RCC Chimney - CICIND Commentary
RCC Chimney - CICIND Commentary
RCC Chimney - CICIND Commentary
August 2001
Commentaries to the CICIND Model Code for Concrete Chimneys, Part A, The Shell
Commentaries to the CICIND Model Code for Concrete Chimneys, Part A, The Shell
These Commentaries are largely derived from those published in April 1987 to accompany the first edition
of the “Model Code for Concrete Chimneys - Part A: The Shell” which was published in October 1984.
They have been enlarged and updated to reflect the changes in the Second Edition of the Code first
published in August 1998 and subsequently revised and reprinted in loose-leaf format in August 2001.
Advantage has been taken of the opportunity to include recommendations for Capacity Design in the
section on Seismic actions.
CICIND, 14 The Chestnuts, Beechwood Park, Hemel Hempstead HP3 0DZ, England.
CICIND documents are presented to the best of the knowledge of its members as guides only. CICIND is
not, nor are any of its members, to be held responsible for any failure alleged or proved to be due to
adherence to recommendations, or acceptance of information, published by the association in a Model
Code or other publication or in any other way.
© Copyright by CICIND
Commentaries to the CICIND Model Code for Concrete Chimneys, Part A, The Shell
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 1 page 1
Commentary No. 1
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Justification of target failure probability
2.1 Social criteria
2.2 Economic criteria
2.3 Importance classes
3 Choice of appropriate partial safety factors for the ultimate limit state
3.1 Definition of failure
3.2 Method for the determination of the failure probability
3.3 Calculation of the failure factor cu
3.4 Assumptions for the extreme-value distribution for wind
4 Results and justification of the CICIND partial safety factors
4.1 Inline wind - final state
4.2 Earthquake
4.3 Corbels
4.4 The construction state
4.5 Serviceability limit state
5 Summary
List of Literature
1 Introduction
The choice of load factors depends on the risk of failure that is considered acceptable. Consequently this
commentary falls naturally into two parts:
1. Choice of appropriate failure probability.
2. Estimation of the partial safety factors required to achieve the specified probability.
10 −4
Pft = K s nd (1)
in which
nr is the average number of people in or near the structure during the period of risk
K s is a social criterion factor, given in Table 1 for various types of structure
Pft is the target probabilit y of failure of the structure due to any cause in its design life
n d is the design life of the structure in years
For an industrial chimney the types of failure which could endanger life are collapse of the shell or flue
support structure.
Nature of structure Ks
Places of public assembly, dams 0.005
Domestic, office or trade and industry 0.05
Bridges 0.5
Towers, masts, offshore structures 5.0
In order to use equation 1 it is necessary to estimate nr. It is suggested [1,2] that allowance be made for
the degree of correlation between the loading leading to failure and the number of people likely to be close
to or on the structure. Since collapse is most likely to occur under extreme wind speeds, it may be
assumed that nobody will be in or near the chimney except through necessity. Thus the value of nr may
be assumed to lie in the range 0.1 to 10 with due regard to the average periods of occupation of the
vulnerable buildings, their proximity and the direction of the prevailing wind.
increase it in view of the steep rise in total cost in the direction of decreasing load factor. For ‘normal’
structures, CEN recommends a ‘reliability index’ of 3.8, corresponding to a lifetime failure probability of
7.10 , which is close enough.
annual cost
6 5 4 3 2 1
log p
total for g = 10
total for g = 30
total for g = 100
initial cost
The probability of failure is controlled by the partial safety factors. It will be shown that the factors given
below lead to the required probabilities for the ultimate limit state of failure due to inline wind.
Concrete γcu = 1.5
reinforcement γsu = 1.15
permanent load γPu = 1.0
inline wind, class 1 γWu = 1.6
inline wind, class 2 γWu = 1.8
M ⋅ Mod
π ⋅ d2 ⋅ t ⋅ fc
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 1 page 5
• characteristic values
Nk ⋅ Modk
nk = (4)
π ⋅ d ⋅ tk ⋅ fck
Mk ⋅ Modk
mk = (5)
π ⋅ d2 ⋅ t ⋅ fck
Each combination of the parameters fc, fs, kt, kN and kMo gives a normalised failure moment mu which the
chimney can withstand. This moment is determined as follows:
The normalised ultimate normal force is calculated using the relation
nk ⋅ kN
nu = (7)
k t ⋅ kc
The corresponding normalised ultimate bending moment mu is calculated as a function of nu, fc and fs.
The random bending moment due to wind is calculated from the wind velocity by:
mk ⋅ kMo v
mw = (8)
k t ⋅ k c vk
If the density distributions of the single parameters are known, the failure probability of chimney
cross-sections can now be determined according to equation (6).
P1 (v) = exp (-exp(-a(v - u)) (10)
Following [7], we assume that the product a.u = 5, which is recommended for the wind climate of the UK
and may be regarded as typical for many other regions. Larger values of the product lead to lower
predicted failure probabilities and vice versa.
