passes
through the tube and gets cooled. The geometry parameters for membrane helical coil heat exchanger is given in Table 01.

Table 1: Geometry Parameter

Sr. No. Parameter Dimension
1. Length of heat exchanger tube 0.5m
2. Diameter of tube (d) 10mm
3. Radial pitch between helical coil (p1) 20 mm
4. Thickness of tube (t) 2mm
5. Inner Diameter of tube 8 mm
6. Diameter of inner helical coil (D) 150mm

To simplify numerical simulation while still keep the essential characteristics of the process, the following
assumptions are made:

• Tube-side fluid is of constant thermal properties;

• Heat transfer processes and Fluid flow are turbulent and in steady-state;

• Natural convection induced by the fluid density variation is neglected;

• Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger is well-insulated hence the heat loss to the environment is ignored.

Mesh Generation

The 3D mesh system was established using the commercial code GAMBIT based on the 3D geometry.
The computational domain meshes with unstructured tetrahedral elements. The meshes of the computational model for
configuration1 are shown in Figure 03 and Figure 04. Grid independence tests are carried out to ensure that a near grid
independent solution can be obtained. The commercial code ANSYS R18.0 is adopted to simulate the flow and heat
transfer in the computational model.

Figure 3: Meshing of Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger

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368 Sagar. S. Gaddamwar, Anand N. Pawar & Pramod A. Naik

Figure 4: Meshing of Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger

CFD Result

The CFD result of Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger for

• The temperature of Gas Domain,

• The temperature of the Water Domain and

• The pressure of Gas Domain are obtained are as follows

The Temperature of the Syngas Domain

In a heat of syngas domain, we consider the following assumptions for getting the results of a temperature of
syngas domain-

Input Data

• Fluid: Syngas and Water

• K-epsilon, realizable model, Scalable wall function

• Turbulence intensity- 5% & ratio- 10

• Syngas Inlet

Temperature- 325.3

• Syngas Outlet

Mass flow rate-0.167kg/s

• Tube


Material-Copper Tube

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
CFD Analysis of Membrane Helical Coil for Optimization of High Pressure and 369
Temperature of Syngas in Underground Coal Mines

Figure 5: CFD Result of Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger (Temperature of Syngas)

After completing the CFD simulations, we got the following results of Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger in
the temperature of syngas domain are as follows-

Inlet Temperature: 325.3 K

Outlet Temperature: 311.152 K

Temperature of Water Domain

In the temperature of water domain we consider the following assumptions for getting the results of the
temperature of water domain-

Input Data

• Fluid: Syngas and Water

• K-epsilon, realizable model, Scalable wall function

• Turbulence intensity- 5% & ratio- 10

• Water Inlet

Velocity- 1m/s


• Water Outlet

Mass flow rate-0.167kg/s

• Tube



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370 Sagar. S. Gaddamwar, Anand N. Pawar & Pramod A. Naik

Figure 6: CFD Result of Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger (Temperature of Water)

After completing the CFD simulations, we got the following results of Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger in
the temperature of the water domain are as follows-

Inlet Temperature: 311 K

Outlet Temperature: 316.32 K

Pressure of Syngas Domain

In Pressure of syngas domain we consider the following assumptions for getting the results of the pressure of
syngas domain

Input Data

• Fluid: Syngas and Water

• K-epsilon, realizable model, Scalable wall function

• Turbulence intensity- 5% & ratio- 10

• Gas Inlet

Pressure- 245166Pa

• Gas Outlet

Mass flow rate-0.167kg/s

• Tube



Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
CFD Analysis of Membrane Helical Coil for Optimization of High Pressure and 371
Temperature of Syngas in Underground Coal Mines

Figure 7: CFD Result of Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger (Pressure of Syngas)

After completing the CFD simulations, we got the following results of Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger in
the pressure of syngas domain are as follows

Inlet pressure: 245053 Pa

Outlet Pressure: 94503 Pa


In this research paper, three-dimensional numerical simulations for Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger with
different membrane configuration and working condition are performed to reveal the effects of membrane configuration
and working condition on the temperature drop and heat transfer characteristics.

The major findings are summarised as follows:

• Heat transfer analysis of a Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger using CFD code ANSYS R18.0 has been
present in this paper.

• Higher operation pressure and temperature of syngas from underground coal mines, however, brings more
significant pressure drop because of the Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger.

• The Membrane Helical Coil Heat Exchanger of the syngas significantly affect the pressure drop and the heat

• The heat transfer increases with higher H2O percentage and lower H2 percentage. The pressure drop increases
with higher CO2 percentage and lower H2 percentage.

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372 Sagar. S. Gaddamwar, Anand N. Pawar & Pramod A. Naik


This work is financially supported by Gyro Drive Machinery Private Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.


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Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11

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