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Reformation and Replacement of CO, and CH, Gas Hydrates

Takeshi Komai, Taro Kawamura and Yoshitaka Yamamoto

National Institute for Resources and Environment, MITI, Japan
16-3, Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8569 Japan
E-mail:[email protected]

Keywords: Gas Hydrate, Methane Hydrate, Carbon Dioxide Hydrate, Reformation, Replacement

Large amounts of gas hydrates, clathrate compounds of water and gases formed under high
pressure and low temperature, are found in marine sediments and permafrost. To extract methane
gas from its reservoir in a practical method, it is necessary to obtain fundamental information on
the mechanism underlying the formation and dissociation of gas hydrates and their properties,
including kinetics and crystal growth. We have proposed an advanced method of gas hydrate
production, by which methane gas is extracted from the reservoir by replacing methane with
carbon dioxide at the molecular level. This method would be feasible to achieve the sequestration
of carbon dioxide into the sediments. The main purposes of this research are lo elucidate the
mechanism underlying hydrate reformation and replacement and accumulate practical data for
completing the original concept of the proposed method. We have carried out experiments on the
dynamics on reformation and replacement of gas hydrates using an apparatus consisting of a high
pressure vessel and a Raman spectroscopy. In this paper we present the experimental results
concerning the behavior of gas hydrate reformation and replacement, and some discussion on the
dynamics and the mechanism of gas hydrate formation.

The experimental apparatus, in which the formation and replacement of gas hydrate could be
observed, was designed and constructed, so that the several conditions of pressure, temperature
and concentration of gases could be precisely controlled. Fig.1 illustrates the schematic diagram of
the apparatus and measuring system used in the experiment. The pressure cell, made of stainless
steel with a 3.2 ml internal volume, can be used at a pressure condition of up to 20 MPa. It
contains a glass window for observing Raman scattering of monochromalic lights, a thermoelectric
temperature control module, and some nozzles for the introduction of gas and liquid components.
The pressure cell is installed on a constant temperature plate 6lled with a cooling agent methanol,
where the temperature can be controlled with an accuracy of 20.1 K. It is equipped with
transducers for detecting and controlling pressures with an accuracy of ~ 0 . 0 5 MPa. The
observation system of the Raman spectroscopy and a CCD camera are mounted in the apparatus
as shown in Fig.2.
As a preliminary experiment, samples of CH, gas hydrate were synthesized from fine ice crystals
and pressurized CH,gas, and stored as solid-phase pellets under extremely low temperature. The
procedures of the experiment on reformation and replacement of gas hydrates are as follows.
\ A pellet of CH, gas hydrate sample with a volume of 0.8 ml is placed into the pressure cell at a
low temperature (<253K), and remaining volume of the pressure cell is fille'd with pressurized CO,
gas. The internal pressure and flow rate of the gas can be adjusted using a fluid supplier system.
The flow rate of CO, is set to approximately 5 mI/min. The reformation of CO, gas hydrate is
observed during the changes in temperature of entire system. CH, gas hydrate no longer exists in
this condition. The experiment on replacement is conducted under the conditions where both CO,
and CH, gas hydrates can exist in the solid phase. An optical cell and the Raman spectroscopy
system are installed on the glass window for detecting the nucleation and change of component of
the hydrate structure. The gas components are analyzed by gas chromatography.


a) Reformation of CO, and CH, gas hydrates
There are many differences of formation properties between CO, and CH, gas hydrates, such as
the phase equilibrium and the formation rate. Fig.3 shows the pressure-temperature relationship of
formation obtained at the first run of CO, and CH, gas hydrates. A first run is a situation of
nonequilibrium formation without any gas hydrate nuclei in dissolved solution. The upper curve
represents the relationship between nonequilibrium formation temperature T, and pressure P , the
lower curve, that between dissociation temperature T, and pressure Pc The center curve
corresponds to the three-phase equilibrium estimated using the thermodynamic theoretical
approach (Sloan). It can be seen that the relation between Pt(P,) and TL(T,) is approximately
linear in a semilog plot. In addition, it was found that the formation relation greatly differs from
the theoretical data of phase equilibrium. The differential temperatures between nonequilibrium

formation and dissociation for CO, gas hydrate were slightly higher than those for CH, gas hydrate,
At the second and third runs, reformation of gas hydrates occurred under conditions of higher
temperatures and/or lower pressures than those at the first run. However, a supercooling
temperature higher than 1.5 K was necessary for gas hydrate reformation in the case of CO,.
These properties may reveal interesting phenomena concerning the mechanism of gas hydrate
nucleation under nonequilibrium conditions.

b) Solid-phaseformation of CH, gas hydrate samples

CH, gas hydrate samples were synthesized in the solid phase for the replacement experiment using
fine grains of ice crystal (average diameter: 0.1 mm) and the solution in which CH, gas hydrates
were dissociated at a temperature slightly higher than the equilibrium temperature. It took a
relatively short time to achieve nucleation of gas hydrate using the dissociated solution. When the
temperature was set 2.0 K lower than the equilibrium temperature, the reformation of CH, gas
hydrate could be achieved within 24 hours. Fig.4 shows the .result of Raman spectroscopic
analysis for CH, gas hydrate obtained using the procedure. A sharp Raman shift appears around
2905/2915 cm-', indicating the existence of Type-I CH, gas hydrates. According to a more precise
analysis, the hydration number of the obtained samples was in the range of 6.4 to 6.0, that is, the
ratio of occupancy in small cages can be estimated to be approximately 85-95 percent.

