Test2 (B) WithGuidesToSolutions PDF
Test2 (B) WithGuidesToSolutions PDF
Test2 (B) WithGuidesToSolutions PDF
Test 2(b) on manufactu
Test 2(b)
BE3119 – Man nufacturing TTechnologies
27th April, 20118
Date: 2
Allowable Tim
A me: 1 hour 355 minutes
Answer ALL Questions
1) Describe with the aid of ske etches to illusstrate the set up features aand operation nal principles of
tuurning. If a so
olid rod is turn
ned with longgitudinal feed f by a cuttingg tool having nose radius o of R,
exxpress its achhievable arithmetic surface e finish Ra in tterms of f and R. With suittable sketchees and
description, illustrate that ssuch mathem matic relationsship holds tru uth to its physsical
reepresentation ns.
(20 marks)
Answers: (Guid
A des to Solutioons – Ref to SSlides 5, 6 andd 7 in Lecturee Note 6)
Fig. A1: Schem matic illustraation of Setuup features o of turning prrocess
S featuures: Fig. A11 schematically illustrattes the mou
unting/clamp ping of a cirrcular
rood in turningg lathe, Cuttter mountingg/supportingg seat (blue color) moveed along a gguide‐
sllide rod on tthe lathe, cu utter (red coolor) mounteed on the to ool support seat or tooll post
on a compound rest on carriage whicch is connec ted to Apron n, which is d
designed to m move
trransversely aand/or longiitudinally in relative to tthe cylindricaal sold workkpiece.
O l Principles: After the e proper moounting of rrod piece on
nto spindle (with
taailstock quill to center aand steady its end if neecessary) an nd setting off the toolingg, the
powering on the lathe tu urns the guid de‐slide rod which drivees the carriagge with tool‐post
moving forwa
m ards to the spindle. By suitable settting of feed d (mm/rev) aand depth o of cut
(mmm) with thhe use of adequate geometry of ccutter, it alllows the forming of vaarious
feeature profiles on the cyylindrical solid rod piece
uring technologies for mettallic materia ls; 27th April 22018
Test 2(b) on manufactu
(a) Too
ol with large
e radius (b) Tool with smallerr radius
Fig. A2: Exaaggerated tu urned marks on lathed suurfaces with h same depth of cut
Fig. A2 sketch hes the exagggerated surfface profile on both turn ned rod surffaces, using (a)
cuutter with laarge radius aand/or (b) cu utter with sm maller radiuss, under sam me depth of ccut
and rotationaal speed. It illlustrates the marks left on the surfaace varies w with the effecctive
cuutting zone o of the cutter and the feeed in relation to the cuttting edge an ngle. As the
coombined efffect of the saame (i) depth of cut andd (ii) longitud dinal feed off cut gives
different tracces of spiral ccut path on workpiece ssurface, its reesulted turn ned traces afffect
thhe surface finishing. Oth her influentiaal factor dettermining the turned surrface is the n nose
of the cutter. According tto the sketch hes in Fig A22(a), which h has been pro oduced by: (ii)
firstly drawing the originaal outer diam meter of rodd surface; (ii)) drawing strraight line
thhrough the p peak of cut aand trough the bottom vvalleys, respectively, as shown in Figg.
A2(a); (iii) dra
A awing a straiight line, perrpendicular to the verticcal straight line of the
unturned reggion, half waay though th he top peak aand bottom valley, whicch is taken as
mean value. I
m Its arithmetiic surface ro
oughness Ra along a scan nning length h La can be
exxpressed as
Ra ∑ i/La (Eq. 1)
n Fig. A2(b), the sketched lathed surrface has beeen drawn on n Fig A2(a) w
with cutter having
smmaller radiu us. It is draw
wn by: (i) extending the original rod d surface ovver the com mplete
ength; (ii) drawing the base surface after depth of cut; (iii) u using the avverage value of (i)
and (ii) as ce t cutting trace of cuttter with a set radius aand the con
enter draw the nstant
vaalue of deptth of cut; (iv)) drawing straight line thhrough tip p peak of cut ttrace; (v) draawing
sttraight line through the e bottom off cut valleyss; (vi) drawing straight line through h the
avveraging (iv)) and (v), and marking th he corresponding xi within the La; aand (vii) usin ng Eq.
1 to calculate e Ra, which o obviously givves large Ra for Fig A2(b) than that ffor Fig A2(a).
