PSS SINCAL Product Brochure

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PSS SINCAL is a software platform for planning and analysis of electrical, gas, water and district heating networks. It allows modeling of networks, performing various calculations like load flow, contingency analysis, and offers optimization features.

The main features of PSS SINCAL include power flow calculation, load and generation profile simulation, network development, optimal network structure determination, reactive power optimization, contingency analysis, reliability analysis, cost calculation, and short-circuit calculation.

PSS SINCAL allows electrical network calculations like power flow, load and generation profiling, optimal load flow, contingency analysis, reliability analysis, harmonic analysis and transient stability analysis. It also supports gas, water and district heating network calculations.

Siemens Power Technologies International

October 2013 V10.0
Planning Software for Electricity, Gas, Water and District Heating and
Cooling Networks
Table of Contents

1 PSS®SINCAL Platform 5

1.1 Introduction 5

1.2 IT Architecture 5

1.2.1 Data Base Concept 5

1.2.2 System Requirements 5

1.2.3 Data Exchange 5

1.2.4 Multi User Project Management 6

1.2.5 Interfaces and Automation 6

1.2.6 Smart Interface to Metering Database or SCADA 7

1.3 User Interface 7

1.4 Main Features 9

2 Electrical Networks 11

2.1 Power Flow Calculation 11

2.2 Load and Generation Profile Simulation 12

2.3 Load and Network Development 13

2.4 Optimal Network Structure 13

2.5 Optimal Load Flow 14

2.6 Optimal Branching - Tie Open Points 14

2.7 Reactive Power Optimization and Capacitor Placement 14

2.8 Volt / Var Optimization 15

2.9 Load Balancing 15

2.10 Load Allocation/Scaling and Transformer Tap Detection 16

2.11 Contingency Analysis and Restoration of Supply 16

2.12 Probabilistic Reliability 17

2.13 Cost Calculation 18

2.14 Short-Circuit Calculation 18

2.15 Multiple Faults 19

2.16 Dimensioning of Low-Voltage Networks and Fuse Coordination 19

2.17 Protection Modules 20

2.17.1 Distance Protection 20

2.17.2 Overcurrent Time Protection 20

2.17.3 Protection Simulation 21

2.18 Protection Device Management System (PSS®PDMS) 22

2.19 Arc Flash Hazard 23

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 2

2.20 Harmonics 23

2.21 Ripple Control 24

2.22 Motor Start 24

2.23 Stability (RMS) 25

2.24 Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) 26

2.25 Eigenvalue/Modal Analysis 26

2.26 Eigenvalue Screening 26

2.27 Network Reduction 26

2.28 Identification / Optimization 27

2.29 Frequency Domain 27

2.30 Flicker 27

2.31 Torsion 28

2.32 Voltage Profile / Multiconductor Systems 28

2.33 Real-Time Simulation 28

2.34 Professional Dynamic Engine (PSS®NETOMAC) 28

2.35 Line Constants 29

2.36 Graphical Model Builder - NETCAD/BOSL 30

2.37 Generic Wind Models 30

2.38 Generic FACTS Models 31

2.39 Grid Code –Connection of Distributed Generation to the Grid (EEG) 31

3 Gas 33

3.1 Hydraulic Calculations 33

3.1.1 Features 33

3.1.2 Network Elements 33

3.1.3 Reports and Diagrams 34

3.2 Load Profiles 34

3.3 Contingency Analysis 35

3.4 Dynamic Simulation 35

4 Water 36

4.1 Hydraulic Calculations 36

4.1.1 Features 36

4.1.2 Network Elements 36

4.1.3 Reports and Diagrams 37

4.2 Load Profiles 38

4.3 Water Tower Filling 38

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 3

4.4 Contingency Analysis 38

4.5 Dynamic Simulation 38

5 District Heating and Cooling 39

5.1 Thermal and Hydraulic Calculations 39

5.1.1 Features 39

5.1.2 Network Elements 39

5.1.3 Reports and Diagrams 41

5.2 Load Profiles 41

5.3 Contingency Analysis 41

5.4 Dynamic Simulation 41

6 General 43

6.1 Program Updates and Hotline Support 43

6.2 Contact Address 43

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 4

features combined with a user-friendliness which uses
1 PSS®SINCAL Platform all possibilities of modern computers.
PSS®SINCAL provides system planners with powerful
tools necessary for analyzing any network state and
determining the most suitable network structure. The
impact of switching operations, fluctuating load and
generation, and network development scenarios can be
analyzed and networks can be optimized with regard to
losses and utilization.

1.2 IT Architecture

1.2.1 Data Base Concept

An important feature of PSS®SINCAL is the complete
transparency of the data which is achieved by storing all
data (input data, true-location and schematic network
The system planning platform PSS®SINCAL (Siemens graphic, and simulation results) in a relational data base.
Network Calculation) has been developed to analyze
Users can access, enter and manage data from
electricity and pipe networks, and to visualize and doc-
PSS®SINCAL or from other external applications facilitat-
ument the simulation results. Actually there are three
ing data input and management, and the cost-efficient
applications using the same components and therefore
development of interfaces.
having the same look and feel: SINCAL, NETOMAC and
PDMS. The main simulation application is PSS®SINCAL
where PSS®NETOMAC is a GUI for special dynamic simu- 1.2.2 System Requirements
lations and PSS®PDMS is a management software for PSS®SINCAL offers the software for both 32bit and 63bit
protection devices. (native version) systems.

1.1 Introduction Operating Systems Supported

PSS®SINCAL is well suited for the needs of both industry ■ Windows XP (x86) with Service Pack 3
and utility companies. Its international users are munici- ■ Windows Vista (x86) with Service Pack 2
pal utilities, distribution and transmission companies,
operators of industrial plants and power stations as well ■ Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
as engineering consulting firms. ■ Windows Server 2003 (x86) with Service Pack 2
PSS®SINCAL provides high-performance tools for the ■ Windows Server 2008 R2 (x86 & x64)
planning and design of supply networks for all main
infrastructures: electricity, gas, water and district heat- Database Systems Supported
ing. ■ Access 2003
For this reason, it is particularly suitable for multi-utility ■ Access 2007
companies providing service for different infrastruc-
■ Access 2010
tures. PSS®SINCAL facilitates efficient and economic
cross-infrastructure network planning and operation ■ Oracle 9i
taking advantage of synergies from using the same user
■ Oracle 10g
interface, data handling and exchange facilities for dif-
ferent infrastructures. ■ Oracle 11g
Professional Network Planning ■ SQL Server Express 2008
In over 50 years of experience, Siemens has optimized ■ SQL Server Express 2008 R2
PSS®SINCAL in close cooperation with the users and is
■ SQL Server 2008
proud to be one of the world’s leading suppliers of sys-
tem planning software. Within Siemens, computer- ■ SQL Server 2008 R2
based network analysis started on main frame comput-
ers in 1960, and we were rapidly known as a leader in 1.2.3 Data Exchange
power system simulation.
With PSS®SINCAL network data, graphic and result data
PSS®SINCAL now establishes a new standard with a can be easily exchanged, using common standard data
unique variety of high-quality and technical excellence

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 5

formats. Data import and/or export are supported for the
following data formats:
■ EXCEL ■ CIM/XML – div versions
and profiles incl. IEC
■ PSS®E 61970-301

■ DGS exchange format ■ UCTE ASCII file format

■ PSS®NETOMAC ■ DVG exchange format

■ PSS®ADEPT ■ CYMDIST exchange


■ XML ■ PSS®Engine HUB file

Figure 1-1 Multi-user-project management
The Master Database acts as a data container that doc-
■ PSS®SINCAL archiving ■ Network states via XML
uments any changes in individual data (repository). A
(e.g. open points, operat-
“labeling”-mechanisms allows to set-back of the network
ing states, element data)
to a defined stage.
or graphic formats, such as:
User roles enable the company to define different levels
■ WMF, EMF ■ DWG, DXF import of access and approval of changes.
1.2.5 Interfaces and Automation
PSS®SINCAL’s data base is fully published and facilitates
■ JPG ■ PRN interfacing with GIS, EMS, SCADA, metering and protec-
■ PNG ■ PRT tion data management, ERP and other IT systems.

■ TIF ■ SID import

■ DXF ■ SHP import
■ EPS ■ PIC import
■ PCL ■ SVG import

1.2.4 Multi User Project Management

The new Master Database makes it possible for multiple
users to work on a network simultaneously as it is often
needed in consulting teams up to large utilities. The
Master Database works similar to a source control sys-
Figure 1-2 IT architecture
tem and centrally manages the changes of the different
users. Users can still do the actual editing in local data- It is possible to start and control PSS®SINCAL from other
bases assigned to them, and these can be synchronized applications by means of COM interfaces so that it can
with the Master Database. Special synchronization func- be used as calculation engine. This automation capabil-
tions with conflict management under control of an ity provides an efficient solution to solve large-scale or
administrator are used to transfer changes made by the recurring simulation tasks.
users to the global Master Database. This assures that
the data in both the Master Database and in the local All data maintenance, processing and visualization of
client databases remain consistent. the results can be done directly in the source applica-
tion. The integration as an External Server (with sepa-
rate processes) or as an In-Process Server (within the
same process) are possible.

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 6

The graphic user interface makes it possible to enter and
display networks in true-location, schematic or mixed
form. The network and additional graphics information
can be drawn and organized in different graphical lay-
ers. Different variants can be conveniently handled by
the variant management tool.
Figure 1-3 Integration with external applications
Various steady-state and dynamic calculation methods
For high performance solutions all network data and are available. It is also possible to simulate the effect of
results can be managed in "virtual tables". time series (e.g. generation and load profiles) or time
events (e.g. switching, load growth, equipment (de-)
1.2.6 Smart Interface to Metering Database or commissioning dates) on the network.
SCADA Calculation results can be depicted in different ways
(e.g. tables, screen forms, diagrams and reports) and
The Smart LF interface supports the dynamic supply of
evaluated in the network diagram by means of coloring
metering data or network state for load flow based
according to predefined criteria. For instance, “traffic
simulations, i.e. time-stamped measured load or genera-
light colors” can indicate the state of system elements.
tion data can be automatically loaded using specially
designed COM interfaces. The connection between net- The macro function of PSS®SINCAL enables the connec-
work elements and measured values is done by means tion and synchronized calculation of separately modeled
of UUIDs (Universal Unique Identifiers). networks, i.e. no merging of data sets is needed. Addi-
tionally, the use of separately defined equipment type
data bases in different network areas is supported.
The variant management tool organizes variants in a
tree structure. Changes are automatically applied to
subordinated variants. Each variant can be independent-
ly loaded, displayed and evaluated. Minimum, maximum
and average values of all evaluated variants can be dis-
played in the single-line diagram.
Selected Features of Graphical User Interface
Figure 1-4 Connecting measured data using the Smart LF interface ■ Fully graphical Microsoft® Windows® application
with browser, menu bars, toolbars, pop-up windows,
1.3 User Interface etc.
The graphical user interface is the environment in ■ Intuitive handling
■ Multi-layer and multi-window concept
■ Networks are drawn and data is entered;
■ Multi-network graphic view concept, i.e. different
■ Networks are updated with direct access to the val- network graphics can be viewed for one technical da-
ues (input, graphic, results) of the data base in user- taset, e.g. both schematic and geographic view
friendly masks;
■ Planning scenarios are defined;
■ Calculations are started;
■ Results are displayed;
■ The analysis of the network can be done by filtering
or color-coding;
■ More than one network can be calculated at the Figure 1-5 Multiple Network Graphic View
same time;
■ User-defined design of tab bars
■ Reports are generated;
■ Separate windows for network diagram, data base
■ Network schematics are plotted and diagrams are
editing, messages, diagrams, etc.
■ Variety of grid, zoom, sketching and editing func-
■ Data import or export is done.

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 7

■ One data object for all means: selection of
equipments in drop-down menus without redundan-
cies in graphic and data base. Each object is used for
all calculation methods and variants. Different data
of the same element can be displayed according to
the selected view and calculation method.
■ Easy changes of single elements and groups (vary-
ing, shifting, deleting, copying)
■ Digitizing facilities for low- and medium-voltage
networks for more planning quality
■ Scanning and hybrid graphics or files from other
systems as background graphic
Figure 1-7 Graphical evaluation of load centers
■ Automatic creation or user-defined drawing of sin-
gle-line diagrams
■ Automatic back documentation of alphanumerical
networks or imported networks from other systems.
Single-line diagram can be easily generated by plac-
ing the nodes.
■ True-location geographic networks graphic
■ Network graphics using world coordinates format
and are not limited to paper sizes
■ Free rotation of already defined models including
adjusting the existing model on top of a background
■ Background maps from the internet can be directly Figure 1-8 Graphical evaluation
■ The content of all (graphical) reports, drawings,
tables is completely user-defined
■ Easy documentation with additional input of lines,
circles, rectangles, polygons, text fields, etc.
■ Free positioning of every element and description
■ Plots in scale mode or WYSIWYG mode
■ Diagrams: multiple curves per chart, multiple axis,
user-defined units
■ Curve tracking and reading of exact values and coor-
Figure 1-6 Background map from internet with network and dy-
namic results dinates (e.g. location in km)
■ Parameter files store user-defined settings
■ Direct data base access
■ Header and legend templates can be linked to any
■ Linkage between tabular data, dialog entry, diagrams
and graphical network representation: Selected ele-
ments in the tabular view will be marked and ■ Annotations of plant and equipment can be defined
zoomed in the graphical representation. Even pro- in terms of: scope, units, formats, positions, num-
gram messages (e.g. warning messages that input bers
data is outside the typical range) are linked to ele-
■ Text filters for input and result data allow user-
defined display of data in the network diagram
■ Traffic light or user-defined color-coding of network
components and area-wise contour plotting.

