AP Human Geography Notes
AP Human Geography Notes
AP Human Geography Notes
General Geography:
Every meridian is the same length and has the same beginning and end
Customary belie"s, social "orms, and material traits o" a group o" people in tradition
)here an idea originates
*he spread o" cultural traits "rom one society to another
Globalization of Culture:
$lobali+ation due to interchanging belie"s and customs
Globalization of Economy:
$lobali+ation due to business
eference !aps:
Regular maps shoing cities, boundaries, mountains, or roads
Thematic !aps:
#aps highlighting a particular "eature or a single variable such as temperature, city, si+e, or acreage in
potatoes &$ives e-tra
e-tra in"ormation'
"soline !aps:
Sho lines that connect points o" e.ual value
!solines are on topographic maps
Choropleth !aps:
Sho the level o" some variable ithin prede"ined regions, such as counties, states, or countries
#ot !aps:
Use a dot to represent the occurrence o" some phenomenon in order to depict variation in density in a
given area
#aps that have distorted population
*he amount o" details or depth o" a map
$enerally, the relationship beteen the portion o" Earth being studied and Earth as a hole, speci"ically
the relationship beteen the si+e o" an ob/ect on a map and the si+e o" the actual "eature on Earth0s
*he three main types o" scales are ratio &"raction' scales, bar scales, and ritten scales
$mall $cale:
1epicts a large area &such as the state o" Ari+ona' but ith less detail
%arge $cale:
1epicts a small area &such as donton Phoeni-' ith great detail
*he science o" ma2ing maps
*he system used to trans"er locations "rom Earth0s sur"ace to a "lat map
*he most common type is the Robinson Pro/ection
Hoever, maps depicting the entire orld can distort shape, distance, relative si+e, and direction
*he name given to a portion o" Earth0s sur"ace
Has to be a natural "eature
*he physical character o" a place
*he location o" a place relative to other places &relative location'
An arc dran on a map beteen the 3orth and South poles &longitude'
*he to main meridians are the Prime #eridian and the !nternational 1ate Line
A circle dran around the globe parallel to the e.uator and at right angles to the meridians &latitude'
Time (ones:
*here are "our ma/or time +ones in the United States &Eastern, Central, #ountain, and Paci"ic'4 *he time
+ones are based on $reenich, England because at the time England as the most poer"ul country4
*here is a ne time +one ever 56 degrees longitude4 7ne degree longitude is 89 miles, so there is a ne
time +one every 5,;6 miles4 !" you go east you go "orards in time4 !" you go est you go bac2 in time4
$patial Association:
*he distribution o" one phenomenon that is related to another phenomenon4 &*he reason to things are
placed here they are ? i" they0re related they ill probably be close'
$patial #istribution:
*he arrangement o" phenomenon across the Earth0s sur"ace
Environmental #eterminism:
A nineteenth and early tentieth century approach to the study o" geography that argued that the general
las sought by human geographers could be "ound in the physical sciences4 $eography as there"ore the
study o" ho the physical environment caused human activities4 &States the physical terrain o" the orld
dictates ho the humans survive'4
*he theory that the physical environment may set limits on human actions, but people have the ability to
ad/ust to the physical environment and choose a course o" action "rom many alternatives4 &States people
can overcome the physical problems@"eatures ? humans con.uer land instead o" land con.uering humans'4
*he arrangement o" something across Earth0s sur"ace
*he "re.uency ith hich something e-ists ithin a given unit o" area4 1ensity does not tell you here
something is, /ust strictly numbers
Arithmetic #ensity:
*he total number o" people divided by the total land area
Physiological #ensity:
*he total number o" people divided by all arable land &"armland'
Agricultural #ensity:
*he total number o" "armers &and "amily' divided by all arable land
*he spread o" something over a given area
Concentration tells you here something is
Can be clustered or dispersed
*he geometric or regular arrangement o" something in a study area
*he spreading o" a "eature or trend "rom one place to another over time
elocation #iffusion:
*he spread o" a "eature or trend through physical movement o" people "rom one place to another4 1oes
not have to gro in numbers4 A!1S is an e-ample o" relocation di""usion4
E*pansion #iffusion:
*he spread o" a "eature or trend among people "rom one area to another in a snoballing process4
!nvolves groing numbers4
Hierarchical #iffusion ? *he spread o" a "eature or trend "rom one 2ey person or node o"
authority or poer to other people or places4 E-ample grunge music4
Contagious #iffusion ? *he rapid, idespread di""usion o" a "eature or trend throughout a
population4 E-ample in"luen+a &"lu'4
$timulus #iffusion ? *he spread o" an underlying principle or thought process, even though a
speci"ic characteristic is re/ected4 E-amples Apple computers@#artin Luther ing Br4 &he is dead
but his thought process still lives on'4
*he science o" map ma2ing
