Rangelands and Grasslands: The Term Rangelands As Used in This Chapter Includes Grasslands and Drylands
Rangelands and Grasslands: The Term Rangelands As Used in This Chapter Includes Grasslands and Drylands
Rangelands and Grasslands: The Term Rangelands As Used in This Chapter Includes Grasslands and Drylands
Rangelands are lands generally characterized by low and/or erratic precipitation, poor drainage,
rough topography, and often low soil fertility. They occupy some 47% of the earth's surface (Heitschmidt
and Stuth 1991). Fire, rainfall, soil type, and grazing animals are driving forces determining plant species
composition, distribution, and productivity. Management of rangelands ranges from nomadic pastoralism,
to subsistence farming, to commercial ranching. Many rangelands have been used the same way for
thousands of years, while others have a relatively short history of use.
Carbon cycling and productivity in rangeland ecosystems are directly related to the amounts and
seasonal distribution of precipitation and only secondarily controlled by other climate variables and
atmospheric chemistry. Most carbon storage in grasslands, savannas, and deserts is below ground.
Estimates done using the soil/plant simulation CENTURY model (Parton et al. 1987, 1992) suggest that
560 Pg C is stored in biomass and litter, while 1100-1400 Pg C is stored in roots and soils of the terrestrial
biosphere, with the carbon in grasslands and savannas estimated at 417 Pg C (Sampson et al. 1993).
However, rangeland productivity may vary as much as five-fold because of timing and amounts of
precipitation (Walker 1993). Non-sustainable land use practices such as inappropriate plowing,
overgrazing of domestic animals, and excessive fuelwood use are the root causes of the degradation of
rangeland ecosystems (Ojima et al. 1993; Sampson et al. 1993). It is estimated that about 70% of the
world's drylands are at least moderately degraded (Dregne et al. 1991).
Methane production by wild and domestic animals has been estimated to be around 80 Tg/yr
(Cicerone and Oremland 1988) or about 15% of the world's total methane emissions. N2O is produced as
part of the N cycle and is subject to increases with alteration of the N cycle through land use changes
(Ojima et al. 1993, Mosier et al. 1991). Temperate grasslands of the world are estimated to contribute 0.1
Tg N2O annually or about 0.65% of the world's total sources of N2O (Matson and Vitousek 1990).
Reduction of GHG emissions in the rangelands sector primarily involves the reduction of methane
production by wild and domestic ruminant grazers, and increasing storage of carbon, which is dependent
on improving rangeland health where needed. The dynamics of soil organic matter is one of the major
indicators of change in greenhouse gas fluxes in grassland and rangeland ecosystems. Altering land use
practices can influence the rate of changes in soil organic matter (SOM) levels and be used to mitigate
efflux of CO2 into the atmosphere. Good soil management is the key to maintaining or increasing carbon
storage and protecting rangeland health. Improving rangeland health, and thus the amount and kind of
vegetation, will also reduce methane emission from ruminant animals by improving the quality of their diet.
Research suggests that small reductions in the number of grazing animals (stocking rate) or altering the
timing of grazing could result in large soil sinks for atmospheric CO2 (Metherell et al. 1993) and in methane
emission reduction (Howden 1991, Galbally et al. 1992).
Table 13-1 (found at the end of this chapter) presents a list of options to improve rangeland health
and also mitigate GHG emissions. Not all the practices listed are relevant to every country, social system,
or rangeland type. The suggested practices will only be successful if local communities benefit from their
The term rangelands as used in this chapter includes grasslands and drylands.
13-2 Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment: A Guidebook
implementation. None of the practices is likely to significantly improve rangeland health and carbon
sequestration without adequate amounts and appropriate timing of rainfall. The most successful rangeland
improvement projects for unhealthy rangelands were implemented in years of high rainfall (Heady 1988).
There are two main approaches which can be used to analyze options for reducing GHG emissions
or increasing carbon storage on rangelands. The first involves case studies based on existing rangeland
management practices.
