Pre Test Police Patrol Operation and Crime Mapping Multiple Choice

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Police Patrol Operation and Crime Mapping


1. The backbone of a police organization/department

a. Investigation c. Community Relations

b. Intelligence d. Patrol

2. It is a means of determining the crime pattern, most regular time and place of commission of crime;

a. Crime stat c, Crime trend

b. Crime Mapping d. Patrol deployment

3. One of the features in the history of police patrol is the system during the Anglo Saxon period wherein
a complainant go to the middle of the street and shout to call all male residents in order to run after
a criminal offender

a. “Medjay” c. “Hue and Cry”

b. “Vigilis” d. “Watch and Ward”

4. He is the father of modern policing system

a. Lombroso c. Gen. Rafael Crame

b. Sir Robert Peel d. King Richard of England

5. The very purpose of crime mapping is to determine the ff except;

a. Deployment of Patrolmen c. Police Visibilty

b. Surveillance of places d. Filing of cases in Court

6. In 1748, he organized the Bow Street Runners in London to act as errands for Bow Street Court

a. Henry Fielding c. Henry Payton

b. Sir Robert Peel d. Judge Lombroso

7. The Metropolitan Police Force of England was later called:

a. Mississippi Police c. LAPD

b. Scotland Yard d. NYPD

8. Choose from below one fundamental function or role of Police Patrol

a. Protection of life and property c. Traffic rules enforcement

b. Community Relations d. none of those mentioned
9. Patrol Officers must develop the positive side of SPLIT SECOND decision making. This means:

a. Immediate response to police assistance c. Immediate decision/timely decision

b. Making the traffic flow fast d. Follow orders upon instruction


a. Police patrolmen should not be seen by the public

b. People should feel that Patrolmen are present anywhere and always/ high police visibility
c. Patrol officers must always be alert
d. Stationary checkpoints

11. A principle in police organization which assumes that there is limit to the number of individuals that
one person can effectively supervise or control

a. leadership c. command responsibility

b. span of control d. chain of command

12. Choose one which is considered a specialized patrol method

a. beat patrol c. horse patrol

b. aircraft patrol d. foot patrol

13. A type of foot patrol with a fixed position of location where an officer is assigned for guard duty.

a. post c. checkpoint
b. beat d. chokepoint

14. The word patrol originated from German word ___________ which means “to walk through mud in
a military camp”

a. patrolla c. patros
b. patroullier d. none of the above

15. The manning level of police is

a. 1:300 c. 1:1000 for urban areas

b. 1:500 for rural areas d. b and c

16. The theory of patrol which means low police visibility which will let criminals believe that they will
not be detected or caught if they execute crimes that they plan
a. omnipresence c. rigorous patrol
b. low profile d. bike patrol
17. A type of patrol which has the greatest mobility and flexibility and is the most cost effective method
of patrol

a. bicycle patrol c. automobile patrol

b. horse patrol d. aircraft patrol

18. The area specifically assigned for patrol purposes

a. fixed c. post
b. beat d. jurisdiction

19. In the acronym BLOWAG of vehicles for patrol, “B” means

a. bag c. battery
b. beat d. be alert

20. Speed and maneuverability is best in the use of

a. foot patrol c. aircraft patrol

b. motorcycle patrol d. automobile patrol

21. A type of patrol extremely used in areas with the extensive coasts or a great deal of lake or river

a. marine patrol c. bicycle patrol

b. coastal patrol d. foot patrol

22. It means thorough geographic knowledge of the patrol area

a. beat knowledge c. area knowledge

b. street knowledge d. none of the above

23. In patrol management, it is a system where citizenry and the police work together to reduce crime

a. proactive patrol c. participative law enforcement

b. reactive patrol d. none of the above

24. A method applied by patrol officers interviewing suspicious persons at random

a. interrogation c. street questioning

b. interview d. arrest and search

25. The bottom line of police work and basically the job of a patrol officer is

a. to search and destroy c. to serve and protect

b. to ask for return of service rendered d. to escort VIP’s
26. Refers to the wise use of one’s judgement in deciding in a particular situation while on patrol

