M.E. Mechanical Engineering (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course

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University of Pune


Structure and Syllabus


M.E. Mechanical Engineering (Heat Power Engineering)




M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 1

University of Pune
M.E. Mechanical Engineering (Heat Power Engineering) – (2013 Course)



Lect. / Paper TW Oral/ Total
Pr Present
In Sem. End Sem.
Assessment Assessment
507101 Advanced 4 50 50 - - 100 4
Mathematics and
502102 Advanced 4 50 50 - - 100 4
and Combustion
502103 Advanced Fluid 4 50 50 - - 100 4
502104 Research 4 50 50 - - 100 4
502105 Elective I** 5 50 50 - - 100 5
502106 Lab Practice I 4 50 50 100 4
Total 25 250 250 50 50 600 25


CODE SUBJECT Paper TW Present Total
In Sem. End Sem.
Assessment Assessment
Advanced Heat
502107 4 50 50 - - 100 4
Air Conditioning
502108 4 50 50 - - 100 4
502109 4 50 50 - - 100 4
and Controls
502110 Elective II 5 50 50 - - 100 5
502111 Lab Practice II 4 - - 50 50 100 4
502112 Seminar I 4 - - 50 50 100 4
Total 25 200 200 100 100 600 25

Elective I**: Common to All M.E. Mechanical Programmes

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 2

University of Pune


Lect. / Pr Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Sem. End Sem.
Assessment Assessment
602113 4 50 50 - - 100 4
Fluid Dynamics
Design of Heat
602114 Transfer 4 50 50 - - 100 4
602115 Elective III 5 50 50 - - 100 5
602116 Seminar II 4 - - 50 50 100 4
602117 Project Stage I 8 - - 50 50 100 8
Total 25 150 150 100 100 500 25



Lect. / Pr Paper TW Oral/ Total
602118 Seminar III 5 - 50 50 100 5
602119 Project Work Stage II 20 - 150 50 200 20
Total 25 - 200 100 300 25

Lab Practice I & II:

The laboratory work will be based on completion of assignments confined to the courses of that

The student shall deliver the seminar on a topic approved by authorities.
Seminar I: shall be on state of the art topic of student’s own choice approved by authority.
The student shall submit the seminar report in standard format, duly certified for satisfactory
completion of the work by the concerned Guide and head of the department/institute.
Seminar II: shall be on the topic relevant to latest trends in the field of concerned branch,
preferably on the topic of specialization based on the electives selected by him/her approved
by authority. The student shall submit the seminar report in standard format, duly certified
for satisfactory completion of the work by the concerned Guide and head of the
Seminar III: shall be extension of seminar II. The student shall submit the seminar report in
standard format, duly certified for satisfactory completion of the work by the concerned
Guide and head of the department/institute.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 3

University of Pune
The project work shall be based on the knowledge acquired by the student during the coursework and
preferably it should meet and contribute towards the needs of the society. The project aims to provide
an opportunity of designing and building complete system or subsystems based on area where the
student likes to acquire specialized skills.
Project Work Stage – I
Project work Stage – I is the integral part of the project Work. In this, the student shall
complete the partial work of the Project that will consist of problem statement, literature
review, project overview, scheme of implementation (UML/ERD/block diagram/ PERT chart,
etc.) and Layout & Design of the Set-up. The candidate shall deliver a presentation as a part
of the progress report of Project work Stage-I, on the advancement in Technology pertaining
to the selected dissertation topic.
The student shall submit the progress report of Project work Stage-I in standard format duly
certified for satisfactory completion of the work by the concerned guide and head of the

Project Work Stage - II

In Project Work Stage – II, the student shall complete the balance part of the Project that will
consist of fabrication of set up required for the project, conducting experiments and taking
results, analysis & validation of results and conclusions.

The student shall prepare the final report of Project work in standard format duly certified for
satisfactory completion of the work by the concerned guide and head of the

Note: Institute must submit the list of candidates, guide and project details (title, area, problem
definition, and abstract - clearly indicating objectives and scope, sponsorship details, if any) to the
university within month of commencement of third semester. The guide must be approved/qualified
teacher of the institute. A guide can guide at the most 8 students per year.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 4

University of Pune
Semester – I
Advanced Mathematics and Numerical Methods [507101]
Lect/Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
507101 4 50 50 - - 100 4

1. Linear Algebraic Equations:

Gauss – Elimination, Gauss – Seidel, LU Decomposition, Solution of algebraic and
transcendental equations : - Bisection Method, False position method, Newton – Raphson
Method, Muller’s method, Bairstow’s Method, Convergence and stability

2. Regression Analysis:
i) Linear regression, multiple linear regressions, polynomial regression.
ii) Non linear regression – Gauss – Newton method, multiple non linear regression.
Interpolation: Newton’s Divided Difference, Lagrange’s Inverse, Spline, Hermite
Extrapolation technique of Richardson’s Gaunt

3. Differentiation & Integration:

Divided difference formulae, Romberg integration, Gauss quadrature for double & triple

4. Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors of Matrices:

Faddeev- Laeverrier’s method, Power Method, Householder & Given’s method.

5. Ordinary differential equations:

Euler’s method, Heun’s method, Mid – point method, Runge – Kutta methods, Multi step
Methods - explicit Adams – Bashforth technique & Implicit Adams – Moulton Technique,
Adaptive RK method, Embedded RK method, step size control. Higher order ODE –
Shooting method. Non linear ODE – Collocation technique.

6. Partial Differential Equations:

Solution of Parabolic and Hyperbolic equations –Implicit & Explicit Schemes, ADI
methods, Non linear parabolic equations-Iteration method. Solution of elliptic equation –
Jacobi method, Gauss – Seidel & SOR method. Richardson method.

Solve Any Three assignments based on each of the above mentioned unit with programming

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 5

University of Pune

Reference Books:
1. Numerical Methods for Engineers, Steven C Chapra & Raymond P Canale, TMH,
Fifth Edition
2. Applied Numerical Methods, Alkis Constantinides, McGraw Hill
3. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB, Steven Chapra, McGraw Hill.
4. Numerical Solution of Differential Equations, M.K. Jain, 2nd Edition, Wiley Eastern.
5. Numerical methods for scientific and engineering computation, Jain, Iyangar Jain,
New Age International Publishers
6. Numerical methods in Engineering and Science, Dr. B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 6

University of Pune
Semester - I
Advanced Thermodynamics and Combustion Technology
Lect. /Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
502102 4 50 50 - - 100 4
1. Equation of State:
State postulate for Simple System and equation of state, Ideal gas equation, Deviation
from ideal gas, Equation of state for real gases, generalized Compressibility chart,
Law of corresponding states

2. Properties of Pure Substances:

Phase change process of pure substances, PVT surface, P-v &P- T diagrams, Use of
steam tables and charts in common use

3. Laws of thermodynamics:
2nd law Analysis for Engg. Systems, Entropy flow & entropy generation, Increase of
entropy principle, entropy change of pure sub, T-ds relations, entropy generation,
thermo electricity, Onsager equation. Exergy analysis of thermal systems, decrease of
Exergy principle and Exergy destruction, Third law of thermodynamics, Nerst heat
theorem and thermal death of universe.

4. Thermodynamic Property Relations:

Partial Differentials, Maxwell relations, Clapeyron equation, general relations for du,
dh, ds, and Cv and Cp, Joule Thomson Coefficient, Δh, Δu, Δs of real gases.

5. Combustion Technology:
Chemical reaction - Fuels and combustion, Enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of
combustion, First law analysis of reacting systems, adiabatic flame temperature
Chemical and Phase equilibrium - Criterion for chemical equilibrium, equilibrium
constant for ideal gas mixtures, some remarks about Kp of Ideal-gas mixtures,
fugacity and activity, Simultaneous relations, Variation of Kp with Temperature,
Phase equilibrium, Gibb’s phase rule, Gas Mixtures – Mass & mole fractions,
Dalton’s law of partial pressure, Amagat’s law, Kay’s rule.

Thermodynamics of Biological systems:

Living systems, Thermodynamics of Biological cells, Energy conversion efficiency of
Biological systems, Thermodynamics of Nutrition and Exercise, Thermodynamics of
Aging and Death

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 7

University of Pune
Lab Experiments / Assignments (Any Three):
1. Computer aided energy analysis of steady flow cyclic system.
2. Study of mixture of gases, gas and vapour, estimation of properties and preparation of
3. Analysis of ideal gas system using statistical thermodynamic techniques.
4. Study of behaviour of pure substance with change in pressure and temperature.
5. Preparation of computer program to study the effect of percentage of theoretical on
adiabatic flame temperature and equilibrium composition for a hydrocarbon fuel.
(Program to be run for variable input data.)