The characteristic wind velocity according to the Model Code is defined as the wind speed with a
probability of being exceeded of 0.02 in one year (50 year return period). As the design life is 50 years, the
50-year wind distribution P50 (v) must be used in the calculation of failure probability. This is derived from
P1(v) by the equation
P50(v) = (P1(v)) (11)
5 Summary
A multivariate analysis has been used to determine the failure probabilities of chimney cross-sections. The
random parameters are as follows:
• strength of concrete
• strength of steel
• wall thickness
• modelling factor (degree of accordance between the calculation model and the real structure)
• normal force
• wind moment
Reasonable probability distributions have been chosen for these parameters.
The CICIND safety factors result in lifetime failure probabilities of around 10 for normal (class 1)
chimneys and 10 for exceptionally important (class 2) chimneys.
List of Literature
Commentary No. 2
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Ultimate Limit State of Concrete
3 Ultimate Limit State of Reinforcement
List of Literature
1 Introduction
The following forces act on the horizontal cross-sections of a chimney:
• permanent global normal forces N from dead load
• short-term global bending moments M from wind
• long-term local bending moments ∆M from temperature differences and from corbel loading.
The effect of repeated loads due to oscillation is of little significance in concrete chimneys [3] and has not
been taken into account.
Generally, these three load cases appear together. The behaviour of the reinforced concrete, however,
varies considerably when the two limiting load cases are considered:
• permanent loading from dead load alone
N from dead load, M = 0, e = M/N = 0
• a short-term transient from wind load alone
N = 0, M from wind, e = M/N = ∞
CEN [1] considers for all load cases the behaviour of the concrete under permanent loading only. The
1984 edition of the CICIND Model Code took into account the effect of duration of the load on concrete
Fig. 1 - Comparison of design strengths for the old and new material laws - no openings
Fig.2 - Comparison of design strengths for the old and new material laws - two opposed openings
In these diagrams the balance points, at which both reinforcement and concrete strains reach their limiting
values, are marked by small squares. Up to the balance points the two laws give similar results; beyond
them the behaviour is very different.
This change in the predicted behaviour requires justification. Accordingly the calculation method of
Commentary 1 was applied to this problem. The CEN stress-strain law was assumed with restrictions on
the maximum strain but ignoring other short-term effects. To summarise the results:-
page 10 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 2
1. Reducing the material factor for concrete from 1.5 to 1.2 has little effect on the highest failure rate in
the range considered. This is because the large factor makes concrete failure extremely unlikely.
2. Reducing the maximum concrete strain to 0.0018 also has little effect on the highest failure rate.
The main reason for the difference in the ultimate moments predicted by the two laws is that under the
1984 law the tensile reinforcement is far from fully utilised when the concrete strain reaches the limiting
The conclusion is that the material law of the 1984 code represents an unwarranted oversimplification of
the actual short-term behaviour of concrete.
List of Literature
1. Comite Euro-lnternational du Beton: CEB/FIP international Recommendations for the Design and
Construction of Concrete Structures. Principles and Recommendations.", 1978
2. Deutsches Institut für Normung: DIN 1056, "Solid Construction, Freestanding Stacks; Calculation
and Design", October 1984.
3. Schueller, G.l. & Bucher C.G.: "On the Failure Mechanisms of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys";
CICIND Report vol.13no.2,September 1997.
4. Grasser, E.: "Darstellung und kritische Analyse der Grundlagen für eine wirklichkeitsnahe
Bemessung von Stahlbetonquerschnitten bei einachsigen Spannungszustanden",
Promotionsschrift, TU Munchen, 1968.
5. Hjorth, Olaf: "Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Festigkeiten und des Verbundverhaltens von Stahl und
Beton bei hohen Beanspruchungsgeschwindigkeiten"; Dissertationsschrift, TU Braunschweig,1975.
6. Der Bundesminister für Raumordung, Bauwesen und Stadtebau: Bau- und Wohnforschung,
Forschungsbericht zum Thema “Verhalten von Beton bei sehr kurzer Belastungsgeschichte"
(T 692).
7. Forschungskolloquium "Stoßartige Belastung von Stahlbetonbauteilen", Universität Dortmund,19.
Sept. 1980.
8. Noakowski, R: "The Behaviour of the Compressed Zone of Concrete Industrial Chimneys", 4th
International Symposium on Industrial Chimneys, The Hague, May 1981.
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 3 page 11
Commentary No. 3
Wind Load
Table of Contents
1 Wind Speed
1.1 Basic Wind Speed
1.2 Wind Maps
1.3 Influence of Topography
1.4 Interference objects
2 The Gust Factor and the Peak Factor
3 Static Equivalent of the Wind Load due to Gusts
4 Vortex Shedding
List of Literature
1 Wind Speed
The hourly mean wind speed has been chosen as the basis for the wind load. After estimation of the
turbulence intensity the wind load is calculated by the “gust factor" method.