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 8

Figure 1-9 Symbols for DC-infeeds/loads

1.4 Main Features

■ Standard data base
All data for network calculation and planning are
stored within one data base with standard SQL ac-
cess. It is not necessary to handle different input files
■ Direct access
PSS®SINCAL works directly with this data base. It Figure 1-10 Report
does not make temporary exports/imports as many
other programs. This is essentially important for the ■ One data base for everything
work with the system free of redundancies. Fully integrated system (data – calculation – user in-
■ Automatic update terface – analysis) with object-orientated models

When working with PSS®SINCAL all changes are au- ■ Interfaces

tomatically and immediately saved in the data base. Interfaces to GIS and SCADA systems are availa-
■ Undo ble/customizable as additional components.

PSS®SINCAL supports ‘stepwise undo’ and ‘restora- This could be standard ASCII-file definitions or direct
tion of last saved data’ functions. OLE or ODBC links, SQL procedures etc.

■ Libraries ■ No node limitation

Data bases with various types of equipment (e.g. ca- The number of nodes/substations is unrestricted
bles, overhead lines, transformers, protection devic- (e.g. networks with 50.000 nodes or more have been
es, etc.) are provided and can be augmented by the calculated in connection to GIS systems.) because
user. the program automatically allocates the required
■ User macros
■ Multi-network simulation
There is a library for built-in models and models for
whole parts of the network. Macros can also be PSS®SINCAL can simultaneously simulate several
complete data bases. PSS®SINCAL can work with networks that are not linked together at the same
more than one data base at the same time. time.

■ Data base management ■ Variants

Full and flexible data management including tree list Variants are organized in a tree structure. Changes in
and browser functionality is available for input data, one variant will automatically update all dependent
results and variants. Freely defined queries can be di- sub-variants. Network development is easy to han-
rectly accessed through the GUI. dle. Analysis across variants is a very mighty tool
which is available by standard data base actions and
All information can directly be passed to any Office also covers the diagram display.
Application by copy and paste.
■ Reports
Freely definable reports with all means of List & La-
bel® (combit GmbH) are provided. Many standard
reports for each calculation method are available.
Simple reports could also be achieved by just copy
and paste data into the preferred application.

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 9

more input options for cable and overhead lines are
■ Check of input data
Every input data is carefully checked at once. That
could be the topology (e.g. the node name must be
unique) or the specific value of the equipment (e.g.
the range of input data for Xd” of generator or the
vector groups of transformers). Standard values are
available, too.
■ Online help

Figure 1-11 Diagram with graphs from different variants The online help is working with latest HTML based
helping functions. Even manuals can be generated
■ Mixed graphical representation out of this information.
For network planning the representation of the net- ■ Batch mode/Macro Recorder/Automation
work depends on the tasks you have to do. If you
With the batch mode functionality the user can de-
want to set protection devices or have a look on the
fine several tasks, which have to be done often (mul-
structure of the network, schematic view is the best.
tiple runs) or for overnight procedures in variant cal-
In medium- and low-voltage networks however a
culations. For batch mode, users need not know a
semi scale drawing enables the engineer to take into
specific command structure, but only record the
consideration local characteristics and topographical
steps the program should do later on.
demands. PSS®SINCAL can mix semi-scale structures
with schematic structures even within one network ■ Interactive mode
diagram. User defined units are also available.
PSS®SINCAL can be used as a calculation engine run-
PSS®SINCAL works in a world coordinate system.
ning in the background of other programs. For in-
Therefore no maps can be too large sized. Maps of
stance, load flow or other calculations can be started
different scale can be integrated into the same map.
within the GIS environment using the GIS’ network
Only the paper size of the plotter sets limits.
data and PSS®SINCAL’s analysis capabilities. The re-
■ Models sults will be displayed in the GIS, i.e. in this case it is
not necessary to open the PSS®SINCAL user inter-
Every network component has to be modeled only
face. If PSS®SINCAL shall be used for further network
once for different analysis tasks. The mathematical
analysis the open data base can be used as the inter-
model changes according to the selected analysis
changing platform for data. No other interface has to
method. For instance, lines can have PI equation or
be developed.
wave equation, loads/asynchronous motors can
change their behavior during calculation. For har- ■ Single-/multi-user data base
monics the frequency dependency of the impedance
PSS®SINCAL can work in single-user or multi user
can be taken into account.
mode with Oracle data base or SQL Server data base.
Not all network elements must have a graphical rep-
■ ASP system
resentation. PSS®SINCAL includes elements without
graphical representation in the calculation and pro- PSS®SINCAL can also work as an ASP (Application
vide their results in the spreadsheet view. This shows Service Provider) System. With this option the user
that each element is an object with different attrib- can work with PSS®SINCAL via internet and
utes. PSS®SINCAL is managed on a PC hosted by Siemens
with high security fire walls. The user has permanent
■ Name plate values
access to the newest version of PSS®SINCAL, does
PSS®SINCAL works with name plate values. Most of not need to provide PC capacity (only a display sta-
the input data are entered in their physical quantities tion) and just pays for the time he actually works
so that you can easily use the known data of equip- with the program.
ment and save a lot of data conversion or prepara-
tion time just before the calculation.
The specification of lines differ for low voltage and
medium voltage systems (e.g. cable types with tech-
nical data that are available in the data base:
NKBA...) or high voltage system (where electrical
values are normally measured). According to that

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 10

2 Electrical Networks ■ Cost Calculation
■ Short Circuit: 1-, 2- and 3-phase
■ Multiple Fault
■ Dimensioning of Low-Voltage Networks
■ Distance Protection
■ Overcurrent Time Protection
■ Protection Simulation
■ Protection Device Management System (PSS®PDMS)
■ Arc Flash Hazard
■ Harmonics
■ Ripple Control
PSS®SINCAL offers a comprehensive range of analysis ■ Motor Start
modules and tools facilitating the planning, design and
■ Stability (RMS) (Balanced/Unbalanced models and
operation of power systems. Its field of application
ranges from short-term to long-term planning tasks, disturbances)
fault analysis, reliability, harmonic response, protection ■ Electromagnetic Transients (EMT)
coordination, stability (RMS) and electromagnetic tran-
sient (EMT) studies. ■ Eigenvalue/Modal Analysis

PSS®SINCAL supports all types of networks from low to ■ Eigenvalue Screening

the highest voltage levels with balanced and unbalanced ■ Dynamic Network Reduction
network models e.g. four wire systems or transposed
systems with the full coupling matrix. ■ Identification/Optimization

Using the PSS®SINCAL program, engineers can simulate ■ Frequency Domain

future scenarios and thus help avoid costly design errors ■ Flicker
or misinvestment. It is the ideal tool for simulating
Smart Grids and their effects including linkage to Smart ■ Torsion
Meters. ■ Voltage Profile/Multiconductor Systems
Several analysis modules, such as protection or dynamic ■ Real Time Simulation
simulation, are also ideally suited for training purposes.
■ Professional Dynamic Engine (PSS®NETOMAC)
The following calculation methods are available for elec-
trical power systems: ■ Line Constant Calculation

Overview of methods ■ Graphical Model Builder (GMB) NETCAD/BOSL

■ Power Flow (Balanced/Unbalanced) ■ Generic Wind Models

■ Load and Generation Profiles ■ FACTS Models

■ Load and Network Development 2.1 Power Flow Calculation

■ Optimal Network Structures Power Flow Calculation is the program module for the
■ Optimal Load Flow analysis and optimization of existing networks. Weak
point determination is one of the important tasks in
■ Optimal Branching/Tie Open Points network planning. Different algorithms – i.e. Newton-
■ Reactive Power Optimization Raphson, current iteration and others – are available for
& Capacitor Placement calculating the distribution of currents, voltages and
loads in the network, even under difficult circumstances,
■ Load Balancing e.g. when several infeeds, transformer taps and poor
■ Load Allocation/Scaling supply voltages are involved.
& Transformer Tap Detection ■ PSS®SINCAL can handle more than one – isolated –
■ Contingency Analysis network at the same time.

■ Probabilistic Reliability ■ Networks with more than one slack are possible.

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 11

■ The power flow type of each generator or infeed can ■ Displaying of selected network regions which are of
be set individually, e.g. swing bus (slack), PV, PQ or I interest (not every element must have a graphical
type. Controllers with operating points and limits can representation)
be modeled. A re-Dispatch according to user defined
■ Diagrams (e.g. voltage profile) showing the results
limits or power frequency characteristics is se-
for selected paths through the network can be creat-
■ Transfer capacity planning through different network
■ Unbalanced Power Flow
areas /groups is possible.
In PSS®SINCAL balanced network models can be easi-
■ The voltage and power controller can automatically
ly transformed into an unbalanced network model by
calculate the optimal tap position of transformers or
simply specifying the connected phases and entering
other switched elements like shunts or capacitors
single- or two-phase connected network elements
based on specified target voltage or power ranges.
(loads, generators, transformers, center-tap trans-
■ Voltage and power regulation at a remote node is formers, lines, etc.).
■ Master and slave controller function for networks
2.2 Load and Generation Profile Simulation
with parallel transformers is available. The Load and Generation Profile Simulation is a special
form of load flow calculation varying load consumption
■ Different load types can be modeled.
and generation output over time according to a given
■ Load flow can handle phase shifting transformers daily, weekly or yearly profile. Typically, load profiles
and fully unbalanced transformers like center-tapped with 15-min time steps are used to simulate the effect
models. changing load flows conditions.
■ Load flow already supports voltage and power de- For this task, besides the normal nominal power, loads
pendent shedding of loads or generators (e.g. DC El- have assigned information on the specific type of con-
ements like Photovoltaic Panels) sumer with a daily load profile (in absolute or relative
■ Many other PSS®SINCAL modules, such as multiple values). Optionally, the user can define customer data
faults, stability, motor start or protection, use the re- like annual consumption or maximum power demand.
sults of the load flow module as a starting condition. The power of each load or generator at a given point in
■ Starting value determination algorithm time is calculated based on the given parameters and
operation profile.
■ PSS®E load flow calculations can be directly started in
the PSS®SINCAL user interface if PSS®E V32 or V33 is For customer loads of the same type it is possible to
installed and licensed on the computer. consider the effect of simultaneity/coincidence. This can
be easily done by means of the simultaneity factor
Color-coded evaluations of input data and results in the which can be defined as a function. Different simultane-
network graphic and filtering of data in the spreadsheet ity functions can be defined for different customer
view is possible e.g. for: groups. The actual simultaneity factor is calculated
■ Voltage ranges based on the number of downstream connected cus-
tomers of the same load type. Taking into account the
■ Node overviews effect of simultaneity, the load flow calculation can no
■ Network and sub-network losses longer calculate with static impedances for the network
in dependency of the location of the consumers.
■ Tap settings for transformers
■ Loading of elements
■ Voltage profiles
Graphical evaluation can be done, e.g.:
■ Overloaded system elements
■ Isolated network parts (without a feeding)
■ Contour plots of selected results, such as load flows,
load densities and short-circuit levels, in the network
Figure 2-1 Generation and Load Profile
diagrams with selected results
■ Customizable annotations

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 12

■ All load flow results are available including the anal-
ysis of maximum or minimum values (e.g. for volt-
ages and loading etc.).
■ Diagrams with daily, weekly and yearly profiles for
nodes and branches are created.
■ Voltage band and loading limit violations as well as
line utilization during the simulation period are indi-
cated in diagrams.
■ Total losses and lost energy are presented in a dia-

2.3 Load and Network

Development Figure 2-2 Secured Power and Load Increase

The Load Development module provides information on 2.4 Optimal Network

how to develop electric networks taking into account Structure
future load growth and migration. Load forecasts are the
input data and can be derived by historical data directly The purpose of this optimization is the determination of
in the GUI. PSS®SINCAL Load Development calculations the best possible structure for medium-voltage net-
are enhanced load flow calculations with load and gen- works. The conventional operating forms of loops and
eration levels that vary over time. PSS®SINCAL automat- feeders serve as the basis for structure optimization. The
ically determines load flow results at points in time optimization of greenfield developments or existing
when changes are applied to the network. networks can be carried out.