A name given to a place on earth4
*he relationship to a "eature0s si+e on a map to its actual si+e on earth4
Fractional $cale ? numerical ratio 5:=>,
+ritten $cale ? description in ords 5 inch e.uals 5 mileD
Graphic $cale ? bar line shoing distance
6 5 #!LES
*he physical characteristic o" a place
$ituation :
*he relative location o" a place
Lines o" longitude running in the northsouth direction ending at the poles
Lines o" latitude parallel to the e.uator
Time (one:
$reenich #ean *ime ? *he time at the prime meridian
!nternational 1ate Line ? 5< degrees "rom Prime #eridian ? => hours
*elling time "rom longitude ? every 56 degrees4 %rom Prime #eridian going est loose 5 hour@56
degrees ? east gain 5 hour@56 degrees
%ormal &Uni"orm' ? Everyone shared distinct characteristics
%unctional &3odal' ? Area organi+ed around a "ocal point
(ernacular ? A perceptual region ? belie"s and cultural identity
$patial Association:
*he distribution o" one phenomenon that is scienti"ically related to the location o" another phenomenon
$patial #istribution:
*he arrangement o" phenomenon across the earth0s sur"ace
*he arrangement o" a "eature in a space
*hree types ? density, concentration, pattern
*he "re.uency o" hich something occurs4
Arithmetic ? the total number o" ob/ects in an area
Physiological ? the number o" persons per unit area o" suitable agricultural land
Agricultural ? number o" "armers per area o" "armland
*he spread o" something over a given area
Clustered ? close together
1ispersed ? "ar apart
*he arrangement o" ob/ects in space
Customary belie"s, social "orms, and material traits o" a group o" people in tradition
)here an idea originates
*he spread o" cultural traits "rom one society to another
*he spreading o" a "eature or trend "rom one place to another4
elocation ? spreading through physical movement4
E*pansion ? Spreading in a snoballing process
Contagious ? rapid idespread di""usion o" a characteristic throughout the population ? e-ample
Hierarchical *he spread "rom authority or poer to other people ? e-ample ? political leaders
or hip hop music
$timulus ? the spread o" an underlying principal though the characteristic itsel" might di""use ?
e-ample ? principals "rom Apple computer though the company di""used4
Globalization of Culture:
$lobali+ation due to interchanging belie"s and customs
Globalization of Economy:
$lobali+ation due to business
Environmental #eterminism:
Physical environment dictates the social environment
Humans have the ability to ad/ust to the environment
*he study o" human populations
,ver Population:
*he de"inition o" over population is having too many people and to little resources
Carrying Capacity:
*he largest number o" people that the environment o" a particular area can support
#oubling Time:
*he time it ta2es "or a population to double
Four most over populate' regions-$parsely populate' regions in the )orl' .,ver populate'/:
East Asia
South Asia
Southeast Asia
)estern Europe
East Asia:
7ne "i"th o" the orld0s people live in east Asia4
*he region borders the paci"ic ocean4
East Asia includes: eastern China, Bapan, the orean Peninsula, and *aian4
$outh Asia:
Another one "i"th o" the orld0s population lives in south Asia4
South Asia includes: !ndia, Pa2istan, angladesh, and Sri Lan2a4
$outheast Asia:
*he orld0s third largest population cluster is in southeast Asia4
A hal" billion people live in southeast Asia4
*he islands are: !ndonesia &Bava, Sumatra, orneo', Papua 3e $uinea, and the Philippines4
+estern Europe:
)orld0s "ourth largest population cluster4
Contains one ninth o" the orld0s population4
#ost o" Europe0s people live in cities4
*his region ranges "rom #onaco to Russia4
Population "ncrease:
#oubling time0 *he number o" years needed to double a population4
Total fertility rate0 *he average number o" children a oman ill have during her childbearing years4
"nfant mortality rate0 *he annual number o" deaths o" in"ants under one year old4
%ife e*pectancy measures the number o" years a neborn ill be e-pected to live4
*he current estimated orld human population is 8,;G9,56G,;854 *his "igure is e-tremely precise,
hoever, since there is no complete database on the orlds population, and humans are constantly being
born &at the rate o" about ; per second' and dying4 Hoever, it is clear that the orlds population
continues to gro, in other ords, more people are being born than people dying4
Cru'e birth rate .C1/0 *he total number o" live births in a year "or every 5, people alive in the
E-: a &CR' o" = means that "or every 5, people in a country, = babies are born over a one year
Cru'e 'eath rate .C#/0 total number o" deaths in a year "or every 5, people alive in the society4
*he annual number o" deaths per 5, population4
Natural increase rate .N"/0 the percentage by hich a population gros in a year4 *o compute you
subtract CR "rom C1R4
Natural "ncrease:
3atural means a country0s groth rate e-cludes migration4
About < million people are added to the orld0s population each year4
*he historic high as in 59<9 ith <G million4
*he number o" people added each year has dropped sloer than the 3!R because the population base is
much higher no than in the past4
