Marc 21
Marc 21
Marc 21
17 November 2006
Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR (JSC)
FROM: Deirdre Kiorgaard, Chair, Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR
This report is a first step in a continuing process of working with the MARC community
throughout the development of RDA. It is intended as an “early alert” to MARC format
developers of areas that the JSC considers would benefit from discussion with the MARC
community. Neither the issues raised in the report nor the mapping of MARC 21 to RDA
provided should be construed as final or comprehensive.
RDA (Resource Description and Access) is being developed as a new content standard
for resource description and access as a successor to AACR2; MARC 21 is a
communications and exchange format which provides the structure for encoding the
content of bibliographic and authority data. It is acknowledged that RDA descriptions
can be encoded using other schemas such as MODS or Dublin Core, and that the
MARC 21 structure supports the encoding of descriptions created according to a wide
range of content standards. RDA (AACR) and MARC 21, however, have become
intrinsically linked as evidenced by the “MARC displays” and MARC input templates
that are prevalent in today’s library systems.
The purpose of this report is to inform MARBI of the areas where a change or potential
change to MARC 21 may be needed if the format is to be able to accommodate
descriptions created using RDA.
It should be noted that RDA content is under development and review by the Joint
Steering Committee for Revision of AACR (JSC) and its constituencies. This paper is
intended as an “early alert” to MARC format developers of areas that the JSC considers
will require attention from that community. Neither the issues listed below nor the
mapping of MARC 21 to RDA provided should be construed as final or comprehensive.
This report is envisaged as a first step in a continuing process of working with the
MARC community throughout the development of RDA.
With FRBR 1 and FRAD 2 as its underlying conceptual models, RDA is being developed
to provide a better fit with object-oriented (or entity-relationship) database structures
and to take advantage of the efficiencies and flexibility that such structures offer with
respect to data capture, storage, retrieval, and display.
Another key feature in the design of RDA is that it establishes a clear line of separation
between the recording and presentation of data. The major focus of RDA will be on
providing guidelines and instructions for recording data to reflect attributes and
relationships associated with the entities defined in the FRBR and FRAD models. The
aim is to provide a set of instructions for recording data that can be applied
independently of any particular structure or syntax for data storage or display. There
will be an appendix on “Presentation of Descriptive Data” which will cover how the
Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records : Final Report, IFLA Study Group on the
Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. (Consultants: Tom Delsey, Elizabeth Dulabahn,
Elaine Svenonius, Barbara Tillett). München : K.G. Saur, 1998. Available online: or as html:
Functional Requirements for Authority Data : a Conceptual Model, IFLA Working Group on Functional
Requirements and Numbering of Authority Records (FRANAR) [Draft, September 2006. Older version,
June 15, 2005 available on IFLANET: ]
RDA and MARC 21
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specific data elements can be mapped to the areas and elements defined in the ISBDs to
produce a display that follows the established ISBD order of elements and prescribed
punctuation. In addition, the appendix will provide guidelines on presenting descriptive
data elements in the MARC 21 format.
MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data (1999 edition, last updated Oct. 2005)
MARC 21 Format for Authority Data (1999 edition, last updated Oct. 2005)
One widely recognized and long-standing problem in AACR2 has been the use of the
GMD to represent content and carrier.
Two initiatives have contributed to the current thinking on how to handle content/carrier
data. The GMD/SMD Working Group was set up by the JSC in June 2005 to review
issues related to content and carrier and to identify content and carrier terms. In
addition, a joint initiative was started in 2006 to develop an RDA/ONIX framework for
categorizing resources in all media to support the needs of both libraries and the
publishing industry and to facilitate the transfer and use of data across the two
communities. This framework is still in development.
Drawing on the RDA/ONIX Framework and the terms proposed by the GMD/SMD
Working Group, three new data elements, Media type (section 3.2), Carrier type
(section 3.3) and Content type (section 4.2), are being proposed for RDA to assist users
in fulfilling FRBR’s “select” user task. Comments on this approach were considered by
the JSC at its October 2006 meeting and revisions will be incorporated for review by the
JSC constituencies in the first part of 2007.
RDA and MARC 21
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Once agreement has been reached on the media, carrier, and content type elements,
MARBI will need to decide how to encode the RDA categorization of content and
carrier. The similarity of the RDA elements to MARC 21 Leader and fixed fields may
stimulate an analysis and assessment of the MARC 21 coded data.