In addition to nominal values, PSS®SINCAL assigns load The optimization is based on a station and route model
changes (i.e. in-/decreases) and considers commission- defining possible connections between infeed and loads.
ing and decommissioning dates for network compo- The optimization has the objective to minimize losses
nents. Absolute or relative load changes can be assigned while complying with technical limits (max. feeder load,
to individual loads, groups/types of loads or loads in max. voltage drop, etc.). The cost of transforming the
graphically selected areas. A commissioning and de- network into the proposed structure is determined.
commission date can be entered for each network ele-
ment. This allows taking new loads, transformer, lines,
etc. into service and existing ones out of service at fu-
ture points in time. All network development scenarios
and the foresighted assessment of future network per-
formance can be modeled.
The entire load flow calculation results with evaluation
of minimum and maximum values (e.g. voltages or
loading levels) and diagrams with information on power
requirements and overloaded lines are provided.
Additional information is provided if limits have been
violated during the calculation period.
The Load Development tool provides valuable infor-
mation to identify weak points and to prioritize required
network reinforcement or restructuring measures.

Figure 2-3 Route and station model

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 13

Once a network model has been created, then the
goal is to minimize a specific non-linear function.
This can be either an objective function or a cost
PSS SINCAL recreates predefined technical limits for
network elements as non-linear secondary condi-
tions. This model can be either an equation or an
■ Generic Method
This method is based on the „Ant“-Algorithm which is
a kind of swarm intelligence with meta-heuristic op-
By defining the number/level of generations the user
can control the accuracy. Advantage of this method
is that the result is fairly independent from the start-
ing conditions.

Figure 2-4 Resulting optimal routes

2.6 Optimal Branching - Tie Open Points
Three optimization methods - rotating ray, best savings In meshed networks, this method can be used for calcu-
and best neighbor – are available. The first static optimi- lating the positions of the optimal tie open points and
zation loop determines the target network solution. In a for applying them to the network configuration at the
second loop, the dynamic optimization calculates the press of a button. It enables the network to be split into
optimal network development sequence for the trans- a radial network structure with minimum system losses.
formation from the initial into the target network at For this method, the load flow calculation is used to
minimum cost. determine the point of minimum voltage. Then the cir-
cuit is opened at the side of the loop with the minimum
2.5 Optimal Load Flow current. This is continued until the selected network
area is unmeshed. Topological changes are taken into
PSS SINCAL Load Flow Optimization is an important tool
account at each new calculation step.
for evaluating and enhancing network structures and
loads. It is used for network operating maintenance and This method is well suited for the identification of the
in network planning. PSS SINCAL alters network varia- optimal open points separating network areas supplied
bles within a defined control range to minimize active by different transformers.
power losses. This lets the user evaluate the networks
■ Determination of the radial network structure with
and work out network variations to assure cost-effective
lowest losses
network planning.
■ Applicable for different network levels
PSS SINCAL determines network conditions with the
fewest possible transmission losses and the smallest ■ Defining network areas where no open point chang-
number of violated technical limits. This reduces the es should be proposed.
voltage variance at the network nodes.
■ Automatic transfer and application of open point
The system variables in this case are generator voltages, (switch position) changes.
generator reactive powers and the transformation ratios
■ Color-coding of open points, feeders and supply
of the transformers. Observed limits are the loading of
areas in the network diagram
plant and equipment, the voltage range and the P/Q
diagram allowed for the generators.
2.7 Reactive Power Optimization and
PSS SINCAL supports two different algorithms to solve Capacitor Placement
the problem:
Reactive Power Optimization
■ Gradient Method
The optimized utilization of reactive power compensa-
Network optimization is an indirect gradient method tion has a positive effect on network operation. Typical
with an external penalty function. This method first advantages are:
determines the set of permissible solutions and then
selects the best possible solution ■ Reduction in transported apparent power and load-
ing of network components

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 14

■ Reduction in system losses with the result that all consumer nodes are located in
the defined voltage range and that the transferred reac-
■ Improved voltage profile and mitigation of voltage
tive power is as low as possible. The optimization of the
limit violation
voltage is required to ensure acceptable network opera-
■ Postponement of otherwise required network rein- tion on the basis of the prescribed limits for all consum-
forcement ers at the feeder. The optimization of the power factor
reduces the transfer of reactive power (and hence the
■ Cost of reactive power consumption can be reduced
losses) at the feeder.
A series of load flow calculations for the entire network
The power factor it is getting smaller with the number
determines the required reactive power. In each individ-
of inductive consumers (the cable capacities reduce this
ual load flow calculation, a fraction of the reactive pow-
effect slightly).
er requirement at the transformers is compensated. The
reactive power requirement can be inductive or capaci- The aim of the VoltVar optimization is to determine at
tive. The calculation of the reactive power requirement what point of the feeder a capacitor should be installed
is carried out for selected voltage levels. In the graphical and how the transformer must be set at the beginning
network diagram, shunt reactor or capacitor symbols are of the feeder. This will ensure that the consumer nodes
depicted at the lower voltage side terminals of trans- of the feeder are within the permissible range under
formers for network areas where reactive power is high load and under low load.
needed to achieve a specified power factor. PSS®SINCAL
can also propose standard ratings based on types speci-
fied in the equipment data base.
All relevant load flow results, such as the required reac-
tive power, reduction in losses, etc., can be displayed.
Automatic Capacitor Placement
This optimization method has the objective to reduce
network losses by placing capacitors in the network.
PSS®SINCAL can identify optimum locations for capaci-
tor installation offsetting the costs for capacitors and
expected savings from reduced losses. Based on costs
and savings the return on investment is calculated.

Figure 2-6 Optimum compensation

2.9 Load Balancing

The Load Balancing method can be used in unbalanced
networks to optimize the connection of single- and two-
phase connected loads with the objective to achieve
balanced system loading. Complete feeder could be
relinked as a whole.
Load balancing is a combinatorial problem which is
solved by PSS®SINCAL using a genetic optimization algo-
rithm that varies the combinations of the connected
phases of single-phase (L1-G, L2-G, L3-G) and two-phase
(L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1) connected loads. The result of the
optimization is the system configuration that results in
Figure 2-5 Optimal compensation with investment
the lowest system unbalance factor of all analyzed com-
2.8 Volt / Var Optimization
The result dialog in PSS®SINCAL lists the existing and
With this procedure the voltage and the power factor
newly proposed phase connections for loads where
can be controlled in radial medium- and low-voltage
changes in phase connection would achieve a more
feeders, which can be symmetrical or unsymmetrical,
balanced load flow in the network. The result can be

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 15

reviewed in the result dialog window where changes of ■ Overload conditions due to network component
the connected phases can be applied to the network for outages
selected loads.
■ Unfeasible network conditions as a result of network
component outages
2.10 Load Allocation/Scaling
and Transformer Tap Detection ■ Priorities of network development measures

The Load Allocation method (Substation Load Assign- ■ Form of contractual agreements with consumers
ment module) is an enhancement of the Load Flow Contingency Analysis comprises a series of load flow
calculation module enabling feeder load scaling. It is calculations. One or more elements are considered on
used to scale loads in order to determine load flow con- outage in each individual load flow calculation.
ditions matching measured currents or apparent power PSS®SINCAL can simulate the outage of a single network
flows. For this purpose, recorded maximum meter read- component, or a group of components (that have to be
ings can be entered at loads and meters placed on lines operative as a group) and overloaded components. Con-
in the network. The load allocation function scales loads ditional and unconditional outages as well as base (n-1)
to which meter readings are assigned so that the results and resulting (n-2) outages can be modeled.
of the load flow calculation match the recorded maxi-
mum flows at the measurement points. Hence, the ap-
plication load allocation function can improve the net-
work model and lead to simulation results that are closer
to real network conditions.
Tap Zone Detection is an enhanced load flow simulation
method combining load trimming for minimum and
maximum load conditions with transformer tap optimi-
zation so that the voltage of the regulated feeder re-
mains within the permitted voltage range.
The results are the load flow results for minimum and
maximum load conditions. Resulting tap positions can
be visualized by means of color-coding in the network
graphic. The calculated minimum and maximum voltag-
es can be visualized and compared to the permissible
voltage limits in voltage profile diagrams.

Figure 2-8 Evaluation of contingency analysis

All relevant results (minimum and maximum values,

unsupplied consumers, overloads, etc.) are recorded.
The results can be summarized in a clearly arranged tree
structure. For large networks, the evaluation can be
limited to the main characteristics in order to be able to
deal with large amounts of data and to achieve short
calculation times. Detailed load flow results are provided
for the analysis of critical cases.

Figure 2-7 Color-coded Tap Zones The purpose of the Restoration of Supply method is to
restore the supply of all consumers (loads, asynchronous
2.11 Contingency Analysis and Restoration of machines, etc.) to a normal operating state after outage
Supply of network components.

The purpose of the Contingency Analysis module is to At first, PSS®SINCAL tries to restore supply primarily by
assess the load flow in networks during outages of net- closing switches. If this is not sufficient to restore supply
work components and generators. It provides infor- to all consumers then the algorithm tries to transfer
mation on security of supply and weak points in the loads to other feeders. If even this fails then consump-
network. The network operator obtains important in- tion is reduced or loads are shed. As results different
formation on following issues: switching options with all performed restoration
measures and the not supplied network elements are
■ n-1 and n-1-1 criteria compliance provided.
■ Risk of supply interruptions

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 16

smaller sub-systems. The subdivision of the system aris-
es from the task to be examined. Within the examined
system there are further boundaries. All individual items
of equipment whose failure has the same effects on
network performance are combined to form component
units. This subdivision is especially important with re-
gard to the degree of detail and computation time. The
bounding of components, from which the inception of a
fault and the intervention of the system protection can
be simulated, is obtained by grouping items of equip-
ment that are all tripped by the primary protection when
a fault occurs. Overhead power lines, cables, transform-
ers and bus bars usually comprise this tripping range
orientated component bounding; the outgoing feeder
and the equipment of the switch bay are assigned to the
corresponding components.
Failure models have been developed from analyses of
the operation of real networks and from fault statistics
which allow the course of events of faults to be classi-
fied. The most important models are:
Figure 2-9 Restoration of supply protocol ■ Independent single failure: failure of one single
2.12 Probabilistic Reliability
■ Common mode failure: simultaneous failure of sev-
A number of different criteria are used in the network eral components due to a common cause
planning process to assess the reliability of power sys-
■ Multiple earth fault with multiple tripping: interde-
tems. There is a differentiation, for example, between
pendent failure of two components in networks with
failure and customer-orientated planning criteria, and
resonant earthing or with an isolated neutral on the
deterministic and probabilistic criteria. A failure-
basis of an existing earth fault
orientated reliability criterion − such as the (n-1) criteri-
on, for example − filters out those failures whose effects ■ Failure during maintenance of the backup compo-
are unacceptable. Only one fault or two faults (n-2) are nent: interdependent failure during maintenance of
assessed at a time. In PSS®SINCAL this can be done with the backup component
the Contingency Analysis module.
■ Over-functioning of protection devices: stochastic
Customer-orientated planning criteria summate all fault- secondary failure due to non-selective tripping of the
related supply interruptions of a customer. Probabilistic protection system
reliability calculations are employed for determining
■ Protection device failure: stochastic secondary failure
expected values for individual customers. These charac-
due to failure of the primary protection device and
teristic values can then be compared against limit values
tripping of the backup protection device
for specific customers.
The analytic method combinatorial generates all failure
For a long time, deterministic reliability criteria were
combinations. Only those combinations with a probabil-
used exclusively for assessing adequate reliability of a
ity above a given threshold value are further considered
power supply at the planning stage of a network. The
in the calculation. Another possibility to limit the num-
task of the planner was to select a limited number of
ber of the combinations included in the calculation is
system states and fault scenarios and then to examine
the limitation of the order, i.e. the number of simulta-
them for adherence to the requirements specified by the
neously failed elements, of the combinations. Probabilis-
tic reliability calculation allows a quantitative description
The probabilistic reliability calculation makes special of supply reliability through appropriate characteristic
demands on the data base. In addition to the electrical indices. Internationally in the field of reliability calcula-
and topographical data for load flow and short circuit tion a multitude of different more or less meaningful
calculations, additional information is needed for setting and widespread indices exist. However, certain basic
the boundaries of the network to be examined, and its indices have proven to be valuable, and from those basic
component parts, for network protection and for simu- indices further sizes can be calculated on demand.
lating faults.
For a more detailed simulation PSS®SINCAL also offers a
When analyzing reliability it is usually necessary to sub- fully featured Monte Carlo method. This especially is
divide large transmission and distribution networks into useful in the area of maintenance outages. Parallel us-

