Chapter - I: 1.1 Background
Chapter - I: 1.1 Background
Chapter - I: 1.1 Background
1.1 Background
Baked goods have been around for thousands of years. The art of baking was
developed early during the Roman Empire. It was a highly famous art as Roman
citizens loved baked goods and demanded for them frequently for important occasions
such as feasts and weddings etc. Due to the fame and desire that the art of baking
received, around 300 BC, baking was introduced as an occupation and respectable
profession for Romans. The bakers began to prepare bread at home in an oven, using
mills to grind grain into the flour for their breads. The oncoming demand for baked
goods vigorously continued and the first bakers' guild was established in 168 BC in
Rome. This drastic appeal for baked goods promoted baking all throughout Europe
and expanded into the eastern parts of Asia. Bakers started baking breads and goods at
home and selling them out on the streets (Ashokkumar, 2009).
This trend became common and soon, baked products were getting sold in
streets of Rome, Germany, London and many more. This resulted in a system of
delivering the goods to households, as the demand for baked breads and goods
significantly increased. This provoked the bakers to establish a place where people
could purchase baked goods for themselves. Therefore, in Paris, the first open-air
bakery of baked goods was developed and since then, bakeries became a common
place to purchase delicious goods and get together around the world. By the colonial
era, bakeries were commonly viewed as places to gather and socialize (Morgan,
On July 7, 1928, a bakery in Chillicothe, Missouri introduced pre-cut bread
using the automatic bread-slicing machine, invented by Otto Frederick Rohwedder.
While the bread initially failed to sell, due to its "sloppy" aesthetic, and the fact it
went stale faster (Latson, 2015), it later became popular. In World War II bread slicing
machines were effectively banned, as the metal in them was required for wartime use.
When they were requisitioned, creating 100 tonnes of metal alloy, the decision proved
very unpopular with housewives. World War II directly affected bread industries in
the UK. Baking schools closed during this time so when the war did eventually end
there was an absence of skilled bakers. This resulted in new methods being developed
to satisfy the world’s desire for bread. Methods like: adding chemicals to dough,
premixes and specialized machinery. These old methods of baking were almost
completely eradicated when these new methods were introduced and became
industrialized. The old methods were seen as unnecessary and financially unsound,
during this period there were not many traditional bakeries left (Time, 2017).
The bakery industry today offers immense opportunities for bakers,
decorators, trainers, process, managers, distributors and many has increased the jobs
for the people. It provides vast employment opportunities for the youth also. Trained
professionals are getting high salaried jobs in India as well as abroad. India’s exports
of the bakery products have also risen which is helping in the growth of the economy
of the country. Bakery products have also given some relief to the women. In the early
days females had to prepare food all the time with no time to yet relief. But now-a-
days as women are also getting professionals, they have less time to give at home and
family. The growth of the bakery products has reduced the responsibilities of kitchen.
They can now easily prepare food with the readymade food items which need less
labour and time. Increased awareness of the bakery products has reduced the burden
of the females in the society. People going out of home can easily satisfy their food
needs. Thus the bakery products have solved many problems of the people (Giri,
Bakery products also solve the problem of preservation. These products can be
stored for few days and do not easily get spoiled. As other food items lose their taste
when stored for some time but the bakery products do not lose their taste. People
living away from home can easily store these food items. The bakery products have
reduced the dependence on females for satisfying their food requirements. Increased
demand for the bakery products has helped the primary sector of the country i.e.
agriculture. Almost all the bakery products are made from the wheat and dairy
products. There is a great demand of these agricultural items all over the world.
Farming has become now more commercial. Farmers grow the crop and sell at
competitive prices in the national as well as international market. These bakery
products have brought prosperity to the farmers all over the country. Likewise, the
demand for the dairy products has also experienced a hike all over the world. The
cattle owners get attractive prices for their products. Milk and milk products are in
great demand from the last few decades. Increased earning has improved the standard
of living of the people of rural areas which helped in the overall development of the
country as more than half of the population of our country is living in rural areas. The
agricultural and dairy products have raised the quantity of exports of the country and
thus contributed in balancing the trade of the country. Bakery products have
globalized the market facilitating the producers to sell their products profitably (Sahi,
who buy products or business people who would buy large quantities of products for
resale in their stores. Mass communication in advertising is very important, because
the whole purpose of advertising would be getting the message across to those who
will purchase goods, to consumers. Advertising also helps in promoting services and
ideas. In terms of the channel of communication, its purpose is to be a medium. An
advertising medium is any non-personal means used to present an ad to its target
audience. For example, we have radio advertising, television advertising, newspaper
ads, and more. Advertising is just one type of marketing communications. Marketing
communications are the various efforts and tools used to communicate with customers
and prospects, including solicitation letters, newspaper ads, event sponsorship,
publicity, telemarketing and many more (McDonald and Scott, 2007).