Reference Books:
1. Thermodynamics – An Engineering Approach, Yunus Cengel and Michael Boles,7th
Ed., Tata McGraw Hill
2. Modern Engineering Thermodynamics, Robert Balmer, Elseveir.
3. Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, Winterbone, John Wiley
4. Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, Kenneth Wark, McGraw Hill
5. Thermodynamics for Engineers, Mathur, Gupta, Metropolitan Book Co. Pvt. Ltd.
6. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Michael Moran, Howard Shapiro,
John Wiley

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 8

University of Pune
Semester – I
Advanced Fluid Mechanics [502103]
Lect/Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
502103 4 50 50 - - 100 4

1. Governing Equations:
Review of Fluid Mechanics: - Definition and properties of Fluids, Fluid as continuum,
Continuum model, Flow kinematics:- Langragian and Eulerian description, Substantial or
Total derivatives, Basic flow-analysis techniques, Flow Patterns: Streamlines, Streaklines,
and Pathlines
Integral Relations for a Control Volume: Reynolds transport theorem, Conservation of
mass, Linear momentum equation, Energy equation, Frictionless flow, Bernoulli equation
Differential Relations for a Fluid Particle: Acceleration field of a fluid, Differential
equation of mass conservation, Differential Equation of linear momentum, Differential
equation of Energy, Boundary Conditions for the basic equations, Velocity Potential,
Stream Function, Vorticity

2. Navier-Stokes Equations:
Generalized form of NSE, Special forms: Euler equations, Bernoulli equation,
Exact solutions: fully developed flow in channel, pipe, flow between concentric rotating
cylinders, Couette flow, Stokes First problem (unsteady flow), Creeping flow past a
sphere, cylinder.

3. Potential Flows:
Elementary Plane-Flow Solutions: Circulation, Superposition of Plane-Flow Solutions:
Irrotational vortex, Vortex flow, Doublet, Flow past a circular cylinder, Magnus effect;
Kutta-Joukowski lift theorem; Concept of lift and drag.

4. Boundary Layers:
Boundary layer assumptions, equations, Flow over a flat plate, Similarity (Blasius)
solution, Falkner-Skan equation, Momentum integral method, Flow separation.

5. Turbulent flow:
Introduction, characteristics of turbulence, laminar-turbulent transition, Correlation
functions, Mean and fluctuations, Governing equations, Turbulent boundary layer,
Boundary conditions, shear stress models, Prandtl's mixing length, Velocity profile over a
flat plate and in pipes, Equations for free shear layers: mixing layer, plane and
axisymmetric jet, and wake, two equation model (k-ε), Large Eddy Simulation, Various
Turbulent Models
6. Compressible Flow:
One-dimensional flow: Speed of sound, Variable cross-section flow, Converging
diverging nozzle, Fanno and Rayleigh curve, Normal shock relations, Introduction to
oblique shocks, Prandtl-Meyer expansion waves

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 9

University of Pune
Lab Experiments / Assignments (Any Three):

1. Flow over a cylinder/sphere at different Re. Pressure variation over the body and drag
2. Flow past an aerofoil: Pressure measurements, calculation of lift
3. Flow through a converging-diverging nozzle: subsonic and supersonic flows
4. Friction factor determination: incompressible flow through pipes/ducts of variable cross
5. Laminar/Turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate.

Reference Books:

1. Advanced Fluid Mechanics, G. Biswas and K. Muralidhar, Narosa Publisher

2. Viscous Fluid Flow, F. M. White, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Boundary Layer Theory, H. Schlichting, Springer
4. Fluid Mechanics, Cengel, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Fluid Mechanics, F.M. White, Tata McGraw Hill Int.
6. Mechanics of Fluid, Merle C. Potter, David C. Wiggert, Bassem Ramadan, Tom I-P. Shih,
Cengage Learning, Publisher, Global Engineering: Christopher M. Shortt.
7. Fluid Mechanics, David Pnueli and Chaim Gutfinger, Cambridge Press

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 10

University of Pune
Semester – I
Research Methodology [502104]
Lect/Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
502104 4 50 50 - - 100 4

1. Research Problem :
Meaning of research problem, Sources of research problem, Criteria / Characteristics of a
good research problem, Errors in selecting a research problem, Scope and objectives of
research problem

2. Basic instrumentation :
Instrumentation schemes, Static and dynamic characteristics of instruments used in
experimental set up, Performance under flow or motion conditions, Data collection using a
digital computer system, Linear scaling for receiver and fidelity of instrument, Role of
DSP in data collection in noisy environment.

3. Applied statistics :
Regression analysis, Parameter estimation, Multivariate statistics, Principal component
analysis, Moments and response curve methods, State vector machines and uncertainty
analysis, Probable errors in the research, Error analysis

4. Modelling and prediction of performance :

Setting up a computing model to predict performance of experimental system, Multi-scale
modelling and verifying performance of process system, Nonlinear analysis of system and
asymptotic analysis, Verifying if assumptions hold true for a given apparatus setup,
Plotting family of performance curves to study trends and tendencies, Sensitivity theory
and applications.

5. Developing a Research Proposal :

Format of research proposal, Individual research proposal, Institutional proposal, Proposal
of a student – a presentation and assessment by a review committee consisting of Guide
and external expert only, Other faculty members may attend and give suggestions relevant
to topic of research.

Reference Books:
1. Research methodology: an Introduction for Science & Engineering students, by Stuart
Melville and Wayne Goddard
2. Research Methodology: Methods and Trends, by Dr. C. R. Kothari
3. Research Methodology: An Introduction by Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville
4. Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for Beginners, by Ranjit Kumar, 2nd Edition
5. Operational Research by Dr. S.D. Sharma, Kedar Nath Ram Nath & Co.
6. Software Engineering by Pressman

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 11

University of Pune
Semester – I
Elective – I (502105)
[Elective I Common to All M.E. Mechanical Courses]


Lect/Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
502105 5 50 50 - - 100 5

Modules of 2 Credits (Select any Two)

Code No. Title Code No. Title
ME2I – M1 Energy Audit and ME2I – M6 Operation Management
ME2I – M2 Financial Management ME2I – M7 Engineering Economics

ME2I – M3 Financial Costing ME2I – M8 Technology Forecasting

ME2I – M4 Project Management ME2I – M9 Technology Transfer

ME2I – M5 Energy Efficient ME2I – M10 Human Rights

Technologies in Electrical
Modules of 1 Credit (Select any One)
Code No. Title Code No. Title
ME1I – M11 Environmental Pollution ME1I – M12 Intellectual property
and Control Rights
Note: For e.g., ME2I-M1 indicates
ME – Common to all M.E. Mechanical Course, 2 – 2 Credits, I – Elective I, M1 –
Module 1

ME2I – M1 Energy Audit and Management

Definition, Energy audit- need, Types of energy audit, Energy management (audit) approach-
understanding energy costs, Bench marking, Energy performance, Matching energy use to
requirement, Maximizing system efficiencies, Optimizing the input energy requirements,
Fuel and energy substitution, Energy audit instruments
Ref. Books: Guide Books, Bureau of Energy Efficiency

ME2I – M2 Financial Management

Investment-need, Appraisal and criteria, Financial analysis techniques- Simple payback
period, Return on investment, Net present value, Internal rate of return, Cash flows, Risk and
sensitivity analysis, Financing options, Energy performance contracting and role of Energy
Service Companies (ESCOS).
Ref. Books: Guide Books, Bureau of Energy Efficiency

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 12

University of Pune
ME2I – M3 Financial Costing
Significance, Traditional absorption costing, Marginal costing, Contract costing, Activity
based costing, Process costing
Ref. Books: Cost Accounting, N K Prasad, Book Syndicate Pvt. Ltd.

ME2I – M4 Project Management

Definition and scope of project, Technical design, Financing, Contracting, Implementation
and performance monitoring. Implementation plan for top management, Planning Budget,
Procurement Procedures, Construction, Measurement & Verification.
Ref. Books: Guide Books, Bureau of Energy Efficiency

ME2I – M5 Energy Efficient Technologies in Electrical Systems

Maximum demand controllers, Automatic power factor controllers, Energy efficient motors,
Soft starters with energy saver, Variable speed drives, Energy efficient transformers,
Electronic ballast, Occupancy sensors, Energy efficient lighting controls.
Ref. Books: Guide Books, Bureau of Energy Efficiency

ME2I – M6 Operation Management

Introduction, Importance, Operating systems models, key decisions, Planning and controlling,
Strategic approach, Processes and systems, supply chain or network approach, Technology
and knowledge management, Quality Management, Operations - Challenges, Opportunities,
Excellence, risk management and sustainability, Case studies
Ref. Books:1) Operations Management - An Integrated Approach, Danny Samson and Prakash J.
Singh, :Cambridge University Press, 2) Modern production/Operations Management, 8th Edition,
E.S. Buffa and R. K. Sarin, John Wiley & Sons.

ME2I – M7 Engineering Economics

Fundamentals, Markets and Government in a Modern economy, Basic Elements of Supply
and Demand, Demand and Consumer Behaviour, Analysis of Perfectly Competitive Markets,
Unemployment, Inflation and Economic policy
Ref. Books: Economics, Samuelson Nordhaus, Tata McGraw Hill

ME2I – M8 Technology Forecasting

Approaches, Technology Performance Parameters, Use of Experts in Technology
Forecasting, Planning, Technology Progress. Morphological Analysis of a Technology
Ref. Books: 1) Gerard H. Gaynor, Hand Book of Technology Management, Mc Graw Hill.