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 17

age of the full cores enables the user to get to a solution both investment expenditures and ongoing annual
in a reasonable time. costs. The annual results are provided both as present
values and not yet discounted costs.
Symbol Name Unit
Analogous to the net present value method, the costs Cc
Hu Frequency of supply 1/a
are determined from the acquisition costs Ci and shut-
down costs Cs together with the operating costs in the
Tu Mean duration of h or min observation period. If the calculatory life span of the
supply interruptions equipment is greater than the planning horizon, then
the residual value Cr also needs to be considered.
Qu Unavailability 1(common:
min/a) The summation method provides you with the actual
costs for individual annual tranches and the sum of all
Lu (Cumulated) inter- MVA/a occurring costs for the planning horizon.
rupted power
PSS®SINCAL provides two different types of results:
Wu (Cumulated) energy MVAh/a
not supplied ■ Total results for the entire observation period
■ Results for each annual tranche in the observation
PSS®SINCAL also supports most of the indices like SAIFI, period
SAIDI, MAIFI, ASIFI, ASIDI or CAIDI. The economic efficiency of an investment is actually
evaluated using the total results from the entire obser-
2.13 Cost Calculation vation period tn – t0. All accruing costs are evaluated and
then compared to the anticipated income.
The Economic Efficiency calculations determine the
economic benefit of development and restructuring For current network operation, mainly expected annual
measures and evaluate costs at yearly intervals. costs are of interest. Results are prepared for individual
annual tranches.
To determine the economic benefit, PSS SINCAL uses an
evaluation method commonly used in electricity compa-
nies: the Net Present Value Method.
To evaluate costs, the Summation Method determines
costs at yearly intervals.
Economic Efficiency calculations determine the costs
and present values resulting from network operations
and diverse expansion and restructuring measures for
the time period from the current view time t0 to the Figure 2-11 Cost per year
planning horizon tn.
2.14 Short-Circuit Calculation
Short-Circuit Calculation is the method employed for
assessing the correct ratings for the network (i.e. the
maximum fault currents) and also the correct protection
settings (i.e. the minimum fault currents).
Single-phase, two-phase, two-phase-to-ground and
three-phase faults can be calculated for individual nodes
or whole sub-networks, i.e. it is possible to calculate the
short-circuit current distribution in the network for each
fault condition. The calculation can be performed in
accordance with the standards ANSI C37, IEC 61363-1,
VDE 0102, IEC 60909, engineering recommendation
G74, and taking into account pre-fault loading. Any
possible changes to the standard are incorporated di-
rectly and smoothly into the calculation process, since
our experts are participating in standards committee
Figure 2-10 Timeline for economic calculation meetings. In the case of asymmetrical faults different
transformer vector groups are also taken into account,
The calculation results are prepared annually at the end as are the various methods of neutral earthing em-
of the year. These "annual tranches" are used to evaluate

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 18

ployed. The short-circuit current rating of bus bars and ■ Color-coded evaluation of network diagrams, e.g. the
cables (1-second current) can be checked, too. violation of equipment ratings such as the permissi-
ble 1-sec short circuit current rating of lines or bus
Network design and planning tasks for which expected
maximum currents are decisive are normally carried out
in accordance with the relevant standard. However, if
the minimum fault currents need to be determined, the
2.15 Multiple Faults
preferred choice is the load flow superposition method, When faults and interruptions occur simultaneously in
which takes into account the network’s pre-fault loading several locations, e.g. in the not-so-rare case of a double
condition. This is especially the case when the fault earth fault, the multiple fault calculation determines the
current has the same order of magnitude as the load steady-state distribution of current and voltage in the
current. network. The actual switching configuration is taken
into account, as is load flow.
The key values of the short-circuit analysis standards for
assessing the fault characteristics (such as Ik“, ip, Ia, Sk“, Possible fault types at nodes are:
Uo, Z0/Z1, etc.) and other relevant information are
■ Single-phase fault
stored in the data base where they are available for
further calculations. The calculation reports include fault ■ Two-phase fault with/without earth
location-based tables with all contributions and branch-
■ Three-phase fault with/without earth
es viewed together with summaries of results.
Additionally, it is possible to place line faults and to vary
■ IEC 60909/VDE 102
their location on the line. The following fault and con-
■ IEC 61363-1 ductor interruption types can be simulated on lines:
■ ANSI C37 ■ Single-phase, two-phase and three-phase interrup-
■ Engineering Recommendation G74
■ Single-phase interruption and single-phase earth
■ Short-circuit analysis considering pre-fault loading
■ Two-phase interruption and two-phase earth fault
■ Calculation with symmetrical components
■ Three-phase interruption and single-phase or three-
■ Arc impedances can be taken into consideration
phase earth fault
■ Key values are Ik“ ,ip, Ia, Sk“, Uo, Z0/Z1
■ Two-phase interruption and two-phase fault
■ ip can be calculated optionally according to radial
■ Three-phase interruption and two-phase or three-
network, meshed network or to the equivalent fre-
phase fault
quency method.
The multiple fault analysis is based on a complete 3-
■ Block generators are implemented according to the
phase system representation (symmetrical components).
standards in two different ways (generator and
transformer as two separate elements or combined All specified faults can be combined to different “fault
as one element). packages” which can be calculated simultaneously. Re-
sults can be shown case by case in the network diagram,
■ DC equipment like PV or Wind is modeled with the
reports or data base masks.
correct contribution, different to normal rotating
machines, taking into consideration also the possible
disconnection according to the connection rules. 2.16 Dimensioning of Low-Voltage Networks
and Fuse Coordination
■ Neutral grounding
Rating of low-voltage networks, i.e. checking the trip-
■ Phase shifts in transformers ping conditions, is a combination of load-flow calcula-
■ Calculation in selected or all voltage levels at the tion and short-circuit calculation. In accordance with the
same time. VDE 0102 standard, the program utilizes the minimum
single-phase fault currents to determine the maximum
■ Calculation of all currents in the whole network for a permitted rated current of the appropriate fuse. For this
single fault location. purpose the protected zone under investigation is exam-
■ Calculation of faults at every node in specified volt- ined with help of a travelling fault to find the point
age levels simultaneously. where the minimum fault currents flow through the
adjoining fuses. A protected zone can be limited by up to
■ Various reports for all nodes, all fault locations all three protection devices. PSS®SINCAL identifies the
network levels existing fuses whose rated current exceeds the maxi-

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 19

mum permitted value. A situation where the load cur- ■ Different starting characteristics can be modeled
rent exceeds the maximum permitted current of the fuse
■ MHO and polygonal characteristics can be entered
will also be reported.
■ The user can define starting and tripping charac-
■ Unique method of checking fuses in low voltage
teristics (composed of lines and circles)
■ Differential relays:
■ Results are the identification of deviations from
planning standards ■ for reliability studies
■ Fuses with incorrect rated currents are indicated in In general, differential protection is used as main protec-
the network diagram tion with fast operating times. Other protection devices
provide backup. The determination of the settings of
2.17 Protection Modules backup protection devices is the main objective of the
protection coordination.
If a misoperation has occurred and needs to be under-
stood (“post mortem analysis”) or if you want to evaluate
2.17.1 Distance Protection
– hypothetical – fault conditions, a stepped event analy-
sis is the best solution. PSS®SINCAL’s interactive protec- The Distance Protection method calculates the imped-
tion simulation is one of the most powerful tools in the ance settings for the three zones and the overreach
industry for evaluating protection system response from zones (auto-reclosure and signal comparison) of dis-
the time a fault occurs until it is cleared – time step by tance protection relays in any type of meshed network.
time step. Every time a relay is tripping the system stops
When grading impedances are calculated, the setting
and the engineer can analyze the conditions of all relays
given priority is the one that causes the protection to
in masks, diagrams and reports and adapt the relay
respond selectively regardless of how the network is
settings according to the demands. At any time the user
connected. Initially, all values are calculated for the first
can continue the simulation until the fault is cleared and
zones and this is followed by all second zones and then
a total fault clearance time is calculated.
all third zones. The second and third zone of the relays
■ Easy to use can be altered during or after calculation of the settings
while working interactively from the screen, so it is a
■ Interactively controlled
simple matter to accommodate the protection engi-
■ Realistic relay models neer’s ideas. There are various ways of taking into ac-
count the time grading of the third zone. The results of
■ Automatically generated and interacting windows
the program are provided in time grading diagrams
■ Clear documentation in diagrams, reports and net- drawn to scale and a table of settings for each protection
work diagram device.
Protection Devices ■ No definition of grading paths, system builds them
■ Overcurrent time protection:
■ Worst case network for each relay is build during the
■ Fuses
calculation (according to different strategies)
■ Bimetallic relays
■ The algorithm DISTAL has the objective to determine
■ Contactors settings that provide selectivity for all switching con-
■ Miniature circuit breaker
■ Specific modeling of each relay behavior
■ Low-voltage circuit breaker
■ Results are relay specific settings
■ Definite time relays
■ Calculation of primary or secondary values
■ British Standard behavior
■ Interaction between the calculation of each zone
■ All types of circuit breaker with instrument trans-
■ Diagrams of relay setting and range of zones into the
■ Free user-defined relays with predefined block
■ Distance protection: 2.17.2 Overcurrent Time Protection
■ Many predefined relays from different manufac- The Protection Simulation module simulates the time
turers are available which model the behavior of sequence of the fault clearance in radial and meshed
the selected distance relay networks. This unique feature is called stepped event

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 20

analysis. For this purpose, there is a data base of protec- ■ Delays of relays/waiting times
tion devices storing approximately 1000 circuit breakers
■ Decaying back-feed of asynchronous motors
with instrument transformers, low-voltage circuit break-
ers, fuses, bimetallic relays, contactors and miniature ■ Cable/transformer damages curves
circuit breakers together with all possible settings. The
combination with distance protection relays is no prob- 2.17.3 Protection Simulation
For networks with overcurrent, distance and differential
Faults can be simulated at nodes or anywhere on power protection devices.
lines or cables. The following fault types can be mod-
eled: This enhanced Protection Simulation module considers
the settings of overcurrent and distance protection de-
■ Single-phase fault vices; as well as the protected zones of differential pro-
■ Two-phase fault tection devices. The following steps are carried out:

■ Two-phase-to-ground fault 1. Load flow calculation for direction decision and relay
■ Three-phase fault
2. Determination of the protection devices that limit
■ User-defined multiple faults packages, e.g. cross- the concerned protected area and that have to trip.
country faults. (see multiple fault module descrip-
tion). 3. Calculation of currents, impedances and tripping
Fault impedances, e.g. arc impedance can be simulated,
if required. 4. Tripping of the device with the shortest release time.

Starting and triggering of protection devices are simu- 5. Changing of network topology.
lated in as many time steps as necessary. The operating 6. If fault is not cleared: second short-circuit calculation
state of the protection devices can be visualized in the and determination of the next relay to trip.
network diagram by color code. Any violations of the
grading times are also indicated, as is multiple tripping 7. Repetition of the above steps until the fault is cleared
of protection devices. Directional elements can be freely and the total fault clearance time is determined.
defined. Damage curves for cables and transformer 8. Evaluation whether the correct relays have tripped,
loadings are also displayed in graphical form. and provision of all relevant information, e.g. indica-
The system generates grading diagrams for I2t, RX, and tion of unselective relay operation.
Zt functionality. The fields of application are the check- Important is the simulation of special protection device
ing of thermal loads and incorrect tripping in normal properties:
operation, the determination of disconnection times,
the coordination of protection and the checking of grad- ■ Directional elements
ing times. ■ Starting conditions:
Specialties ■ Overcurrent
■ Meshed networks ■ Voltage-controlled under-impedance
■ Across all network levels ■ Impedance characteristics
■ Data base with more than 1000 protection devices ■ Interlocks and intertripping
■ Directional element ■ Asymmetrical faults
■ Protection failure ■ Protection failure
■ Over and undervoltage tripping ■ Simulation across several voltage levels
■ Interlocks and intertripping ■ Representation of downstream overcurrent time
■ Free definition of protection devices relays

■ Mechanical protection devices Method

■ Faults located on node or lines ■ On disposal: load flow and several short circuits

■ Fault impedances ■ Time-sequential work: possibility of correction or

■ Various short circuits
■ Active elements with dynamic properties
■ Colored display of the various relay states

