The document appears to be a price list containing 109 items ranging from vegetables to fruits. The prices range from Rs. 4.2 for eggs to Rs. 398 for red globe grapes. Common vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and pumpkins have prices between Rs. 9 to Rs. 22. More expensive items include oranges priced between Rs. 109 to Rs. 135, mangoes ranging from Rs. 50 to Rs. 90, and apples from Rs. 200 to Rs. 264.
The document appears to be a price list containing 109 items ranging from vegetables to fruits. The prices range from Rs. 4.2 for eggs to Rs. 398 for red globe grapes. Common vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and pumpkins have prices between Rs. 9 to Rs. 22. More expensive items include oranges priced between Rs. 109 to Rs. 135, mangoes ranging from Rs. 50 to Rs. 90, and apples from Rs. 200 to Rs. 264.
The document appears to be a price list containing 109 items ranging from vegetables to fruits. The prices range from Rs. 4.2 for eggs to Rs. 398 for red globe grapes. Common vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and pumpkins have prices between Rs. 9 to Rs. 22. More expensive items include oranges priced between Rs. 109 to Rs. 135, mangoes ranging from Rs. 50 to Rs. 90, and apples from Rs. 200 to Rs. 264.
The document appears to be a price list containing 109 items ranging from vegetables to fruits. The prices range from Rs. 4.2 for eggs to Rs. 398 for red globe grapes. Common vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and pumpkins have prices between Rs. 9 to Rs. 22. More expensive items include oranges priced between Rs. 109 to Rs. 135, mangoes ranging from Rs. 50 to Rs. 90, and apples from Rs. 200 to Rs. 264.