Francaviglia 2012
Francaviglia 2012
Francaviglia 2012
Agricultural Systems
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Changes in soil organic carbon and climate change – Application of the RothC
model in agro-silvo-pastoral Mediterranean systems
Rosa Francaviglia a,⇑, Kevin Coleman b, Andrew P. Whitmore b, Luca Doro c, Giulia Urracci c,
Mariateresa Rubino a, Luigi Ledda c
CRA, Centro di Ricerca per lo Studio delle Relazioni tra Pianta e Suolo, Via della Navicella 2-4, 00184 Rome, Italy
Sustainable Soils and Grassland Systems, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Herts AL5 2JQ, United Kingdom
Dipartimento di Agraria, Università di Sassari, Viale Italia 39, 07100 Sassari, Italy
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Due to the complexity of soil organic carbon (SOC), models have proved very useful in helping to improve
Received 13 February 2012 our understanding of the soil–plant–atmosphere system. In this study we used the Rothamsted carbon
Received in revised form 30 May 2012 model (RothC), which considers the effect of climate (temperature, rainfall and evaporation), soil texture
Accepted 1 July 2012
(clay content) and crop management on the decomposition processes, to predict changes in SOC under
Available online 1 August 2012
different land uses and the different climate that may occur in the future.
SOC turnover was evaluated in land uses under different levels of agricultural intensification. The agri-
culture of the study-area is mainly extensive and markedly agro-silvo-pastoral, and is typical of north-
C sequestration
CO2 emissions
eastern Sardinia (Italy) and similar areas of the Mediterranean basin. The following land uses were con-
Climate change sidered: vineyards, hay crops, pastures, semi-natural systems (formerly vineyards) and cork oak forests.
Emission scenarios Since the study-area is characterized by the same soil type (Haplic Endoleptic Cambisols, Dystric) derived
Land use from granitic rocks and potential native vegetation (Quercus suber L.), this was considered as the model
RothC baseline to study soil organic carbon dynamics. Climate change scenarios for 90 yr were generated from
the baseline climate with two Global Climate Models: GISS (Goddard Institute of Space Studies, USA), and
HadCM3 (Met Office, Hadley Centre, UK), for two of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) emission scenarios (SRES A2 and B2).
Land uses at low cropping intensity were more efficient than intensive agricultural systems in terms of
SOC storage in the order: hay crop > pasture > cork oak forest > semi-natural systems. Land use change to
vineyards decreased the carbon balance significantly between 0.09 and 0.15 t C ha1 yr1. However,
former vineyards have almost recovered from soil disturbance following the establishment of the
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Different management systems can alter the stocks of SOC, mit-
igating or worsening climate change through C storage or C emis-
Carbon sequestration via agricultural soils has the potential to sions. Emissions of C from the soil are mainly due to the
contribute significantly to climate change mitigation, provided that decomposition of plant residues and humus oxidation (mineraliza-
specific measures are implemented. Sound cropland management tion). On the other hand agriculture can contribute to climate
can play a positive role in reducing GHGs emissions, and in partic- change mitigation by increasing the C sequestration in soils by
ular carbon dioxide, either by decreasing soil organic carbon losses, the adoption of practices such as diversifying cropping systems,
or by increasing the organic matter input, or a combination of both. reduction of erosion, application of inorganic fertilizer, tree plant-
Globally, soil organic carbon (SOC) has a stock of C of 1550 Pg to ing, animal manure application, green-manure cropping systems,
a depth of 1 m, compared to 760 Pg C in the atmosphere and improved grassland management, cropland-grazing and rotation,
560 Pg C in the above ground vegetation (Lal, 2008), so changes optimal fertilization (Franzluebbers and Doraiswamy, 2007) and
in the SOC stock have profound implications for the mitigation or overall conservation-tillage.
