Carbon Paper
Carbon Paper
Carbon Paper
To cite this article: Ghulam Yasin, Shafeeq Ur Rahman, Muhammad Farrakh Nawaz, Ihsan Qadir,
Muhammad Zubair, Sadaf Gul, Muhammad Safdar Hussain, Muhammad Zain & Muhammad
Athar Khaliq (2021) Estimating carbon stocks and biomass accumulation in three different
agroforestry patterns in the semi-arid region of Pakistan, Carbon Management, 12:6, 593-602, DOI:
Due to higher atmospheric greenhouse gasses concentrations, global warming is undoubtedly Agroforestry; biomass;
the most critical environmental issue that needs an immediate solution. Agroforestry has carbon stock; global
attained worldwide recognition to cope with this global problem due to its greater potential to warming; soil carbon
sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide along with other ecosystem services, including food
security. However, quantitative information about the biomass and carbon sequestration in
poplar-maize agroforestry systems is not available in semi-arid climatic zones in Pakistan. The
current study was carried out to evaluate the vegetation biomass and carbon stocks under
three poplar-maize agroforestry planting patterns under semi-arid climatic conditions in a sub-
division Jaranwala, District Faisalabad, Pakistan. The data was collected in three agroforestry
patterns like; A (192 trees ha1), B (255 trees ha1), and C (296 trees ha1). Allometric equa-
tions were used to estimate the biomass and carbon stock in plant species. Results showed
that the poplar tree carbon stock among three planting patterns was significantly different,
with maximum carbon stock of 35.62 t ha1 in pattern C, and it was 8% and 33.5% greater
than the carbon stock of pattern B and pattern A, respectively. The maximum aboveground
biomass assimilated by maize crop was (11.95 t ha1) in pattern B, and it was 10.3% and 3.6%
greater than pattern A and pattern C, respectively. The grain yield was highest in pattern A as
compared to the other two patterns. Additionally, the maximum soil carbon stock in soil was
estimated (22.72 t ha-1) in pattern C, at 0-15 cm depth, while it was 13.42% and 6.61% greater
than pattern A and pattern B, respectively. In conclusion, the findings of this study suggested
that pattern C with maximum biomass production and carbon stocks is the optimum poplar
maize planting pattern in requisites of both financial and environmental benefits in the form of
carbon sequestration.
CONTACT Shafeeq Ur Rahman [email protected] Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Sciences, Xinxiang 453003, China.
Current address: Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Bahadur Sub-Campus Layyah, Pakistan
ß 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
Gt of atmospheric carbon by 2050 with a sequestra- maize cropping patterns with planting densities of
tion rate of greater than 600 Mt C yr1 [11], making 192 trees ha1 (Pattern A), 255 trees ha1 (Pattern
these systems a potential source of sequestering a B) & 296 trees ha1 (Pattern C), respectively, were
greater amount of carbon as equated to other exist- investigated (Figure 1). The maize (Zea mays L.) cul-
ing land-use options [8,12]. tivar ‘Syngenta 8611’ was mostly sown by farmers
Poplar (Populus deltoides,\W. Bartram ex commercially in the study area for the production
Marshall) is widely recognized as an important tree of grains at a seed rate of 25 kg ha1. Overall, the
species for enhancing the carbon capturing cap- rate of fertilizers applied by farmers (N: P: K) was
acity of agroforestry systems throughout the 250: 150: 100 kg ha1. A total of 25 villages were
globe. Poplars are fast-growing, have short rota- selected for tree inventory, crop, and soil sampling
tions, and can be grown in most geographic across the whole study area (Figure 2). Overall, 75
regions of the world [13–16]. In Punjab, Pakistan, plots (0.405 ha), 3 from each village, 1 for each spe-
poplar is extensively planted in agricultural lands cific poplar maize agroforestry pattern, were ran-
as a windbreak and meets demands for plywood domly selected by adopting the method described
and fuelwood at the national level [17]. by Ajit et al. [22] and Yasin et al. [7].
