VedicExcellence Snippets
VedicExcellence Snippets
VedicExcellence Snippets
If one were to believe the ancient texts, Sanskrit and the Vedas have their origin in God. Veda
means Knowledge. It is believed that the Vedas has every bit of knowledge that one seeks. It was a
tradition to pass orally most of the encrypted knowledge hidden in the Vedas.
When one tries to link Modern Science, Sanskrit (Ancient Language) & the Vedas and other ancient
scriptures like the Samhitas , Upanishads , usually one looks at them either in wonder or in
shock—wonder that even today someone can think of linking the three and still bring out
something useful to current day’s need or in shock that there can be any link at all. The period
that separates them is so huge and vast‐that the whole world , Science and Technology that existed
during our Vedic seer’s period is so vastly different than our present jet set age‐that hardly any
comparison can be made at all.
It would amaze people if one were to make a statement that our vedic seer’s were far more
knowledgeable and insightful than we care to acknowledge or admit. Our Modern day scientists
have validated what our Vedic seers had already perceived and have fine tuned some of their
perceptions or predictions. Let me now unfold certain examples from various fields…
1)Astronomy‐path of all celestial bodies is elliptical‐Æ English translation……Rig Veda 1.164.2
The Elliptical path through which all the celestial bodies move is imperishable and unslakened.
In the Western Astronomical tradition upto the age of Copernicus (1473‐1543), it was believed that
the planets and other celestial bodies had circular bodies. Later Johannes Kepler proposed a new
theory in 1609. According to him the path of all planets and other celestial bodies is elliptical.
2) Astronomy‐circumference of the earthÆ Suryasidhanth Madhyamadhikarah‐59
The radius of the earth is 800 yojanas. The circumference of the earth is the result of
multiplication of its radius with 2 and square root of 1024056 or 326*10^7 danda.T he circumference
of the earth is 4.008*10^7 meters. 1 danda=1.24 meters.
Massive celestial bodies are attracted powerfully towards the earth by her own (gravitational)
force, and they appear to fall as a result of such attraction , but when equal forces act on a body in
space from all sides‐how can it fall?
The universal law of gravitation was propounded by Issac Newton ( 1642‐1727 CE)
4) Physics‐Speed of light‐ Rik‐Samhita‐1.50.4
The Sun quickly pervades the whole world. It is remembered that the sunlight travels 2,202 yojanas
in half a nimisha.
1 yojana=9 miles, 110 yards=9.6025 miles, 2,202 yojanas=21,144.705 miles, Time taken= ½
Thus speed of light=1,85,016.169 miles/sec
Modern Value=1.86,000 miles/second
Michelson & Morley discovered the velocity of light in the 19th century AD
The areas(of the squares) produced separately by the length and breadth of a rectangle together
equal the area (of the square) produced by the diagonal.
“The Pythagaros theoeem had its origin in the Sulba Sutras of Baudhayana and Apastamba”—
Leopold Van Schroeder, Indologist
6) Test Tube Baby—Rig Veda 7.33.13
Consecrated for the sacrifice , propitiated by praises , they (Mitra and varuna) poured a common
effusion into the water jar , from which Mana(Agastya) and Vasistha were born. Mitra and varuna ,
the deities mentioned in the Vedas developed Agastya and Vasistha in a vessel called Vastivara ( a
compact abode of Liquid). Later in the Mahabharata period test tube babies were developed. Kripa
and Drona were such specimen.
These are just a few excerpts taken from various fields to highlight the knowledge possessed by
our ancient seers which have all been validated, rediscovered later.
If this were true—a lot of hidden treasure and knowledge could be unraveled by reading the
scriptures. While this is true, a whole lot of knowledge has been encrypted. Without having the
relevant keys, it would be absolutely impossible to decipher the hidden code or knowledge. Let
me again highlight by giving a few examples:
1)Mathematics‐Value of PI‐>
Oh (Krishna) the fortune of the gopis , the destroyer of the demon Madhu , the protector of cattle
, the one who ventured the ocean depths , destroyer of evil doers , one with plough on the shoulder
and the bearer of nectar, may (you) protect (us)
That is it and nothing more unless you have heard of the protocol called Katapayaadi Sankhya.
Under Katapayyaadi Sankhya , letters of the alphabets have numerical values ascribed to them.
When applied to this sloka‐you get 3.1415926535897932384626433832792. You don’t have to be a
mathematical genius to recognize the value of PI to 31 decimal places.
2) Astronomy‐Periods of planets‐
Vedvyasa has arranged the RIKS in the Samhita into 10 books.
