Evolution Unit 1

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Posłuchaj dwukrotnie pięciu

01 Zakreśl właściwe słowa.
wypowiedzi i dopasuj zestawy zdjęć a–f do 1 Lamb / Lettuce is a vegetable.
wypowiedzi 1–5. Jeden zestaw jest podany 2 Our new village / flat is in the city centre.
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi. 3 My aunt grows cabbage, potatoes and other
vegetables. She is a scientist / farmer.
4 A taxi worker / driver knows the town very well.
5 My new MP3 player has got fantastic earphones /
6 She lives in a small city centre / town.
7 I want an e-book reader / console for my birthday.
8 Is this your new games / memory card?

Rozwiąż krzyżówkę.
c 1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8

Brother 1 _____ Brother 4 _____

Brother 2 _____ Brother 5 _____
Brother 3 _____

4 5

Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Dwa

wyrazy podano dodatkowo. 6

is nervous favourite cool who would about


1 Don’t be   . 8
2 What  you like?
3 It’s really   !
4 Tell me  your family.
5  it in the city centre?

Photocopiable Evolution plus 2 © Macmillan Polska 2014


Uzupełnij pytania. Napisz 5 zdań o koleżance/koledze.

Uwzględnij w opisie podane elementy.
1 A: ____________ ____________ my laptop?
B: Your laptop is on the desk.
2 A: ____________ you ____________ a ticket?
B: Yes, I have.
3 A: ____________ book ____________ it?
B: It’s Timothy’s.
4 A: ____________ ____________ they? ____________________________________________
B: They’re carrots. ____________________________________________
5 A: ____________ ____________ a small town? ____________________________________________
B: No, it isn’t. ____________________________________________
6 A: ____________ ____________ his favourite food? ____________________________________________
B: Pizza. ____________________________________________
Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na ____________________________________________
język angielski. ____________________________________________

1 (Czy oni są)  musicians?

2 (Ona nie ma)  a laptop. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.
3 (My mamy)  a new house.
4 (Ja nie mam)  a purple skirt. seaweed cream aubergine
barbecue pudding tuna
5 (Czy on jest)  a teacher?
6 My father (nie jest)  a reporter. 1 We often have ________________
7 (Ich książki)  aren’t on the table. on Saturday.
2 I like ice cream with extra
________________ .
3 ________________ is my favourite fish. I have it
Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz, które zdania są in salads.
prawdziwe (True), a które fałszywe (False). 4 Moussaka is made of tomatoes,
________________ and cheese.
Hi, I’m Marcin and this is my blog. I’m fourteen. 5 My favourite ________________ is made of cream
My parents are doctors. I’ve got two brothers and lots of fruit.
and a sister. My family lives in a house in a small 6 Sushi is made of ________________, fish and
town but I go to school in Gdańsk. Gdańsk is very radish.
noisy. My favourite food is pasta Bolognese. I like
my mum’s pizza too. I want to be a lifeguard in
the future. It’s a great job! In my free time, I go to
a local youth club.

1 Marcin hasn’t got a blog. True False

2 Marcin’s father isn’t a doctor. True False
3 Marcin’s school is in Gdańsk. True False
4 Marcin doesn’t like pasta Bolognese. True False
5 Marcin is a lifeguard at a youth club. True False

Ćwiczenie nieobowiązkowe – CLIL/Culture

Photocopiable Evolution plus 2 © Macmillan Polska 2014

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