Agroforestry systems have received less atten-
tion in the ecosystem services literature than forest
Estimation of biomass and carbon
ecosystems [18]. Several researchers have docu-
mented the role of poplar-based agroforestry sys- Tree biomass and carbon
tem in climate change mitigation through CO2 Field visits were conducted from May-July 2017 for
sequestration around different worldwide regions tree inventory, and all the poplar trees of each
[19–21]; however, limited information regarding selected agroforestry pattern were measured. Tree
agroforestry contribution to carbon storage in biomass and carbon were determined by using a
Pakistan is available. Therefore, the present non-destructive approach. Tree height and diam-
research study was conducted to evaluate the eter (DBH, in cm) were measured by using Haga
impact of three different poplar maize agroforestry altimeter and digital caliper, respectively. The
planting patterns on carbon accumulation in height was initially measured in feet and then con-
woody as well as in crop biomass and soil in the verted into meters for each tree. Species-specific
semi-arid climatic region of Pakistan. allometric equations described by Li [23]were used
to estimate the tree biomass. Tree carbon was cal-
culated by considering 50% of the dry biomass as
Material and methods
carbon, described by Thomas [24].
Study site
This study was performed in Jaranwala, a subdiv-
Crop biomass and carbon
ision of district Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. It is
situated at an elevation of 184 m in the southeast A two-meter square quadrat was used to measure
of district Faisalabad. The area comprises 683.42 the crop biomass at its full maturity in August
square miles and experiences four distinct seasons: 2017. Two quadrates were placed in each plot of
winter, spring, summer & monsoon. The soil is fer- three selected poplar maize agroforestry patterns
tile and suitable for the cultivation of various after 15 rows distance. Thus, a total of 150 quad-
crops, fruits, and vegetables. The site has semi-arid rats were placed in 75 plots across the whole study
climatic conditions and receives about 58.5% of its area. For measuring the total biomass, whole plant
total annual rainfall (512 mm) during the monsoon. material within the quadrate was harvested, exca-
The average temperature of the area is 24.8 C vated, dried, and then weighted. To calculate
throughout the year. ( aboveground biomass, the maize crop was divided
location/jaranwala-3067/). into four components: leaf, stalk, cob, and grain.
For measuring crop belowground biomass, root
excavation was done downwards up to 45 cm until
Experimental establishment and
no extra roots were found. After computing the
sampling procedure
fresh weight of crop components in the field, sub-
Populus deltoides have been planted across the samples of each component were taken to the
whole study area as a shelterbelt forest tree. The laboratory to quantify carbon. The measured bio-
sampling plots of the study area have 7-10 years mass of samples was then scaled biomass per hec-
old poplar trees. Three commonly observed poplar tare across the study area.
Figure 1. Diagram representing the three different poplar planting patterns in the semi-arid region of Pakistan.
For carbon concentration estimation, each computed by adopting the method described by
component’s plant material was oven-dried at 70 C, De Vos et al. [25]. In the end, by multiplying the
ground, and deposited in airtight bags. Carbon con- values of bulk density, % organic carbon, and soil
centration in crop samples was measured by adopt- depth, air-dried soil carbon ha1 for each depth
ing the wet combustion method with potassium was quantified Cook et al. [26].
dichromate, as described by Xie et al. [13]. The car-
bon of each component of the maize crop was then
Statistical analysis
calculated by multiplying their mass to the calcu-
lated carbon concentration and then scaled carbon One-way analysis of variance procedure of Minitab
per hectare across the study area. 17 statistical software program was used to ana-
lyze the collected data. The comparison of means
was performed for significant effects by adopting
Soil carbon estimation the least significant difference (LSD) test at a 5%
In selected poplar maize agroforestry patterns, soil probability level.
samples were collected randomly for measuring soil
carbon across the whole study area. Samples were Results and discussion
taken with the help of a soil auger at three depths:
Poplar biomass and carbon stock
0-15 cm, 15-30 cm, and 30-45 cm. Overall, 225 samples
were taken, 25 for each depth and 75 for each pattern. The results showed that there was no significant
A 100 cm3 stainless steel cylinder was used to difference (p < 0.05) between the growth parame-
assess the bulk density separately for each depth. ters like height and DBH among three different
Then, the percentage of organic carbon was agroforestry patterns (Table 1). However, the
Table 1. Growth parameters: Diameter and height of of various agroforestry systems are extremely
poplar trees in three different agroforestry planting pat- inconstant and are highly dependent on various
terns in the semi-arid region.
