Cassino Rules
Cassino Rules
Cassino Rules
1.11 ,rro.' TMOUUl."'nON 14.0 I' INN . ;1l UN ITS Terrain Key, T errain Effecls CharI, Game-Turn
2.0 HOW TO Sl'T UJ> Tilt: GAM~: 14.1 Effecu of Pms On Mo,ement Record / Reinforcemeni Track and Headquarters
2. 1 Init;alSOC't·Up 14.2 EffcclS of I',ns on Combat Supply StaHls Display.
1.1 Game-Tum Rcco,d/ Reln(orc..meni Track 14.3 Effecu of Pin. on H ~adquarteT5 Unit, A hexagonal grid is superimposed over Ihe Icrrain
J.O GAME t:QUII'Mt;,"" 15.0 NO .... IlOLOCKS realures prinled on Ihe mapsht'C1 in order 10
J. 1 The Game Map 15. 1 Con"rucling Roadblock< regularize movcmCnl and positioning of the play·
3.2 Game Chart) ~nd Tabks 15.2 Remo"ing Roodblocks ing pieces. To make the map lie nat, back·fold 11
l,J Thc " layin, Pi«n 16.0 .... RMORt:n UN ITS againSI Ihc creases. Small unil5 of masking tape
3A Pan,ln"emory 16. 1 Effecl' On A.morN Unit MO"ement may be used al the corners of Ihe map 10 hold il
1.5 Rult! QuestIon.' 16.1 Combal Err...", of Imm obilil31ion laul.
4.0 s£Qm:,"Iu: O'-I'LA\' 11.0 Rt:lNfONO:MH""S
5.0 "II:EI' AKATlO .' i nit.: 17.1 Entry Zones [3.2J GAM£C H ARTS ANOTAHtES
S. 1 Accumulation ~nd Ust o r Artillery 17.2 Deployment of Reinforcerm:nt , Various visual aids are provided for Ihe P layers in
and Air POml $ 18.0 V It.1·ORV CO,.. IJITIO," S order 10 simplify and illu,lralC certain game fune-
5. 2 Ut>c:ofSighlandEIe"atiom
lions. These include Ihe Game-Turn Record/ Rein.
5.3 Unob~r",,1 Fire
SA Ob~,,'alion Post~
[1.0) INTRODUCfION forcemenl Track, Bombardmenl Resuhs Table,
Opportunily Fire Combat Resuhs Table. Terrain
S.S Collateral Damage Ball/~ of Cussirw is a company/platoon scale Effcci s Chart, Clos~ Assaull Results Table, and
S.6 Rui ... simulation of Ihe Ihird Allied auack on the Ger· H eadquarters Supply Sl atU S Display.
Mortar Bombardme"t man Gustav Lin e around Cassino which occurred
5.8Ik>mbardment Rrsuhs Table in March 1944. Each Game·Turn is equal to sill [3,3J THE PLAYING I' IECES
5.1/ or
Sight AIJorithm and lh. hours of real time, and each hex represents a The cardboard pieces represenl Ihe RCHlal military
Lin. or Sight Gauge distance (across) of some fifty meters. units Ihal look pari in Ihe original baule. The
6.0 MO\' UU.NT
numbers and symbols on lhe pi~es represent Ihe
6.1 U n", 10 Mo,. Umu
Slrenglh. 1tI0veltlenl capabilily. and Ihe type of
6.2 Mo,"m"", Inh,bllions and Prohibitions
unil represenled by the piece. ThClle playing pieces
6.3 MO'" .""'nI Onto Abb<.y HIli [2.0) HOW TO SETUP are reFerred 10 as un/IS.
6.4 Tern"n Eff...:u Chan
7.0 ZO"l t:s Ot' (;OIlo' NOI.
T HE GAME (3.3 1] Sample U nil~
• C2
GENERAL RULE: Record / Reinforcemenr Track which lists the
Balta!;on flQ Rall/e o/Cassino is played in Game-Turns. There number of Arliller)· Points and Air Points avail-
·><) are 17 Game-Turns in a co mpl ere game. and cacll able for Ihe current P layer-Turn. For monar fire,
Game-Turn is composed oflwo Player-Turns. Tile each barralion headquarrers unit has one Mortar
, , Player wllose P layer-Turn is in progress is called
tile Phasing Player. Each Game-Tum proceeds
Fire Poin!. Air and artillery bombardment and
mortar fire are resoh·ed on the Bombardment
II ,9 r<o7.
