Traffic Management and Accident Investigation
Traffic Management and Accident Investigation
Traffic Management and Accident Investigation
1) Foremost among the preliminary action when the police officer receives a call
regarding the occurrence of an accident.
a. numbered of injured b. seriousness of the injury
c. name of the victim d. when and where the accident occurred
5) It is the place and time at which the normal person could perceive the unusual of
condition or movement.
a. point of no escape b. point of possible perception
c. perception of hazards d. all of the forgoing
6) In hit and run accident investigation, what should be the initial step or phase in
the investigative process?
a. gather the evidences
b. establish the identity of the persons involved
c. cordon the area
d. check the victims for the injuries
8) It refers to a dangerous conduct and attitude, which indicates lack of concern for
injurious consequences likely to result from such a behavior.
a. drunk driving d. reckless driving
c. reckless imprudence d. reckless negligence
9) They are objects commonly left at the scene of the collision involved in accidents.
a. debris b. scuff marks
c. skid marks d. hazards
10) The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from a collision course or
otherwise to avoid hazard.
a. final position d. point of possible perception
c. starts of evasive action d. point of no escape
11) If a traffic law enforcer would decide to arrest a traffic law violator, what would
not be his basis for such action?
a. the offense is serious
b. detention is necessary to avoid continued violation
c. there is reasonable doubt that the will appear in the court
d. the offender would attend the hearing
12) Key to determining which traffic unit first tried to prevent the motor vehicle
accident, this marking is made while the wheel is still turning.
a. pavement markings b. skid marks
c. scuff marks d. all of the above
14) Are marks left on the roadway by tires, which are not free to rotate? Usually
brakes are applied strongly and the wheels locked.
a. skid marks b. scuff marks
c. key event d. debris
15) A certain intersection, for several reasons, has more traffic accidents than any
other does in the area. The police unit assigned the area should…
a. park near the intersection, in plain view and wait for violators
b. cruise all the assigned area but give extra attention the intersection
c. park near the intersection, more or less, hidden from view
d. park your motorcycle at the center of intersection to caution to motorists
16) Any accident involving a motor vehicle in motion that results in injury, death or
damage to property is….
a. hit and run b. reckless driving
c. traffic accident d. traffic jam
17) Driving without due regard for the consequences likely to occur, ignoring the
rights and safety of others.
a. reckless driving b. hit and run
c. over speeding d. side sweeping
18) This traffic warning is usually used when you have observed a minor violation but
are more importantly occupied at a moment.
a. visual warning b. verbal warning
c. written warning d. oral warning
20) The first accident touching between traffic units involving in the collision.
a. start of evasive action b. perception of hazards
c. initial contact d. injury
21) This traffic warning is really form of safety education by telling the violator that he
has violated the law and explain the hazards of such actions.
a. visual warning b. verbal warning
c. written warning d. traffic control
22) Is an enforcement action, which consists of taking a person into custody for the
purpose of holding or detaining him to answer a charge of law violation before court?
a. traffic arrest b. traffic refrain
c. traffic abstain d. traffic taking
23) The police-court enforcement process involves five essential steps, EXCEPT.
a. detection and apprehension b. prosecution and adjudication
c. penalization d. surveillance and raid
26) What is that point or place where two or more, either single or double or multi-
lanes certainly meets at a point?
a. parallel b. corner
c. intersection d. crossfire
28) A certain intersection, for several reasons, has more traffic accidents than any
other does in the area. The police unit assigned the area should…
a. park near the intersection, in plain view and wait for violators
b. cruise all the assigned area but give extra attention the intersection
29) What method is used to determine whether a driver is under the influence of
alcoholic beverages or not?
a. field sobriety test b. balance
c. counting c. walking thru straight line
31. A tourist who visited the Philippines and possess a driver’s license from his country
of origin wishes to drive a motor vehicle is required to secure a local license from the
Land Transportation Office for a period of 90 days upon entry.
a. The statement is always correct
b. The statement is correct
c. The statement may be wrong
d. The statement is always Wrong
32. This law pertains to the authority to register motor vehicle and the issuance of
driver’s license:
a. RA 4126 c) RA 4136
b. RA 4631 d) RA 4336
33. A tourist who had been given the privilege to operate a motor vehicle in our
jurisdiction as per Question Number 8 had been found to be dangerous. What is the
action to be taken by the authorities to withdraw such privilege?
a. Confiscation of driver’s license c) deportation
b. Revocation of privilege d) written notice
34. A driving privilege that allows the person to operate a motor vehicle for livelihood:
a. Non-professional license b. sub-professional license
c. Professional license d. professional driver’s license
35. Children who are prohibited to be seated in the front seat of any running motor
a. Seven years old b. six years and old and under
c. Under six years old d. seven years old and under
36. In whistle signal in traffic direction and control which means stop:
a. One snappy blast b. one long rapid blast
c. One long blast d. one long slow blast
37. Traffic management agencies’ failure in uplifting the driving behavior within the
concept of defensive driving is a result of the following, EXCEPT:
a. Management tolerance attitude
b. driver’s lack of concern
c. Corruption within the bureaucracy
d. absence of pro-active approach
39. When there are two motor vehicles approaching the intersection almost at the
same time, one is travelling along the national road and the other is in the secondary
road. Who has the right of way?