From Fig A2((a) and Fig. A2(b), it ob bviously ind icates that the physicaal cut trace, with
coonstant rotaational speed and feed, gives smalller variation n in Ra valuee over a scaanned
ength La with h larger tooll nose radiuss, as lesser cchange withiin the measu urable region can
be detected. Hence, those replicated marks connstituting off finer surfaace roughness on
thhe cut rod.
uring technologies for mettallic materia ls; 27th April 22018
Test 2(b) on manufactu
2) Fiig. 1 shows a forging proce ess at its initiaal setup featuures and its finishing stagee. Describe the
reelevant deficiencies of thiss process. Sugggest how to minimize theese deficienciees by suitablyy
describing and d sketching thhe modificatio ons accordinggly. Mention h how your mo odifications caan
reelease those ddeficiencies in
n the processs as shown in Fig. 1.
(18 marks)
(a) Design
ns and at the initiation of pprocess (b)) Conditions a at the finishin
ng stage of pr ocess
Fig. 1: Featuress of a forging process at it s initial and finishing condditions
Answers: (Guid des to Solutio ons – Ref to sllide 27 in Lectture Notes 3))
As shown in Fig. 1(b), the problem with tthe setup feaatures in Fig. 11(a) tends to create flashees
which flow out
w t from cavity to the land re egions into guutter if the orriginal shape of blank is noot
properly deignned even‐thou ugh the blankk volume mayy be the samee as that of th he cavity. Thee
foormation of fllash out from m the cavity re equires additiional trimmin ng process to remove them m,
which involves
w s with the setup of trimmin ng tools and eequipment, aand with additional processsing
times. In addittional, the trim mmed materiials are also cconsidered ass waste. To minimize the
geeneration of fflash, it is posssible by entrapping the deeforming matterials within the anticipatted
geeometry of a cavity which takes the shaape of the forrging. Typically, the two do ownwards sid de
toongues on the e upper die (FFig. 1(a)) can be removed aand the two u upwardly pointed tonguess of
thhe lower die ((Fig. 1(a) can be suitably exxtended to suufficient height (or replacing these two o side
toongues by two straight upw wards walls – – As shown inn Fig. A3(a)) so o that it can aadequately
suurround the uupper die mid ddle tongue w with suitable wwidth when itt is lowering down to defo orm
thhe blank mate erials as illusttrated in Fig. A
A3 below.
(b) Final stage oof the modifieed top and bo ottom
(a) Initial setup features dies in p
producing flasshless forgingg
Fig. A3: Modifications of tthe die setupss for formingg flashless forgging
uring technologies for mettallic materia ls; 27th April 22018
Test 2(b) on manufactu
Generally, the modified die es, as shown in Fig. A3(a), aallow the uppper die squeezing to deform
thhe blank unde er the protrud ding tongue w which deform ms and displayys the materials sideway to o fill
thhe cavities captured within n the light blu oundaries. As the tall wall of
ue tall walls a nd the die bo
thhe die pair surrounds completely the caavity and relaatively tight cllearance betw ween the die
moving parts a
m and wall prevents the infilttration of ma terials, hencee materials arre captured w within
thhe cavity and it thus formss flashless forging as show n in Fig. A3(b b).
3) Describe with the aid of sketches the setup featurees and workiing principless of deep draawing
process in con nverting circular sheet blan nks to circulaar cans for co
oca cola soft ddrink. Mentio on the
coonsequences likely to occu ur if the die and/or punch are incorrecttly designed.
(16 marks)
Answers: (Guid
A des to solutioons – Ref to Slides 18 and 220, Lecture N Note 5)
Fig. A4: Setup features (LH
HS of Central Line) and a ffinishing stagee (RHS of central line) of d
Se etup features: ‐ The LHS at central lin
ne of Fig. A4 shows the s etup features of deep draawing
process, which h consists of bottom die having hole ddiameter of Dd and flat b blank diameter Do
laaying on the ttop. A blank h holder is then n placed ontoo the top of b blank, which is then presssed to
position by a ppressure plate e. A punch with outer diam meter equal to the die ho ole diameter m minus
twwice of sheett thickness is suitably mou unted into th e mounting m mechanisms of top platfo orm of
thhe press.
Operational p
O rinciples: ‐ A circular sheet blank witth a diamete er Do and thiickness to is
ner radius Rd. The blankk is held in place with a
placed over aa die openingg with a corn
blankholder, or hold‐dowwn ring, withh a certain foorce. A punch with a diameter Dp an nd a
orner radiuss Rp movers downwardss and pushess the blank in
co nto the die ccavity, thus
orming a cupp, as shown in the RHS aat central line of Fig. A4.
