M.E. Mechanical Engineering (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course
M.E. Mechanical Engineering (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course
M.E. Mechanical Engineering (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course
CODE SUBJECT Paper TW Present Total
In Sem. End Sem.
Assessment Assessment
Advanced Heat
502107 4 50 50 - - 100 4
Air Conditioning
502108 4 50 50 - - 100 4
502109 4 50 50 - - 100 4
and Controls
502110 Elective II 5 50 50 - - 100 5
502111 Lab Practice II 4 - - 50 50 100 4
502112 Seminar I 4 - - 50 50 100 4
Total 25 200 200 100 100 600 25
The student shall deliver the seminar on a topic approved by authorities.
Seminar I: shall be on state of the art topic of student’s own choice approved by authority.
The student shall submit the seminar report in standard format, duly certified for satisfactory
completion of the work by the concerned Guide and head of the department/institute.
Seminar II: shall be on the topic relevant to latest trends in the field of concerned branch,
preferably on the topic of specialization based on the electives selected by him/her approved
by authority. The student shall submit the seminar report in standard format, duly certified
for satisfactory completion of the work by the concerned Guide and head of the
Seminar III: shall be extension of seminar II. The student shall submit the seminar report in
standard format, duly certified for satisfactory completion of the work by the concerned
Guide and head of the department/institute.
The student shall prepare the final report of Project work in standard format duly certified for
satisfactory completion of the work by the concerned guide and head of the
Note: Institute must submit the list of candidates, guide and project details (title, area, problem
definition, and abstract - clearly indicating objectives and scope, sponsorship details, if any) to the
university within month of commencement of third semester. The guide must be approved/qualified
teacher of the institute. A guide can guide at the most 8 students per year.
2. Regression Analysis:
i) Linear regression, multiple linear regressions, polynomial regression.
ii) Non linear regression – Gauss – Newton method, multiple non linear regression.
Interpolation: Newton’s Divided Difference, Lagrange’s Inverse, Spline, Hermite
Extrapolation technique of Richardson’s Gaunt
Solve Any Three assignments based on each of the above mentioned unit with programming
Reference Books:
1. Numerical Methods for Engineers, Steven C Chapra & Raymond P Canale, TMH,
Fifth Edition
2. Applied Numerical Methods, Alkis Constantinides, McGraw Hill
3. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB, Steven Chapra, McGraw Hill.
4. Numerical Solution of Differential Equations, M.K. Jain, 2nd Edition, Wiley Eastern.
5. Numerical methods for scientific and engineering computation, Jain, Iyangar Jain,
New Age International Publishers
6. Numerical methods in Engineering and Science, Dr. B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers.
3. Laws of thermodynamics:
2nd law Analysis for Engg. Systems, Entropy flow & entropy generation, Increase of
entropy principle, entropy change of pure sub, T-ds relations, entropy generation,
thermo electricity, Onsager equation. Exergy analysis of thermal systems, decrease of
Exergy principle and Exergy destruction, Third law of thermodynamics, Nerst heat
theorem and thermal death of universe.
5. Combustion Technology:
Chemical reaction - Fuels and combustion, Enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of
combustion, First law analysis of reacting systems, adiabatic flame temperature
Chemical and Phase equilibrium - Criterion for chemical equilibrium, equilibrium
constant for ideal gas mixtures, some remarks about Kp of Ideal-gas mixtures,
fugacity and activity, Simultaneous relations, Variation of Kp with Temperature,
Phase equilibrium, Gibb’s phase rule, Gas Mixtures – Mass & mole fractions,
Dalton’s law of partial pressure, Amagat’s law, Kay’s rule.