*%R total "ertility rate the average number o" children a oman ill have throughout her childbearing
years &56>9'4
*o use"ul measures o" mortality in addition to the crude death rate already discussed are the in"ant
mortality rate and li"e e-pectancy4
"nfant mortality rate ."!/0the annual number o" deaths o" in"ants under one year o" age, compared
ith total live births4
%ife e*pectancy0 the average number o" years a neborn in"ant can e-pect to live at current mortality
Population Pyrami':
A bar graph representing the distribution o" population by age and se-
Population pyramids can be used to demonstrate the demographics o" a certain area, and can be used as an
indication o" the development o" a certain area
$tage 2:
3o countries are still in stage 54
#ost o" humanity0s severalhundredthousandyear occupancy o" Earth as characteri+ed by stage 5 o"
the demographic transition4
Crude birth and death rates vary yearly but over time they ere comparable4
3ational increase rate as essentially +ero, and orld population as constant at about hal" a million4
1uring this period primary "ood relied on hunting and gathering4
As "ood became easier to obtain, population increased, but hen "ood became more di""icult to obtain, the
population decreased4
About < C the population became to gro by several thousand per year4
eteen < C and 5G6 A1 the population "rom 6 million to about < million4 *his as caused by
the agricultural revolution4
*his as the "irst time humans domesticated plants and animals4
$tage 3:
%rom about 5, years a"ter the agricultural revolution, orld population gre at a modest pace4
Around 5G6 A1 the population began to gro ten times as "ast4
*he natural increase rate rose "rom 46 to 46
Some demographers divide stage = o" the demographic transition into = parts4
*he "irst part is the accelerating population groth4
1uring the second part the population begins to slo, although birth and death rates remain very
*he sudden population boom as caused by the industrial revolution hich began in England in the late
5<th century4
*he industrial revolution brought about rapid improvements in industrial technology4 *his brought about
a lot o" ealth hich as used to ma2e communities healthier4
3e machines helped "armers increase agricultural production4 *he improved agricultural e""iciency
alloed more people to or2 in "actories4 *his caused industriali+ation in communities4
European and 3orth American countries entered stage = around 5G6 or 5<4 Countries elsehere didn0t
enter stage = till much later4 #any A"rican countries didn0t enter stage = until the late 5960s due to the
medical revolution4
*he naturalI increase rate "or stage = countries as about 54G at the time4
*he population increased by about < million in = compared to < million in 594
Several medical advances ere made during this time as ell4
$tage 4:
A country enters stage ; hen the crude birth rate begins to drop sharply4 *he death rate continues to "all
but not as much as in stage =4
3atural increase is more moderate than stage = as ell4
European and 3orth American nations entered stage ; in the early tentieth century4 Latin American and
Asian countries have entered rather recently, hile most A"rican countries still have not entered stage ;4
*he decrease in death rates in stage = is caused by technological advances, hile the decrease in births
during stage ; is a result o" changes in social customs4
People in stage ; countries are more li2ely to live in cities than in rural areas4
$tage 5:
A country achieves stage > hen birth and death rates are nearly e.ual and natural increase is almost +ero4
*his is 2non as JP$ or Jero Population $roth4 *his term is usually applied to stage > countries4
Social changes again dictate the change beteen stages ; and >4 Here the primary "actor is omen ho
enter the labor "orce4
Li"e style changes also tend to lead to smaller "amilies in stage >, and people ith more birth control
options tend to use them more in stage > countries4
1ue to discrepancies, JP$ is not alays accurate4 Scientists use the more accurate term *%R or *otal
%ertility Rate4 *ypically a *PR o" =45 is e.ual to the JP$4
!althus Theory:
States that the orld ill get iped out by over population, starvation, and disease &mainly the ratio o"
people to "ood'4
*homas #althus stated this in 5G9< in his boo2 An Essay on the Principle o" Population4
*oday: 5 person, 5 unit o" "ood
=6 years "rom no: = people, = units o" "ood
6 years "rom no: > persons, ; units o" "ood
G6 years "rom no: < people, > units o" "ood
5 years "rom no: 58 people, 6 units o" "ood
ac2 in the 5G K 5<s, they didn0t have the same "arming technology and methods e have today4
*here asn0t as much medicine to cure diseases4
Lester ron a Stan"ord University biologist, said #althus made critical points but missed a couple
important points, gains in land productivity, and the pre"erence "or eating higher up the "ood chainD4
!n SubSaharan A"rica, drought, poverty, and disease &mainly A!1S' are reducing li"e e-pectancy4
*he population is bigger than the amount o" arable landhich causes more than hal" o" the children to be
undernourished or malnourished4
Study #althus0 theory
