JMM 04 Bhavas
JMM 04 Bhavas
JMM 04 Bhavas
According to Hindu astronomy, Bhava means one-third of the arc of the
ecliptic intercepted between any two adjacent angles of the four angles formed
when Sun rises on the east as seen from the Earth (Figure 2.4), namely the Udaya
Ascendant (Eastern Horizon), the Pataala Ascendant (Lower Meridian), the Asta
Ascendant (Western Horizon), and the Madhya Ascendant (Upper Meridian). Hence,
these four angles with three arcs in each angle form 12 one-third arcs equivalent to
12 Bhavas.
Table 4.1: Yogas offered to siblings based on planetary combinations and positions
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Jataka Mani Manjusha
(a) If there is combination of both Male and Female Planets, generally there will be
mixed results.
(b) It should be ascertained, if Bhatrusthanas are of Male or Female Planets.
(c) Also, it should be ascertained, whether the Brother’s house is odd or even. If it is
odd and if they are Female Planets, results will be mixed. And, if it is odd and if
they are Male Planets, it is good for Brothers and lesser for Sisters.
(d) If the Planets are Female in even house, it is even better for Sisters.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.2: Yogas offered to MOTHER based on planetary combinations and positions
Jataka Mani Manjusha
9 (a) If Lord of 11th House, aspects then the person will have
the 4th maternal comforts to some
House, extent.
or Naturally Good aspects
Planet the 4th
9 (b) If Mercury is in 4th house, then it is good for the
uncombined with and is mother.
Naturally Bad
or if Mercury is aspecting
the 4th
9 (c) If Lord of 4th House, is in Kendra or then it is good for the
Kona, mother.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.3: Yogas offered to HOUSE based on planetary combinations and positions
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.4: Yogas offered to VAHANA based on planetary combinations and positions
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.6: Yogas offered to EDUCATION based on planetary combinations and positions
Jataka Mani Manjusha
The three gunas are bunches of energy, essentially distinct from each other,
and in a way, antagonistic to each other, but can never be separated. These gunas are
the material cause of the psychic and physical universe, and their characteristics are
known from their products.
The nine planets too can be understood in the light of these three gunas.
Every planet has these three constituents, namely Satwa, Rajas and Tamas. These
three states can be judged from the states of debilitation, exhaltation and
association. Moreover, all planets are not alike in nature. There are planets, in which
Satwa dominates. Then, there are planets, in which Rajas dominates. And finally,
there are planets, in which Tamas dominates. The dominating element and its
degree determine the nature of planets. Of course, the fact remains that every planet
contains all the three gunas. On the basis of dominance of Satwa, Rajas and Tamas
gunas, planets are grouped into these three categories. The nature of these three
gunas is explained below.
(a) Satwa
It is light (laghu) manifesting (prakasha) and bliss of enjoyment (ishta). Where
this guna is present, these qualities too are present. A light thing goes upwards,
e.g., the flames of fire go upwards. This upward movement is possible due to
Satwa. Knowledge manifests an object. This is because of Satwa. Feelings of joy,
happiness, satisfaction, etc., appear in the mind because of Satwa.
(b) Rajas
It is fickle and makes an object move. Moving section is possible only
because of it. Air blows, mind moves; senses move towards their objects only
because of it. Both Satwa and Tamas are inactive by nature; they become active
only because of Rajas. Rajas generates pain. Hence, when Rajas dominates, one
does become active, but the result is only pain.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
(c) Tamas
It is heavy and obstructing. It is contradictory to Satwa. It obstructs the
movement of Rajas. If Tamas will not obstruct, Rajas will be moving all the time.
It generates ignorance and delusion. It is responsible for darkness and sloth of
intelligence. It creates the status of laziness, sleep and sloth.
The planets are grouped into these three gunas, as given in Table 4.7. A series
of conditions is presented in Table 4.8 of planetary combinations and their effects
related to character.
Table 4.8: Yogas offered to CHARACTER based on planetary combinations and positions
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.9: Yogas offered to having children of PUTRA BHAVAS of a person based on planetary
Sun, Rahu and Jupiter are known as Bahu Putra Grahas. Moon is known to
give only one female child. Saturn is considered as Anapatya Graha, i.e., barren or not
known to give children, for all lagnas, except for Libra and Virgo. Mars is considered
as Anapatya Graha in the 5th House from ascendant for all lagnas, except for
Sagittarius. Additional series of conditions of planetary combinations and their
effects of a person’s horoscope related to having children in Putra Bhava is presented
in Table 4.10.
Sages gave Karakatwa for all Planets, just as Aadhipatya for the 12 Houses. All
Rishis agreed that Jupiter is the Lord of Children (i.e., Putra Karaka). According to
Sage Parasara, karaka graha should not be in the 5th House from lagna. So, Jupiter
being Putra Karaka should not be in the 5th house, but this is not always true. This is
not acknowledged by Jaimini. Even though Sage Jaimini also admits Jupiter as Putra
Karaka, he opines that Sun and Rahu (though they are Naturally Bad Planets) also
are good for children; this holds good in practice.
In all other schools of Astrology, though 5th and 9th Houses are considered as
Putra Sthanas, Sage Jaimini holds that in addition to 5th and 9th Houses from the
ascendant, the 5th and 9th Houses from the Upapada House also should be considered
in deciding the aspect of children. In Parasara school of Astrology, Naturally Good
Planets (like Mercury and Venus) are good for children, for no other reason than
that they are subhas; thus, because of this, those following Parsara School of thought
will fail.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.10: Yogas offered to having children of PUTRA BHAVAS of a person based on planetary
In the above, the method of determining Santana Yoga is dealth with as per
various schools of thought on the subject. In the following, how this Bhava is to be
determined according to Parasara is dealt with (Table 4.11).
Table 4.11: Yogas offered to having children of PUTRA BHAVAS of a person based on planetary
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Similarly, they take Jupiter also for this aspect of children. The tradition is
that Karaka of any Bhava should not remain in that Bhava, but this is only true to a
limited extent. In practice, the person will have children, even though Jupiter is in
5th House, but there are instances where this is not valid too. According to this
school, there are other Yogas (Table 4.12).
Table 4.12: Yogas offered to having children of PUTRA BHAVAS of a person based on planetary
Chapter 4: Bhavas
4.4.1 Sarvardhachintamani
Putrasthanam Mercury Kshetram Manda Kshetra Madhapiva|
Manda Maandiyutham Dhrushtwa Dattha Putradhikarakam||
According to this Sloka of Sage Parasara, if Saturn or Mercury is Lord of 5th House,
and Saturn and Mandi are present, or Saturn and Mandi aspect them, then the
person will adopt a child. Sage Jaimini believes that opinions and views of the
Parasara School of Astrology do not give proper guidance in making predictions.
Like Sage Parasara, even Sage Jaimini adopts 5th and 9th Houses as the Putra Sthanas,
but instead of counting from Janma Ascendant (as in Parasara School of Astrology),
Jaimini took Upapada to count the houses. He showed great wisdom in grouping
Planets into three categories, namely:
(1) Bahu Putra Grahas :: Sun, Jupiter and Rahu;
(2) Eka Putra Grahas :: Moon; and
(3) Anapatya Grahas :: Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Mars.
In the above categorisation, Sage Jaimini did not discrimate between Good
and Bad Planets for the purpose of children. But, according to Sage Parasara, the
planets Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu are bad for children. On the other hand,
according to Sage Jaimini, the planets Sun and Rahu, though bad, are Bahu Putra
Grahas, as reflected in the sutra:
Sun, Rahu, Jupiterbihi bahuputraha ||
This is found to be correct in thousands of readings, both from Ascendant and from
As per Sage Jaimini, though Mercury and Venus are Naturally Good Planets,
are anti-forces for children, as reflected in the sutra:
Mercury Venusabhyaam dattaputraha ||
These Planets result in Adoption. Also, Saturn and Mars are taken by Sage Jaimini as
Dattata Grahas, as reflected in the sutra:
Saturn Marsbhyaam Dattaputrah ||
There is universal acceptance that Moon is Ekaputra Graha. As per Sage Parasara,
Laganth panchamage Chandrena Navama sthana gendhava |
Ekaputras chiranjivi anyeshanthu vruthim vadheth ||
Sage Jaimini agrees with this sutra:
Chandre Ekapuhtraha ||
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn, though they are Anapatya Grahas,
sometimes they can be taken as Bahu Putra Grahas and also giving few children. But,
this applies only to some lagnas. Sometimes, Saturn gives children after a long lapse
of time, may give according to
Aneka Ruthu Snaanantharam Bharya Garbhavati baveth ||
Sometimes, Saturn
(i) Gives children of both genders, even though boys are not likely to survive long;
(ii) Gives children, who may not be lost soon after birth; or
(iii) May not give children at all.
On the other hand, even though Moon is an Eka Putra Graha, sometimes it may
change as Bahu Putra Graha.
The following method is adopted for reading results by Janma Ascendant and
Step 1: Determine whether or not the person will have children;
Step 2: If yes, determine when the person will have children; and
Step 3: Determine how many children the person will have.
Many Astrologers rush to predict children without adopting the above method, by
merely identifying the periods of:
(i) Lords of Putra Sthana,
(ii) Planets in Putra Sthana, or
(iii) Jupiter running.
But, in practice, it is found that the person does not have children, even when the
above periods are running. It is seen as the person’s destiny. In summary, it is seen
that conditions given in Table 4.13 seem to govern.
Table 4.13: Yogas offered to having children of PUTRA BHAVAS of a person based on planetary
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.14: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Aries Ascendant related to having children based
on planetary combinations
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.15: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Taurus Ascendant related to having children
based on planetary combinations
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.16: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Taurus Ascendant related to adopting children
based on planetary combinations
Table 4.17: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Gemini Ascendant related to having children
based on planetary combinations
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.18: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Cancer Ascendant related to having children
based on planetary combinations
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.19: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Leo Ascendant related to having children based
on planetary combinations
Jataka Mani Manjusha
10 If Jupiter is in 6th, 8th or 12th then the person has Bahu Putra Yoga; if
House, Jupiter is alone in the 5th House from
and if Sun, in 5th House from Upapada, there is certainty of having
Jupiter and Rahu Upapada, children.
Note for items (9) and (10):
If there are no Planets in 5th and 9th House from Ascendant, the planetary position from
Upapada also should be considered. If there is no planet even from Upapada, then the issue
is to be decided according to Parasara School of Astrology.
11 If Lords of 5th and either from then the person will have children. Of
9th Houses Ascendant or the four Kendras, presence in 1st and 7th
Upapada, are in Houses will give more powerful Yogas.
Kendras or Konas, or
in 11th House,
12 If Sun and in house of then the person will have children, but
Jupiter, or Juipter Ascendant, or in 7th these planets should not be apprearing
alone are/is House, in combination with Saturn, Mars,
Lords/Lord of 5th Mercury and Venus. If they appear in
and/or 9th combination, there will be loss of
Houses, are children.
13 If Jupiter alone or in Kona positions or then the person will have loss of
Jupiter and Sun 11th House from children.
is/are Lords of 5th Ascendant,
and 9th Houses,
and are
combined with
Saturn, Mars,
Mercury and
Venus, and are
14 If Lords of 5th and in 5th and 9th House then the person will not have children.
9th Houses are from Upapada,
Saturn, Mars,
Mercury and
Venus, are
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.20: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Virgo Ascendant related to having children based
on planetary combinations
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.21: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Libra Ascendant related to having children based
on planetary combinations
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.22: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Scorpio Ascendant related to having children
based on planetary combinations
Table 4.23: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Sagittarius Ascendant related to having children
based on planetary combinations
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.24: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Capricorn Ascendant related to having children
based on planetary combinations
Jataka Mani Manjusha
6 If Sun , Mercury in 4th House, then the person will have 3 boy
and Ketu are children. As per Sage Jaimini, Aquarius
or if Moon is in 3rd House, or in 2nd ascendant will be Upapada.
