Perturbation Theory Stationary Perturbation Methods
Perturbation Theory Stationary Perturbation Methods
Perturbation Theory Stationary Perturbation Methods
We define the polarizability α so that i.e. we are looking for corrections to the degenerated
states. With the help of the energy correction we have to
1 solve
∆ = − α|E|2 . (0)
2 (ED − H0 )|li = (λV − ∆l )|li.
As a special case we consider the ground state We write again
|0(0) i = |1, 00i of hydrogen atom which is non degenerate
when we ignore the spin. The perturbation expansion |li = |l(0) i + λ|l(1) i + λ2 |l(2) i + · · ·
gives (1) (2)
X∞ ∆l = λ∆l + λ2 ∆l + ···,
|hk (0) |z|1, 00i|2
α = −2e2 (0) (0)
k6=0 E0 − Ek so we get
where the summing must be extended also over the (0)
(ED − H0 )(|l(0) i + λ|l(1) i + λ2 |l(2) i + · · ·)
continuum states.
(1) (2)
Let us suppose that = (λV − λ∆l − λ2 ∆l − · · ·)
(0) (1) 2 (2)
(0) (0) ×(|l i + λ|l i + λ |l i + · · ·).
E0 − Ek ≈ constant,
Equalizing the coefficients of the powers of λ we get in
so that the first order
|hk (0) |z|1, 00i|2 = |hk (0) |z|1, 00i|2 (0)
(ED − H0 )|l(1) i
k6=0 all k’s
= (V − ∆l )|l(0) i
= h1, 00|z 2 |1, 00i. " #
(0) (0) (0)
In the spherically symmetric ground state we obviously = (V − ∆l ) |m ihm |l i .
have m∈D
hz 2 i = hx2 i = hy 2 i = hr2 i. (0)
3 Taking the scalar product with the vector hm0 | and
Using the explicit wave functions we get recalling that
(0) (0)
hz 2 i = a20 . hm0 |(ED − H0 ) = 0,
we end up with the simultaneous eigenvalue equations 1◦ Identify the degenerated eigenstates. We suppose
X (1) (0)
that their count is g. Construct the
Vm0 m hm(0) |l(0) i = ∆l hm0 |l(0) i. g × g-perturbation matrix V .
2◦ Diagonalize the perturbation matrix.
The energy corrections ∆l are obtained as eigenvalues.
From the equation 3◦ The resulting eigenvalues are first order corrections
for the energy shifts. The corresponding eigenvectors
(0) (1)
(ED − H0 )|l(1) i = (V − ∆l )|l(0) i are those zeroth order eigenvectors to which the
corrected eigenvectors approach when λ → 0.
we also see that
4◦ Evaluate higher order corrections using non
hm(0) |V − ∆l |l(0) i = 0 ∀|m(0) i ∈ D. degenerate perturbation methods but omit in the
(1) summations all contributions coming from the
Thus the vector (V − ∆l )|l(0) i has no components in the degenerated state vectors of the space D.
subspace D. Defining a projection operator as
Example The Stark efect in the hydrogen atom.
(0) (0) (0) (0) The hydrogen 2s (n = 2, l = 0, m = 0) and 2p
φD = 1 − |m ihm |= |k ihk |
(n = 2, l = 1, m = −1, 0, 1) states are degenerate. Their
m∈D k6∈D
energy is
we can write ED = −e2 /8a0 .
(1) (1)
(V − ∆l )|l(0) i = φD (V − ∆l )|l(0) i = φD V |l(0) i. We put the atom in external electric field parallel to the
We get the equation V = −ez|E|.
(0) (1) Now z is the q = 0 component of a spherical tensor:
(ED − H0 )|l(1) i = φD (V − ∆l )|l(0) i,
where now the operator (ED − H0 ) can be inverted: z = T0 .
Because the potential V is periodic it can be represented i.e. we diagonalize the matrix
as the Fourier series
|ki |k + nKi
X Ã !
V (x) = e inKx
Vn , |ki Ek + V0 Vn∗
(0) .
n=−∞ |k + nKi Vn Ek + V0
where Its eigenvalues are
K = 2π/a
(0) (0)
is the reciprocal lattice vector. The only nonzero matrix E + Ek+nK
Ek± = V0 + k
elements are now v 2
uà (0) !2
u E − E (0)
hk + nK|V |ki = Vn , ± t k k+nK
+ |Vn |2 .
Z (0) (0)
1X 0 0 0 0 When |Ek − Ek+nK | À |Vn |, it reduces to two solutions
hk 0 |V |ki = Vn dx0 e−ik x einKx eikx
L n (0)
X Ek+ = Ek + V0
= Vn δk+nK,k0 . (0)
Ek− = Ek+nK + V0 ,
which are first order corrected energies. In the limiting
case we get
lim Ek± = EnK/2 + V0 ± |Vn |.