The CENTURY ecosystem model (Parton et al. 1987 and 1993) can be used to evaluate the
effectiveness of various mitigation options for increasing or maintaining stocks of SOM and improving
rangeland health in grassland and rangeland ecosystems. In developing simulations, data will be needed
for weather, soil characteristics and spatial distribution of grassland and rangeland. Land use management
data will be needed in order to simulate reasonable scenarios of current and alternate land use practices
or mitigation options. In developing the mitigation options, identification of the key input and output variables
(such as soil C levels, livestock production, plant productivity, N gaseous losses, etc.) is critical. The
determination of specific mitigation practices that are appropriate for a particular situation needs to be
identified and described in enough detail to be implemented in the model framework.
A key step in the initial phase of analysis is to describe the physical, biological, and the human-
related characteristics of the study area that identify the critical factors affecting C storage and fluxes, and
fluxes of other GHGs. The physical variables include information related to the climate and soil systems.
The climate data to be defined for a site or region include the monthly average maximum and minimum
air temperature and the monthly precipitation. Climate data collected over a range of years to capture the
interannual and the decadal variations in weather patterns is desirable. The soil data needs to include
information on soil texture, water holding capacity, soil pH, bulk density, and depth. Other physical data that
are useful to have include topography and parent material type.
Human activities affecting soil C and other GHG fluxes include land use management related to
grazing, fire, animal residue, cropping patterns, harvest techniques, tillage practices, and fertilizer use.
Modification in these land management practices provides the techniques to implement different mitigation
options to reduce GHG emissions and increase C storage in grassland and rangeland ecosystems.
Development of appropriate mitigation options will be determined by specific economic, political, and
cultural characteristics of the situation that is being studied.
A second analytical approach involves a comprehensive assessment of the rangeland sector and
its role in the country's formal and informal economy, including that of providing climate change mitigation.
Analysis techniques which link ecosystem process studies across a range of environmental factors, such
as climate, soils, land use, in a geographically explicit manner are currently being used. This analysis
structure allows one to assess the regional impact of global environmental changes and the effectiveness
Chapter 13 Rangelands and Grasslands 13-3
of different mitigation options on soil carbon storage and other ecosystem feedbacks to the atmospheric
system (e.g. H2O, CH4, and N2O). This structure takes information from ecosystem process studies and
from spatial data on soils, climate, land use, and policy-relevant information to make assessments of the
impact of changing management practices for greenhouse gas mitigation.
$ inventory of current rangeland area, vegetation, soil types, and demand for forage,
fuelwood, or other uses;
$ assessment of future land area available for domestic grazing animals and wildlife, given
the demand for land by other sectors;
$ assessment of future demand for forage, fuelwood, agriculture, or other uses from
rangeland ecosystems;
$ projection of the land areas as well as the livestock and wildlife production under both
baseline and mitigation scenarios;
$ estimation of the potential for reducing GHG emissions and/or sequestering carbon for
each option considered;
$ estimation of the potential carbon sequestration or GHG reduction for each mitigation
option; and
In this approach, the analyst should examine the rangeland sector within the context of land-use
demand by all sectors (see Chapter 10). Such a comprehensive approach will result in identifying a mix
of practices which use the fewest sources (bio-physical, cultural, and economic) and interfere the least with
established viable pastoral practices while aiding the mitigation of climate change. This approach will allow
for a cost-effective implementation of a subset of the options depending on the individual country, pastoral
system, local culture, and available land resource. This approach, which is similar to that for the forest
sector, also reduces the possibility of double-counting of GHG flows, costs, and benefits.
The first steps are to use available maps and/or data to determine the location and amounts of
rangeland vegetation, and to identify the existing patterns of livestock and wildlife use.
13-4 Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment: A Guidebook
A baseline assessment of the ecosystem should lead to the categorization of rangelands as either
healthy, at risk, or unhealthy, each providing a different potential for mitigation options. The evaluation
of any option or practice will be undertaken against the background of this baseline assessment.