House from
or if Saturn and in 5th House,
Venus are
or if Venus and in 7th House,
Mercury are
7 If Sun , Mercury in 4th House, then the person will have only one boy
and Ketu are child alive (because Moon is Eka Putra
or if Moon is in 10th House, or in Graha). As per Sage Jaimini, Aquarius
9th House from ascendant will be Upapada.
or if Saturn and in 5th House,
Venus are
or if Venus and in 7th House,
Mercury are
8 If Mars and in 5th House, then there will be adoption.
Saturn are
and if Jupiter is
Note: Jupiter is interpreted as weak, if he is in 6th, 8th or 12th House or in astangatwa.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.25: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Aquarius Ascendant related to having children
based on planetary combinations
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.26: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons of Pisces Ascendant related to having children based
on planetary combinations
4.4.14 Sutras
Misre Vilambaath Putra Labhaha ||
Acoording to commentators of this:
Panchame navameva anapatya grahyaho Saturn Budhyoho yekaputra grahasya
Moon syacha misre melane sathi jatakasya vilambath
Bharyaya aneka ruthu snanantharam putra laabhaau bhavathi ||
They measured the delay in conception:
Arthavanantharam Bharyayaha pancha saptha ashta vatcharesau
dasame dwadase varsheva santhaana prapethi bhaveshameethi vilamba sabdardhaha||
According to this sutra, the delay in conception will be 5, 7, 8, 10 or 12 years. Some
astrologers say that even after 31 years, the person can have children, provided the
Sun and Moon are in combination. In such instances, the first child will be a girl
child. When Saturn is in 5th house (and it is his own house), and when Putra Karaka
and other Planets are afflicted, Saturn (whether or not in combination with Moon),
the above Yoga is found. Sometimes, when Saturn combines with Mercury, the
Chapter 4: Bhavas
above Yoga may occur. Even then, girl child may survive and boy children may not.
Some astrologers call this:
Santhathi Sthambhayoga
Rishis suggested remedies to meet this contingency, e.g., performance of Pujas and
other rituals, resulting in having boy children; generally, Subrahmanaya Prathishta,
Santhana Gopala Vratha and Mrutyunjaya Japa are observed. Further,
(a) Sages Parasara and Varahamihira opinined that children’s aspect should be
considered only after considering the Kalatra issue. The central point in this
context is that first the possibility of the person getting married should be
studied, and even if likely to be married, it should be studied whether his wife
will have children. Only after that the aspect of children should be studied.
(b) In certain cases, the wife may not be blessed with children. Some rishis said:
Vrusha panchamage saumye kame Moon vyaye Jupiter
Dhamadi pe vyaye neeche dathatha puthraa bhaveshyathi||
According to this sloka, for various Ascendant’s, the examples of Dattata Yogas
(adoption) are given in the preceeding sections.
(c) In Bruhat Parasara, several Yogas are presented relating to having children late in
life. These are listed in Table 4.27.
(d) In Panchama Bhava, the principal aspect is Putra Bhava. There are are several
other karakatwas too. These include: Prajna, Manthras, Mind, Wisdom, Father,
Money, Stridhana, Anna Prasada, Kavya Rachana, Foresight, Courage, Greatness,
Upasana, Scholarship, Secrecy, Friendship, Capacities and Skills.
If Lord of 5th House, is aspected by Sun, Venus and Mars, then the person
will be an active and responsible one. A person’s inclination to worship and his
foresight are determined by the Lord of 5th House or Planets in the 5th House.
Also, the good or bad nature of a person is judged by this aspect. Some Sages
determined Raja Yoga based on the Lord of 1st or 5th House. Rishi Jaimini said:
Adha Raja Janithaabhyaam yoga yoge layan meshaadhipaha||
Here, layan means the Lord of 1st House and Meshaadhipa is Lord of 5th House.
Further, the Yogas of Kavitva and Rachana are determined by this aspect. Other
Yogas are listed in Table 4.28.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.27: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS of persons related to having children late in life based on
planetary combinations
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.28: Yogas of PUTRA BHAVAS related to other Kaarakatwas based on planetary combinations
Jataka Mani Manjusha
But, one challenge is that the dates and times in above Panchanga
were given for Rajahmundry (Andhra Pradesh, India) as the location with
Longitude 8146’E and Latitude 171’N. Hence, now the above time
performing the Upanayana ceremony at Rajahmundry has to be converted to
equivalent time at Dallas (Texas, USA) as the location with Longitude 9648’W
and Latitude 3247’N [Oxford, 2006].
(b) Time as per Dallas (Texas, USA)
An available software is used for doing the basic astrological calculations
[Parasara Light, 2010]. According to this software, the longitude of
Ascendant Taurus at Rajahmundy (Andhra Pradesh, India) is 1251’ at 7:15
am. Using the same software, the time for performing the Upanayana
ceremony at Dallas (Texas, USA) is ascertained as 8:06am (local time). For
this time, the longitude of Ascendant Taurus at Dallas (Texas, USA) is 1245’
at 8:06 am. The difference is 006’ between longitudes at Rajahmundry and
at Texas; this is considered to be small in this exercise.
But, since Daylight Saving Time is followed in USA from 2am of Last Sunday
in April to 2am of Last Sunday of October, one hour should be reduced from this
+12:30 hours time difference from local time of Rajahmundry. Thus, the time
difference should be taken as + 11:30 hours from local time of Rajahmundry. In
the software, while feeding the time zone, +11:30 hours should be used [Lahiri,
1947]. A diagrammatic representation is given in Figure 4.1 of the times at the
two locations.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
07:15 am
Saptami 10:08 Ashtami
09:45-10:45 14:57-15:48
Since for mother’s star (Purvashada), the tarabala number is 3 and is a Vipat
Tara. And, as per literature [Murty, 1987], 3 ghadiyas are to be left from the star of
Sravana, i.e., from 07:06am on 2 May 2013, equal to (324 minutes per ghadiya=) 72
minutes, i.e., 1 hour, 12 minutes. Therefore, the Muhurta is 07:15 am + 01:12 am =
08:27 am. At 08:27am, the Lagna is Taurus (Figure 4.2).
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Moon 2 May 2013
08:06 am USA
(07:15 am IST)
Figure 4.2: Lagna Chart for the Upanayana Ceremony in Dallas (Texas, USA)
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.29: Yogas offered to SHASHTA BHAVA based on planetary combinations and positions
Chapter 4: Bhavas
6 If Lord of 11th House in Kendras, then the person will have good
(a) in combination Dhana Yoga.
with Lords of 2nd, 5th or 9th
(b) or in combination
with Lord of 2nd, 5th or 9th
House, is
Note: When the above Planets (Lords of 2nd, 5th, 9th or 11th) are Naturally Bad Planets and in
Neecha, they are stronger in giving Dhana Yoga.
7 If Lord of 11th House, in Kendras, then the person will have
and ordinary Dhana Yoga.
(a) if Lords of 3rd, 6th and
12th Houses,
(b) or if Lord of 3rd, 6th or 12th
House, are
8 If Naturally Good 3rd, 6th, 8th in Kendras, then the person will have Raja
Planets are Lords and 12th Yoga, though the person may
of Houses, and have some debts.
9 If Naturally Good 6th and 9th in Konas, then the person will have
Planets are Lords Houses, and Ordinary Yoga.
of in Kendras, then the person will have
Greater Yoga.
10 If Naturally Good in Kendras, then the person will have Raja
Planets are Lords Yoga during the periods of the
of 6th and 9th Naturally Good Planets,
Houses, and will accrue debts, if they
are in (Lords of 3rd, 6th and 8th
combination with Houses) are Naturally Bad
Lords of 3rd, 6th and Planets.
8th Houses
(who are
Planets), are
11 If Naturally Good (1) 3rd and 8th (a) in Kendras, then the person will have both
Planets having Houses; debts and Raja Yoga.
Papadhipatya, i.e., (2) 6th and
when they are 12th Houses;
Lords of (3) 3rd and (b) in Konas, then the person will be a heavy
12th Houses; debtor.
(4) 6th and
11th Houses,
and are
Jataka Mani Manjusha
12 If Naturally Good 3rd, 6th, 8th, in 6th, 8th and then the person will have
Planets having 11th and 12th 12th Houses, or Vipareeta Raja Yoga.
Papadhipatya are Houses, and in any one of
Lords of are them,
(a) in combination 3rd and 6th
with Lords of Houses, or
(b) in combination 8th and 12th
with Lords of Houses, are
13 If Lord of 2nd House is in 6th House, then the person will have more
and if Lord of 6th House is in 2nd House, debts.
14 If Lord of 2nd House is in 6th House, then the person will not have
and if Lord of 6th House is in 2nd House, trouble from debts, if aspected
by Lords of Kendras and Konas.
15 (a) If Lords of 2nd and 6th in 2nd or 6th then the person will not have
Houses House, trouble from debts.
are in Kendras and
combination with Konas, and
Lords of are
(b) If Lords of 2nd and 11th in 2nd or 11th then the person will not have
Houses, House, trouble from debts.
are in Kendras and
combination with Konas, and
Lords of are
16 If Lord of 2nd House, in 11th House, then the person will have more
are if Lord of 11th House, is in 2nd House, debts.
17 If Lord of 2nd House, in 11th House, then the person will not have
are if Lord of 11th House, is in 2nd House, trouble from debts, when
aspected by Lords of Kendras
and Konas.
Note: The results of items (15) to (17) do not apply to Virgo ascendant. But, the person will
spend for vanity.
18 If Naturally Bad 3rd, 6th and in Kendras, then the person will have
Planets are Lords and 11th Ordinary Dhana Yoga.
of Houses, and
19 If Naturally Bad 3rd, 6th and in Kendras, then the person will have Raja
Planets are Lords and 11th Yoga, by both Bad and Good
of Houses, Planets; all Planets give Dhana
are in 3rd, 6th and Yoga.
combination with 11th Houses,
Naturally Good and
Planets having
Lordships of
Chapter 4: Bhavas
20 If Naturally Bad 3rd, 6th and in Kendras, then the person will not have
Planets are Lords 11th Houses, Dhana Yoga.
are in 6th, 8th and
combination with 12th Houses,
Naturally Good and
Planets having
Lordships of
21 If Naturally Bad 3rd, 6th, 8th in 11th House then the person will have Yoga
Planets are Lords and 12th or in Konas, as well as debts.
of Houses, and in 6th, 8th and then the person will have bad
12th Houses, results.
22 If Planets of any 6th and 11th NOT in 3rd, 6th, then the person will have
ascendant are Houses, are 8th and 12th Dhana Yoga; if they ARE in 3rd,
Lords of Houses, 6th, 8th and 12th Houses, the
results will be adverse.
23 If Lord of 11th House is in 11th House, then person will not have Yoga
during the period of the
Lordship Planet, even though
the period is good.
24 If Naturally Good 1st, 4th, 5th, in 6th, 8th and then person will have trouble,
Planets are Lords 7th, 9th and 12th Houses, even though his/her Yoga is not
of 10th Houses, affected.