ME2I – M9 Technology Transfer

Definition, Source of Technology Transfer [TT], Model of TT with Public and Private
Enterprises, Success and Failure Factors in Technology Transfer. The concepts of Invention
and Innovation, Definition and classifications of Research and Development, New Product
Development, Challenges in Commercializing Research Results.
Ref. Books: 1) Gerard H. Gaynor, Hand Book of Technology Management, Mc Graw Hill.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 13

University of Pune
ME2I – M10 Human Rights
Human Rights – Concept, Development, Evolution, Philosophical, Sociological and Political debates,
Benchmarks of Human Rights Movement. Human Rights and the Indian Constitution Human Rights
& State Mechanisms, Police & Human Rights, Judiciary & Human Rights, Prisons & Human Rights,
National and State Human Rights Commissions, Human Rights of the Different Sections and
contemporary issues, Citizens’ Role and Civil Society, Human Rights and the international scene
Primary Information with reference to Engineering Industry
Ref. Books: 1)Study material on UNESCO,UNICEF web site, 2)HUMAN RIGHTS IN INDIA A
MAPPING,Usha Ramanathan, 3)Introduction to International Humanitarian Law by Curtis F. J.
Doebbler - CD Publishing , 2005 .This book is an introductory text on international humanitarian
law (the laws of war) that provides the basics of law, including excerpts from some of the leading
treaty texts. Perfect for a short course in the law -- one to five weeks, 4) Freedom of Information
by Toby Mendel - UNESCO , 2008

ME1I – M11 Environmental and Pollution control

Pollution and Environmental Ethics, Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, Marine
pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, Nuclear hazards Environmental impact and
economic aspects, Emission standards and regulations for Automobiles.
Ref. Books: 1) Environmental Pollution and Control, J. Jeffrey Peirce, P Aarne Vesilind, Ruth
Weiner, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2) Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, C.S. Rao,
New Age International

ME1I – M12 Intellectual property Rights

Patentable and non-patentable inventions, statutory exceptions, Persons entitled to apply for
Ref. Books: 1) Satyawrat Ponkshe, The Management of Intellectual Property, by, Ponkshe
& Bhate Publications, Pune.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 14

University of Pune
Semester – I
Lab. Practice – I [502106]


Pr/Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
502106 4 -- -- 50 50 100 4

Lab. work or Assignments have to be carried out at respective labs as mentioned in the
syllabus of respective subjects excluding Research Methodology and Elective. It is to be
submitted as term work at the end of semester after continuous assessment of each by
respective teacher. Assessment of term work has to be carried out as per R-1.4 and R-1.5 of
PG Rules and Regulations of Credit System. (Refer University web site)

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 15

University of Pune
Semester - II
Advanced Heat Transfer [502107]
Lect/Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
502107 4 50 50 - - 100 4

1. Introduction to Modes and Laws of Heat Transfer:

Simultaneous Heat Transfer Mechanism, Steady and Transient Heat Transfer,
Multidimensional Heat Transfer, Thermal Conductivity, Thermal diffusivity, Various
Boundary and Initial Conditions, General Heat Conduction Equation, Thermal Resistance,
Generalized Thermal Resistance Networks, Thermal Contact Resistance

2. Transient Heat Conduction:

Lumped capacitance and its validity, General lumped capacitance analysis, spatial effects.
Problems related with conventional geometries.

3. Principle of Fluid flow and Convective heat transfer:

Concept of velocity and thermal boundary layers: Laminar and Turbulent flow. Navier-
stokes equations and convection equation. Boundary layer approximations and special
conditions. Boundary layer similarity. The normalized convection transfer equations.
Dimensionless parameters & physical significance. Reynolds analogy, Chilton-Colburn

4. External Forced Convection:

Parallel flow over Flat plates, Flow across cylinders and spheres, Flow across tube banks
Internal Forced Convection
Entrance region, Constant surface heat flux, Constant surface temperature, Laminar and
Turbulent flow in tubes

5. Natural Convection:
Physical Mechanism, Equation of motion and Grashof Number, Natural Convection over
surfaces, Natural convection from finned surfaces and PCBs, Natural Convection inside
enclosures (Rectangular, Cylinder and Sphere), Combined Natural Convection and
Radiation, Combined Natural and Forced Convection.

6. Boiling and Condensation:

Boiling modes, the boiling curve, modes of pool boiling, correlations. Forced convection
boiling. Two phase flow.
Condensation: Physical mechanisms, laminar film condensation on a vertical plate.
Turbulent film condensation, film condensation on radial systems, film condensation in
horizontal tubes, on banks of tubes, Dropwise condensation correlations

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 16

University of Pune
7. Thermal Radiation:
Thermal radiation, Blackbody radiation, Radiation intensity, Radiation properties,
Atmospheric and Solar radiation, Shape factor, Radiation heat transfer in two surface
enclosures, Radiation shields, Radiation exchange between Emitting and Absorbing gases.
Assignments (Any Three):

1. Transient Heat Conduction using Heisler and Grober charts

2. Numerical method in heat conduction & convection.
3. Combined Natural and Forced Convection heat transfer.
4. Assignment on Boiling and Condensation
5. Radiation Heat Transfer in Two Surface Enclosures
6. Heat transfer augmentation techniques.

Reference books:

1. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Incropera, Dewitt, John Wiley and sons.
2. Heat and Mass Transfer, Yunus Cengel, Afshin Ghajar, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
3. Heat transfer - A basic approach, M.N. Ozisik, Mc Graw Hill Int.
4. Convective Heat transfer, A Bejan, John Wiley and sons.
5. Heat transfer, J.P. Holman, Mc Graw Hill
6. Heat transfer, S.P. Sukhatme, University Press

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 17

University of Pune
Semester - II
Air Conditioning Technology [502108]
Lect/Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
502108 4 50 50 - - 100 4

1. Psychrometry :
Composition of moist air, Important psychrometric properties, Methods for estimating
moist air properties, Ideal Adiabatic saturation process, Relationship between Wet-Bulb
Temperature and Thermodynamic Wet-Bulb Temperature, Sling and Aspiration
psychrometers, Relations between psychrometric properties, Psychrometric chart,
ASHRAE Psychrometric charts. Use of psychrometric charts and moist air tables, Goff
and Gratch tables.
Psychrometric Processes, Air washer, Bypass Factor, ADP, Applied Psychrometry –
RSHF, GSHF and ESHF. Numerical on Applied Psychrometry.

2. Thermal Comfort :
Thermal comfort, Heat transfer from human body by sensible and latent heat transfer.
Metabolic heat generation, steady state and unsteady state model for heat transfer, effect
of clothing and definition of effective temperatures. PMV and PPD. ASHRAE comfort
Infiltration and ventilation, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Sources of indoor air pollution,
Methods of control of IAQ, Fresh air requirements for IAQ.

3. Heating and Cooling load calculations:

Differences between winter and summer load calculations, Inside and Outside design
conditions, Various sources of the internal and external heat gains, heat losses, Solar
radiation, Solar radiation through glass, SHGC and shading coefficients, Heat transfer
through building structure, Methods of heat load calculations, Numerical on summer and
winter load calculations.

4. Duct systems:
Frictional pressure drops in straight ducts of circular and rectangular cross-section,
equivalent diameter for rectangular duct, Pressure losses in fittings, due to sudden
enlargements, contractions, Sizing of ducts, Velocity Reduction method, Equal friction
method, Static Regain method, Selection of fans, Fan laws and fan characteristic curves,
Air distribution in rooms, Selection and location of supply and return grills, diffusers etc.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 18

University of Pune
5. Air conditioning systems :
All air systems, All water systems, Air water systems, Direct Refrigerant, Unitary
systems, Chilled ceilings and chilled beams, displacement ventilation, VAV Air
Conditioning, Air cooled VRV (VRF) systems, Water cooled VRV (VRF), Two stage
Evaporative cooling, Desiccant Dehumidification, Heat Pumps and their types
Air Conditioning applications – Supermarkets, Restaurants, Kitchen exhaust ventilation
systems Hospitals, Office buildings.

6. Control systems for Refrigeration and Air conditioning applications:

Closed loop and open loop control systems, Choice of control systems, Types of control
action, Energy sources, controllers and controlled devices, Control based on space
temperature, Control based on outside temperature, Control based on heating and cooling
medium, Control of humidity, Complete control systems

Assignments (Any Three):

1. Design of Air Conditioning system for Hospital / Restaurant / Commercial building /

2. Case study on Air Conditioning Equipment Selection (Compressor, Condenser,
Expansion device, Evaporator, Fan, Cooling coil, Pumps, etc)
3. To draw Psychrometric chart for a non standard Pressure
4. Case study on Desiccant Dehumidification.
5. Case study on Two stage Evaporative cooling
6. Case study on Chilled beams or Displacement Ventilation

Reference Books:

1. ASHRAE Handbooks
2. ISHRAE Handbooks.
3. Handbook of Air Conditioning System Design, Carrier Incorporation, McGraw Hill
Book Co., USA.
4. Handbook of Air conditioning and Refrigeration, Shan K. Wang, McGraw Hill
5. Refrigeration and Air conditioning, R.C. Arora, PHI.
6. Air conditioning Applications and Design, Jones W. P., Edward Arnold Publishers
7. Control System for Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning, Hainer R. W., Van
Nastrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1984.
8. Handbook of Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning- Jan F.Kredier- CRC
9. Refrigeration and Air conditioning, C P Arora, Tata McGraw Hill Publication
10. Fundamentals of HVAC systems, Robert McDowall, Elseveir.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 19