Armor Company
1:11 191"1
strictl y in accordance wirh tile following outline.
No action or function is permitted that is contrary
Resulrs Table (5.8) wilh I he roll of a sinille die. A
Pla)"er rna) usc both t~pcs o f fire against the same
to Ihe &oquence of Pla ~. hex in a Preparation Fire Phase. No he~ may 1M: at-
tacked twice by the same ~ind of fire in the same
§u § P reparation Fire Phase. Onl~ Enem~-occupied
I 'R",,, Armor Platoon , ,M
"", A. Prfp ara tion .·irt !'ha ~ hexes may be bombarded. Wh en Ihe Phasing
In-ll20 5-' ·120 An)· pin markers placed on Ihe map during tile P layer cannOI Irace a Line of Sigh I to the target
Pllasing (Allied) Player·s last Player-Turn are hex (sec Case 5.2), the accuracy of fire is affected.
remo~ed. The P hasing Player consults tile Game- and two is added to tile bombardment resolution
, • I ...
En,,"~r Company
tunity fire from the non-Phasing Player.
and Air Points in barraging a single hell. Neither
UIN '"m, ""k" C. Co mbatl'hasf type of Point may 1M: used in morlar bombardment
Allied units deployed on hexes adjacent to hexes (seeCaseS.7).
Rood Block Markel
containing German units IIIIlSI now artack all adja-
cent German unit s. The non-Phasing Plarer may (5 .14] Unused Artillery Points may be ac·
deploy units stacked with headquarters that are cumulated for usc on future Game-Turns. At the
Rcdu,lion Marker not under allac~ to reinforce lIellcs that are under end of his Preparalion Fire P hasc, tile, Player
should rI'Cord on a slip of paper any leftover Ar-
allack. Allied units that are not engaged may also
usc support nrc against either reserves that arc on tillery PoinlS.
their way 10 Ihe front or against unit~ that arc (S. IS] Unused Air Points may ncver be ac·
""oj po" M"k"
(y~lIo ....) German Pin Markn
under allack. Combat is then resolved according
to the rules which govern rllis function.
The German P layer now IM:comes the P hasing
Player and now tak es his P layer-Turn. He repeats
the same Sequence of Play o f three P hascs as his
cumulated from Game-Turn toGame-Turn.
The map is a two-d imensional representalion of a
three-dimensional surface. Different colors arc us-
ed to code the IIc)tes at various ele~ations. Hexes
opponent. The complete Game-Turn is then increase in elevalion in jO meter increments, from
finished. and the Game-T urn Record mar ker is lero elevation up ro 500 meters. In addition \0 Ihe
13.41 I'ARTS INV ": NTO RY moved ahead one space on the Game-Turn color codi ng, the Players will find thai the various
One rules bookie, Record / Reinforcemenl Track by the German elevations arc identified wilh a la lM:l situated along
One sheet of die-CUI coulUcrs (200 pieces) !'Iayer to signify the passagc of one Game-Turn. the contour Jincs. A ·'cont our linc·· is defi ned as
One 22 " x )5" gam~ map Pla y then proceeds to a new Game· Turn . the edge formed by the meeting of twO different
One plas1ic dic(nm included in 5ubs.;rip.ion fields of elevation color.
edition) A Line of Sight is a perfectly straighl line ex ten·
One game box assembly (nol included in ding from the Cl'nll'r o f one hex (containing the
subscriplion edition)
[S.OJ PREPARATION FIRE observing unit) to the Cenll'r of a nother lIex (con·
GENE RAL RULE: taining Ihe target). The exislence of a Linc of Sigh I
I f lIny of Ille above paris arc damaged or missing.
wrile: means tllat tile observing un it can su Ihe Enemy
PrelXlr3tion fire consis ts of all artil1er~', air
unit for bombardment and other purposes.