25 If Naturally Good 1st, 4th, 5th, in 2nd and 11th then the person will have
Planets are Lords 7th, 9th and Houses, Dhana Yoga.
of 10th Houses,
are combined 2nd and 11th
with Lords of Houses, are
26 If Naturally Good 1st, 4th, 5th, in Kendras and then the person will have
Planets are Lords 7th, 9th and Konas, Dhana Yoga equally from all
of 10th Houses, Planets.
are combined 2nd and 11th
with Lords of Houses, are
27 If Naturally Good 5th and 9th in 2nd and 11th then the person
Planets are Lords Houses, Houses, or in (1) will have Dhana Yoga, when
of Kendras and alone in 2nd and 4th House;
are combined 2nd and 11th Konas, and
with Lords of Houses, or (2) will have Ordinary Dhana
with 2nd or Yoga, when in Kendras and
11th House, Kona positions.
and are
Jataka Mani Manjusha
28 If Naturally Good 5th and 9th in 3rd, 6th, 8th then the person will suffer
Planets are Lords Houses, or 12th House, from debts.
or combined with 3rd, 6th, 8th
Lords of and 12th
Houses, and
29 If Naturally Good 5th and 9th in Kendras and then the person will have
Planets are Lords Houses, Konas, Ordinary Dhana Yoga and
of suffering from debts.
are combined 3rd, 6th, 8th
with Lords of and 12th
Houses, and
30 If Lord of 11th House is in 3rd, 6th, 8th then the person will have high
or 12th Houses, expenditure.
and if Lord of 2nd House is in 1st House,
or if Lord of 1st House is in 2nd House,
31 If Lord of 1st House is in 2nd House, then the person will have high
and if Lord of 2nd House is In 1st House, expenditure.
32 If Lord of 1st House is in 1st House, then the person will have
and if Lord of 2nd House is in 2nd House, Dhana Yoga.
33 If Lord of 12th House is in 2nd House, then the person will have poor
and if Lord of 2nd House is in 6th House, earnings.
34 If Lord of 6th House is in 11th House, then the person will have
extremely poor earnings.
35 If Ketu is in 2nd House, then the person will have Good
in 3rd and 12th Dhana Yoga.
Note: Ketu should not be combined with Venus in these houses.
36 If Moon is Lord of 5th, 9th or 11th in 2nd House, then the person will have Good
House, and Dhana Yoga.
37 If Rahu is in 2nd House, then the person will have
Ordinary Dhana Yoga.
in 11th House, then the person will have Good
Dhana Yoga to some extent.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.30: Yogas offered in STREE JATAKA based on planetary combinations and positions
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.31: Yogas offered in STREE JATAKA for a woman becoming a widow based on planetary
combinations and positions
Jataka Mani Manjusha
The 7th House from Janma Lagna is called Astha Rasi or Adhana Prasna. From
the natural character of 7th House, one’s happiness can be known from armorous
copulation. For example, if 7th House happens to be Taurus Rasi, the copulation
activities will be in brutal nature. Such activities of men and women can be known
based on natural character of Rasis, namely biped, quadruped, and insectped. If the
7th House is occupied or aspected by
(a) Occupied or aspected by Naturally Bad Planets, coitus activities will take place
by provocative and indignant attitude,
(b) Occupied or aspected by Naturally Good Planets, conjugal activities will take
place in happiest environment leading to greater satisfaction with intimate
pleasure and love,
(c) Not occupied or aspected by any planet, the copulation acitivity will not be
satisfying, and
(d) Occupied or aspected by Naturally Good and/or Bad Planets, the copulation
activity will with mixed feelings.
If at the time of Adhana Lagna or Prasna Lagna, Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars
(1) in any Rasi or own Navamsa Rasi in the four Rasis or Navamsa Rasis,
(2) positioned in Purushopachaya Rasis of Sun and Venus, or
(3) positioned in Streeupachaya Rasis of Moon and Mars,
the conditions are ripe for the woman to get pregnant. Even if Jupiter is either in 5th
or 9th Kona positions, or in Lagna, conditions are advantageous for women to
conceive. Conception will not occur in couples with impotent semen.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
(3) The pregnant woman will be unwell in the 2nd and 6th months of pregnancy, if
Mars and Saturn are situated in 7th House from Moon Rasi;
(4) The couple will get Marakam, if Mars and Saturn are situated in 2nd and 12th
Houses, respectively, and vice-versa, from the position of Sun or Moon;
(5) The woman will die on account of stronger of the two bad planets in the 2nd
month (owing to Mars) and 6th month (owing to Saturn) of pregnancy, if Mars
and Saturn are situated in 2nd and 12th Houses, respectively, and vice-versa, from
the position of Moon;
(6) The man or the woman will die on account of stronger of the two bad planets in
the 2nd month (owing to Mars) and 6th month (owing to Saturn) of pregnancy, if
Sun joins Mars or Saturn and is aspected either by Mars or Saturn;
(7) Sun becomes Pirtu Karaka and Venus becomes Maatru Karaka, if Adhana Lagna or
Janma Lagna happens to be in the day time. Here, Saturn is the Karaka for father’s
elder brother or younger brother, and Moon is the Karaka for mother’s elder or
younger sister. Similarly, Saturn becomes Pirtu Karaka and Moon becomes
Maatru Karaka, if Adhana Lagna or Janma Lagna, happens to be in the night time.
Sun is the Karaka for father’s elder brother or younger brother, and Venus is the
Karaka for mother’s elder or younger sister. The combinations leading to good
and bad results related to Consumation of Marriage are given in Table 4.32.
(8) The pregnant woman will die, if no Naturally Good Planets are in Adhana Lagna,
and Naturally Bad Planets are positioned in 12th House. Some astrologers say
that the pregnant woman will die, when
(a) Saturn is in Adhana Lagna, and
(b) a bad planet (i.e., Moon or Mars) aspects Saturn or a Naturally Bad Planet
positioned in the 2nd House.
(9) The pregnant woman will die, if
(a) Adhana Lagna and Moon are together at the same time in Paapa Kartari Yoga
and Naturally Good Planets do not aspect them;
(b) Adhana Lagna and Moon are in separate signs independently, and Adhana
Lagna or Moon is in Paapa Kartari Yoga and Naturally Good Planets do not
aspect them; and
(c) Moon is present in 3rd House from Adhana Lagna and Naturally Good Planets
are positioned in 2nd, 4th and 12th Houses, and Naturally Good Planets do not
aspect Adhana Lagna and Moon.
Whichever planet is strong in the above cases, Marakam will occur in the
relevant month of the strongest planet. If Adhana Lagna and Moon are positioned
between Naturally Bad Planets and if they have aspects from Naturally Good
Planets, death will not occur, but will cause ill health.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.32 Results related to CONSUMATION OF MARRIAGE for Odd and Even Signs of Planets
Chapter 4: Bhavas
strengths of the Yogas should be examined and the gender associated with
the stronger Yoga will determine the gender of the child.
(13) Additional Nisheka Yogas, like
(a) Birth of a child of neutral gender,
(b) Birth of triplets,
(c) Decision on monthly planetary Lordship of pregnancy, and
(d) Birth without teeth, in fear and hunchback,
are given in literature [e.g., Rao, 1991]
Table 4.33: Planets that control different characteristics of a woman in STREE JATAKA
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.34: Yogas offered to Soubhagya aspect in STREE JATAKA based on planetary combinations
and positions
Jataka Mani Manjusha
The delivery of a woman is governed by the 5th House. The delivery will be
easy, if Jupiter is in 5th House, or Jupiter is aspecting the 5th House. This applies to
Naturally Good Planets also. In spite of this, if the delivery is to occur in the periods
and sub-periods of Naturally Bad Planets, then the delivery may be difficult for the
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.35: Yogas offered to different aspects of KALATRA BHAVA of a woman based on planetary
combinations and positions
Jataka Mani Manjusha
8 If Saturn is 7
(a) and Venus is 7 8 or 12 then the person will have
Dwikalatra yoga.
(b) and any of in 2nd House from Upapada, then the person will have
the Naturally Dwikalatra yoga.
Bad Planets is
9(a) 1st and 7 then the person will have
8th are Dwikalatra yoga.
(b) 1st and 7
12th are
10 (a) If Venus and 7 then the person will have
Mars are Dwikalatra yoga.
(b) If Venus and 7 then the person will have
Saturn are Dwikalatra yoga. This will
not hold good, if Saturn is
alone in 7th House.
11 If Sun is 2 The person may have
from Kalatra yoga.
12 If Jupiter is 7th 8th then the person will not
House, House, have Dwikalatra yoga, if
and Jupiter is unconnected
with any other Planets.
13 If Jupiter is 7th 8th then the person will not
House, House have Kalatra yoga.
14 If Jupiter is 12th and then the person will not
6th have Dwikalatra yoga.
15 If Jupiter and in any then the person will have
any other Rasi, Dwikalatra yoga.
Planet are
16 If Mars is 7th 8th then the person will have
House or House, Dwikalatra yoga. But, if 7th
or 8th House is Mars’ own
house, then the person will
not have Dwikalatra.
17 If Mars and 7th 8th then the person will have
other Planets House or House, Dwikalatra yoga.
(except Sun)
18 If Saturn and 7th then the person will have 3
Rahu are House, marriages.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.36: Yogas offered to kalatra aspect of STREE BHAVAS of a woman based on planetary
combinations and positions
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.37: Yogas offered to physical personality of STREE BHAVAS of a woman based on planetary
combinations and positions of her husband
Chapter 4: Bhavas
But, Sage Jaimani described this by technically attributing the above aspects
to Upapada. He gave details about children through the sloka:
Upapadam Pitru Uno Charat ||
The word Pitru indicates Ascendant. Una Charat indicates the 12th House, i.e., the
House that follows Ascendant from which Sage Jaimini fixed Upapada. Upapada
should be determined by the position of the Lord of the 12th House from the 12th
House and the same number of places from the Lord of the 12th House is Upapada.
For example, consider a person with Aires Ascendant. The 12th House from Aires is
Pisces. The Lord of the 12th House is Jupiter. The position of Jupiter from Pisces, i.e.,
number of Houses from Pisces should be noted. Suppose Jupiter is in Aires
Ascendant. Then, Jupier is in the 2nd House from the 12th House. Thus, from the
position of Jupiter, the 2nd House Taurus will be the Upapada.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Sage Jaimini used another technical term to decide Yoga for Kalatra, namely
Darapada. In decediding this, Jaimini took the Lord of 7th House from Ascendant in
fixing Darapada. For example, for a person born in Aires, the Lord of the 7th House
for Aires will be Venus. If Venus is in the 2nd House, i.e., Venus is in the 8th House
from the 7th House. So, the 8th House from Venus’ position will be Darapada, which
is Sagittarius.
Sage Jaimini gave some yogas regarding Kalatra from this Darapada. These
Yogas are considered to be important, because they are found to be effective in
application. Some of them are useful to counteract the Yogas given by Sage Parasara.
Sage Jaimini described some more truths not found in Parasara School of Astrology
and laid down some technical rules regarding Kalatra and fixed Karaka Planets
according to their progress in their respective Houses. These are explained in Jaimini
Sutras, and summarized below:
(1) Sage Varahamihira and others of his school have not dealt with Kalatra separately
for reasons not known. But, it appears that they intended to determine Female
Horoscopes independently. This may be a reason why there is no Kalatra Bhava
in Bruhat Jataka.
(2) But, a separate chapter was dedicated in Horoscopes of women, and dealt
several aspects therein.
