PSS SINCAL Product Brochure
PSS SINCAL Product Brochure
PSS SINCAL Product Brochure
October 2013 V10.0
Planning Software for Electricity, Gas, Water and District Heating and
Cooling Networks
Table of Contents
1 PSS®SINCAL Platform 5
1.1 Introduction 5
1.2 IT Architecture 5
2 Electrical Networks 11
2.30 Flicker 27
2.31 Torsion 28
3 Gas 33
3.1.1 Features 33
4 Water 36
4.1.1 Features 36
5.1.1 Features 39
6 General 43
1.2 IT Architecture
PSS®SINCAL is well suited for the needs of both industry ■ Windows XP (x86) with Service Pack 3
and utility companies. Its international users are munici- ■ Windows Vista (x86) with Service Pack 2
pal utilities, distribution and transmission companies,
operators of industrial plants and power stations as well ■ Windows 7 (x86 & x64)
as engineering consulting firms. ■ Windows Server 2003 (x86) with Service Pack 2
PSS®SINCAL provides high-performance tools for the ■ Windows Server 2008 R2 (x86 & x64)
planning and design of supply networks for all main
infrastructures: electricity, gas, water and district heat- Database Systems Supported
ing. ■ Access 2003
For this reason, it is particularly suitable for multi-utility ■ Access 2007
companies providing service for different infrastruc-
■ Access 2010
tures. PSS®SINCAL facilitates efficient and economic
cross-infrastructure network planning and operation ■ Oracle 9i
taking advantage of synergies from using the same user
■ Oracle 10g
interface, data handling and exchange facilities for dif-
ferent infrastructures. ■ Oracle 11g
Professional Network Planning ■ SQL Server Express 2008
In over 50 years of experience, Siemens has optimized ■ SQL Server Express 2008 R2
PSS®SINCAL in close cooperation with the users and is
■ SQL Server 2008
proud to be one of the world’s leading suppliers of sys-
tem planning software. Within Siemens, computer- ■ SQL Server 2008 R2
based network analysis started on main frame comput-
ers in 1960, and we were rapidly known as a leader in 1.2.3 Data Exchange
power system simulation.
With PSS®SINCAL network data, graphic and result data
PSS®SINCAL now establishes a new standard with a can be easily exchanged, using common standard data
unique variety of high-quality and technical excellence
PSS®SINCAL supports ‘stepwise undo’ and ‘restora- This could be standard ASCII-file definitions or direct
tion of last saved data’ functions. OLE or ODBC links, SQL procedures etc.
Data bases with various types of equipment (e.g. ca- The number of nodes/substations is unrestricted
bles, overhead lines, transformers, protection devic- (e.g. networks with 50.000 nodes or more have been
es, etc.) are provided and can be augmented by the calculated in connection to GIS systems.) because
user. the program automatically allocates the required
■ User macros
■ Multi-network simulation
There is a library for built-in models and models for
whole parts of the network. Macros can also be PSS®SINCAL can simultaneously simulate several
complete data bases. PSS®SINCAL can work with networks that are not linked together at the same
more than one data base at the same time. time.
Full and flexible data management including tree list Variants are organized in a tree structure. Changes in
and browser functionality is available for input data, one variant will automatically update all dependent
results and variants. Freely defined queries can be di- sub-variants. Network development is easy to han-
rectly accessed through the GUI. dle. Analysis across variants is a very mighty tool
which is available by standard data base actions and
All information can directly be passed to any Office also covers the diagram display.
Application by copy and paste.
■ Reports
Freely definable reports with all means of List & La-
bel® (combit GmbH) are provided. Many standard
reports for each calculation method are available.
Simple reports could also be achieved by just copy
and paste data into the preferred application.
Figure 1-11 Diagram with graphs from different variants The online help is working with latest HTML based
helping functions. Even manuals can be generated
■ Mixed graphical representation out of this information.
For network planning the representation of the net- ■ Batch mode/Macro Recorder/Automation
work depends on the tasks you have to do. If you
With the batch mode functionality the user can de-
want to set protection devices or have a look on the
fine several tasks, which have to be done often (mul-
structure of the network, schematic view is the best.
tiple runs) or for overnight procedures in variant cal-
In medium- and low-voltage networks however a
culations. For batch mode, users need not know a
semi scale drawing enables the engineer to take into
specific command structure, but only record the
consideration local characteristics and topographical
steps the program should do later on.
demands. PSS®SINCAL can mix semi-scale structures
with schematic structures even within one network ■ Interactive mode
diagram. User defined units are also available.