a. arrest technique c. police discretion

b. police brutality d. police visibility
27. Involves the suppression of desire of potential criminals to commit crime

a. crime prevention c. crime investigation

b. crime suppression d. crime scene probe

28. In patrolling, you should develop your powers of ______ through the use of your 5 senses

a. visibility c. vision
b. observation d. alertness

29. It means use of instincts when conducting patrol

a. doubt c. positive ideas

b. gut feeling d. optimism

30. A function of patrol officers in which they visit every house or work place to offer crime prevention
advise and to organize neighborhood crime watch

a. gatherings c. socials
b. house visitations d. PCR

31. COPS means

a. Chief of Police Section c. Come On People and See

b. Community Oriented Policing System d. none of the above

32. It is a term to describe a specific condition or place that requires a patrol officers special attention

a. crime prone areas c. patrol hazard

b. night watch d. beat the crime

33. The process of keeping under observation a person or place or an object to obtain information
material in solving a crime

a. undercover operation c. patrolling the beat

b. stake out d. police surveillance

34. When we speak of Schools of thoughts in approaching the scene, the first is to open the siren with
flashing lights to;

a. Surprise the culprits c. Inform them for them to leave the area to avoid encounter
b. Frighten the culprits d. for them to stay in the area
35. The second type of approach into the crime scene is thru an inconspicuous arrival, the purpose of
which is:

a. To alarm the neighborhood c. to surprise the suspects

b. To inform the suspects of your arrival d. to frighten the suspect

36. Its purpose is to familiarize a patrol officer about the pattern and characteristics of his patrol area
before the conduct of actual patrol

a. District Orientation Tour c. patrolling the beat

b. Knowledge of the street d. patrol preparation

37. They are situations or conditions that may induce incidents calling for some kind of police action

a. Situation c. crime
b. Danger d. police hazard

38. One of identifiable hazards, example of which are transients, drunkards, addicts and rapists

a. Property c. places
b. Persons d. situations

39. To counter any hazard, patrol officers should take one of these actions

a. Checking out of suspicious circumstances discovered thru vigilance

b. Read newspaper while on post
c. Never mind suspicious persons
d. Concentrate on bars for possible drinking session with buddies

40. An area containing two or more beats, routes or posts

a. sector c. route
b. shift d. AOR

41. The older type of patrol wherein the patrol team is assigned to specific designated area covered by

a. beat patrol c. bike patrol

b. aerial patrol d. foot patrol

42. While on patrol, we sometimes apply the strategy of stopping persons for a check. We call it:

a. random check c. stop and frisk

b. oplan bakal d. street interrogation
43. Following are suggested procedures and techniques in the effective foot patrol duties EXCEPT:

a. never enter alone an open door

b. use of five senses
c. alertness
d. reading newspaper while along the beat

44. In any type of patrol especially during night time, the following is a MUST except:

a. bringing of flashlight c. sleep inside the vehicle or conspicuous places

b. buddy buddy system d. alertness

45. They are officers who usually arrives first at the crime scene

a. Crime Scene Investigators c. Chief of Police

b. Patrol Officers d. Admin Officer

46. One of the purpose of patrol is:

a. To reduce opportunity to control crime c. to befriend would be criminals

b. To advertise the police service d. to frighten the community

47. A length of street or streets designated for patrol purposes:

a. Sector c. route
b. Shift d. area

48. The most prevalent and economical method of patrol used in the police service

a. foot patrol c. bike patrol

b. aerial/helicopter patrol d. automobile patrol

49. Being one of the first responders to a crime scene, patrol officers must not:

a. cordon the area c. disturb the crime scene

b. arrest the suspect if present d. conduct interview

50. One of the practices in automobile patrol that makes it more effective:

a. reading newspaper while inside the sedan

b. patrolling while listening to a loud music
c. staying inside the patrol car from the start to duration of patrol duties
d. always keep awake, open the windows, stop the car once in a while and stretch

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