University of Pune
Semester - II
Measurements and Controls [502109]
Lect/Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
502109 4 50 50 - - 100 4

1. Instrument types and performance characteristics :

Active and Passive instruments, Null type and deflection type instruments, Analogue and
digital instruments, Indicating instruments and instruments with signal output, smart and
non smart instruments. Static and Dynamic characteristics of instruments, Necessity of

2. Measurement Uncertainty:
Sources of Systematic Error, System Disturbance due to Measurement, Errors due to
Environmental Inputs, Wear in Instrument Components, Accumulation of Accepted
Error, Improper Functioning of Instruments, Dual Sensitivity Errors, Other Sources of
Error, Minimizing Experimental Error, Statistical Analysis of Measurements subject to
Random Errors, Aggregation of Measurement System Errors, Reduction of Systematic
Errors, Quantification of Systematic Errors, Sources and Treatment of Random Errors,
parameter estimation, regression analysis, correlations, analysis of data

3. Measurement of field quantities:

Temperature, heat flux measurement, heat transfer coefficient, measurement of force,
pressure, flow rate, velocity, humidity, noise, vibration

4. Measurement of derived quantities:

Force, Acceleration, Torque, power, thermo physical properties, radiation and surface
properties, Miscellaneous Measurements - Time, Frequency, and Phase-Angle
Measurement, Liquid Level, Chemical Composition, Current and Power Measurement

5. Basics of:
P, PI, PID controllers, pneumatic and hydraulic controllers, electronic controllers,
applications to machine tools, furnaces, material handling etc

Lab Experiments / Assignments (Any Three)

1) Calibration of pressure gauge
2) Computer aided experimentation for temperature measurement.
3) Design of control system for boiler/compressor/pumps/turbines
4) Problem of analysis of data and error estimation.
5) Signal conditioning for torque measurement using strain gauges

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 20

University of Pune
Reference Books:

1. Measurement Systems-Application and Design, Doebelin E.O., McGraw Hill

2. Measurement and Instrumentation – Theory and Application, Alan Morris, Reza
Langari, Elseveir.
3. Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements, James Dally, William riley and
Kenneth McConnell, Wiley.
4. Mechanical Measurements, S.P. Venkateshan, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 21

University of Pune
Semester – II
Elective – II (502110)
Lect/Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
502110 5 50 50 - - 100 5

Modules of 2 Credits (Select any Two)

Code No. Title Code No. Title
HP2II-M1 Thermal System Design HP2II-M8 Jet Propulsion
HP2II-M2 Aerodynamics HP2II-M9 Incompressible Flow
Turbo machines
HP2II-M3 Introduction to flight HP2II-M10 Cryogenic Engineering

HP2II-M4 Vacuum Technology HP2II-M11 Fuel Burning Devices

HP2II-M5 Gas Dynamics HP2II-M12 Adsorption Technology
HP2II-M6 Turbomachinery HP2II-M13 Industrial Hydraulics
HP2II-M7 Gas Turbine
Modules of 1 Credit (Select any One)
Code No. Title Code No. Title
HP1II-M14 Selection of Fans, Pumps and HP1II-M18 Turbulent Jets
HP1II-M15 HVAC Testing, Adjusting HP1II-M19 Clean-room Technology
and Balancing (TAB)
HP1II-M16 Nanomaterials HP1II-M20 Pneumatics
HP1II-M17 Insulating Materials and

Note: For e.g., HP2II-M1 indicates

HP – Heat Power Engineering, 2 – 2 Credits, II – Elective II, M1 – Module 1
For e.g., HP1II-M15 indicates
HP – Heat Power Engineering, 1 – 1 Credit, II – Elective II, M15 – Module 15

HP2II-M1 Thermal System Design

Designing a workable system: Workable and optimum systems, Outline of sequence of tasks
and decisions for a workable design. Modeling Thermal Equipment: Using physical insight,
Selection Vs Simulation, Case study on modeling thermal equipment. System Simulation:
Classes of simulation, Sequential and simultaneous calculations, case study on system
Ref. Books: Design of Thermal Systems, W.F. Stoecker, Tata McGraw – Hill

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 22

University of Pune

HP2II-M2 Aerodynamics
Fundamental principles and equations, Airfoils, wings and their nomenclature; lift, drag and
pitching moment coefficients; centre of pressure and aerodynamic centre. Normal shock
waves, Oblique shock waves, bow shock, expansion waves, Compressible flow through wind
tunnels, introduction to Supersonic and hypersonic flows. Numerical techniques for nonlinear
supersonic flow.
Ref. Books:
1) Fundaments of Aerodynamics, J.D. Anderson, 4th Ed. Tata McGraw Hill.
2) Introduction to Flight, J.D. Anderson, 5th Ed. Tata McGraw Hill.
3) Bertin, J. J., Aerodynamics for Engineers, Pearson Education, 2002.
4) Houghton , E. L. and Carpenter, P. W., Aerodynamics for Engineers, Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2001.

HP2II-M3 Introduction to Flight

Aerodynamic Shapes- Airfoils and wings, Incompressible flow over Airfoils and wings,
Compressible flow over airfoils, elements of Airplane performance, principles of stability and
control, Space Flight, Theory on jet propulsion, Hypersonic Vehicles
Ref. Books:
1) Introduction to Flight, J.D. Anderson, 5th Ed. Tata McGraw Hill.
2) Fundaments of Aerodynamics, J.D. Anderson, 4th Ed. Tata McGraw Hill.
3) Introduction To Aircraft Performance, Selection, And Design, Francis J. Hale,
Wiley India Pvt Ltd. 2011.
4) Barnard,R.H., and Phillpott,D.R., Aircraft Flight, Longman, 2009.

HP2II-M4 Vacuum Technology

Introduction ,Units for Vacuum, Vacuum Pumps, Positive Displacement Pump, Roots Pump,
Diffusion Pumps, Molecular Pumps , Pumping System Design, Selection of Vacuum Pumps,
Calculation of Pumping Speed ,Conductance and Pumping Speed, Baffles and Traps,
Outgassing, Vacuum Pumping (Pressure–Time Relations) Calculation of Pumping Time,
Measurement of Vacuum, Mechanical Gauges, Conductivity Gauges, Ionization Gauge
Ref. Book: Industrial Heating - Principles, Techniques, Materials, Applications, and
Design,Yeshvant V. Deshmukh, CRC Press 2005.

HP2II-M5 Gas Dynamics

Introduction, One dimensional flow basics, Normal shock waves, Flow with heat addition –
Rayleigh flow, Flow with Friction – Fanno Flow, Quasi One dimensional Flows, Oblique
shock waves, Prandtl Meyer Flow
Ref. Books: 1)Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, Robert D. Zucker, Oscar Biblarz, Wiley,
2nd Edition., 2)Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, V. Babu, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., 3)Elements
of Gas Dynamics, Liepmann H. W. and Roshko A., Dover, 2001

HP2II-M6 Turbomachinery
Basics of turbomachinery, Analysis of Axial flow Compressors, Centrifugal flow
compressors, Axial flow Turbines and Radial flow Turbines, Three-dimensional Flows in
Axial Turbomachines.
Ref. Books: 1) Principles of Turbomachinery, R.K. Turton, Springer, 2nd Edition.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 23

University of Pune
2) Turbomachinery Design and Theory, Rama S.R. Gorla and Aijas.A. Khan, CRC Press.
3) Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, S.L. Dixon, Butterworth

HP2II-M7 Gas Turbine

Basics of Compressible flow, Cycle arrangements, Turbojet Engine and Turbofan Engine,
Thrust calculations, Ramjet and Scramjet Engine, Parametric cycle analysis of ideal and real
Ref. Books: 1)Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion – Jack D. Mattingly , Tata Mc-Graw
Hill 2) Fundamentals of Propulsion, V. Babu, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. 3) Introduction to
Flight, J.D. Anderson, 5th Ed. Tata McGraw Hill.

HP2II-M8 Jet Propulsion

Ideal and Non-ideal cycle analysis, Diffusers, Nozzles, Combustors and Afterburners, Ducts
and Mixers, System matching and analysis, Rocket Propellants, rocket equation, rocket
staging, electric propulsion
Ref. Books: 1)Fundamentals of Jet Propulsion with Applications, Ronald D. Flack,
Cambridge University , 2) Introduction to Flight, J.D. Anderson, 5th Ed. Tata McGraw
HP2II-M9 Incompressible Flow Turbomachines
Some aspects of Design, Design of impellers and runners of single and double curvature,
Inlet and outlet elements, Head losses in Turbine and Pump systems, Cavitation, water
hammer and Corrosion
Ref. Books: 1) Incompressible Flow Turbomachines, G. F. Round , Elsevier Publications
2) Fundamentals of Incompressible Fluid Flow, V. Babu, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.
HP2II-M10 Cryogenic Engineering
Gas Liquefaction: Fundamentals, ideal liquefaction work, various liquefaction cycles,
analysis of various cycles. Gas Separation and gas purification systems - Fundamentals of gas
separation, Ideal work of gas separation, basics of gas Mixtures, distillation column, column
efficiency, theoretical plate, Calculations, double columns, Plate structures, Oxygen and
argon separation systems.
Ref. Books: 1) Barron R. F., Cryogenic Systems, 2nd Ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
2) Timmerhaus K. D. and Flynn T. M., Cryogenic Process Engineering, CRC Press.