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 21

■ Choosing or changing the protection philosophy 2.18 Protection Device Management System
Graphic Documentation
PSS®PDMS is a universal program to centrally manage
■ I-t grading diagram: across voltage levels, additional
protection devices and their settings. All the data are
stored in a central relational database (either Microsoft
■ interactive changing of protection characteristics Access or Oracle) for protection devices and can be read
by other programs at any time.
■ Display of protection settings in network diagram
■ Z-t diagram: several downstream relays, impedance
and zone reaches
■ R-X diagram: impedance area with directional lines
and pointers
■ Composite protection: diagrams with both types of
relays to check the coordination.
Different protection devices
■ Protection device catalogue with all setting facilities
■ Facility to augment the catalogs
■ Definition of general protection elements Figure 2-13 Workflow for device data
Protection simulation
PSS®PDMS’ key features are:
■ Symmetrical and asymmetrical short circuits
■ Data is stored in a central relational database (either
■ With and without preload Microsoft Access or Oracle or MS SQL Server).
■ Faults at nodes and on lines ■ PSS®PDMS is a multi-user enterprise application.
■ With and without fault impedances ■ A modern Windows user interface optimally supports
data management.
■ Visualization of the operational state of protection
devices (e.g. started, tripped) by means of color ■ Protection devices are modeled comprehensively
code. with all their functions and settings including differ-
ent parameter sets for the same relay.
Protection Documentation
■ Settings are checked against the available settings
PSS®SINCAL also offers a fully automated documenta-
tion of selected grading paths. This enables the protec-
tion engineer to quickly generate the necessary dia- ■ Protection device templates can be created and man-
grams and maps. aged and then used to generate real protection de-
■ It is easy to connect to external documents (parame-
ter files, descriptions of protection devices etc.)
■ Extensive functions for relay import and export.
■ Access rights (user roles) can be specified and cus-
tomized according to the company’s need
■ User defined Workflow (e.g. planned, approved,
active settings) is supported including historical set-
■ Data exchange with PSS®SINCAL enables the planner
to verify the settings directly in the network model

Figure 2-12 Documentation of grading path

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 22

by several different methods such as, for example TIF,

Figure 2-14 Mask with protection device setting

Figure 2-16 Frequency scan and locus curve

2.19 Arc Flash Hazard In addition to the graphical output of frequency re-
PSS®SINCAL‘s Arc Flash module is intended for designers sponses for the required nodes, the network impedances
and facility operators of electrical plants. It determines are also shown in the complex plane and the harmonics
the arc flash hazard distance and the incident energy to level for all nodes and network levels with the appropri-
which employees could be exposed, based on the guide- ate limit values.
lines defined by IEEE 1584 standard. u rel [%] Oberschwingung - Netzebenenpegel: 0.5KV

Its calculation features include the Empirical Model, Lee

Method, current limiting fuses and low-voltage circuit
breakers as given in IEEE 1584. The Arc Flash Hazard 10

calculations cover the empirically derived model for

voltages from 208V to 15kV and a theoretically derived THD, U < 69 kV

model for any voltage level. Additionally, user-defined

O/C protection devices including I-t characteristics and

current limiting behavior can be added, i.e. the usage is

not limited to the protection devices stated in IEEE 1584.
0,1 n [1]

Furthermore, required Personal Protective Equipment 0 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

classes are determined in accordance with NFPA 70E

standard. The calculated results can be documented in Figure 2-17 Voltage distortion and limit
one-line diagrams, automatically generated reports and
The input data must be supplemented with the frequen-
as printable warning labels.
cy relationship of the network elements, for the purpose
of which three different methods are available. The
transmission lines are simulated with wave equations.
Simulation of a resonance network is possible with very
convenient inputs. Current and voltage infeeds are also
allowed for odd-number harmonics anywhere in the
network. A variety of different filters are offered.
■ Three phase harmonic voltage and current distribu-
tion (unbalanced harmonic short circuit)
■ Voltage and current harmonic distortion
■ Determination of harmonic distortion factors. The
Figure 2-15 Warning label
calculated harmonic currents and voltages in the
network can be evaluated by several different meth-
2.20 Harmonics
ods such as, for example TIF, THFF or EDC.
The Harmonics module is used for calculating the distri-
■ For harmonics we also have transformer vector
bution of harmonics in electrical networks as well as for
groups. That is why you can calculate the wipe out of
calculating frequency response. The calculated harmonic
the 5 and 7 when you have one transformer YY0 and
currents and voltages in the network can be evaluated

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 23

another turning 30 degrees when you have two 6- 2.22 Motor Start
pulse bridges.
The Motor Start module is an effective tool for the calcu-
■ PSS®SINCAL provides you with three different meth- lation of the operational behavior of the electrical net-
ods for defining the dependency of the network el- work. It provides answers to questions like:
ements from the frequency. They take into consider-
■ Will the motor start successfully considering the
ation the skin and proximity effects.
given load torque?
■ Resonance network equivalent modeling is available.
■ How large is the voltage dip during the motor start?
■ Lines are modeled by wave equation
■ What are the operation points of the motors?
■ Special filter configuration are available
■ How long is the start-up time?
■ Overloading can be shown as in every other method
■ What is the network loading during motor start?
by coloring the results (and of course by reports).
With this method, the demand of power during motor
■ In addition to the graphical output of frequency
start with inclusion of the voltage at the motor terminal
responses for the required nodes, the network im-
can be calculated. This is a dynamic process, which will
pedances are also shown on the complex plane and
be solved by the method of homogeneous time steps.
the harmonics level for all nodes and network levels
For this, a calculation loop over a period of time is de-
with the appropriate limit values.
fined; and load flow and motor power are determined.
■ Filters can be calculated/designed to the specific Non-linear saturation and star-delta switching is availa-
demands. ble.
■ Superposed harmonic distortion is shown in bar Any number of motors can be started at different times.
charts with the specific (country) standard limits.
Within PSS®SINCAL the user can define the functions
■ Diagrams for harmonic response motor torque, load torque and current as functions of
speed in diagrams with quick response to the input data.
■ Diagrams with polar plot of the impedance. (R-X
NEMA models as pre-defined equipment are also sup-
■ Detailed tabular reports
Soft startup can be done by defining
2.21 Ripple Control ■ Maximum current
The Ripple Control module calculates the ripple control ■ Auto transformer
level and the distribution of the ripple-control currents
■ Capacitor units
in the electrical network for serial and parallel signal
inputs. The frequency relationship of the elements can ■ Combinations of it
be entered for this method, too.
For analyses, the load flow results and the following
PSS®SINCAL reproduces all the active and passive net- diagrams are available:
work elements (generators, loads, and lines) as imped-
■ Function of time: active power, reactive power,
ances. When doing so, the reactive part of the power
speed, current, voltage, slip
must be separated into an inductive part and a capaci-
tive part for compensation. Ripple control transmitters ■ Function of speed: motor torque, load torque
are reproduced as voltage sources or current sources.
■ Motor current in complex plane:
■ Heyland circle
M [Nm] Motoranlauf - Drehmoment-/Gegenmomentkennlinie: Motor2










Figure 2-18 Control transmitter 1000


This module is used to check the level for the remote

0 n [1/min]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Motor2 Motor2

switching of e.g. street lamps or electric heating. Figure 2-19 Motor and load torque

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 24

2.23 Stability (RMS) ■ Two-phase fault with/without earth
The Stability method can provide the answer to the ■ Three-phase fault with/without earth
question of whether or not the generators can continue
The following interruptions and faults are possible on
in stable operation in the network in the case of faults or
interruptions. It handles both balanced and unbalanced
network models with balanced and unbalanced disturb- ■ Single-phase, two-phase and three-phase interrup-
ances like fault right through studies. tion
Modeling of Network and Machines ■ Single-phase interruption and single-phase earth
■ No limitations in the size of the network and in the
number of machines ■ Two-phase interruption and two-phase earth fault
■ Network modeling with complex impedances ■ Three-phase interruption and single-phase or three-
phase earth fault
■ Fundamental frequency model for simulating elec-
tromechanical phenomena ■ Two-phase interruption and two-phase fault
■ Quasi steady-state values ■ Three-phase interruption and two-phase or three-
phase fault
■ Differential equations for machines
In addition, it is also possible to energize or de-energize
■ Short-term (stability) model: Park equations 5th
node elements at specific times.
The user can simulate:
■ Long-term model: Park equation 2nd order
■ Fault application and removal
■ Synchronous machines are built with their direct and
quadrature axes: ■ Line switching and line reclosing
■ Derived data: subtransient, transient and synchro- ■ Disconnection of lines, cables, transformers etc.
nous reactances; time constants
■ Addition and removal of shunts
■ Original data: physical resistances and reactances
Output of Results
The program calculates the characteristic data of the
Modeling of Controllers
machines, such as
■ Differential equations for controllers
■ Phase currents and voltages
■ PSS®SINCAL offers a controller library which contains
■ Slip and rotor displacement angle
– among others – the following components:
■ Excitation current and excitation voltage
■ IEEE standards
■ Power outputs
■ Excitation systems
■ Torques
■ Turbine governors
Currents and voltages and powers and impedances for
■ Power System Stabilizer (PSS)
any item of plant and equipment are available, too.
■ PSS®E controller models
■ By the use of a so called “Block-Orientated Simulation
In diagrams all results call be displayed in a user-defined
Language” (BOSL) it is also possible to include user-
manner. Diagrams can be arranged in overviews or in
definable controller structures.
separate diagrams.
■ Manufacturer models can be built for example in
MATLAB/SIMULINK or modern programming lan-
guages. With an additional standardized header file
(see Appendix G in IEC 61400-27) these models can
be compiled and linked as a DLL file. Such DLL files
can be exchanged between different parties as black-
Modeling of Fault Scenarios
Figure 2-20 RMS and EMT plot of the same signal
Potential bus bar faults are:
■ Single-phase fault

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 25

2.24 Electromagnetic Transients (EMT) 2.26 Eigenvalue Screening
PSS®SINCAL Stability is used for investigations for which A full solution of Eigenvalue- and modal analysis in large
the envelope curves of the characteristic values are electrical power systems can be very time consuming.
sufficient results. If the 3-phase reel waveform is needed Also linearized models of the equipment are needed. To
PSS®SINCAL’s Electromagnetic Transients module is get a quick overview of oscillation frequencies,
used. dampings and right locations for damping equipment,
the Eigenvalue screening method for stability time do-
PSS®SINCAL’s Electromagnetic Transients module allows
main simulations can be used. This method is much
for networks, machines (park 7th order) and controllers
faster in large systems. It can be used as a pre-
to be modeled by means of differential equations. Sym-
calculation for the main Eigenvalue- and modal analysis.
metrical systems are entered single-phasely and com-
It can also be used for the tuning of stabilizers during
pleted to three-phase systems. Asymmetrical systems
the simulation run.
can be accommodated by means of elements in the
individual phases. This is also possible for any kind of DC
system. Special equipment (e.g. load models, FACTS
2.27 Network Reduction
elements, controls, etc.) can be user-defined by means Deregulation and privatization in the power industry are
of BOSL (Block oriented Simulation Language). There- significantly changing relations among power genera-
fore, the EMT module can provide a complete solution of tion, transmission and distribution systems. Utilities are
all electromechanical (RMS) and electromagnetic (EMT) faced to be oriented to a competitive market environ-
phenomena, including asymmetrical and non-linear ment to maximize their profits. In this new situation,
events. The main field of application is in the design of detailed network data among competitive companies
equipment and apparatus while taking into account are becoming more and more confidential. Thus, ex-
transient phenomena. changes of the network data among these companies
could become difficult. However, with enhanced stabil-
For instance, typical applications are wind park integra-
ity requirements, dynamic behaviors of the intercon-
tion studies, investigations of dynamics of industrial
nected power systems involved need to be carefully
networks and studies of HCDC and FACTS plants.
studied online and offline. This includes studies such as
The results are depicted in diagrams and can be ana- overall system stability, dynamic security assessment
lyzed with the evaluation tool SIGRA or Comtrade view- and coordinating system controls in a global manner,
ers. etc. All of these studies require knowledge of intercon-
nected neighbor networks. Thus, an issue on the estab-
2.25 Eigenvalue/Modal Analysis lishment of equivalent networks for a large, multi-
owner’s interconnected power system become essential.
In addition to the facility for simulation in the time do-
main, PSS®SINCAL also permits the study of networks, On the other hand, in power system analysis, it is also a
machines, shafts and control systems in the frequency common practice to represent the parts of a large inter-
domain. Furthermore the elements of control systems connected power system by some forms of a reduced
can be analyzed and system behavior can be optimized. order equivalent model, e.g., models used for studies on
investigating or verifying dynamic behaviors of the sys-
In large-scale electrical systems the relationships be-
tem, for fundamental frequency over voltage studies or
tween generators, networks and control systems are
for AC filter performance calculations, etc. Due to lim-
becoming ever more complex. FACTS elements are used
ited size and capacity of tools used for real-time simula-
for the fast active control of transmission systems and
tion, users are sometimes forced to reduce their net-
for filtering purposes in distribution systems. The analy-
works to match the size and capacity of the tool used.
sis of such complex interactions between systems and
Furthermore, a reduced model can simplify the network
equipment requires modern methods which are able to
calculation and save the investigation time in some
describe the behavior of the whole system both simply
cases. Depending on different applications, equivalent
and clearly. PSS®SINCAL uses the analysis of system
models are established either by a static or a dynamic
Eigen values for this purpose. Compared with traditional
network reduction process.
methods of simulation, this method provides more in-
formation about the behavior of the system regarding After defining the network part which shall be reduced
damping, frequency response, observability, controllabil- this program module automatically generates a dynam-
ity and the effects of system state. ic equivalent network part with the same dynamic
behavior than the original system. The identification
Specific areas of application for Eigen value analysis are
process contains four steps:
inter-system oscillation, voltage stability, modeling of
dynamic equivalents, controller design, subsynchronous ■ Identification of coherent generators by cross-
resonance and harmonics effects. correlation analysis

