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Pneumatic Reciprocating Hacksaw Machine: March 2016

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Pneumatic Reciprocating Hacksaw Machine

Article · March 2016


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Sathishkumar Kuppuraj
Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology


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IJETST- Vol.||03||Issue||03||Pages 6-10||March||ISSN 2348-9480 2016

International Conference on Breakthrough in Engineering, Science & Technology– 2016 (INC-BEST’16)

Impact Factor: 2.838
Pneumatic Reciprocating Hacksaw Machine
K.Sathishkumar1, N.Ugesh2, K.Vignesh3 and P.B.Sanjeeva Prasath4
Student 1,2,3,4 Department of Mechanical Engineering , United Institute of Technology , Coimbatore
Affiliated to Anna University- Chennai
Email: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected],
[email protected]
The objective of this work is to automate the conventional power hacksaw machine in order to achieve high productivity of work-
pieces than the power hacksaw machine using pneumatic power. Pneumatic is a huge topic of science and engineering dealing
with the mechanical properties of air. In our project we take this pneumatic and a hacksaw for cutting purpose, The pneumatic
reciprocating high-speed hacksaw machine has an advantage of working in high pressure , the hacksaw used in this is reciprocate
such that required shape can be cutted according to the requirement. The hacksaw is the metal cutting machine tool designed to
cut metal by applying pneumatic pressure. Hacksaws are used to cut thin and soft metals the operation of the unit is simplified to
a few simple operations involving a cylinder block and piston arrangement. There are numerous systems in hacksaw machine
Key Words: Automation, power hacksaw, Solenoid valve, Pneumatic cylinder and Pneumatics .
Most science and engineering disciplines and cover concepts
INTRODUCTION such as pipe flow dam design air and air control,
The hacksaw is the metal cutting machine tool designed to computational fluids called dynamics. flow measurement
cut metal by applying pneumatic pressure. The machine ,river channel , behaviour and erosion ,however if used
exclusively intended for mass production and they represent incorrectly , pneumatic instrument can result in weird
fasten and more efficient way to cut a metal. Hacksaws are occurrences because of the nature of high pressured air .
used to cut thin and soft metals the operation of the unit is
simplified to a few simple operations involving a cylinder SELECTION OF PNEUMATICS :
block and piston arrangement. There are numerous systems Mechanization is broadly defined as the replacement of
in hacksaw machine .The main function of pneumatic manual effort by mechanical power. Pneumatic is an
hacksaw is to cut thin and soft metals by pneumatic power. attractive medium for low cost mechanization particularly
for sequential (or) repetitive operations. Many factories
LITERATURE REVIEW : and plants already have a compressed air system, which is
The word “pneumatics” originates from greek word capable of providing the power (or) energy requirements
(pneuma) which in turn originates from (pneuma) meaning and the control system (although equally pneumatic
air organ which in turn comes from (pneuma greek for air).It control systems may be economic and can be
is a branch of technology, which deals with the study and advantageously applied to other forms of power).The main
application of pressurized gas to effect mechanical motion. advantage of an all pneumatic system are usually
Pneumatic systems are extensively used in industry, where economic and simplicity the later reducing maintenance to
factories are commonly plumbed with compressed air or a low level. It can also have outstanding advantages in
compressed inert gases. Pneumatic systems are widely used terms of safety.
systems in industry. While they are used widely in the
industry, the system components like pumps, valves, PRODUCTION OF COMPRESSED AIR :
cylinders are always became investigation topics in the Pneumatic systems operate on a supply of compressed air,
history. which must be made available, in sufficient quantity and at
Pneumatic cylinders are one of the most common a pressure to suit the capacity of the system. However it
components of the pneumatic systems used in many will indeed the necessary to deal with the question of
engineering applications like - automatic manufacturing and compressed air supply. The key part of any facility for
montage lines, heavy construction equipments, control supply of compressed air is by means using reciprocating
systems, sensitive measurement and test systems. They are compressor. A compressor is a machine that takes in air, gas
used for producing linear motion in the pneumatic systems at a certain pressure and delivered the air at a high pressure.
and they convert pneumatic energy to mechanical energy. Compressor capacity is the actual quantity of air compressed
and delivered and the volume expressed is that of the