(3) The origin to this idea of separate treatment of Horoscopes of women is
attributed to Sage Narada, Saunaka and others; also, it is clear that Sage Kalidasa
and others have accepted this; but in Parasara School of Astrology, this is not
accepted entirely.
(4) Though Sage Kalidasa came after Varahamihira and others, Sage Kalidasa followed
Parasarya. But, while accopting the 7th House as Kalatra sthana; it is found that
the Womens horoscopes should be dealt with separately and independently.
This is found in word “Kerali” in the sloka:
Pharlamaganaanaam Udeeritham, Saunaka, Narada Kyaihi ||
Sage Narada and Saunaka gave the intricacies in detail of the nature of a woman.
Also, they went into depths of a woman’s sex life, education, character, etc.
(5) Here, details are given of various schools.
(a) The manner of application of these Sutras for testing and how the Rishis of
Parasara School agreed with this Sage. The 7th House is to be taken when
dealing with Kalatra. Several Sages of Parasara School gave some importance
to the 2nd House also, as it is the Kutumba Sthana. According to them,
(i) If Lords of 2nd and 7th Houses are in 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th Houses, then there
will be Dwikalatra Yoga.
(ii) Several others took only Lord of the 7th House in 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th
Houses as Dwikalatra Yoga.
The view given in item (ii) is considered to be more appropriate.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
(b) According to Jaimini School, on the basis of Upapada, there are many
important matters concerning general life of the wife of a man and some of
her mental disorders. A series of conditions is presented in Table 4.38 of
planetary combinations and their effects of a person’s horoscope related to
Stree Bhava.
Table 4.38: Yogas offered to Mars Dosha of STREE BHAVAS of a person based on planetary
In individual horoscopes of the man and the woman being considered for
possible marriage, Kuja Dosha should be equal; Mars should be present in the same
house from Ascendant – 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th House.
If Mars is positioned in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th 8th and and 12th Houses, it is known as
Kuja Dosha. Among these, the 1st House is added [Murty, 1949], because it is
impossible to separate the 1st House from the 7th House. Kuja Dosha is believed
across India. This holds good both for horoscopes of men and women; for men, the
issue in focus is Dwikalatra, and for women, widowhood. There are exceptions to the
above. In the horoscopes of men, the exceptions are:
(i) If Mars is the Lord of 7th House and remains in his own House, there is no Kuja
(ii) If Mars is the Lord of 2nd House is in the 2nd House and Mars happens to be the
Lord of 9th or 11th Houses are in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th or 8th Houses, then there is no
Kuja Dosha.
The reason for these exceptions is given in the sloka:
Yoyo Bhavaha Swami Drushtu yuthu Yaa||
And, in the horoscopes of women, the exceptions are:
Jataka Mani Manjusha
(i) If Mars is the Lord of 7th or 8th House and remains in his own House, there is no
Kuja Dosha; it is considered to be good for Saubhagya.
(ii) If Mars is the Lord of 2nd House is in the 2nd House and Mars happens to be the
Lord of 9th or 11th Houses are in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th or 8th Houses, then there is no
Kuja Dosha.
When horoscope of the man and woman are matched in both horoscopes,
and if Mars is present in the same house from Lagna of each individual horoscope,
then Kuja Dosha is said to be equal. Thus, Mars should be present in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th,
8th and 12th Houses, in both man’s and woman’s horscopes. In certain cases, results
of Kuja Dosha may be found late in life. After finding this and after being convinced
that there is no dosha, the allaince may be advised.
4.7.6 Exceptions for Cancelling Widowhood, Kuja Dosha and Dwikalatra Yoga
Sage Varahamihira mentioned that women need not be widowed, when Mars
is in 8th House. According to him,
(i) If Naturally Good Planets are in the 2nd House, there will be no evil effect; and
(ii) If any Naturally Good Planet is in the 2nd House and in combination with a
naturally bad planet, then the woman will die with Soubhagya.
Sage Jaimini did not give any prominence to Mars. He gave several Yogas
from Upapada, which are capable of cancelling Kuja Dosha. Mars was treated equal to
any other Bad Planet, and given no special importance.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
4.7.7 Marriage
In Chapter 10 of Phaladeepika [Rao, 1993] dealing with kalatra bhavadhipatya,
the following is stated about marriage of a person through slokas 12, 13 and 14. Four
methods are presented to identify the period of marriage. These are presented in
this sub-section.
Marriage will happen in either of the dasas (periods) of the following planets:
(i) Planet positioned in 7th House;
(ii) Planet aspecting the 7th House; and
(iii) Planet being Lord of 7th House.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
This means that marriage will occur definitely as per positions of Jupiter in
Tyagabhoog Vivaheshu Daaneshta Krushi Karmane |
Vyavasthaneshu Sarvehsu Vidwinavyam Vyayaat ||
Marriage will take place in the following Main Periods of two planets,
(i) Lord of Rasi in which Lord of the 7th House is situated, or
(ii) Lord of Navamsa Rasi in which the Lord of the 7th House is positioned.
Marriage will happen when as per Gochara, Jupiter is passing through Konas of
Rasis, where
(i) Lord of Rasi in which the Lord of 7th House is situated in Rasi chart, or
(ii) Lord of Navamsa in which the Lord of 7th House is situated in Navamsa chart.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
(4) Step 4:
Having identified the likely periods which satisfy the conditions laid down
in items (b) and (d) above, the horoscope should be examined further to identify
of the conditions laid down in items (a) and (c) are satisfied to narrow down the
period of marriage to within days/weeks. In this process, either item (a) or item
(b) alone is likely to be satisfied and the other eliminated.
(5) Step 5:
As per Gochara chart at future date [PLSPL, 2010], if 5 or more POINTS are
obtained in Astakavarga Charts for Lord of Main Period and Lords of Sub-Periods.
These points and periods will decide the likely period of marriage. In most cases,
experience shows that the above procedure results in excellent prediction of the
possible dates of marriage. Thus, the slokas given above seem to be beneficial for
practicing astrologers.
All writers on classical matters, from Sage Parasara onwards, opine that it is
not generally possible to estimate the span of life of a child up to 12 years. During
this period, the child can suffer from reasons that the horoscope may not easily
reveal. Thus, the new born child can die during:
(a) 1 – 4 years of its life, because of sinful deeds of mother;
(b) 4 – 8 years of his life, because of sinful deeds of father; and
(c) 8 – 12 years of his life, because of sinful deeds of self.
Table 4.39: Conditions of planetary combinations of persons, which result in BALARISHTA Yogas
Chapter 4: Bhavas
8 Sun, Ketu, Saturn, Rahu and Mars in 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th Houses
and Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and in 2nd House
full Moon are
9 Sun, Ketu, Saturn, Rahu and Mars in 3rd or 8th House,
and Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and in 6th and 12th Houses, or in 6th
full Moon are or 12th Houses
10 Saturn is in 8th House,
and not a Single Naturally Good in kendra and kona position
Planet is
11 All Naturally Bad Planets are in kendra position,
and all Naturally Good Planets are in 2nd House
12 All Naturally Good Planets are in 2nd and 6th House,
and all Naturally Bad Planets are either in 2nd or 6th House, or in
any other Houses
13 All Naturally Good Planets are in 3rd or 6th House, either from
the Ascendant or the Moon
14 All Naturally Good Planets are in 3rd and 8th Houses,
and all Naturally Bad Planets are in kendra positions
Table 4.40: Conditions of planetary combinations of persons, which vitiates BALARISHTA Yogas
Not in In
Positioned Lord of Positioned
S.No. Planets conjunction combination Yoga
in House in
with with
1 If Jupiter, not with in kendra then the
Venus and naturally bad and kona person’s
Mercury are planets positions, Balarishta is
2 If Jupiter, in any then the
Venus and kendra person does
Mercury, or position, not have
any one of Balarishta.
them is
3 If Jupiter, with then the
Venus and naturally bad person’s
Mercury are planets Balarishta
positioned in cannot be
3rd, 6th, 8th cancelled at
and 12th times
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Balarishta is of two kinds. The first deals with Janma Lagna and Planets, and
the second with strengths of Moon and Stars. The first kind is divided into two
categories, namely Saumya Balarishta and Sajjyo Balarishta. The second is known as
Saumya Balarishta extents to nearly 20 years. Some say that a child will not
survive for more than 3 or 4 years, when there is Saumya Balarishta. This is not found
to be true in practice.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Before determining Balarishta, Sandhya Kaala and Thyaja Kaala has to be first
considered. Sandhya is of three types, namely Nakshatra Sandhi, Lagna Sandhi, and
Kaala Sandhi.
(a) Nakshatra Sandhi
The first 48 minutes (two Ghatikas) and the last 48 minutes of the
duration of the Star are called Nakshtra Sandhi. Some say that this applies to
only Gandanta Stars, e.g., last two ghatikas of Revathi and first two ghatikas of
Aswani; last two ghatikas of Aaslesha and first two ghatikas of Makha; and last
two ghatikas of Jyeshta and first two ghatikas of Moola. Only then it is bad for
the child.
(b) Lagna Sandhi
For each Lagna, the first 12 minutes (half Ghadiya) and the last 12 minutes
of duration of the Star is known as Lagna Sandhi. This is not universally
accepted. Some others say that only 6 minutes at the beginning and at the
end classify as Sandhi. This can be accepted as correct. Some take Sandhi in
Rasis (also known as Gandanta Rasis), like Pisces and Aries; Cancer and Leo;
and Scorpio and Saggitarius. It is suggested that 12 minutes at the beginning
and 12 minutes at the end for the above Rasis classify as Sandhi, and 6
minutes at the beginning and 6 minutes at the end for all other Rasis as
Sandhi. Still, others say that the last Navamsa Period is Sandhi in every Rasi.
(c) Kaala Sandhi
The Sandhyas both in the morning and evening is known as Kaala Sandhi;
two ghatikas before Sun Rise and two ghatikas after sunset is Kaala Sandhi.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Udayaath Prakthani Sandhyaa Ghatikadwayamichatte |
Saayamsandhya dwightika hyastha dupari. Bhswathaha ||
Sage Bharadwaja stated that this does not apply to Horoscopes. But, it is proper to
apply this in the case of Muhurthas. No Muhurtha should be fixied in Sandhi.
Ardhasthamayasandhya Vyaktha- Bhuthaani Tharakayavath |
Thejaha Paribhathi Mukhdbaano Rardhodayo yavath ||
In the evening, the time taken for the setting of half of the Sun’s disc (till the
appearance of the Stars) is taken as Sandhi Kaala. Similarly, in the morning, the time
taken for the other half of the Sun’s disc to rise above the horizon is taken as Sandhi
Kaala. The birth of any child during these Sandhyas is fatal in the opinion of many,
but it cannot be true simply on these grounds.
If at this time, the House of any Naturally Bad Planet coincides with that of
the last Navamsa in that House, the child born at that time will not survive. In the
opinion of Sage Varahamihira and others, this is proper, because there is not only
Kaala Sandhi but also the termination of the Raasi. Even here there are different
opinions. Sage Varahamihira says that simply because it is Sandhya Kaala, there is no
danger for the child, but there is danger only if the last Navamsa of the Raasi is
Chandra Hora and Naturally Bad Planets are in that Hora.
There is another important point in this context. Thyajya Ghatikas are in the
Star Durmuhurtha Ghatikas, and so a child born in these Ghadiyas will not survive
beyond one year. In certain cases, a child born in these Varja Ghadiyas will not
survive, even though Jupiter and other Naturally Good Planets are in Lagna.