Figure 1 - Ratio between values of mean wind speed Figure 2 - Ratio between wind speeds vt with
vj with a return period of j years and the Basic Wind averaging time t and the hourly Basic Wind Speed vb
Speed vb with a return period of 50 years as a function of averaging time
If the averaging time is less than one hour, the hourly mean may be determined using Figure 2. In this
figure the ratio between the hourly mean and shorter averaging periods of the wind speed is given for
various types of terrain.
page 12 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 3
( . ∗ ψ E ∗ (1 − x UE − z UE )
k t = 1 + 12 ) if ψ D ≥ 0.05
k t = (1 + 12
. ∗ ψ E ∗ (1 − x 4UE − z UE )) if ψ D < 0.05
ψU if ψ U ≤ 0.3
ψE =
0.3 if ψ U > 0.3
U if ψ U ≤ 0.3
UE =
3.3∗ h if ψ U > 0.3
a distance of chimney down-wind from the interfering object (centre to centre)
d diameter of the interfering object
c) if a < 6d the factor ki should be determined by wind tunnel testing or equivalent means.
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 3 page 13
4 Vortex Shedding
In the first edition of this Commentary it was suggested that investigation of vortex shedding is not
necessary if the following condition is fulfilled at all levels:
G V ≥ 2.0 KN / m 3 (3)
G weight of chimney above considered level
V corresponding volume of chimney.
2 mδ
The condition (3) corresponds to Scruton Number Sc = ≥ 15
ρd 2
for damping logarithmic decrement of 0.05
To date vortex shedding of an amplitude which leads to unacceptable stress levels has not been observed
in reinforced concrete chimneys which were correctly designed for wind loading in accordance with
existing codes. The condition (3) is taken from observations mostly of steel chimneys and from wind
tunnel tests. Condition (3) is thus not fully justifiable with the present knowledge of this phenomenon. To
date no entirely satisfactory way of calculating across-wind response has been published. For the present
the method of ACI 307-95 is recommended.
List of Literature
1. European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (E.C.C.S.): "Recommendations for the
Calculation of Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures", September 1978.
2. Japan Association for Wind Engineering: Wind Resistant Design Regulations - A World List"; G.B.
Fukyu - Kai, Tokyo, 1975.
3. Japan Association for Wind Engineering: Wind Resistant Design Regulations - A World List
Supplement 1982"; G.B. Fukyu - Kai, Tokyo,1982.
4. Building Research Establishment Digest, No. 283: "Assessment on Wind Speed over Topography";
Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford.
5. Davenport, A.G.: Note on the Distribution of the largest Value of a Random Function; Proc. I.C.E.,
Vol. 28, June 1964.
6. Davenport, A.G.: Gust Loading Factors; J. Struct. Div., Proc. ASCE, Vol. 93, ST3. June 1967.
7. Engineering Sciences Data Unit: ESDU Report 74031; London.
page 14 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 3
Figure 3 – Basic wind speeds vb in m/s for Europe according to [1] (10m above ground, open
country, 50 years return period)
NB – The values shown must be divided by 1.05 to obtain the mean hourly wind speed
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 3 page 15
Figure 4 – Basic wind speeds vb in m/s for USA according to [2] (10m above ground, open country,
50 years return period). Caution in the use of wind speed contours in the mountainous
regions of Alaska is advised.
page 16 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 3
Figure 5 – Basic wind speeds vb in m/s for Asia (10m above ground, open country, 50 years
return period, hourly mean).
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 3 page 17
Figure 6 – Basic wind speeds vb in m/s for Australia according to [3] (10m above ground, open
country, 50 years return period, hourly mean).
Tropical cyclone-prone areas, shown hatched, are up to 50km inland from the coast north of Latitude 27°.
Within the topical cyclone-prone areas all design velocities shall be multiplied by 1.15.
Within the tropical cyclone-prone areas a minimum design velocity of 34m/s shall be used.
Commentary No. 4
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Compression Zone
3 Tension Zone
4 Exact Determination of the Moments of 2nd Order
5 Approximation for the Determination of the Moments of 2nd Order
6 Verification of the Approximation
List of Literature
1 Introduction
Chimney deflections are calculated by twice integrating the curvatures along the chimney height. Here - as
opposed to proofs of load carrying capacity - the average material properties are the determining factors.
The actual stiffness of the tension zone of the shell is higher than that calculated assuming cracked
sections everywhere. This “tension stiffening effect" results from the bond between concrete and
Both the importance of the material properties with respect to deformations and the decrease of the
strains in the tension zone as a consequence of the tension stiffening effect are considered in the
CEB-regulations [1] and in the German Chimney Code DIN 1056 [2].
In the following, the ClCIND regulations and their application are described.