drivers like the type of species, species richness,
Planting Patterns DBH (cm) Height (m)
Pattern A 15.51 ± 2.28 10.35 ± 1.51 tree density, age, site features, and management
Pattern B 16.21 ± 1.83 11.02 ± 1.34 practices [12,29]. The density of carbon in biomass
Pattern C 15.71 ± 2.46 10.83 ± 1.37
is a clear indication of its biomass assimilation. In
the present study, tree biomass ranged from 55.60
above and belowground biomass of poplar trees
t ha1 to 74.22 t ha1, while carbon stock ranged
was observed different (p < 0.05) significantly
from 26.68 t ha1 to 35.62 t ha1 across all three
across all three planting patterns with maximum
planting patterns. Similar variations of biomass
total biomass in pattern C (74.22 t ha1), as
depicted in Table 2. Based on biomass accumula- and carbon accumulation were reported by various
tion and carbon proportion, the amount above researchers, viz. Yasin et al. (2018) in bund planting
and belowground carbon of poplar was found in agroforestry systems, Nawaz et al. [30] in the semi-
the order of pattern C > pattern B > pattern A. arid region of Pakistan, Rajput et al. [31] in
The maximum total carbon stock was estimated northwest Himalaya, India and Xie et al. [13] in the
in pattern C and significantly different from pat- temperate desert region of northwestern China.
terns B and A. For example, the total carbon stocks Similarly, Takimoto et al. [32] documented a higher
of poplar measured in Pattern C were 35.62 t ha1, rate of carbon stocks in traditional agroforestry
and it was 8% and 33.5% greater than the carbon systems than improved agroforestry systems on
stock of pattern B and pattern A, respectively barren lands. This might be due to the young age
(Figure 3). of improved agroforestry systems as compared to
Trees can fix atmospheric carbon due to their traditional ones. In the present study, the biomass
different physiological characteristics and are con- and sequestered carbon were measured in the 7-
sidered a significant source to alleviate the impacts 10 years old trees, which is comparatively greater
of changing climate on a sustained basis [27,28]. than the estimates described by Peichl et al. [33],
The biomass and carbon capturing the perspective and Fang et al. [16]. This might be due to the
Table 2. Above and belowground biomass of poplar trees in three different agroforestry planting patterns
in the semi-arid region.
Planting Patterns Aboveground biomass (t ha-1) Belowground biomass (t ha-1) Total biomass (t ha-1)
c b
Pattern A 45.76 ± 5.01 9.84 ± 2.17 55.60c ± 5.87
Pattern B 57.91b ± 5.08 10.78ab ± 1.81 68.69b ± 5.22
Pattern C 62.68a ± 4.25 11.54a ± 1.36 74.22a ± 4.32
Figure 3. Above and belowground carbon of poplar trees in three different agroforestry planting patterns in the semi-
arid region.
difference in the number of poplar stems per hec- not different (p < 0.05) statistically (Figure 4). The
tare. For instance, Peichl et al. [33] estimated the highest grain yield and belowground biomass of
average carbon stocks (15.1 t C ha1) for 13 years maize crops were achieved in pattern A, but no stat-
old poplar at a stem density of 111 trees ha1, istical difference was observed among various pat-
whereas Fang et al. [16] measured 7.8 t C ha1 for terns. The grain yield in pattern A was 2.52 t ha1
five years old poplar at a tree density of 250 trees which was 7.2% and 13.5% higher than pattern B
ha1, whereas the range of poplar stems in the pre- and C, respectively, whereas belowground biomass
sent study was 192 trees ha1 to 296 trees ha1 in pattern A was 2.38 t ha1, and it was 3.5% and
across three planting patterns. As mentioned above, 13.9% greater than that of pattern B and pattern C
we found the highest tree carbon stock in model C respectively. The concentration of carbon in different
((296 trees ha1) than that of other agroforestry pat- maize crop components viz. leaf, stalk, cob, grain,
terns (192 trees ha1 & 250 trees ha1). This can be and root were significantly different among all pat-
because of the relatively greater number of trees per terns (p < 0.05) (Table 3). For the crop stalk and cob,
hectare as compared to the other two planting pat- the maximum carbon concentration (2.34 t ha1 and
terns. However, Xie et al. [13] documented a com- 1.53 t h1) was achieved in pattern C and was
paratively higher carbon stock (36.46 t ha1) in 9.34%, 1.32% greater than pattern B, and 32.2%,
twenty (20) years old poplar-based agroforestry sys- 10.9% greater than pattern A, respectively. The car-
tem at a tree density of 269 trees ha1 in the tem- bon stock of root in pattern B was 45.9% and 20.3%
perate desert region of northwestern China. higher than pattern A and pattern C, respectively.