Rangeland health is defined as the degree to which the integrity of the soil and the ecological
processes of rangeland ecosystems are sustained (NRC 1994). Evaluation of rangeland health will provide
the initial assessment of opportunities for increasing carbon sequestration on rangelands. No one factor
is sufficient to evaluate rangeland health; three criteria are suggested (NRC 1994):
$ Degree of soil stability and watershed function. Soil stability is directly affected by soil
erosion through wind and water. Breakdown of soil structure, reduced infiltration and thus
water holding capacity, reduced organic matter and nutrient cycling, compaction, reduced
germination, change in species composition, and productivity are all potential ecosystem
effects caused by increased soil erosion.
The evaluation of soil erosion can be based on several environmental factors such as the
presence of the A-horizon, rills and gullies, pedestaling, scour or sheet erosion,
sedimentation fans, or dunes.
$ Evaluation of the integrity of nutrient cycles and energy flow. The capacity of
rangelands to provide goods and services to human populations depends on the ability of
plants to capture sunlight through photosynthesis and on the accumulation and cycling of
nutrients over time. Interruption of nutrient cycles through poor land-use practices can
lead to degradation of rangeland vegetation, reduction in productivity, and thus changes
in ecosystem potential for carbon sequestration.
Indices that can be used to evaluate ecosystem integrity in nutrient cycling and energy
flow include the distribution of plants (growth forms, life-forms, and species), the degree
of fragmentation in litter distribution, rooting depth, and community distribution.
Linear response to grazing pressure and fluctuation in rainfall has been assumed by early
successional models of rangeland vegetation change. Under the succession model, soil productive
potential remains constant and plant community composition and productivity changes in a predictable
inverse linear fashion in response to grazing or drought, i.e., remove grazing animals and health improves,
add animals and health declines.
Rangelands generally do not respond as the successional model predicts because annual
variation in amounts and distribution of rainfall already results in a wide variation in annual productivity
(Walker 1993). Coupled with fire, grazing, and human activities, and a combination of lag effects in
Chapter 13 Rangelands and Grasslands 13-5
community response (thresholds which are not easily re-crossed), and multiple trajectories, there appears
to be a confusing array of potential community states.
A new conceptual model of rangeland ecosystem functioning was proposed by Westoby et al.
(1989). The model requires a knowledge of the changes that can take place in a particular rangeland and
what causes them. Its value lies in making the understanding of community dynamics explicit. The most
significant advantage of using this model to understand rangeland ecosystem dynamics is the recognition
that the future may contain an array of possible states, dictated by an oncoming stream of events, and
presenting a mixture of opportunities and hazards. The objective of rangeland management then is to seize
the opportunities and as much as possible avoid the hazards (Walker 1993).
With this framework in mind, countries can evaluate existing rangeland condition (health),
catalogue existing and potential states, catalogue management and natural events that cause transitions
from one state to another, and evaluate which states provide the greatest opportunity for increasing carbon
sequestration and/or reducing GHG emissions.
Particular combinations of rainfall, topography, soil type, and biological composition give
rangelands individual characteristics, which, when coupled with different kinds of human use, make a state-
transition model a useful conceptual tool for evaluating potential ecosystem response and thus the
opportunity for carbon sequestration.
Table 13-1 identifies the kinds of practices which affect livestock and wildlife populations and the
rangelands upon which they graze. If implemented, these practices will have different effects on reducing
methane or increasing carbon storage. Different rangelands and social systems will require application of
different mixes of practices. Although ecological, social, and economic costs and benefits are qualitatively
addressed, issues of biodiversity and genetic conservation of plants and animals for future uses are only
hinted at. The evaluation of different mitigation practices gives rise to different issues as shown in the
following classes of mitigation options:
The desirability of this mitigation option is further enhanced by the fact that most of the
carbon sequestration in rangelands is through soil storage, which has a half-life of
hundreds of yearsCa period much longer than that for carbon sequestered in above-
ground biomass. The process of undertaking cost-benefit analysis for rangeland
rehabilitation is similar to that described in the forestry chapter.