CICIND adopts the following safety factors:
- safety factors for materials for use in the calculation of deformations
• concrete γcu = 1.20
• steel γsu = 1.15
- safety factors for loading
• permanent loads γP = 1.00
• wind γW = 1.60
2 Compression Zone
The deformation behaviour in the concrete compression zone is determined by the average modulus of
elasticity of the concrete Ec.
The value for the modulus of elasticity of concrete is determined by the following CEB-equation [1] for the
short-term behaviour.
Ec = 9500(fck + 8) (1)
The tensile strength of the concrete is also taken from the CEB-regulations [1]:
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 4 page 19
fct = 0.3(fck ) (2)
The resulting values of Ec and fct are given in Table 1. For the purpose of computing deformations these
values should be divided by the safety factor γcu = 1.2
3 Tension Zone
The stress-strain relationship shown in Figure 1 is based on [3]. This tension stiffening law is greatly
simplified compared with the law given in [3], but is always on the safe side with respect to the steel
In the following, a fictitious bar in the tension zone of a circular chimney cross-section is considered. The
dotted line in Figure 1 is the "pure state II" condition which would arise if there were no tension stiffening
effect. The solid line represents the mean stress-strain behaviour of the reinforcement lying in this bar.
The tension stiffening effect causes a translation of the “pure state-ll-line" towards the σs-axis by the
amount ∆εs . The magnitude ∆εs of the tension stiffening effect is determined from the following
- The steel stress just after cracking is:
fct II II f
∗ A c = σ s ∗ A s → σ s = ct (3)
γ cu ρ∗ γ cu
page 20 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 4
- The relation between ∆εs and the steel strain εs at the crack (see Figure 1) is:
∆ε = 0.5∗ ε s II (4)
II 0.5∗ fct
εs =
Es ∗ ρ∗ γ cu
Figure 2 shows the tension stiffening law prepared for practical use.
Figure 4 illustrates the procedure by which the methodology of section 3 is applied to a complete
page 22 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 4
Figure 4 : Procedure for the exact determination of deflections and moment of 2 order M2
according to Ref. 3
Moments of 2nd order can be determined approximately by the equation (8.9) in section of the
Model Code.
This approximation is developed following [4] & [5].
It is based on the assumption that the local load carrying capacity of the cross-sections is fully utilised and
takes account of the tension stiffening effect.
The approximation method is valid for any combination of the following variables:
• concrete quality
• steel quality
• dimensions: height, diameter, shape and ratio of reinforcement of the shell
• loading: weight of the lining and wind.
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 4 page 23
The value k according to (6) has been computed for the 60 chimneys mentioned above, for 5
cross-sections in every chimney, altogether 300 values. Figure 5 shows the result and proves that the
approximation is adequate since:
a) k is less than 1 in most cases
b) the majority of the cases are overestimated by less than 35 %.
The very few cases where k is larger than 1, i.e. where the approximation underestimates reality, can be
tolerated for the following reasons:
a) CICIND uses a probabilistic safety concept. The increase of the failure probability for the few cases
which underestimate reality is offset by the many cases which overestimate reality.
b) Moments of second order are normally in the range of 10 % to 20 % of the wind moment in ultimate
limit state. An error in the moments of 2nd order of 35 % therefore represents an error of 5 % in the
ultimate limit state moment.
page 24 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 4
nd nd
Figure 5 : Occurrence density of ratios of exact moment of 2 order to approximate moment of 2 order
for 60m representative chimneys with 5 cross-sections per chimney
List of Literature
1. Comité Euro-lnternational du Beton: "CEB/FIP International Recommendations for the Design and
Construction of Concrete Structures. Principles and Recommendations."; 1978.
2. Deutsches Institut fur Normung: DIN 1056, "Solid Construction, Freestanding Stacks; Calculation
and Design"; October 1984.
3. Noakowski, P., Kupfer, H.: "Stiffening Effect of Concrete in the Tension Area of Tower Structures";
4th International Symposium on Industrial Chimneys, The Hague, May 1981.
4. Hees, G., Emrich, E, Zander, H.: "Untersuchungen zum Tragverhalten von
Stahlbetonschornsteinen auf der Grundlage des Entwurfs zur DIN 1056"; Teil A,
Forschungsvorhaben, Institut fur Bautechnik IV/1532/74, August 1982.
5. Noakowski, P.: "Simplified Determination of the Moments of Second Order" in Industrial Chimneys";
4th International Symposium on Industrial Chimneys, The Hague, May 1981.
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 5 page 25
Commentary No. 5
Table of Contents
1 General
2 Virtual Openings
3 Horizontal Reinforcement
4 Vertical Reinforcement
5 Local Moments from Point Loads on Corbels
List of Literature
1 General
Stresses and strains are concentrated at corners of openings. This is illustrated by the results of
calculations on plates as published by G. N. Savin [1] (see Figure 1).
2 Virtual Openings
At a position 1.25b above the opening the stresses are not much below the stresses in the undisturbed
area. This is the reason for the choice of size of a virtual opening shown in the following figure.
