Critical Buckling Load of Multi-Story R/C Buildings: 13 World Conference On Earthquake Engineering
Critical Buckling Load of Multi-Story R/C Buildings: 13 World Conference On Earthquake Engineering
Critical Buckling Load of Multi-Story R/C Buildings: 13 World Conference On Earthquake Engineering
As regards the check of influence of P-∆ effects on the structures, the recommendations of the modern
seismic Codes present serious problems of applicability. In the present paper, formulae are given to
determine the critical buckling load in plane multistory reinforced concrete frames. By use of the critical
buckling load of a frame, the importance of the influence of such effects can be directly estimated, in any
case. For the purposes of the present work extended parametric analyses of plane multistory frames have
been carried out in order to find their critical buckling load. Based on the estimation of the results of these
parametric analyses, appropriate formulae are proposed which give, with a sufficient in practice accuracy,
the critical buckling load of frames directly obtained from their elastic and geometric characteristics
without the requirement for an additional analysis to be previously performed.
The phenomenon of buckling in buildings, in spite of the research efforts already made, continues to
attract strongly the interest of the investigators. The critical buckling load means the initiation of
instability in the loaded structure. It was Euler who first determined the critical buckling load by closed
mathematical formulae in case of simple beams with several support conditions at their ends. However,
the extension of these closed equations in multistory frames is impossible, thus approximate
computational methods are applied. Because of the difficulty of determination of the critical buckling
load of the structures, it is usual to check the so-called “higher order effects” by use of simpler procedures
(Neuss & Maisson [1], Penelis [2], Rutenberdg [3]). The recommendations of the modern seismic Codes
aim to reduce the second order effects in the seismic response of multistory buildings, such as the
influence of the P-∆ effects and the curving of their vertical structural elements. The P-∆ effects create
additional horizontal forces at the levels of the stories, because of the 2nd order moments developed by the
axial gravity loads on the vertical stiffness elements of the structure. Also, the curving of the vertical
structural elements always affects unfavorably the results of the response, because the equilibrium
equations for the P-∆ effects are written with respect to the deformed axis of the structural elements. As a
result of the influence of the P-∆ effects, as well as of the curving of the vertical structural elements, the
relative displacements of their ends are increased. The modern seismic Codes (FEMA 356/2000
(sect., UBC-97 (sect.1910.11.4.2), Eurocode No8-2003 ([2]) and Greek Seismic Code-
2003 (EAK-2003 ([1]))), try to confront the influence of such effects by the use of the index θ of
Assistant professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece,
Email: [email protected]
Researcher of Institute of Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Greece, Email:
[email protected]
relative displacement ability. However, this index is not suitable for the majority of the structures and
specifically for all the frames except of the shear building frames (Anastassiadis et all [4]).
In order to avoid the phenomenon of buckling of the structures, by accounting for the 2nd order effects
too, the use of the stability index θe is proposed which is defined by the ratio P/Pcr, where P the total
vertical load of the structure and Pcr its critical buckling load. However, for the determination of the
stability index θe, a necessary prerequirement is to find the critical buckling load Pcr of the structure. In
the present work, formulae are given for the determination of the critical buckling load for plane
multistory frames and relevant results are presented after an extended parametric analysis. These frames
are divided to three groups: (a) multistory frames with a prominent shear deformation in elevation, (b)
multistory frames with a prominent bending deformation in elevation and (c) multistory frames with a
mixed (bending-shear) deformation in elevation. For the two first groups suitable approximate formulae
are given for the determination of the critical buckling load Pcr of the frames directly from their elastic
and geometric characteristics, while for the third group the results are satisfactory but a more systematic
investigation is needed in order to reach final conclusions.
For the purposes of the present work, the computer finite element program SAP2000v8.00 was used. The
compressive axial force reduces the stiffness of an element of a structure, because of the presence of a
geometric nonlinearity. By the incremental increase of the total vertical load, a value of the load is
reached for which in some diagonal term of the stiffness matrix a negative number or zero appears,
having as consequence the interruption of the analysis because the stiffness matrix will be no more
positive definite. This value of the load is the critical buckling load Pcr of the structure. If the zero term
appears in a local stiffness matrix of a structural element then it is mentioned as a local buckling of
limited extent, while if it appears in the global stiffness matrix of the structure, it is mentioned as a global
buckling of the building. In the present work, the results always refer to the smallest of the buckling
The various parameters affecting the critical buckling load Pcr of the plane multistory frames were
isolated and separately examined and they are the following:
(a) the number of stories N,
(b) the ratio a / h c where a is the section side of the column which belongs to its bending plane and hc
is the height of the story,
The plane multistory frames are divided, depending on the type of deformation over their height, to
frames with deformation of bending, shear and mixed type. Consequently, in every multistory frame
under consideration, an estimation of the coupling between its bending and shear behavior must be done
first. For this purpose, various parameters of different degrees of accuracy can be used, which the
following two are mentioned:
A. The parameter of the amount of structural walls in R/C frames. This is a simple and empirical
parameter, which represents the ratio of section area of the structural walls with respect to the area of all
above stories (in a similar way to that prescribed by the first Greek Seismic Code of 1959). After relevant
investigation in a sufficient number of frames it was obtained that if the total section area Aw of the
structural walls in every story is greater than the 1/1500 of the sum ∑ A f ,i of areas of all above stories,
then in the frame the bending deformation predominates.
