Department of Electrical Engineering School of Science and Engineering EE514/CS535 Machine Learning Homework 2

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Department of Electrical Engineering

School of Science and Engineering

EE514/CS535 Machine Learning

Due Date: 23:55, Friday, March 26, 2021 (Submit online on LMS)
Format: 5 problems, for a total of 80 marks
Contribution to Final Percentage: 2.5%
• Each student must submit his/her own hand-written assignment, scanned in a single PDF
• You are allowed to collaborate with your peers but copying your colleague’s solution is
strictly prohibited. Anybody found guilty would be subjected to disciplinary action in
accordance with the university rules and regulations.
• Note: Vectors are written in lowercase and bold in the homework, for your written
submission kindly use an underline instead. In addition, use capital letters for matrices and
lowercase for scalars.

Problem 1 (10 marks)

Bayes’ Theorem - Suppose that you have built an email classifier that filters emails as
‘spam’ and ‘not spam’. It is estimated that 80% of all emails are not spam. You claim that
your classifier accurately predicts spam 90% of the time, and only incorrectly predicts as
spam 1% of the time.
Using the information provided, deduce the probability of a non-spam email, given that it
has been classified as spam by your classifier.

Solution: Let:
N : Event that an email is not spam
S : Event that an email is spam
C N : Event that an email is classified as not spam
C S : Event that an email is classified as spam
We know:
P (N ) = 0.8
P (S) = 0.2
P (C S |S) = 0.9
P (C S |N ) = 0.01
We need to find:
P (C S |N )P (N )
P (N |C S ) =
P (C S )
Using Law of Total Probability:
P (C S ) = P (C S |S)P (S) + P (C S |N )P (N )
= 0.9 ∗ 0.2 + 0.01 ∗ 0.8
= 0.188
Plugging back into Bayes’ Theorem:
P (C S |N )P (N )
P (N |C S ) =
P (C S )
0.01 ∗ 0.8
= 0.0425

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Problem 2 (15 marks)
Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) of Poisson Distribution - The probability
mass function (PMF) of a random variable X that follows the Poisson distribution is given
e−λ λx
pX (x, λ) =
where x is a non-negative integer, i.e., x ∈ Z+ and λ, which parameterizes the distribution,
is the mean of the distribution.

You are provided n independent observations of this Poisson distribution. Formulate MLE
problem for the estimation of parameter λ and prove that it is simply given by the sample
mean of the observations, that is:
λ̂ = xi
n i=1
Hint: Follow the same steps as the example given in slides, take log likelihood function of
the PMF, then derivate it with respect to λ and equate to zero.

Solution: Since we have n independent observations, we can simply take the product of prob-
ability mass functions to get the likelihood function:
Y e−λ λxi
L(λ, x) =
xi !
where x contains the n observations.
Next we take the natural logarithm of the likelihood function on both sides to get the log
likelihood function.
Y e−λ λxi
l(λ, x) = ln
xi !
X e−λ λxi
= ln
xi !
= lne−λ + lnλxi − ln(xi !)
= lnλxi − ln(xi !) − λ
X n
= −nλ + lnλ xi − ln(xi !)
i=1 i=1
To find the value of λ that maximizes this log likelihood function, we’ll take the derivative with
respect to λ:
n n
d d X X
l(λ, x) = (−nλ + lnλ xi − ln(xi !))
dλ dλ
i=1 i=1
1 X
= −n + xi = 0
λ̂ i=1
n= xi
λ̂ i=1
λ̂ = xi

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Problem 3 (25 marks)
Text Data Classification - In this question, we will dry-run the Naı̈ve Bayes’ (parts
(b)-(d)) classification algorithm to predict if the sentiment of the text data provided. You
are provided the following reviews and labels:

Sentiment Text
Training Positive very enjoyable
Positive really surprising
Positive really fun and enjoyable
Negative not surprising
Negative very boring and predictable
Test ? pretty predictable and no fun

Table 1: Review data

(a) [5 marks] First let us use the trained weights provided in Table 2 to predict the
sentiment of the test data. We label a positive review as ‘1’ and negative review as
‘-1’, take the decision boundary to be 0. You are provided a description of the features
and their respective trained weights in the table below. Use this information to predict
the sentiment of the test review. (Make appropriate assumptions about positive and
negative words)

θi Feature Description Weight Value

θ0 Bias 0.6
θ1 Count of Positive Words 1.2
θ2 Count of Negative Words -3.5
θ3 log(word count) 0.1

Table 2: Features and Trained Weights

(b) [10 marks] We now use Naı̈ve Bayes to predict the sentiment of the review, use
‘Laplace add-1 smoothing’ on Table 1 to compute the likelihoods for all words in
training data. Populate the table given below:

Word P(Word |+) P(Word |−)

Table 3: Likelihoods of Training Data

(c) [5 marks] Using the table in part (b), predict the sentiment of the test data.
(d) [5 marks] Comment on the usefulness of Nav̈e Bayes by focusing on problems as-
sociated with predicting labels without the assumption of conditional independence.
You may choose to use the problem provided to you in this question to augment your

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(a) We have:    
1 0.6
 2   1.2 
 1  , θ = −3.5
  

ln(5) 0.1
Our prediction is given by:
h(θ, x),
Which we use to find our label and therefore sentiment using the following function:

1 h(θ, x) > 0
−1 h(θ, x) < 0
Note that when h(θ, x) lies on the decision boundary, i.e., 0, we can randomly choose any
We can compute our prediction as:
h(θ, x) = θ · x
= 0.6 ∗ 1 + 1.2 ∗ 2 + (−3.5) ∗ 1 + 0.1 ∗ ln(5)
= −0.34 < 0
Therefore, we can predict our test review as ‘negative’.