General observations
NOTE: Although RDA could be implemented within the MARC 21 structure if the two
changes listed under i) and ii) above are accommodated, the JSC notes the following
issues for MARBI’s consideration:
iii) Terminology – MARC 21 uses AACR terminology. The JSC is updating the
terminology for RDA. MARBI may wish to consider whether alignment of MARC 21
and RDA terminology is desirable.
iv) Punctuation – RDA has been designed to establish a clear separation between the
presentation and recording of data. Guidelines for presenting RDA content in MARC
and ISBD displays (including punctuation) will be given in an appendix. MARBI may
wish to reconsider the relationship between content designation and punctuation in
• RDA refers to the use of standard lists to designate roles, such as the MARC
Code List for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions and the Rare Book
and Manuscript Section (RBMS) list of relator terms.
RDA and MARC 21
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MARBI may wish to consider whether these lists best fit within the scope of MARC 21,
or of RDA as a content standard.
vi) RDA section 1.6 Transcription – RDA section 1.6 instructs one to transcribe an
element as it appears following guidelines for capitalization, numerals, etc. Options
have been added to provide some flexibility in this area by allowing elements to be
transcribed according to in-house manuals/published style manuals or by accepting the
element as it appears when it has been scanned, etc., from a digital source. MARBI
may wish to consider whether there is a need to distinguish between different
approaches to recording data.
vii) RDA sections 2.7 Publication, 2.8 Distribution, 2.9 Manufacture, and 2.10
Production – RDA has defined separate elements for publication, distribution,
manufacture and production; each element has separate sub-elements of “name”,
“place”, and “date”. MARC 21 field 260 currently uses the same subfields for
publication and distribution data. MARBI may wish to consider whether there is a need
to distinguish these elements through MARC 21 coding.
viii) RDA sections 3.4–3.18 Carrier description elements – RDA has defined a number
of aspects of the technical description as separate elements, with a greater level of
granularity than is supported in MARC 21 field 300. Additional content designation
could be considered to encode this information.
ix) RDA section 2.13 Resource identifier – Final decisions have not yet been made on
how to treat standard identifiers and other resource identifiers. However, RDA may
broaden the range of standard identifiers for which it gives instructions beyond those
currently provided for in specific MARC 21 fields or in the indicator values in field
x) RDA has elements that are recorded using terms for an English language context,
e.g., publisher unknown. It may be useful to identify such elements through MARC 21
encoding. This could facilitate the reuse of records internationally by enabling terms
recorded for one language context to be replaced by terms for a different language
The following table maps the data elements contained in MARC 21 to the
corresponding elements in Part A of RDA. The table is a “work in progress” because
final decisions are pending on many areas of RDA. A reverse mapping (i.e., RDA
elements to MARC 21) has yet to be undertaken. Further issues are likely to arise
following completion of the RDA to MARC 21 mapping.
RDA and MARC 21
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The table excludes the Leader and fixed fields. Indicators have been omitted unless
there is a corresponding RDA element. Control subfields have also been excluded.
“Out of scope” indicates that the element is not within the scope of RDA as a
descriptive content standard.
“Not in RDA” indicates that the element is potentially within the scope of RDA but has
no corresponding RDA element. These elements are potential candidates for inclusion
in RDA and will be considered for inclusion by the JSC.
Many MARC 21 fields do not map cleanly to the RDA elements. In general a partial
mapping has been given wherever possible.