13-6 Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment: A Guidebook
$ The viability of reducing livestock numbers will depend on the value of livestock to local
and national economies and the value of animals as a social resource. For example, in
sheep grazing systems in Australia, Howden (1991) found linear relationships between
methane and nitrous oxide emissions and stocking rate. Using DYNAMOF, a simulation
model, they showed that reducing emissions by 20% without any technological changes
required an 18% reduction in stock numbers with a 15%-17% reduction in net cash
income. However, using GRASSMAN, an agricultural decision-support model, Howden
showed that changing the time of lambing, reducing stock in overgrazed areas, and
managing fire frequency led to a significant reduction in GHG emissions without
substantial effect on net income.
$ Changing the mix of animals depends on the kind of rangeland and proposed mix of
animals. If a country is considering only cattle and small stock (sheep or goats, etc), the
mix may not be ecologically efficient; rather it may reflect an economic risk aversion where
in bad times cattle die but goats survive. In this kind of grazing mix, the ecosystem may
deteriorate. A mix of cattle and wildlife ruminants may be both ecologically and
economically efficient.
$ The practices most likely to reduce methane emissions from domestic and wild ruminants
involve improving the quality of the diet. Providing protein supplements is one alternative.
However, increasing native grasses and planting other adapted, productive species (such
as halophytes where appropriate) will provide additional benefits to local communities and
The nature of each mitigation practice will determine the type of physical criteria needed to
evaluate the option. For the rehabilitation practices, the area in which the option can be implemented every
year for the duration of the practice should be identified. The sum of the annual areas will form the
maximum area available for the mitigation option. The schedule of implementation will be dictated by the
size of the area and practical considerations regarding range and livestock management. Quite possibly,
some of the above mentioned practices can be carried out on the same land area with cumulative effect
on emission reduction and/or carbon sequestration. In general, the following physical criteria should be
$ Land Availability. The land on which each mitigation option would be implemented
should be identified. The schedule of possible implementation should be used to estimate
the total area available for the practice.
Chapter 13 Rangelands and Grasslands 13-7
Estimates of uptake by vegetation and soils within the area should be done on the basis
of net primary productivity of the woody biomass, including the net storage in soil and
detrital material.
Applying these estimates to the total area available for each specific option, one can obtain the
total carbon sequestration or emission reduction for the option.
$ a soil organic matter submodel that calculates changes in soil C and N and plant
The biophysical submodel is used to determine rate constants of decomposition, potential and
actual evaporation and transpiration rates, and plant growth and death rates derived from climate and soil
properties of a site or region. Inputs of monthly average maximum and minimum air temperature, monthly
precipitation, and soil texture are used to determine soil temperature, soil water balance and other
biophysical control factors for ecosystem dynamics.
The plant production and the soil organic matter (SOM) submodels are used to evaluate changes
in C levels for different plant and soil components of the ecosystem. Units of these plant and soil pools of
C are expressed as grams C per unit area (i.e., g C / m ). Additional functions are used to simulate various
land use management or disturbance regimes, such as forest planting, cropland conversion, fire, or grazing
intensity and frequency. Appendix 13-1 provides further description of the CENTURY model and its use
in simulating fire and grazing effects in grassland and rangeland ecosystems.
The options in the rangelands may require a gradual transition from the current rangeland health
to a new sustainable equilibrium. As the state of the range improves, the carrying capacity will also change,
and there will be a change in the flow of GHG associated with each state. The economic evaluation
requires one to track the value of costs and non-GHG benefits over the transition period and compute the
discounted value. Once the health of the range is restored, and the optimal mix of animals and diet quality
is determined, the net change in GHG and value of resources needed can be assumed to continue in
perpetuity. The net present value (NPV) of the perpetual stream of net benefits can then be compared to
the corresponding net emission reduction.
