Jyotish Astro Secrets & KP: M P Shanmugam

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Jyotish Astro Secrets & KP

M P Shanmugam
Planets - How do they act?
Four-fold Significators Results
1 House in which placement of Star Lord of Planet
2 House ownership of Star Lord of Planet
3 House in which placement of Planet
4 House owned by Planet

# Sun, Star Lord -> Saturn

1 House in which placement of Star Lord of Planet - IV
2 House ownership of Star Lord of Planet – VI and VII
3 House in which placement of Planet - VI
4 House owned by Planet - I

These Four fold order of giving results will take place during the dasa/bukthi of Sun.
Gochara Transit Results
As per the example chart of the above, when Venus does not run its Dasa/bhukthi/anthara,

• When Venus transits in Ketu – Ketu is already in the star of Venus . Venus will concentrate and
center its own (III and X) house on that day.

• When Venus transits in Mercury (II and XI) –

• Venus House denoting III – Younger Brother and Mercury (from III, IX and XII)
• Native’s Brother will purchase Venus related item (Luxury, Cloth) for his father

• Venus House denoting X – Profession and Mercury (from X, II and V)

• Native will gain professional status through educational achievement

If the Rasi lord is also favourable, the result of that day will also improve a little more.

During Gochara, that is according to birth chart, when Venus is not running its Dasa/bukthi anthara
in Gochara/transit on a particular day if it is Bharni or Poorva-Falguni or Poorva-Shadha that is
Moon transiting in any one of these 3 stars for the whole day for that particular day alone, the III
and X house is concentrated.
On that day, Venus in which Star it is moving, that Star lord which house it occupies, the houses or
house of that star lord, results will be offered for that particular day only.
Next day, that is when the Star day changes. the Venus has no say anymore. Moon in which star it
is moving that Star lord will act, as said for Venus, for that particular day. This is exactly is the Daily
transit (Gochara) results.
Planetary Aspects – Part 1
• Of the planetary aspects, aspects of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars are very powerful, dominating and also are capable to totally change the very
results good or bad to a lower or increased levels. Whereas the aspects from Moon-Venus-Mercury are only of a very ordinary nature,
and can never form a powerful and dominating aspect like that of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter.
• Saturn, Mars, Jupiter can focuss their aspects only downwards. Accordingly, when their aspect is downwards and on other planets, the
aspected planets lose their balance, gets a change thrust on it.
• Mercury, Venus and Moon aspect amongst themselves, no doubt there will be a dominating effect, but the result will be a diluted one.
• Outer planets Mars-Saturn-Jupiter, when they aspect their inner planets like Moon-Mercury-Venus, the Inner planets are subjected to the
dictates of the outer planets.

Planets Aspects Notes

Moon, Mercury, Venus 7th

Mars 4th , 7th , and 8th by its aspect, it will offer only harmful results

Jupiter 5th , 7th and 9th by its aspect will offer only good and favourable results.

Saturn 3rd , 7th and 10th by its aspect, it will offer only harmful results
Planetary Aspects – Part 1 - Example
• For Mesha Lagna, Mercury lord of 6th say stationed in 6th.
Saturn, lord of 10-11 stationed in Dhanus aspects this
Mercury by its 10th aspect, or stationed in Cancer aspects
this Mercury by 3rd aspect,
• during Saturn Dasa Mercury bukthi or Mercury Dasa Saturn 2 12
bukthi or Mars Dasa Saturn bukthi, Mercury anthara
Sa7 3 11
• This Native will face imprisonment or face harassment in
any manner from the Government. Sa3

• The same Mercury, if it had the aspect of Jupiter, inspite of

Jupiter being a Vryadhipathi, situations like imprisonment, 1
harassment etc. can never happen
4 10

• Therefore, in terms of planetary aspects, Jupiter, Venus, 7

Moon and Mercury will always be known as benefics.
• Likewise Saturn, Mars, Sun will always be known as
malefics in terms of aspects.
5 9 Sa
• aspect from Uranus is considered to be good
6 8
• aspect from Neptune is considered to be harmful

Me Sa10
Planetary Aspects – Part 1 - Example
• Jupiter the mighty benefic, when reckoned from Lagna, if it is lord of houses 6·8· 12 or deposited in the stars of lords 6-8-12. during
that respective Dasa/bukthi, Jupiter loses its benefic qualities and offers only harmful results as a full fledged malefic. The same is
true for other benefics like waxing Moon, Venus and Mercury.
• Saturn, Mars, Sun as we know of them as malefics,
• Saturn except for Chara Rasi lagna borns - that is- Aries - Cancer - Libra and Capricorn - in all other 8 lagna if stationed in 2-3-10-11
houses or deposited in the stars of lords of 2-3-10· 11 houses, and also running the respective Dasa/bukthi, this Saturn is
transformed as a benefic and offers unlimited favourable results, which results even Jupiter as a benefic can never offer. To have
such a favourble result from Saturn, Saturn should not have the aspect from Mars, Sun or Neptune.
• What is explained for Saturn as above, holds good for other malefics - Mars and Sun.
Planetary Conjunctions – Part 1 - Example
Planets Star Lords
Venus, Mercury Sun
Saturn Moon
Mars Jupiter Mars 2 12

Sun Sun 3 11

During Venus Dasa, Sun bukthi, Jupiter anthara:

Venus being lord of 2-7 deposited in the star of Sun who is lord of 5th,will offer a love
marriage to certain age groups. 1

For aged people the same planetary set up and Dasa bukthi reduces the profit in a 10
profession or keeps the profession running dull.
For youngsters, who are not in the marriage age group, the same planetary positions, keeps
them or pleasurable pursuits like going for a movie or a dance or or circus or music
Here, the role played by Venus is to increase the pleasurable pursuits in a general way. Sun
being the bukthi lord in his own star signifying the 5th house predominantly, goes to the help 5 9
6 8
Venus- the Dasa lord to strengthen the matters. Jupiter the anthara lord, till his anthara Me Sa
period is over, will not be favourable or supportive to the above said events but will prevent
or delay Sa3
Ve Ma Ju
every event. That is Jupiter spoils the good results and increases the harmful results, for the
reason Jupiter is in the star of Mars, lord of 1 and 8 and Jupiter by himself is lord of 9- and
12. Hence, the results offerred are not advantageous.
Planetary Conjunctions – Part 1 - Example
Planets Star Lords
Venus, Mercury Sun
Saturn Moon
Mars Jupiter Mars 2 12