use as a child. This also reflects to their buying behavior later on in their life (Kotler
et al., 2008).
well as private sectors existing, but the demand will not meet totally by them in near
future. So far, new entrepreneurs, it may become very good sector for investment.
Thus, the bakery products have great importance for our society from all of these
Advertising is costly; often its effects are uncertain, and sometimes it takes a
while before it makes any impact on consumers’ buying behavior. It is for these
reasons that many companies think it appropriate, occasionally to reduce expenditures
on advertising or to entirely eliminate it. On the other hand, some companies
sometimes consider it unnecessary to advertise when their brands are already enjoying
great success without advertisement. Such behavior implicitly fails to consider the
fact that advertising is not just a current expense or mere exercise but an investment.
There are various advertisements on media on different types of products so there is a
competition of products in the market. Given this situation, the products record high
sales within Birendranagar, Surkhet. Today, the massive introduction of the products
in advertisement has made way for competition as so many people who are involved
in buying and selling now share their resources among the different brands in order to
maximize profit. These customers hear more of the product of their chose from
advertisement. As a result, a good percentage of the customers would no doubt change
from consumption of one product to another. Hence, there is a need for a study which
would best find out the impacts of advertisement on customers' responses towards
bakery products.
This study has been carried out to find out the impacts of advertisement on
buying behaviour of customers towards bakery products. In this study, price,
advertisement, brand, layout and location have been taken as the independent
variables while customers’ behaviour has been taken as the dependent variable. On the
basis of the objectives of the study, a conceptual framework has been developed
which is as follows:
Independent Variables
- Price
- Advertisement Dependent Variable
- Brand Buying Behaviour of
- Layout 7 Customer
- Location
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Study
A value that will purchase a finite quantity, weight, or other measure of a good
or service. As the consideration given in exchange for transfer of ownership, price
forms the essential basis of commercial transactions. It may be fixed by a contract,
left to be determined by an agreed upon formula at a future date, or discovered or
negotiated during the course of dealings between the parties involved.
Ollila (2011) stated that high food prices can be a barrier to healthy eating if
food products are perceived as expensive and the consumers are not willing to accept
the higher prices. Understanding the role of price in food purchase situations is
important, but only a few studies document attitudes towards expensiveness or
cheapness in foods. In this thesis, the role of food price in food choice and consumers’
attitudes towards food prices were investigated and the aim was to measure the food
price attitudes. Food price attitudes were hypothesized to have an impact on
consumers’ willingness to pay judgments and their willingness to buy premium-priced
food products. Using qualitative data consisting of 40 thematic interviews the
experiences of the expensiveness and cheapness in foods were explored by using
functional food products as a target product category.
Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or
service. Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are
intended to inform or influence people who receive them.
Ampofo (2014) seeks to examine the effects of advertising on consumer
buying behaviour considering demand for cosmetic products by residents in and
around Nagarabhavi, Bangalore. Using a sample of 100 respondents of mostly the
young, we ran regressions and found that advertising does influence expenses
incurred on cosmetics products but much influence on the purchase of cosmetic
products results from one’s income or pocket money available, and other factors like
price of the product, the brand and other people’s recommendation concerning the
product. We concluded that, advertising satisfies the needs of the firm and the wishes
of consumers. Its role cannot be replaced by any other means. Therefore firms must
strategize and know when and where they should advertise. The consumers need to be
informed about products and until that is done, the products of firms will still be in
stores with no demand for them.
A brand is a unique design, sign, symbol, words, or a combination of these,
employed in creating an image that identifies a product and differentiates it from its
Kumar et al. (1987) observed the factors influencing the buying decision
making of 200 respondents for various food products. Country of origin and brand of
the products were cross-tabulated against age, gender and income. Results revealed
that the considered factors were independent of age, education and income. The brand
image seemed to be more important than the origin of the product, since the
consumers were attracted by the brands.