Figure 2 - Relation of real opening (solid line) to virtual opening (dashed line)
3 Horizontal Reinforcement
The total tensile force in the horizontal direction above and below an opening depends on the magnitude
of the vertical stresses due to the normal force and the bending moment.
The tensile force is:
Ft = 0.1b t ( σ c + ρv σ s ) (1)
b clear width of the opening
t wall thickness
σc vertical concrete stress in the undisturbed shell
σs vertical steel stress in the undisturbed shell
ρv ratio of vertical reinforcement
In the shell above and below an opening a bending moment m occurs acting to produce tension on the
inside of the vertical sections at the middle of the openings:
m = 0.002 b3 ( σ c + ρv σ s ) (2)
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 5 page 27
4 Vertical Reinforcement
In the strength calculations, using an opening with a fictitiously large width of 1.1b leads to some extra
safety. The total strain along the vertical line at the side of the opening must be equal to the total strain in
the vertical direction along a parallel line some distance away. In the line along the side, there must be
areas with reduced strains above and below the opening as high strains occur at the corners of the
opening. In chimneys designed in accordance with the Model Code the compressive stresses due to the
local strains in the corners are approximately 0.85 fck and the strains will be > 0.002. The large strains
make the reinforcement very effective. The region where the strains exceed 0.002 (plastic state) can be
seen in Figure 3. Extra vertical reinforcement amounting to 0.5 % of the area of this region must be
added in a strip with length 0.5b and thickness t. This reinforcement must extend over a height equal to b
plus a lap length at each corner.
a) considered model
λ=0.836 λ=0.764 λ=0.678 λ=0.604 λ=0.5
b) stress-strain relationship
List of Literature
1. Savin, G. N.: Stress Concentrations around Holes", Pergamon Press, Oxford, London, New York,
Paris, 1961.
2. Tooth,A. S., Kenedi, R. M.: The Influence Line Technique of Shell Analysis", International
Colloquium of Simplified Calculation Method, Brussels, 1961.
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 6 page 29
Commentary No 6
Table of Contents
Figure Validity
1 0 full cross sections
2 1 x 10°
3 1 x 20°
4 1 x 30°
5 1 x 40° cross sections with one opening
6 1 x 50°
7 1 x 60°
8 2 x 10°
9 2 x 20°
10 2 x 30°
11 2 x 40° cross sections with two equal opposed openings
12 2 x 50°
13 2 x 60°
Note: the angle α is that subtended by the actual opening, not the virtual opening of width 1.1b
The diagrams 1 to 13 are similar to the standard dimensioning diagrams for reinforced concrete cross-
2.1 General
The cross-sectional forces in the dimensioning diagrams
nu normalised normal force
mu normalised bending moment
are limit state values.
η= (1)
Nu ∗ d
c) The intersection of this straight line with the interaction curve for the chosen value of ρ gives the actual
value for nu
3 Dimensioning Examples
The normalised eccentricity is:
η = Mu / (Nu d) = 672.0 / (44.8∗15) = 10
mu =
πd2 tfck
Fig. 1: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-
sections with no openings
mu =
πd 2 tfck
Fig. 2: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-sections with one
opening of α = 10°
page 34 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 6
mu =
πd2 tfck
Fig. 3: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-
sections with one opening of α = 20°
mu =
πd2 tfck
Fig. 4: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-
sections with one opening of α = 30°
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 6 page 35
mu =
πd2 tfck
Fig. 5: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-
sections with one opening of α = 40°
mu =
πd 2 tfck
Fig. 6: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-
sections with one opening of α = 50°
page 36 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 6
mu =
πd2 tfck
Fig. 7: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-
sections with one opening of α = 60°
mu =
πd2 tfck
Fig. 8: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-
sections with two opposed openings of α = 10°
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 6 page 37
mu =
πd 2 tfck
Fig. 9: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-
sections with two opposed openings of α = 20°
mu =
πd2 tfck
Fig. 10: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-
sections with two opposed openings of α = 30°
page 38 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 6
mu =
πd 2 tfck
Fig. 11: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-
sections with two opposed openings of α = 40°
mu =
πd 2 tfck
Fig. 12: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-
sections with two opposed openings of α = 50°
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 6 page 39
mu =
πd 2 tfck
Fig. 13: Dimensioning Diagram for the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the wall thickness t of horizontal cross-
sections with two opposed openings of α = 60°
page 40 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 7
Commentary No. 7
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Computation Model
3 Cases for Design
4 Determination of the Bending Moments
4.1 Fundamental Principles
4.2 Calculation Method
4.2.1 Range 0 (uncracked model bar)
4.2.2 Range 1 (model bar with single cracks)
4.2.3 Range 2 (model bar strongly cracked)
5 Ultimate Limit State
6 Serviceability Limit State
7 Calculation of Crack Width
8 Design Procedure
8.1 Horizontal sections
8.2 Vertical sections
9 Calculation Example
List of Literature
1 Introduction
The chimney shell is subjected to thermal effects arising from two sources of heat:
• flue gases inside the chimney
• solar radiation (insolation).