Reference Books:
1. Thermodynamics – An Engineering Approach, Yunus Cengel and Michael Boles,7th
Ed., Tata McGraw Hill
2. Modern Engineering Thermodynamics, Robert Balmer, Elseveir.
3. Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, Winterbone, John Wiley
4. Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, Kenneth Wark, McGraw Hill
5. Thermodynamics for Engineers, Mathur, Gupta, Metropolitan Book Co. Pvt. Ltd.
6. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Michael Moran, Howard Shapiro,
John Wiley
1. Governing Equations:
Review of Fluid Mechanics: - Definition and properties of Fluids, Fluid as continuum,
Continuum model, Flow kinematics:- Langragian and Eulerian description, Substantial or
Total derivatives, Basic flow-analysis techniques, Flow Patterns: Streamlines, Streaklines,
and Pathlines
Integral Relations for a Control Volume: Reynolds transport theorem, Conservation of
mass, Linear momentum equation, Energy equation, Frictionless flow, Bernoulli equation
Differential Relations for a Fluid Particle: Acceleration field of a fluid, Differential
equation of mass conservation, Differential Equation of linear momentum, Differential
equation of Energy, Boundary Conditions for the basic equations, Velocity Potential,
Stream Function, Vorticity
2. Navier-Stokes Equations:
Generalized form of NSE, Special forms: Euler equations, Bernoulli equation,
Exact solutions: fully developed flow in channel, pipe, flow between concentric rotating
cylinders, Couette flow, Stokes First problem (unsteady flow), Creeping flow past a
sphere, cylinder.
3. Potential Flows:
Elementary Plane-Flow Solutions: Circulation, Superposition of Plane-Flow Solutions:
Irrotational vortex, Vortex flow, Doublet, Flow past a circular cylinder, Magnus effect;
Kutta-Joukowski lift theorem; Concept of lift and drag.
4. Boundary Layers:
Boundary layer assumptions, equations, Flow over a flat plate, Similarity (Blasius)
solution, Falkner-Skan equation, Momentum integral method, Flow separation.
5. Turbulent flow:
Introduction, characteristics of turbulence, laminar-turbulent transition, Correlation
functions, Mean and fluctuations, Governing equations, Turbulent boundary layer,
Boundary conditions, shear stress models, Prandtl's mixing length, Velocity profile over a
flat plate and in pipes, Equations for free shear layers: mixing layer, plane and
axisymmetric jet, and wake, two equation model (k-ε), Large Eddy Simulation, Various
Turbulent Models
6. Compressible Flow:
One-dimensional flow: Speed of sound, Variable cross-section flow, Converging
diverging nozzle, Fanno and Rayleigh curve, Normal shock relations, Introduction to
oblique shocks, Prandtl-Meyer expansion waves
1. Flow over a cylinder/sphere at different Re. Pressure variation over the body and drag
2. Flow past an aerofoil: Pressure measurements, calculation of lift
3. Flow through a converging-diverging nozzle: subsonic and supersonic flows
4. Friction factor determination: incompressible flow through pipes/ducts of variable cross
5. Laminar/Turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate.
Reference Books:
1. Research Problem :
Meaning of research problem, Sources of research problem, Criteria / Characteristics of a
good research problem, Errors in selecting a research problem, Scope and objectives of
research problem
2. Basic instrumentation :
Instrumentation schemes, Static and dynamic characteristics of instruments used in
experimental set up, Performance under flow or motion conditions, Data collection using a
digital computer system, Linear scaling for receiver and fidelity of instrument, Role of
DSP in data collection in noisy environment.
3. Applied statistics :
Regression analysis, Parameter estimation, Multivariate statistics, Principal component
analysis, Moments and response curve methods, State vector machines and uncertainty
analysis, Probable errors in the research, Error analysis
Reference Books:
1. Research methodology: an Introduction for Science & Engineering students, by Stuart
Melville and Wayne Goddard
2. Research Methodology: Methods and Trends, by Dr. C. R. Kothari
3. Research Methodology: An Introduction by Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville
4. Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for Beginners, by Ranjit Kumar, 2nd Edition
5. Operational Research by Dr. S.D. Sharma, Kedar Nath Ram Nath & Co.
6. Software Engineering by Pressman
Lab. work or Assignments have to be carried out at respective labs as mentioned in the
syllabus of respective subjects excluding Research Methodology and Elective. It is to be
submitted as term work at the end of semester after continuous assessment of each by
respective teacher. Assessment of term work has to be carried out as per R-1.4 and R-1.5 of
PG Rules and Regulations of Credit System. (Refer University web site)
5. Natural Convection:
Physical Mechanism, Equation of motion and Grashof Number, Natural Convection over
surfaces, Natural convection from finned surfaces and PCBs, Natural Convection inside
enclosures (Rectangular, Cylinder and Sphere), Combined Natural Convection and
Radiation, Combined Natural and Forced Convection.