The first 12 days are bad for a child born in Lagna Sandhi. If the child
survives, then it may be said that there is no Lagna Sandhi. Of these, days 4 and 8 are
bad. In the same way, if the Period at the time of birth is that of Lord of Lagna,
Ashtama or Vyaya, longevity should not be determined till the Period passes.
Sometimes, death occurs in this period, even if three Naturally Good Planets are in
Lagna. Also, there are chances of survival even when there is not so much of
11th, 12th, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Houses, and the number of degrees covered at the time of
birth in the 4th House. This period constitutes Poorvardha, i.e., the first part of Zodiac,
and the rest Uttaraardha, i.e., the second part of Zodiac.
Thriraasisahitham Lagnam poorvardnam shadbhiranvitham |
Paaschaardham sishtamardham siyaacha krapoorvapare kramaath ||
Sage Badarayan stated that if Naturally Bad Planets are in first half of zodiac and
Naturally Good Planets in the 2nd half, there will be Sajjyo Balarishta. But, Sage
Yavana and others opined that this condition is applied to those born in Cancer and
Scorpio Lagnas, but Sage Gargi elabotately explained as follows:
Repuvyaya Galthaihi paapairyadi va dhanamruthyugaihi |
Lagneva paadamadhyasthe dune – vaa mruthyu – maapnuyath ||
Sage Gargi stated that if Naturally Bad Planets are on both sides of Lagna house,
Balarishta will be present.
Chakrasya poorvabhage paapaassaumyaa sthadho thha raardhe cha |
Vruschika lagna jaatha gathaayushaha ||
Sage Devela differs from Sage Yavana: Balarishta is applicable to Scorpio and not for
Cancer Lagna, when there are no Naturally Good Planets in the 1st and 7th Houses
and Naturally Bad Plaents are present in the 6th, 8th, 2nd and 12th Houses; the child
does not survive.
Lagnaadwaadasa Dhanagaihi |
Paapaihi Mryathech Randhra ripu sansthaihi ||
Graheshu lognabhi Mukheshu Sarve |
Swavaptha Veeryushu Swavarga geshu ||
Ripuvyaya Gathaihi papairyadi Vaa dhana mruthyu gaihi |
Lagneva paapamadhysthe dyu neva mruthyu mapnuyath ||
Sage Yavana agreed with Sage Devala. Balarishta is not applicable when Naturally
Bad Planets are on either side of Lagna House, and Jupiter, Mercury and Venus or
any one of them is in Lagna House or in the 7th House from Lagna. Balarishta is not
applicable also when Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are in their own houses. Further,
Balarishta is not applicable when Jupiter is in the 1st and 5th Houses or 9th and 11th
Houses, or is aspecting the Lagna House.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
(c) Chandrarishta
A child with Chandrarishta will not survive for more than three months. This
means that Moon is weakened at the same time have Balarishta. Instances of
weakened Moon are, when it is in conditions given in Table 4.41. And when there
are Sun, Mars and Saturn vedas and Moon without combination of any Naturally
Good Planet, it is known as Chandrarishta.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Paapa Vdayasthagathaaha Krunrenayuthasch sasce |
Drushta scha subhairna yada meruthyuscha Bhaveda chiraathi ||
Ksheenehimangau Vyeyegepaapairuda yashtama Gaihi |
Kendreshu subhascha na cheth kshi promnidhanam pravadeth ||
Sage Varahamihira stated that Balarishta is applicable, when
(1) Naturally Bad Planets are in Lagna or 7th House,
(2) Moon is in combination with Naturally Bad Planets and not being aspected by
Natural Good Planets,
(3) Waning Moon is in the 12th House,
(4) Natural Bad Planets are in 1st and 8th Houses, and there are no Naturally Good
Planets in any of the Kendra positions.
This is supported by Sage Gargi as per sloka below.
Kshene Chandre Vyayagathaihi Paaparashtama lagnagai gaihi |
Kendre bagyagthaihi saumyarjaathasya Nidhanam Bhaveth ||
Sage Gargi
Sage Gargi stated that Balarishta is applicable, when Jupiter is in the 5th, 9th or 11th
Houses. And, Sage Varahamihira stated that Balarishta is applicable when Moon is in
combination with Natural Bad Planets in 1st and 7th Houses.
Vyayashta Sapthodayage Sasanke Paapi Samethe Subha drushiheene |
Kendreshu Saumyagraha Vargithesh Jathasya slyaha Kuruthe Pranaasam ||
Sage Kalyanavarma
Sage Kalyanavarma stated that Sajjyo Balarishta is applicable when Moon is in 1st, 7th,
8th or 12th Houses in combination with Naturally Bad Planets, when they are not
aspected by Naturally Good Planets and when there are no Naturally Good Planets
in Kendra positions.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Sasinyarivinaasage nidhana maasu paapeekshekthe |
Subhai Radha samaasthakam, dalamathascha misraihi sthithihi ||
Sajjyo Balarishta is applicable when Moon is in the 6th or 8th House and is being
aspected by Naturally Bad Planets. Saumya Balarishta is applicable when
(1) Moon is being aspected by Naturally Good Planets; the child will survive for 8
years; and
(2) Moon is in combination with both Naturally Good and Bad Planets; the child
will survive only for 4 years.
Varshena Shashtashta magssa sasanko Nehanthi maasa dasubhaischa |
Drushtaha Abdha–Saathkakevala Saumya drushto misrekshethe varsha chathushtayecha ||
Sage Devekeerthi
Varshaanmriyathe Chandra shashtaama samsthithe vilagna Rshe |
Sadyaha Kruvraihi Drushtaha Saumyairabaashta Ka chaiva ||
Sage Mandavya
Sage Mandavya gives an exception to this, that when a child is born in the night of
Suklapaksha and daytime in Krishapaksha, though Moon is in the 6th and 8th House,
the child will have no Balarishta.
Pakshe Sethe bhavanthi janmayadi Kshapaayam
Krushnedhavaahani Subhagrahaveeskayamaamaha |
Thachhandrama ripu vinaasagathopi yathuaa
Dapathsu Rakshathi pitheva sisum nahanthi ||
Sanmyaha Snashtaamagaaha Krurair vakropa Sangathaihi Drushtaha |
Maasena mruthyandastheyadi nasubhai sthathra Samdrushtana ||
Sage Devekeerthi
(1) When Naturally Good Planets positioned in the 6th and 8th Houses are combined
with Naturally Bad Planets, or in combination with Retrograde Planets and not
aspected by Good Planets, the child will not survive more than one month.
(2) When Naturally Good Planets positioned in 6th and 8th Houses are being
aspected by powerful Naturally Bad Planets, the child will not survive for more
than one month
(3) When the Lord of the 1st House is in combination with Naturally Bad Planets
and being defeated in the 7th House, the child will not survive for more than one
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Lagneksheena Sasini nidhanam randhra Rendreshu Paapaihi |
Paapanthasthe Nidhanabihu-kadyuna yukthe cha chandre ||
Yevam lagna bhavathi madanaschhidra samsthaicha paapihi |
Matraa Saardham yadi Cha nasubbhai rvee kshetha ssakthi maadbhihi ||
Balarishta is applicable, when
(1) waning Moon is in Lagna, and Naturally Bad Planets are in Kendra positions.
(2) Moon is in 8th, 4th or 7th House and has Naturally Bad Planets on either side
(here the child dies);
(3) Moon has Naturally Bad Planets on either side of Lagna House and not being
aspected by Naturally Good Planets and Naturally Bad Planets are in the 7th and
8th House (here both the mother and child will die).
In the above Yogas, if Moon is aspected by Naturally Good Planets or in Kendra and
Kona positions, the Balarishta Yoga is vitiated. On the other hand, if the child dies,
then there is no danger to the mother. But, if the child has Naturally Bad Planets in
the 4th House and when one of the Periods of the above Planets is passing, the
mother also will die.
Raasyanthage sadbhiraweksha Mane Chandre Thrikonoyaga that scha paapaihi |
Praanaihi prayaathyaasu sissurviyoga, Masthethu paapaisthu hinamsulagne ||
Balarishta is applicable, when
(1) Moon is in last Navamsa of a Raasi and is aspected by Naturally Good Planets
and Naturally Bad Planets are in the 5th and 9th Houses.
(2) Moon is in the Lagna and Naturally Bad Planets are in the 7th House (here, the
child will die). But, this is not found to be true in practice.
(3) Moon is in last Navamsa of a Raasi and the birth falls in the last Navamsa, and the
lagna is not aspected by Naturally Good Planets (here, the child will die).
(4) Moon is in Lagna House and if no Naturally Good Planet is in Kendra and Kona
Asitha Ravi Sasanka Bhumijai hi Vyaya Navamodaya Naidhanaastrithaihi |
Bhavathi Marana Maasu Dehinaam Yadi balina gurunaa Na Veekshithaha ||
Sajjyo Balarishta is applicable, when Saturn, Sun, Moon and Mars are positioned in
12th , 9th, 1st and 8th Houses repectively, and are not aspected by powerful Jupiter.
Here, powerful Jupiter means, it should not be in Ashatamgatwa, but this happens
rarely. So, it is better to say that these four Planets can remain in any of the above
places. But, the important point is that there will be no Balarishta, if Moon should be
either in Lagna House or in 8th House, and Jupiter is aspecting them.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Bhumeve lagna cha Subhai Radrushte Shaeshtame Vaakka sutena yukthe |
Thavasth Sanisthow Subhadhrusth Hee now Yaathasya Sajjaha Kuruthe Pranasam ||
Sajjyo Balarishta is applicable, when
(1) Mars is in Lagna House and is not being aspected by Naturally Good Planets, or
(2) Mars is in 6th and 8th House with Saturn and those good Planets in 7th House,
and is not aspected by Naturally Good Planets.
Balarishta is applicable, when Naturally Good Planets are aspected by Mars and
Saturn, in Lagna House, or in Kendra and Kona positions, or when Jupiter is in 11th
Chandraa – Shtamanch, Dharami Sutha mancha |
Raahurr – navancha, Sani janma Gurusthrutheeye ||
Arksthu panch, Bhrugu shatka budhas chaturdhe |
Jathao Nojeeva-chi sisuhu pravandanthi thagnaaha ||
Sage Parasara stated that Balarishta is applicable, when Moon is in 8th House, Mars in
7th House, Rahu in 9th House, Saturn in Lagna House, Jupiter in 3rd House, Sun in 5th
House, Venus in 6th House, and Mercury is in 4th House. This is applied by some
astrologers, but is not found to be true in practice. It is impossible to have planets
positioned in the above condition. So, the applicability of this sloka is unclear.
Some astrolgers say that any one Planet in these positions will give Maraka in
its period. This seems a little more plausible. But, even this is not always correct, the
above Planets give Maraka, when Planets are in the above positions and are Lords of
1st and 8th Houses when their Main Periods commence with their birth.
Here, Ketu is not mentioned. The tradition is that Ketu is not a Balarishta
Planet by its position. It is capable of giving Maraka, when it is in Marakasthana and
only when its period comes, it gives Maraka, after deciding the Longevity of the
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Longevity is decided by the strengths of Lagnadhipati, and 8th and 3rd Houses.
Also, since the 10th House is 3rd House from the 8th House, the strength of the 10th
house also should be considered. Further, the positions of the Natrually Bad and
Good Planets and the strength of Saturn should be considered. Naturally Bad
Planets give yogas listed in Table 4.42, irrespective of the Lordships of these planets.