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 26

■ Equivalent generator for each coherent generator can be solved. The user defines the target function as
group evaluation function with any input variables from the
network or the control loop. Secondary conditions can
■ Passive network reduction (“Load Flow Reduction”)
be considered as defined by the user. The parameters to
■ Identification of controller parameter for each equiv- be varied can be selected and providing with a starting
alent generator value and possible upper or lower variation limit. Opti-
mizing is possible in the time and in frequency domain,
Also a normal passive network reduction based on Ward
with load flow and for general mathematical functions
and Extended Ward is available to replace selected
that are defined as block oriented structures. As an ex-
network groups by a network equivalent.
ample of optimizing, the tuning of an exciter controller
with PSS (power system stabilizer) can be shown (Figure
2.28 Identification / Optimization 2-22 dynamic behavior before and after optimization).
The data collection at the beginning of a system study is
one of the critical and time consuming activities. In
many cases the electrical data for simulation models are
not available. In special cases only measurements from
the system are available. In our software special algo-
rithms can identify parameters of electrical models from
measurements. The same algorithms can be used for the
optimization of settings of models.
The identification is possible for any model in the fre-
quency range (e.g. controller transfer functions) and in
the time domain (transient and stability mode). The
identification mode is used for example for the following
■ Parameterizing of asynchronous machines from
torque-speed characteristic considering saturation
(Fig. 2-22)
Figure 2-22 PSS optimization
■ Parameterizing of synchronous machines
■ Establishing of dynamic equivalent networks (active 2.29 Frequency Domain
equivalent network)
In addition to the facility for simulation in the time do-
■ Reduction of dynamic loads (e.g. equivalent motor main, the dynamic engine also permits the study of
groups) networks, machines, shafts and control systems in the
■ Parameterizing of closed-loop controllers (voltage frequency domain. As well as allowing the elements of
controllers, turbine controllers) control systems to be analyzed, it also permits the study
of networks, protection systems and machines at differ-
■ Parameterizing of cable data and line data from ge- ent frequencies (Figure 2-23).
ometry of configurations (constant and frequency-
dependent parameters)

Figure 2-23 Frequency domain

Figure 2-21 ASM identification

The possibility of optimizing can be applied to any ele- 2.30 Flicker

ment in the system. All modeling possibilities described Flicker is a visible change in brightness of a lamp due to
are permissible so that linear and non-linear problems rapid fluctuations in the voltage of the power system.

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 27

The source of this is the voltage drop generated over the
source impedance of the grid by the changing load cur-
rent of an equipment or facility. These fluctuations in
time generate flicker. The effects can range from dis-
turbance to epileptic attacks of photosensitive persons.
Figure 2-25 Torsion model of a steam turbine
Flicker may also affect sensitive electronic equipment
such as television receivers or industrial processes rely-
ing on constant electrical power. The requirements of 2.32 Voltage Profile / Multiconductor Systems
flicker evaluation are defined in standards. Two different This module handles continuous load flow calculations
standards can be used separately. Figure 2-24 shows for investigations of multiconductor systems, e.g. rail-
results from a flicker evaluation. way tunnels (Figure 2-26).

Figure 2-24 Flicker evaluation

Figure 2-26 Multiconductor system
2.31 Torsion
2.33 Real-Time Simulation
In some countries, e.g. USA, Canada, China and Brazil,
electrical energy has to be transported over very long One of the important features of the PSS®NETOMAC
transmission lines on account of the long distances program is the possibility of simulation in real-time. Our
between the generating plants and the loads. Series real-time simulation is used for example for:
capacitors are used in the transmission lines to improve
■ Closed-loop hardware in-the-loop tests (protection
the transmission capability, the stability of the power
devices, controller, etc.). Additional hardware
system and to compensate for the voltage drops due to
(DINEMO-II, OMICRON) is needed.
the high line inductance.
■ Dynamic Security Assessment (SIGUARD®): Dynamic
The presence of the series capacitors in a power system
calculation engine added to SCADA systems.
has brought up the phenomena of subsynchronous
resonance (SSR). These phenomena originally resulted in ■ Dynamic calculation engine in process management
the destruction of two generator shafts in the early systems (e.g. SICAM230, T3000).
1970s. Since then, considerable efforts have been spent
to study this phenomena and to find solutions to pre- 2.34 Professional Dynamic Engine
vent the damaging effects. (PSS®NETOMAC)
Additional to the electrical system model, where the As our dynamic engine is the best in class and there is
generators are represented by Park equations and the no limitation in simulation at all, we offer two different
admittance, are represented by differential equations, GUI to make use of the strengths of it in different areas.
the turbine-generator shaft model is also taken into
account. The shaft assembly is modeled by n rotating As PSS®SINCAL offers the full bunch of software features
lumped masses which are coupled by n-1 rotating the engineer will need in modern network planning
springs. For example: the steam turbine lumped masses there are specialists that need specific features we sup-
are usually representing the major turbine sections such port with our PSS®NETOMAC application. The engine is
as the high pressure (HP),the intermediate pressure (MP) exactly the same than in PSS®SINCAL but to achieve
and the various low pressure turbines (LPA, LPB) as illus- speed and offer full programming option for profession-
trated in Figure 2-25. al dynamic users we built the new application without
data base but also in COM-Server-Technology.
PSS®NETOMAC has basically been de-signed for users
that need very flexible network modeling, something

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 28

that is impossible with PSS®SINCAL. Modeling net-works
with PSS®NETOMAC is, in fact, very similar to program-
ming. Instead of writing a program, PSS®NETOMAC
models the network and the equipment in structured
ASCII files, defines the corresponding malfunctions and
network changes and programs the controlling elements
(directly with FORTAN or with BOSL).

Figure 2-28 PSS®NETOMAC diagram system

2.35 Line Constants

The Line Constants calculation module is capable of
determining characteristic parameters of overhead lines
and under-ground cables. The line parameters required
for network analysis − i.e. load flow, short circuits, inter-
Figure 2-27 PSS®NETOMAC user interface ferences and other studies − can be calculated based on
geometrical configuration (i.e. tower or trench struc-
PSS®NETOMAC’s new graphic user inter-face is similar to ture), overhead line or cable type. The following systems
a modern software development environment. The can be calculated:
networks being inspected are structured as projects. In
these projects, both the input data and the results are ■ One-phase systems with ground return conductor
administered. ■ Two-phase systems (AC systems, e.g. railway sys-
The functions for evaluating simulation results are di-
rectly integrated in the user interface. The input data ■ Three-phase systems
and results can be displayed in Tabular View. This makes
Sections with up to 9 parallel systems with different
it easy to visualize the flexible .xres results files (XML
voltages are possible.
format) and access the appropriate evaluation functions.
The fully couple matrix can be automatically assigned to
To display signals in EMT or Stability Simulation,
the elements of the network model.
PSS®NETOMAC also has an integrated diagram system.
PSS®NETOMAC’s diagram system is even more flexible
for data connection than the one from PSS®SINCAL.
Using Drag & Drop, you can pull signals that are dis-
played in the Signal Explorer directly into the diagram. If
you want you can assign a projection formula to each
signal that is used to display and convert the signals.

Figure 2-29 Screenshot Line Constants module

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 29

2.36 Graphical Model Builder - controllers can be stored as subsystems in a library so as
NETCAD/BOSL to link them quickly to a system. Parameterizing can be
input individually and changed, or the default values can
In PSS®SINCAL a modern Microsoft® Visio®-based
be used. Optionally complex open and closed-loop con-
Graphical Model Builder (GMB) is integrated as a stand-
trol and protective functions can be implemented with
alone application. This Graphical Model Builder uses the
the Block-oriented Simulation Language. External, user-
powerful Visio interface to easily create dynamic mod-
defined subroutines can also be coupled (open-loop)
els. It is a simple and quick-to-operate drawing tool for
and there is an interface to real-time applications
implementing, editing and documenting of dynamic
(closed-loop). The block-oriented structures can be
combined with FORTRAN-like terms, such as mathemati-
■ Excitation systems (AVRs) cal functions, logical terms or instructions, e.g.
■ Turbine Governors
The user can switch between two different block styles:
■ Power System Stabilizers
1. The European DIN symbols and 2. The transfer func-
■ HVDC Models tions. The Graphical Model Builder also offers testing
and debugging functionalities like in Matlab® Simulink®.
■ FACTS Models
After finishing the design of the model there is no need
■ Load Models for compiling and linking. The user can now start
PSS®SINCAL and the dynamic simulation.
■ Transformer Models
Figure 2-31 below shows the basic voltage control of a
■ New Sources Models (e.g. Generic Wind Models)
DFIG (Doubly Fed Induction Generator) wind machine
■ New Storages Models built with BOSL.
■ Protection Functions Black-Box manufacturer models can be connected with
input and output values in NetCad.

Figure 2-30 Screenshot Graphical Model Builder

The Graphical Model Builder system has a large symbol Figure 2-31 DFIG voltage controller
library which contains more than 100 different control
blocks in the form of symbols. The user establishes sys- 2.37 Generic Wind Models
tem diagrams and the block diagram by graphical con-
nection of library symbols. The data is input via masks The Generic Wind Model package contains the following
that are object-related and have abbreviated aid texts in models for load flow and stability simulations:
addition to detailed aid texts. It is also possible to com- ■ Squirrel-cage induction generator (SCIG)
bine groups of linked symbols to form independent new
symbols as macro models and to add these to the sym- The SCIG model represents a fixed-speed wind tur-
bol library or to the user’s own library. bine. It includes the induction machine model, single
or two-mass mechanical model, aerodynamic model,
The symbol library “BOSL” (Block-Oriented Simulation over-/ undervoltage protection, no-load compensat-
Language) contains more than 100 different function ing capacitor or switched capacitor bank.
blocks. These blocks can be combined to any open or
closed-loop control structures or evaluation devices by ■ Doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG):
means of the graphic interface. Besides very simple The model includes the induction machine represen-
blocks, such as PID elements, there are also complex tation, DC-circuit, rotor side converter control and
“blocks”, such as FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation). The protection (reactive current boosting, crowbar pro-

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 30

tection), line-side converter control, single or two-
mass mechanical model, over-/ undervoltage protec-
■ Full converter wind generator (FCSG):
The FCSG model is based on a variable speed genera-
tor. It includes the synchronous machine model, in-
verter and control, AC voltage/reactive power con-
trol, DC-voltage control, reactive current boosting,
current limitation, virtual inertia / pitch control, aer-
odynamics model; overspeed/DC overvoltage, AC
over-/undervoltage protection. Figure 2-33 Parameters of a PV generator

2.38 Generic FACTS Models The complete workflow is started by a simple „click“on
the respective generator. The following requirements are
The FACTS Model package contains the following models checked in one run:
for load flow and stability simulations:
■ Utilization of all elements
■ SVC - Static Var Compensator
■ Slow voltage changes
■ Fast voltage changes
■ Mechanically Switched Capacitors
■ Flicker evaluations
■ TCSC – Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation
■ Harmonic evaluations
A brief overview is shown in a special result viewer:

Figure 2-32 SVC characteristic

2.39 Grid Code –Connection of Distributed

Generation to the Grid (EEG)
Beside the usage of separate calculation methods
PSS®SINCAL also offers full solutions to a complete
One of the most frequently used and increasing plan-
ning tasks is the connection of distributed generators to
the grid. PSS®SINCAL offers a verification tool to check
whether these power plants comply with the Grid Code
interconnection requirements. The check of the Grid
Code is a combination of diverse calculation methods
like Load Flow, Short Circuit and Harmonics and the
evaluation of the results against the permissible limits in
the (national) standards. For this the technical parame-
ters of the generator have to be described in more de- Figure 2-34 Overview of connection conditions

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 31

A full report can be created by a simple click. This Mi-
crosoft® Word® document is ready to be provided to the
regulator / grid operator for acknowledgement.