Sun Sun 3 11

During Venus Dasa, Mars bukthi:

Venus connected to 5th house, Mars connected to houses 1-8-6 predominantly, the Native
young or aged, will be forced to indulge in all sorts of bad habits like drinks and gambling. 1
Still youngsters will be spoiled in their education and make them to take up to bidi and
cigarette butts. At this level, if anthara lord is good, the bad nature of the events will be less, 4 10
and if the anthara lord is bad, the bad nature of the events will be more
In the same manner, if it is Venus Dasa, Saturn bukthi
Saturn in the star of Hastha - i.e. Moon, lord of 4th – purchase of land or construction of
house will be there, in the name of his wife. And also in the name of his wife business
ventures like trading in yarn, clothings etc. will take place. All these ventures will be brisk or
5 9
dull depending on the strength of the anthara lord
6 8
Me Sa
Ve Ma Ju
Planetary Conjunctions – Part 1 – Example 2
That is on Planetary Conjunctions, for a given lagna we should study whether the conjoined planets are empowered to offer favourable results or unfavourable results.
This study is very important, whether the conjoined planets are benefic or malefic.
According to the power they get, the conjoined planet be it a benefic will offer harmful results if it gets the power to do so. If it is a malefic, it is no wonder it will offer
good results if it gets the power to do so.
In terms of Planetary aspects alone benefics are benefics and malefics are malefics, when results are offered. But in planetary conjuctions and during dasa/bukthi they
are not so. They offer the results good or bad according to stellarwise· and subwise significations.
Even though several planets are deposited in a single star, these planets offer the results predominantly according to star deposit, but on behalf of their own house or
Similarly, in one house if planets are in different stars, then these planets offer the results predominantly according to star deposit involving their own house or houses.
Planetary Conjunctions – Part 1 – Example 2
Planets Star Lords
Sun Moon Mars Venus Rahu Venus

12 10
1 9
Therefore, all these 5 planets deposited in the star of Venus, will predominantly offer the
results of houses 4-9-7.
Sun - is lord of the 7th house. Moon - is lord of 6th house. 11

Mars - is lord of houses 3 and 10. Venus - is lord of houses 4 and 9. 8

Rahu - is also lord of 7th 5
All the planets signify houses 4 and 9. 4th means lower level and 9th means higher level
education. So the Native must have had a higher level education up to his youth age. But the Su Mo
Native could not continue his studies beyond SSLC. Even in SSLC, his rank and merit was
far below.
3 Ma 7
The reason is due to Planetary Conjunctions. Moon - lord of 6th. Mars - lord of 3rd. Sun - lord Ve
of 7th Rahu - lord of 7th Venus alone lord of 4 and 9 because Rahu acts as agent for Sun 4 6
Upto the end of Venus dasa, education was going good. During Sun dasa, the education Me
touched only the SSLC level and came to a dead stop.
Next the Moon dasa followed. Moon as lord of signifies houses 4 and 9. 4th house in addition
to Education, tells about Mother, Vehicle, Land-Buildings, Bank deposits and so on.
Planetary Conjunctions – Part 1 – Example 2
Planets are nine, but professions are so many, which are to be sorted out and allotted according to the nature of planets.
Accordingly, here, Moon is in the star of Venus, who is lord of 4th and also the Vahana Karaka, which made the Native to join as an Officer, that is a paid job in a Motor
6th house always tells only about the paid job in terms of profession.
7th house tells about one's own independent business.
As Moon is connected to 6-4-9, the Native had a paid job in the Motor Company. The Native entered into service during Moon dasa and had a smooth going till the end
of Rahu dasa. Till the end of Rahu dasa he had a name and fame, but without any rise in financial benefits.
With the onset of Jupiter dasa, the Native resigned his job. From then onwards, the Native rose to a better position through his self effort and through his children.

From the above narration what is it we understand? Planets in conjunction. in which star they are deposited will offer the results of the house of that star lord, by
involving/subjecting their own houses. Planetary conjunctions, for the sake of a mere conjunction does not undergo any change. But in planetary aspects- a planet
aspecting another planet, gives/offers a changed result and the aspected planet undergoes a drastic change.
Therefore, it is now very clear that conjunction of planets does not after in a big way of the results, but undergoes a drastic change during aspects.

Further, planets as they near the Sun, is commonly known and called as Asthanga (Eclipsed) carries no truth. Similarly, planets conjoined with Sun at a stipulated
distance carries Asthanga dosha is also not correct. Because planets have to orbit through a given path. Planet Mercury can move away from the Sun between 16 to
20° only and crossing this limit Mercury gets retrograde. This being the routine and a natural trend there is no meaning in saying Asthanga dosha.
Planets in Retrogression – Part 1
Planets Star Lords
Mercury Jupiter

3 1
4 12

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn alone gets retrograde.