HP2III-M11 Fuel Burning Devices

Combustion of Liquid Fuels, Classification of Oil Burners, High Pressure Burners, Low
Pressure Burners, Burners for Distillate Fuels, Preheating of Oils, Kinetics of Combustion of
Gases, Burning Properties of Gases, Classification of Gas Burners, Flame Stabilization,
Ignition and Detection, Atmospheric Gas Burners, Nozzle Mixing Gas Burners, Radiant
Tubes, Immersion Tubes, Dual Fuel Burners, Packaged Burners, Combustion of Solid Waste
and Garbage, Burner Auxiliaries, Burner Blocks, Ignition Devices, Flame Protection Devices
Ref. Books: Industrial Heating - Principles, Techniques, Materials, Applications, and
Design, Yeshvant V. Deshmukh, CRC Press 2005.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 24

University of Pune
HP2II-M12 Adsorption Technology
Adsorbents, Fundamentals of adsorption equilibria, rate of adsorption of gases and vapors by
porous medium, processes and cycles, Design procedures and break through Curves, pressure
swing adsorption processes, Thermal adsorption processes.
Ref. Books: 1) Adsorption Technology and Design, Barry Crittenden and W John Thomas,
Butterworth Heinemann Publications
2)Diffusion Mass transfer in fluid systems (chapter 15), E L Cussler, Cambridge University

HP2II-M13 Industrial Hydraulics

Vane and piston pumps, power units, accessories, accumulators, check valves, various
pressure control, directional control, flow control valves, center positions, proportional
valves, cartridge valves, prefill valve, linear and rotary actuators, design considerations for
cylinders, various hydraulic circuits and their applications, circuit design and analysis,
selection of components, troubleshooting of hydraulic components and circuits, maintenance
and safety.
Ref. Books: 1) J.J.Pipenger – ‘Industrial Hydraulics’, McGraw Hill, 2)A. Esposito – ‘Fluid Power
with application’, Prentice hall

HP1II-M14 Selection of Fans, Pumps and blowers

Types, Performance evaluation, efficient system operation, Flow control strategies and
energy conservation opportunities and Selection of fans, pumps and blowers
Ref. Books:1) Guide Books, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, 2) Turbines, Compressors and
Fans, S.M. Yahya, 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill., 3)Fan Handbook, Frank P Bleier, McGraw
Hill, 4) Pumps, Principles and Practice, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.

HP1II-M15 HVAC Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB)

Need, Benefits of TAB, TAB Instruments, Standard TAB Procedures, Air Balancing,
Hydronic balancing, TAB Reports.
Ref. Books: 1) HVAC Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Manual, John Gladstone and W.
David Bevirt, Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2) Testing and Balancing
HVAC Air and Water Systems, Samuel Sugarman, CRC Press.

HP1II-M16 Nanomaterials
Nanoparticles, Carbon Nanotubes, and Semiconducting Nanowires: Physics, Synthesis,
Characterization and Applications.
Ref. Books:1) Nano: The Essentials, Pradeep, T., McGraw-Hill, 2007, 2) Nanoscale
Science and Technology, Kelsall, R., Hamley I. and Geoghegan, M.(Eds.) Wiley, 2005.

HP1II-M17 Insulating Materials and Refractories

Need of insulation, Classification of Thermal Insulations, Properties of Thermal Insulations,
Applications (Case Studies) in Refrigeration, HVAC, Cryogenic, Chemical and Process
industries, Degree days and pay back periods, Refractories types and applications
Ref. Books: 1)Energy Efficiency, Estop and Croft 2) Guide Books, Bureau of Energy
Efficiency, 3)Mass and Heat Transfer, T.W.Fraser Russel, Robinson,Wagner-Cambridge
University Press

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 25

University of Pune

HP1II-M18 Turbulent Jets

Free Jets, Coflowing Jets, Multiple Free Jets, Jet Flocculator, Wall Jets
Ref. Books: Turbulent Jets, Bidya Sagar Pani, Cambridge University press.

HP1II-M19 Cleanroom Technology

Introduction to cleanrooms, types, classifications, cleanroom standards, testing and validation
of clean rooms, design considerations, energy conservation in cleanrooms.
Ref. books: ASHRAE Handbook – HVAC Applications (Clean Spaces)

HP1II-M20 Pneumatics
Different pneumatic components, different pneumatic circuits, trouble shooting in
pneumatics, logic valves, building circuit for a given logic, Electro pneumatic circuits,
Selection criteria of pneumatic components, Installation fault finding and maintenance of
pneumatic components. Microprocessor and PLC- Applications in pneumatics, Low cost
Automation, case studies.
Ref. Books: 1) A. Esposito – ‘Fluid Power with application’, Prentice hall, 2) Majumdar S.R.,
“Pneumatic systems – Principles and maintenance”, Tata McGraw Hill

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 26

University of Pune
Semester – II
Lab. Practice – II [502111]
Pr /Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentat
Assessment Assessment ion
502111 4 - - 50 50 100 4

Lab. work or Assignments have to be carried out at respective labs as mentioned in the
syllabus of respective subjects excluding Elective. It is to be submitted as term work at the
end of semester after continuous assessment of each by respective teacher. Assessment of
term work has to be carried out as per R-1.4 and R-1.5 of PG Rules and Regulations of Credit

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 27

University of Pune
Seminar – I, II and III [502112, 602116, 602118]


Pr /Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
502112 4 - - 50 50 100 4
602116 4 - - 50 50 100 4
602118 5 - - 50 50 100 5

Assessment of Seminar has to be carried out as per R-1.4 and R-1.5 of PG Rules and
Regulations of Credit System.


It is important that the procedures listed below be carefully followed by all the students of
M.E. (Mechanical Engineering).

1. Prepare 3 COPIES of your manuscript.

2. Limit your project report to preferably

a) 15-20 manuscript pages for Seminar I

b) 20-25 manuscript pages for Seminar II
c) 25-30 manuscript pages for Seminar III

3. The footer must include the following:

Institute Name, M.E. Mechanical (Heat Power Engineering) Times New Roman 10
pt. and centrally aligned.

4. Page number as second line of footer, Times New Roman 10 Pt, centrally aligned.

5. Print the manuscript using

a) Letter quality computer printing.
b) The main part of manuscript should be Times New Roman 12 pt. and justified.
c) Use 1.5 line spacing.
d) Entire report shall be one chapter. No chapters for Seminar I, II and III.
e) Seminar I shall not have last section as Conclusions, it will be summary only.

6. Use the paper size 8.5’’ × 11’’ or A4 (210 × 197 mm). Please follow the margins
given below.
Margin Location Paper 8.5’’ × 11’’ Paper A4 (210 × 197 mm)
Top 1’’ 25.4 mm
Left 1.5’’ 37 mm
Bottom 1.25’’ 32 mm
Right 1’’ 25.4 mm

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 28

University of Pune
7. All paragraphs will be 1.5 line spaced with a one blank line between each paragraph.
Each paragraph will begin without any indentation.

8. Section titles should be bold with 14 pt typed in all capital letters and should be left

9. Sub-Section headings should be aligning at the left with 12 pt, bold and Title Case
(the first letter of each word is to be capitalized).

10. Illustrations (charts, drawings, photographs, figures) are to be in the text. Use only
illustrations really pertinent to the text. Illustrations must be sharp, clear, black and
white. Illustrations downloaded from internet are not acceptable.
a) Illustrations should not be more than two per page. One could be ideal
b) Figure No. and Title at bottom with 12 pt
c) Legends below the title in 10 pt
d) Leave proper margin in all sides
e) Illustrations as far as possible should not be Xeroxed.

11. Photographs if any should be of glossy prints

12. Please use SI system of units. If students would like to add the equivalent in inch-
pound (British) units, they must be stated in parenthesis after the SI units. In case the
final result comes out in any other units (say due to empirical formula etc.) covert the
unit to SI unit.

13. Please number the pages on the front side, centrally below the footer

14. References should be either in order as they appear in the thesis or in alphabetical
order by last name of first author

15. Symbols and notations if any should be included in nomenclature section only

16. Following will be the order of report

i. Cover page and Front page as per the specimen on separate sheet
ii. Certificate from the Institute as per the specimen on separate sheet
iii. Acknowledgement
iv. List of Figures
v. List of Tables
vi. Nomenclature
vii. Contents
viii. Abstract (A brief abstract of the report not more than 150 words. The heading
of abstract i.e. word “Abstract” should be bold, Times New Roman, 12 pt
and should be typed at the centre. The contents of abstract should be typed on
new line without space between heading and contents. Try to include one or
two sentences each on motive, method, key-results and conclusions in the
ix. Section: Introduction
x. References

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 29

University of Pune

17. All section headings and subheadings should be numbered. For sections use numbers
1, 2, 3, …. and for subheadings 1.1, 1.2, …. etc and section subheadings 2.1.1, 2.1.2,
…. etc.

18. References should be given in the body of the text and well spread. No verbatim copy
or excessive text from only one or two references. If figures and tables are taken
from any reference then indicate source of it. Please follow the following procedure
for references

Reference Books
Collier, G. J. and Thome, J. R., Convective boiling and condensation, 3rd ed., Oxford
University Press, UK, 1996, pp. 110 – 112.