Furthermore, the highest total carbon stock (7.07 t
ha1) of the maize crop was attained in pattern B,
Maize biomass and carbon stock
and it was significantly different (p < 0.05) among
The maximum aboveground biomass assimilated by different patterns (Table 3). Since the amount of bio-
maize crop was (11.95 t ha1) in pattern B, and it mass that was assimilated by maize crop in the
was 10.3% and 3.6% greater than pattern A and pat- aboveground portion was removed from the study
tern C, respectively. However, these findings were area and the remaining root biomass was the only
Figure 4. Biomass and yield production of maize crop in three different agroforestry planting patterns in the semi-
arid region.
Table 3. Carbon concentration and stock of maize crop Table 4. Soil bulk density, organic carbon (%) and carbon
in three different agroforestry planting patterns in the stock in three different agroforestry planting patterns in
semi-arid region. the semi-arid region.
Crop Components Pattern A Pattern B Pattern C Soil Depth Pattern A Pattern B Pattern C
Carbon Concentrations (g kg-1) Bulk density (g cm-3)
Leaf 403.97b ± 7.92 400.93b ± 10.14 413.55a ± 7.15 0-15 cm 1.56b ± 0.03 1.58a ± 0.04 1.59a ± 0.03
Stalk 429.01a ± 5.77 432.04a ± 6.85 424.12b ± 8.76 15-30 cm 1.53b ± 0.04 1.55a ± 0.03 1.57a ± 0.04
Root 418.01a ± 4.88 401.0.3b ± 5.89 413.88c ± 6.23 30-45 cm 1.46b ± 0.03 1.47b ± 0.02 1.49a ± 0.04
Cob 423.20b ± 6.19 431.19a ± 5.56 429.52a ± 9.63 Organic carbon (%)
Grain 436.36b ±5.16 448.49a ±10.05 440.16b ±8.38 0-15 cm 0.85c ± 0.05 0.89b ± 0.03 0.95a ± 0.04
Carbon Stock (t ha ) 15-30 cm 0.74c ± 0.04 0.80b ± 0.06 0.86a ± 0.04
Leaf 1.13b ± 0.22 1.33a ± 0.12 1.25a ± 0.13 30-45 cm 0.68c ± 0.04 0.71b ± 0.05 0.75a ± 0.06
Stalk 1.77c ± 0.27 2.14b ± 0.29 2.34a ± 0.24 Soil carbon stock (t ha-1)
Root 0.61c ± 0.16 0.89a ± 0.20 0.74b ± 0.17 0-15 cm 20.03c ± 1.58 21.31b ± 0.89 22.72a ± 1.07
Cob 1.38b ± 0.14 1.51a ± 0.12 1.53a± 0.11 15-30 cm 17.21c ± 1.29 18.99b ± 1.40 19.97a ± 1.03
Grain 1.06b ± 0.17 1.18a ± 0.15 0.98c ± 0.20 30-45 cm 15.10c ± 1.62 15.76b ± 1.45 16.83a ± 1.40
Total 5.97c ± 0.43 7.07a ± 0.41 6.78b ± 0.36 Total 52.34c ± 2.40 56.07b ± 2.11 59.53a ± 2.46
Means sharing the same lowercase letters are non-significant Means sharing the same lowercase letters are non-significant
at p < 0.05. at p < 0.05.
source of organic matter; therefore, we did not concentration, viz. 87-89% of the total carbon stock in
include the carbon stock of the aboveground portion the maize crop. Our results are in line with those
of maize while calculating the total carbon stock in received by Ajit et al. [22], Xie et al. [13], Yadav et al.