Figure 2-35 Excerpt from a Microsoft® Word® report

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 32

3 Gas ■ Re-Dispatch of supply
It monitors the limits of the supplies and re-
distributes the energy between the different sources.
■ Locking of pipes
Locking of pipes (or other elements) on one or both
ends is possible without deleting the elements.
■ Definition of characteristic curves for pumps and
■ Checking of the operating points and limits of
pumps, valves and network groups
■ Weak point analysis and color-coded visualization of
identified system components in the network.
■ Graphical identification of elements, which are af-
Calculations for different pressure levels
fected by pipe failures.
PSS®SINCAL Gas calculates the flow conditions in
■ Definition of specific groups of network elements,
meshed networks with different pressure levels. It is
e.g. consumer groups with identical behavior.
possible to perform steady-state as well as dynamic
calculations. The effects of time events or time series on ■ Pumps and valves in every network situation, e.g. in
network performance can be displayed as a function of loops.
location in various graphs.
With the aid of dynamic simulation, it is possible to ob- 3.1.2 Network Elements
serve different states and changes of state in the net- ■ Nodes
work at certain times. In this way, it is also possible on
the basis of predetermined time series (for consumers, Geodetic altitudes will be taken into consideration.
supply, control, etc.) and time events (valve position, Coordinates can be entered in the Gauss-Krueger-
consumer shut-off etc.) to calculate values for quanti- System.
ties, flows and pressures in the network.
■ Leakage node
The following PSS®SINCAL analysis methods are availa-
ble: Only in dynamic calculation. The user can enter start-
ing and ending time of the leakage, output surface
■ Thermal and Hydraulic Calculations (mm2), pressure and leakage with/without re-
■ Load Profiles sistance.

■ Contingency Analysis ■ Generators

■ Dynamic Simulation Following infeed types are available:

■ Flow supply
3.1 Hydraulic Calculations
The input flow at the supply remains constant and
The program can handle all steady-state pressure, vol- does not depend on the pressure at the source.
ume and temperature distribution in meshed networks. Constant supply can be given in Nm3/h, m3/h or
MW. Initial starting values can be considered for
3.1.1 Features dynamic simulations.
■ The program works according to the Hardy-Cross ■ Pressure supply
Method and the second rule of Kirchhoff.
Surplus pressure will be constant at the supply
■ For lambda calculations there is a choice between point. It is independent of the load distribution in
Nikuradse’s or Prantl-Colebrook’s or Unger Prantl- the network. The pressure supply compensates the
Colebrock’s formula. difference between the total input at supply points
and the total output at the distribution points.
■ Undersupply
■ Pipes
If the differential pressure is below the minimum
pressure although all valves are open, the consump- Pressure losses are calculated for pipe elements.
tion of the customers will decrease. If required, this
A data base with appropriate inside diameters of
effect can be modeled in PSS®SINCAL.
pipes can be defined.

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 33

The roughness of the pipes, the additional factor for in such a way that the pressure equals the defined
the pipe bend, Zeta, annual roughness increase and pressure.
annual diameter reduction and leakage will be taken
In the dynamic calculation the starting pressure will
into account during the calculation.
be taken from the steady-state calculation.
Pipe data can be entered for each pipe individually or
■ Consumer
by reference to a standard type.
Consumers create gas flows in pipes which are
■ Locking fittings − sliding valves
equivalent to the specified consumption and inde-
Pipes with a valve for which the diameter of the pendent of the pressure. Consumer types with dif-
valve can be regulated. Additionally, the Zeta value ferent characteristics can be defined and these types
can be entered as a function of the valve position. can be assigned to groups of consumers.
This behavior can be defined in a table/diagram.
■ Check valve 3.1.3 Reports and Diagrams

Pipe with uni-directional flow (from pipe start to Tables and Reports
end). The diameter is a function of flow velocity. The user can define the content of reports in selection
The pressure loss of the check valve is a function of lists.
the opening angle which is a function of velocity. ■ General network data
■ Pressure regulator ■ All element data
This network element regulates the pressure so that ■ Node reports with pressures (absolute, working, air),
the pressure set point will be maintained at a speci- altitude and flow (Nm3/h) and all connected ele-
fied node. It can result in a pressure increase or de- ments with flow, flow speed and pressure difference
■ Pipe elements with flow, pressure, pressure de-
The set point can be a fixed value or can be depend- crease, flow speed, length and diameter etc.
ent of a governor value, the circulation volume.
■ Results summaries with minimal and maximum pres-
Pressure guards and pressure limitations will be sure and maximum velocity
■ Constant pressure decrease
Longitudinal section:
A pressure decrease between a start and end point
can be defined. The pressure decrease is independ- Users can freely define routes through the network
ent of the output flow. showing results such as:

■ Compressor ■ Pressure

A pressure increase between the start point and the ■ Air pressure
end point can be defined. Any node pressure can be along automatically generated paths.
regulated by this element.
Network Diagram
■ Line with constant flow
Graphical output of following values:
The flow in the line remains constant and is inde-
pendent of the load distribution within the network ■ Nodes: altitude, consumption, pressure absolute,
and the pressure. relative

■ Differential pressure regulator ■ Pipes: flow, pressure absolute, pressure decrease,

length, diameter, flow speed
This network element maintains a given pressure dif-
ference between reference nodes. The point of regu- Color-coded filter functions for pressure, flow, speed,
lation can be on both sides of the pipe. consumption, etc.

■ Pressure buffer 3.2 Load Profiles

This element simulates a gas reservoir with overflow. Time Series
There will be a flow in or out of the pressure buffer. The Load Profile simulation is a special form of flow
If the pressure is below a defined threshold there will calculation that allows the simulation of varying con-
be no consumption. If the pressure exceeds the sumption or infeed conditions based on chronological
threshold value the consumption will be calculated profiles, e.g. daily profiles in 15-min time steps.

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 34

For this task, in addition to their nominal data the con-
sumer and infeed models include an assigned
load/infeed profile which can be defined in absolute or
relative values.
Based on the specified nominal data and time series the
gas flows in the network are calculated. The time series
analysis also allows modeling consumption taking into
account the effect of simultaneity depending on the
number of consumers of identical type. This can be
achieved by defining and assigning consumer types.
The outcome of the time series simulation is:
■ The results of flow calculations of all time steps are
available, including the analysis of maximum or min-
imum values (e.g. pressure, etc.). Figure 3-1 Result evaluation in color-coded network graphic and in
diagram view
■ Diagrams showing daily profiles of result data ob-
served at selected nodes and branches in the net-

3.3 Contingency Analysis

The purpose of the Contingency Analysis module is to
assess the performance of the network during outage of
network components. The outcome of the contingency
analysis is the determination of weak points or condi-
tions that may lead supply interruptions.
Contingency Analysis comprises a series of flow calcula-
tions. One or more elements are considered on outage
in each individual load flow calculation. PSS®SINCAL can
simulate the outage of a single network component or a
group of components. Conditional and unconditional
outages as well as base and resulting outages can be
All relevant results (minimum and maximum values,
unsupplied consumers, etc.) are recorded and summa-
rized in a clearly arranged results dialog window.

3.4 Dynamic Simulation

This method calculates the gas transportation time and
flow path:
■ Calculation of transportation time and flow path for
freely defined consumers.
■ Results can be displayed graphically.
■ Flow paths through the network are determined
automatically, even in meshed networks.

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page 35

■ Dynamic Simulation
4 Water
4.1 Hydraulic Calculations
The program can handle all steady-state pressure, vol-
ume and temperature distribution in meshed networks.

4.1.1 Features
■ The program works according to the Hardy-Cross
Method and the second rule of Kirchhoff.
■ For lambda calculations there is a choice between
Nikuradse’s or Prantl-Colebrook’s or Unger Prantl-
Colebrock’s formula.
■ Undersupply
If the differential pressure is below the minimum
Steady-state, dynamic and water tower filling calcu- pressure although all valves are open, the consump-
lation tion of the customers will decrease. This effect can
be taken into account, if required.
In the water supply field, PSS®SINCAL calculates the
steady-state and dynamic flow conditions in any meshed ■ Re-Dispatch of supply
network with different pressure levels for Newtonian
It monitors the limits of the supplies and re-
liquids in filled pipes. The Hardy-Cross method is applied
distributes the energy between the different sources.
for this purpose.
■ Locking of pipes
Steady-state calculation provides results such as pres-
sure, rate of flow and flow velocity, as well as the oper- Locking of pipes (or other elements) on one or both
ating points of control devices. In addition, pressure ends is possible without deleting the elements.
characteristic graphs are also available.
■ Definition of characteristic curves for pumps and
With the aid of dynamic simulation, it is possible to ob- valves
serve different states and changes of state in the net-
■ Checking of the operating points and limits of
work at certain times. In this way, it is also possible on
pumps, valves and network groups
the basis of predetermined time series (for consumers,
supply, regulators, etc.) and time events (valve position, ■ Weak point analysis and color-coded visualization of
consumer shut-off etc.) to calculate values for quanti- the identified weak points
ties, flows and pressures in the network.
■ Graphical identification of elements which are af-
Using the Water Tower Filling model, it is possible to fected by pipe failures
perform calculations for the water network on a quasi-
■ Definition of specific groups of network elements,
dynamic basis. Here, the changes in pressure in the
e.g. consumer groups with specific behavior
network caused by in- and outflows in the water towers
are taken into account. The effects of changes in the ■ Pumps and valves in every network situation, e.g. in
loading of the network and in the position of control loops
elements are simulated by time events or time series.
Water Tower Filling makes it possible to plan the opti-
4.1.2 Network Elements
mum layout of new tanks and capacity utilization of ■ Nodes
existing tanks. The results can be visualized as graphs
Geodetic altitudes will be taken into consideration.
for pressure, filling level, filling volume or in- and out-
flow at the water towers as a function of time. Coordinates can be entered in the Gauss-Krueger-
The following PSS®SINCAL analysis methods are availa-
ble: ■ Generators
Overview of Methods The following infeed types are available:
■ Hydraulic Calculations ■ Water tower:
■ Load Profiles The pressure in the water tower will be kept con-
stant independently of the consumption in the
■ Water Tower Filling
network. The water level is set by the user. The wa-
■ Contingency Analysis ter tower compensates the difference between the
total input at supply points and the total output at A pressure decrease between the start and end point
the distribution points. can be defined. The pressure decrease is independ-
ent of the output flow.
■ Reciprocating pump
■ Differential pressure regulator
This element supplies water to the network at a
constant output flow. The water comes from a wa- The given value for regulation is the difference of
ter reservoir, which is assumed to be unlimited or pressure between two reference nodes. The point of
an upstream supply network. The output flow is regulation can be both sides of the pipe.
independent from the pressure at the source node.
The set point can be a fixed value or can be depend-
■ Centrifugal pump ent of a governor value, the circulation volume.
The centrifugal pump supplies water in accordance ■ Pumps
to a given infeed characteristic assuming an unlim-
Pumps can have different operation types:
ited water reservoir or upstream supply network as
source. The predicted output is used as the initial ■ Fixed output  reciprocating pump
starting value for the simulation. The pump’s oper-
■ Fixed speed  centrifugal pump
ating point is determined by interpolation between
the nearest set points of the pump characteristic. ■ Fixed output height  pressure regulation
■ Pipes ■ Fixed pressure  pressure regulation
Pressure losses are calculated for this element. For other details see specific regulators.
A data base with appropriate inside diameters of ■ Pressure buffer
pipes can be defined.
This element simulates a water reservoir with over-
The roughness of the pipes, the additional factor for flow.
the pipe bend, Zeta, annual roughness increase and
If the pressure is below a defined value there will be
annual diameter reduction and leakage will be taken
no consumption. If the pressure exceeds the defined
into account during the calculation.
pressure threshold, the consumption will be calculat-
Types of pipes with special values can be defined and ed in such a way that the pressure equals the defined
used for groups of pipes. pressure.
■ Locking fittings − sliding valves In the dynamic calculation the starting pressure will
be taken from the steady state calculation. With this
Pipe with a valve for which the diameter of the valve
value the filling of the tower will be calculated ac-
can be regulated. As a special function the Zeta value
cording to the pressure buffer characteristic. There
can be given as a function of the valve position. This
will be a flow in or out of the pressure buffer.
function can be defined in a table/diagram.
■ Consumer
■ Check valve
Consumers create water flows in the network that
Pipe with uni-directional flow. Cross section is a func-
are equivalent to their consumption in the outlet
tion of flow speed.
pipes. The flow is independent of the consumer’s
Pressure losses through the check valve are a func- water pressure. Types of consumers with special val-
tion of opening angle, which is a function of speed. ues can be defined and assigned to groups of con-
■ Pressure regulator
Network element which regulates the pressure in a 4.1.3 Reports and Diagrams
way that the set point of the pressure on a defined
node will be maintained. This could be a pressure in- Tables and reports
crease or a pressure decrease element. The user can define the content of reports in selection
The position of the valve will be calculated out of the lists.
Zeta value. ■ General network data
The set point can be a fixed value or can be depend- ■ All element data
ent of a governor value, the circulation volume.
■ Node reports with pressure and altitude and all con-
Pressure guards and pressure limitations will be nected elements with flow, flow speed and pressure
checked. difference
■ Constant pressure decrease ■ Pipe elements with flow, pressure, pressure de-
crease, flow speed, length and diameter