Display is the way that something is arranged. The bakery industry is affected
by many of the current trends and naturalness (clean label) and wellbeing is
emphasized in regard to bakery products. New products and product improvements
are continuously being launched. Because of this, advertising becomes an important
aspect especially when a large amount of purchasing decisions are done in-store. One
of the main ways to advertise products in the store are through in-store dis-plays.
Understanding how consumers actually look at in-store displays and how effective
they are in changing consumer behavior into a purchase decision at the point of
purchase will inform the best execution and layout of the display. The main aim of the
study was to get a better understanding of what an effective in-store display in
consumer decision making is. This was done by assessing three different aspects of
in-store displays: (1) the visual attention attracting ability, (2) if the intended
communication and content is comprehensible on the in-store display and (3) if the in-
store display can positively influence consumer decision making. The primary
methodology included usage of eye-tracking equipment with a complementary
questionnaire and the research was conducted by way of a two-phase experiment
(Ekman, 2016).
Location is a place or position of a place or thing. Location of bakeries is an
essential aspect for consumers in the purchase decision process, because establishes
the distance from consumers’ home to the bakery. Thus, 76.8% of consumers prefer to
buy baked products at bakeries near their homes, and 12.0% prefer to buy them at
bakeries near their workplaces. In addition, 11.0% of them use to buy them at bakeries
located along the way they used to go through. Only 0.2% of them did not provide
any answer. The mean distance from consumers’ home to the closest bakery they go
often is about 2.46 kilometers (Souki, Reis and Moura, 2015).
The target population for the study defined to includes the customers of bakery
products in Birendranagar of Surkhet district.
Preliminary cleaning and formatting is the first step in the data preparation.
For the analysis of data, frequency, percentages were used to describe the nature of
data. After analysis of each question, the figures have been shown in different table as
per the requirement of the subject matter.
2. This study is limited to only the customers of different bakery products. Thus, the
result will not be applicable to other groups of bakery customers.
4. The data are collected from the customers of bakery products in Birendranagar of
Chapter I: Introduction
Chapter I has included the background of the study, justification of the study,
objective of the study, research question of the study, conceptual framework of the
study, research methodology, limitations of the study and organization of the study.
This chapter includes data presentation, analysis of data and findings. The
demographic information of the customers and presentation of data is done using
tables, figures and percentages. This study used the primary data collected by the
questionnaires provided at annex. The questionnaires were asked with the customers
of bakery products in Birendranagar of Surkhet. The data were collected on the
buying behaviour of customers of dairy products.
This question was designed to measure the age of the respondents. To collect
the information from the respondents on age, 15-24 years, 25-34 years, 35-44 years
and 45 years and above options were used. The following table shows the detail
information of the respondents on the basis of age.
Table 1 shows that 31(56.36 percent) of the respondents were 15-24 years of
age, 9(16.36 percent) were 25-34 years of age, 7(12.73 percent) were 35-44 years of
age, 8(14.55 percent) were 45-54 years of age and 8(14.55 percent) of the respondents
were 45 years and above of age. The data shows that majority of the respondents were
found in 15-24 years age option.
Figure 2: Age of the Respondents
Table 2 shows that 26(47.27 percent) of the respondents were males and
29(52.73 percent) of the respondents were females. The data shows that majority of
the respondents were found in male option.
This question was designed to measure the age of the respondents. To collect
the information from the respondents on religion, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and
Others options were used. The following table shows the detail information of the
respondents on the basis of religion.
Table 4 shows that 31(56.36 percent) of the respondents were Hindus, 8(14.55
percent) were Buddhists, 10(18.18 percent) were Christians and 6(10.91 percent) were
of other religions. This shows that majority of the respondents were found in Hindus
The religion of the respondents has also been presented in figure as follows:
This question was designed to measure the marital status of the respondents.
To collect the information from the respondents on marital status, married and
unmarried options were used. The following table shows the detail information of the
respondents on the basis of marital status.
Table 5 shows that 20(36.36 percent) of the respondents were married and
35(63.64 percent) were unmarried. This shows that majority of the respondents were
found in unmarried option.