PSS®SINCAL can be used as a calculation engine run-
PSS®SINCAL works in a world coordinate system.
ning in the background of other programs. For in-
Therefore no maps can be too large sized. Maps of
stance, load flow or other calculations can be started
different scale can be integrated into the same map.
within the GIS environment using the GIS’ network
Only the paper size of the plotter sets limits.
data and PSS®SINCAL’s analysis capabilities. The re-
■ Models sults will be displayed in the GIS, i.e. in this case it is
not necessary to open the PSS®SINCAL user inter-
Every network component has to be modeled only
face. If PSS®SINCAL shall be used for further network
once for different analysis tasks. The mathematical
analysis the open data base can be used as the inter-
model changes according to the selected analysis
changing platform for data. No other interface has to
method. For instance, lines can have PI equation or
be developed.
wave equation, loads/asynchronous motors can
change their behavior during calculation. For har- ■ Single-/multi-user data base
monics the frequency dependency of the impedance
PSS®SINCAL can work in single-user or multi user
can be taken into account.
mode with Oracle data base or SQL Server data base.
Not all network elements must have a graphical rep-
■ ASP system
resentation. PSS®SINCAL includes elements without
graphical representation in the calculation and pro- PSS®SINCAL can also work as an ASP (Application
vide their results in the spreadsheet view. This shows Service Provider) System. With this option the user
that each element is an object with different attrib- can work with PSS®SINCAL via internet and
utes. PSS®SINCAL is managed on a PC hosted by Siemens
with high security fire walls. The user has permanent
■ Name plate values
access to the newest version of PSS®SINCAL, does
PSS®SINCAL works with name plate values. Most of not need to provide PC capacity (only a display sta-
the input data are entered in their physical quantities tion) and just pays for the time he actually works
so that you can easily use the known data of equip- with the program.
ment and save a lot of data conversion or prepara-
tion time just before the calculation.
The specification of lines differ for low voltage and
medium voltage systems (e.g. cable types with tech-
nical data that are available in the data base:
NKBA...) or high voltage system (where electrical
values are normally measured). According to that
■ Probabilistic Reliability ■ Networks with more than one slack are possible.
In addition to nominal values, PSS®SINCAL assigns load The optimization is based on a station and route model
changes (i.e. in-/decreases) and considers commission- defining possible connections between infeed and loads.
ing and decommissioning dates for network compo- The optimization has the objective to minimize losses
nents. Absolute or relative load changes can be assigned while complying with technical limits (max. feeder load,
to individual loads, groups/types of loads or loads in max. voltage drop, etc.). The cost of transforming the
graphically selected areas. A commissioning and de- network into the proposed structure is determined.
commission date can be entered for each network ele-
ment. This allows taking new loads, transformer, lines,
etc. into service and existing ones out of service at fu-
ture points in time. All network development scenarios
and the foresighted assessment of future network per-
formance can be modeled.
The entire load flow calculation results with evaluation
of minimum and maximum values (e.g. voltages or
loading levels) and diagrams with information on power
requirements and overloaded lines are provided.
Additional information is provided if limits have been
violated during the calculation period.
The Load Development tool provides valuable infor-
mation to identify weak points and to prioritize required
network reinforcement or restructuring measures.
The Load Allocation method (Substation Load Assign- ■ Form of contractual agreements with consumers
ment module) is an enhancement of the Load Flow Contingency Analysis comprises a series of load flow
calculation module enabling feeder load scaling. It is calculations. One or more elements are considered on
used to scale loads in order to determine load flow con- outage in each individual load flow calculation.
ditions matching measured currents or apparent power PSS®SINCAL can simulate the outage of a single network
flows. For this purpose, recorded maximum meter read- component, or a group of components (that have to be
ings can be entered at loads and meters placed on lines operative as a group) and overloaded components. Con-
in the network. The load allocation function scales loads ditional and unconditional outages as well as base (n-1)
to which meter readings are assigned so that the results and resulting (n-2) outages can be modeled.
of the load flow calculation match the recorded maxi-
mum flows at the measurement points. Hence, the ap-
plication load allocation function can improve the net-
work model and lead to simulation results that are closer
to real network conditions.