Customer ServlC~ bombardment and mortar fire. Sueh forms of
Simulations J>ublica!joJ\~. ln~ . firepower may 1M: uli1i7.ed on ly during the prepara- A Li ne of Sight can be obstructed by inter-'ening
tion fire phase of each Player-Turn. Air and ar- elevations and/or by buildings.
44 Easl2Jrd Strcel
NcwYork.N.Y.lOOIO tiller~ bombardment capacity is measured in Bom-
bardmenl Points. Mortar capability is dependcnl (5. 21( ])l'S(" ribin lt th e Line of Sight
upon the number of baltalion headquarters units. Place a straight edge (a transparent ruler is ideal)
13.5] RULES Qm~STIONS All such fires arc resolved againSI indh'iduallargel so Ih~1 it connI'C\S the cerrter of the observi ng hex
Queslions concerning the mles ror HQtll~ of lIex("S. Units O(:cupying targer hexes may suffer wilh the center of Ihe targel hex. If Ihe line so
Clusino will 1M: answered if phrased in suc h a wa y losses, t>c pinned or forced ro retreat, or remain descrilM:d passes Ilrrouglr an~ elcvation "hith
that a one-word reply will suffice and if the ques- unaffected. Any retreats resu lting from bombard- could concci~ably bl oc k the Line of Sighl, Ihe
lions are accompanied by a stampW, self- ment arc conducted b~ the ownirrg (non- Phasing) P layer must resort to one of the methods detailed
addressed enw:lopc. Mark the erlVelopc "Rules Player. Collateral damage ma~ resllil from so me in Case 5.9 in order to determine whether or not
Questions: Bailie ofCusino" prepa ration fire. tile Line of Sight is obSlructw.
15.22! Efft'f l of Ilulldln,,~ building or rood heK and collaleral damage is in- {5.8[ IJOMUARUMENT RESU t TS
BulidlOlS are considerl'd .0 be 10 meters higher dicated. then lhe largel he~ and all adjacenl TA ULf: (see C han and Table Shcet)
.hanlhe c-k' alion on ,,'hich Ihey ~rDnd. So. for e.~ building and road hext'S arc dnastatt'd by
bombardment and con~ertcd inlO Ruins. All such 15.91 TUElINt: OFSIGHTALGORITUM
amplc. a building on 100 mClcr terrain reprtsCrlls a ANDnlE LINE O"SIGHTGA UGI;:
he~t'S are marked .... ith Ruin markers lind rt'main
p01cnrial oMlruclion 110 melers high. When rrac-
inllhc Unc or Sight on the map. a building should Ruins, with mo,ement and combal effects gi'cn Pla)'er5 may dt'termine Ihe Line of Sight in 1.... 0
be laken lOtO attOUrll onl) if Ihe line aC1Ually on Ihe Terrain Effects Chart (6.4). untillhe ~nd of .. a)·s: Ihey may use Ihe bask algorithm (mathe-
louch" or passes rhrou;h any parr of Ihe building Iht' game unless cleared by engineer<! (see Case matical e.'pression of the Line of Sight) or they
symbol irself (nor simply the he.~ that 'he building 5.62). If an armored unil is in II hu on .. hich a may use Ihe alla/og dc, icc \I hkh is a physical e~
OCCUplC"i). Ruin marker is placed. it cannOt be mo,ed from pression of Ihe algorithm. This analog dc-.'ice is
Ihal he~ unless frced by engineers. called the Line of Sight Gauge. Usually. Players
NOle thai units in buildings are considered 10 be al \lill find Ihemseh'cs using Ihe algorithm only to
Ihe ele~lIlion of Ihe lerrain on .. hiehlhe building 15.52] The P hasing Pla)·er now chooses anyone
Slack of Enem)' units locatt'd "'ithin si~ ht'.\ ts of an check the occasional"close call·' on the Gauge.
