IEC 61850 ABB Webinar 20200622
IEC 61850 ABB Webinar 20200622
IEC 61850 ABB Webinar 20200622
• Introduction
• IEC 61850 Standard Scope
• Data Modeling Approach
• Communication Services in Substation
• GOOSE and Sample Values
• Engineering
• Conformance Testing
• Ethernet Redundancy
• Summary
• Questions and Answers
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IEC 61850 and Ethernet Redundancy
IEC 61850 Protocol
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IEC 61850 and Ethernet Redundancy
Why IEC 61850 is unique?
Previous way of specifying communication standard IEC 61850 way of specifying communication standard
June 22, 2020 Slide 5 Courtesy: IEC 61850-1 standard, Clause 5.1
IEC 61850 and Ethernet Redundancy
IEC 61850 standard scope
What is Communicated?
WHAT? Data Model
“Vocabulary”, “Words” of the communication
How it is Communicated?
HOW? Communication Services
“Grammar”, “Structure” of the communication
By What is Communicated?
BY WHAT? Mapping (Protocols)
“Channel”, “Medium” of the communication
To ensure interoperability,
TESTING Conformance/Performance/Functional Testing
Data models and Basic System & Project Managment: IEC 61850-4
communication structure Communication requirements for functions & device models: IEC 61850-5
Mapping to real Communication Configuration
Principles and models: IEC 61850-7-1
Networks description language
Testing Common Data Classes: IEC 61850-7-3 (SCL):
Compatible LN classes and Data Domain Specific LN and Data IEC 61850-6
Classes: IEC 61850-7-4 classes: IEC 61850-7-410
Part 1: Introduction & overview Part 7-500: Use of logical nodes to model functions of a substation
automation system1
Part 2: Glossary
Part 7-510: Use of logical nodes to model functions of a hydro power plant
Part 3: General requirements
Part 7-520: Use of logical nodes to model functions of distributed energy
Part 4: System & project management
Part 5: Communication requirements for functions & device models
Part 8-1: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Mappings to
Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical MMS (ISO 9506-1 & ISO 9506-2) & to ISO/IEC 8802-3
substations related to IEDs
Part 80-1: Guideline to exchange information from a CDC based data model
Part 7-1: Basic communication structure – Principles & models using IEC 60870-5-101/104
Part 7-2: Basic communication structure – Abstract communication service Part 9-2: Specific communication service mapping (SCSM) – Sampled values
interface (ACSI) over ISO/IEC 8802-3
Part 7-3: Basic communication structure – Common data classes Part 90-1: Use of IEC 61850 for the communication between substations
Part 7-4: Basic communication structure – Compatible logical node classes & Part 90-2: Using IEC 61850 for the communication between substations &
data classes control centres1
Part 7-410: Hydroelectric power plants – Communication for monitoring & Part 90-3: Using IEC 61850 for condition monitoring1
Part 90-4: Network Engineering Guidelines - Technical report1
Part 7-420: Basic communication structure – Distributed energy resources
Part 90-5: Using IEC 61850 to transmit synchrophasor information according
logical nodes
to IEEE C37.118
Part 7-5: IEC 61850 – Modelling concepts1
Part 10: Conformance testing
IEC 61850 consists of the above parts, under the general title Communication networks and systems for power utility automation (all parts
June 22, 2020 Slide 8 may have not been published yet).
1 Under consideration.
IEC 61850 and Ethernet Redundancy
Edition 1 and 2 differences in general
Edition 1 Edition 2
• The first parts of the standard SERIES IEC 61850 have been • More primary equipment to be modelled, hierarchical
published between 2001 & 2004. modeling functions, e.g. bay protection / distance protection /
• These standards was foreseen for Substation automation only protection zone / impedance protection
• Broadens the application space of the base standard
(Substation automation) to further application areas.
• Added more details & more options for the available
communication redundancy protocols, available client
services, limits of data flow engineering
• Allowing a more fitting IED selection as well as a more secure
IED system engineering by a system tool
DO Pos
DO OpCnt
I/C – 1
(CB, CT/VT, I/C – 2
Isolator, E/S)TYP Circuit Breaker
Incomer - 1 Incomer - 2
(66kV or 33kV) (66kV or 33kV)
Data Object
Logical Node
Logical Device
• Thanks to IEC 61850-8-1 part which allows the elimination of copper wires
between relays on horizontal level i.e. relay-to-relay communications -
substation bus & IEC 61850-9-2LE which allows sharing of digitized
information from instrument transformers or sensors in a standardized way to
other relays- process bus. These services are classified as:
Client-Server Service:
• MMS traffic defined in IEC 61850-8-1, which allows an MMS client such as the
SCADA, an OPC server or a gateway to access “vertically” all IED objects. This
traffic flows both on the station bus & on the process bus.
Conventional GOOSE
T+100 ms
Zone of protection
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IEC 61850 and Ethernet Redundancy
Ethernet Redundancy
IEC 61850-5, Clause 11.4.4, Table 7 • A key parameter for redundancy network designed is how long a
substation application tolerates an interruption of the
communication due to recovery from a failure without
consequences on the substation.
• IEC 61850-5 specifies in particular the different requirements on
recovery time between station bus & process bus.
• If an IEC 61850 frame is not received in a timely manner, it loses
its usefulness; & being late could be worse than being lost.
• A network should be designed from the start with full
redundancy to utilize the full communication services as defined
by IEC 61850.
• Numerous protocols provide partial or full network redundancy;
the concepts are described in IEC 62439-1. However, we will
focus on RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol), PRP (Parallel
Redundancy Protocol) & HSR (High-availability Seamless
Redundancy) for IEC 61850 based substation.
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IEC 61850 and Ethernet Redundancy
Ethernet self-healing ring topology
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IEC 61850 and Ethernet Redundancy
HSR - communication redundancy
• Operation under failure condition
Broken comm. link
• Failure recognized in PRP network (LAN “A”)
• Message is received in COM600 via healthy
link (LAN “B”)
• The features & characteristics of IEC 61850 that enable unique advantages are so numerous that they cannot practically be listed
• IEC 61850 enables devices to quickly exchange data & status using GOOSE & GSSE over the station LAN without having to wire
separate links for each relay. This significantly reduces wiring costs by more fully utilizing the station LAN bandwidth for these signals
& construction costs by reducing the need for trenching, ducts, conduit, etc.
• Thanks for Sample Values support by IEC 61850 standard, it is possible to transfer of analog information, high frequency
consolidated raw voltage & current measurement packets from conventional instrument transformer or sensors between relays
and/or CPC (centralized protection & control) units which offers very high level of flexibility & easy deployment of protection & control
functionality in ever changing distribution gird scenarios.
• Conformance testing of IEC 61850 based devices will provide the verification that the documentation, communication & data model
specifications have been implemented correctly according to the IEC 61850 standard.
• IEC 61850 standard support inter-operable & future proof substation automation & it is highly important to choose redundancy
strategy from the beginning. It will be challenging to change over from one network redundancy to other i.e. RSTP to either HSR/PRP
during normal day to day substation operation.
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IEC 61850 and Ethernet Redundancy
Questions & Answers
Sushil Joshi
Global Product Marketing Manager – India & Middle East
Distribution Automation
Electrification, Distribution Solutions