Figure 5: Marital Status of the Respondents
Table 6 shows that 17(30.91 percent) of the respondents were SLC passed,
24(43.64 percent) were +2 passed, 9(16.36 percent) were bachelor passed and 5(9.09
percent) were master level passed. The data shows that majority of the respondents
were found in +2 option.
Table 7 shows that 9(16.36 percent) of the respondents have job, 7(12.73
percent) have business, 25(45.45 percent) are students and 14(25.46 percent) of the
respondents have other occupations. The data shows that majority of the respondents
were found in students option.
Table 8 shows that 21(38.18 percent) of the respondents said that the price of bakery
products is cheap, 29(52.73 percent) said that the price of bakery products is neither
cheap nor expensive and 5(9.09 percent) of the respondents said that the price of
bakery products is expensive. The data shows that the majority of the respondents
were found in neither cheap nor expensive option.
This question was designed to measure the impacts of price of bakery products
on customer buying behaviour. To collect the information from the respondents on
impacts of price of bakery products on customer buying behaviour, yes and no options
were used. The following table shows the detail information of the respondents on the
basis of impacts of price of bakery products on customer buying behaviour.
Table 9 shows that 44(80 percent) of the respondents said that price of bakery
products had impacts on customer buying behavior and 11(20 percent) of the
respondents said that the price of bakery products had no impacts on customer buying
behaviour. The data shows that majority of the respondents were found in yes option.
Table 10 shows that 18(32.73 percent) of the respondents said that low price
attracts customers, 20(36.36 percent) of the respondents said that customers like high
quality in low price and 17(30.91 percent) of the respondents said that all customers
are not able to pay for high price. The data shows that majority of the respondents
were found in customers like high quality in low price option.
Table 11 shows that 38(69.09 percent) of the respondents were satisfied and
17(30.91 percent) of the respondents were not satisfied with the bakery products. The
data shows that majority of the respondents were found in yes option.
Figure 10: Satisfaction towards the Bakery Product
2.13 Purchase of Bakery Products on the Basis of Advertisement
This question was designed to measure the information about the
advertisement on bakery products. To collect the information from the respondents on
the information about the advertisement on bakery products, yes and no options were
used. The following table shows the detail information of the respondents on the basis
of the information about the advertisement on bakery products.
Table 13 shows that 11(20 percent) of the respondents sometimes purchase the
bakery products, 13(23.64 percent) often purchase bakery products, 16(29.09 percent)
seldom purchase bakery products and 15(27.27 percent) of the respondents never
purchase bakery products on the basis of advertisement. The data shows that majority
of the respondents were found in seldom option.
This question was designed to measure the source of information about the
advertisement on bakery products. To collect the information from the respondents on
the source of information about the advertisement on bakery products, radio,
television, newspaper and others options were used. The following table shows the
detail information of the respondents on the basis of the source of information about
the advertisement on bakery products.
disagree options were used. The following table shows the detail information of the
respondents on the basis of the agreement on the impacts of advertisement of bakery
products on customer buying behaviour.
This question was designed to measure the type of bakery products usually
purchased by the respondents. To collect the information from the respondents on the
type of bakery products that they usually purchase, cake, bread, doughnut and others
options were used. The following table shows the detail information of the
respondents on the basis of the type of bakery products usually purchased by them.
Table 16: Type of Bakery Products Usually Purchased by the Respondents
Variable Frequency Percent
Cake 13 23.63
Bread 18 32.73
Doughnut 7 12.73
Others 17 30.91
Total 55 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Newspaper 6 10.91
Total 55 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
This question was designed to measure the reasons for purchasing bakery
products from a single bakery shop. To collect the information from the respondents
on the reasons for purchasing bakery products from a single bakery shop,
design/brand, cheap and quality product, easily accessible and store environment
options were used. The following table shows the detail information of the
respondents on the basis of the reasons for purchasing bakery products from a single
bakery shop.
Table 18: Reasons for Purchasing Bakery Products from a Bakery Shop
Easily accessible 16 29.09
Store environment 4 7.27
Total 55 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Figure 17: Reasons for Purchasing Bakery Products from a Bakery Shop
This question was designed to measure the views of the respondents on the
good design of the bakery products. To collect the information from the respondents
on the good design of the bakery products, yes and no options were used. The
following table shows the detail information of the respondents on the basis of the
good design of the bakery products.