Reference books:
1. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Incropera, Dewitt, John Wiley and sons.
2. Heat and Mass Transfer, Yunus Cengel, Afshin Ghajar, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
3. Heat transfer - A basic approach, M.N. Ozisik, Mc Graw Hill Int.
4. Convective Heat transfer, A Bejan, John Wiley and sons.
5. Heat transfer, J.P. Holman, Mc Graw Hill
6. Heat transfer, S.P. Sukhatme, University Press
1. Psychrometry :
Composition of moist air, Important psychrometric properties, Methods for estimating
moist air properties, Ideal Adiabatic saturation process, Relationship between Wet-Bulb
Temperature and Thermodynamic Wet-Bulb Temperature, Sling and Aspiration
psychrometers, Relations between psychrometric properties, Psychrometric chart,
ASHRAE Psychrometric charts. Use of psychrometric charts and moist air tables, Goff
and Gratch tables.
Psychrometric Processes, Air washer, Bypass Factor, ADP, Applied Psychrometry –
RSHF, GSHF and ESHF. Numerical on Applied Psychrometry.
2. Thermal Comfort :
Thermal comfort, Heat transfer from human body by sensible and latent heat transfer.
Metabolic heat generation, steady state and unsteady state model for heat transfer, effect
of clothing and definition of effective temperatures. PMV and PPD. ASHRAE comfort
Infiltration and ventilation, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Sources of indoor air pollution,
Methods of control of IAQ, Fresh air requirements for IAQ.
4. Duct systems:
Frictional pressure drops in straight ducts of circular and rectangular cross-section,
equivalent diameter for rectangular duct, Pressure losses in fittings, due to sudden
enlargements, contractions, Sizing of ducts, Velocity Reduction method, Equal friction
method, Static Regain method, Selection of fans, Fan laws and fan characteristic curves,
Air distribution in rooms, Selection and location of supply and return grills, diffusers etc.
Reference Books:
1. ASHRAE Handbooks
2. ISHRAE Handbooks.
3. Handbook of Air Conditioning System Design, Carrier Incorporation, McGraw Hill
Book Co., USA.
4. Handbook of Air conditioning and Refrigeration, Shan K. Wang, McGraw Hill
5. Refrigeration and Air conditioning, R.C. Arora, PHI.
6. Air conditioning Applications and Design, Jones W. P., Edward Arnold Publishers
7. Control System for Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning, Hainer R. W., Van
Nastrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1984.
8. Handbook of Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning- Jan F.Kredier- CRC
9. Refrigeration and Air conditioning, C P Arora, Tata McGraw Hill Publication
10. Fundamentals of HVAC systems, Robert McDowall, Elseveir.
2. Measurement Uncertainty:
Sources of Systematic Error, System Disturbance due to Measurement, Errors due to
Environmental Inputs, Wear in Instrument Components, Accumulation of Accepted
Error, Improper Functioning of Instruments, Dual Sensitivity Errors, Other Sources of
Error, Minimizing Experimental Error, Statistical Analysis of Measurements subject to
Random Errors, Aggregation of Measurement System Errors, Reduction of Systematic
Errors, Quantification of Systematic Errors, Sources and Treatment of Random Errors,
parameter estimation, regression analysis, correlations, analysis of data
5. Basics of:
P, PI, PID controllers, pneumatic and hydraulic controllers, electronic controllers,
applications to machine tools, furnaces, material handling etc
HP2II-M2 Aerodynamics
Fundamental principles and equations, Airfoils, wings and their nomenclature; lift, drag and
pitching moment coefficients; centre of pressure and aerodynamic centre. Normal shock
waves, Oblique shock waves, bow shock, expansion waves, Compressible flow through wind
tunnels, introduction to Supersonic and hypersonic flows. Numerical techniques for nonlinear
supersonic flow.