Tap Zone Detection is an enhanced load flow simulation
method combining load trimming for minimum and
maximum load conditions with transformer tap optimi-
zation so that the voltage of the regulated feeder re-
mains within the permitted voltage range.
The results are the load flow results for minimum and
maximum load conditions. Resulting tap positions can
be visualized by means of color-coding in the network
graphic. The calculated minimum and maximum voltag-
es can be visualized and compared to the permissible
voltage limits in voltage profile diagrams.
Figure 2-7 Color-coded Tap Zones The purpose of the Restoration of Supply method is to
restore the supply of all consumers (loads, asynchronous
2.11 Contingency Analysis and Restoration of machines, etc.) to a normal operating state after outage
Supply of network components.
The purpose of the Contingency Analysis module is to At first, PSS®SINCAL tries to restore supply primarily by
assess the load flow in networks during outages of net- closing switches. If this is not sufficient to restore supply
work components and generators. It provides infor- to all consumers then the algorithm tries to transfer
mation on security of supply and weak points in the loads to other feeders. If even this fails then consump-
network. The network operator obtains important in- tion is reduced or loads are shed. As results different
formation on following issues: switching options with all performed restoration
measures and the not supplied network elements are
■ n-1 and n-1-1 criteria compliance provided.
■ Risk of supply interruptions
■ Two-phase-to-ground fault 1. Load flow calculation for direction decision and relay
■ Three-phase fault
2. Determination of the protection devices that limit
■ User-defined multiple faults packages, e.g. cross- the concerned protected area and that have to trip.
country faults. (see multiple fault module descrip-
tion). 3. Calculation of currents, impedances and tripping
Fault impedances, e.g. arc impedance can be simulated,
if required. 4. Tripping of the device with the shortest release time.
Starting and triggering of protection devices are simu- 5. Changing of network topology.
lated in as many time steps as necessary. The operating 6. If fault is not cleared: second short-circuit calculation
state of the protection devices can be visualized in the and determination of the next relay to trip.
network diagram by color code. Any violations of the
grading times are also indicated, as is multiple tripping 7. Repetition of the above steps until the fault is cleared
of protection devices. Directional elements can be freely and the total fault clearance time is determined.
defined. Damage curves for cables and transformer 8. Evaluation whether the correct relays have tripped,
loadings are also displayed in graphical form. and provision of all relevant information, e.g. indica-
The system generates grading diagrams for I2t, RX, and tion of unselective relay operation.
Zt functionality. The fields of application are the check- Important is the simulation of special protection device
ing of thermal loads and incorrect tripping in normal properties:
operation, the determination of disconnection times,
the coordination of protection and the checking of grad- ■ Directional elements
ing times. ■ Starting conditions:
Specialties ■ Overcurrent
■ Meshed networks ■ Voltage-controlled under-impedance
■ Across all network levels ■ Impedance characteristics
■ Data base with more than 1000 protection devices ■ Interlocks and intertripping
■ Directional element ■ Asymmetrical faults
■ Protection failure ■ Protection failure
■ Over and undervoltage tripping ■ Simulation across several voltage levels
■ Interlocks and intertripping ■ Representation of downstream overcurrent time
■ Free definition of protection devices relays
■ Faults located on node or lines ■ On disposal: load flow and several short circuits
2.19 Arc Flash Hazard In addition to the graphical output of frequency re-
PSS®SINCAL‘s Arc Flash module is intended for designers sponses for the required nodes, the network impedances
and facility operators of electrical plants. It determines are also shown in the complex plane and the harmonics
the arc flash hazard distance and the incident energy to level for all nodes and network levels with the appropri-
which employees could be exposed, based on the guide- ate limit values.