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 19 shows that 32(58.18 percent) of the respondents said that the design of
bakery products is good and 23(41.82 percent) of the respondents said that the design
of bakery products is not so good. The data shows that majority of the respondents
were found in yes option.
bakery products. The data shows that majority of the respondents were found in
sometimes option.
Table 21 shows that 44(80 percent) of the respondents said that the design of
bakery products had impacts on customer buying behaviour and 11(20 percent) of the
respondents said that the design of bakery products has no impacts on customer
buying behaviour. The data shows that majority of the respondents were found in yes
Figure 20: Impacts of Design of Bakery Products on Customer Buying Behaviour
Table 22 shows that 44(80 percent) of the respondents has easy access to
bakery products and 11(20 percent) of the respondents has no easy access to bakery
products. The data shows that majority of the respondents were found in yes option.
Table 23 shows that 13(23.64 percent) of the respondents had bakery products
at door delivery, 17(30.91 percent) of the respondents purchase bakery products from
the bakery shop, 10(18.18 percent) of the respondents purchase bakery products from
normal shop and 15(27.27 percent) of the respondents purchase bakery products from
market. The data shows that majority of the respondents were found in bakery shop
The above data have also been presented in figure as follows:
This question was designed to measure the availability of bakery products near
the house. To collect the information from the respondents on the availability of
bakery products near the house, yes and no options were used. The following table
shows the detail information of the respondents on the basis of the availability of
bakery products near the house.
Table 24 shows that 34(61.82 percent) of the respondents said that the bakery
products are available near their houses and 21(38.18 percent) of the respondents said
that the bakery products are not available near their houses. The data shows that
majority of the respondents were found in yes option.
This question was designed to measure the impacts of location of bakery shop
on customer buying behaviour. To collect the information from the respondents on the
impacts of location of bakery shop on customer buying behaviour, yes and no options
were used. The following table shows the detail information of the respondents on the
basis of the impacts of location of bakery shop on customer buying behaviour.
Yes 43 78.18
No 12 21.82
Total 55 100.00
Source: Field Survey, 2075
Table 25 shows that 43(78.18 percent) of the respondents said that location of
bakery shop has impacts on customer buying behaviour and 12(21.82 percent) said
that the location of bakery shop has no impacts on customer buying behaviour. The
data shows that majority of the respondents were found in yes option
2.26 Findings
After the presentation and analysis of data, the following findings have been
1. The study found that 31(56.36 percent) of the respondents were 15-24 years of
age, 9(16.36 percent) were 25-34 years of age, 7(12.73 percent) were 35-44
years of age, 8(14.55 percent) were 45-54 years of age and 8(14.55 percent) of
the respondents were 45 years and above of age. It can be understood that
majority of the respondents were 15-24 years of age.
2. Among the respondents, 26(47.27 percent) were males and 29(52.73 percent)
of the respondents were females. It has been found that majority of the
respondents were males.
3. The study found that 12(21.82 percent) of the respondents were Brahamins,
22(40 percent) were Chhetris, 7(12.73 percent) were Janajatis and 14(25.45
percent) of the respondents were of other castes. It can be understood that
majority of the respondents were Chhetris and a few of the respondents were
4. The study found that 31(56.36 percent) of the respondents were Hindus,
8(14.55 percent) were Buddhists, 10(18.18 percent) were Christians and
6(10.91 percent) were of other religions. It can be understood that majority of
the respondents were Hindus.
5. In this study, 20(36.36 percent) of the respondents were married and 35(63.64
percent) were unmarried. It has been found that majority of the respondents
were unmarried.
6. The study found that 17(30.91 percent) of the respondents were SLC passed,
24(43.64 percent) were +2 passed, 9(16.36 percent) were bachelor passed and
5(9.09 percent) were master level passed. It can be understood that majority of
the respondents were +2 passed.
7. Among the respondents, 9(16.36 percent) have job, 7(12.73 percent) have
business, 25(45.45 percent) are students and 14(25.46 percent) of the
respondents have other occupations. It has been found that majority of the
respondents are students.
8. The study found that 21(38.18 percent) of the respondents said that the price
of bakery products is cheap, 29(52.73 percent) said that the price of bakery
products is neither cheap nor expensive and 5(9.09 percent) of the respondents
said that the price of bakery products is expensive. It can be understood that the
price of bakery products is neither cheap nor expensive.