exacerbation of climate change (Smith et al., 2008). Due to the complexity of the soil–plant–atmosphere system, it
is helpful to study SOC dynamics through the use of simulation
models combined with local measured data. In order to overcome
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 06 7005299; fax: +39 06 7005711. the problems associated with extensive and costly experiments,
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Francaviglia). most of the known factors acting on SOC dynamics have been
0308-521X/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Francaviglia et al. / Agricultural Systems 112 (2012) 48–54 49
included in models through mathematical algorithms that take ac- and humified organic matter (HUM). The model allows two types
count of the various factors involved (climate, pedology, cropping of simulations: ‘‘direct’’ that uses the known input of organic car-
system, soil and crop management) and their complex interactions. bon to the soil to calculate the SOC, and ‘‘inverse’’ that evaluates
If well-validated, they can be used to predict changes in SOC under the input of organic carbon required to maintain the stock of SOC.
the different management and climatic conditions that may occur
in the future (Jones and Donnelly, 2004). There is a substantial glo- 2.2. The study area
bal effort in the area of SOC modeling involving a number of differ-
ent models (Smith et al., 1997; Kirschbaum et al., 2001), including To run RothC and evaluate the effects of climate change on soil
Century (Parton et al., 1994) and RothC (Jenkinson et al., 1992). organic carbon dynamics, we used the Berchidda–Monti data set
Both of these models have a similar structure, containing pools (Olbia Tempio, Sardinia, Fig. 1), based on surveys begun in 2007
with a rapid turnover (month–year), moderate turnover (decadal), within a national research project. Six different land uses, with dif-
and slow turnover (millennial or inert). ferent levels of cropping intensification were compared in the
SOC modeling under climate change has been previously stud- study area (Lagomarsino et al., 2011), characterized by the same
ied in the Mediterranean area, but available literature mostly deals type of soil and cork oak forest (Quercus suber L.) as potential native
with intensive agricultural systems and soil tillage practices. Luga- vegetation. These were:
to and Berti (2008), using the Century model evaluated the effects
of farm manure application, reduced tillage and grassland conver- Tilled vineyards (area 0.98 ha) established in 1993 (TV).
sion in comparison with a business as usual scenario from 2008 to No-tilled grassed vineyards (area 3.4 ha) established in 1990
2080, in a 4-yr rotation including maize, wheat and soybean in (GV).
north-east Italy.Àlvaro-Fuentes and Paustian (2011) used Century Hay crop (oats, Italian ryegrass and annual clovers or vetch)
to model the SOC variations of a barley-fallow rotation and contin- with sparse cork oaks (area 3.5 ha) (HC).
uous barley system with conventional tillage and no-tillage from Pasture, covered with spontaneous herbaceous vegetation with
2010 to 2100 in Zaragoza province (Spain). Farina et al. (2011) used sparse cork oaks (area 11 ha) (PA).
WinEPIC (Gerik et al., 2006) in a hilly area of central Italy, to sim- Semi-natural systems (scrublands, Mediterranean maquis and
ulate the effect of climate change and soil tillage (conventional vs. Helichrysum meadows), former vineyards set-aside about
no-tillage) on two rainfed crop rotations (durum wheat–sunflower 30 yr ago (SN).
and durum wheat–maize), evaluating crops yields and SOC from Cork oak forest (Q. suber L.) established in the past century,
2010 to 2100. where cork harvest occurs every 11 yr (area 15 ha) (CO).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of climate
change on SOC dynamics using RothC in different land uses at dif- The tilled vineyards (TVs) and no-tilled grassed vineyards (GVs)
ferent levels of crop intensification (vineyards, hay crops, pastures, are agricultural higher intensive land uses, whereas hay crop (HC),
semi-natural systems and cork oak forests), in an extensive agro- pasture (PA), semi-natural (SN) and cork oak forest (CO) are agro-
silvo-pastoral area typical of north-eastern Sardinia and other silvo-pastoral lower intensive land uses.
areas of the Mediterranean basin (e.g. southern and central Spain). The tilled vineyard (TV) was established in 1993, and was
ploughed to 40 cm and harrowed in March or April and occasion-
ally in July. Organic fertiliser was added to provide about 50 kg
2. Materials and methods each of N and K2O ha1 and 25 kg P2O5 ha1 and pruning residues
were removed from the field. The mean grapes yield was between
2.1. The model 7 and 8 Mg ha1 fresh weight.
The no-tilled grassed vineyard (GV) was established in 1990.
