M C M C M C: Super Mind S Lesso N 41

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Duration: SUPER

Subject : English Class: Time MIND

Theme : World Of Stories Focus skill: Listening CCE: Language Date: LESSO
Teaching aids: 21st Century Skills/Strategy/Activity: 41
video, worksheets, audio, flashcards Communication, collaboration.
Language/Grammar focus:
Recycled home, animals and food vocabulary from the story in Lesson 33
The Old House

1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by
M sounds C using knowledge of sounds of letters

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a
M range of high frequency target language phonemes C 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC, CVCV, CCV)


M At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to listen, say and read words with the phoneme /h/.

C At the end of the lesson, some pupils will be able to blend phonemes to form words with the phoneme /h/.

1. Show a video version of the story.

I. PRE-LESSON 2. Ask questions to check comprehension.
3. Say some key phrases from the story and elicit who says them.
1. Ask pupils to find who says ‘Help!’ in the story. (Thunder)
2. Say the word, pupils repeat.
3. Write help on the board using a red pen for the h.
4. Demonstrate how to sound it out and do the action.
5. Pupils repeat.
6. Play the recording. (track 47)
II. LESSON 7. Pupils look at the picture, read and repeat.
DEVELOPMENT 8. Repeat the sentence as a class without the recording. Say it loudly, slowly, quickly, etc.
9. Pupils identify the words with ‘h’ sound.
10. Show flashcards of words with ‘h’ sound
11. Hold up each flashcard in turn.
12. Say the word for pupils to repeat in chorus.
13. Do this three or four times.
14. Then, guide them to blend the phonemes to form words (decodable words only).
1. Distribute task sheets.
2. Pupils look at the pictures carefully before they listen.
3. Play the recording. (Track 48)
III. POST LESSON 4. Pupils listen and write the words.
5. Pupils check their answers in pairs before the class check.
6. Extension activity: Listen, say and colour the words.
a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to listen, say and read words with Lesson postpone:
M the phoneme /h/. a. Course c. CRK
b. Sick leave d. Meeting
c. ___ out of ___ pupils were to blend phonemes to form words with
C the phoneme /h/. Other :
house, Say hat hot
hall And happy

Harry’s A small
___________ ___________

___________ food A ___________ frog

A ___________ An old ___________

, Say 2

And hot
hatur house
3 4

hen healthy
happy ham

house hall
5 6

hat help

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