all three planting patterns. [34], and Chauhan et al. [35]. Oelbermann et al. [36]
Apart from trees, the crops also contribute sig- found that carbon concentration in the aboveground
nificantly to overall biomass and carbon stock in portion of maize, wheat, and soybean contributed
the agroforestry systems. Such as, Yadav et al. [29] 86%, 88%, and 89% of the total carbon stock, respect-
reported that crops are contributing 19-27% to the ively. Similarly, Fang et al. [16] documented 1.42 times
system total biomass. In this study, commercial more carbon stock in an agroforestry system with
seeds of maize crops were cultivated in three wheat-maize double cropping as compared to the
planting patterns, and the aboveground biomass wheat-soybeans double-cropping scheme.
contribution of maize was 10.83 t ha1 to 11.95 t
ha1. Similarly, Xie et al. [13] and Fang et al. [16]
Soil organic carbon and carbon stock
has also documented the same range of above-
ground biomass in poplar maize intercropping and The bulk density of soil (g cm3), organic carbon
maize-wheat double cropping system. Similar to (%), and soil carbon stock (t ha1) decreased when
biomass, our results indicate that the aboveground the level of soil depth increase. Data from Table 4
maize components stored more carbon indicates significant differences in soil bulk density,
carbon concentration, and soil carbon stock in the established to increase soil C sequestrations in the
same soil layer across all three poplar maize plant- soil through the process of photosynthesis. Plants
ing patterns. The bulk density of the soil did not assimilate carbon and return some of it to the
change significantly (p < 0.05) for pattern B and atmosphere through respiration. The carbon that
pattern C, at 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm soil depth. The remains as plant tissue is then consumed by ani-
maximum soil bulk density was measured in pat- mals or added to the soil as litter when plants die
tern C at all three depths viz. 1.59 g cm-3 at 0- and decompose [39]. The comparison and storage
15 cm, 1.57 g cm3 at 15-30 cm, and 1.49 g cm3 at of carbon present in soils of various agroforestry
30-45 cm as compared to pattern A and pattern B, systems and other land use land covers (LULC) can
respectively, which might be due to inadequate be arranged, ranked, in the given order: (1) forests
soil management in some agricultural systems. So, > (2) agroforests > (3) plantations > (4) crops
if the soil is compacted at a 15 cm depth, the bulk ([12]. Moreover, various studies across Africa and
density will decrease with depth until it is back to Asia also indicated that trees would not instantly
increase at some point. The soil organic carbon start retaining carbon into soils to baseline level
content was greater in the soil upper soil (0-15 cm) nor enhance it for shorter periods [13,40–42].
surface, and it gradually decreased across all three Several studies have documented that the agroe-
planting patterns as the soil depth increased. At 0- cosystems stored a greater amount of carbon than
15 cm soil depth, the maximum soil organic carbon monocropping systems across the world
[16,23,33,43,44]. This higher soil organic carbon in
(0.95%) was estimated in pattern C, and it was
agroecosystems connected to a greater quantity of
11.76%, 6.74% greater than pattern A and pattern
biomass carbon reverted to soil mostly in the form
B, respectively.
of litter, ultimately stabilizing the soil organic mat-
Similarly, the soil carbon stock was found in the
ter while lowering decomposition rates [45]. These
order of pattern C > pattern B > pattern A for all
differences are also connected to structural com-
three depths and was significantly (p < 0.05) differ-
ponents, cropping systems, and management
ent across all planting patterns. For example, the
techniques with esteem to space and time [29].
maximum soil carbon stock in soil was estimated
The current study revealed that the overall carbon
(22.72 t ha1) in pattern C, at 0-15 cm depth, while
stock in soil (0-45 cm) was found in the order: pat-
it was 13.42% and 6.61% greater than pattern A
tern C > pattern B > pattern A and was signifi-
and pattern B, respectively. Likewise, the highest
cantly different across all planting patterns. The
soil carbon stock (19.97 t ha1 and 16.83 t ha1)
soil carbon stock in patterns B and C was higher
was computed in pattern C, followed by pattern B significantly than that of pattern A, this may be
(18.99 t ha1 and 15.76 t ha1), whereas the low- related to a greater addition of litter through the
est soil carbon stock was measured in pattern A poplar tree species due to their greater tree stem
(17.21 t ha1 and 15.10 t ha1) at 15-30 cm and density ha1 in patterns B and C, respectively, and
30-45 cm depth, respectively. Overall, at 0-45 cm eventually resulting in greater carbon input to the
soil depth, the total carbon stock in soil was differ- soil as compared to pattern A [13,16,46].