Saturn in 8th House is more favourable for men than for women; it is bad for the
saubhagya of women. Similarly, Naturally Good Planets give yogas listed in Table
4.43, irrespective of the Lordships of these planets.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
The Maraka Planets are those which possess the power or capable of
inflicting death in their periods or sub-periods. These are Lords of 3rd, 2nd, 12th, 7th
and 8th Houses from the Ascendant or Moon. A malefic planet, especially Saturn, in
association with a Maraka, becomes a Maraka. Rahu and Ketu act as Saturn and Mars
respectively, in inflicting death.
The position that influences Maraka Lakshana is called Maraka Sthana. These
(a) 7th House, which is 12th House from the 8th House, because 8th House is the
house of longevity;
(b) 2nd House, which is 12th House from the 3rd House; and
(c) 12th House from Ascendant.
Among the above three Maraka Sthanas, the 2nd House is strongest for causing death;
the 7th House is next and the 12th House the last. The Lord of 2nd is more powerful
than others, because it is Misra Raasi having Marka Lakshana of both the 1st and 3rd
Houses. Saturn in the 8th House is more powerful for causing death for men.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.49: Lordships and strengths of Planets in giving AYURDAYA YOGAS of persons with ARIES
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.50: Lordships and strengths of Planets in giving AYURDAYA YOGAS of persons with TAURUS
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.52: Lordships and strengths of Planets in giving AYURDAYA YOGAS of persons with GEMINI
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.53: Lordships and strengths of Planets in giving AYURDAYA YOGAS of persons with CANCER
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.54: Lordships and strengths of Planets in giving AYURDAYA YOGAS of persons with LEO
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.55 presents ayur yogas for persons with Virgo Ascendant. In this
table, reference is made to a defeated planet. A Planet is called a defeated planet, if it
is less advanced than the second planet with which it is in combination in that
house. In such a case, Mars should not be defeated by Saturn, i.e., the longitude of
Mars should be more than that of Saturn in the same Ascendant.
Table 4.55: Lordships and strengths of Planets in giving AYURDAYA YOGAS of persons with VIRGO
8th or 11th
2 Mars 3rd and 8th 3rd, 6th, 8th or 11th
3 Mercury 1st and 10th Kendras, Konas, 3rd,
and Moon 11th 8th or 11th
4 Mars 3rd and 8th 8th
5 Mars 3rd and 8th 3rd, 8th or 11th
with Moon 11th
6 Mars 3rd and 8th Not good when
and Sun 12th together
7 Saturn 5th and 6th 3rd, 6th, 8th or 11th
8(a) Saturn 5th and 6th 3rd, 6th, 8th or 11th,
(b) Saturn 5th and 6th but Mars should
and Mars 3rd and 8th not be a defeated
9 Saturn 5th and 6th Not good when
and Sun 12th together
10 Saturn 5th and 6th when together
and Moon 11th
11 Naturally Very bad when
Good together, but
Planets especially worst
and Sun 12th when with
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.56: Lordships and strengths of Planets in giving AYURDAYA YOGAS of persons with LIBRA
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.57: Lordships and strengths of Planets in giving AYURDAYA YOGAS of persons with SCORPIO
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.58: Lordships and strengths of Planets in giving AYURDAYA YOGAS of persons with
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.59: Lordships and strengths of Planets in giving AYURDAYA YOGAS of persons with
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Table 4.60: Lordships and strengths of Planets in giving AYURDAYA YOGAS of persons with
AQUARIUS Ascendant
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.61: Lordships and strengths of Planets in giving AYURDAYA YOGAS of persons with PISCES
4.9.5 Longevity
Ashtamam hyayusnaha sthana, Mashta ma dashtamam, cha, that |
Thayorapi vyayasthanam marka Sthaana muchyathe ||
Longevity should be determined from the planets in the 8th House. Eight House
from the 8th House (i.e., third house from Lagna) is the House of Longevity. Therefore,
3rd and 8th Houses are Houses of Longevity. Maraka sthanas are
(1) 7th House is 12th House from 8th House;
(2) 2nd House is 12th House from 3rd House; and
(3) 12th House from Lagna.
When deciding Longevity, 3rd, 8th and Lagna Houses, must be considered. Some
astrologers take 8th House from 3rd House (i.e., 10th House) as the House of Longevity.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Traditionally, life is divided into 12 parts (Bhavas) and to decide the strength
of these, two forces are considered, namely Paramatma Sakti and Mano Sakti.
Sthanadhipati is considered to be Paramaatma Sakti, and Karaka is Mano Sakti.
The strength of each planet is decided by these two planets, and by their
Sthiti, Combination and Drushti or Aspect. It is not desirable to say that Sage Jaimini,
a contemporary of other Rishis, ignored these traditions. Sage Jaimini while dealing
with Ayurbhava, wrote the Sutra:
Ayuhu Pithru Dinesaabhyam ||
and took Lagna and Sun in determining Longevity. But, commentators say that the
word Dinesa indicates 8th house; this need not be mentioned separately when Lagna
is taken according to Sampradaya. When Sage Jaimini says Lagna as Ayushsthana, it is
not necessary to separately mention Ashtama; it is tradition that when Lagna is
mentioned, Ashtama is not mentioned. For this reason, Ashtama alone is mentioned
in Parasara Astrology. There is another mistake in the interpretation of this Sutra.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
This confirms that when Ashtama is said to be Aayu Sthana, it goes without saying
that it is Maraka Sthana also. Maraka Sthanas are
(1) 12th House from Lagna that is 12th House,
(2) 12th House from Ashtama that is 7th House, and
(3) 12th House from 3rd House, that is 2nd House.
Houses 6, 11 and 12 are less powerful for Maraka. Therefore,
(1) 1st, 8th and 3rd Houses are very powerful for Maraka,
(2) 2nd, 7th and 12th Houses are less powerfull than the above, and
(3) 6th and 11th are much less powerful than the above.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Thathra Pyaaya – Vyayasthaanaa duthharam balavanthnaram |
Thadeesuthustha thra gathaha paapinasthena sam yathaha ||
(1) 2nd House is more powerful for Maraka.
(2) Planets in these Houses are more powerful for Maraka than for Lords of those
Houses; and
(3) Those Planets that are in combination with the Lords of 2nd and 7th Houses are
much more powerful.
Theshaam dasaavipaakeshu Sambhavennidhanam nrunaam |
Theshama – sambhave saakshaa dwayaadheesa dasaaspwapi ||
Maraka occurs in the Main and Sub-Periods of
(1) Lords of 1st, 8th and 3rd House, and 2nd, 7th and 12th House, or
(2) Planets in those Houses naturally.
Some astrologers interpret this as at the end of the periods of these planets. There is
scope to doubt even if the periods of Lords of 2nd or 7th Houses denote Maraka, yet
there may not be Maraka, because sometimes there is no Maraka in their periods. The
reason for this is that they do not determine Longevity and the three categories in
which Marakas occurs, namely Lords of 1st, 8th and 3rd their Periods are more
powerful for Maraka, than in their Periods of Lords of 2nd, 7th and 12th Houses.
Aladbhe Punarethesham sambandhena vyayesithuhu |
Kwachichhu bhanam cha dasa swashatame – sa dasaasucha ||
In some cases, Maraka occurs in Periods of Natural Planets, who are in combination
with the Lords of 2nd and 7th Houses, if there is no chance of having the Periods of
Lords of 2nd and 7th Houses. If these Planets also fail to give Maraka in their own
Periods, Maraka will be in the Period of the Lord of the 8th House.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Kevaalaanancha Paapanam dasaasu nidhanam kwachit |
Kalpaneyam budhaihi nrunaam maarakaana – darasane ||
In case there is no possibility of fixing Maraka Planets, Maraka occurs in the Periods
of other powerful Naturally Bad Planets, according to their Sthiti, even if there are
no Marakalakshanas. Lords of Marakasthanas, known as bad planets, also give Marakas
(1) Naturally Good Planets with Kendradhipatya and remaining in Kendra positions,
or in Maarakasthanas; and
(2) Natural Bad Planets having Konadhipatyam remaining in Kona positions, or in
Maarakaissaha Sambandha nihamtha paapa kruchhanehi |
Athikramye tharan sarwan bhavatheva na samsayaha ||
Undoubtedly, Saturn being a Naturally Bad planet becomes more powerful in
giving Maraka, than all other Planets, when it is in combination with other Maraka-
giving planets. In this situation, Saturn takes lead over other Maraka-giving planets.
This same applies to Rahu, and this is true also by tradition and experience.
To a large extent, the parents’ affairs may be judged first by taking the
appropriate house (Bhava), and then by adopting the procedure as below:
(1) Father’s financial affairs can be judged by studying : 2nd House from 9th House;
(2) Father’s ills can be judged by studying : 6th House from 9th House;
(3) Father’s profession can be judged by studying : 10th House from 9th House;
Chapter 4: Bhavas
The karakatwas listed in section 2.3.29(i) refer to the 9th Bhava. Some of those
karakatwas are: Pita (Father), Daana (charity), Dharma (morality), Deva Bhakti (Diety
worship) and Pattabhisheka (coronation). Hence, this Bhava is captioned after the first
karakatwa, Pita, as Pirtu Bhava. The 9th House deals with this Pitru Bhava yoga. The 5th
house (which is 9th House from 9th House) also deals with Pitru Bhava. Sun is the
Pitru Karaka for persons born during the day, and Saturn for those born during the
night. Table 4.62 lists the yogas of the person associated with Pitru Bhava yogas for
different planetary positions.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
14 If Lord of 9th House is in 10th House, then the person’s father will have
and Lord of 10th House is in 9th House, good character, reputation and
15 If Lord of 9th House is in 10th House, then the person’s father will be
and Lord of 10th House is in 9th House, noble.
aspected by
16 If Sun is in 5th or 9th then the person’s father will be very
House, rich.
and Lord of 9th House, in kendra or
aspected by
The karakatwas listed in section 2.3.29(j) refer to the Dasama Bhaava. Some of
those karakatwas are: Karma (duty), Nidhi (treasure), Vyapara (business), Jeevanopadhi
(livelihood), Vaanijya (trade), Keerti (fame), Ayu (longevity) and Raja Yoga (high
authority or kingship). Hence, this Bhava is captioned after the first karakatwa,
Karma. Thus, this Bhaava speaks of the type of profession the person will adopt.
Here, karma denotes truthfulness and service, irrespective of whether or not the
person upholds the traditions. Table 4.63 lists the yogas of the person associated with
Karma Jeeva Bhava for different planetary positions.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.63: Yogas of KARMA JEEVA BHAVA of persons based on planetary combinations
Chapter 4: Bhavas
10 If Lord of 10th House, in 6th, 8th or 10th House is then the person will
12th House, not be one devoid of any
and aspected by action.
Saturn and
11 If Lord of 8th or 12th in 10th House, when then the person will
House, and Naturally not be one of
Good positive actions.
Planets do
not aspect
the 10th
12 If Lord of 10th House, in bad Rasi, then the person will
and Jupitur and in 4th House, be one of positive
Saturn or any of actions.
these two are/is
13 If Lord of 10th House, then the person will
is combined with be one of good
Naturally Good character.
or combined with
or combined with
14 If Lord of 10th House, in 6th, 8th or then the person will
12th House, be one of negative
and Ketu, in Kendra actions.
and a Naturally in 10th House,
Bad Planet is
15 If Naturally Good in 6th, 8th or then the person will
Planets are 12th House, be one of negative
and Rahu is in 10th House, actions.