Planet Book No. Riks Days(Ancient) Days(Current) Remarks
Mercury 3,4 62+58 120 115.88 off
Venus 1,5,9,10 191+87+114+191 583 583.92 Accurate
Mars 1,5,7,8,9,10 191+87+104+92+114+191 779 779.94 Accurate
Jupiter 2,3,5,8,9 43+62+87+92+114 398 398.99 Accurate
Saturn 2,4,5,6,9 43+58+87+75+114 377 378.09 Accurate
3) Mathematics‐Vedic SutrasÆEka‐Adhikena –One more than the previous one.
The value of 1/19 to 18 decimal places in the present conventional way is very taxing and time
consuming. The vedic sutra Eka Adhikena sutra—gives a simple and efficient way.
1/19: when denominator ends in 9, we increase the other one by 1. So 1+1=2
So we divide ½ with a slight difference.
The remainder is put by the quotient and together becomes the next dividend.
Suffice it to say, a vast majority of people do believe that decoding the ancient scriptures will yield
unparalleled knowledge. It is common fact now that Sanskrit is considered the language most
suitable for computers and Artificial Intelligence.
Nth Dimenzion Solutions has been incorporated ( Oct 2007) based on the premise that the Vedas
and other scriptures contain all the knowledge that one needs to solve not only present day’s
problem but all problems one will ever face as Vedas means Total Knowledge . Nth Dimenzion
believes that all that looked magical and mystical during our Vedic seers days and all those that
look magical and mystical even now is magical and mystical only because we have not solved how
to do it yet. We strongly be believe that all is possible‐and therefore our quest is to find the
relevant science or technology to make it feasible.
To cite few examples here:
1) Sanjaya narrating the Mahabharata war to Dhritarashtra though not been physically
present is in today’s parlance‐Wireless television.
2) When our Sages used to bless us “Thatastu” by having the palm facing us is akin to
Bluetooth Data transfer of today.
3) We take even anecdotal references in the Vedas to have some deeper meaning for ex: In the
Vedas it is stated that the world sits on the snakes head—our interpretation is simple—
Snakes can be used to predict earthquakes. It is stated that they can determine
earthquakes almost 15 days in advance. Recent searches show China setting up a research
laboratory to study just the same.
NthDimenzion has two arms of Business: Consulting and Development and the Vedic Research
wing. Our Approach to client serving is simple—We dig deep into the scriptures to arrive at
meaningful and possible approaches to the problem and deliver the same. We believe that Vedas
being the Storehouse of knowledge‐Foundations for all Solutions can be found there if one knows
where to look.
We aim to develop solutions or approaches to current day problems using the Scriptures as a
guide. We intend to develop new IP’s in various fields. Current research Own and Sponsored is in
High Velocity Transportation Nuances , Mathematical sutras for Cryptography and Allied areas
and Knowledge Management . We believe that as stated in the Vedas, many of our current day
solutions have their basis in Higher space geometry. It is stated that many paradoxes, problems of
today can be resolved by looking at 4space, 5space and higher space geometry.
We believe that The Self Organizing power of Knowledge as stated in the Vedas can have an huge
impact in our life if we are able to decipher the same. It is known that from Rig Veda –we can
decipher the other Vedas and from any branch of one Veda , we can decipher the that Veda in full.
Imagine what it could do in today’s world..
Sample Examples in other fields:
1)Physics‐Electricity‐Agastya Samhita 14th century AD
This sloka deals with generation of electrical energy using copper plates and chemicals kept in
hundreds of earthen pots to make a battery bank..
2) Physics‐Lens‐Nyadarshanam 800 BCE.
That which cannot be perceived with naked eye can be perceived with the help of instruments with
lenses made of Kacha(glass) , Abhrapatala (Mica) and Sphatika( Crystal).
Roger Bacon’s ( 1214‐1292 CE) another invention was lens.
3) Aeronautics‐Protection of Aircrafts‐Vimanshastram,Yantradhikaranam 50,51
If the aircraft enters into the fifth layer of the atmosphere , due to strong eddies, it may be
damaged. The contrivance called Roudri Darpana Yantram offers the required protection.
The fifth layerof the atmosphere corresponds to a layer called Gharshanavartha or Thermosphere.
This layer is supposed to have a large proportion of ozone and is largely responsible for absorption
of ultra violet rays.
4) Metallurgy‐Loss during heating‐Yajnyavalkya Smriti,Vyavaharadhyaya 2.178
When strongly heated in fire , the loss of weight for
Gold is Nil, Silver 2%, Tin 8%, Lead 5%, Copper 5%, Iron 10%
References: The Vedas, the various treatises‐mentioned, Pride of India, Science in Sanskrit….
Original Sanskrit Quotes available on reference