Baa Baa
Baa Baa
Baa Baa
5.1.2 Say the words in simple texts, and
sing simple songs with intelligible 2.1.5 Describe objects using suitable words
M pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
C and phrases
iv) simple songs
At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to sing the song with correct pronunciation,
M rhythm and intonation.
C At the end of the lesson, some pupils will be able to describe the clothing with support.
a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to sing the song with Lesson postpone:
M correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. a. Course c. CRK
c. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to describe the b. Sick leave d. Meeting
clothing with support. Other :
Design clothing for the sheep.