Coonsequence to occur witth incorrect design
d of diee and/or punnch: ‐ (Ref to
o Slide 20, Leecture
Note 5) Generrally, the incorrect design o of die and/orr punch includ des: (i) too naarrow of cleaarance
between them m; (ii) too large of clearance between thhem; (iii) too sharp on the corner of thee hole
n die; and (iv)) too sharp on n the bottom edge cornerr of punch. In (i), the setup p may not perform
thhe deep draw wing but blannking operation instead. In (ii), the d
deep drawingg results in ssevere
sttretching bettween the clearance zone which seriiously jeoparrdizes the qu uality of the deep
drawing. In case of (iii), it rresults in the pre=mature cracking alon ng the edge o of flange as sshown
n Fig. A5(a). Inn case of (iv), it leads to th
he early crackk of the botto om edge of deep drawing.. Both
(iii) and (iv) are
e mainly due to the stress concentratioon.
uring technologies for mettallic materia ls; 27th April 22018
Test 2(b) on manufactu
Fig. A5: Problem of d
deep drawn p
pieces with shharp edge corrner of die an
nd/or punch
4) Fiig. 2 shows the
t outer pro ofile and inne
er profile of an annular rring which is enlarged fro
om an
prefabricated small diameter flat and th hick ring. Sugggest a processs which can b be used to en nlarge
both inner an nd outer diam
meters. Desccribe with thhe aid of skeetches the seetup features and
operational prrinciples of yo our suggested process. M Mention how you can use the setup to o form
he flat profiles of the ring w
th with the proffiles of both oouter and inneer surfaces ass shown in Figg. 2.
(18 marks)
Outer profiile
Inner profiile
oduced on th e inner and o
he shape proffiles to be pro
Fig. 2: Th outer surface of a flat ring
Answers: (Guid
des to solutio
ons – ref to Slides 16 and 117 in Lecture Note 4)
Fig, A6: Setup features of r ing rolling pro
Seetup featuress: ‐ Ring rollin ng process is n
normally to c hange the dim mensions of aa ring producced by
otther process. Its setup mainly consists o of (i) a main rroll which is p
powered to ro otate; (ii) a
roounding roll w
which is free aand likely set at position w where controlls the outer d diameter of th he
finishing ring; (iii) an idler ro
oll which can be freely rottated and also o can be shiftted to press a ring
n the system aagainst the ro ounding roll aand the main roll as shown n in Fig. A6; and (iv) a pair of
coonical edging rolls mounte ed oppositely to the main rroll.
Operational P
O rinciples: ‐
Inn the ring‐rollling process, a pre‐fabricated thick ringg is placed between main rroll and idler roll.
uring technologies for mettallic materia ls; 27th April 22018
Test 2(b) on manufactu
rooll and rounding roll. Such squeezing exxpands the rinng with a largge diameter aand reducing
crross‐section b
by thinning thhe annular with closer disttance betweeen idler roll an nd main roll, aand
thhat with rounding roll. Sincce the volume deformation, the
e of the ring rremains consstant during d
reeduction in th
hickness is compensated b by the increasse in the ring’s diameter an nd the depth of
annnular. To control such deepth, the pair of edging rollls is achievingg such
taask when the expanded rin ng is passing tthrough theirr set distance.
Top surface of rolling ringg (Flange thicckness to, prootrusion lengtth from outsid
de diameter D Do)
Outer surface
O of annular waall Inner surface of an
nnular wall (D
Diameter at to op DT,
at botttom Db)
Bottom m surface of rrolling ring
Fig. A7: P Proper orientaation of Fig. 22
Foorming flat innner and oute er surfaces to o the profiless as illustrated in Fig. 2: ‐
With this ring
W rolling processs, it is possib ble to fabricatte various shaapes on both inner and outer
roolled flat surfaaces on the aannular. The p production off by suitable ccombination of shaped idler
annd rounding rrolls, and can be carried out at room teemperature o or at elevated temperaturee.