16 If Lord of 10th House, in 3rd, 6th, 8th then the person will
is weak and or 12th House, be one of negative
and Ketu is in kendra or actions.
kona House,
17 If Lord of 10th House, in 8th House, then the person will
is be a sinner.
combined with
Rahu, is
18 If Lords of 8th and 12th in 10th House, then the person will
House, are be a sinner.
and Jupiter and in 12th House,
Mercury are
Jataka Mani Manjusha
19 If Lords of 8th and 12th in 12th House, then the person will
House, are have a good
and Saturn is in 10th House, character.
20 If Saturn and Mars in 12th House, then the person will
are be one of negative
and Lord of 10th House, in 6th, 8th or actions.
is 12th House,
and Jupiter is
21 If Lords of 10th House, in 5th, 9th or then the person will
kendra House, be a self-respecting
and Lords of 5th and 9th in 10th House, one of repute and of
Houses, positive actions.
and Lord of either 5th or 9th
22 If Lord of 3rd and/or 6th in 10th House, then the person will
Houses, be of repute during
their periods.
23 If Lord of 10th House is then the person will
in neecha, be a sinner.
and Naturally not present in
Good Planets are 10th House,
and not
aspected by
Good Planets,
24 If Mars and Rahu in 1st House, then the person will
are love his caste.
and Saturn is in 7th House,
and Lord of 10 House, in 3rd, 6th, 8th
is or 12th House,
25 If Lord of 1st House, is in 1st House, then the person will
and if Lord of 10th House, in 10th House, be one of self-repect
is and be reknowned.
or if Lord of 1st House, is in 10th House,
and Lord of 10th House, in 1st House,
26 If Saturn is in 1st House, then the person will
karakamsa live and thrive on
Ascendant, or his/her integrity, and
10th House, will be of
independent actions.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Jataka Mani Manjusha
The word yoga is quite indigenous to India and such a system cannot be
found in the astrological principles of other countries. Five types of yogas are
identified, namely:
(1) Raja Yoga: offers high political power, and confers status and recognition;
(2) Dhana Yoga: offers combinations of great wealth and confers material prosperity;
(3) Gyana Yoga: offers combinations of higher knowledge and renunciation of the
(4) Arishta Yoga: offers series of misfortunes of most baneful nature, failures,
obstacles, penury and ill health.
(5) Daridra Yoga: offers poverty.
The results ascribed to each of the yogas will completely manifest, if the yoga karaka
planets producing such yogas are not afflicted.
Sometimes, Lord of the 10th House is not giving yogas, either in its own
period or sub-period, but the planets combined with it will enhance their yoga,
provided they are yoga planets; see section 3.2. Each planet runs his main period in a
person’s horoscope starting from the date of birth. The period of every planet is
divided into sub-periods of all the nine planets starting from its own sub-period.
The sub-period is calculated as the planet dasa period, multiplied by the fraction of
its period to the total number of years of all planets put-together, i.e., 120 years.
Though all Planets are capable of giving good or bad yogas, by virtue of
Karakatwa and Lordships, their effects are to be determined by their sthithi or
situation. Planets in
(i) Sthira Rasis are powerful in giving less yoga,
(ii) Chara Rasis less powerful than those in Sthira Rasis, and hence their yoga is
lesser than in (i) above, and
(iii) Dwiswabhava Rasis give very good Raja Yoga.
Table 4.64 lists yogas associated with the Raja Yoga Bhavas for different planetary
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Jataka Mani Manjusha
9 If Lords of 2nd House is in 1st House, then the person’s Dhana Yoga will
and if Lords of 11th House is in 8th or 12th be affected, and cause expenditure,
House, irrespective of whether or not the
lagna is in own house (2nd House).
10 If Naturally Bad in 2nd or 1st then the person’s Dhana Yoga is
Planets are House, completely negated, if bindus are
less than 28 in 1st and 2nd Houses,
respectively. The bindus referred to
here are those obtained in the
Sarvastakavarga system.
If Naturally Bad Planets having certain yogas are in neecha, they give greater
yoga. Hence, if Naturally Bad Planets having yogadhipatya are in Neecha, it is known
as Neecha Bhanga Yoga; they give very good yoga. Some Astrologers consider or
interpret that if any three Planets are in Neecha, they give good Yoga. But, this
applies only to Naturally Bad Planets. Table 4.65 lists additional Raja Yogas for
different planetary positions.
Table 4.65: Additional Yogas of RAJA YOGA of persons based on planetary combinations
Chapter 4: Bhavas
4 If Jupiter is Lord of 8th House is in 12th House, then the person will have Yoga,
when the lagna is Leo.
5 If Naturally Bad 1st, 4th, 7th or in kendra or then the person will have good Yoga
Planets are Lords 10th House, kona House, during the periods of these planets.
and are combined
with Moon is
(a) Though combination of Moon with any Planet generally is said to be good, full Moon
combined with Naturally Good Planets with kendradhipatya in kendra and kona houses will
not give Yoga.
(b) If this Moon is between two yoga Planets, it will give good Yoga during the periods of these
two planets. But, these two planets and Moon have Kendradhipatya Dosha in kendra Houses,
they will spoil the Yoga.
(c) The yoga in (b) above will be worse in kona Houses, if the Kendra Rasi is Cancer.
6 If Naturally Good 1st and 4th, in kendra then the person will have reduced
Planets with and 7th and positions, Yoga of the Planets associated with
double 10th Houses, the planets having kendradhipatya
kendradhipatya are or dosha.
Lords of 4th and 7th,
and 1st and
10th Houses,
when combined
with Naturally
Good Planets
As per the speeds of motion of planets, Moon, Kuja, Mercury and Venus are
termed as fast planets, and Saturn, Jupiter and Sun slow planets. Based on the speeds
of planets, the following is observed:
(a) If two planets giving Yoga join, then both of them will give good Yoga, if one of
them is sheeghra graha (fast planet), the other manda graha (slow planet) and if
later is ahead.
(b) If Moon is between the two planets in (a) above, the Yoga will be greater.
(c) If the faster planet is ahead and slower planet is behind, both of the planets will
not give Yoga.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Planets are categorized into three sets, depending on how much yoga they
offer. These categories are:
(a) Most Powerful Planets::
Lords of 9th and 10th Houses
Lords of 5th and 10th Houses
Lords of 5th and 9th Houses
(b) Powerful Planets::
Lords of 5th and 1st Houses
Lords of 5th and 4th Houses
Lords of 1st and 10th Houses
Lords of 1st and 9th Houses
(a) Less Powerful Planets::
Lords of 4th and 10th Houses
Lords of 4th and 9th Houses
Lords of 1st and 4th Houses
Table 4.66 lists more Yogas for different planetary positions.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
6 If Jupiter and 6th, 8th or in kendra or then the person will have good
Venus are Lords of 12th House, kona House, Yoga, and also when one of these
and planets is in exaltation.
7 If Naturally Bad 1st, 4th, 7th or then the person will have very good
Planets are Lords 10th House, Yoga, and even much more when
of and these houses are owned by Mars,
are combined with Sun and Saturn. This is valid when
Naturally Bad these houses are Aries, Leo,
Planets with same Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius.
kendradhipatya, in
8 If Naturally Bad 1st, 4th, 7th or in kendra then the person will have very good
Planets are Lords 10th House, House, Raja Yoga, even when they are
of and join natural enemies and when one of
together the houses is the own house of a
9 If Naturally Bad 1st, 4th, 7th or together in then the person will have very good
Planets are Lords 10th House, kendra House, Raja Yoga, more than the one in
of and join item (8) above.
and Moon also
10 If Lords of 5th and 10th in 5th or 9th then the person will have bad Yoga,
Houses, are House, when one of the planets is a
together Naturally Good (Lord of 10th House)
or if Lords of 9th and 10th and the other a Naturally Bad (Lord
Houses, are of 5th or 9th House).
11 If Lords of 5th and 10th in 3rd, 6th, 9th then the person will have good Raja
Houses, are or 12th House, Yoga, if the planets are in paapa
or if Lords of 9th and 10th sthana, when one of the Planets is a
Houses, are Naturally Good Planet (Lord of 10th
together House) and the other a Naturally
Bad Planet (Lord of 5th or 9th
12 If Naturally Bad 5th and 10th in then the person will
Planets are Lords Houses, are (a) 5th or 9th (a) not have Yoga;
of together House,
or if Naturally Bad 9th and 10th (b) 1st, 4th, 7th
Planets are Lords Houses, are or 10th (b) have good Yoga; and
of together House, and
(c) 3rd, 6th, 8th
or 12th
(c) have lesser Yoga than in item (b)
above. But, this does not apply to
Sun and Saturn.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
13 (a) If Sun is Lord of 1st, 4th, 7th or in kona then the person will have good
10th House, Houses, Yoga, even when the planet is in
and Saturn is Lord 5th or 9th kona position, provided the kona
of House, position is own House of Sun or
(b) or if Sun is Lord of 5th or 9th in kendra then the person will have good
House, Houses, Yoga with certainty, provided the
and Saturn is Lord 1st, 4th, 7th or kendra position is own House of Sun
of 10th House, or Saturn.
14 If two Naturally 5th or 9th in kendra or then the person will have good
Good Planets are House, and in kona Yoga, irrespective of the 2nd
Lords of are together House, adhipatya of these planets.
15 (a) If Lords of 9th and in kendra or then the person will have good
10th Houses in kona Yoga, when Lord of 9th or 5th houses
become Lords of 5th and 9th House, is Naturally Good Planet, and Lord
Houses, and of 10th House is a Naturally Bad
(b) and when Lord of 9th or 5th Planet.
and Lord of 10th House,
16 If Planets as in in kendra or then the person will have good
item (15) above are kona House, Yoga, greater than that in item (15)
with Moon above.
17 (a) If Venus is Lord of Lagna then the person will have less
kendradhipatya dosha due to the
(b) If Venus is Lord of 6th or 8th then the person will have Yoga, as
House, Venus becomes a Good Planet.
(c) If Venus is Lord of 6th or 8th in kendra then the person will not have the
House, and positions, Yoga spoiled, but will be a debtor.
18 If Naturally Bad in neecha then the person will have good
Planets are positions, Yoga.
19 If Naturally Good in uchha then it should not be said that the
Planets are positions, person will not always have good
Yoga from Naturally Good Planets.
20 If Naturally Good in both uchha then the person will have Yoga, in
Planets are and neecha accordance with the sthiti and
positions, aadhipatya.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Jataka Mani Manjusha
8 If Sun is Lord of 4th House, in 6th or 8th then the person will have good
and House, Yoga; this is called the mutual
and if Moon is 3rd House, in 8th or 6th shashtashtaka stithi.
Lord of and House,
9 If Sun is Lord of 4th House, then the person will have good
and if combined 3rd House, yoga, when Moon is not with with
with Moon the Mercury in the same House.
Lord of
10 If Mercury is Lord in 3rd House, then the person will have good
nd th
of 2 and 5 yoga, when Mercury is not with Sun
Houses, and in the same House.
In Gemini Ascendant,
11 If Jupiter is Lord of 7th and 10th in 7th House, then the person will have good
Houses, Yoga, though Jupiter is in own
when combined house.
with Saturn, Lord
of 8th and 9th
Houses, and
12 If Jupiter is Lord of 7th and 10th in 8th House, then the person will have Yoga,
Houses, and even though Jupiter is in
debilitation in 8th house.
In Cancer Ascendant,
In Leo Ascendant,
13 If Jupiter is Lord of 5th and 8th then the person will have bad yoga.
and with Venus is
Lord of 3rd and 10th
14 If Venus is Lord of 3rd and 10th in 2nd or 3rd then the person will have good
Houses, and House, Yoga, but will have no Yoga when in
and Mars is Lord of 4th and 9th in 10th House, 10th House.