$ Physical Inputs and Outputs. The first step is to identify and quantify all necessary
physical inputs required for implementation of each option during the initial operations,
management, harvesting (if applicable), etc. These should include estimates of land,
labor, equipment and material needed to support the project or option throughout its
lifetime. For all options, one also has to identify constraining factors such as expertise,
technology, and capital investment because these factors may affect both the cost as well
as the implementation possibility of the option.
Together with the physical inputs, one has to estimate the physical output in terms of
desirable products like number of animals, wool, milk, and other products as applicable.
$ Unit Costs and Benefits. For each of the physical inputs, one has to estimate the unit
cost at the time of use. For each of the physical outputs of desirable products, an estimate
of its price is necessary.
The costs of a mitigation option include (1) the present value of the stream of expenses
sufficient to cover the project's planning, development, occasional and recurrent
expenses, and (2) the present value of the project's opportunity cost. Other cost
components such as land rental (opportunity costs), maintenance, and monitoring and
evaluation may need to be included if applicable. The opportunity cost is important since
it captures the benefits derived from land use in the absence of a mitigation option, given
the current land-use patterns. Opportunity cost may be evaluated using various methods,
depending on the land in question and the likelihood of producing various goods and/or
services if it is not used for the given option. These approaches include land rent, land
market price, and net benefits obtainable from an alternative land use. In all these cases,
land values and benefits from alternative use should be adjusted to account for existing
significant price distortions due to subsidies, zoning regulations, etc.
In addition to GHG impacts, the implementation of a mitigation option will result in other
monetary and non-monetary benefits. Direct benefits may include goods such as livestock
and services such as recreation. Indirect benefits may include such items as employment
for local inhabitants and watershed protection.
$ Initial Cost per ha and per tC. This indicator provides useful information on the amount
of resources required at the beginning to establish the project.
$ Endowment Requirements per ha and per tC. The requirements are the sum of initial
cost and the discounted value of all future investment and recurring costs during the
lifetime of the project. For projects which do not have substantial monetary benefits, this
Chapter 13 Rangelands and Grasslands 13-9
indicator is quite useful because it provides the endowment necessary to maintain the
project in perpetuity.
$ Net Present Value (NPV) per ha and per tC. This indicator provides the net direct benefit
to be obtained from the project. For most range improvement options as well as animal-
based practices (e.g., animal mix change), the NPV indicator is expected to be positive for
the option to be attractive. A benefit:cost ratio of all discounted values also provides a
good measure of profitability.
$ Benefit of Reducing Atmospheric Carbon (BRAC). This indicator expresses the NPV
of a project per unit of atmospheric carbon reduced by a mitigation option. In the case of
other GHGs, this indicator can be computed on the basis of CO2-equivalent GWP (see
Chapter 2). The formulation of the indicator varies with the rate at which economic
damage might increase, and it allows time-dependent evaluation of atmospheric carbon
as may be deemed necessary.
$ Imputed and Non-monetary Costs and Benefits. After compiling the criteria given
above, all the identifiable costs and benefits which one is currently unable to evaluate
should be listed for each mitigation option. Imputed values should be listed separately
from the direct costs and benefits. The intangible benefits and costs should also be listed
for each mitigation option. To the extent possible, one should identify the likely bearers
of costs and benefits, including the non-monetary items. Although there may not be a
coherent method for comparing the non-monetary and intangible costs and benefits
associated with each option, their enumeration helps the policy-makers in the choice and
implementation of the various mitigation options.
Having compiled physical, economic, and other information for each mitigation option, one can
construct mitigation scenarios that show the aggregate impact of selected options. The impact of each
mitigation option is measured against the baseline scenario developed for rangeland ecosystems.
One useful way to summarize the results is a supply curve for emissions reduction or carbon
sequestration. For example, the initial cost per ton of carbon stored can be used to plot a curve which
shows the amount of carbon that could be stored at increasingly higher initial cost. The other indicators like
endowment requirement or NPV or BRAC could also be used to plot similar curves.