The heat transfer across the wall leads to a temperature gradient. Because of the shell geometry the
changes of curvature of the shell due to temperature difference are completely constrained in both
directions. As a result both horizontal and vertical bending moments arise. In general these act together
with bending moments and normal forces due to other loading. The magnitude of the thermal moment
depends on the actual stiffness of the section. This stiffness depends on the properties of the
cross-section and of the type and magnitude of the loading.
2 Computation Model
For the analysis we use as models horizontal and vertical bars which are imagined to be cut out of the
chimney shell. The analysis considers the behaviour under short-term loading such as that due to
insolation or furnace start-up. If the temperature gradient is sustained shrinkage and creep will combine
to reduce the thermal stresses almost to zero within a few days. When the heat source is shut down the
thermal stresses may be completely reversed. For this reason it is recommended that equal horizontal
reinforcement is provided on each face of the shell even if the proportions are such that the stresses
caused by the wind ovalling moment are negligible.
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 7 page 41
Figure 1 : Bars taken out of the chimney shell to be designed for load and constraint due to temperature
Case 1: Generally, bending moments from temperature MT and bending moments from wind MW act on
the horizontal bars from the shell. The circumferential reinforcement has to be designed for the
simultaneous action of both bending moments.
Case 2: In the model of a vertical bar within the tension zone of the shell, the following actions may
• MT bending moment due to temperature difference
• Mc bending moment due to the load on a corbel
• Nσ tensile force due to permanent load and wind acting on the shell
• Nc axial force due to the load on a corbel.
The four cases described above can be generalised to one bar stressed by any normal force N from load
and by two bending moments ML and MT. The bending moment ML is due to load and the bending
moment MT is due to thermal effects.
Figure 2 : Illustration of the necessary proofs for Figure 3 : Curvature of the considered bar
a model bar "cut out" of the chimney shell belonging to three ranges of crack formation
The steel stress is reduced by the bond of concrete and steel between cracks. This induces tensile
stresses in the concrete, eventually producing another crack.
• Range 2: MT + ML > M1
This range begins when the regions of disturbance from adjacent cracks touch each other.
If now the moment is further increased, the steel stress will also increase, but the reduction of steel
stress between cracks due to the transfer of forces from steel to concrete remains constant.
Consequently the line for range 2 is parallel to the “pure state ll" line.
Figure 4 : Moment curvature relation of the considered bar divided into three ranges of crack formation
α T ∆TE cm lI
MT = (1)
M1 = W 1 f ct − 1 (3)
N normal force
ML moment from load
fct tensile strength of concrete (MPa)
0.66 2.6 + 24 t
fct = 0.45(0.85 − 0.20 t)(fck + 8) (4)
. + 40 t
fck characteristic concrete strength (MPa)
t wall thickness (m)
A area of cross-section, state 1
W section modulus, state 1
α T ∆TEcm Im
= M − ML (5)
m nd
where l is the mean 2 moment of area.
• compatibility condition
M M 0.5M1
= ll
− (6)
E cm l E cm l E cm lll
The total bending moment M and the mean 2nd moment of area I can be determined by these two
The values of Ecm and l are calculated as follows:
a) Ecm is the mean secant modulus of the stress-strain relationship of concrete according to the parabolic
behaviour of concrete.
Ecm = 850(1 + 250 εN ) (fck + 8) (7)
x = At 1 + 2 2 − 1 (height of compression zone)
A= n(ρ1 + ρ2)
B= n(k1ρ1 + k2ρ2)
2 2
C= n(k1 ρ1 + k2 ρ2)
k1 = (t – t1) / t
k2 = t1 / t
n= Es / Ecm
r1 = ratio of reinforcement in the tension zone
r2 = ratio of reinforcement in the compression zone
t1 = concrete cover to the reinforcement axis
The method for the determination of l described above is strictly valid only for a state of pure bending.
Nevertheless, it can be used for eccentricities η = >1
M moment due to the characteristic wind and temperature difference
My moment at which the tensile reinforcement yields.
In the case of horizontal sections this condition may be ignored because of the high ultimate wind load
factor and the creep caused by the permanent load.
page 46 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 7
The principles developed above were used to develop formula (11) relating the bar diameter Φ to the
characteristic crack width wk.
Φ = 0.40∗10 6
(fck + 8)0.67 w 112
σ s2
Φ bar diameter (mm)
wk characteristic crack width, wk = 1.3 W m (mm)
wm mean crack width
σs post-cracking steel stress resulting from bending moment causing cracking.
Now, if fct is the tensile strength of concrete and ρ is the ratio of reinforcement on each face,
σ s ≈ 0.2fct ρ . Substituting this in (11) and solving gives equation (12)
ρmin = 0.2fct 0.66
0.40 ⋅ 10 6 (fck + 8) w k112
s= (13)
1000 tρmin
s bar spacing (mm)
t concrete thickness (m)
Equations (11) to (13) are identical with equations (9.1) to (9.3) of the Model Code.