RothC (Coleman and Jenkinson, 1996, 1999) used in this study, Mineral fertilizer up to 40 kg N ha1, 50 kg P2O5 ha1 and
is a model for the turnover of organic carbon in non-waterlogged 50 kg K2O ha1 was applied in March. Pruning was carried out in
topsoils that allows for the effects of climate (temperature, rainfall January and June with the pruning residues being left on the soil.
and evaporation), soil texture (clay content) and crop management Drip irrigation (up to 100 mm) was provided between June and
on the turnover process. It is one of the most widely used models July to partially restore crop evapotranspiration. The grape yield
for the study of SOC turnover, currently there are over 1300 regis- was between 7 and 8 Mg ha1 fresh weight.
tered users from over 80 countries. The model was originally
developed using data from the long-term field experiments, 14C lit-
ter decomposition experiments and radiocarbon dating of soils
from Rothamsted and Woburn, UK and Ibadan, Nigeria (Jenkinson
et al., 1987) and later for other areas including Australia, the USA,
Costa Rica, Austria and Nigeria (Jenkinson, 1990), Australia (Skj-
emstad et al., 2004), Brazil (Cerri et al., 2003), Europe (Smith
et al., 1997; Falloon et al., 2002), Japan (Yokozawa et al., 2010),
Kenya (Kamoni et al., 2007), Zambia (Kaonga and Coleman,
2008), Spain (Nieto et al., 2010). It uses a monthly time step to cal-
culate total organic carbon (t ha1), microbial biomass carbon
(t ha1) and D14C (from which the equivalent radiocarbon age of
the soil can be calculated) on a years to centuries timescale (Jen-
kinson et al., 1987, 1992; Jenkinson, 1990; Jenkinson and Coleman,
1994). The model requires little data to run and those needed are
easier available.
In RothC, SOC is divided into four active fractions and a small
amount of inert organic matter (IOM) that is resistant to decay.
The four active fractions are: decomposable plant material
(DPM), resistant plant material (RPM), microbial biomass (BIO) Fig. 1. Experimental site location in north-eastern Sardinia (Italy).
50 R. Francaviglia et al. / Agricultural Systems 112 (2012) 48–54
The hay crop (HC) and pasture (PA) land uses have a comple-
mentary 6-yr rotation. The pasture (PA) land use was 5 yr of spon-
taneous herbaceous vegetation, and 1 yr of intercropping with
oats, Italian ryegrass and annual clovers or vetch cultivated as an
hay crop. It is not tilled and is grazed from December until June
with 6 sheep ha1. The hay crop (HC) land use was oats, Italian rye-
grass and annual clovers or vetch for 5 yr and intercropped by
spontaneous herbaceous vegetation in the sixth year. It is managed
by ploughing to 40 cm and harrowed before seeding. About 50 kg N
ha1 and 90 kg P2O5 ha1 are applied before seeding and grazing is
allowed with 3–4 sheep ha1 from January until February or
March, before being cut in May. Both pasture and hay crop in-
cluded spotted cork-oak trees, which are key components of the
‘‘Dehesa’’-type landscape typical of this area of Sardinia. The
semi-natural systems (SN) arise from the natural re-vegetation of
former vineyards which have been abandoned, probably due to
the low grape yields and the high cost of modern tillage equip-
ment. The cork oak forest (CO) is used for cork production and cat- Fig. 2. Aerial photo of the site Berchidda–Monti (1977).
tle grazing and the understory is covered by mixed herbaceous
The local climate is typically Pluvi-seasonal oceanic low meso- (11.4%), a carbon input to the soil of 3.74 t C ha1 was necessary to
Mediterranean low sub-humid (Rivas-Martinez and Rivas-Saenz, achieve the SOC content of 50.5 t C ha1 to a depth of 20 cm mea-
2009), with a mean annual rainfall of 630 mm (70% in October– sured in 2007 (Table 1).