lines defined by IEEE 1584 standard. u rel [%] Oberschwingung - Netzebenenpegel: 0.5KV
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Motor2 Motor2
switching of e.g. street lamps or electric heating. Figure 2-19 Motor and load torque
The Graphical Model Builder system has a large symbol Figure 2-31 DFIG voltage controller
library which contains more than 100 different control
blocks in the form of symbols. The user establishes sys- 2.37 Generic Wind Models
tem diagrams and the block diagram by graphical con-
nection of library symbols. The data is input via masks The Generic Wind Model package contains the following
that are object-related and have abbreviated aid texts in models for load flow and stability simulations:
addition to detailed aid texts. It is also possible to com- ■ Squirrel-cage induction generator (SCIG)
bine groups of linked symbols to form independent new
symbols as macro models and to add these to the sym- The SCIG model represents a fixed-speed wind tur-
bol library or to the user’s own library. bine. It includes the induction machine model, single
or two-mass mechanical model, aerodynamic model,
The symbol library “BOSL” (Block-Oriented Simulation over-/ undervoltage protection, no-load compensat-
Language) contains more than 100 different function ing capacitor or switched capacitor bank.
blocks. These blocks can be combined to any open or
closed-loop control structures or evaluation devices by ■ Doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG):
means of the graphic interface. Besides very simple The model includes the induction machine represen-
blocks, such as PID elements, there are also complex tation, DC-circuit, rotor side converter control and
“blocks”, such as FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation). The protection (reactive current boosting, crowbar pro-
2.38 Generic FACTS Models The complete workflow is started by a simple „click“on
the respective generator. The following requirements are
The FACTS Model package contains the following models checked in one run:
for load flow and stability simulations:
■ Utilization of all elements
■ SVC - Static Var Compensator
■ Slow voltage changes
■ Fast voltage changes
■ Mechanically Switched Capacitors
■ Flicker evaluations
■ TCSC – Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation
■ Harmonic evaluations
A brief overview is shown in a special result viewer:
Pipe with uni-directional flow (from pipe start to Tables and Reports
end). The diameter is a function of flow velocity. The user can define the content of reports in selection
The pressure loss of the check valve is a function of lists.
the opening angle which is a function of velocity. ■ General network data
■ Pressure regulator ■ All element data
This network element regulates the pressure so that ■ Node reports with pressures (absolute, working, air),
the pressure set point will be maintained at a speci- altitude and flow (Nm3/h) and all connected ele-
fied node. It can result in a pressure increase or de- ments with flow, flow speed and pressure difference
■ Pipe elements with flow, pressure, pressure de-
The set point can be a fixed value or can be depend- crease, flow speed, length and diameter etc.
ent of a governor value, the circulation volume.
■ Results summaries with minimal and maximum pres-
Pressure guards and pressure limitations will be sure and maximum velocity
■ Constant pressure decrease
Longitudinal section:
A pressure decrease between a start and end point
can be defined. The pressure decrease is independ- Users can freely define routes through the network
ent of the output flow. showing results such as:
■ Compressor ■ Pressure
A pressure increase between the start point and the ■ Air pressure
end point can be defined. Any node pressure can be along automatically generated paths.
regulated by this element.
Network Diagram
■ Line with constant flow
Graphical output of following values:
The flow in the line remains constant and is inde-
pendent of the load distribution within the network ■ Nodes: altitude, consumption, pressure absolute,
and the pressure. relative
4.1.1 Features
■ The program works according to the Hardy-Cross
Method and the second rule of Kirchhoff.
■ For lambda calculations there is a choice between
Nikuradse’s or Prantl-Colebrook’s or Unger Prantl-
Colebrock’s formula.
■ Undersupply
If the differential pressure is below the minimum
Steady-state, dynamic and water tower filling calcu- pressure although all valves are open, the consump-
lation tion of the customers will decrease. This effect can
be taken into account, if required.
In the water supply field, PSS®SINCAL calculates the
steady-state and dynamic flow conditions in any meshed ■ Re-Dispatch of supply
network with different pressure levels for Newtonian
It monitors the limits of the supplies and re-
liquids in filled pipes. The Hardy-Cross method is applied
distributes the energy between the different sources.
for this purpose.
■ Locking of pipes
Steady-state calculation provides results such as pres-
sure, rate of flow and flow velocity, as well as the oper- Locking of pipes (or other elements) on one or both
ating points of control devices. In addition, pressure ends is possible without deleting the elements.
characteristic graphs are also available.
■ Definition of characteristic curves for pumps and
With the aid of dynamic simulation, it is possible to ob- valves
serve different states and changes of state in the net-
■ Checking of the operating points and limits of
work at certain times. In this way, it is also possible on
pumps, valves and network groups
the basis of predetermined time series (for consumers,
supply, regulators, etc.) and time events (valve position, ■ Weak point analysis and color-coded visualization of
consumer shut-off etc.) to calculate values for quanti- the identified weak points
ties, flows and pressures in the network.