B. The parameter λ.H. This is considered as the most accurate parameter in order to recognize the type
of a frame. This quantity is not empirical and results from the study of continuous systems, where H is the
total height of the frame and λ = G ⋅ A s / E ⋅ I , (G⋅As is the shear stiffness of the section of the shear
subsystem and E⋅I is the bending stiffness of the section of bending subsystem). When λ.H ≤ 1 the system
is characterized as a mainly bending system, when λ.H ≥ 15 the system is characterized as one of shear
type and when 1 < λ.H < 15 the multistory system is a mixed one. More specifically, when 1 < λ.H < 6, in
the mixed system, the bending subsystem is stronger, while, for 6 < λ.H < 15 in the mixed system, the
shear subsystem is stronger. In the present work an investigation was carried out to approximately
correlate the quantity λ.H with the “divisor” of the sum ∑ A f ,i of the areas of all above stories, so that to
obtain the total area Aw of the sections of structural walls in every story. This correlation is shown in the
Table 1.
TABLE 1. Correlation of the quantity λ.H with the divisor, which yields the Aw
λ.H 0 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 6 15 20 ∞
Divisor 150 500 800 1000 1500 8000 18000 23000 −
At this point it is useful to refer in detail to the determination of the quantity λ.H. Starting from the
formation of the continuous shear subsystem, we replace the plane multistory frame by a shear column.
For this purpose we first separate a diaphragm (story level) with its columns up to the middle of the above
and the below story (near the zero point of bending moments of the column, see figure 1) by considering
at same time that the stiffness of the beams is uniformly distributed over the height ( h c / 2 + h c / 2 ) of the
story level under consideration. If Q = ∑ Q i is the total shear force developed in the columns for a
relative horizontal displacement δ of the top of the story with respect to its base, then the slope of column
axis is γ = δ / hc. Then, we simulate the story level under consideration by a shear column element whose
section has an equivalent shear stiffness G.As and exhibits the same, with the frame, slip angle γ = Q /
(G.As). Consequently, the equivalent shear stiffness of shear column section is G.As= (hc.Q)/δ.
For the determination of the equivalent shear stiffness G.As first the shear forces Qi, due to of the forced
unit displacement (δ = 1) and then the resultant Q = ∑ Q i of the shear forces are calculated (figure 2).
Finally, from the formula G.As= (hc.Q)/δ the required quantity is directly determined. Alternatively to the
above procedure, for the determination of the G.As, we can use other approximate formulas (Anastassiadis
θe = (1)
The stability index θe of a frame is a characteristic number of the structure, is independent from the
horizontal loading (within the validity of the linear stability) and it absolutely depends on the geometric
and elastic characteristics of the structure as well as on the distribution of the vertical loading.
In the case that the stability index θ of a frame does not exceed the value 0.10, then the check of the P-∆
effects can be omitted.
In the case that 0.10 < θe ≤ 0.20 then the P-∆ effects can be approximately taken into account by means of
an increase by 1 / (1 - θ) of all the 1st order response quantities. Finally, the θe must not exceed the value
0.20 in any case.
According to EAK-2003, when in every story the index θ does not exceed the value 0.10 then the check
of P-∆ effects can be omitted. This practically means that when θ ≤ 0.10, then the influence of P-∆ effects
in every story induces a limited increase of the response, which is equivalent to an amount less than 10%
of the 1st order response quantities.
In the case that 0.10 < θe ≤ 0.20, it is allowed to approximately take into account the P-∆ effects by means
of an increase by 1 / (1 - θ) of all the 1st order response quantities. It is not allowed for the θ to exceed the
value 0.20 in any case according to the EAK-2003, whereas according to the previous edition of the
Greek Seismic Code-1992, the corresponding limit was 0.30. However, the equation (2), which gives the
above-mentioned index θ, is valid only for a one-story cantilever column. So, the extension of its
application on multistory plane frames of shear type is abusive, because even from a single-story one-bay
frame (frame with two columns), the index θ begins to exhibit divergences. Also, a significant
disadvantage of equation (2) is the fact that before its application a static analysis is required to determine
the Vtot and ∆.