*hey point out that the amount o" "ar mland is decreasing hile the population is increasing4
$lobal )arming could inter"ere ith "ood production4
oth e-tensi"ication and intensi"ication o" agriculture ill lead to land degradation4
!althus7s Critics:
#any geographers believe #althus0 theory is very pessimistic because they based on a belie" that the
orld0s supply is "i-ed not e-panding4
#althus did not "oresee the advancement in technology that ould help man2ind survive4
Cru'e 1irth ate0 *he total number o" live births in a year "or every 5, people alive in the society4
Cru'e #eath ate0 *he total number o" deaths in a year "ro every 5, people alive in the society4
#emographic Transition0 *he process o" change in a society0s population "rom a condition o" high
crude birth and death rates and lo rate o" natural increase to a condition o" lo crude birth and death
rates, lo rate o" natural increase, and a higher total population4
#oubling Time0 *he number o" years needed to double a population, assuming a constant rate o" natural
Epi'emiologic Transition0 1istinctive causes o" death in each stage o" the demographic transition4
Epi'emiology0 ranch o" medical science concerned ith the incidence, distribution, and control o"
diseases that a""ect large numbers o" people4
"n'ustrial evolution0 A series o" improvements in industrial technology that trans"ormed the process o"
manu"acturing goods4
"nfant !ortality ate0 *he total number o" deaths in a year among in"ants under one year old "or every
5, live births in a society4
%ife E*pectancy0 *he average number o" years an individual can be e-pected to live, given current
social, economic, and medical conditions4 Li"e e-pectancy at birth is the average number o" years a
neborn in"ant can e-pect to live4
!e'ical evolution0 #edical technology invented in Europe and 3orth America that is di""used to the
poorer countries o" Latin America, Asia, and A"rica4 !mproved medical practices have eliminated many o"
the traditional causes o" death in poorer countries and enabled more people to live longer and healthier
Natural "ncrease ate0 *he percentage groth o" a population in a year, computed as the crude birth
rate minus the crude death rate4
,verpopulation0 *he number o" people in an area e-ceeds the capacity o" the environment to support
li"e at a decent standard o" living4
Pan'emic0 1isease that occurs over a ide geographic area and a""ects a very high proportion o" the
Population Pyrami'0 A bar graph representing the distribution o" population by age and se-4
$e* atio0 *he number o" males per 5 "emales in the population4
Total Fertility ate0 *he average number o" children a oman ill have throughout her childbearing
(ero Population Gro)th0 A decline o" the total "ertility rate to the point here the natural increase rate
e.uals +ero4
%orm o" relocation di""usion involving permanent move to a ne location
All types o" movement "rom one location to another
Constant, short term, repetitive movements by an individual
#igration aay "rom country
#igration into a country
Net !igration:
*he di""erence beteen the number o" immigrants and the number o" emigrants
3et !n#igration K 3et 7ut#igration
3et migration "rom urban to rural areas in #1Cs
1rain #rain:
Largescale emigration by talented people
"nternational 8 "nternal !igration:
!nternational #igration *he permanent movement "rom one country to another4
!nternal #igration Permanent movement ithin a particular country4
!nternational #igration #oving to Russia "rom the United States, or "rom A"rica to Australia4
!nternal #igration #oving to Ar2ansas "rom #ichigan, or "rom $eorgia to Cali"ornia4
!nternal #igration People living in !ndia must migrate to a di""erent part o" !ndia to escape the "looding
that occurs near them4
!nternational #igration Some Beish people ere able to escape the 3a+is by migrating to the di""erent
countries aay "rom them4
"nternal !igration:
Permanent movement ithin a country4
1ivided into to types
"nterregional migration movement "rom one region o" a country to another4
Rust elt and Sun elt
"ntraregional migration movement ithin on region
"nternational !igration:
1ivided into to types
9oluntary migration implies that migrant has chosen to move "or economic improvements4
Force' migration the migrant has been compelled to move by cultural "actors4
Economic push and pull "actors usually induce voluntary migration4 )hereas cultural "actors usually
compel "orced migration
Net !igration:
*he di""erence beteen the level o" immigration and the level o" emigration4
!n#igration: synonym o" immigration, moving into a country
7utmigration: leaving a country
Countries ith net outmigrations include Asia, A"rica, and Latin America4
Countries ith net inmigrations include 3orth America, Europe, and 7ceania4
Guest +orers:
)or2ers ho migrate to the #1Cs o" 3orthern and )estern Europe, usually "rom Southern and Eastern
Europe or "rom 3orth A"rica, in search o" higherpaying /obs
*he long (ietnam )ar ended in 59G6 hen Communistcontrolled 3orth (ietnam captured South
(ietnam0s capital city o" Saigon4 *he US evacuated "rom Saigon several thousand people ho had been