Due to revolvin ng roll body hhas a continuous surface, tthe discontinuous surface of the flangee and
thhe profile on tthe surface oof outer annullar wall is harrd to roll, it is thus anticipaated that the
profile shown in Fig. 2 shou uld have orien ntation as shoown in Fig. A77. Thus, the tyypical ring‐rolling
off the profile o
on the external surface me eans that the rounding roll should be sh haped as shown in
Fiig A8(a) whilee the idler roll should be sh haped as show wn in Fig A8(b) for the pro
ofiling of interrnal
suurface of the rolled ring.
(a) Sketcch of shape d
design on rounding (b) Sketch
h of shape deesign on idler roll
Fig. A8: The
e sketches of possible roll designs for a chieving the anticipated shapes on outter
surface and/o
s or inner surfacce of annularr wall
uring technologies for mettallic materia ls; 27th April 22018
Test 2(b) on manufactu
5) With
W the aid of o rough skeetches, contraast the differrent setup feeatures of bo
oth vertical m
m and horizontal milling
m machhine. Commeent on which h milling maachine is suitable
peripheral shaaping of flat ssurfaces on a bulk of mechhanical workpiece. If you are ask to m mill a T
slot in the flat mechanicall workpiece, describe witth suitable reeasoning whiich type of m milling
machine is mo
m ore appropriately to use. PPlease specifyy the operatio onal sequencce involved in the T
slot machiningg.
(28 marks)
Answers: (Guid
A des to solutio
ons – Ref to slides 17, 18, 119, 20, and 233 in Lecture N Note 6)
(a) Setup o
of horizontal m
milling machine
(b) Setup of vertical millling machine
(c) Cutter mo
( unted onto aarbor in horizo
ontal (d ) Mounting o
of cutter bladee in sprindle o
of a
milling mach
hine verticcal milling maachine
(e) Illustratio
on of cutter in
n operation fo
or a (f) TTool mounting and cuttingg steps in milling T
horizzontal milling machine slot with vvertical millin
ng machine
Fig. A9: Settup features oof horizontal and/or verticcal milling maachines, theirr mounting annd
Fig A9(a) is the schemaatic illustratio
on of a horizontal‐spindle ccolumn‐and‐kknee type millling machinee (An
arbor brid dges the colummn and the m mounting blocck at the free end of overaarm. Cutter iss fastened thrrough
the arbor) (Fig. A9(c)) aand Fig. A9(b) is that of ve
ertical‐spindlee column‐and‐knee type m milling machin
(Cutter is mounted into o spindle in the head and spins to cut w workpiece (Figg. A9(d))). The nature of cutter
mountingg allows verticcal milling maachine to cut non‐through slot from thee end of a wo orkpiece and
pauses the cut anywhe ere in the milling region, tyypically the e nd milling as shown in Fig. A9(d).
For Fig. A99(a), the cutter is mounted d onto the hoorizontal arboor with diameeter of cuttingg blade in verrtical
plane. Although the de esign and mounting of Fig. A9(a) providde rigidity, it cconstrains cerrtain materials
removal o operations.
Test 2(b) on manufacturing technologies for metallic materials; 27th April 2018
For Fig. A9(b), the cutter is mounted into the vertical chuck in head, forming a free end cantilever
system. Hence, its rigidity is relatively poorer than that for Fig. A9(a)
Since the cutter wheel in horizontal milling machine is mounted onto the built‐in arbor (Fig. A9(c)) which
provides sufficiently high rigidity, its deflection due to reaction force from workpiece can be absorbed
more easily and it also provides higher removal rate with higher accuracy. As a result, horizontal milling
machine is suitable to be used for heavy peripheral shaping of mechanical workpiece in generating flat
surface. It is normally unable to mill any feature with vertical wall around it. This can be seen in the
illustration in Fig. A9(e) that the mounting of cutter results in the last few blade teethes which are into
the materials and not easily stopped without any piercing marks, slope, or rough finishing surface.
For the production of T‐slot, vertical milling machine is generally used. This is because the mounting of
cutter in the chuck of spindle allows the cutting blades orientating vertically. It may be firstly cut to the
total slot depth with the smaller diameter cutter first (see the 2D green illustration in Fig. A9(f)), which is
followed by changing the cutter with mounting feature as show in the Grey illustration at far LHS of Fig.
A9 with a cutting wheel (Brown color cutting wheel in the far RHS in Fig. A9(f)) having outer diameter of
the head width of the T. The passing through of the milling cutter in grey color mounting fixture from
the end edge to the other end edge in the milled narrow slot allows the completion of T‐slot milling. As
shown in the green 3D milled part in Fig. A9(f).