Papers from Journal or Transactions

Jung, D. S. and Radermacher, R., Transport properties and surface tension of pure and
mixed refrigerants, ASHRAE Trans, 1991, 97 (1), pp. 90 – 98.

Bansal, P. K., Rupasinghe, A. S. and Jain, A. S., An empirical correction for sizing
capillary tubes, Int. Journal of Refrigeration, 1996, 19 (8), pp.497 – 505.

Papers from Conference Proceedings

Colbourne, D. and Ritter, T. J., Quantitative assessment of flammable refrigerants in
room air conditioners, Proc. of the Sixteenth International Compressor Engineering
Conference and Ninth International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 2002, pp. 34 – 40.

Reports, Handbooks etc.

United Nations Environmental Programme, Report of the Refrigeration, Air
Conditioning and Heat Pumps, Technical Option Committee, 2002, Assessment -

ASHRAE Handbook: Refrigeration, 1994 (Chapter 44)

Patent no, Country (in parenthesis), date of application, title, year.

www.(Site) [Give full length URL]

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 30

University of Pune
Format for front page and Certificate

A Seminar I / II / III on (TNR, 16pt, centrally aligned)

Title (TNR, 27pt, Bold, Centrally

Aligned, Title Case)
By (TNR, 16pt, Centrally Aligned)

Mr. Student’s Name (TNR, 16pt, Centrally Aligned)

Guide (TNR, 16pt, Centrally Aligned)

Guide’s Name (TNR, 16pt, Centrally Aligned)


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Name of the Institute
[2011-12](TNR, 22pt, Title Case Centrally

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 31

University of Pune

Name of the Institute



This is to certify that Mr. Lele M.M., has successfully completed the seminar-
I/II/III entitled “Performance analysis of……..” under my supervision, in the
partial fulfilment of Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering (Heat
Power Engineering) of University of Pune.

Date :

Place :

Guide’s Name __________________

Guide Head
Department and
Institute Name

External Examiner Seal Principal,
Institute Name

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 32

University of Pune
Semester - III
Computational Fluid Dynamics [602113]
Lect. /Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
602113 4 50 50 - - 100 4

1. Introduction to CFD:
Governing equations: the continuity equation, momentum equation and energy equations,
convective forms of the equations and general description, Reynolds transport theorem.
Classification of partial differential equations; physical examples of elliptic, parabolic and
hyperbolic equations. Mathematical nature of the flow equations& their boundary

2. Discretization:
Basic discretization techniques applied to model equations and systems of equations:
finite difference, finite volume and finite element methods.
Finite difference methods: Taylor series expansion, different means for formulating finite
difference equation; accuracy of finite difference method.
Finite Volume Methods: Finite volume methods; approximation of surface and volume
integrals; interpolation methods; central, upwind and hybrid formulations and comparison
for convection-diffusion problem.
Analysis of numerical schemes: concept of consistency, accuracy, stability and
convergence; Error and stability analysis; some applications.

3. Numerical Grid Generation:

Introduction, Structured and Unstructured mesh generation techniques
• Structured grid generation: a)Algebraic method, b) Elliptic generation systems.
• Unstructured grid generation: a)Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation;
b) Advancing front grid generation.

4. Solution to Eulers equations:

Formulations of Euler equations, Discretization methods for Euler equations. High
resolution schemes and TVD.

5. Navier-Stokes Equations:
Governing equations, Properties of Navier-Stokes equations; Discretization of NS
equations;Boundry conditions; Convergence acceleration techniques.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 33

University of Pune

6. Turbulence Modeling:
Introduction, Statistical representation of turbulent flows: General Properties of turbulent
quantities, Closure problem: Necessity of turbulence modeling, Reynolds average Navier
stokes (RANS) equation,
Different types of turbulence model: Eddy viscosity models, Mixing length model,
Turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation, The κ-ε model, Advantages and disadvantages
of κ-ε model, Two-equation models: κ-ε model and κ-ω model, Reynolds stress equation
model (RSM).

Reference Books:

1. T. J. Chung, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press.

2. Anderson, J.D. Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw Hill, 1995.
3. Hirsch,C. Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Vol.I, John Wiley,
4. Jiyuan Tu, Guan – Heng Yeoh, Chaoqun Liu, Computational Fluid Dynamics – A
practica approach, Butterworth Heinemann.
5. Leveque, R.J., Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws, BirkhauserVerlag, 1990.
6. Anderson,D.A., Tannehill,J.C. and Pletcher,R.H., Computational Fluid Dynamics and
Heat Transfer, McGraw Hill, 1984.
7. Pradip Niyogi, S.K. Chakraborty, M.K. Laha, Introduction to Computational Fluid
Dynamics, Pearson
8. Oleg Zikanov, Essential Computational Fluid Dynamics, John Wiley
9. Pieter Wesseling, Principles of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Springer, 2004.
10. S. V. Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, McGraw-Hill.
11. John C. Tannehill, Dale A. Anderson and Richard H. Pletcher, Computational Fluid
Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Taylor &Francis.
12. Versteeg, H. K. and Malalasekara, W. (2008). Introduction to Computational Fluid
Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method. Second Edition (Indian Reprint) Pearson
13. David C. Wilcox Turbulence Modeling for CFD, Publisher: D C W Industries, Nov 1,

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 34

University of Pune
Semester – III
Design of Heat Transfer Equipments [602114]
Lect/Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
602114 4 50 50 - - 100 4

1. Classification of Heat Exchangers:

Introduction, Classification, Overview of Heat Exchanger Design Methodology, Process
and Design Specifications, Thermal and Hydraulic Design, Mechanical Design, Optimum
Design , Heat Exchanger Variables and Thermal Circuit, Assumptions, Basic Definitions,
ε - NTU Method , The P-NTU Method , TEMA , Multi-pass Exchangers, LMTD, Heat
Exchanger Arrays and Multi-passing, Sizing and Rating Problems, Kern Method, Bell
Delaware Method, Numerical on Shell and tube HEX.

2. Solution Methods for Determining Exchanger Effectiveness:

Exact Analytical Methods, Approximate Methods, Numerical Methods, Matrix
Formalism, Chain Rule Methodology , Flow-Reversal Symmetry, Design Problems,
Longitudinal Wall Heat Conduction Effects, Multipass Exchangers, Non-uniform Overall
Heat Transfer Coefficients, Temperature - Length - Combined Effect

3. Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop Analysis:

Importance of Pressure Drop, Devices, Extended Surface Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop,
Tubular Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop, Tube Banks, Shell-and-Tube Exchangers, Plate
Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop, Pipe Losses, Non-dimensional Presentation of Pressure
Drop Data

4. Heat Transfer Characteristics:

Dimensionless Surface Characteristics, Experimental Techniques for Determining Surface
Characteristics, Steady-State Kays and London Technique, Wilson Plot Technique,
Transient Test Techniques, Friction Factor Determination, Hydrodynamic ally Developing
Flows, Thermally Developing Flows, Extended Reynolds Analogy, Heat Exchanger
Surface Geometrical Characteristics, Selection of Heat Exchangers and Their
Components, Temperature Difference Distributions

5. Cooling tower fundamentals:

Types, Nomenclature, material for construction, Structural components in details,
Mechanical components (Fan, Speed reducer, Valves, Safety), Electrical components,
Thermal performance testing – conduction and evaluation.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 35

University of Pune
6. Furnace:
Furnace, Types, Parts used in furnace, Nozzles used, Heat transfer related design of
systems, Insulations, Applications in process industries.

7. Thermal Devices:
Heat pipe, Thermal interface material, use of nano particle in heat transfer equipments,
Steam Trap, Electronics cooling systems, Thermal interface materials, Heat transfer
augmentation techniques

Assignments (Any three)

1 Visit to study heat exchanger manufacturing

2 Study of Instrumentation used related to Heat exchanger
3 Study of plate heat exchanger
4 Experimentation on any one Heat exchanger
5 Experimentation on Heat pipe
6 Study of any one advanced/similar topic from Topic 7

Reference Books:
1. Cooling Tower, Fundamentals- John C. Hensley, SPX Cooling Technologies
2. Heat exchangers Selection, Rating and Thermal Design – Sadik Kakac,Hongtan
Liu,Anchasa Pramunjanaroenkij, CRC Press
3. Process Heat Transfer – Donald Q. Kern, Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Process Heat Transfer – Hewitt ,Shires & Bott, CRC Press
5. Heat Pipes Theory, Design & Applications – D.A. Reay, P.D.Dunn, Pergamon
6. Cooling Techniques for Electronic Equipment– Dave S. Steinberg, Wiley-InterScience
7. Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design -Ramesh K. Shah, Dusan P. Sekulic,Wiley-

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 36

University of Pune
Semester – III
Elective – III [602115]
Lect/Week Paper TW Oral/ Total
In Semester End Semester Presentation
Assessment Assessment
602115 5 50 50 - - 100 5

Modules of 2 Credits (Select any Two)