March) and mean annual temperature of 14.2 °C. Having set equilibrium conditions in this way for the native
The site is within an area of about 1450 ha, characterized by vegetation (cork oak forest), specific management files were cre-
extensive agro-silvo-pastoral systems, typical of north-eastern ated to simulate the effects of different land use changes starting
Sardinia (Italy) and similar areas of the Mediterranean basin (e.g. from 1900, with the aim to match the SOC contents measured in
southern and central Spain). Based on surveys began in 2007, the 2007 and thereafter to model the effects of future climate change.
soils are mainly Haplic Endoleptic Cambisols, Dystric (WRB, For each land use the following was assumed:
2006), derived from granitic rocks, are sub-acid to acid (pH 5.0–
6.4), sandy (sand 730–830 g kg1), with sandy-loam and loamy- (a) tilled vineyard (TV): the model was kept in equilibrium con-
sand texture, 0.93–1.07 g total N kg1 in the two vineyards and ditions under the cork oak forest from 1900 to 1992, then
semi-natural systems, 1.69–2.08 g total N kg1 in cork oak, hay 2 yr with zero plant inputs (1993–1994) were simulated to
crop and pasture, 12 mg available P2O5 kg1 in cork oak forest take into account soil levelling and planting, then a transi-
and semi-natural systems, 61–81 mg kg1 P2O5 in all the other tion phase (1995–1996) characterized by reduced plant
land uses. Organic carbon content in g kg1 was 14.2 in TV, 11.0 inputs to simulate the development phase of the vineyard
in GV, 24.3 in HC, 18.7 in PA, 17.0 in SN and 21.8 in CO. The soil (0.50 t C ha1), and finally the simulation of the fully devel-
reaction (pH) was determined in 1:2.5 soil:water suspension by oped vineyard from 1997, with a carbon input of
potentiometric method using a pH meter; particle-size analysis 1.00 t C ha1;
and soil texture with the wet sieving and sedimentation procedure (b) no-tilled and grassed vineyard (GV): the model was kept in
and the USDA classification respectively; total N with the Kjeldahl equilibrium conditions under the cork oak forest from
method; available P2O5 with the Olsen method; organic carbon 1900 to 1989, then 2 yr with zero plant inputs (1990–
with the Walkley–Black method. 1991) were simulated to take into account soil levelling
Soils samples where collected along the different soil horizons and planting, then a transition phase (1992–1995) charac-
during the pedologic survey, where pits were digged with a mini terized by reduced plant inputs to simulate the development
excavator. Three replicates were collected in the vineyards and phase of the vineyard (0.50–1.00 t C ha1), and finally the
the cork oak forest, four replicates in the hay crop and the pasture, simulation of the fully developed vineyard from 1996, with
six replicates in the semi-natural systems. a carbon input of 1.75 t C ha1;
To apply RothC and allow a comparison among the different (c) hay crop (HC): the model was kept in equilibrium conditions
land uses, SOC contents were normalized at a fixed 20 cm depth under the cork oak forest from 1900 to 1933, and the land
considering the A and Ap soil horizons of each replicate. Soil bulk use change was simulated from 1934 with a carbon input
density, required to convert SOC to t ha1, was calculated after Sax- of 5.99 t C ha1;
ton and Rawls (2006) from soil texture (sand and clay) and SOC (d) pasture (PA): the model was kept in equilibrium conditions
content. under the cork oak forest from 1900 to 1933, and the land
use change was simulated from 1934 with a carbon input
2.3. Model parameterisation of 3.68 t C ha1;
(e) semi-natural systems (SN) represented by former vineyards:
The model baseline was established with cork oak forest (CO) as the model was kept in equilibrium conditions under the cork
the potential native vegetation, based on aerial photographs taken oak forest from 1900 to 1938, then the vineyard establish-
in 1977 (Fig. 2) provided by the Central Institute for Cataloguing ment (2 yr with zero plant inputs from 1939 to 1940) and
and Documentation of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the gradual development were first simulated with a transi-
Activities. tion phase (1941–1942) characterized by reduced plant
RothC was run to equilibrium in inverse mode (i.e. the carbon inputs (1.00 t C ha1) and the fully developed vineyard from
input was adjusted, so that the modeled SOC matched the initial 1943 to 1965 (1.50 t C ha1); and finally its subsequent
measured SOC) on the CO land use. With an IOM content of abandonment from 1966 with the gradual restoration of nat-
4.3 t C ha1 calculated from SOC after Falloon et al. (1998) and clay ural vegetation (4.20 t C ha1).