Vryadhipathi – 12th House from Reference House (3 -> 2, 6 -> 5, 9 -> 8 10-> 11 R-> V)
For Rishaba lagna, Mercury is always a lord of 2 and 5 meaning Mercury is a Vryadhipathi
for houses 3 and 6, This is a permanent factor. In the same way, Mercury in Kumba (10) and 11
5 Me
in Jupiter star will always signify houses 8 and 11 of Jupiter.
Mercury empowered to operate 8 and 11 , becomes a Vryadhipathi to houses 9 and 12.
During Mercury dasa or bukthi or anthara,
When Mercury gets retrograde, Mercury destined as a Vryadhipathi for houses 3 and 6,
totally changes in retrogression, and offers the results of houses 3 and 6. Similarly, Mercury 6 10
posited in the star of Jupiter being a Vryadhipathi to houses 9 and 12, and this same Mercury
when retrograde is totally changed and offers the results of houses 9 and ~ 2 and not 8 and 7 9
Next, if the Mercury dasa or bukthi or anthara period is not running, during which time on the
day today planetary routines, on a Wednesday or Mercury signs (~.11thuna-Kanya} or on
Mercury stars, and so on, on such days results offered will be as explained above.
At such levels, if Mercury comes about as dasa lord or bukthi lord the result offered will be
very much more. If Mercury is anthara lord, that is running his anthara period, he will offer
results on behalf of bukthi lord and or connected to its level
Planets in Retrogression – Part 1
Similarly, when dasa-bukthi-anthara of Mercury is not running, during the daily planetary situations where Mercury is related, or Mercury stars are of the day the result
offered by retrograde Mercury will be very much more. At other levels, that is when retrograde Mercury is not related, to our reading the result offered will be very much
To tell it very clearly, any planet when retrograde if already a Vryadhipathi to such of those houses, that house results will take place during retrogression. This is the
real truth about a planet in retrogression. Other than this to predict that malefics or benefics when retrograde do good or bad is totally wrong.
As already explained a planet in retrogression, having Vryathipathis, for the Native, that is for Rishaba lagna depending on whether they are benefics or malefics in the
sense they offer favourable or unfavourable results, accordingly result is to be read from the planets in retrogession. Similarly, for all the 12 lagna borns, planets Saturn,
Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus during retrogression, the results they offer is to be understood and read as explained above.the routine and a natural trend there is no
meaning in saying Asthanga dosha.

Next, Mercury had it not been deposited in the star Poorvabadhra, Mercury as lord of 2 and 5 for Rishaba lagna, that is Mercury a vryadhipathi for houses 3 and 6, the
Native at birth having Mercury in the star of lord of the 3rd house, that is in the star of Moon, houses 2,3 and 4 all of them undergoes a change, and no good results will
take place till mercury becomes direct. Houses 2 and 5 also loses its strength and otters a result which is not to our expectations. In the same way, results for houses 3
and 4 also will not be as predicted by us. Sum totally a confused atmosphere is experienced. This type of result will not be experienced by all but only by a few. During
such circumstances alone, that is during such period a planet is in retrogression, any fruitful result will be spoiled, only worries. no happy atmosphere, material loss,
disturbed atmosphere in the family, dullness in profession and so on will prevail. So to say, there will be a little change in the result that we expect.
Again these changed results can take place depending on the powers they have for that lagna. Similar will be the results of other planets when they are retrograde.
Planets How– Part 1
What explained above is the same for all planets while giving the results. That is a planet moving in a star predominantly offers the result of the house occupied by the
star lord and its houses. Then, the planet in question offers the result of the house it occupies and its own house. These planets as explained above which are under
the control of a star, accommodates the bukthi lord adjusted to its signification to a particular matter under analysis, but without fail inserting the results of the houses,
as the said planet was under the sway of a particular star. This is how a planet acts without a deviation. This is the Real act of all planets.
From Mesha to Meena, as the Rear Act of Planet will be in the same manner as explained above. For each house matter, each planet while moving in the 12 houses
and 27 stars, their act or functional behaviour will be as explained above and never contrary to it. For the reasons of ownership or exaltation the planets never alter
against the set rules, and give a favourable result. Similarly for the reasons of ownership and debilitation can give adverse results. A planet As Is Whereif it be a owner
or in exaltation can at the most wiil activate or hasten a result, but the result by itself to be offered will never be altered from one level to another just for the reason the
planet is exalted or owning a house.
To make it more clear. when a planet establishes a set of results by its stellar revel, to offer adverse results, by its having the ownership and being in exaltation, cannot
take away the adverse result meant to punish, and never-never it can offer any favourable results.
The planet when set to offer adverse results, having the ownership and exaltation status the planet will hasten or activate the adverse results to be offered, but will
never give a contrary result against the stellar level results set by itself.
In the same way, Planets in debilitation, having a set of results to be offered at the stellar level to offer advantageous results, will act in slow speed, but will never alter
and give contrary results - that is disadvantageous results
Ownership exaltation or debilitation of Planets are generally known responsible to indicate the strength or weakness of a human body constitution from head to foot, but
does not take the responsibility to alter the results to be offered, say good to bad or bad to good.
When a planet is in the exact degree of debilitation, and if a child is born, the part of the body related to the planet, causes weakness, less strength or not proportionate
and so on. This is due to the planet is debilitated, the cosmic rays from the stars on that planet and in turn reaching the earth is so less, it deprives the required oxygen
to that part of the body. Similarly, when a planet is in the exact degree of exaltation and if a child is born, the part of the body related to the planet is strong, proportion
and so on.
Planets How– Part 1
Powers of Signs
The Zodiac has 12 houses. Each house is of 30°. Therefore, the Zodiac contains 360° which is always a constant. But each house when known as a Bhava, is not
exactly 30°. It may be a little less or more depending on where the cusp falls. Sometimes in one house, 2 Bhavas will arise, on account of which the next Bhava will fall
in the next to next house, according to the birth time.
If a lagna in a house falls 1° to 4° or 28° to 29°-30’, accordingly the other Bhava cusps instead of arising in their own house, gets drifted to the next, next houses. When
a lagna Bhava cusp arises in the middle of a house, only then, the other Bhava cusp also will arise in their own respective houses.
When Bhava cusps fall drifted, according to that level planetary positions should be analysed, alongwith cusp to cusp levels. When a lagna cusp approximately do not
arise in the middle of a house but rises in the beginnning or end of a house, almost in all cases, we find 2nd Bhava drifted to the 3rd sign and the 8th Bhava shifted to
the 9th sign. Not only the 2 nd bhava but all other bhavas also get moved.
It is our responsibility to get at the inner truth. When the poem says "See Giri and fourth" - it means the astrologer should first ascertain the different levels of the 4th
lord and then foretell. That is, whether the 4th lord is posited in the stars of the 4 th lord, and then whether the said truly 4th house, is truly a 4th, Bhavawise or some
other planets are deposited in the stars of 4th lord. Planets other than the 4th occupying the 4th house and posited in the stars, not detrimental to the 4th, but
advantageous to the 4th house should be carefully studied. This careful analysis is exactly the meaning conveyed in the poem. Therefore, if one handles the analysis
according to the inner meaning of the poem, any event matter can be foretold, accurately and excellently.
Event Accident Analysis By Example
Planets Star Lord Sub Lords
VIII Jupiter Rahu
Jupiter (VIII Lord)
6 4
the 8th bhava falling on the star of the lord of 8th (that is 8th bhava cusp) formed on the star
of the 8th lord itself and of the 9 subdivisions, one subdivision is subjected to Maraka-bhadaka 7 3
houses, then during the Dasa of lord of 1 and 8 accidents will take place without fail.
• 8th cusp falls on the star Jupiter, lord of 8th and in the last subdivision of is Rahu.
• Jupiter is in the 8th Lord of the 9th subdivision is Rahu, and Rahu is stationed in the 9th. 5
As 9th house is badhakasthana for Simha lagna, an accident will occur during Jupiter Dasa
Rahu bukthi or Rahu dasa Jupiter bukthi. This Native is sure to encounter an accident, and 8 2
whether he will die or escape death depends on the lagna Bhava cuspal levels. 11
During the lagna lord- Sun dasa also, in Jupiter bukthi, Rahu anthara or Rahu bukthi, Jupiter
anthara accident will take place. Accidents happen on a particular day, hour and.during a few
minutes and such accidents do not occur daily, or tiII the end of a dasa-bukthi-anthara. As
explained, that when an accident occur during a particular month-day hour-and minutes,
9 1
either Venus or the significators to the time of event will have connection to the 4th house, Ra
and if subjected to 8th house the accident will be due to vehicle, 10 12
All these type of accidents explained are according to the planets, their characteristic nature,
or the planets posited in the star of planets responsible to cause accidents. Under such Ju
circumstances, an accident to occur, has to be operated together by 6 planets.
if Sun due to electric currents, if Moon due to water, if Mars due to explosives, fire, if Mercury
due to high speed wind-cyclone, if Jupiter due to falling of a heavy material on the head or
body, if Saturn due to iron, rotten materials or poisonous insects mixed with food items, if
Rahu due to poison, if Kethu poison and attack by animals.
About Accidents
In a Natives'chart, whether one is destined to have an accident is indicated
by the 8th bhava. How to find out this indication?
• 8th bhava-cuspat Sub lord is to be seen. ->Mer
• Planets in the stars of the planet occupying the 8 th ( Sat ) -> Sun and
• Planets in the stars of the owner of the 8th (Ven) -> None
• Again in the sub of the 8th i.e.cuspal sub lord connected (Mer) to
badhakasthana, that is planet occupying the badhakasthana -> Pl, Ke
• Again in the sub of the 8th i.e.cuspal sub lord connected (Mer) to
badhaka sthana, owner of the badhakasthana -> (Mer)
it means an accident is indicated to occur without fail.