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IJETST- Vol.||03||Issue||03||Pages 6-10||March||ISSN 2348-9480 2016
air at intake conditions namely at atmosphere pressure PARTS OF PNEUMATIC CYLINDER:
and normal ambient temperature. Piston:
Materials Used : The piston is a cylindrical member of certain length which
1. Control unit reciprocates inside the cylinder. The diameter of the piston
2.solinoidal valve is slightly less than that of the cylinder bore diameter and it
3. Pneumatic cylinder is fitted to the top of the piston rod. It is one of the
4. Hack saw important parts which convert the pressure energy into
5. Air compressor mechanical power.
6. Handle The piston is equipped with a ring suitably proportioned and
7.Pressure Regulator it is relatively soft rubber which is capable of providing
8. Connecting ports good sealing with low friction at the operating pressure.
9. Houses The purpose of piston is to provide means of conveying the
10.Actuator pressure of air inside the cylinder to the piston of the oil
ELEMENT OF THE PNEUMATIC SYSTEM : Generally piston is made up of-
Compressor: a pump which compresses air, raising it to a Aluminium alloy-light and medium work.
higher pressure, and delivers it to the pneumatic system Brass or bronze or CI-Heavy duty.
(sometimes, can also be used to generate a vacuum). The piston moves forward when the high-pressure air is
Control valve: one-way valve that allows pressurized air to turned from the right side of cylinder. The piston moves
enter the pneumatic system, but prevents backflow (and loss backward when the solenoid valve is in OFF condition. The
of pressure) into the compressor when it is stopped. piston should be as strong and rigid as possible. The
Solenoid value: controls the flow of pressurized air from the efficiency and economy of the machine primarily depends
source to the selected port. Some valves permit free exhaust on the working of the piston. It must operate in the cylinder
from the port not selected. These valves can be actuated with a minimum of friction and should be able to withstand
either manually or electrically (the valves typically provided the high compressor force developed in the cylinder and also
in the FIRST kits use dual solenoids to change the direction the shock load during operation.
of the valve, based on input signals from the control  The piston should possess the following qualities.
system).  The movement of the piston not creates much
Actuator: converts energy stored in the compressed air into noise.
mechanical motion. A Linear piston is shown. Alternate  It should be frictionless.
tools include rotary actuators, air tools, expanding bladders,  It should withstand high pressure.
etc. control unit: It is used control the solenoid by ON and Piston Rod :
OFF valve. To the requirement of air flow in further way to The piston rod is circular in cross section. It connects piston
in and out for the working of pneumatic cylinder. with piston of other cylinder. The piston rod is made of
mild steel ground and polished. A high finish is essential on
DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENTS : the outer rod surface to minimize wear on the rod seals. The
CYLINDER TECHNICAL DATA : piston rod is connected to the piston by mechanical
Piston Rod: M.S. hard Chrome plated fastening. The piston and the piston rod can be separated if
Seals: Nitrile (Buna – N) Elastomer necessary.
Piston:Aluminium One end of the piston rod is connected to the bottom of the
Media: Air piston. The other end of the piston rod is connected to the
TemperatureRange: 0oc to 85oc other piston rod by means of coupling. The piston transmits
Bore Diameter-- 25 mm the working force to the oil cylinder through the piston rod.
Stroke Length --80 mm The piston rod is designed to withstand the high
Action type-- Double acting compressive force. It should avoid bending and withstand
Maximum air pressure-- 12 bar Cylinder Cover Plates :
The cylinder should be enclosed to get the applied pressure
from the compressor and act on the pinion. The cylinder is
thus closed by the cover plates on both the ends such that
there is no leakage of air. An inlet port is provided on the
top cover plate and an outlet ports on the bottom cover plate.
There is also a hole drilled for the movement of the piston.
Pneumatic cylinder designed in CATIA The cylinder cover plate protects the cylinder from dust and

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IJETST- Vol.||03||Issue||03||Pages 6-10||March||ISSN 2348-9480 2016
other particle and maintains the same pressure that is taken PARTS OF A SOLENOID VALVE:
from the compressor. The flange has to hold the piston in 1. COIL
both of its extreme positions. The piston hits the top plate The solenoid coil is made of copper wire. The layers of
during the return stroke and hits the bottom plate during end wire are separated by insulating layer. The entire solenoid
of forward stroke. So the cover plates must be strong coil is covered with a varnish that is not affected by solenoid
enough to withstand the load. moisture. Cutting oil or often fluids. coils are rated in
various voltages such as 115 volts AC, 230volts AC,
460volts AC,575volts AC. 6volts DC,12volts DC,24 volts
DC,115volts DC & 230 volts DC. They are designed for
such frequencies as 50Hz to 60 Hz.
The Solenoid Frames Serves several purposes. Since it is
made of laminated sheets, it magnetized when the current
passes through the coil. The magnetized coils attract the
metal plunger to move. The frame has provisions for
attaching the mounting they are usually bolted or welded to
the frame. The frame has provisions for receivers the
plunger. The wear strips are mounted to the solenoid frame.
And are made of materials such as metal or imaginated less
Technical Data:
fiber cloth.
Size : 5/2”
Pressure : 0 to 10 kg / cm2
The solenoid plunger is the mover mechanism of the
Media : Air
solenoid. The plunger is made of steel laminations which are
riveted together under high pressure, so that there will be no
This valve is used to speed up the piston movement and
movement of the lamination with respect to one another. At
also it acts as a one – way restriction valve which means that
the top of the plunger a pin hole is placed for making a
the air can pass through only one way and it can‟t return
connection to some device. The solenoid plunger is moved
back. By using this valve the time consumption is reduced
by a magnetic force in one direction and it‟s usually
because of the faster movement of the piston. The
returned by spring action. Solenoid operated valves are
directional valve is one of the important parts of a
usually provided with cover either the solenoid or the entire
pneumatic system commonly known as DCV. This value is
valve. It protects the solenoid from dirt and other foreign
used to control the direction of air flow in the pneumatic
matter, and protects the actuator also. In many applications
system; the directional valve does this by changing the
it is necessary to use explosation proof solenoids.
position of its internal movable parts.