Ref. Books:
1) Fundaments of Aerodynamics, J.D. Anderson, 4th Ed. Tata McGraw Hill.
2) Introduction to Flight, J.D. Anderson, 5th Ed. Tata McGraw Hill.
3) Bertin, J. J., Aerodynamics for Engineers, Pearson Education, 2002.
4) Houghton , E. L. and Carpenter, P. W., Aerodynamics for Engineers, Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2001.
HP2II-M6 Turbomachinery
Basics of turbomachinery, Analysis of Axial flow Compressors, Centrifugal flow
compressors, Axial flow Turbines and Radial flow Turbines, Three-dimensional Flows in
Axial Turbomachines.
Ref. Books: 1) Principles of Turbomachinery, R.K. Turton, Springer, 2nd Edition.
HP1II-M16 Nanomaterials
Nanoparticles, Carbon Nanotubes, and Semiconducting Nanowires: Physics, Synthesis,
Characterization and Applications.
Ref. Books:1) Nano: The Essentials, Pradeep, T., McGraw-Hill, 2007, 2) Nanoscale
Science and Technology, Kelsall, R., Hamley I. and Geoghegan, M.(Eds.) Wiley, 2005.
HP1II-M20 Pneumatics
Different pneumatic components, different pneumatic circuits, trouble shooting in
pneumatics, logic valves, building circuit for a given logic, Electro pneumatic circuits,
Selection criteria of pneumatic components, Installation fault finding and maintenance of
pneumatic components. Microprocessor and PLC- Applications in pneumatics, Low cost
Automation, case studies.
Ref. Books: 1) A. Esposito – ‘Fluid Power with application’, Prentice hall, 2) Majumdar S.R.,
“Pneumatic systems – Principles and maintenance”, Tata McGraw Hill
Lab. work or Assignments have to be carried out at respective labs as mentioned in the
syllabus of respective subjects excluding Elective. It is to be submitted as term work at the
end of semester after continuous assessment of each by respective teacher. Assessment of
term work has to be carried out as per R-1.4 and R-1.5 of PG Rules and Regulations of Credit
Assessment of Seminar has to be carried out as per R-1.4 and R-1.5 of PG Rules and
Regulations of Credit System.
It is important that the procedures listed below be carefully followed by all the students of
M.E. (Mechanical Engineering).
4. Page number as second line of footer, Times New Roman 10 Pt, centrally aligned.
6. Use the paper size 8.5’’ × 11’’ or A4 (210 × 197 mm). Please follow the margins
given below.
Margin Location Paper 8.5’’ × 11’’ Paper A4 (210 × 197 mm)
Top 1’’ 25.4 mm
Left 1.5’’ 37 mm
Bottom 1.25’’ 32 mm
Right 1’’ 25.4 mm
8. Section titles should be bold with 14 pt typed in all capital letters and should be left
9. Sub-Section headings should be aligning at the left with 12 pt, bold and Title Case
(the first letter of each word is to be capitalized).
10. Illustrations (charts, drawings, photographs, figures) are to be in the text. Use only
illustrations really pertinent to the text. Illustrations must be sharp, clear, black and
white. Illustrations downloaded from internet are not acceptable.
a) Illustrations should not be more than two per page. One could be ideal
b) Figure No. and Title at bottom with 12 pt
c) Legends below the title in 10 pt
d) Leave proper margin in all sides
e) Illustrations as far as possible should not be Xeroxed.
12. Please use SI system of units. If students would like to add the equivalent in inch-
pound (British) units, they must be stated in parenthesis after the SI units. In case the
final result comes out in any other units (say due to empirical formula etc.) covert the
unit to SI unit.