R. Francaviglia et al. / Agricultural Systems 112 (2012) 48–54 51
Table 1
Input data and short-term simulation results. Data refers to year 2007.
Land use Clay (%) Soil C inputs SOC measured SOC modeled by Deviationa (%)
(t C ha1) (t C ha1) RothC (t C ha1)
Tilled vineyard, TV 11.7 1.00b 36.4 36.3 0.3
No tilled grassed vineyard, GV 11.6 1.75c 37.4 37.5 0.3
Hay crop, HC 12.8 5.99 57.7 54.6 5.4
Pasture, PA 13.6 3.68 53.7 52.5 2.2
Semi-natural systems, SN 9.2 4.20d 47.0 44.5 5.3
Cork oak forest, CO 11.4 3.74e 50.5 50.5 0.0
Deviation calculated as [100 * (modeled–measured)/measured].
TV inputs: 0 (1993–1994); 0.50 (1995–1996); 1.00 (1997 onwards).
GV inputs: 0 (1990–1991); 0.5 (1992–1993); 1.0 (1994–1995); 1.75 (1996 onwards).
SN inputs: 0 (1939–1940); 1.0 (1941–1942); 1.50(1943–1965); 4.20 (1966 onwards).
Model run to the equilibrium in ‘‘inverse mode’’.
To take into account sheep grazing on the pasture land (6 sheep 90 yr: 90 yr after baseline, mean climate change for the period
per hectare from December to June) and on the hay crop (3–4 2068–2097, with 710 (A2) and 555 (B2) CO2 concentrations
sheep per hectare from January until February or March) a monthly (ppm).
input of 0.1 and 0.025 t C ha1 as FYM during the grazing months
was assumed respectively. A FYM input of 0.5 t C ha1 was as-
sumed under the cork oak forest, which is normally grazed for 3. Results
1 month in January by 0.5 cattle heads per hectare; we assumed
sheep manure was identical to FYM. Inputs of carbon from sheep 3.1. Climate change and emission scenarios
and cattle manure were estimated from expert judgment in rela-
tion to the animal load, the length of the grazing period and the For the emission scenarios A2, there was a temperature increase
quality of pastured plant materials. of 0.5, 1.4 and 3.1 °C (GISS) and 0.7, 1.9 and 3.5 °C (HadCM3) in
Only the hay crop was assumed to have a fallow period (from ‘‘30–60–90 yr’’, with a steady reduction in rainfall in GISS (9.6%,
July to October), the other land uses were covered by vegetation 16.4% and 21.6%) but a considerable reduction in rainfall of more
for the whole year. The input data and the results of model simu- than 25% in ‘‘90 yr’’ for HadCM3 in comparison with ‘‘30–60 yr’’
lations for different land uses are shown in Table 1. (Table 2). For the emission scenario B2, the temperature increase
Simulations until 2007 were run with the long-term observed was 0.6, 1.0 and 2.0 °C (GISS) and 0.7, 1.4 and 2.3 °C in ‘‘30–60–
monthly data collected from the local climatic station. Following 90 yr’’; the reduction in rainfall was 8.6%, 13.7% and 18.4% in GISS,
this, the model was run for three periods of 30 yr under the differ- and 2.8%, 8.8% and 10.1% in HadCM3 (Table 2).
ent climate change conditions described below.
Table 2
Changes in the mean annual temperature and rainfall compared with the baseline climate (1985–2006).
Table 3
Simulated soil organic carbon in t C ha1 and changes in t C ha1 yr1 (in italics) in the A2 scenario and the three time periods (30 yr, 60 yr and 90 yr). TV tilled vineyard, GV no-
tilled grassed vineyard, HC hay crop, PA pasture, SN semi-natural systems (former vineyards), CO cork oak forest.
Table 4
Simulated soil organic carbon in t C ha1 and changes in t C ha1 yr1 (in italics) in the B2 scenario and the three time periods (30 yr, 60 yr and 90 yr). TV tilled vineyard, GV no-
tilled grassed vineyard, HC hay crop, PA pasture, SN semi-natural systems (former vineyards), CO cork oak forest.
5. Conclusions
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