To construct a cost/supply curve, the unit values (cost and carbon storage per hectare) are
combined with the area available for each option to obtain estimates of total emissions and costs of each
option. Methane abatement can be treated in a similar fashion, either in terms of tons of methane or CO2-
equivalent GWP.
It is important to recognize that rangelands are variable and episodic, and that vegetation response
is not linearly related to change in livestock number. Thus, risk management strategies would include long-
term, low stocking, or changing animal numbers annually and tracking annual variation in precipitation.
Either approach requires flexible management response to different events, opportunities, and hazards.
Another policy consideration is that although rangelands have historically been used for livestock
production for meat, wool, hides, milk, blood, and/or pharmaceuticals, an equally important objective may
13-10 Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment: A Guidebook
be to maintain the maximum number of animals as a social resource. Rangelands are also increasingly
affected by human activities for mineral production, construction materials, fuel, and chemicals.
Additionally, rangelands provide habitat for wildlife, threatened and endangered species, anthropological
sites, and recreational activities. As the human population grows, rangelands also incur increased demand
for marginal agriculture production. All these activities and uses potentially affect rangeland health and
thus the potential of the ecosystem to sequester carbon.
Table 13-1. Practices to Improve Rangeland Health and Mitigate GHG Emissions.*
Practice Healthy Unhealthy Carbon Methane Bio/physical Social/cultural Economic General comments
rangeland rangeland benefit/cost benefit/cost benefit/cost
Reduce No Yes Increases Reduces Increases plant Depends on country Depends on Positive eco- system
animal carbon sink animal cover, and value of animals value of effect if sufficient
numbers (in because of methane increases soil as a social resource livestock rainfall. May require
animal unit increasing production organic matter, products to alternative sources
months vegetation through and improves national and/or of local food
(AUMs) cover and reduction productivity local economy support, thus
better root in total changes in food
growth number production policies
Change mix of Yes Yes Possible No known Potential Depends on country Depends on Positive effect in
animals increase in effect changes in and cultural value of value of general, improves
carbon sink plant species specific animal type livestock efficiency of
with change in composition products utilization
plant species
Alter animal Yes Yes Increases No effect Useless in Appropriate in Cost of salt and Positive. Not
distribution by carbon sink rangeland countries where distribution of applicable for
placement of because of areas already animals graze salt herding systems
salt increasing high in salt extensively rather
vegetation than being herded
cover overall
Alter animal Yes Yes Increases No effect Developed May affect territorial Motorized water Negative if used to
distribution by carbon sink water resources and property sources are increase numbers of
placement of because of may not be boundaries often too costly animals. Positive if
water sources increasing sustainable. to purchase or used to alter animal
vegetation Potential cost to maintain distribution
cover overall long-term
* The possible effect of implementing a practice is given for carbon and methane, and qualitative cost/benefits estimates are provided. Unhealthy rangelands are those
lands where soil loss, plant species and cover loss, species invasions, and interrupted and poorly functioning nutrient cycling are the norm. Healthy rangelands, on the
other hand, have nutrient cycling and energy flows intact, soils are not eroding, and plant species composition and productivity is indicative of a functioning ecosystem.