The solenoid valve has 5 openings. These ensure easy
exhausting of 5/2 valve. The spool of the 5/2 valve slide
inside the main bore according to spool position the port get
connected and disconnected.

Outlet ports of the solenoid valve

The working principle as follows:

Cylinder inwards :

Inlet ports of the solenoid valve

5/2 spring return solenoid valve designed in CATIA

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IJETST- Vol.||03||Issue||03||Pages 6-10||March||ISSN 2348-9480 2016

When the spool is pushed in the inner direction port „P‟ and
„A‟ gets connected to each other and „B‟ to „S‟ while port
„R‟ remains closed.
Connectors for cylinder designed in CATIA
Cylinder outwards :

Connectors for solenoid valve designed in CATIA

POSITION -2 Max pressure : 10 x 10 ⁵ N/m²
When the spool is actuated towards outer direction port „P‟ Outer diameter : 6 x 10 ˉ ³m
gets connected to ‟B‟ and „S‟ remains closed while „A‟ gets Inner diameter : 3.5 x 10 ˉ ³m
closed to „R‟. Material : Rubber


In our pneumatic system there are two types of connectors
used; one is the hose connector and the other is the reducer.
Hose connectors normally comprise an adapter (connector)
hose nipple and cap nut. These types of connectors are
made up of brass or Aluminium or hardened steel. Reducers
are used to provide inter connection between two pipes or
hoses of different sizes. They may be fitted straight “L” or Pneumatic Hoses designed in CATIA
other configuration.
Max working pressure : 10 x 10 ⁵ N/m²
Temperature : 0-100 º
Fluid media : Air

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IJETST- Vol.||03||Issue||03||Pages 6-10||March||ISSN 2348-9480 2016
Materials Quantity COST (RS) ADVANTAGES:
Pneumatic cylinder 1 1500 The cutting speed can be varied according to our needs by
Solenoid valve 1 2500 adjusting the timer.
Cylinder Connectors 2 65 It is portable.
Houses 5 mts 140 It does not have any prime mover like electric motor.
Valve connectors 3 125 Simple in construction than mechanical hacksaw.
Hack saw 1 170 Less maintenance
Total 1 4500 /- COST OF ESTIMATION


It is known that conventional power hacksaw machine can
be replaced with automated power Hacksaw machine.
Automated power hacksaw machine gives high productivity
in short time period in comparison with the conventional
power hacksaw machines. The major advantage of this
4 2 machine is intervention of labor is reduced to maximum
5 1 3
S1 level. In this rapid emerging industrial section the use of
power Hacksaw machine is wide, time and labor plays a
major role in production process. This can be overcome by
using this type of automated machines.
1 2
The automated hacksaw machine can be made use of at any
of the industries like pump manufacturing industries that
R2 = Pressure regulator involve bulk amount of shafts that have to be cut frequently.
S1 = Coil wounding type Actuator The range of size of work-pieces that can be cut using the
B1 = 5/2 spring return type solenoid valve automated hacksaw machine can be varied by changing the
M1 = Double acting pneumatic cylinder blade size. Currently, the machine uses 12 inch blade for
Design calculations : cutting. An another advancement that can be implemented in
Diameter of bore = 0.025 m automated hacksaw machines is that the user can also get
Air Pressure supplied = 6 bar cut work-pieces of different lengths in one cycle itself. This
Area of cylinder bore = (π/4) x d2 means that the user has to specify the number of work pieces
=(π/4)x(0.025)2 that have to be cut in each of the different length values
= 0.000490m2 specified.
Therefore, force obtained at the rod end
Pressure x Area = 600000 x 0.000490 REFERENCES :
force obtained at the rod end = 294.5 N 1. Anthony Esposito „Fluid Power with applications‟,
6th Edition, Pearson Education Inc. 2011
WORKING PRINCIPLE : 2. FESTO Pneumtics private Limited , Coimbatore
The compressed air from the compressor reaches the 3. Pneumatic cylinder and solenoid DCV from
solenoid valve. The solenoid valve changes the direction of product manual of Janatics ltd,
flow according to the signals from the actuator. The 4. Standard blade sizes used in power hacksaw
compressed air passes through the solenoid valve and it is machines using the link
admitted into the front end of the cylinder block. The air http://www.planomillers.com/ - viewed on march
pushes the piston for the cutting stroke. At the end of the 5,2016
cutting stroke air from the solenoid valve reaches the rear 5. Design and Fabrication of Automated Hacksaw
end of the cylinder block. Machine using micro controller.
The pressure remains the same but the area is less due to the
presence of piston rod. This exerts greater pressure on the
piston, pushing it at a faster rate thus enabling faster return
stroke. The weight attached at the end of the hacksaw frame
gives constant loads which lower the hacksaw to enable
contineous cutting of the work.
The stroke length of the piston can be changed by making
suitable adjustment in the actuator.

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