Planets involved in Accident -> Mer, Sat, Sun, Pl, Ke
About Accidents
Planets involved in Accident -> Mer, Sat, Sun, Pl, Ke
If this accident event matter has to be operated, planets responsible should
run the dasa bukthi. That is
lagna lord - Ju lord of 8th - Ve
lord of Maraka - Ma Lord of Badhaka - Me
one amongst them should run the dasa.
The Dasanatha passes it on to the bukthi lord who passes it on to the
anthara lord. In turn, the anthara lord further moves it to his lower level
lords, to fix the. responsibility to the final stage of action. Now, who are the
lower level lords of the anthara lord?
The lower level lord is none else but the Sookshama lord. That is star is
divided into 9 subs. Then, one sub of the 9, which is again divided. into 9
parts or divisions, that division - or part is known as sub-sub. This sub sub
lord is the Sookshama lord.
This Sookshama lord is one who will be waiting very near to the final stage
of action. The Sookshama lord is allotted a few days with powers to operate
the matter event. Sookshama lord under him has 6 persons. These 6
persons conduct the accident.
The predetermined matters of the 12 cuspal positions are executed by
Dasa bukthi lords through their subordinate level planets to otter the exact
quantum of the results, be it good or bad. This is precisely the very secret of
About Accidents

I AS Cuspal an l.A.S. officer issues an order, no one can

Lord deny or disobey that order. Likewise, the 12
houses have 12 cuspal IAS officers. These
12 IAS Officers at the very birth of an
individual has declared the orders of their
respective houses
RDO Dasa Lord Next imagine the dasa lord as the
subordinate officer of cuspal
IAS Otticer
Thasildar Bhukti
RI Anthara
Village Sookshma This Sookshama lord under him
Officer has 6 people to operate the order.