9. The study found that 44(80 percent) of the respondents said that price of
bakery products had impacts on customer buying behavior and 11(20 percent)
of the respondents said that the price of bakery products has no impacts on
customer buying behaviour. It can be found that price of bakery products have
impacts on customer buying behaviour.
10. The study found that 18(32.73 percent) of the respondents said that low price
attracts customers, 20(36.36 percent) of the respondents said that customers
like high quality in low price and 17(30.91 percent) of the respondents said that
all customers are not able to pay for high price. It has been found that majority
of the respondents said that customer like high quality in low price.
11. Among the respondents, 38(69.09 percent) of the respondents were satisfied
and 17(30.91 percent) of the respondents were not satisfied with the bakery
products. It can be understood that majority of the respondents were satisfied
with the bakery products.
12. The study found that 36(65.45 percent) of the respondents had information
about the advertisement of bakery products and 19(34.55 percent) of the
respondents had not any information about the advertisement of bakery
products. It can be understood that majority of the respondents had information
about the advertisement on bakery products.
13. The study found that 11(20 percent) of the respondents sometimes purchase
the bakery products, 13(23.64 percent) often purchase bakery products,
16(29.09 percent) seldom purchase bakery products and 15(27.27 percent) of
the respondents never purchase bakery products on the basis of advertisement.
It has been found that majority of the respondents seldom purchase bakery
products on the basis of advertisement.
14. The study found that 29(52.73 percent) of the respondents had information on
the advertisement of bakery products from radio, 6(10.91 percent) of the
respondents had information on the advertisement of bakery products from
television, 6(10.91 percent) of the respondents had information on
advertisement of bakery products from newspaper and 14(25.45 percent) of the
respondents had information on the advertisement of bakery products from
other sources. It can be understood that majority of the respondents had
information on the advertisement of bakery products from radio.
15. The study found that 11(20 percent) of the respondents strongly agreed,
27(49.09 percent) agreed, 8(14.55 percent) were neutral, 7(12.73 percent)
disagreed and 2(3.64 percent) of the respondents strongly disagreed that
advertisement of bakery products has impacts on customer buying behaviour. It
can be understood that majority of the respondents agreed that advertisement of
bakery products has impacts on customer buying behaviour.
16. The study found that 13(23.63 percent) of the respondents usually purchase
cake, 18(32.73 percent) usually purchase bread, 7(12.73 percent) usually
purchase doughnut and 17(30.91 percent) of the respondents usually purchase
other bakery product. It can be found that majority of the respondents usually
purchase bread from the bakery store.
17. Among the respondents, 24(43.63 percent) received information on the bakery
products from friends, 18(32.73 percent) had received information on bakery
products from advertisement, 7(12.73 percent) had received information on
bakery products from family and 6(10.91 percent) had received information on
bakery products from newspaper. It can be understood that majority of the
respondents had received information on bakery products from friends.
18. The study found that 6(10.91 percent) of the respondents purchase bakery
products from a single bakery shop because of design/brand, 29(52.73 percent)
purchase bakery products from a single bakery shop because of cheap and
quality product, 16(29.09 percent) of the respondents purchase bakery products
from a single bakery shop because of easy accessibility and 4(7.27 percent) of
the respondents purchase bakery products from a single bakery shop because of
store environment. It can be found that majority of the respondents purchase
bakery products from a single bakery shop because of cheap and quality
19. The study found that 32(58.18 percent) of the respondents said that the design
of bakery products is good and 23(41.82 percent) of the respondents said that
the design of bakery products is not so good. It can be understood that majority
of the respondents said that the design of bakery products is good.
20. The study found that 20(36.36 percent) of the respondents sometimes consider
design, 8(14.55 percent) always consider design, 11(20 percent) often consider
design and 16(29.09 percent) of the respondents seldom consider design while
purchasing bakery products. It can be found that majority of the respondents
sometimes consider design while purchasing bakery products.
21. The study found that 44(80 percent) of the respondents said that the design of
bakery products had impacts on customer buying behaviour and 11(20 percent)
of the respondents said that the design of bakery products has no impacts on
customer buying behaviour. It can be understood that majority of the
respondents said that the design of bakery products has impacts on customer
buying behaviour.