Mapping of MARC data elements to RDA data elements
MARC Field MARC MARC Data Element RDA RDA Data Element
Subfield Instruction
010 Library of Congress Control Number Out of scope
010 a LC control number
010 b NUCMC control number
010 z Cancelled/invalid number
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024 1st indicator 4 – Serial Item and Contribution 2.13.1 Standard identifier
Identifier (SICI)
024 1st indicator 7 – Source specified in subfield $2 2.13.1 Standard identifier
024 1st indicator 7 – Source specified in subfield $2 2.13.2 Other resource identifiers
024 a Standard number or code 2.13.1 Standard identifier
024 a Standard number or code 2.13.2 Other resource identifiers
024 c Terms of availability 5.2 Terms of availability
024 d Additional codes following the standard number or
code Not in RDA
024 z Cancelled/invalid standard number or code Incorrect standard identifiers
024 2 Source of number or code Not in RDA
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028 1st indicator 2 – Plate number Music publisher’s numbers and plate numbers
028 1st indicator 3 – Other music number Music publisher’s numbers and plate numbers
028 1st indicator 4 – Videorecording number 2.13.2 Other resource identifiers
028 1st indicator 5 – Other publisher number 2.13.2 Other resource identifiers
028 a Publisher number 2.13.2 Other resource identifiers
028 a Publisher number Music publisher’s numbers and plate numbers
028 b Source Not in RDA
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110 a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry 11 Access points for corporate bodies
110 a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry 12 Access points for places
110 b Subordinate unit 11.3 Subordinate and related bodies
110 c Location of meeting Location
110 c Location of meeting 11.4 Additions to names of corporate bodies
110 d Date of treaty signing Date
110 d Date of meeting/treaty signing 11.4 Additions to names of corporate bodies
110 e Relator term 7.6 Designation of role
110 f Date of a work 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
110 g Miscellaneous information Not in RDA
110 k Form subheading 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
110 l Language of a work 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
110 n Number of part/section/meeting Titles of parts, sections, and supplements
110 n Number of part/section/meeting Number
110 p Name of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections, and supplements
110 t Title of a work 2.3.1 Title proper
110 t Title of a work 13 Access points for works
110 u Affiliation Not in RDA
110 4 Relator code 7.6 Designation of role
111 a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element 12 Access points for places
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242 Translation of Title by Cataloguing Agency Translations or transliterations of the title proper
242 a Title Translations or transliterations of the title proper
242 b Remainder of title 2.3.3 Other title information
242 c Statement of responsibility 2.4 Statement of responsibility
242 h Medium
242 n Number of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections and supplements
242 p Name of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections and supplements
242 y Language code of translated title Out of scope
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246 i Display text a) Earlier and later variations in the title proper – multipart
246 i Display text b) Earlier and later variations in the title proper - serials
246 i Display text a) Earlier and later parallel titles – multipart monographs
246 i Display text b) Earlier and later parallel titles – serials
246 i Display text a) Earlier and later other title information – resources
issued in successive parts
246 n Number of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections and supplements
246 p Name of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections and supplements
247 Former Title c) Earlier and later variations in the title proper –
integrating resources
247 a Title c) Earlier and later variations in the title proper –
integrating resources
247 b Remainder of title c) Earlier and later parallel titles – integrating resources
247 b Remainder of title b) Earlier and later other title information – integrating
247 f Date or sequential designation 2.6 Numbering
247 g Miscellaneous information Not in RDA
247 h Medium 3.2 Media category
247 n Number of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections and supplements
247 p Name of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections and supplements
247 x ISSN 2.13.1 Standard identifier
250 b Remainder of edition statement 2.5.4 Statement of responsibility relating to a named revision
of an edition
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263 Projected Publication Date Not in RDA (See 5JSC/RDA/Part I/ACOC response)
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270 e Postal code Providing contact information for published resources
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342 a Name
342 b Coordinate or distance units
342 c Latitude resolution
342 d Longitude resolution
342 e Standard parallel or oblique line latitude
342 f Oblique line longitude
342 g Longitude of central meridian or projection center
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362 Dates of Publication and/or Volume Designation 2.6.1 Numeric and/or alphabetic designation
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362 Dates of Publication and/or Volume Designation 2.6.3 No designation on first issue or part
362 Dates of Publication and/or Volume Designation 2.6.5 New sequence of numbering
362 Dates of Publication and/or Volume Designation 2.6.6 Alternative numbering systems
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513 Type of Report and Period Covered Note 4.3 Nature and scope of the content
513 a Type of report 4.3 Nature and scope of the content
513 b Period covered 4.3 Nature and scope of the content