When a day commences, day lord - rasi lord - star lord are the 3 person
who conjointly rule the day or come united very close to operate a matter
event. Thus an event to take place on a particular day is kept ready
The next 3 persons will complete the operation of an event matter. Who are
these next 3 persons? They are - one amongst them is the lagna, rising
when the event matter takes place. A lagna runs roughly for 2 hours in a
Rasi. That lagna, to move from Rasi to.flasi has 2 ¼ stars. That lagna \n a
star moves for about 52 minutes. In that star, containing 9 divisions or 9
subs, in each sub, lagna moves roughly for about 5 3/4 minutes. Even this 5
3/4 minutes is subjected for 9 divisions. But roughly within this 5 3/4 minutes
only as the lagna moves, the said event, say accident takes
6 Steps to time the event
1. 8th bhava cuspal level determines an accident, through the star related to the 8th house, and one subdivision of that star which is related or connected to
Maraka/Badhaka division, that accident to take place is confirmed.
2. Accordingly, the Dasa lord whose dasa is on sets the stage for accident.
3. Bukthi lord in turn in accordance with Dasa lord decides the nature of the accident, and in what manner it should happen, waits for the Anthara lord who is suited to
operate the accident. As the Anthara lord comes into picture. the Dasa/bukthi lords hands over the modus operandi of the accident to the next stage.
4. Anthara lord passes on the order along with the modus operandi of the accident to Sookshama lord, who has only a very short duration under its command. When a
person is destined for a tragic death through accident, this sookshama lord selects a day. On that day, Sookshama lord sees to it, that the vehicle (Bus) starts and also
sets the atmosphere for accident- say by speed, or brake failure or signal- in which atmosphere- the person destined to die and the Bus are brought very close to the
tragic scene and kept ready.
5. The Lagna lord, while he is on the move by himself (that is one of the Ruling Planets), the bus and the person destined to die, both are approaching the tragic area.
When Lagna is transiting in a particular star, the bus and the person are brought still closer in the tragic arena. Now when the same Lagna is transiting the most sensitive
print, that is in one division of the 9 division, of that star- that is subdivision, that is sub lord who is authorised to make the accident, the Bus over runs on the person,
resulting in the fatal accident.
6. Thus, at last, the fatal accident was accomplished by the selected 6 persons. They are
• The day when accident took place - Day lord 1
• The day - a Rasi (Sign) - Rasi lord 2
• The day's star in the Rasi - Rasi star lord 3
• Lagna rising at the time of the accident - Lagna lord 4
• Lagna rising in a star - Lagna star lord 5
• One division i.e. Subdivision of the 9 divisions of that star - lagna sub lord 6
Therefore, as explained, the above 6 persons selected, are to execute the fatal accident.
Therefore, every matter or event, that takes place in a Native's life, be it good or bad, occurs according to the birth time, the Lagna rising at that time with the 12 Bhavas
in total, their nature, their characteristics so set that cannot be altered. The 12 bhava cuspal level matters are taken up for execution by Dasa/bukthi lords, their
subordinates • Anthara-Sookshama lords and so on, to offer several results be it good or bad. This is the FUNDAMENTAL AXIS of a birth chart.
Chara rasis aspect the 11th rasi.
Sthira rasi aspect the 9th rasi
Ubaya rasi aspect the 7th rasi.
Thus, the lord of the aspecting rasi are baditkadhipathi lord ie aspected rasi and give harmful results.
Hence 11th house to Chara rasi, 9th house to sthira rasi and 7th house to Ubhaya rasi are badakasthana.
Such badakasthana lords inflict death, or make one. to commit suicide, or give a short lite, or are capable of doing several harmful acts. Sometimes in a small way
according to their position they do good also.
Planet Aspect - II
Moon-Mercury-Venus, when they aspect each other amongst themselves, they help each other according to the matter in question in the birth chart
When it comes to Rahu/Kethu, it is totally a different thing to say of aspects. Saturn-Mars-Jupiter-Moon-Mercury-Venus any planet that aspects Rahu or Kethu, this Rahu
or Kethu almost usurp everything of the aspecting planets, and will act as mighty agents on behalf of the aspecting planets. There is much to be said of Rahu/Kethu and
they are dealt separately. Rahu/Kethu move in anti-clockwise direction, whereas all other plants move in clockwise in the Zodiac. Rahu/Kethu are known as Shadow
planets formed ahead and behind the earth. The two points at which the orbit of the Moon cuts the orbit of the Sun are called the Nodes and they are exactly 180° apart.
These Rahu/Kethu has many matters to offer. Without proper understanding of these Rahu/Kethu, strengths and the resu Its to happen the predictions will go wrong.
Saturn, as an outer planet, from above when it aspects other planets, the aspected planets are almost jolted. The aspected planets, if they are to give favourable results
they are prevented and if the same aspected planets are to give adverse results they are forced to increase the harmful results.
Jupiter alone has the capacity to differ. When Jupiter aspects Mars and Saturn by 7th aspect it cannot atter the strength of Mars and Saturn. But the same Jupiter
aspecting Mars and Saturn by its 5 and 9 aspects can alter their evil nature. Jupiter having 7th aspect to Mars-Saturn, Mars-Saturn too aspect Jupiter by the same
7thaspect. By this mutual aspect, it is Jupiter that is weakened and in no way Mars-Saturn's strength to offer evil results are reduced or removed.

With regard to Sun, when he is in a position to offer beneficial results, by its aspect will offer good results. And the same Sun, when it is in an unfavourable position, by its
aspect will offer only evil results. What is now said of Sun, is only for the Inner planets Moon·Venus·Mefcury. But when aspected by uter planets Mars and Saturn, Sun
has to offer only harmful suits. Sun when it aspects Jupiter, Sun will offer good results and in the same coin make Jupiter to reduce his good results. Therefore while
planetary aspects are studied what all said above will prove very correct.
Planet Conjuction - II
Accordingly, it has been found out as to how the planets co-operate or otherwise. This we know as Friend or Enemy of the planets. Based on this, if 2 or more planets
are deposited in one star, but within 2°, conjoined, closer to each other, amongst them which planet runs the dasa/bukthi, the immediate conjoined planet will otter its
result, to the planet which runs the dasa/bukthi.

