Solubility of Natural Gas in Different Crude Oil
Solubility of Natural Gas in Different Crude Oil
Solubility of Natural Gas in Different Crude Oil
Thesis by
Char les Ki r cher Jr.
Determination of solubility 2
Method of Procedure 22
Analysis of methane produced 27
.App endix 32
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The work re portea in this paper is a continua tion of
experiments begun and carried out by B.H.Sage, and described
in his thesis for the Masters degree C.I. T. 1931. The object
of the research was to determine as quantit a tively a s possible
the solubility of natural gas in various crude oils, as it
was known that by dissolving natural gas in crude oil, the
physical pr operties of the oil could be changed in such a way
as to make possible gr e ate r recove ry of the crude oil from
the underground formation. .As pointed out by Mr. Sage , the
solubility fi gur es presented in his thesis had to be arrived
at by a method of approximation as he was then not exr e r i mentally
able to measure the change in liquid volume resulting f r om
dissolved gas. In order to make possible more a ccura te
c a lculation of gas solubility, apparatus was designed and
inst alled for directly me a suring the ch an~ e in volume of the
crude oil whi ch occurred as a result of dissolved gas. Other
changes were ma de in the equi; ment as first set u p by Mr . Sage,
which wer e desi gned to increase accura cy and s peed in carrying
out the experiments. The s e chang es will be discussed in the
main body of t h is re por t.
The solubility data presented in all cases is for a
temp er a ture of 100°F and pr essures ranging f r om zero to 2500
lbs. per sq. in. Th e follo wing representative crude oils were
used: Sugarland, Texas; Ya tes, Texas; Ventura, Calif.; Santa
Fe Spr ings, Calif.; Bartlesville, Okla.; Seminole, Okla.;
Lima, Ohio; and Bradford, Pa. These crude s as used were
s aturated wi th air a t a tmospheric pressur e.
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forced out of the compressor into the solubility line and cell,
could be reduced to a negligible fr a ction of the total volume
of the system. In order to avoid condensation in the compressor
the mercury from the pump was heated by a steam jacket bef ore
enter·ing the compress ion chamber. The cylinder its elf was
electrically heated and lagged wi th insulating material. The
temperature was maintained at ab out 100 °C by means of an electric
relay and thermostat in the heating circuit. The temperature
was taken by means of a thermometer placed in a well in the head
of the compressor.
At the st art of a r..un the reservoir, compressor and lines
were evacuated; the cell however not being evacuated, as the
composition of the oil might have been changed slightly in so
doing. The reservoir was then filled with gas up to the desired
pressure. As previ ously stated gas was wi thdrawn from the
reservoir, and admitted to the compres s or forcing the mercury
present there thru a release valve into a storage bomb, which
was used to supply mercury to the pump . Air pressure of about
50 lbs. per sq. in. was maintained over the mercury in this
storage tank in order to force it quickly and easily into the
pump . For this reason the pressure in the reservoir cell could
not be drop ped much below seventy pounds. When the desired
amount of gas had been admitted to the compressor, the mercuny
release valve was closed and then the reservoir line shut off.
Mercury under pressure was then admitted to this closed system
com.pressing the gas in t he c;ylinder as the v ol ume became less
and less. A steel tube bourdon gage on the mercury inlet line
indicated roughly the pressure of the gas in the compressor.
When t his pressure was greater than the pressure in the solubility
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cell, which was known from the scale re ading, the valve to the
solubility line was o:r ened and the gas forced out until t h e
mercury in the compressor had risen to the shut-off point, as
shown by the galvanometer reading. The solubility line valve
was then closed, and the motor star ted which rocked the cell,
agitating the liquid within. This ca.used the pressure to fall,
as gas went into solution. The agitation was continued until
the pr es sure remained constant, as shown by the balance, at
which time it was assumed that equilibrium had been reached.
The time required to reach saturation was never more than five
minutes. The agitation was then sto pp ed, and the rocker arm
moved until a leveling glass indicated. that the cell was in a
vertical position. Several minutes were allowed for drainage
of the liquid on the inside cell walls, and then the liquid
level was measured in the manner described above. This reading
was t aken several times, and could be ma de to dui;: licate very
closely. The pressure reading was taken at a time when the
level indicator was just in contact with the liq_u id. This was
done in order that a small correction could be ma de in the total
volume of the cell due to the fact that the sha.ft for .the level
indicator occup ied s pace. From this readi ng and the re a ding
taken at the beginning of the run when no g as was present, the
p er cent change in liquid volume cou ld be calculated_. Once the
liquid volume had been d.eterm i ned for a particular i:i:.i::.:e ssurjL
reading, and the shaft correction deduc t ed from the tot a l volume
· of the cell, the free gas space over t h e li quid could_ be
calculated. After eac h e quilibri um pressure had been determined,
and the corres ponding liqu id level measured, more gas was
admitted in the same manner as above umtil the maximum pressure
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the comr osition of the g as over the oil and the com ~ osition of
the g a s used for the compressibility determination resu lts from
the differenti a l solubility of t h e constituents making u p the
natur a l g as. The errors t hus introduced could not be evaluat e d,
and so were not t aken into account in the data as re ported.
The data used is taken from a r un using dry S~ta Fe
Spring s natural g as and Lima crude oil. The symbol 11
W' specifies
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Fig. 4
A- Liquefying bomb
B- Control valves
C- Bourdon pressure gag e
D- Air thermostat containing gas analysis a pparatus
At the start the outlet v alve of the charcoal cell was closed,
and the pressure there-in increased a s ga s was admitted. When
this f ressure had built up to about 500 lbs. per sq. in. gas
was bled f1·om the top of the cell. The flow of ga s into and
out of the cell was so re gul ated that the cell pr essure was
maintained constant. : The highest pressure attainable in the
storage tank was that at which the charcoal cell was oper a ted.
Th e average life of the charcoal in a cell was equivalent
to an out put of from 15 to 20 cu. ft. of gas measured at
atmospheric pressure. Because the f TOcess wa s one of adsorption
the end-point of char co al usefulness was very sharp. The
charco al was re-activated by heating the cell to a te m1. erature
of ab out 220°C for an hour or more, and at the same time
maintaining low pressure by means of a vacuum pump. When at
t h is temperature the pressure had been reduced to a few milli-
meters of mercury t he heaters were turned off, and t he line to
the vacuum pump closed. City water was then circulated thru
the cooling coj_l until the temperature of the cell had fallen
nearly to room te mp erature. Water from t he refri geration tank
was then circulated and when the temperature of the cell had
been lowered to about 8°C it was ready for use.
This work was financed by the American Pet r oleum
Institute, und er their Research Project # 37, and wa s carried
out under t h e direction of Professor W.N.Lacey. Credit fo r
t h e desi gn of the ap :p a~c a tus us e d for t h e solubili t y
dete :r·m ina t ions is due to B. H. Sage, and for t h e desi c;n of t h e
charco a l cells to E.S. Hill. The aut h or wish es to ex press
h is thanks and a p:r;reciation to t hose named. above for t h e
or J; or tuni t y of working with t h em on t h is project.
Fig. 5
A- Charc oa l cells
B- Low temperature condens ati on trap
C- Tank containing refrigeration unit for cooling water
D- Control valves on air and water lines to char coal cells
E- Metr ic valves for regulating flow of gas into and
out of char co a l cells