Code No. Title Code No. Title
HP2III-M1 Solar Energy HP2III-M8 Modern Sensors
HP2III-M2 Wind Power HP2III-M9 Microfluidics
HP2III-M3 Nuclear Reactors and HP2III-M10 Boilers
Nuclear Power
HP2III-M4 Waste Heat Recovery and HP2III-M11 Introduction to Composites
HP2III-M5 Fluidized Bed Technology HP2III-M12 Piping Technology
HP2III-M6 Convective Heat & Mass HP2III-M13 I.C. Engines- Design
HP2III-M7 Fuel Cell Technology
Modules of 1 Credit (Select any One)
Code No. Title Code No. Title
HP1III-M14 Thermal Energy Storage HP1III-M18 Geothermal Technology
HP1III-M15 Biomass Technology HP1III-M19 Alternative Fuels for I.C.
HP1III-M16 Combustion Applications HP1III-M20 I.C. Engines- Emissions
and control
HP1III-M17 Fluid Sealing Technology

Note: For e.g., HP2III-M1 indicates

HP – Heat Power Engineering, 2 – 2 Credits, III – Elective III, M1 – Module 1
For e.g., HP1III-M14 indicates
HP – Heat Power Engineering, 1 – 1 Credit, III – Elective III, M14 – Module 14

HP2III-M1 Solar Energy

The Solar spectrum, Semiconductors, p-n junction, Solar photocells, Efficiency of solar cells,
Commercial solar cells, Solar panels, economics of photovoltaic, environmental impact of
photovoltaic, Solar thermal power plants
Ref. Book: Energy Science – Principles, Technologies and Impacts, John Andrews and
Nick Jelley, OXFORD University Press.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 37

University of Pune
HP2III-M2 Wind Power
Source of wind energy, Global wind patterns, Principles of wind turbine, Modern wind
turbines, Wind turbine blade design, Turbine control and operation, Power output of wind
turbine, environmental impact and public acceptance, Economics of wind power
Ref. Book: Energy Science – Principles, Technologies and Impacts, John Andrews and
Nick Jelley, OXFORD University Press

HP2III-M3 Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Power

Components of Nuclear Reactors, Power Reactors and Nuclear Steam Supply systems,
Nuclear cycles, Fuel Reprocessing, Radioactive Waste disposal, heat generation in reactors,
heat removal from reactors, thermal design of a reactor.
Ref. Books: Introduction to Nuclear Technology, John R. Lamarsh, Anthony J.Baratta,
Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition.

HP2III-M4 Waste Heat Recovery and Cogeneration

a) Waste Heat Recovery: Classification, Advantages and applications, commercially viable
waste heat recovery devices, Saving potential
b) Cogeneration: Definition, Need, Application, Advantages, Classification, Saving potentials
Ref. Books: Guide Books, Bureau of Energy Efficiency

HP2III-M5 Fluidized Bed Technology

Principal of Fluidized bed combustion, Advantages of fluidized bed combustion, Circulating
fluidizing bed (CFB) and Bubbling Fluidized bed (BFB) combustion, Categories of FBC, Fuel
requirements of FBC. Fluidized bed Boilers, Applications, Advantages of Fluidized bed Boilers,
Regimes of fluidization, Fast Fluidized bed, Hydrodynamic structures of Fast fluidized beds, axial
voidage profile, lateral Distribution of voidage on fast bed, Gas Solid mixing, gas solid slip velocity,
dispersion, stages of combustion, Factors affecting on Combustion Efficiency, Combustion in CFB
and BFB, Biomass combustion. Emission of FBC equipments.
Ref. Books: 1)Prabir Basu, Combustion and gasification in Fluidized bed, CRC press, Taylor and
Francis, 2) Black and Veatch, Power Plant Engineering, CBS Publication and distribution.

HP2III-M6 Convective Heat & MassTransfer

Fundamental Principles, Laminar Boundary layer flow, Laminar duct flow, External and
internal natural convection, Transition to turbulence, Turbulent boundary layer flow,
Turbulent duct flow, convection with change of phase, Mass transfer, convection in porous
Ref. Books: 1)Convective Heat Transfer Analysis, Patrick H. Oosthuizen, David Naylor, Mcgraw
Hill.2) Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, W. M. Kays, M. E. Crawford, McGraw Hill,
3)Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, S. Mostafa Ghiaasiaan, Cambridge University Press.,4)
Convection Heat Transfer, Adrian Bejan, John Wiley.

HP2III-M7 Fuel Cell Technology

Principle of Fuel Cell, Efficiency, Types – Polymer Electrolyte Membrane, Alkaline, Molten
Carbonate, Solid oxide, Regenerative, Performance Limiting factors of Fuel Cell, losses,
advantages and limitations, applications, Microbial Fuel Cells.
Ref. Books: 1) Fuel Cell Technology, N. Sammes, Springer
2) Non Conventional Energy Resources, G.S. Sawhney, PHI.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 38

University of Pune
HP2III-M8 Modern Sensors
Senor Characteristics, Types of sensors- Position, displacement, level, velocity, acceleration,
force strain, Pressure, Flow, Acoustic, Humidity and moisture, Temperature. Applications,
Sensor Material and technologies.
Ref. Books: 1) Handbook of Modern Sensors- physics, Designs and applications, J. Fraden,

HP2III-M9 Microfluidics
Introduction: Scaling issues, Applications, Derivation of Navier-Stokes equations
Two-phase flows: Flow regimes and their modeling. Heat Transfer: Forced convection with
slip, Thermal effects at microscales, Heat transfer with liquids.
Mixing: Introduction to mixing, Challenges at microscales, Chaotic mixing, acoustic and
electrically induced mixing.
Ref. Books: 1) Karniadakis G. E. and Beskok A., Microflows and Nanoflows:
Fundamentals and Simulation, Springer.
2) Panton R.L., Incompressible Flow, John Wiley

HP2III-M10 Boilers
Types, Combustion in boilers, Performances evaluation, Analysis of losses, Feed water
treatment, Blow down, Energy conservation opportunities, Design for high temperature -
Combined cycles with heat recovery boiler – Combined cycles with multi-pressure steam -
STAG combined cycle power plant - Influence of component efficiencies on cycle
Ref. Books:1) Guide Books, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, 2) Boilers and Burners:Design
and Theory, Prabir Basu, Kefa Cen, Louis Jestin, Springer,3) Process Heat Transfer –
Hewitt ,Shires & Bott, CRC Press

HP2III-M11 Introduction to Composites

Fibers, matrices and fillers, Manufacturing of composites, Unidirectional and short-fiber
composite behavior, Orthotropic laminates, Laminated composites, Failure of composites,
Hygrothermal effects, and residual stresses
Ref. Books:1) Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites, Agarwal, B.D. and Broutman, L. J.,
John Wiley & Sons.2)Mechanics of Composite Materials, Jones, R. M., Mc-Graw Hill.
3)Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials, Daniel, I. M. and Ishai, O., Oxford University

HP2III-M12 Piping Technology

Pipe Sizing Techniques, Mechanical Design of Pipes, Codes and Standards, Piping
Transient Flow in Piping Systems, Piping Network Design, Various Stresses in Pipes, Pipe
Support Selection and Design, Thermal Stresses in Pipes, Stress Analysis of Piping Systems
Expansion Joints, Case Study
Ref. books: 1) ASHRAE Handbooks, 2) Piping Handbook, Nayyar, McGraw Hill

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 39

University of Pune
HP2III-M13 I.C. Engines- Design
Materials for Various engine components, cylinder head, spark plug, gaskets, cylinder block,
piston ,piston rings, gudgeon pin ,etc. Engine Design- Preliminary analysis, cylinder number,
size and arrangement, design of piston, connecting rod, crankshaft and valve mechanism.
Combustion in SI engine, stages of combustion, phenomenon of detonation, effect of engine,
variables on detonation, design of combustion chambers for SI engines Combustion in CI
engine, Stages of combustion, factors affecting delay period, the phenomenon of knock in CI
engine , design of combustion chambers for CI engines. Application of simulation technique
for engine tuning, engine selection parameters, recent trends in IC engines
Ref. books: 1) The Internal Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice Volume I & II by
Charles Fayette Taylor, The MIT Press., 2) Automotive Technology, Jack Erjavec,3rd
edition, Delmar Thomson Learning, 3)Design and Simulation of four stroke engines,
Gordon P Blair, SAE International,4) Internal Combustion Engines, C.R. Ferguson &
A.R. Kirkpatrick, Delhi,2001

HP1III-M 14 Thermal Energy Storage (TES)

Basic Principle, Benefits, Criteria for TES Evaluation, TES Market Considerations, TES
Heating and Cooling Applications, TES Operating Characteristics, ASHRAE TES Standards,
Sensible and Latent TES, Energy Conservation with TES: Planning and Implementation,
Recent Advances in TES Methods
Ref. books: 1) ASHRAE Handbook – Applications
2) Ibrahim Dincer and Marc A. Rosen, Thermal Energy Storage – Systems and
Applications, Wiley Publication.