13. Please number the pages on the front side, centrally below the footer
14. References should be either in order as they appear in the thesis or in alphabetical
order by last name of first author
15. Symbols and notations if any should be included in nomenclature section only
i. Cover page and Front page as per the specimen on separate sheet
ii. Certificate from the Institute as per the specimen on separate sheet
iii. Acknowledgement
iv. List of Figures
v. List of Tables
vi. Nomenclature
vii. Contents
viii. Abstract (A brief abstract of the report not more than 150 words. The heading
of abstract i.e. word “Abstract” should be bold, Times New Roman, 12 pt
and should be typed at the centre. The contents of abstract should be typed on
new line without space between heading and contents. Try to include one or
two sentences each on motive, method, key-results and conclusions in the
ix. Section: Introduction
x. References
17. All section headings and subheadings should be numbered. For sections use numbers
1, 2, 3, …. and for subheadings 1.1, 1.2, …. etc and section subheadings 2.1.1, 2.1.2,
…. etc.
18. References should be given in the body of the text and well spread. No verbatim copy
or excessive text from only one or two references. If figures and tables are taken
from any reference then indicate source of it. Please follow the following procedure
for references
Reference Books
Collier, G. J. and Thome, J. R., Convective boiling and condensation, 3rd ed., Oxford
University Press, UK, 1996, pp. 110 – 112.
Bansal, P. K., Rupasinghe, A. S. and Jain, A. S., An empirical correction for sizing
capillary tubes, Int. Journal of Refrigeration, 1996, 19 (8), pp.497 – 505.
Patent no, Country (in parenthesis), date of application, title, year.
www.(Site) [Give full length URL]
This is to certify that Mr. Lele M.M., has successfully completed the seminar-
I/II/III entitled “Performance analysis of……..” under my supervision, in the
partial fulfilment of Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering (Heat
Power Engineering) of University of Pune.
Date :
Place :
External Examiner Seal Principal,
Institute Name
1. Introduction to CFD:
Governing equations: the continuity equation, momentum equation and energy equations,
convective forms of the equations and general description, Reynolds transport theorem.
Classification of partial differential equations; physical examples of elliptic, parabolic and
hyperbolic equations. Mathematical nature of the flow equations& their boundary
2. Discretization:
Basic discretization techniques applied to model equations and systems of equations:
finite difference, finite volume and finite element methods.
Finite difference methods: Taylor series expansion, different means for formulating finite
difference equation; accuracy of finite difference method.
Finite Volume Methods: Finite volume methods; approximation of surface and volume
integrals; interpolation methods; central, upwind and hybrid formulations and comparison
for convection-diffusion problem.
Analysis of numerical schemes: concept of consistency, accuracy, stability and
convergence; Error and stability analysis; some applications.
5. Navier-Stokes Equations:
Governing equations, Properties of Navier-Stokes equations; Discretization of NS
equations;Boundry conditions; Convergence acceleration techniques.
6. Turbulence Modeling:
Introduction, Statistical representation of turbulent flows: General Properties of turbulent
quantities, Closure problem: Necessity of turbulence modeling, Reynolds average Navier
stokes (RANS) equation,
Different types of turbulence model: Eddy viscosity models, Mixing length model,
Turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation, The κ-ε model, Advantages and disadvantages
of κ-ε model, Two-equation models: κ-ε model and κ-ω model, Reynolds stress equation
model (RSM).
Reference Books:
7. Thermal Devices:
Heat pipe, Thermal interface material, use of nano particle in heat transfer equipments,
Steam Trap, Electronics cooling systems, Thermal interface materials, Heat transfer
augmentation techniques
Reference Books:
1. Cooling Tower, Fundamentals- John C. Hensley, SPX Cooling Technologies
2. Heat exchangers Selection, Rating and Thermal Design – Sadik Kakac,Hongtan
Liu,Anchasa Pramunjanaroenkij, CRC Press
3. Process Heat Transfer – Donald Q. Kern, Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Process Heat Transfer – Hewitt ,Shires & Bott, CRC Press
5. Heat Pipes Theory, Design & Applications – D.A. Reay, P.D.Dunn, Pergamon
6. Cooling Techniques for Electronic Equipment– Dave S. Steinberg, Wiley-InterScience
7. Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design -Ramesh K. Shah, Dusan P. Sekulic,Wiley-
HP2III-M9 Microfluidics
Introduction: Scaling issues, Applications, Derivation of Navier-Stokes equations
Two-phase flows: Flow regimes and their modeling. Heat Transfer: Forced convection with
slip, Thermal effects at microscales, Heat transfer with liquids.
