Chapter-3 Literature Survey Pneumatics

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The word ‘pneuma’ comes from Greek and means breather wind. The word
pneumatics is the study of air movement and its phenomena is derived from the
word pneuma. Today pneumatics is mainly understood to means the application of
air as a working medium in industry especially in driving and controlling of
machines and equipment.

Pneumatics has been considered to be used to carry out simple mechanical

tasks. But, in today’s world it is playing an important role by becoming one of the
major sources for automation, and the recent developments in this field has made it
a useful technology in the field of complex automated applications.

Pneumatic systems operate on a supply of compressed air which must be

available in sufficient quantity and at a pressure to suit the capacity of the system.
When the pneumatic system is being adopted for the first time, however it will
indeed be necessary to deal with the section of compressed air supply.

The key part of any pneumatic machine is supply of compressed air is by

means reciprocating compressor. A compressor is a machine that takes in air, gas
at a certain pressure and delivers the air at a high pressure.

Compressor capacity is the actual quantity of air compressed and delivered.

And the volume expressed is that of the air at intake conditions namely at
atmosphere pressure and normal ambient temperature.

The compressibility of the air was first investigated by Robert Boyle in 1962
and found that the product of pressure and volume of a particular quantity of gas is

This is usually written as:

PV = C (or) PıVı = P2V2

In this equation the pressure is the absolute pressure which is about 14.7 Psi.
Any gas can be used in pneumatic system but air is the mostly used system now a


Mechanization is broadly defined as the replacement of manual effort by

mechanical power. Pneumatic is an attractive medium for low cost mechanizations
particularly for sequential (or) repetitive operations. Many factories and plants
already have a compressed air system, which is capable of providing the power
(or) energy requirements and the control system (although equally pneumatic
control systems may be economic and can be advantageously applied to other
forms of power).

The main advantage of a pneumatic system is it is economically cheap and

simple in design, also reducing maintenance costs. It can also have an out standing
advantage in terms of safety.


Pneumatic systems use pressurised gas to transmit and control power.

Pneumatic systems typically use air as the fluid medium because air is safe,
free and readily available.
The Advantages of Pneumatics:

1. Air used in pneumatic systems can be directly exhausted in to the

surrounding environment and hence the need of special reservoirs and
no-leak system designs are eliminated.
2. Pneumatic systems are simple in design and economical.
3. Control of pneumatic systems is easier.
The Disadvantages of Pneumatics:

1. Pneumatic systems exhibit spongy characteristics due to compressibility of


2. Pneumatic pressures are quite low due to compressor design limitations (less
that 250 psi).


Pneumatic systems operate on a supply of compressed air, which must be

made available in sufficient quantity and at a pressure to suit the capacity of the
The key part of any pneumatic system for supply of compressed air is by
means using reciprocating compressor. A compressor is a machine that takes in air,
gas at a certain pressure and delivers it at a higher pressure. Compressor capacity is
the actual quantity of air compressed and delivered. And the volume expressed is
that of the air at intake conditions namely at atmosphere pressure and normal
ambient temperature.
Clean condition of the suction air is one of the factors, which decides the
life of a compressor. Warm and moist suction air will result in increased
precipitation of condense from the compressed air. Compressor may be classified
in two general types.

1. Positive displacement compressor.

2. Turbo compressor

Positive displacement compressors are most frequently employed for

compressed air plant and have proved highly successful for pneumatic control
The different types of positive compressors are:
1. Reciprocating type compressor
2. Rotary type compressor

Turbo compressors are employed where large capacity of air required at low
discharge pressures. They cannot attain pressure necessary for pneumatic control
application unless built in multistage designs and are seldom encountered in
pneumatic service.


Built for either stationary (or) portable service the reciprocating compressor
is by far the most common type. Reciprocating compressors deliver more than 500
m³/min. In single stage compressor, even if the air pressure is of 6 bar, the
machines can discharge pressure of 15 bars. Discharge pressure in the range of 250
bars can be obtained with high pressure reciprocating compressors that of three &
four stages. Single stage and 1200 stage models are particularly suitable for
pneumatic applications , with preferences going to the two stage design as soon as
the discharge pressure exceeds 6 bar, because it in capable of matching the
performance of single stage machine at lower costs per driving powers in the range


The pneumatic auto feed drilling machine can be widely used in low cost
automation in manufacturing industries. Drilling speed is high. The manpower
requirement is reduced also reducing the machining time.

P.O. Boucharda, this pamphlet was published on “Numerical modeling of

self-pierce riveting from riveting process modeling down to structural analysis”
focused on the numerical modeling of the SPR process. They had used the finite
element software to enables the model for large deformation of elastic–plastic
materials for 2D and 3D configurations. A Lemaitre coupled damage model had
been implemented to deal with damage during the process and fracture was
modeled using the “kill element” technique. They had also check the influence of
the transfer of important mechanical fields, such as residual stresses or damage, on
the final mechanical strength of the riveted specimen.
A.S. Aditya Polapragada, published the paper on pneumatic auto feed
punching and riveting machine in . In this paper they had design and fabricate the
unit and stated the importance of the pneumatic press tool had an advantage of
working in low pressure, even a pressure of 6 bar was enough for operating the
unit. The die used in this was fixed such that the die of required shape could be
used according to the requirement. This enables them to use different type punch
dies resulting in a wide range of products.

A. M. Takale was focused on “Design & manufacturing of multi spindle

drilling head (msdh) for its cycle time optimization”, This paper deals with design
and development of multi spindle drilling head for cycle time optimization of the
component. Their attempts have to improve the productivity by reducing the total
machining time and combining the operations. They have design the major
components of multi spindle drilling head like main spindle gear and main spindle
and calculate the stress analysis. By using multi spindle drilling head productivity
will increase. Because with the present process one hole produces at a time
requires 4 minutes for each component (because tool change takes place for
drilling 5mm hole (for M6x1 tap)). i.e. 12-15 parts are produced during one hour,
but by using multi spindle drilling head cycle time approximately takes place 1
Xiao Hong, focused on “Multi-Objective Optimization Method for Automatic
Drilling and Riveting Sequence Planning”, this article presented a new multi-
objective optimization method based on ant colony optimization (ACO). Multi-
objective optimization model of automatic drilling and riveting sequence planning
is built by expressing the efficiency and accuracy of riveting as functions of the
points coordinates with multiple degrees of freedom. The cost of time and the
precision of automatic drilling and riveting are described by means of the points
coordinates. Pareto dominance is incorporated into the proposed ACO to find out
the non-dominated sequences. Multi-objective optimization model of automatic
drilling and riveting sequence planning may take error transfer into account. Error
transfer during the riveting process could influence the precision of automatic
drilling and riveting.
Ian Pearson focused on “Self-pierce riveting for sheet materials”. They
discussed on mechanics of joint formation, types of defects, and the main
mechanical properties of SPR joints such as strength, corrosion properties and free
vibration properties. The prediction of joint distortion when SPR is used to create
structures and the cost effects of the technique are introduced. Prediction of
distortion caused by the assembly process and the cost effectiveness of the
technique are also introduced. The results of FE analysis, for identifying the
variables affecting SPR joint characteristics are reviewed.
Prof. P.R. Sawant had been published a paper on “Design and development
of spm-a case study in Multi drilling and tapping machine”, This paper discuss the
case study and comparison of productivity of component using conventional radial
drilling machine and special purpose machine(SPM) for drilling and tapping

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