closely identi"ied ith the American position during the ar and ho ere there"ore vulnerable to
persecution a"ter the Communist victory4 A second surge o" (ietnamese boat people began in the late
59<s4 *heir most popular destinations ere #alaysia, Hong ong, and *hailand4 <, (ietnamese
have reached the US since the end o" the (ietnam )ar, another 5 million in other countries4
Popular Culture:
Culture "ound in a large, heterogeneous society that shares certain habits despite di""erences in other
personal characteristics
Fol Culture:
Culture traditionally practiced by a small, homogeneous, rural group living in relative isolation "rom other
A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom
#iffusion Associate' +ith Pop Culture:
Rapid di""usion depends on a group o" people having a su""iciently high level o" economic development
to ac.uire the material possessions associated ith popular culture
%anguage Family:
A collection o" languages related to each other through a common ancestor long be"ore recorded history
%anguage 1ranch:
A collection o" languages related through a common ancestor that e-isted several thousand years ago4
1i""erences are not as e-tensive or as old as ith language "amilies, and archaeological evidence can
con"irm that the branches derived "rom the same "amily4
%anguage Group:
A collection o" languages ithin a branch that share a common origin in the relatively recent past and
display relatively "e di""erences in grammar and vocabulary
A regional variety o" a language distinguished by vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation
Creolize' %anguage:
A language that results "rom the mi-ing o" a coloni+er0s language ith the indigenous language o" the
people being dominated
*he system o" riting used in China and other East Asian countries in hich each symbol represents an
idea or a concept rather than a speci"ic sound, as is the case ith letters in English
eligion Hierarchy:
A hierarchical religion has a ellde"ined geographic structure and organi+es territory into local
administrative units &has ran2ingsD amongst the religion'4 A good e-ample is Roman Catholicism &Pope,
Cardinals, ishops'4
=niversalizing eligion:
A religion that attempts to appeal to all people, not /ust those living in a particular location
; iggs ? Christianity, !slam, uddhism
7rigin ? !srael
= billion adherents
non as Christians
#ainly in )estern Hemisphere and Europe
%oundation based on the *en Commandments
#a/or branches Catholics &6F'4 Protestants &=6F', Eastern 7rthodo- &5F'
7rigin ? Saudi Arabia
54; billion adherents
non as #uslims
%oundation based on the %ive Pillars
#a/or branches Sunnis &<;F', Shiites &58F', urds &5F'
7rigin ? 3E !ndia@3epal
;G million adherents
non as uddhists
#ainly in China and SE Asia
%oundation based on the %our 3oble *ruths
#a/or branches #ahayanists &68F', *heravadistis &;<F', *antrayanists &<F'
1i""erent "rom Christianity and !slam you may also participate in another e-isting religion
Ethnic eligion:
A religion ith a relatively concentrated spatial distribution hose principles are li2ely to be based on the
physical characteristics o" the particular location in hich its adherents are concentrated
= iggs ? Hinduism and Budaism
7rigin ? !ndia@Pa2istan
< million adherents &; rd largest overall'
9GF live in !ndia &<F o" !ndia0s pop4'
elieve in several gods ? rahma being the main one
%ollo the Caste System
elieve in arma and Reincarnation
7rigin ? !srael
5> million adherents
#ainly clustered in !srael and the US
Also prevent in "ormer USSR &Russia, U2raine, elarus, Lithuania'
Have similar roots as Christianity and !slam
*he most troublesome religious boundary in )estern Europe lies on !reland4 #ost o" !reland is Roman
Catholic, but 3orthern !reland is 6<F Protestant and >=F Roman Catholic4
A"ter the 59G; ar, the Palestinians emerged as !srael0s principle opponent4 !sraelis have no intention o"
giving up control o" the 7ld City o" Berusalem, and Palestinians have no intention o" giving up their claim
to it4
eligious Architectures:
Christians ? Churches
#uslims ? #os.ues
Hindus ? *emples
uddhism ? Pagodas
Bes ? Synagogues
=$ #istribution of Ethnicities:
A"rican American ? &5;F' Southeast
Hispanic American ? &5;F' Southest
Asian American ? &>F' )est
American !ndian &3ative American' ? &5F' Southest and Plains States
Clustering of Ethnicities:
)ithin a country, clustering o" ethnicities can occur on to scales4 Ethnic groups may live in particular
regions o" the country, and they may live in particular neighborhoods ithin cities4
A person ho or2s "ields rented "rom a landoner and pays the rent and repays loans by turning over to
the landoner a share o" the crops
)hen the A"rican American immigrants reached the big cities, they clustered in the one or to
neighborhoods here the small numbers ho had arrived in the 59 th century ere already living4 *hese
areas became 2non as ghettos4 *he ghettos today have been through e-pansion4
@+hite Flight:
)hite %lightD comes "rom the ron vs4 ron o" Education doctrine in 596>, hich eliminated
segregation4 M)hite %lightD is hen hites le"t their homes to here they 2ne ould be a dominate
hite area because they ere scared o" the blac2s4