513 b Period covered Period covered
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518 Date/Time and Place of an Event Note Not in RDA (See 5JSC/RDA/Part I/ACOC response)
522 Geographic Coverage Note 4.3 Nature and scope of the content
522 a Geographic coverage note 4.3 Nature and scope of the content
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534 l Location of original* Primary contact information for archival resources
534 m Material specific details 2.6* Numbering
534 m Material specific details 4.11* Format of notated music
534 m Material specific details 4.13* Scale of cartographic content
534 n Note about original
534 p Introductory phrase Source of a reproduction - Citation
534 p Introductory phrase Source of a reproduction – Embedded description
534 p Introductory phrase Source of a reproduction – Informal reference
534 t Title statement of original 2.3.1 Title proper
534 x ISSN e) Resource identifier
534 x ISSN 2.13.1 Standard identifier
534 z ISBN e) Resource identifier
534 z ISBN 2.13.1 Standard identifier
535 Location of Originals/Duplicates Note Providing contact information for archival resources
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535 b Postal address Providing contact information for archival resources
535 d Telecommunications address Providing contact information for archival resources
535 g Repository location code Providing contact information for archival resources
536 Funding Information Note Other persons, families, and corporate bodies
associated with the resource
536 a Text of note
536 b Contract number
536 c Grant number
536 d Undifferentiated number
536 e Program element number
536 f Project number
536 g Task number
536 h Work unit number
540 Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note 5.5 Restrictions on use
540 a Terms governing use and reproduction 5.5 Restrictions on use
540 b Jurisdiction Not in RDA
540 c Authorization Not in RDA
540 d Authorized users Not in RDA
540 u Uniform Resource Identifier See 5JSC/ACOC/1
541 Immediate Source of Acquisition Note 5.6.2 Immediate source of acquisition or transfer of archival
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544 Location of Other Archival Materials Note Not in RDA (See 5JSC/RDA/Part I/ACOC response)
544 a Custodian
544 b Address
544 c Country
544 d Title
544 e Provenance
544 n Note
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547 a Former title complexity note b) Earlier and later other title information
550 Issuing Body Note Other persons, families, and corporate bodies
associated with the resource
550 Issuing Body Note Change in statement of responsibility
550 a Issuing body
555 Cumulative Index/Finding Aids Note 4.9 Indexes and finding aids
555 a Cumulative index/finding aids note 4.9 Indexes and finding aids
555 b Availability source Not in RDA
555 c Degree of control First bullet. Option
555 d Bibliographic reference Not in RDA
555 u Uniform Resource Identifier See 5JSC/ACOC/1
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556 z ISBN
561 Ownership and Custodial History 5.6 Custodial history and immediate source of acquisition
580 Linking Entry Complexity Note 6.1.6 Informal references to related resources
580 a Linking entry complexity note 6.1.6 Informal references to related resources
583 a Action
583 b Action identification
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584 Accumulation and Frequency of Use Note Recording appraisal and accrual
584 a Accumulation Recording appraisal and accrual
584 b Frequency of use Out of scope
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610 r Key for music 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
610 s Version 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
610 t Title of a work 2.3.1 Title proper
610 t Title of a work 13 Access points for works
610 u Affiliation Not in RDA
610 v Form subdivision Not in RDA
610 x General subdivision Not in RDA
610 y Chronological subdivision Not in RDA
610 z Geographic subdivision Not in RDA
610 2 Source of heading or term Not in RDA
610 4 Relator code 7.6 Designation of role
611 a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element 12 Access points for places
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700 Added Entry – Personal Name Access points for works
700 Added Entry – Personal Name Access points for expressions
700 Added Entry – Personal Name Access points for manifestations and items
700 Added Entry – Personal Name 7.3 Additional access points for collaborators and
700 Added Entry – Personal Name 7.4 Additional access points for publishers, producers, etc.
700 Added Entry – Personal Name 7.5 Additional access points for owners, custodians, etc.
700 1st indicator 0 - Forename 9.5 Names entered under given name, etc
700 1st indicator 1 - Surname 9.3 Names entered under surname
700 1st indicator 3 – Family name 10 Access points for families
700 a Personal name 9 Access points for persons
700 a Personal name 10 Access points for families
700 b Numeration Roman Numerals
700 c Titles and other words associated with a name 9.8 Additions to names of persons
700 d Dates associated with a name 9.8 Additions to names of persons
700 e Relator term 7.6 Designation of role
700 f Date of a work 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
700 g Miscellaneous information Not in RDA
700 h Medium 3.2 Media category
700 j Attribution qualifier Not in RDA
700 k Form subheading 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
700 l Language of a work 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
700 m Medium of performance for music 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
700 n Number of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections, and supplements
700 o Arranged statement for music 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
700 p Name of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections, and supplements
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710 Added Entry – Corporate Name Access points for works