ent (p < 0.05) significantly across all planting pat-
terns, with the maximum amount in pattern C
Ecosystem total carbon stock
(59.53 t ha1) and minimum in pattern A (52.34 t
ha1) as depicted in Table 4. Overall, ecosystem carbon stock (vegetation þ soil)
It has been studied that the soil is an important was estimated for each planting pattern and then
pool of carbon and has been proved as an impera- compared for all three soil depths. The total eco-
tive source to mitigate greenhouse gasses [37]. It system carbon stock results were significantly dif-
plays a crucial role while storing a sufficient ferent (p < 0.05) across the studied patterns and
amount of atmospheric carbon in the soil ecosys- are represented in Table 5. Overall, at all three soil
tem throughout the world [38]. Tree species depth ranges, the highest total carbon stocks were
enhanced the topsoil fraction of carbon, nitrogen, exhibited by pattern C: 59.08 t ha1, 79.05 t ha1,
and phosphorus contents compared to the pas- and 95.89 t ha1, while the notably lowest total
ture. Soil fractionation demonstrated that larger lit- carbon stocks were measured in pattern A: 47.32 t
ter induced by tree species subsequently ha1, 64.53 t ha1, and 79.63 t ha1 at 0-15, 0-30
enhanced free and bounded organic matter seg- and 0-45 cm respectively. In recent decades, agro-
ments and ultimately enhanced stabilized fraction forestry has been considered a major opportunity
of soil organic fractions. Hence, tree species were to combat current CO2 prompted climatic issues
Table 5. Total ecosystem carbon stock (biomass þ soil) of (296 trees ha1) in poplar maize agroecosystems
three different agroforestry planting patterns in the as the optimal system with maximum biomass and
semi-arid region.
total carbon stock. However, maize yield was not
Total Carbon Stock Pattern A Pattern B Pattern C
Biomass þ 0-15 cm soil 47.32c ± 3.01 55.16b ± 3.32 59.08a ± 2.62
significantly different across all three planting pat-
Biomass þ 0-30 cm soil 64.53c ± 3.68 74.15b ± 4.06 79.05a ± 3.13 terns. Therefore, this planting pattern should be
Biomass þ 0-45 cm soil 79.63c ± 4.02 89.92b ± 4.36 95.89a ± 3.37
adopted in other climatic regions of the country,
especially semi-arid, to enhance the financial and
and land-use change problems across the globe.
environmental benefits in the form of carbon cap-
For example, the amount of carbon stored (5.8 t C
ture. Moreover, similar studies should be con-
ha1 8.2 t C ha1) in the silvopasture system
ducted to find the optimum planting pattern for
was higher than the pasture system in the North
various tree species with different crops and intro-
American temperate region [47]. Similarly, Li [23]
duce various policy programs supporting and pro-
demonstrated that poplar based agroforestry sys-
moting agroforestry to enhance the country’s
tem stores carbon two times greater than the
forest cover.
monocrop system, which might be due to woody
trees. In this study, the range of measured total
ecosystem carbon stock was 79.63 t ha1 to 95.89 Acknowledgments
t ha1 in three agroforestry planting patterns. This We are thankful to Higher Education Commission, Pakistan
amount of stored carbon is more or less similar to (HEC) for providing all the facilities and funds to complete
the total ecosystem carbon stored in northwestern this work under NRPU project # 2459.
China [13], northwest Himalaya, and central
Himalaya regions of India [31,48] in a similar tree Disclosure statement
crop combination. Moreover, various agroforestry No potential conflict of interest was reported by
systems’ total ecosystem carbon stock was 31 t C the authors.
ha1 to 173.90 t C ha1 in different Indian states
[14,29,35,49]. These estimations are far above the
Data availability statement
ecosystem carbon stock of the present study.
However, the calculated carbon stock in the pre- All data set is associated with the paper. Moreover, an
sent study is slightly greater than the amount excel sheet for raw data will be provided on request after
acceptance of paper.
stored in silvopastoral systems (15-18 Mg C ha1)
of low humid tropics of northern Asia [50]. These
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