For example, 2 planets as lord of 6 and 7 conjoined in a house, lord of 6th running his dasa might deny the marriage or cause disease, but this lord of 7 will go to the
help of lord of 6th and conduct the marriage or help to reduce the intensity of the disease. After the marriage is over this lord of 7 having given a helping hand does not
take the responsibility for any good or bad in their life.
lord of 7 running his dasa capable of celebrating a marriage or to run a partnership business, this lord of 6th will act to cause separation amongst the life partners or
business partners. Likewise, a single planet as lord of both 6 and 7 conjoined with another planet, depending on bukthi lord, marriage to take place or stopped or
separation after marriage. or have reunion, or break up of business partnership or make a fresh business partnership. all such things will take place.
Other than this, planets conjoined in a house, but posited in different stars or deposited in the same star but stationed 2° away, these planets in different stars does not
offer any good or bad. Planets in one star but stationed 2° away, as explained above will otter results on a dull note, or becomes null and void. Therefore, planets
conjoined in a house (bhava) deposited in different stars, offer the results of that Starlord predominantly by involving itself of its house matters. Nothing more nothing
less. That is mere grouping, said as conjoined, the one or the other planets does not make any change at all.
But more than a planet, if deposited in the same star, are found conjoined strictly within 2°, which planet runs the dasa, next to it, the conjoined planet otters its results as
it gets changed or transformed. Similarly, the conjoined planets in the same star if it is 2° away, it acts on a dull note or gets null and void, as it does not get transformed.
All said above, if analysed as explained above will work out very correctly.
r n a birth chart, the lagna lord is the starting point. Lagna lord is of paramount importance a~ it forms the very foundation to tell about longevity, health, success or failure, whether
his earnings will be from his birth place or abroad and so on. Therefore lagna lord, how he emerges at the fundamental level, when studied, reveals all other levels of his life. Lagna
lord has a grade from the basic level to sort out. the high and low profiles of several matters. That is to say, whether the Native according to his birth chart from the lagna level, gets
the tag high grade. low grade or middle level grade, This grade to the lagna lord is a determined one. By profession, the Native whether he will set up a big level industry, or lower
level or middle level indust:y, even though it is revealed from the 1 Oth r.ouse. it has big and small size in the higher grade, big and small in the medium grnde. And again big and
small in the lower grade levels. ~er ei..ample. One is destined to run a spinning rr.ill. as determined by the 10th bhava, the very spinning mill has a big or small size. Similarly, richness
of a person decisively indicated by the second bhava, person having few lakhs, person having several lakhs, ~, ~rson having crores all are rich. Therefore, it is the lagna bhava, that
the grade of which determines the rich-richer and the ric:hest. At the very fundamental level. In the same way profession- by service- a paid job too, has several strata. Still further,
profession by arts - astrology - trading - science - politics – job runs to many many categories - all these graded at the very fundamental level. Therefore the lagna lord gets subjected
to be sorted cut to a grade, as destined, at the very fundamental level, and establishes one's worth in life.
The same can be explained by an example. To a place ,, VIP arrives. All people at that place who were engaged 1n something or other runs to receive and respect the VIP. In the
same coin when a simpleton arrives at the same place, no one receives him or respect him as was done to the VIP. The VIP and the simpleton both are human beings, the treatment
the VIP had was not there to the simpleton. Why this difference? Because the VIP is a strong fellow and the simpleton is a weak fellow. Accordingly. the treatment by the public also
changed. That is the lagna lord at the very fundamental level sorted out the VIP of a higher grade and the lagna lord of the simpleton sorted him to an insignificant grade. As
explained of the VIP and simpleton of the treatment they had from the public. the planets also act in accordance with the fundamental levels of the lagna lord, who was sorted out to a
grade- the VIP grade or simpleton grade as destined and then established. Let us take a Sub Inspector at a police station. The 10th bhava as destined made him a SI. This is general
observation to any one who gets the SI post. If the lagna lord is strong or weak what changes it will make. When the lagna lord of the SI is strong his subordinate police staff under
him will work according to his order in the disciplined way. This SI will be popular figure of that area. For any law enforcement matters this SI wlll be the first person to say and the
public also will approach him only. Suppose the lagna lord, if it is weak, and the Native posted as SI, his subordinate staff will work contrary to his orders or this SI will have to listen
and act what his subordinate staff tells. It is not an uncommon sight in some police station, where the Head constable will be acting like a SI. Naturally, in that area the popularity of
the SI is weak. Needless to say, the public also approaches the subordinate staff and get their work done.
The same can be explained by an example. To a place ,,VIP arrives. All people at that place who were engaged 1nsomething or other runs to receive and respect the VIP. In thesame
coin when a simpleton arrives at the same place, no one receives him or respect him as was done to the VIP. The VIP and the simpleton both are human beings, the treatment the
VIPhad was not there to the simpleton. Why this difference? Because the VIP is a strong fellow and the simpleton is a weak fellow. Accordingly. the treatment by the public also
changed.That is the lagna lord at the very fundamental level sorted out the VIP of a higher grade and the lagna lord of the simpleton sorted him to an insignificant grade. As explained
of the VIP andsimpleton of the treatment they had from the public. the planets also act in accordance with the fundamental levels of the lagnalord, who was sorted out to a grade- the
VIP grade or simpleton grade as destined and then established. Let us take a Sub Inspector at a police station. The 10th bhava as destined made him a SI. This is general
observation to any one who gets the SI post. If the lagna lord is strong or weak what changes it will make. When the lagna lord of the SI is strong his subordinate police staff under
him will work according to his order in the disciplined way. This SI will be popular figure of that area. For any law enforcement matters this SI wlll be the first person to say and the
public also will approach him only.
Suppose the lagna lord, if it is weak, and the Native posted as SI, his subordinate staff will work contrary to his orders or this SI will have to listen and act what his subordinate staff
tells. It is not an uncommon sight in some police station, where the Head constable will be acting like a SI. Naturally, in that area the popularity of the SI is weak. Needless to say, the
public also approaches the subordinate staff and get their work done.
How to judge whether a lagna lord is strong or weak is explained. They are of four types-
• A very strong level of the lagna lord.
• Middle level strength of the lagna lord.
• Weak levels of a lagna lord.
• Very weak level of a lagna lord.

1. A very strong level of the lagna lord means, the lagna lord should occupy any one of the houses 2,3,9, 10, 11.4 and tenanting the stars of lords of houses 2, 10, 11.
2. Middle level strength of the lagna lord means, the lagna lord not found occupying 2,3,9, 10, 11.4 but occupying 5 or 8 or 12, and tenanting the stars of lords 2-10-11.
3. (a). Weak levels of a lagna lord means, the lagna lord though occupying anyone of the houses 2,3,9, 10, 11,4 but tenanting the stars of lords of houses 5-8-12.
4. (b) In a different way, the lagna lord occupying 5-8-12 houses and tenanting the stars of lords of 2-10-11, the lagna lord seems to be strong. but is considered to be
one step below to that of Middle level strength.
5. Very weak level of a lagna lord means, the lagna lord occupying 5-8-12 houses and also tenanting the stars of lords of 5-8-12 houses.