HP1III-M15 Biomass Technology

Photosynthesis and crop yields, Biomass potential and Use, Biomass Energy Production,
Environmental impact of biomass, Economics and potential of biomass.
Ref. Book: Energy Science – Principles, Technologies and Impacts, John Andrews and
Nick Jelley, OXFORD University Press

HP1III-M16 Combustion Applications

Wood Burning Cookstove – Modeling considerations, reference stove specifications, effect of
parametric variations, Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln – Modeling assumptions, parametric studies,
Gas turbine combustion chamber – Combustor designs.
Ref. Books: Analytic Combustion, Anil W. Date, Cambridge University Press

HP1III- M17 Fluid Sealing Technology

Introduction, Rotary Seals, Reciprocating Seals, Flexible packings, Mechanical seals,
Noncontact shaft seals, Static Seals, Bellows and Diaphragms.
Ref. Books: Fluid Sealing Technology – Principles and Applications, H.K. Muller & B.S.
Nau, Marcel Dekker Inc.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 40

University of Pune
HP1III- M18 Geothermal Technology
Resources of Geothermal Energy, Hydrothermal resources, Hot dry rock resource, High
enthalpy Geothermal Aquifers, Low enthalpy reserves, Wet and dry steam systems.
Comparison with conventional plant, Advantages and disadvantages/limitations, Materials for
Geothermal plants, Environmental problems
Ref. Books: 1) Renewable Energy Sources, Tasneem Abbasi, S.A.Abbasi, PHI
2) Non Conventional Energy Resources, G.S. Sawhney, PHI
3)Renewable energy Resources –John Twidell and Tony Weir, Taylor & Francis

HP1III-M19 Alternative Fuels for I.C. Engines

Solid fuels, liquid fuels, gaseous fuels, Properties and specifications, Material Compatibility,
Storage and Dispensing, Refueling Facility, Safety and Protection norms, Fuels For S.I. and
C.I. Engines, rating of SI & CI engine fuels, fuel additives for SI & CI engines
Ref. Books: 1) Alternate fuels Guidebook, Richard L. Bechtold, SAE International,
2) Automotive fuels and fuel systems, Vol. I & II, T. K. Garret, SAE International

HP1III-M20 I.C. Engines- Emissions and control

Engine Emissions & Control: Air pollution due to IC engines , norms ,engine emissions, HC,
CO, NOx , particulates ,other emissions, emission control methods, exhaust gas recirculation
,modern methods, crankcase blow by
Ref. Books: 1) Alternate fuels Guidebook, Richard L. Bechtold, SAE International,
2) Automotive fuels and fuel systems, Vol. I & II, T. K. Garret, SAE International, 3)Engineering
Fundamentals of The Internal Combustion Engine, Willard W. Pulkrabek, Pearson Education

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 41

University of Pune

Project Stage – I and II [602117 & 602119]


Lect/Week Paper TW Oral/ Total

In Semester End Semester Presentation

Assessment Assessment

602117 8 - - 50 50 100 8
602119 20 - - 150 50 200 20

Assessment of Project stage-I has to be carried out as per R-1.4 and R-1.5 of PG Rules
and Regulations of Credit System.


It is important that the procedures listed below be carefully followed by all the students of
M.E. (Mechanical Engineering).
1. Prepare Three Hard Bound Copies of your manuscript.

2. Limit your Dissertation report to 80 – 120 pages (preferably)

3. The footer must include the following:

Institute Name, M.E. Mechanical (Heat Power Engineering) Times New Roman 10 pt. and
centrally aligned.

4. Page number as second line of footer, Times New Roman 10 Pt, centrally aligned.

5. Print the manuscript using

a. Letter quality computer printing.
b. The main part of manuscript should be Times New Roman 12 pt. with
alignment - justified.
c. Use 1.5 line spacing.
d. Entire report shall be of 5- 7 chapters.

6. Use the paper size 8.5’’ × 11’’ or A4 (210 × 197 mm). Please follow the margins given

Margin Location Paper 8.5’’ × 11’’ Paper A4 (210 × 197 mm)

Top 1’’ 25.4 mm
Left 1.5’’ 37 mm
Bottom 1.25’’ 32 mm
Right 1’’ 25.4 mm

7. All paragraphs will be 1.5 line spaced with a one blank line between each paragraph.
Each paragraph will begin with without any indentation.

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 42

University of Pune
8. Section titles should be bold with 14 pt typed in all capital letters and should be left

9. Sub-Section headings should be aligning at the left with 12 pt, bold and Title Case (the
first letter of each word is to be capitalized).

10. Illustrations (charts, drawings, photographs, figures) are to be in the text. Use only
illustrations really pertinent to the text. Illustrations must be sharp, clear, black and
white. Illustrations downloaded from internet are not acceptable.
a. Illustrations should not be more than two per page. One could be ideal
b. Figure No. and Title at bottom with 12 pt
c. Legends below the title in 10 pt
d. Leave proper margin in all sides
e. Illustrations as far as possible should not be photo copied.

11. Photographs if any should of glossy prints

12. Please use SI system of units only.

13. Please number the pages on the front side, centrally below the footer

14. References should be either in order as they appear in the thesis or in alphabetical order
by last name of first author

15. Symbols and notations if any should be included in nomenclature section only

16. Following will be the order of report

i. Cover page and Front page as per the specimen on separate sheet
ii. Certificate from the Institute as per the specimen on separate sheet
iii. Acknowledgements
iv. List of Figures
v. List of Tables
vi. Nomenclature
vii. Contents
viii. Abstract (A brief abstract of the report not more than 150 words. The heading of
abstract i.e. word “Abstract” should be bold, Times New Roman, 12 pt and
should be typed at the centre. The contents of abstract should be typed on new line
without space between heading and contents. Try to include one or two sentences
each on motive, method, key-results and conclusions in Abstract
1 Introduction (2-3 pages) (TNR – 14 Bold)
1.1 Problem statement (TNR – 12)
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Scope
1.4 Methodology
1.5 Organization of Dissertation

2 Literature Review (20-30 pages)

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 43

University of Pune
Discuss the work done so far by researchers in the domain area and their
significant conclusions. No derivations, figures, tables, graphs are expected.
3 This chapter shall be based on your own simulation work (Analytical/
Numerical/FEM/CFD) (15- 20 pages)
4 Experimental Validation - This chapter shall be based on your own
experimental work (15-20 pages)
5 Concluding Remarks and Scope for the Future Work (2-3 pages)
ANNEXURE (if any)
(Put all mathematical derivations, Simulation program as Annexure)

17. All section headings and subheadings should be numbered. For sections use numbers 1, 2,
3, …. and for subheadings 1.1, 1.2, …. etc and section subheadings 2.1.1, 2.1.2, ….

18. References should be given in the body of the text and well spread. No verbatim copy or
excessive text from only one or two references. If figures and tables are taken from
any reference then indicate source of it. Please follow the following procedure for

Reference Books
Collier, G. J. and Thome, J. R., Convective boiling and condensation, 3rd ed., Oxford
University Press, UK, 1996, pp. 110 – 112.

Papers from Journal or Transactions

Jung, D. S. and Radermacher, R., Transport properties and surface tension of pure and
mixed refrigerants, ASHRAE Trans, 1991, 97 (1), pp. 90 – 98.

Bansal, P. K., Rupasinghe, A. S. and Jain, A. S., An empirical correction for sizing
capillary tubes, Int. Journal of Refrigeration, 1996, 19 (8), pp.497 – 505.

Papers from Conference Proceedings

Colbourne, D. and Ritter, T. J., Quantitative assessment of flammable refrigerants in
room air conditioners, Proc. of the Sixteenth International Compressor Engineering
Conference and Ninth International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 2002, pp. 34 – 40.

Reports, Handbooks etc.

United Nations Environmental Programme, Report of the Refrigeration, Air
Conditioning and Heat Pumps, Technical Option Committee, 2002, Assessment - 2002.

ASHRAE Handbook: Refrigeration, 1994 (Chapter 44)

Patent no, Country (in parenthesis), date of application, title, year.

www.(Site) [Give full length URL]

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 44

University of Pune
A Project Stage-I Report on (TNR, 16pt, centrally aligned)

Title (TNR, 27pt, Bold, Centrally

Aligned, Title Case)

By (TNR, 16pt, Centrally Aligned)

Mr. Student’s Name(TNR, 16pt, Centrally Aligned)

Guide’s Name (TNR, 16pt, Centrally Aligned)


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Name of the Institute
[2011-12](TNR, 22pt, Title Case Centrally

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 45

University of Pune

Name of the Institute



This is to certify that Mr. Lele M.M., has successfully completed the Project
Stage – I entitled “Performance analysis of……..” under my supervision, in the
partial fulfilment of Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering (Heat
Power Engineering) of University of Pune.

Date :

Place :

Guide’s Name __________________

Guide Head
Department and
Institute Name

External Examiner Seal Principal,
Institute Name

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 46

University of Pune
A Dissertation on (TNR, 16pt, centrally aligned)

Title (TNR, 27pt, Bold, Centrally

Aligned, Title Case)

By (TNR, 16pt, Centrally Aligned)

Mr. Student’s Name(TNR, 16pt, Centrally Aligned)

Guide’s Name (TNR, 16pt, Centrally Aligned)


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Name of the Institute
[2011-12](TNR, 22pt, Title Case Centrally

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 47

University of Pune

Name of the Institute



This is to certify that Mr. Lele M.M., has successfully completed the
Dissertation entitled “Performance analysis of……..” under my supervision, in
the partial fulfilment of Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering (Heat
Power Engineering) of University of Pune.

Date :

Place :

Guide’s Name __________________

Guide Head
Department and
Institute Name

External Examiner Seal Principal,
Institute Name

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) (Heat Power Engineering) 2013-Course 48

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