Mixing: Introduction to mixing, Challenges at microscales, Chaotic mixing, acoustic and
electrically induced mixing.
Ref. Books: 1) Karniadakis G. E. and Beskok A., Microflows and Nanoflows:
Fundamentals and Simulation, Springer.
2) Panton R.L., Incompressible Flow, John Wiley
HP2III-M10 Boilers
Types, Combustion in boilers, Performances evaluation, Analysis of losses, Feed water
treatment, Blow down, Energy conservation opportunities, Design for high temperature -
Combined cycles with heat recovery boiler – Combined cycles with multi-pressure steam -
STAG combined cycle power plant - Influence of component efficiencies on cycle
Ref. Books:1) Guide Books, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, 2) Boilers and Burners:Design
and Theory, Prabir Basu, Kefa Cen, Louis Jestin, Springer,3) Process Heat Transfer –
Hewitt ,Shires & Bott, CRC Press
602117 8 - - 50 50 100 8
602119 20 - - 150 50 200 20
Assessment of Project stage-I has to be carried out as per R-1.4 and R-1.5 of PG Rules
and Regulations of Credit System.
It is important that the procedures listed below be carefully followed by all the students of
M.E. (Mechanical Engineering).
1. Prepare Three Hard Bound Copies of your manuscript.
4. Page number as second line of footer, Times New Roman 10 Pt, centrally aligned.
6. Use the paper size 8.5’’ × 11’’ or A4 (210 × 197 mm). Please follow the margins given
7. All paragraphs will be 1.5 line spaced with a one blank line between each paragraph.
Each paragraph will begin with without any indentation.
9. Sub-Section headings should be aligning at the left with 12 pt, bold and Title Case (the
first letter of each word is to be capitalized).
10. Illustrations (charts, drawings, photographs, figures) are to be in the text. Use only
illustrations really pertinent to the text. Illustrations must be sharp, clear, black and
white. Illustrations downloaded from internet are not acceptable.
a. Illustrations should not be more than two per page. One could be ideal
b. Figure No. and Title at bottom with 12 pt
c. Legends below the title in 10 pt
d. Leave proper margin in all sides
e. Illustrations as far as possible should not be photo copied.
13. Please number the pages on the front side, centrally below the footer
14. References should be either in order as they appear in the thesis or in alphabetical order
by last name of first author
15. Symbols and notations if any should be included in nomenclature section only
17. All section headings and subheadings should be numbered. For sections use numbers 1, 2,
3, …. and for subheadings 1.1, 1.2, …. etc and section subheadings 2.1.1, 2.1.2, ….
18. References should be given in the body of the text and well spread. No verbatim copy or
excessive text from only one or two references. If figures and tables are taken from
any reference then indicate source of it. Please follow the following procedure for
Reference Books
Collier, G. J. and Thome, J. R., Convective boiling and condensation, 3rd ed., Oxford
University Press, UK, 1996, pp. 110 – 112.
Bansal, P. K., Rupasinghe, A. S. and Jain, A. S., An empirical correction for sizing
capillary tubes, Int. Journal of Refrigeration, 1996, 19 (8), pp.497 – 505.
Patent no, Country (in parenthesis), date of application, title, year.
www.(Site) [Give full length URL]
Guide’s Name (TNR, 16pt, Centrally Aligned)
This is to certify that Mr. Lele M.M., has successfully completed the Project
Stage – I entitled “Performance analysis of……..” under my supervision, in the
partial fulfilment of Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering (Heat
Power Engineering) of University of Pune.
Date :
Place :
External Examiner Seal Principal,
Institute Name
Guide’s Name (TNR, 16pt, Centrally Aligned)
This is to certify that Mr. Lele M.M., has successfully completed the
Dissertation entitled “Performance analysis of……..” under my supervision, in
the partial fulfilment of Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering (Heat
Power Engineering) of University of Pune.
Date :
Place :
External Examiner Seal Principal,
Institute Name