Moa Lgu
Moa Lgu
Moa Lgu
WHEREAS, the SHS curriculum can be customized at the local levels to take
into consideration the needs of local industries and the labor market;
WHEREAS, the DepEd believes that for the effective delivery of SHS instruction,
there is a need for school-industry partnerships that will provide the school the
necessary expertise and venue for practical, on-the-job, enterprise-based training for
SHS learners;
WHEREAS, the DepEd will start full implementation of SHS in School Year 2016-
WHEREAS, the SCHOOL is among those that will offer SHS to students in the
community to carry out DepEd’s objectives for SHS as spelled out above;
WHEREAS, to achieve this objective, the SCHOOL needs to enter into a Work
Immersion Partnership with the LGU;
WHEREAS, the LGU operates in the area where the School is located and has
offices, facilities, project sites, and expertise that it can make available to the
School for purposes of student work immersion; WHEREAS, the LGU considers
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going into a work immersion partnership with the School as part of its mission
to create a positive impact on the community, especially the young people;
WHEREAS, the LGU may avail of the revenue regulation no. 10 s. 2003
implementing the tax incentives provision of R.A. 8525 otherwise known as the
Adopt-A-School Act of 1998;
WHEREAS, the SCHOOL and the LGU, hereinafter collectively referred to as “the
parties”, undertake to collaborate for the successful implementation of the
SHS in <Municipality> cognizant of the need for special protection of the child
and with the best interest of the SHS learner at heart;
With the passage of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or Republic Act 10533,
the DepEd was tasked to implement the K to 12 Program, essentially adding
two (2) years of specialization within the Basic Educational System;
With this premise, the DepEd, offers venues for various stakeholders to participate
in the implementation of RA 10533 and, the same offer, accepted by the PARTIESs
The Work Immersion Program is one of the course requirements for graduation.
A SHS student has to undergo work immersion in a business organization or
establishment with work requirements related to the specialization. Through
work immersion, the students are exposed to and are familiarized with the
work-related environment related to their field of specialization. Specifically, the
students are able to:
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2. To develop in the students of the SHS program the knowledge and skills that
are relevant to the needs of the job market in the area;
4. To form Work Immersion Partnership between SCHOOL and the LGU, the
students, faculty, and staff of the schools concerned will be allowed the use of
and access to the LGU workplace and equipment as part of their Work
Immersion Program.
A. Joint Responsibilities
1. Create a joint working group that will prepare the action plan to
operationalize the partnership.
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B. Responsibilities of the School
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5. Agree to the required number of hours of the immersion program set under
the DepEd SHS curriculum. (See Annex C and D)
6. Provide immersion opportunities for <number of students> students for
School Year 2018-2019. (See Annex C and Annex D)
7. Provide students with an orientation about the LGU, its line of
business, and the work its employees do, and expose them to the
various stakeholders of the community in which the LGU operates for
the students to get a holistic understanding of its business.
8. Similarly ensure that students undergo training related to their course,
and provide the students with work or activities that are varied and
applicable to their field of study.
9. Make its workplace and facilities available to students, and shall
similarly take all necessary action to ensure the safety of students within
their areas of operation at all times, which shall include, but shall not
be limited to, the provision for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’s),
if applicable. Ensure that the students will not be exposed to hazardous
materials and working environment throughout the duration of the
10. Evaluate students’ performance in the immersion venue by accomplishing
provided evaluation tool
11. Issue a Certificate of Completion to the student trainees upon satisfactory
compliance with all requirements of the program.
12. Execute a deed of donation in favor of DepEd for the completed Work
Immersion Partnership.
13. Submit to the Adopt-A-School Program Secretariat all pertinent documents
in support of the amount specified/claimed for the tax exemption
application of the LGU.
This agreement shall hold for the duration of the <from year-to-year>
Academic School Year and is renewable every year. The LGU and the SCHOOL
shall submit their intention for renewal of this agreement through formal notice
within thirty (30) days before the expiration of this Agreement.
The LGU and the SCHOOL reserve their respective rights to terminate their
participation in the agreement through formal written notice within thirty (30) days
before the effectivity of the termination. Both parties shall turnover all deliverables
agreed thereto in the Work Immersion Program. Termination shall be subject to the
mutual agreement between the parties.
A material breach of the Work Immersion Guidelines and/or this MOA shall
constitute ground for termination of the MOA, in whole or in part, by the aggrieved
party without prejudice to other legal remedies.
Each party shall answer for losses and damages arising from any
accident, act, or omission directly attributable to its fault or negligence, which
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may cause death or bodily injury to any persons, or loss or damage to property, by
or on account of the performance of the respective obligations by the parties pursuant
to this Agreement. Such responsibility shall continue to remain that of the
responsible party’s even after the termination of this agreement, if such losses
and damages were incurred during the effectivity of this agreement.
DepEd shall not be liable for opportunity losses of the LGU during the duration
and after the termination of this agreement.
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1. The training, even though it includes actual operation of the employer’s
facilities, is similar to training provided in an educational program;
3. The student does not displace regular employees, and works under
close supervision;
4. The students are not entitled to a job at the conclusion of the training period
and are free to take jobs elsewhere in the same field;
6. The training is general, and qualifies the student to work in any similar
business. It is not designed specifically for a job with the employer that offers
the program;
7. The screening process for the immersion program is not the same as
for employment, and does not appear to be for that purpose. The screening
only uses criteria relevant for admission to an independent educational
program; and
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