22. The study found that 44(80 percent) of the respondents has easy access to
bakery products and 11(20 percent) of the respondents has no easy access to
bakery products. It can be understood that majority of the respondents had easy
access to bakery products.
23. Among the respondents, 13(23.64 percent) had bakery products at door
delivery, 17(30.91 percent) of the respondents purchase bakery products from
the bakery shop, 10(18.18 percent) of the respondents purchase bakery
products from normal shop and 15(27.27 percent) of the respondents purchase
bakery products from market. It can be understood that majority of the
respondents purchase bakery products from bakery shop.
24. The study found that 34(61.82 percent) of the respondents said that the bakery
products are available near their houses and 21(38.18 percent) of the
respondents said that the bakery products are not available near their houses. It
can be understood that majority of the respondents said that the bakery
products are available near their houses.
25. The study found that 43(78.18 percent) of the respondents said that location of
bakery shop has impacts on customer buying behaviour and 12(21.82 percent)
said that the location of bakery shop has no impacts on customer buying
behaviour. It can be understood that majority of the respondents view that
location of bakery shop has impacts on customer buying behaviour.
3.1 Summary
Questionnaire consisted of the questions related to the personal information of
the customers of bakery products. Most of the questions were formulated in closed-
ended pattern and some were formulated in open-ended pattern. Some questions were
constructed in yes/no pattern. Simple random method was used to select the sample
for this study. The purpose of sampling was to secure a representation group which
enables the researcher to gain information about the whole population. The
information was collected from the customers of bakery products in Birendranagar of
The data were analyzed using different tables and figures to find out the
impacts of advertisement on the customers of bakery products. After analysis and
presentation of data, the conclusion has been made.
3.2 Conclusion
This study was conducted to find out the impacts of advertisement on customer
buying behaviour on bakery products. The study was conducted among the customers
of bakery products. The study found majority of the respondents were 15-24 years of
age. It can be concluded that majority of the respondents were males. The study
concludes that majority of the respondents were Chhetris and a few of the respondents
were Janajatis. Among the respondents, majority were Hindus. Most of the
respondents were unmarried. It can be understood that majority of the respondents
were +2 passed. It is concluded that majority of the respondents are students.
The price of bakery products is neither cheap nor expensive. The study
concludes that price of bakery products has impacts on customer buying behaviour.
Majority of the respondents said that customer like high quality in low price.
Majority of the respondents were satisfied with the bakery products. The study
concludes that majority of the respondents had information about the advertisement
on bakery products. It has been concluded that majority of the respondents seldom
purchase bakery products on the basis of advertisement. It can be concluded that
majority of the respondents had information on the advertisement of bakery products
from radio. It can be concluded that majority of the respondents agreed that
advertisement of bakery products has impacts on customer buying behaviour.
Majority of the respondents usually purchase bread from the bakery store and
majority of the respondents had received information on bakery products from
friends. Majority of the respondents purchase bakery products from a single bakery
shop because of cheap and quality product. It can be concluded that majority of the
respondents said that the design of bakery products is good. It can be concluded that
majority of the respondents sometimes consider design while purchasing bakery
products. Majority of the respondents said that the design of bakery products has
impacts on customer buying behaviour. The study concludes that majority of the
respondents had easy access to bakery products and majority of the respondents
purchase bakery products from bakery shop. The study concludes that bakery
products are available near their houses and majority of the respondents view that
location of bakery shop has impacts on customer buying behaviour.
It can be concluded from the study that the customers of bakery products are
satisfied with the advertisement of bakery products.
3.3 Recommendations
On the basis of the findings of the study, some recommendations are made
which are as follows:
1. The findings of the study reveal that 5(9.09 percent) of the respondents said
that the price of bakery products is expensive. It is suggested that the price of
bakery products should be reduced by bakery industry.
2. The findings of the study present that 36(65.45 percent) of the respondents had
information about the advertisement of bakery products. It is suggested to the
bakery industries that they should make intensive advertisement of bakery
3. The findings show that 29(52.73 percent) of the respondents had information
on the advertisement of bakery products from radio. It is suggested that the
bakery industries should advertise about their bakery products through other
advertisement media.
4. The findings of the study reveal that 23(41.82 percent) of the respondents said
that the design of bakery products is not so good. So, it is suggested that the
design of the bakery products should be good to attract the customers.