Houses, and
15 If Venus is Lord of 3rd and 10th in 2nd House then the person will have good
Houses, is from kendra yoga.
In Virgo Ascendant,
16 If Jupiter is Lord of 4th and 7th in 11th House, then the person will not have Yoga,
Houses, and though Jupiter is in uchha in 11th
In Libra Ascendant,
17 If Saturn is Lord of 4th and 5th in 12th House, then the person will have Yoga; this
Houses, and is an exception for this lagna.
and Sun is Lord of 11th House,
Chapter 4: Bhavas
18(a) If Venus is Lord of 1st and 8th then the person will have good
Houses, Yoga, when the Venus and Saturn
and Sun is Lord of 11th House, planets are in asthangatwa.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
26 If Venus is Lord of 6th and 11th in 10th House, then the person will have Yoga,
Houses, and though Venus is in neecha in 10th
27 If Jupiter is Lord of 1st and 4th in 1st House, then the person will have good
Houses, Yoga, as Jupiter is in own house
and if combined 2nd and 3rd (moola trikona).
with Saturn is Lord Houses,
28 If Saturn is Lord of 2nd and 3rd in 11th House, then the person will have yoga.
Houses, are in uchha,
In Capricorn Ascendant,
29 If Saturn is Lord of 1st House, in 2nd or 7th then the person will have good
combined with House, Dhana Yoga.
Mars, Lord of 4th and 11th
Houses, are
30 If Saturn is Lord of 1st and 2nd in 1st, 2nd, 9th then the person will have good
Houses, is or 10th House, yoga.
combined with
Mercury, Lord of 6th and 9th
Houses, is
In Aquarius Ascendant,
31 If Jupiter is Lord of 2nd and 11th in 7th House, then the person will have bad Yoga.
and if Saturn is
Lord of 1st and 12th
Note: In Aquarius Ascendant, all planets have greater aadhipatya dosha, except when Sun is Lord
of 7th House and Mars of 3rd and 10th Houses. Therefore, the possibility is less of the person
having Raja Yoga; also, intelligence and capacities are not appreciable.
32 If Jupiter without in Kendra or then the person will have good
kendradhipatya is Kona, 3rd or Yoga by both the Planets.
is combined with 12th House,
33 If Jupiter is Lord of 2nd and 11th in kendra, then the person will have good
Houses, kona, 3rd or Yoga, with greater and better yoga
is combined with 12th House, from Ketu.
34 If Mercury is Lord 5th or 8th in kendra, then the person will have good
of Houses, kona, 3rd or Yoga, with greater and better yoga
is combined with 12th House, from Ketu.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
Naturally Good Planets are Powerfull in the period of increasing Moon (i.e.,
during Sukla Paksha), and Naturally Bad Planets in the period of waning Moon (i.e.,
during Krishna Paksha). But, Jupiter is powerfull in both Sukla and Krishna Pakshas.
The Naturally Good and Bad Planets have different shades of being bad:
(a) Moon is only ¼ bad, when it is waning.
(b) Mercury is ¼ bad, when he is in combination with a Naturally Bad Planets.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
10 If Lords of 3rd and 6th together in 3rd then the person will have good
Houses, are or 6th House, Yoga.
or separately
in either
Jataka Mani Manjusha
These duties of man can be correlated to the 12 houses in the Zodiac and
draw conclusions. Dharma stands for conduct, workship and holiness, and is
assigned to 1st, 5th and 9th Houses. Artha stands for money, and is assigned to 2nd
House. Work or job is there in 6th House, and is related to earning money.
Profession is in the 10th House, which is related to earning. Hence, 2nd, 6th and 10th
Houses can be taken as the houses of artha. Man always wishes cooperation from
others in his ventures or deeds. The pleasure sought from the wife belongs to Kaama
only. Eveyone is desirous of profits and gains from his/her work. Therefore, 3rd, 7th
and 11th as houses of Kaama. 4th House is the house of comforts and 8th House of
longevity. Some philosophers recognized consummation of longevity as salvation.
Certain sudden and unexpected things happen in ones life. They feel that salvation
can be attained through suicide. Amongst the 12 houses, Ketu (South Node) is
known to give Moksha. Hence, 4th, 8th and 12th Houses are treated as houses of
The karakas of these four Purushardhas are given in Table 4.69. Persons who
give importance to Dharma are duty-minded always. Persons who believe in Dharma
and do not give importance to profit or loss while carrying out their duties. It is
better to enter the path of spiritualism, if one desires salvation.
Table 4.69: Planets identified as karakas for each of the four Purushardhas
Chapter 4: Bhavas
The karakatwas listed in section 2.3.29(l) refer to the 12th Bhava. Some of those
karakatwas are: Vyaya (spending), Manovyadha (mental agony), Nashta (loss), Roga
(disease) and Moskha (salvation). Hence, this Bhava is captioned after the last
karakatwa, Moksha, which is the ultimate aim of a human being, when he leaves this
material world. Table 4.70 lists the yogas of the person associated with Moksha Bhava
for different planetary positions.
In Table 4.70, reference is made to Pitru Loka. As per Hndu Mythology, Pitru
Loka is one of the seven upper heavens (Oordhva loka), where the souls of the
forefathers rest in peace after they attain Moksha; this is attributed to the good and
helpful deeds they performed during their lives and practiced the rules framed in
Dharma Shastras. The Oordhva Lokas are detailed in section 4.7.4.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
10 If Venus and Mars are in kendra, then the person will die power
kona, lagna or hungry.
12th House,
11 If Venus and Sun are in kendra, then the person will die power
kona, lagna or hungry.
12th House,
12 If Venus and Saturn in kendra, then the person will peacefully.
are kona, lagna or
12th House,
13 If Venus and Rahu are in kendra, then the person will become a ghost
kona, lagna or after death.
12th House,
14 If Mercury is Lord of 12 House, in kendra or then the person will be a devotee of
kona positions, Lord Siva and attain blissful heaven.
or 12th House,
15 If Mercury is Lord of 12th House, in 3rd, 6th or 8th then the person will have mixed
and if combined with House, results given below this Table.
any of Saturn, Jupiter
and Ketu are
16 If Mercury is Lord of 12th House, in kendra, then the person will be a devotee of
and combined with kona or 11th Sun and with riteous actions.
one of Sun and Mars, House,
17 If Mercury is Lord of 12th House, in 3rd, 6th or 8th then the person will have yogas
and if Sun and Mars House, opposite to that in (16) above.
18 If a Naturally Bad 12th House, in kendra, kona then the person will be a devotee
Planet is Lord of or 11th House, and have painless death.
and if combined with
Naturally Good
Planets, are
19 If a Naturally Bad 12th House, in 3rd, 6th, 8th then the person will die with a bad
Planet is Lord of or 12th Houses, name.
and combined with
Naturally Good
Planets (except Ketu)
20 If Saturn or Ketu is in 12th House, then the person will attain moksha.
21 If Naturally Good in 12th House, then the person will attain moksha.
Planets, Jupiter and
Mercury are
Chapter 4: Bhavas
22 If Venus and Moon in 12th House, then the person will have different
are yoga.
Note: The different yogas mentioned here are:
(1) Bad character, extreme anger, enemy to friends, rejects good activities, untruthful, excess
sexual urge, and unsympathetic.
(2) Spend thrift, poor man, involves in labour work, unrighteous attitude, chasteful and
23 If Sun is in 2nd House, then the person will attain moksha.
and if Mars is in 12th House,
24 If Ketu are together then the person will attain moksha.
and if Lord of 11 House,
25 If Mars is alone in 12th House, then the person will not attain
26 If Sun is in 9th House, then the person will be a worshipper
of Sun.
The mixed results mentioned in item (15) of Table 4.70 are given here. Since
there are three combinations (of Saturn, Jupiter and Ketu), the results vary as below:
(1) Loss in business
(2) Disrespected
(3) Spends money for sinful and disrespected activities
(4) Honoured person, but spends money for boasting
(5) Will move abroad and get excommunicated from his religion
(6) Attains salvation
(7) Becomes Mother’s enemy, sickly and unhappy from children, and go astray
(8) Becomes a Village Officer, Owner of a big cattle herd, and Zamindar (but has a
cuning mind)
(9) Selfish, unattractive and becomes enemy to virtuous man
(10) Cruel mind, miser, contemptible, spendthrift, and frightened person
(11) Shameless, afflicted, fruitless toil, non-benefactor, and non-righteous
(12) Mischevous, cunning, afflicted, poor man, gets happy in talking to women
(13) Well behaved, disrespectable, ever doubtful, obeys orders from women, having
children and relations
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Table 4.72: Some causes leading to death of persons determined by their governing Planets
When there are no Planets in the 8th House, death will be decided by the
Planet, which is Lord of the 22nd Drekkana from Ascendant. Following this, the order
of determination of death is:
(a) Lord of 8th House;
(b) Lord of 22nd Drekkana;
(c) Planet in the 8th House from the position of the Lord of the 8th House;
(d) Planet in the 8th House from the position of 22nd Drekkana Lord;
(e) Planet combined with Lords of 6th, 8th and 12th Houses; and
(f) Planets combined with Naturally Bad Planets.
In each of these cases, the person will die because of diseases attributed to the most
powerful Planet among them.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
When the above Planets are combined with Naturally Good Planets and are
in kendras and kona positions, the Native will die of diseases attributed to these
Planets and death will be peaceful. Table 4.73 presents some consequences of death
of persons based on planetary positions.
Devaloka means Satyaloka, where there are separate sub-divisions for the
Trinity. Satyaloka consists of the following in ascending order, the highest being
Goloka [Reddy, 2002]:
(1) Brahma Loka: For Lord Brahma and Consort Saraswati
(2) Kailasa Loka: For Lord Siva and Consort Parvati
(3) Vaikuntha Loka: For Lord Vishnu and Consort Lakshmi
(4) Go loka
Jataka Mani Manjusha
These conditions are determined by the most powerful among (a) Lords of
6thand 7th Houses, and (b) Planets in these Houses. The possible location of the soul
after death is determined by planets as [Puranam, 1987]:
(a) Jupiter leads to Deva Loka;
(b) Venus and Moon lead to Pirtu Loka;
(c) Sun and Mars lead to Tiryag Loka; and
(d) Saturn and Mercury lead to Naraka Loka.
Though Saturn and Mercury are Lords of Naraka Loka, the person will not attain
Naraka Loka, if
(a) Jupiter is in Uchha,
(b) Jupiter is in Sagittarius or Pisces Rasis,
(c) Saturn, Mercury or any of them is in the House of Jupiter,
(d) Saturn, Mercury or any of them is in Guru Navamsa, i.e., Saturn and
Mercury, or either of them are/is in houses owned by Jupiter, namely
Sagittarius and Pisces, in the Navamsa Chart, and
(e) Jupiter is in Houses of Saturn or Mercury.
Chapter 4: Bhavas
When Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury become Lords of Chara, Sthira and Dwiswabhava,
and remain in those Houses, they are powerful. For example,
(i) Sun (the Lord of Leo, the Sthira raasi) is more powerful when in Sthira Rasis,
namely Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
(ii) If any Planet is Lord of both Chara and Sthira Rasis, it is equally powerful in
both these places.
(iii) Lords of Dwiswabhava Rasis (like Jupiter and Mercury) are powerful in
Dwiswabhava Rasis.
(iv) Moon (the Chara Rasi) is powerful, when in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
This strength is also considered in determining death.
Jataka Mani Manjusha