8 Practical Design
The analysis can be considerably simplified in many cases, particularly as the characteristic wind and
thermal loads are unlikely to occur simultaneously.
Muh ultimate resistance moment
Mwh characteristic ovalling moment (Model Code section 8.3.1)
γwh ultimate wind load factor for ovalling
This is equation 8.14a in the Model Code
As shown in section 6 the serviceability limit state requires that
My > M
My moment for which σs > fsk
In practice it is found that for values of ∆T < 60K, this can be approximated by
Muh > M1 (15)
This is equation 8.14b in the Model Code.
9 Example
In the following, the section shown in Figure 6 is analysed by the simplified method, then checked by the
detailed method.
page 48 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 7
fsk 400MPa
fck 30 MPa
thickness t 0.4 m
cover t1 0.045 m
∆T 50 K
Mwh 0.0610 MN
γwh 1.4
Equation (12) ρmin = 0.2 ⋅ 2.811 = 0.0023 > ρ
400000 ⋅ 38 0.66 ⋅ 0.2112
therefore the reinforcement must be increased. Note that in this example the use of steel with greater
yield strength would not lead to a reduction in the required reinforcement.
π ⋅ 122
The spacing of 12mm bars is given by equation 13: s = = 123 mm
4000 ⋅ 0.4 ⋅ 0.0023
List of Literature
1. Noakowski, P.: "Method of Design for Circumferential Reinforcement of Industrial Chimneys", 2nd
Chimney Design Symposium and Exhibition, Edinburgh,30 March-1 April 1976.
2. Noakowski, P.: "Die Bewehrung von Stahlbetonbauteilen bei Zwangsbeanspruchung infolge
Temperatur”, Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton, Verlag W. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 1978.
3. Kupfer, H., Noakowski, P.: "Untersuchung der vertikalen l Temperaturrisse in Schäften von
Industrieschornsteinen aus Stahlbeton", Kongressband der 3. Internationalen Schornstein-Tagung,
Vulkan-Verlag Essen, 25./26. Okt. 1978.
4. Noakowski, P.: "Practicable Method for the Design of Circular Reinforcement of Industrial
Chimneys", Fourth International Symposium on Industrial Chimneys, The Hague,11 and 12 May,
5. Noakowski, P.: “Mitwirkungsgesetze zur Ermittlung der Verformungen und der
Zwangbeanspruchung bei gleichzeitiger Lastbeanspruchung"; Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 81 (1986),
pages 318 - 325.
6. Noakowski, P.:”Verbundorientierte, kontinuierliche Theorie zur Ermittlung der Rißbreite” or
“Continuous theory for the determination of crack width under the consideration of bond” (in
German and English),Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 80 (1985).
7. Noakowski, P., Schäfer, H.G.,: ”Control of crack width: comparison of predictions in CICIND and
EC2”, University of Dortmund, Germany,1998.
8. England,G.,Phillips,E.: “Effect of Shrinkage and Creep on the Short- and Long-term State of Stress
in Reinforced Concrete Chimneys”; Chimney Design Symposium, Edinburgh, April 1973.
9. Krichevsky,A.P.,Brizhaty,O.E.,Korsun,V.I. & Krichevsky,S.A., “Temperature effects in Reinforced
Concrete Chimneys and the prospects of Steel Fibre Shotcrete for Reinforcement of Concrete
Chimneys”; CICIND Report Vol.12, No.1,1996.
page 50 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 7
− nu = −
t fck
mu =
t 2 fck
Fig. 7: Dimensioning Diagram for the Determination of the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the
Wall Thickness t of Rectangular Cross-sections with t1/t = 0.05
− nu = −
t fck
mu =
t 2 fck
Fig. 8: Dimensioning Diagram for the Determination of the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the
Wall Thickness t of Rectangular Cross-sections with t1/t = 0.10
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 7 page 51
− nu = −
t fck
mu =
t 2 fck
Fig. 9: Dimensioning Diagram for the Determination of the Ratio of Reinforcement ρ and the
Wall Thickness t of Rectangular Cross-sections with t1/t = 0.20
page 52 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 8
Commentary No. 8
Seismic Actions
Table of Contents
1 General
1.1 Overview
2 Elastic response
2.1 Typical design response spectrum
2.2 The effect of weak soil layers
2.3 Peak ground acceleration
2.4 Response spectrum method
2.5 Modulus of elasticity
2.6 Second order effects
2.7 A world map of earthquake areas
3 Seismic design actions
3.1 Importance factor
3.2 Structural response factor
3.3 Return periods
4 References
1 General
1.1 Overview
This commentary extends section 7.3 of the Model Code to provide a more detailed description of the
calculation of the actions.