710 Added Entry – Corporate Name Access points for expressions
710 Added Entry – Corporate Name Access points for manifestations and items
710 Added Entry – Corporate Name 7.3 Additional access points for collaborators and
710 Added Entry – Corporate Name 7.4 Additional access points for publishers, producers, etc.
710 Added Entry – Corporate Name 7.5 Additional access points for owners, custodians, etc.
710 a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry 11 Access points for corporate bodies
710 a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry 12 Access points for places
710 b Subordinate unit 11.3 Subordinate and related bodies
710 c Location of meeting Location
710 c Location of meeting 11.4 Additions to names of corporate bodies
710 d Date of meeting/A311 Date
710 d Date of meeting/treaty signing 11.4 Additions to names of corporate bodies
710 e Relator term 7.6 Designation of role
710 f Date of a work 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
710 g Miscellaneous information Not in RDA
710 h Medium 3.2 Media category
710 k Form subheading 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
710 l Language of a work 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
710 m Medium of performance for music 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
710 n Number of part/section/meeting Titles of parts, sections, and supplements
710 o Arranged statement for music 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
710 p Name of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections, and supplements
710 r Key for music 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
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711 Added Entry – Meeting Name Access points for works
711 Added Entry – Meeting Name Access points for expressions
711 Added Entry – Meeting Name Access points for manifestations and items
711 Added Entry – Meeting Name Persons, families, and corporate bodies to whom a
work has been attributed
711 a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element 11 Access points for corporate bodies
711 a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element 12 Access points for places
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730 Added Entry – Uniform Title Access points for works
730 Added Entry – Uniform Title Access points for expressions
730 Added Entry – Uniform Title Access points for manifestations and items
730 a Uniform title 13 Access points for works
730 d Date of treaty signing 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
730 f Date of a work 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
730 g Miscellaneous information Not in RDA
730 h Medium 3.2 Media category
730 k Form subheading 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
730 l Language of a work 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
730 m Medium of performance for music 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
730 n Number of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections and supplements
730 o Arranged statement for music 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
730 p Name of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections and supplements
730 r Key for music 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
730 s Version 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
730 t Title of a work 2.3.1 Title proper
730 t Title of a work 13 Access points for works
730 x ISSN 2.13.1 Standard identifier
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775 Other Edition Entry Simultaneously issued edition relationship – citation
775 Other Edition Entry Simultaneously issued edition relationship – embedded
775 a Main entry heading 7.2 Primary access point
775 b Edition 2.5 Edition
775 c Qualifying information
775 d Place, publisher, date of publication 2.7 Publication
775 d Place, publisher, date of publication 2.8 Distribution
775 d Place, publisher, date of publication 2.9 Manufacture
775 d Place, publisher, date of publication 2.1 Production
775 e Language code Not in RDA
775 f Country code Not in RDA
775 g Relationship information 2.6 Numbering ?
775 h Physical description 3 Carrier description
775 i Display text
775 k Series data for related item 2.11 Series
775 m Material specific details 2.6 Numbering
775 m Material specific details 4.11 Format of notated music
775 m Material specific details 4.13 Scale of cartographic content
775 n Note
775 o Other item identifier 2.13.2 Other resource identifiers
775 r Report number 2.13.1 Standard identifier
775 s Uniform title
775 t Title 2.3 Title
775 u Standard technical report number 2.13.1 Standard identifier
775 w Record control number Out of scope
775 x ISSN 2.13.1 Standard identifier
775 y CODEN designation 2.13.2 Other resource identifiers
775 z ISBN 2.13.1 Standard identifier
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777 Issued With Entry Issued with resource relationship – citation
777 Issued With Entry Issued with resource relationship – embedded
777 a Main entry heading 7.2 Primary access point
777 b Edition 2.5 Edition
777 c Qualifying information
777 d Place, publisher, date of publication 2.7 Publication
777 d Place, publisher, date of publication 2.8 Distribution
777 d Place, publisher, date of publication 2.9 Manufacture
777 d Place, publisher, date of publication 2.1 Production
777 g Relationship information 2.6 Numbering ?
777 h Physical description 3 Carrier description
777 i Display text
777 k Series data for related item 2.11 Series
777 m Material specific details 2.6 Numbering
777 m Material specific details 4.11 Format of notated music
777 m Material specific details 4.13 Scale of cartographic content
777 n Note
777 o Other item identifier ACOC proposal
777 s Uniform title
777 t Title 2.3 Title
777 w Record control number Out of scope
777 x ISSN 2.13.1 Standard identifier
777 y CODEN designation 2.13.2 Other resource identifiers
777 7 Type of main entry heading Not in RDA
777 7 Form of name Not in RDA
777 7 Type of record Not in RDA
777 7 Bibliographic level Not in RDA
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810 f Date of a work 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
810 g Miscellaneous information Not in RDA
810 h Medium 3.2 Media category
810 k Form subheading 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
810 l Language of a work 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
810 m Medium of performance for music 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
810 n Number of part/section/meeting Titles of parts, sections, and supplements
810 o Arranged statement for music 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
810 p Name of part/section of a work Titles of parts, sections, and supplements
810 r Key for music 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
810 s Version 13.3 Additions to access points for works, etc.
810 t Title of a work 2.3.1 Title proper
810 u Affiliation Not in RDA
810 v Volume/sequential designation 2.6 Numbering
810 4 Relator code 7.6 Designation of role
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