c) Formation rate of CO,gas hydrate in quasi-liquidphase

The formation rate of CO, gas hydrate was measured in situ observation using Raman
spectroscopy; results are shown in Fig.1. The nucleation of gas hydrate was
crystals under a temperature lower than 273 K. After setting ice crystals into the pressure cell,
CO, gas was introduced to maintain the pressure inside the cell at 1.6 MPa. Fig.5 illustrates the
trend of the Raman shifts obtained from 10 minutes to 2170 minutes after nucleation. Four
Raman shift peaks were observed, in which peaks of around 1276 cm.' and 1381 cm" are due to
the existence of guest in the CO, gas hydrate structure. If was found in Fig.5 that the values of
peak stredgth increase with time after the nucleation of gas hydrate. As the peak strength closely
corresponds to the numbers of molecules in the structure, the formation rate of gas hydrate can be
estimated from the peak strength. Fig.6 shows the formation rates of CO, gas hydrate obtained at
temperatures from 254.5K to 274.5K. The formation rates of gas hydrate changed greatly with
temperature, especially in the range between 269 K and 275 K. This suggests that the existence of
quasi-liquid phase water, a type of slightly melting ice, plays an important role in promoting
formation of gas hydrate at the gas-solid interface. Based on the behavior of CO, formation, the
optional temperature for the replacement process was set around 273-275 K.

d) Replacement of CO, and CH,gas hydrates in solid phase

The replacement experiment on CO, and CH, gas hydrates was carried out using a bulk scale
testing apparatus. Samples of CH, gas hydrate were synthesized in the solid phase from fine ice
crystals and the dissociated solution. A preliminary process was performed under the conditions
mentioned in the experimental procedure. During the process of replacement, the pressure of CO,
was 2.0 MPa and the temperature was 274f0.5 K. Fig.7 illustrates the Raman shifts obtained
from the replaced hydrate sample observed 1 hour following C0,introduction. Two typical peaks
appeared in the Raman spectra, 2905/2915 cm.' for CH, hydrate and around 1275/1380 cm-' for
CO, hydrate. This mdans that both CH, and CO, gas hydrates coexist in the structure of the
replaced hydrate sample. Based on quantitative analysis, the ratio of occupancy for CO, / CH, gas
hydrates in the replaced hydrate sample were 40 and 45 percent, respectively. The portion of CO,
gas hydrate in the sample increased with time. Fig.8 shows the trend of CO, / CH, components in
the solid hydrate after CO, introduction as a function of time. The data were obtained from in situ
observation and the analysis of peak strength of Raman shifts. This result indicates that the
replacement of guest elements in solid gas hydrates could be achieved within a short period of
12 hours, if the pressure and temperature are precisely controlled in the pressure cell. It is also
considered that a period of 2 hours is sufficient for nucleation of CO, hydrate at the surface of
sample, and then crystal growth proceeds as a result of CO, transport into the solid hydrate.
Because the transport of CO, gas should be fast in porous media, the in situ replacement of CO,
gas hydrate may be used for the extraction of gas hydrates from their reservoirs. More systematic
researches are necessary to elucidate the phenomenon underlying gas hydrate replacement.

Experimental studies on the dynamics and behavior of reformation and replacement of gas
hydrates was carried out using a specially designed apparatus. It was shown that reformation of
gas hydrates easily occurred in the quasi-solid structure when the dissociated solution is used. The
rate of reformation of CO, gas hydrate was observed by Raman spectroscopy. The results of the
bulk scale experiment showed that replacement of CO, gas hydrate could be achieved within a
period of 12 hours in pure samples of CH, gas hydrate that had been synthesized as solid crystal, if

the pressure and temperature are precisely controlled in the pressure cell. The replacement of
guest elements in CO, and CH, gas hydrates may be quite innovative from both aspects, the
extraction of gas hydrates and sequestration of CO, to maintain the global environment and
stability of marine sediments.

The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. F. Kiyono and Mr. H. Haneda in NIRE for assistance in
developing the original concept of the extraction system, and Dr. K. Nagashima and Dr. Seong-Pi1
Kang for advice in completing the theoretical analysis.

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Matsumolo, R.: Feasibility of Methane Hydrate under the Sea as a Natural Gas Resource, J. Jap. ,
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Holder, G.D.,Zett, S.P. and Pradhan, N.: Phase Behavior in Systems Containing Clathrate
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Raman rpeaarmpy


Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the experimental setup for gas hydrate formation

N2 purge

M m

Cooling vessel

Fig.2 Raman spectroscopy apparatus for observing gas hydrate structure and component.

100 L j

- 1
C H ~0; Formtion
50 0 Dissociation
a 30
5 20
m 5

a 3

275 280 285 290 295
Tempe rat u re ( K)

Fig.3 The relations of formatioddissociation P and T for CO, and CH, gas hydrates.


1000 1500 2000 2500 3 0 35w

Raman shift (cm-')

Fig.4 Raman shift for a sample of CH, gas hydrate made kom ice crystals


1280 1330 1380

Raman shift (cm-')

Fig.5 Changes in Raman shifts observed for CO, gas hydrate formation.

o " ' " " " ' " ' " " ' ' ' ~ " " ' ' ~
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28

Time (Hours)

Fig.6 The trend curves of the formation rate of CO, gas hydrate under different femperatures.

Fig.7 Raman shift for a sample of replacement from CH, to CO, gas hydrates.

at 215 K, 2.0 MPa

0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4
Time after C02 injection (hours)
Fig.8 The trend curves of CO, and CH, components in replaced gas hydrate sample
and the cumulative CH, production.


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