3ationality is identity ith a group o" people that share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a
particular place as a result o" being born there4
3ationalism is loyalty and devotion to a particular nationality4
A state hose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity that has been trans"ormed
into a nationality
Have by "ar one dominate ethnicity@nationality ? 5 country, 5 ethnicity
#ulti3ational state ? state that contains to or more ethnic groups ith traditions o" sel"determination
that agree to coe-ist peace"ully by recogni+ing each other as distinct nationalities
*ry to appeal to every nationality@ethnicity &by giving them /obs' ? get along /ust "ine
United ingdom O England Scotland )hales 34 !reland
1loc 1usting:
Real estate agents telling people that blac2s or !ndians ere going to move ne-t door to them so they
could buy the peoples0 house "or very cheap and sell it "or double4
States@countries brea2ing don through ethnic con"lict ? constant con"lict
A geographic area that can0t be stable@happy because there are too many ethnicities and too much ugly
history beteen them4
al2an Peninsula
Political Geography:
*he modern movement to divide the orld into states originated in Europe4
Political unity in the ancient orld reached its height ith the establishment o" the Roman Empire, hich
controlled most o" Europe, 3orth A"rica, and Southest Asia4 *he European portion o" the Roman
Empire as "ragmented into a large number o" estates oned by competing 2ings, du2es, barons, and
other nobles4
*he development o" states can be traced to the ancient #iddle East, in an area 2non as the %ertile
crescent4 *he "irst states to evolve in #esopotamia ere 2non as citystates ? sovereign states that
comprise a ton and the surrounding countryside4
!o'ern Colonies:
*oday only a hand"ul o" colonies remain4 3early all are islands in the Paci"ic 7cean or Caribbean Sea
$tate $hapes:
Compact State a state in hich the distance "orm the center to any boundary does not vary signi"icantly
%ragmented State a state that includes several discontinuous pieces o" territory
Elongated State a state ith a long, narro shape
Prorupted State an otherise compact state ith a large pro/ecting e-tension
Per"orated State a state that completely surrounds another one
Can see on a map:
Physical natural boundaries &oceans, rivers, mountains'
$eometric main o""icial lines
Fe'eral $tate:
An internal organi+ation o" a state that allocates most poers to units o" local government &have a say so'
Centripetal "orces
E-ample US
=nitary $tate:
An internal organi+ation o" a state that places most poer in the hands o" central government o""icials
¬ necessarily bad, but no say so only government'
Centri"ugal "orces
E-ample U
=nite' Nations:
A cooperation under the political category
1eals ith military, economic, agricultural, etc4
European =nion:
A cooperation under the economic category
Promotes development through economic cooperation &"ree trade, Euro, subsidi+ing'
Ability o" a state to govern its territory "ree "rom control o" its internal a""airs by other states
54 *he traditional society: the country has not yet started process o" development
=4 *he preconditions "or ta2eo"": the country initiates innovative economic activities
;4 *he ta2eo"": there is rapid groth in economic activities
>4 *he drive to maturity: modern technology di""uses
64 *he age o" mass consumption: the economy shi"ts to consumer goods
*he model assumes that L1Cs ill achieve development by moving to a higher stage in the model4
$elf $ufficiency:
*he more popular development alternative "or L1Cs "or most o" the = th century
!ncomes in the countryside 2eep up ith those in the city
Reducing poverty is more important than creating ealthy consumers
%ragile businesses can be independent and protected "rom businesses and governments in #1Cs
Set barriers limiting goods being imported
"nternational Tra'e:
A country can develop economically by concentrating scarce resources on e-pansion o" its distinctive
local industries
Transnational Corporation:
A company that conducts research, operates "actories, and sells products in many countries, not /ust
here its head.uarters or shareholders are located
Centripetal Force:
An attitude that tends to uni"y people and enhance support "or a state
Centrifugal Force:
An attitude that tends to brea2 or ma2e people "all apart "ight
Agricultural Hearths:
%ertile Crescent historical region atered by the 3ile, Bordan, Euphrates, and *igris Rivers4 !t is here
that agricultural is thought to be "irst developed4 )ild heat and barley gre in abundance and tribes o"
nomad hunters and herders settled don along the ban2s o" the rivers and became the orlds "irst
"armers4 As population increased irrigation as developed4 Around 6, 4C4 the "irst cities ere
constructed in the southern part o" the crescent valley, near the Persian $ul", by people ho became
2non as the Sumerians4
Ethiopia &horn o" A"rica' e"ore embracing "ull scale "arming Ethiopians ere mainly hunters and
gatherers4 *hey began to cultivate crops hich eventually led to "arming4 )hen "arming became more
dependable and common irrigation as e-ploited4