2 Elastic response
T period of the structure in seconds
a maximum effective peak ground acceleration at the location of the chimney
S Soil factor depending on soil type, see Table 3
β Soil exponent, see Table 3
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 8 page 53
The Relative Density is a measure of the voids in the soil and can only be determined for soils with a low
fines content .The Sensitivity is the ratio between the shear strength of a specimen in the undisturbed
state and its shear strength after remoulding. This ratio can only be used for cohesive soils. The values of
Relative Density and Sensitivity are given in Table 2.
Representative normalised design response spectra for different soil sites are also presented in the 1997
“Uniform Building Code” of the USA [6] and the European standard “Eurocode 8:design provisions for the
earthquake resistance of structures” [7].
Table 1: Determination of Soil Type from Soil Condition and Soil Depth
Soil Depth to Rock(m) Soil Condition
Stiff Soft or Medium Stiff
0 to 10 S1 S1
10 to 60 S1 S2
> 60 S1 S3
The classification of soil condition as stiff, medium stiff or soft follows from Table 2.
Table 2: Classification of Soil Condition according to Soil Characteristic
Soil Characteristic Soil Condition
Non-Cohesive Soil: Cohesive Soil:
Value of Relative Density Value of Sensitivity
< 0.3 <8 stiff
0.3 to 0.8 8 to 30 medium
> 0.8 > 30 soft
The Relative Density is a measure of the deposition condition in the soil. The Sensitivity
is the ratio between the undrained shear strength of a specimen in undisturbed and
remoulded states.
For piled foundations, the soil type is determined according to the condition at the toe of the piles.
page 54 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 8
Table 3: Soil Factor S and Soil Exponent β for the Three Soil Types
Soil Type Soil Factor S Soil Exponent β
S1 1.0 - 0.8
S2 1.2 - 0.67
S3 1.5 - 0.67
VI 0.07g
VII 0.15g
VIII 0.30g
IX 0.50g
X 0.70g
g is the acceleration due to gravity
The maximum response in each mode does not occur simultaneously since the modes are not exactly in
phase. Consequently the overall response of the chimney is calculated using a root sum square method to
combine the individual modal contributions. The theory associated with the response spectrum method is
presented in many earthquake engineering reference books such as [1].
Pi Ti2
Ni = as ( Ti ) Ni = Modal scaling factor
4π 2
∫ ui (z) m( z) dz
Pi = h Pi = Modal participation factor
∫ ui 2 ( z) m( z) dz
The scaling factor Ni used for the mode shape ui will also apply for the moments and shear forces.
CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 8 page 55
The effective return periods are listed in the following table for each of the different chimney classes,
levels of detailing and levels of seismicity. The table also lists the ratios of the acceleration coefficients
(peak effective ground accelerations) associated with the SLS (ae/a475) and SSLS (af/a475) events to the
DB event.
The return periods of different earthquake events have been calculated on the basis of a generic seismic
hazard map (Figure 1) and the following approximate relationship [4],[5] between effective peak ground
acceleration (aT) and return period (T).
(1 N)
a T = Ln( T)
where β, N are seismicity dependent and summarised in Table 6.
(It should be emphasised that the prediction of return periods for a given level of seismicity is an inexact
science and the values should be taken as indicative and approximate only. Recent paleoseismic studies
have suggested that the peak ground acceleration associated with long return period events in regions of
low seismicity may be higher than indicated in Figure 3 [8].)
Parameter Seismicity
Very Low Low Moderate High
β 17.3 14.2 12.3 12.3
N 0.36 0.37 0.42 0.72
a500 0.05g 0.10g 0.20g 0.40g
4 References
1) Wiegel, R. L.: Earthquake Engineering, 1970, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New York.
2) GSHAP Map, from a UN/IDNDR Program carried out by the International Lithosphere Program, 1999.
3) Wilson, J.L., 2000,”Code recommendations for the aseismic design of tall reinforced concrete
chimneys”, CICIND Report Vol.16 No.2.
4) Applied Technology Council, 1978, "ATC 3-06" Tentative provisions for the development of seismic
regulations for buildings", USA.
5) Booth, E., 1984, "Assessment of Seismic Hazard", Arup Journal, June pp 13-21.
6) UBC,1997,”Uniform Building Code” International Conference of Building Officials, Whittier, California,
7) CEN,1996,”Eurocode 8:Design provisions for earthquake resistance of structures” Draft ENV 1996-1.
8) FEMA, 1997, “NEHRP guidelines and commentary for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings: FEMA
273” Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington DC,USA.
page 58 CICIND Concrete Chimney Code - Commentary No. 8
Produced by the Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program (GSHAP)
a demonstration project of the UN/International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, conducted by the International Lithosphere Program.
Global map assembled by D. Giardini, G. Grünthal, K. Shedlock and P. Zhang
Peak ground acceleration (m/s )
10% probability of exceedence in 50 years, 475 year return period
Figure 2 Global Seismic Hazard Map
(from GSHAP programme for the UN IDNDR project)