■ Graphical identification of elements which are af-
Using the Water Tower Filling model, it is possible to fected by pipe failures
perform calculations for the water network on a quasi-
■ Definition of specific groups of network elements,
dynamic basis. Here, the changes in pressure in the
e.g. consumer groups with specific behavior
network caused by in- and outflows in the water towers
are taken into account. The effects of changes in the ■ Pumps and valves in every network situation, e.g. in
loading of the network and in the position of control loops
elements are simulated by time events or time series.
Water Tower Filling makes it possible to plan the opti-
4.1.2 Network Elements
mum layout of new tanks and capacity utilization of ■ Nodes
existing tanks. The results can be visualized as graphs
Geodetic altitudes will be taken into consideration.
for pressure, filling level, filling volume or in- and out-
flow at the water towers as a function of time. Coordinates can be entered in the Gauss-Krueger-
The following PSS®SINCAL analysis methods are availa-
ble: ■ Generators
Overview of Methods The following infeed types are available:
■ Hydraulic Calculations ■ Water tower:
■ Load Profiles The pressure in the water tower will be kept con-
stant independently of the consumption in the
■ Water Tower Filling
network. The water level is set by the user. The wa-
■ Contingency Analysis ter tower compensates the difference between the
total input at supply points and the total output at A pressure decrease between the start and end point
the distribution points. can be defined. The pressure decrease is independ-
ent of the output flow.
■ Reciprocating pump
■ Differential pressure regulator
This element supplies water to the network at a
constant output flow. The water comes from a wa- The given value for regulation is the difference of
ter reservoir, which is assumed to be unlimited or pressure between two reference nodes. The point of
an upstream supply network. The output flow is regulation can be both sides of the pipe.
independent from the pressure at the source node.
The set point can be a fixed value or can be depend-
■ Centrifugal pump ent of a governor value, the circulation volume.
The centrifugal pump supplies water in accordance ■ Pumps
to a given infeed characteristic assuming an unlim-
Pumps can have different operation types:
ited water reservoir or upstream supply network as
source. The predicted output is used as the initial ■ Fixed output reciprocating pump
starting value for the simulation. The pump’s oper-
■ Fixed speed centrifugal pump
ating point is determined by interpolation between
the nearest set points of the pump characteristic. ■ Fixed output height pressure regulation
■ Pipes ■ Fixed pressure pressure regulation
Pressure losses are calculated for this element. For other details see specific regulators.
A data base with appropriate inside diameters of ■ Pressure buffer
pipes can be defined.
This element simulates a water reservoir with over-
The roughness of the pipes, the additional factor for flow.
the pipe bend, Zeta, annual roughness increase and
If the pressure is below a defined value there will be
annual diameter reduction and leakage will be taken
no consumption. If the pressure exceeds the defined
into account during the calculation.
pressure threshold, the consumption will be calculat-
Types of pipes with special values can be defined and ed in such a way that the pressure equals the defined
used for groups of pipes. pressure.
■ Locking fittings − sliding valves In the dynamic calculation the starting pressure will
be taken from the steady state calculation. With this
Pipe with a valve for which the diameter of the valve
value the filling of the tower will be calculated ac-
can be regulated. As a special function the Zeta value
cording to the pressure buffer characteristic. There
can be given as a function of the valve position. This
will be a flow in or out of the pressure buffer.
function can be defined in a table/diagram.
■ Consumer
■ Check valve
Consumers create water flows in the network that
Pipe with uni-directional flow. Cross section is a func-
are equivalent to their consumption in the outlet
tion of flow speed.
pipes. The flow is independent of the consumer’s
Pressure losses through the check valve are a func- water pressure. Types of consumers with special val-
tion of opening angle, which is a function of speed. ues can be defined and assigned to groups of con-
■ Pressure regulator
Network element which regulates the pressure in a 4.1.3 Reports and Diagrams
way that the set point of the pressure on a defined
node will be maintained. This could be a pressure in- Tables and reports
crease or a pressure decrease element. The user can define the content of reports in selection
The position of the valve will be calculated out of the lists.