Table 13-1. Practices to Improve Rangeland Health and Mitigate GHG Emissions - continued *
Practice Healthy Unhealthy Carbon Methane Bio/physical Social/cultural Economic General comments
rangeland rangeland benefit/cost benefit/cost benefit/cost
Alter animal No Yes Increases No effect Benefit is to Depends on country Varies Potentially interferes
distribution by carbon sink control and livestock/ depending on with wildlife
placement of because of domestic wildlife system. country and migration
fences increasing animal number Costs potentially source and
vegetation and distribution outweigh benefits kind of
cover overall materials
Provide Yes Yes No effect Decrease Perhaps will Possible where Cost of protein Potentially difficult to
livestock methane reduce animals are herded blocks or similar distribute to local
protein production extensive supplement areas
supplement grazing to
some degree
Increase No Yes Increases Possible Benefit in Local people rely on Depends on Potential unknown
native grasses carbon sink benefit of retention of native species for the value of the benefits from native
and or plant because of methane native species medicine and other livestock and species. Adapted
adapted increasing reduction for gene health- related wildlife species survive in
species vegetation by conservation goods products, and long term
cover overall increasing value of herbal
quality of medicine
Selective No Possibly Potentially Potentially Cost if non- Cost if non-target Varies Cost if non-target
application of increase increase if target species, species, pollution of depending on species, pollution of
herbicides carbon sink expand pollution of water, damage to country and water, damage to
animal water, damage food chain source of food chain
numbers to food chain herbicide
Mechanical No Possibly Potentially Potentially Potential for May not fit pastoral Varies with Benefit depends on
treatment or increase increase if large-scale system country success of
restoration carbon sink expands alteration of soil depending on treatment relative to
animal and vegetation availability of disruption of
numbers equipment ecosystem
Table 13-1. Practices to Improve Rangeland Health and Mitigate GHG Emissions - continued *
Practice Healthy Unhealthy Carbon Methane Bio/physical Social/cultural Economic General comments
rangeland rangeland benefit/cost benefit/cost benefit/cost
Plant If If Increase No known Benefit with Benefit with Cost of planting Brings into
halophytes appropriate appropriate carbon sink effect increased plant increasing forage and maintaining production
(salt tolerant- and increase cover and production for with irrigation otherwise non-
species) productivity productivity livestock and wildlife productive land
Apply Yes Yes Increase Possible In systems Use of fire can be Threat of Short-term increase
prescribed carbon sink benefit of adapted to fire, part of social wildfire and in CO2 to
burning and increase methane can increase system. Utilizes destruction of atmosphere, long-
productivity in reduction productivity, local knowledge resources term benefits in
the long term by maintain adapted systems
on appropriate increasing nutrient cycling
rangeland types quality of
Implement Yes Yes Increase Possible Possible benefit Benefit with Cost of planting Increases carbon
agroforestry carbon sink benefit of with increased increasing forage and maintaining storage in trees.
systems and increase methane plant cover, production for Benefit in diversity
productivity in reduction diversity, and livestock and wildlife and productivity if
the long term by productivity adapted species
on appropriate increasing
rangeland types quality of
Develop large Possibly Possibly Increase Benefit, Potential for Potential for Cost of dams Potential for
scale carbon sink methane large land improved food etc, benefit increased human
watershed and increase reduced by disturbance, production, both hydro- and animal
projects productivity increasing with benefit to plant and animal electric power populations
quality of human and because of increase
diet animal in water
because of
regulated and
regular water
13-14 Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment: A Guidebook
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Cicerone, R.J. and R.S. Oremland. 1988. Biogeochemical aspects of atmospheric methane. Global
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Valentine, J.E. 1990. Grazing Management. Academic Press, Inc. Berkeley, CA. 533p.
13-16 Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment: A Guidebook
The plant production submodel simulates grass growth and includes the impact of grazing and fire
on plant production. Potential plant production is calculated as a function of soil temperature, available
water and a self-shading factor. The effect of moisture on plant production is a function of the ratio of
current monthly precipitation plus the previous month's stored soil water to the potential evapotranspiration
rate. The soil water holding capacity also influences plant production by modifying the amount of stored
soil water so that lower water holding soils (e.g., sandy soils) have a higher growth rate under dry
conditions. The potential plant production rate is reduced if there is insufficient N. A maximum and
minimum C to N (C:N) ratio is specified for new production of live roots and shoots. The model calculates
root/shoot ratios as a function of the annual rainfall.