(b) The populated table is given below:

Word P(Word |+) P(Word |−)

very 2/17 2/15
enjoyable 3/17 1/15
really 3/17 1/15
surprising 2/17 2/15
fun 2/17 1/15
and 2/17 2/15
not 1/17 2/15
boring 1/17 2/15
predictable 1/17 2/15

Table 4: Likelihoods of Training Data

(c) Using Naı̈ve Bayes assumption, we can define our probabilities as:
P (+|Data) = P (pretty|+)P (predictable|+)P (and|+)P (no|+)P (f un|+)P (+)
P (−|Data) = P (pretty|−)P (predictable|−)P (and|−)P (no|−)P (f un|−)P (−)
We can get rid of the new words and rewrite as follows:
P (+|Data) = P (predictable|+)P (and|+)P (f un|+)P (+)
P (−|Data) = P (predictable|−)P (and|−)P (f un|−)P (−)
We can calculate a priori probabilities as;
P (+) = 3/5
P (−) = 2/5

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Finally we can calculate probabilities as:
P (+|Data) = P (predictable|+)P (and|+)P (f un|+)P (+)
= (1/17) ∗ (2/17) ∗ (2/17) ∗ (3/5)
= 0.000488
P (−|Data) = P (predictable|−)P (and|−)P (f un|−)P (−)
= (2/15) ∗ (2/15) ∗ (1/15) ∗ (2/5)
= 0.000474
Since P (+|Data) > P (−|Data), we predict the sentiment as ‘positive’.

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Problem 4 (20 marks)
Multinomial Logistic Regression Formulation - In this question we will formulate
an image classification problem through logistic regression. We will classify fruit images
as “orange”, “apple”, “strawberry”, “mango”, or “grape”. Assume that the image data
provided to us is in the form of n grey-scale 1024×1024 matrices. We can define our feature
matrix for the i-th image as: xi ∈ R1024×1024 .
(a) [3 marks] How will you convert xi feature matrix to a feature vector? What will be
the size of this feature vector?
(b) [5 marks] Define a label to index mapping for this model. Use it to convert the
following ordered labels (n = 8) into a vector, y ∈ R8 .
orange, mango, strawberry, apple, apple, grape, mango, strawberry
(c) [3 marks] What will be the shape of our weights matrix Θ?
(d) [3 marks] Write down the shape of our prediction matrix, i.e., the product of our
feature matrix (with bias) and weights matrix.
(e) [6 marks] Finally, you pass your prediction matrix through the activation function,
softmax. How will you extract the predicted label from this resulting matrix?

(a) Use image flattening technique, feature vector will be of length 1024*1024.

(b) Using:
orange => 0
apple => 1
strawberry => 2
mango => 3
grape => 4
Our label vector for this case becomes:
 
 
 
y= 
 
 

(c) Θ is of size (1024 ∗ 1024 + 1) × 5 (Or 5 × (1024 ∗ 1024 + 1) depending on feature matrix and
matrix multiplication order).

(d) Prediction matrix is of size n × 5. Also award marks if n is taken as 8. (Or 5 × n depending
on feature matrix and matrix multiplication order).

(e) Use argmax on every row vector to find the index with highest probability for that training
instance (or equivalent answer depending on the formulation).

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Problem 5 (10 marks)
Regularized Logistic Regression - For binary logistic regression, we obtain θ by solving
the following optimization problem (see lecture notes for the notation adopted here).
minimize L(θ) = − yi log(hθ (xi )) + (1 − yi ) log(1 − hθ (xi ))

We can extend the regularization introduced for linear regression for logistic regression.
For example L2 regularized logistic regression can be formulated by adding L2 norm of the
weight vector θ as a penalty term R(θ) = kθk22 and formulating the optimization problem

minimize L(θ) + λkθk22


We derived the gradient descent step size in the lectures for the loss function with penalty.
Here we require you to derive the gradient of the regularized loss function with respect to

∂Lλ (θ) ∂
= (L(θ) + λkθk22 )
∂θ ∂θ
X ∂ ∂
=− (yi log(hθ (xi )) + (1 − yi ) log(1 − hθ (xi ))) + (λkθk22 )
∂θ ∂θ
X 1 1 ∂
=− yi − (1 − yi ) (hθ (xi )) + 2λθ
hθ (xi ) 1 − hθ (xi ) ∂θ

∂ e−θ xi ∂ T
(hθ (xi )) = −θ Tx 2 (θ xi )
∂θ (1 + e i ) ∂θ
e−θ xi 1
= −θ Tx T xi
(1 + e i ) (1 + e−θ xi )

= hθ (xi )(1 − hθ (xi ))xi

∂Lλ (θ) X 1 1
=− yi − (1 − yi ) (hθ (xi )(1 − hθ (xi ))xi ) + 2λθ
∂θ hθ (xi ) 1 − hθ (xi )
=− (−(hθ (xi )) − yi )xi ) + 2λθ
= ((hθ (xi )) − yi )xi ) + 2λθ

— End of Homework —

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