Zeta value. ■ General network data
The set point can be a fixed value or can be depend- ■ All element data
ent of a governor value, the circulation volume.
■ Node reports with pressure and altitude and all con-
Pressure guards and pressure limitations will be nected elements with flow, flow speed and pressure
checked. difference
■ Constant pressure decrease ■ Pipe elements with flow, pressure, pressure de-
crease, flow speed, length and diameter
Based on the specified nominal data and time series the ■ Results can be displayed graphically.
water flows are calculated. The time series analysis also ■ Flow paths through the network are determined
allows modeling consumption taking into account the automatically, even in meshed networks.
effect of simultaneity depending on the number of con-
sumers of identical type. This can be achieved by defin-
ing and assigning consumer types.
The following results are available:
■ All flow calculations of all time steps are available,
including the analysis of maximum or minimum val-
ues (e.g. pressure flows, etc.);
■ Diagrams showing daily profiles of the result data
observed at selected nodes and branches in the net-
Networks can be built symmetrically and asymmetrically Geodetic altitudes will be taken into consideration.
with different dimensions in flow and return flow. Coordinates can be entered in the Gauss-Krueger-
5.1.1 Features
■ Generators
■ Symmetrical and asymmetrical networks
The following infeed types are available:
4 conductor (or more) networks (2 flow pipes and 2
return pipes). ■ Pressure infeed
Flow pipes can be connected via bypasses. Pressure will be constant when the temperature is
given. This element can be in the flow and return
■ Simulation of primary and secondary networks pipe. The pressure can be fixed by entering flow or
Calculation can simulate more than one independent return temperature or differential temperature.
network at the same time. Networks with locking
5.1.3 Reports and Diagrams For this task, the consumer and infeeder model, addi-
tionally to their nominal data, include an assigned con-
Tables and Reports sumption / infeed profile which can be defined in abso-
The user can define the content of reports in selection lute or relative values.
lists. Based on the specified nominal data and time series the
■ General network data flows in the network are calculated. The time series
analysis also allows modeling consumption taking into
■ All element data account the effect of simultaneity depending on the
■ Node reports with pressure, altitude and tempera- number of consumers of identical type. This can be
ture and all connected elements with flow, flow achieved by defining and assigning consumer types.
speed and pressure difference The following results are available:
■ Pipe elements with flow, pressure, pressure de- ■ All flow calculations of all time steps are available
crease, flow speed, length, diameter and tempera- including the analysis of maximum or minimum val-
ture difference ues (e.g. pressure flows, etc.);
■ Results summaries with minimum and maximum ■ Diagrams showing daily profiles of result data ob-
pressure, maximum speed and losses in flow and re- served at selected nodes and branches in the net-
turn and the total losses work.
5.3 Contingency Analysis
Longitudinal section
The purpose of the Contingency Analysis module is to
The user can define free routes through the network
assess the performance of the network during outage of
showing the values for
network components. The outcome of the contingency
■ Pressure flow and return (absolute and relative) analysis is the determination of weak points or condi-
tions that may lead to supply interruptions.
■ Steam pressure (absolute and relative)
Contingency Analysis comprises a series of flow calcula-
■ Altitude
tions. One or more elements are considered on outage
■ Temperature in each individual load flow calculation. PSS®SINCAL can
simulate the outage of a single network component or a
along automatically generated paths.
group of components. Conditional and unconditional
Network Diagram outages as well as base and resulting outages can be
Graphical output of following values:
All relevant results (minimum and maximum values,
■ Nodes: altitude, consumption, absolute, relative and
unsupplied consumers, etc.) are recorded and summa-
specific pressure, temperature
rized in a clearly arranged results dialog window.
■ Pipes: flow, absolute, relative and specific pressure,
temperature difference, length, diameter, flow 5.4 Dynamic Simulation
speed, losses
Calculation of transportation time and flow path.
Color-coded filter functions for pressure (all types), tem-
■ Calculation of transportation time and flow path for
peratures, flow, speed, consumption, etc.
freely defined consumers.
5.2 Load Profiles ■ Results can be displayed graphically.
Time Series ■ Flow paths through the network are determined
automatically even in meshed networks.
The Load Profile calculation is a special form of flow
calculation that allows the simulation of varying con-
sumption or infeed conditions based on chronological
profiles, e.g. daily profiles in 15-min time steps.