Stability & Control
Stability & Control
Stability & Control
Assistant Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Madras Institute Of Technology
Chromepet, Chennai
Inner-Loop Stability and Control
• The dynamic stability characteristics of aircraft have been
improved during the past 50 years using a variety of inner-
loop feedback control systems.
• Inner loop simply refers to the fact that these systems are
represented as the inner loop in a block diagram
representation when married with outer-loop autopilot
modes such as attitude hold.
• Aircraft such as the F-104, T-37, T-38, and F-4 had SAS.
• One problem with SAS was the fact that the feedback loop provided a
command that opposed pilot control inputs. As a result, the aircraft
became less responsive for a given stick input.
• This was typically addressed with the addition of a washout filter in the
feedback loop that attenuated the feedback signal for constant values of
the aircraft motion parameter
Simplified SAS
• Another concern was the limited authority of the SAS actuator that was
necessitated by safety-of-flight requirements.
Cessna T37
Control Augmentation Systems
• The next step in the evolution of aircraft feedback control system was
control augmentation systems (CAS).
• With a CAS, a pilot stick input is provided to the flight control system in
two ways
• The CAS design eliminated the SAS problem of pilot inputs being opposed
by the feedback loop.
• Aircraft such as the A-7, F-111, F-14, and F-15 have CAS
A-7 D/E Corsair II F-111 Aardvark
Medium Tactical/ Strategic Bomber
• This major advantage of using wire system is its reliability. It achieve the
reliability by using triple and quad redundancy component along with
self testing software.
• Aircraft such as the F-16, C-17, and F-22 have FBW system. In the case of
the F-22, another term, fly-by-light, is sometimes used to indicate that
fiber-optic links are used rather than wire.
Fighting Falcon-F16 Boeing C17 Globe master
Lockheed martin_F-22A
• The full authority provided by FBW allows very
significant tailoring of stability and control