For example, persons born in Simha lagna, lagna lord Sun, occupying the second house, if deposited in Hastha star. Moon star lord of Hastha, is a vryadhipathi and
hence a weak lagna lord. At the same time, Sun by virtue of occupying the second house, does not make it a totally Weak lagna lord. In the same coin Sun occupying
Cancer, the 12th house and deposited in the star of Aslesha, the star lord being the owner of house 2 and 11 , and here if you consider Sun to be a strong lagna lord, still
Sun as occupant of the 12th house, does not make it a totally strong lagna lord. Likewise, with a little more effort in our analysis, we should determine the correct
strength of the lagna lord. A chart to have all the favourable results. will be a rare one.
FIRST House - Lagna bhava
The lagna so set contains 3 main divisions. This division part governs the set lagna. They are
1. Movable (Chara) signs – 4 2. Fixed (Sthira) signs – 4 3. Common (Ubhaya) signs - 4
The 12 houses are set as either Movable or Fixed or Common. Lagna may be fixed in any one of the 3 main divisions. But this Movable, Fixed, Common are constant
does not change.
1. Mesha - Karkata - Thula - Makara 4 - movable signs. 2. Rishaba - Simha - Vrischika - Kumbha 4 - fixed signs 3. Mithuna • kanya - Dhanus - Meena 4 - common
In this set up of the zodiac- Movable signs (Chara rasi) aspects always the 11th house. Fixed signs (Sthira rasi) aspects always the 9th house. Common signs (Ubhaya
rasi) aspects always the 7th house.
The aspects by the above said rasi's (Signs), generally. never give good results. Therefore, for any one born in Movable signs like Mesha - Karkata - Thula - Makara, as
lagna, the lord of the 11th in most cases. generally always offer only evil results. In case this 11th lord is deposited in the stars of lords of houses; 2,3,9 10, evil results
may be reduced and at certain times ever good results may come through. Otherwise this lord of 11th is capable of giving results like death, disease. suicide, loss of
wealth. damage to profess ion and so on in a conspicuous manner, taking the lead alongwith Dasa/bukthi period who are events setters.
What is said of evil results that could be offered by lords of 11th, 9th and 7th for Movable-Fixed-Common signs respectively are approximates of a general rule. In this,
even auspicious planets like Jupiter arid Venus are no exceptions at all. Planets connected to lords of 11th or 9th or 7th, by. aspect or conjunction or at 120 deg. aspect
are weakened to offer evil results as against their original position to offer good results, and during the timing of events, they invariably offer evil results with precision.
Lords of 11,9, 7 of Movable, Fixed, Common signs respectively are named as •sadhakasthanathipathis, Eventhough they are empowered to offer suc.:h ·cruel results,
Jupiter alone, when by his aspect will not allow the evil results to occur. But at the same time, according to Chara·Sthira-Ubhaya level matters as they come
hadhakasthanathipathis, without fail they otter only the evil results, Jupiter aspect alone being the exception.
These bhadakasthanathipathis, are Captains of the planetary teams to offer evil results. A suicide has to occur. It is operated by lords of 8-12. Unless the Captain badh
akasth an athi path i is connected to 8-12, this suicide cannot take place. Similarly accidents, disease, material loss, murder, disgrace in profession and several such
matters of crue by nature are set in motion by the authorised planets, only to wait for the arrival of the badhakasthanathipathi, and on their arrival only, a cruel incident, or
say a tragedy is completed. That is, planets as House Signifacators who are none else than Dasa/bukthi lords, authorised to shape a tragic event can never act
independently at any time. They must have the bhadakasthanathipathi to complete the "Operation Tragic,"
FIRST House - Lagna bhava
Therefore, whenever a lagna position is analysed, if an astrologer, first probes this bhadakasthanathipathi and his connection to several other matters, 50% (fifty percent)
success is achieved, on the predictive side, relevant to a Native's chart
Even these Badhakasthanathipathis. when deposited in certain constellation, the evil effects either they are reduced to a great extent or become defunct to otter evil
Let us take an example of a Cancer born. As it is one of the Movable signs (Chara rasi), as explained the 11th house is badhakasthana. Lord of the 11th house is Venus.
Now we will take it for granted that this Native is destined to meet with an accident according to 8-12 positions decided at the very birth. At the appropriate time, the lords
of 8-12 will set everything ready for the accident and eagerly await the arrival of the 11th lord i.e. badhakasthanathipathi. How this lord of 11th comes into picture? He will
visit as Anthara lord or Sookshama lord. If this 11th lord does not fit himself either as Anthara lord or Sookshama lord, he will make a sudden and surprise visit as Day
lord or Moon rasi lord or as Moon rasi Star lord or wherever the opportune position is available he will enter- say the most sensitive point of the zodiac in which the lagna
moves- there he assumes the role of Captain of the planetary team to complete the event "Operation Tragic". This is a general observation. Due to accident the Native
may even die.
But at the same time, if this 11th lord is deposited in certain constellations, the evil results will be averted, as the 11th lord gets defunct. Mars lord of 5-10 for Cancer
barns do good. If this 11th lord is deposited in one of the 3 stars of Mars, and be it Chithra in Kanya rasi, an accident scene is created only to give a frightening situation
but that accident will be averted, without a symptom of the tragic event. And if the same 11th lord is deposited in Mars star Mrigasira in Rishaba or Mithuna or in the star
Dhanishta of Makara/Kumbha. the accident Will take place without any danger to the life of the Native but leaving behind a little bruises or scratches on the body.
Hence, this Badhaka level matters common to all Chara-Sthira -Ubhaya houses, their lords related to 11 -9-7, must be carefully studied to arrive at a conclusion, whether
evil results like accidents can occur or whether they witl be averted; this careful study is of prime importance. Ever1hlng explained so far about the lagna level to that of
11th lord will always remain without any change, and therefore can be analysed to a clear cut level. That is, when we study how this badhakasthanathipathis/badhaka
lords are connected to the lagna bhava- 1st house. We get a clear picture of accidents of sudden nature, short life or long life and several matters pertaining to the lagna
bhava- 1st house.
FIRST House - Lagna bhava
1st house matters: Head, body constitution, male personality, respect, leadership, success in all undertakings, Meditation, majestic nature, to complete a work as
planned, self control and so on are covered under this 1st house.
Now Mesha Lagna falls in 20-06-40
Lord of Mesha sign - Mars 1 level
Lord of star - Venus 2 level
Of the 9 subs of venuslord of the 6th sub - Jupiter 3 level As said above, the lagna position is read. As such, every matter connected to Mesha lagna- the 3rd level Jupiter
will be the principal factor to be reckoned with while delineating results of the lagna bhava i.e. 1st house. One thing to be looked at very carefully is that, of the sign lord
Mars, the next star lord Venus and the next sub lord Jupiter who comes in the 3rd level, as the 6th subdivision lord of the 9 subdivision- this Jupiter will have the rightful
say in all matters connected to Mesha lagna i.e. Body constitution, life, success and failures. In fact, this sub lord Jupiter is the SUPREMO to otter the results to Mesha
lagna and to the Mesha lagna lord Mars. The other bhavas might be having in store, either favourable or unfavourable matters to offer, but the entire results relevant to
the lagna bhava- 1st house to be offered is entrusted to this lagna sub lord, who in turn according to his strength regulates the results of life events and offer it to the
lagna and the lagna lord.
The conclusion is that house matters are predominantly offered by this subdivision lord, more than the signlord, as that sign was born on a particular
degree/minutes/seconds i.e. sign-star-sub. In it the star having 9 subdivision- and on which subdivision the lagna falls, that subdivision lord, takes under its control all the
matters pertaining to that house, and acts as a SUPREMO more than the sign lord himself. This is how the all the houses 1 to 12 are set, where the 3 rd j level lord- who is
called the sublord- is the SUPREMO to offer results of the respective houses.
1. Lord of the house- Rasi lord- Sign lord
2. Lord of the star where cusp falls - Star lord
3. One subdivision of the 9 divisions - Subdivision lord- sub lord.
Of the houses 1-12 each house cuspal sub lord is the Chief governor to offer the results for the respective houses. What matter of the relevant houses that are to be
analysed is to take place or not is decided by these cuspal sub lords. The matter so taken for analysis, the sub lord in whose constellation it is deposited, if favourable the
event will materialise; and tt- the sub lord in whose constellation it is deposited negates the matter then the event matter will never materialise.
FIRST House - Lagna bhava
Now on we will study, how this sub lord Jupiter, subjects himself to the 1st house to offer the results. Sublord Jupiter is in Cancer - in 4°-16' in Saturn star Pushya.
Therefore, Jupiter will give the results of Houses 10-11 as Saturn is the owner of 10-11, then the 8th house which house, Saturn occupies, then the 3rd house occupied
by Jupiter and houses 9 and 12 as Jupiter is the owner of houses 9-12. The result to be ottered by Jupiter of the houses 10-11-6-3-~ 12 will be according to
circumstances of house matters taken for analysis.
That is, Jupiter will predominantly otter the results of Houses 1O·11 8 and then the 3rd house which he (Jupiter) occupies and then his (Jupiter) own houses 9-12. In
other words, Jupiter is connected to houses 10· 11 8 -3-9-12 and or he (Jupiter} gets the power to offer the results of the said houses.
As Jupiter is connected to houses 1 0-11-8-3-9-12, we will now study what results he will offer ~-· the lagna i.e. Mesha lagna as per our example chart. For Chara rasi,
Mesha lagna we are aware that 11th house is badhakasthana. The sub lord Jupiter is well connected to houses 11 ·8. His (Jupiter} own house is 12th. From this, it is
clear that the Native of this Mesha lagna will come across an accident in his life is a decided one. At the same time as 3rd house connection is there, it is still clear that
such an accident will happen during travel tunes