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page ૜૞

■ Results summaries with minimal and maximum pres- The water level inside the tower indirectly indicates the
sure and maximum velocity pressure at the water tower node.
Diagrams The stored water volume is defined by the water tower
shape and the height of the water level. The water tower
Longitudinal section
shape can be entered by the user.
Users can define free routes through the network show-
Calculation time and time steps can be chosen freely.
ing values, such as:
The result diagrams of the Water Tower Filling module
■ Pressure show height, pressure, volume and flow as functions of
■ Altitude
along the automatically generated paths. 4.4 Contingency Analysis
Network Diagram The purpose of the Contingency Analysis module is to
Graphical output of following values: assess the performance of the network during outage of
network components. The outcome of the contingency
■ Nodes: altitude, consumption, absolute and relative analysis is the determination of weak points or condi-
pressure tions that may lead to supply interruptions.
■ Pipes: flow, absolute pressure, pressure drop, length, Contingency Analysis comprises a series of flow calcula-
diameter, flow speed, type of pipe tions. One or more elements are considered on outage
Color-coded filter functions for pressure, flow, speed, in each individual load flow calculation. PSS®SINCAL can
consumption, etc. simulate the outage of a single network component or a
group of components. Conditional and unconditional
outages as well as base and resulting outages can be
4.2 Load Profiles
Time Series
All relevant results (minimum and maximum values,
The load profile calculation is a special form of flow unsupplied consumers, etc.) are recorded and summa-
calculation that allows the simulation of varying con- rized in a clearly arranged results dialog window.
sumption or infeed conditions based on chronological
profiles, e.g. daily profiles in 15-min time steps. 4.5 Dynamic Simulation
For this task, the consumer and infeed models, addi- Calculation of water transportation time and flow path:
tionally to their nominal data, include an assigned con-
sumption/infeed profile which can be defined in abso- ■ Calculation of transportation time and flow path for
lute or relative values. freely defined consumers.

Based on the specified nominal data and time series the ■ Results can be displayed graphically.
water flows are calculated. The time series analysis also ■ Flow paths through the network are determined
allows modeling consumption taking into account the automatically, even in meshed networks.
effect of simultaneity depending on the number of con-
sumers of identical type. This can be achieved by defin-
ing and assigning consumer types.
The following results are available:
■ All flow calculations of all time steps are available,
including the analysis of maximum or minimum val-
ues (e.g. pressure flows, etc.);
■ Diagrams showing daily profiles of the result data
observed at selected nodes and branches in the net-

4.3 Water Tower Filling

In interaction with the network, in- and outflowing wa-
ter results in changing geodetic heights of the water
level in water towers.
PSS®SINCAL’s Water Tower Filling method is used to
calculate the required water tower filling for the next

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page ૜૞

and primary and secondary networks connected by
5 District Heating and Cooling heat exchangers can be simulated together.
■ Undersupply
If the differential pressure is below the minimum
pressure although all valves are open, the consump-
tion of the customers will decrease. This effect can
be modeled, if required.
■ Re-Dispatch of supply
It monitors the limits of the supplies and re-
distributes the energy between the different sources.
■ Locking of pipes
Locking of pipes (or other elements) on one or both
sides is possible without deleting the elements. This
can even be done in asymmetrical networks.
Calculation of flow and return flow ■ Definition of characteristic curves for pumps and
PSS®SINCAL District Heating and Cooling can provide the valves
answer to whether in any meshed network steady-state ■ Checking of the operating points and limits of
or dynamic flow calculations are required. In addition to pumps, valves and network groups
pressure, rates of flow and flow velocities, the pressure
difference between flow and return flow, the operating ■ Weak point analysis and color-coded identification of
points of the pumps, along with temperature and heat the weak points in the network
output, are all shown. Pressure graphs are also available. ■ Graphical identification of elements, which are af-
Individual elements can optionally be taken into account fected by pipe failures
in flow and/or return flow. For simulation of consump- ■ Definition of specific groups of network elements,
tion and pressure profiles, valve positions and faults, e.g. consumer groups with specific behavior
definitions of time series and time events are available.
■ Consideration of different cool-down temperatures
The following PSS®SINCAL analysis methods are availa- of consumers.
■ Pumps and valves in every network situation, e.g. in
Overview of Methods loops
■ Thermal and Hydraulic Calculations ■ Calculation of temperature regulated admixtures for
■ Load Profiles the flow pipe into the return pipe

■ Contingency Analysis ■ Heat/Cooling generators with different flow temper-

■ Dynamic Simulation
■ Closed-loop calculation between flow and return
5.1 Thermal and Hydraulic Calculations
5.1.2 Network Elements
The program can handle any steady-state pressure, vol-
ume and temperature distribution in meshed networks. ■ Nodes

Networks can be built symmetrically and asymmetrically Geodetic altitudes will be taken into consideration.
with different dimensions in flow and return flow. Coordinates can be entered in the Gauss-Krueger-
5.1.1 Features
■ Generators
■ Symmetrical and asymmetrical networks
The following infeed types are available:
4 conductor (or more) networks (2 flow pipes and 2
return pipes). ■ Pressure infeed

Flow pipes can be connected via bypasses. Pressure will be constant when the temperature is
given. This element can be in the flow and return
■ Simulation of primary and secondary networks pipe. The pressure can be fixed by entering flow or
Calculation can simulate more than one independent return temperature or differential temperature.
network at the same time. Networks with locking

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page ૜૞

■ Power infeed ■ Differential pressure regulator
The infeed power or/and infeed volume will be The given value for regulation is the difference of
fixed at a given temperature or difference in tem- pressure between two reference nodes. The point of
perature. Can be entered into the flow or return regulation can be in the flow or return pipe.
The set point can be a fixed value or can be depend-
■ Pump infeed ent of a governor value, the circulation volume.
Centrifugal pump with output according to the ■ Pumps
characteristic curve of the pump. Can be entered
Pumps can have different operation types:
into the flow or return path.
■ Fixed output  piston pump
■ Pipes
■ Fixed speed  circulation pump
Pressure losses and heat losses are calculated for
pipe elements. ■ Fixed output height  pressure regulation
A data base with appropriate inside diameters of ■ Fixed pressure  pressure regulation
pipes can be defined.
For other details see specific regulators.
The roughness of the pipes, the additional factor for
■ Flow temperature regulator
the pipe bend, Zeta, profile factor, heat conduction
factor and leakage will be taken into account during This network element simulates a valve that regu-
the calculation. lates a flow temperature at a reference node by
infeeding water of the return flow. This element can
Types of pipes with special values can be defined and
be used in flow und return pipes.
used for groups of pipes.
■ Heat exchanger
■ Bypasses
This element is used for hydraulic decoupling of pri-
Element with pipe characteristic between flow pipe 1
mary and secondary networks.
and flow pipe 2.
The flow temperature at a reference node in the sec-
■ Locking fittings
ondary network will be fixed by transmitting heat
Pipe with a valve where the diameter of the valve from the primary to the secondary network. This is
can be regulated. As a special function the Zeta value achieved by means of a generated consumer at the
can be given as a function of the valve position. This element’s start point and an infeed with pressure
function can be defined in a table/diagram. This ele- regulation at the end point.
ment can be entered in the flow pipe.
The set point can be a fixed value or can be depend-
■ Check valve ent of a governor value, in this case the outside tem-
Pipe with uni-directional flow. Cross section is a func-
tion of flow speed. ■ Pressure buffer
Pressure losses through the check valve are a func- This element simulates a water reservoir with over-
tion of opening degree, which is a function of speed. flow.
This element can be entered into the flow pipe. If the pressure is below a defined value there will be
no consumption. If the pressure exceeds the defined
■ Pressure regulator
pressure threshold, the consumption will be calculat-
Network element which regulates the pressure in a ed in such a way that the pressure equals the defined
way that the set point of the pressure on a defined pressure.
node will be maintained. This could be a pressure in-
In the dynamic calculation the starting pressure will
crease or a pressure decrease element.
be taken from the steady-state calculation. With this
The position of the valve will be calculated from the value the filling of the tower will be calculated ac-
Zeta value. cording to the pressure buffer characteristic. There
will be a flow in or out of the pressure buffer.
The set point can be a fixed value or can be depend-
ent of a governor value, the circulation volume. ■ Consumer
Pressure guards and pressure limitations will be Consumers create flows in the network that are
checked. equivalent to their consumption. This flow is inde-
pendent of the consumer’s water pressure.

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page ૜૞

The consumer can have a constant consumption ■ Pipe elements with flow, pressure, pressure de-
power or/and constant consumption volume. The us- crease, flow speed, length, diameter and tempera-
er can choose between fixed temperature or fixed ture difference
difference of temperature between flow and return
■ Results summaries with minimum and maximum
pipe. Types of consumers with special values can be
pressure, maximum speed and losses in flow and re-
defined and assigned to groups of consumers.
turn and the total losses

5.1.3 Reports and Diagrams For this task, the consumer and infeeder model, addi-
tionally to their nominal data, include an assigned con-
Tables and Reports sumption / infeed profile which can be defined in abso-
The user can define the content of reports in selection lute or relative values.
lists. Based on the specified nominal data and time series the
■ General network data flows in the network are calculated. The time series
analysis also allows modeling consumption taking into
■ All element data account the effect of simultaneity depending on the
■ Node reports with pressure, altitude and tempera- number of consumers of identical type. This can be
ture and all connected elements with flow, flow achieved by defining and assigning consumer types.
speed and pressure difference The following results are available:
■ Pipe elements with flow, pressure, pressure de- ■ All flow calculations of all time steps are available
crease, flow speed, length, diameter and tempera- including the analysis of maximum or minimum val-
ture difference ues (e.g. pressure flows, etc.);
■ Results summaries with minimum and maximum ■ Diagrams showing daily profiles of result data ob-
pressure, maximum speed and losses in flow and re- served at selected nodes and branches in the net-
turn and the total losses work.
5.3 Contingency Analysis
Longitudinal section
The purpose of the Contingency Analysis module is to
The user can define free routes through the network
assess the performance of the network during outage of
showing the values for
network components. The outcome of the contingency
■ Pressure flow and return (absolute and relative) analysis is the determination of weak points or condi-
tions that may lead to supply interruptions.
■ Steam pressure (absolute and relative)
Contingency Analysis comprises a series of flow calcula-
■ Altitude
tions. One or more elements are considered on outage
■ Temperature in each individual load flow calculation. PSS®SINCAL can
simulate the outage of a single network component or a
along automatically generated paths.
group of components. Conditional and unconditional
Network Diagram outages as well as base and resulting outages can be
Graphical output of following values:
All relevant results (minimum and maximum values,
■ Nodes: altitude, consumption, absolute, relative and
unsupplied consumers, etc.) are recorded and summa-
specific pressure, temperature
rized in a clearly arranged results dialog window.
■ Pipes: flow, absolute, relative and specific pressure,
temperature difference, length, diameter, flow 5.4 Dynamic Simulation
speed, losses
Calculation of transportation time and flow path.
Color-coded filter functions for pressure (all types), tem-
■ Calculation of transportation time and flow path for
peratures, flow, speed, consumption, etc.
freely defined consumers.
5.2 Load Profiles ■ Results can be displayed graphically.
Time Series ■ Flow paths through the network are determined
automatically even in meshed networks.
The Load Profile calculation is a special form of flow
calculation that allows the simulation of varying con-
sumption or infeed conditions based on chronological
profiles, e.g. daily profiles in 15-min time steps.

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page ૜૞

Figure 5-1 Result evaluation in color-coded network graphic and in
diagram view

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page ૜૞

6 General

6.1 Program Updates and Hotline Support

For PSS®SINCAL we offer an annual maintenance and
support contract that comprises regular program up-
dates, new releases and hotline support via telephone
and e-mail.
Additionally, we offer trainings, seminars and power
system consultancy service.

6.2 Contact Address

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require addi-
tional information about PSS®SINCAL.
Siemens AG
Infrastructure & Cities Sector
Mrs. Ulrike Sachs
PO Box 3220
D-91050 Erlangen
Tel. + 49 9131 7-33429
Fax + 49 9131 7-35017
Email: [email protected]

PSS SINCAL Platform October 2013 Version 10.0 Page ૜૞

Siemens AG
Infrastructure & Cities Sector
Smart Grid, Services
Power Technologies International
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
D-91058 Erlangen
Telephone: + 49 9131 7-33429
Email: [email protected]

© 10.2013, Siemens AG All rights reserved

Answers for infrastructure and cities.

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