The above equation (2) is not valid to mixed systems (with a bending-shear deformation in elevation)
because of the bending behavior of the structural walls. Also, it is not valid to space asymmetric systems,
because, in this case, the story displacement under consideration is not uniquely defined (relative
displacement in the gravity center of the story as proposed by the Greek Seismic Code of 1992 or the
relative displacement in a perimeter frame of the same story as proposed by EAK-2003 or the relative
displacement at another point). Finally, the above equation (2) is not valid in the case of use of response
spectrum analysis, because the term Vtot has not a physical meaning and consequently it cannot be
determined. That is, it is indirectly accepted by EAK-2003 that in the case of an irregular frame, in which
the use of response spectrum analysis is necessary, we must, for the check of the 2nd order effects, to
perform a static analysis so that the determination of the index θ of relative displacement ability become
Taking into account the correlation of the quantity λ⋅H and the “divisor” shown in Table 1, we can
approximately use the “divisor” to characterize or not a frame as “non-displaceable”. After a relevant
investigation, it resulted that when the total section area of structural walls in every story is greater than
1/1000 of the sum of areas of all the above stories, then the frame is considered as “non-displaceable”. In
a different case the frame is considered as “displaceable”, the 2nd order effects begin to become significant
and more investigation is needed to confront the problem.
By the quantity λ1 the relative stiffness of beams with respect to columns is taken into account in a story
level of the frame. By the quantity vo1 the slenderness of columns of stories is taken into account
depending on the ratio a / hc, where a is the section side of the column belonging to its bending level (of
the structural element) and hc is the story height. Finally, the quantity vo2 takes into account the influence
of number N of the stories of frame. From the evaluation of the above parametric analysis the following
methodology resulted depending on the type of the frame and the number of its stories.
In figure 3, the variation of coefficient v with the increase of number of stories and of the ratio a / h c is
presented. From the results of the above investigation, is shown that in shear type plane frames, the
influence of static eccentricity e has not a particular significance, in contrast with the bending type
Figure 3. Variation of coefficient v versus the increase of number of stories and of ratio a / h c
Case A: Number of stories N ≤ 5
The quantity λ1 is given by the following equations of the curves of figure 3:
λ1 = 0.30 + 2.58 ⋅ ρ − 1.11⋅ ρ 2 for ρ ≤ 1.40 ,
λ1 = 0.001⋅ ρ + 1.70 for ρ > 1.40 .
If in any case results λ1 > 2.50, then we set λ1 = 2.50. The quantity vo1 is given by the following equation
of the curves of figure 3:
⎛ a ⎞ ⎛ a ⎞ a
vo1 = 0.306 − 0.48 ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ + 11.20 ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ for 0.025 ≤ ≤ 0.20
⎝ hc ⎠ ⎝ hc ⎠ hc
Values with ratios a / h c > 0.20 show frames not belonging to the group of shear systems. The quantity vo2
is given by the following equation of the curves of figure 3:
vo2 = 0.056 ⋅ N 2 − 0.562 ⋅ N + 1.41
Figure 4: Variation of coefficient v versus the increase of number of stories and of the ratio a / h c .
Case A: Number of stories N ≤ 5
The quantity vo1 is given by the following equation of the curves of figure 4:
⎛ a ⎞
vo1 = 1.161 + 0.902 ⋅ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ hc ⎠
The quantity vo2 is given by the following equation of the curves of figure 4:
vo2 = 5.68 − 1.58 ⋅ N + 0.17 ⋅ N 2
The static eccentricity e affects the bending type frames up to five stories. The above formulae describe
the envelope of the curves of figure 4 for the maximum eccentricity e = 0.50*L and so, the static
eccentricity is eliminated from the formulas under consideration.
In the present work, formulae were given to determine the critical buckling load of plane multistory
frames directly from their elastic and geometric characteristics without the requirement for another
previous analysis. The critical buckling load is calculated in any case from the equations (5) and (6),
while as a criterion to avoid buckling effects the stability index θe of the frame is proposed (eq. 1). The
various parameters affecting the critical buckling load were separated and examined, such as the number
N of stories, the ratio a / h c , the ratio ρ for plane frames with predominant shear deformation, the static
eccentricity e of the structure and the amount of structural walls in the bending type frames. Finally, the
frames were divided to groups depending on the type of their deformation, by use of the amount of
structural walls or the dimensionless quantity λ⋅H.
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