How Jupiter is connected to 10· 11-8-3--9-12 ?

Because he is deposited in the star of Saturn who is the owner of 1 O and 11. Because Saturn stands in the 8th. Hence 10-11-8. Jupiter stands in the 3rd house. Jupiter
is owner of houses 9 and 12, In this way, Jupiter is connected to houses 10-11-8-3-9-12. Then Jupiter posited in star of Saturn, is posited in one of the 9 subdivisions of it
i.e sub which is also Saturn. Therefore, Jupiter is under the full control of Saturn. Next, Mercury runs his bukthi - Mercury lord of 3 and 6 stands in 6 th house, in the star of
Moon (Hastha), and in one of the 9 subdivisions of it· i.e. sub-deposited in Saturn sub. Therefore, if one has to ascertain the full strength of a dasa lord, it should be
studied as to in which star he is posited and in which subdivision of the said star i.e. sub he is deposited. In the same way, bukthi lord should be studied.
House 4 and 9 speaks of several matters in general. In particular the same 4-9 houses has to speak of higher education. While we study matters related to higher
education, Sun dasa or Sun bukthi is current, Sun connected to 4-9 houses will offer higher education, the sublord if connected to houses 4-9-11-10-2, then only, Sun
can offer the higher education. But if Saturn is connected to houses 8-12-6-3, Sun, whom we have taken for analysis having connection to houses 4 and 9, this Sun can
never offer the higher education. Therefore, on this basis alone, we have to judge the strength of a planet, or its inability and not on the basis of exaltation, debility,
ownership and so on which judgement is always an ignorant approach. For this reason, the levels of the 12 houses, the strength of the planets are to be studied to arrive
at the proper results. Any other method other than what is explained, are helpless, unclear, and will be of an unintelligent application which goes to say that a foretelling
by a parrot is far better.

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