a. Vehicle on the right b. vehicle on the national road
c.Vehicle on the left d. vehicle on the secondary road
40. It is the pillar of traffic management that pertains to the study of how people choose
to use scarce or limited productive resources to produce commodities and distribute
them for their consumption:
a.Traffic engineering b.traffic economics
c.Traffic education d.traffic environment
41. A main road as conduit system with a right of way of 20 meters to 120 meters:
a.National road road
c. Provincial road d.municipal road
43.Person who is responsible for the holding of number of passenger, freights or cargo
inside his public utility motor vehicle:
a.Driver c. operator
b. Dispatcher d. conductor
44. The international traffic and road signs and signals were approved during the United
Nations Convention on Road Signs and Signals on what year?
a. 1968 c. 1958
b. 1978 d. 1988
46. Shall mean every and any driver hired or paid for driving or operating a motor
vehicle whether for private use or for hire to the public.
a. rig driver b. owner
c. operator d. professional driver
47. Motor vehicle which are use to hurl cargoes and passengers for fee are.
a. for hire b. public utility vehicle
c. either a and b d. neither a and b
49. When there are two or more emergency vehicles approaching the same intersection
from different directions creating a probability conflict, an officer directing traffic at the
intersection must give preference to one and cause the others to yield the right of way.
Which vehicle should generally be given preference to proceed ahead?
a. ambulance b. police car
c. fire truck d. wrecker
51. It is issued to the driver as a privilege granted by the government providing statutory
a. drivers license b. drivers card
54. When there are two or more emergency vehicles approaching the same intersection
from different directions creating a probability conflict, an officer directing traffic at the
intersection must give preference to one and cause the others to yield the right of way.
Which vehicle should generally be given least preference to proceed ahead?
a. ambulance b. police car
c. fire truck d. wrecker
55. As far as registration of motor vehicle is concerned, vehicles are classified into,
a. private b. government
c. for hire d. public
b. Armed Forces of the Philippines
c. Philippines Motors Association
58. What is the most common cause of road accident in the Philippines?
A. road condition C. pedestrian
B. whether condition D. reckless driving
59. In the examination of the scene of accident, which of the following evidence will
show how the accident happened?
A. hole on the road pavement
B. point of impact
C. the driver under the influence of liquor
D. vehicle has break failure
60. What is the general rule for the movement of vehicular traffic in the Philippines?
a. “keep to the left” c. none of these
b. “keep to the right” d. “watch out”
61. What should drivers do when an emergency vehicle approaches displaying legally
authorized red light and sounding a siren?
a. pull aside and stop the car abruptly
b. continue driving slowly without regard of the emerging vehicle
c. yield the right of way and wait for the passage of the vehicle
d. disregard the red light and siren
62. What is that movement of persons, good, and vehicles either powered by an animal
or an animal- drawn vehicle on by combustion system from one place to another?
a. Engineering c. Traffic
b. Traffic management d. Construction
63. A systematic examination of all facts relating to conditions, actions and physical
features associated with motor collision is called:
a. traffic engineering
b. hit and run investigation
c. traffic collision
d. traffic accident investigation
64. Driving without due regard for the consequences likely to occur, ignoring the right
and safety of another is:
a. hit and run c. over speeding
b. none of these d. reckless driving
69. LTFRB literally means...
a. Land Transit for Fee Regulatory Board
b. Local Transport Franchising Regulation Board
c. Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Board
d. Law on Transport and Foreign Relation Board
70. These signs are intended to warn road users of the danger that lies ahead and its
a. informative signs c. warning signs
b. regulatory signs d. all of these
71. Which of the following consideration does not act as a deterrent to motorist and
a. Fear of fine and punishment
b. Possibility of being involve in an accident
c. Loss of driving privilege
d. increase of insurance premium
73. Within the human element which is at fault in a large majority of the vehicular
accidents, the most important defect is attributed to what?
a. attitudinal c. perceptual
b. intellectual d. decision
74. The effectiveness of traffic law enforcement program is best measured by which of
the following.
a. a reduction of traffic accidents and delay
b. an increase in traffic enforcement actions
c. a decrease in the ratio of convictions to enforcement actions
d. None of the foregoing
77. In interviewing parties involved in traffic accident, the investigator should talk to
a. at the same time, but insisting that they tell their stories one at a time
b. separately, which the others are not hearing but in view
c. separately so that others are not aware of the interview
d. at the same time, so that each may correct mistakes in the others statements
78. Mr. Pacia Chino, owned a truck with plate number “TUP 765”, which he used for
business as school service for his neighbor’s kids. What should be the color of his
truck’s plate?
a. green b. blue
c. yellow d. Maroon