The SOM submodel simulates the dynamics of C and N in the organic and inorganic parts of the
soil system. The flow diagram for soil C shows that soil C is divided up into three major components which
include active, slow, and passive soil C. Active SOM includes live soil microbes plus microbial products (the
total active pool is approximately 2 to 3 times the live soil microbial biomass); the slow pool includes
resistant plant material (for instance, lignin-like components) and soil-stabilized plant and microbial
material, while the passive material is very resistant to decomposition and includes physically and
chemically stabilized SOM. The flows of C are controlled by the inherent maximum decomposition rate of
the different pools and the water and temperature-controlled decomposition factor. Average monthly soil
temperature at the soil surface controls the temperature function, and the ratio of stored water (0-30 cm
depth) plus current monthly precipitation to potential evapotranspiration is the input for the moisture
function. Microbial respiration occurs for each of the decomposition flows. The partitioning of
decomposition between stabilized SOM and CO2 flux is a function of soil texture for the stabilization of active
C into slow C (increasing CO2 flux for sandy soils and less soil C storage).
Plant residues (shoots and roots) are partitioned into structural (resistant to decomposition) and
metabolic (readily decomposable) plant material as a function of the initial residue lignin (L)-to-nitrogen (N)
ratio. The lignin fraction is assumed to be part of the structural material and (i.e., L:N ratio) controls the
decomposition rate of structural material.
The organic-N flows follow the C flows and are equal to the product of the carbon flow and the N:C
ratio of the state variable that receives the C. The C:N ratios of the soil state variables receiving the flow
- +
of C are a function of the mineral N pool (NO3 plus NH4 ) and vary within the ranges 3-15, 12-20, and 7-10,
respectively, for active, slow, and passive SOM. The C:N ratio of newly formed surface microbial biomass
is a linear function of the N content of the material being decomposed and increases from 10 to 20 as the
N content decreases from 2.0% to 0.01%. The C:N ratio of slow SOM material formed from surface
microbes is equal to the C:N ratio of the microbes plus 5.0. N associated with carbon lost in respiration is
assumed to be mineralized. Given the C:N ratio of the state variables and the microbial respiration loss,
decomposition of metabolic residue, active, slow, and passive pools generally results in net mineralization
of N, while decomposition of structural material immobilizes N. The model also uses simple equations to
represent N inputs due to atmospheric deposition and N fixation and calculates N losses due to N2, NO,
N2O, and NH3 gas fluxes and NO3 leaching.
Simulated fire and grazing effects in grassland and rangeland ecosystems. The major impact
of fire is to increase the root to shoot ratio, increase the C:N ratio of live shoots and roots, remove
vegetation and return nutrients during the years when fire occurs. The effect of different intensities of fire
Chapter 13 Rangelands and Grasslands 13-17
in herbaceous vegetation can be parameterized by specifying the fractions of live shoots, standing dead
and surface litter removed by a fire along with the return of N, P, and S in inorganic forms.
Grazing removes vegetation, returns nutrients to the soil, alters the root to shoot ratio, and
increases the N content of live shoots and roots. The model has three options for dealing with the impact
of grazing on the system. First, a zero-direct effect option where there are no direct impacts of grazing on
plant production except for the removal of vegetation and return of nutrients by the animals. Secondly, a
linear negative impact option where grazing on plant productivity results in a linear decrease in potential
plant production with increasing grazing intensity while holding root:shoot ratio constant. The third option
employs an optimal grazing effect where plant production is increased for low to moderate grazing (grazing
removal less than 35%) and decreases sharply for heavy grazing levels (>40% removed per month). The
root:shoot ratio is constant for low to moderate grazing levels and decreases rapidly for heavy grazing
levels. In all three options, the nutrient content of new shoot will increase in relation to the residual biomass.
The grazing options can be parameterized to remove defined fractions of above-ground live and
standing dead plant material each month. The fractional returns of C, N, P, and S are specified, having
allowed for losses in animal carcasses and milk, transfer of dung and urine off the area being simulated,
volatile losses of N from dung and urine patches, and leaching of N and S under urine patches. The
proportion of N, P, and S returned in organic forms is also specified as is the lignin content of the feces.