3ile (alley the 3ile (alley civili+ation developed along the ban2s o" the 3ile River in Egypt4 !ts long
narro "loodplain provided ideal conditions "or settlement and development o" stable communities4 *he
annual "looding o" the river &hich as vieed as a gi"t "rom the gods' deposited nutrient rich silt over
the land4 *he silt made the soil e-cellent "or groing heat "la- and other crops4 !t is believed that many
nomadic hunters settled the land4 Around 66C hunting as mostly replaced by domesticating animals
such as cattle, sheep, pigs, and goats, as ell as groing cereal grains4
China y 6 C there ere many agricultural communities spread throughout hat is no China4
*here ere many villages along rivers such as the $reat Qello River &Huang He'4 *hey hunted deer
and other game, "ished, and gathered "ood4 *hey also raised domestic dogs, pigs, and chic2ens4 )ith the
"looding o" rivers irrigation as an important thing to master4 *he Chinese also "armed rice4
Southeast Asia Prior to agriculture, hunting and gathering su""iced to proved "ood in Southeast Asia4 !t
as here that the chic2en and pig ere domesticated and rice as "armed4 Agricultural technology as
e-ploited hen population increased to the point that systematic intensive "arming as necessary "or
survival4 River plains and delta regions helped the process o" agriculture and trade4
#esoamerica %rom < ? = the hunter gatherers in the region began to cultivate ild plants4 *his
probably began so they ould have "ood to rely on i" hunting became bad or in the event o" a drought4 As
time ent on the cultivated plant "oods became increasingly important to the people o" #esoamerica4
*he plants they gre ere more reliable4 #esoamerica eventually ent into a subsistence pattern based
on the cultivation o" plants4 Probably the most important #esoamerican agriculture is mai+e4
$ubsistence Agriculture:
Sel"su""icient, small in scale, lo technology,
%ood production "or local consumption not "or trade or sale
Some are con"ined to small "ields very li2ely they do not on the soil they till
Small "ieldsshare cropper, lo end money pull "or agriculture
Can promote cohesiveness ithin society, share land, "ood surpluses, personal ealth is restricted
Cultivators are poor but "ree
Subsistence "arming is groing enough "ood "or one person and their "amily4 3ot to ma2e a pro"it or sell4
Lots o" subsistence "arms gro things li2e tomatoes, corn, potatoes, cucumbers, and spinach4 Some
subsistence "arms also have livestoc24
Plantation Farming:
Regional, bigger scale, but not yet commercial
Plantation "arming is on a bigger scale than subsistence, but not yet commercial4 *hese "arms are "or
pro"it4 #any plantations "arm rubber, pine, spruce, and eucalyptus trees, oil palm, cotton, tea, and
tobacco4 Some are orchards, in hich they ould gro "ruit, &that gro on trees'4
$hifting Cultivation:
A "orm o" subsistence agriculture in hich people shi"t activity "rom one "ield to anotherI each "ield is
used "or crops "or a relatively "e years and le"t "allo "or a relatively long period
Cultivation here tropical "orests are removed by cutting and burning, ash contributes to soil "ertility
Clearings are usually abandoned a"ter a "e years "or nely cleared land &56= million people'
Pastoral Noma'ism:
A "orm o" subsistence agriculture based on herding domesticated animals
*hey live in dry climates
A "orm o" commercial agriculture in hich livestoc2 gra+e over an e-tensive area
Semiarid or arid land
*he seasonal migration o" livestoc2 beteen mountains and loland pastures
Commercial Farming:
A2a agribusiness a system o" economic and political relationships that organi+e "ood production "rom the
development o" the genetic ma2eup o" the seeds to the retailing and consumption o" the agricultural
product not /ust "arming also development, harvesting, canning, and selling o" crops is an e-ample o" a
company that incorporates primary, secondary, and tertiary /ob sectors
#ass pro"it, almost all diary products are "rom commercial "arming
E-4 #ay"ield
*hese "arms are made "or mass pro"it4 *hey use genetically modi"ied plants, and sometimes animals4
*hey gro the orlds largest crops li2e heat, rice , corn, and pretty much everything you "ind in
roger4 *hey also raise animals li2e cos, pigs, and chic2ens4 Almost all dairy products come "rom a
commercial "arm4
Crop otation:
*he practice o" rotating use o" di""erent "ields "rom crop to crop each year, to avoid e-hausting the soil
$lash0an'0burn Agriculture:
Another name "or shi"ting cultivation, so named because "ields are cleared by slashing the vegetation and
burning the debris
1egradation o" land, especially in semiarid areas, primarily because o" human actions li2e e-cessive crop
planting, animal gra+ing, and tree cutting
2st Agricultural evolution:
5=, yrs ago, 3eolithic era
%ertile Crescent, China, 3orth A"rica, Southeast Asia, and Latin America
Accompanied by a modest population e-plosion
1omestication animals &about > species today' occurred a"ter people became more sedentary
3n' Agricultural evolution:
Resulted "rom the !ndustrial Revolution produced ne technology that helped ith the agricultural
progress a lot
E-4 tractor, cotton gin
4r' Agricultural evolution:
A2a $reen Revolution bene"iting L1C0s by introduction and production o" "ertili+ers and pesticides into
598 to present
ased on higher yielding strains using genetic engineering
#ouble Cropping:
Harvesting tice a year "rom the same "ield
"n'ustries in =$:
3e England, #iddle Atlantic, #oha2 (alley, PittsburghLa2e Erie, )estern $reat La2es
1ul0e'ucing "n'ustry:
An industry in hich the "inal product eighs less or comprises a loer volume than the inputs
E-ample Copper concentration &pennies'
1ul0Gaining "n'ustry:
An industry in hich the "inal product eighs more or comprises a greater volume than the inputs
E-ample So"tdrin2 bottling
1rea0of01ul Point:
A location here trans"er is possible "rom one mode o" transportation to another
an2s purposely not giving loans to a certain loincome area o" a city
!llegal, but still happens because it0s hard to prove
=rban ene)al:
1one by the government
*o attract businesses
*o clean up the city and help their reputations
Public Housing:
Housing oned by the governmentI in the United States, it is rented to loincome residents, and the
rents are set at ; percent o" the "amilies0 incomes
1one privately
*he process o" high income people going to lo income places and 2ic2ing the people out
Usually areas here houses are orn don, loo2s very trashy
*he high income people build houses in edgy areas because they ant to cut don on their commute
7""icial adding o" land
Can be on national scale or state scale
Peripheral !o'el:
Latest version most up to date
1eveloped in the 599s &other three developed in early 59s ? outdated'
Has to contain a beltay@ring ay@ring road
A ring road is a road that surrounds the core o" the city
*he purpose is to ta2e this road ithout going through the city
*he core o" the city ? ma/or part ? is in the ring road
#ust contain an edge city
Promotes greenbelts
*he adding o" land not necessarily o""icial
Adding@spreading to the metropolitan area &the city and surrounding areas'
*a2ing up arable land
Spreads outards
Promotes greenbelts
1esignated areas not alloed to be touched by development &par2s, nature trails'
Sections o" land that are designated natural areas they cannot be built upon
$mart Gro)th:
!nstead o" building outards they build upards to save land
!ncreases population density
Saves natural areas
E'ge City:
Little mini cities on the outs2irts that are li2e the big cities
Lots o" edge cities in Atlanta
E-4 Rosell and Alpharetta ? has most o" the services as in big cities
A44A4 suitcase citiesD
*ypically a place ithout a high residence area
Sandy Springs used to be part o" Atlanta, and then became its on o""icial city
*o become an edge city, the city has to be nely developed and business oriented more /obs than homes
Started in Europe
Legal restriction o" people to certain areas
Used to be legali+ed but not anymore
$hettos re"er to areas here populations o" mi-ed income are con"ined to a certain area even though they
might have the means and desire to move
Can be economic or social ghettosD
A $ree2 ord meaning great city
14C4 $eographer Bean $ottmann named the region in the northeastern US large metropolitan areas so
close together that they no "orm one continuous urban comple-, e-tending "rom north o" oston to
south o" )ashington #egalopolis
Primate Cities:
Having more than tice the population o" the second largest city
Center o" culture "or country
1ras citi+ens because they "eel they have to be apart o" the city to be success"ul
#ost li2ely to become capital &e-4 Paris, %rance'
3ot every country has a primate city
Can have primate cities on large and small scales
Cali"ornia0s primate city is Los Angeles
America lac2s a primate city
+orl' Cities:
Have a large population density because o" technology high rise
*hey are cities that have great in"luence on the hole orld
*hey become a orld city because they are in the center o" the global economic system
Highest *ier o" )orld Cities London, *o2yo, and 3e Qor2 &orld0s business capital'
=nd *ier Chicago, )ashington and Los Angeles
7ver 5 million people
E-perience a sudden rise in population here the in"rastructure can0t support the population "or a time
%or the most part #egacities are in L1C0s because the people there are "orced to go to urban areas to "ind
$ector !o'el:
Has arms that e-tend "rom the C1 instead o" circles
C1 still in center o" city
Loer income still near manu"acturing areas
*ransportation and manu"acturing most li2ely along an armD
> percent o" all trips made into or out o" a C1 occur during "our hours o" the day to in the morning
and to in the a"ternoon
!n larger cities, public transportation is better than motor vehicles cheaper, less polluting, and more
Americans pre"er to commute by car
)hat ma2es a city or2 or operate
E-ample electricity, seers, road ays
*he groth o" suburbs as constrained by transportation problems
*he invention o" the railroad in the 59 th century enabled people to live in suburbs and or2 in the central
#any socalled streetcar suburbs built in the 59 th century still e-ist and retain uni.ue visual identities
Same as range in the central place theory
Area around the city that the city serves
*he "arthest distance a city is illing to serve