Mantis (nO/len m~lers higher). Line of Sighl may
pass 11110 and Irom buildings, bUI nOI through air attack or wilhin Ihree hnes of a pure 3T1lllC'r) ALGOHITIIM PR(K;EI)URE:
them. attack 10 undergo damage as a collalcral effect of The baska/80rithm is as follows:
the original bombardmenl. The Phasing Pla)er
15. 23J EHttts o f C rt's tllt'~ n then rolls one die on Ihe Bombardment Results A (it'a r Unt' of Si~ ht nists onh if ...
Crnt hexes art' any of the hexes enclosed by a ring Table (5.8), using Ihe column he used originally.
of Cresl hnsides. Cresl he~C'S arc considered 10 be All parenthesized results arc ignored. The col- H is 'qual /Q
h - I.S
10 melers higher Ihan Ihe color code indicatts. So,
for e~ample, a group of creSI hexe~ on ISO meier
lateral damage re5ull is applied to the target he~.
The hex chosen for this collatcral damage effeci
o ur Kfuter than d
lerrain arc aclually al 160 meters. Note that the ,annot be the origi nal bombardntent larget hex. If II _ Heighl (in meier) of higher posilion minus
Hill10p clevalion givell in tht' cenler of each group ,ollateral damage is Ihe resull of a mi~ed heighl of lo .. er position.
of crest hc~cs is for idenrlficalion purposes only bombardment by Artillery and Air Points, the I) _ Distance (in meters) from higher position to
and should nOI bc construed as Ihc operative damage rangc is ~ix hcxcs, lo .... er posilion.
heighl of any of Ihe hnes. 15.5J] The non-Phasing Player repealS this idcn- h _ H~i ghl (in mcters) of polenlial obstacle minus
15.24] I.t'n"th of tiot' <If SI"hl tkal proccdure. choosing a stack belonging to Ihe heighloflowcrposition.
The Line of Sight from an Observation Poinr may Playcr who made the original bombardment.
d _ dislance (in melt'rs) from polential obstacle
be infinllely long: the Line ofSigtll from any other ]5.54] Thcft' arc no further effects from collateral 10 lo"er position.
unit may be no longer Ihan 20 he.\C'S. S« also Case damagt'. No more Ihan one additional he~ may be
IJ, I. atlacked b~· each P lay~r as its rts ull . Note thatlhis algorithm is valid fOf IIny game, not
onl)' Cllnino. Man y games (both by SPI and other
[5.l[ UNOUSER\'.: U .' IIU: 15.55) Nosingle he~ may be Ihe target of collateral publishers) used either a faulty '·ersion of Ihis
damage more t'tan once in any single !'Ia) er-Turn. algorilhm as the basis for Iheir Line of Sight fult'S
15.3 11 All artillery and air bombardment and all
monar fire art' oonsidered 10 bt' unobSl'rved unlt'ss [5.6] RUINS or Ihey employed a syslem based upon some other
a Une of Sighl can be ITaeed from a baualion conception or misconception of terrain lcometry.
Ruins arc a collaleral damagt' effect of artillery Playen mily wish}o substitute this simpler and
headquaners or hom an observation post to the and air bombardment abo~e a ('t'rtDin eon-
hex targeted by such firts. more accurate system in such games.
eenlration. The effect of such oombardmel1l III
15.32] WhenC\er a Playt'rutilr1.ts unobserved firt'. II" E Of' SI GII TGA UGE PH OCEIJ UHE:
built-up areas is to con'erl building and road
he must add 2 10 any die roll on the Bombardment hexes into rubble. th us preventing the mo'cment NOll' thaI heights arc t'xpressed in increments of SO
RC'Sulls Table (~8). Unobscn·ed fir~ affeclS die of lank unus through a ht'~ and actually mt'lcTS which arc subdi ... ided imo len meter frac-
rolls used 10 rcsoh e a collat~rol damage effect; 2 i~ strengthening the defensc of that he.\. Combal and tions. Horizonlally. distance is measured in un-
added to each such die roll. movemcnt effecls of Rums are Slated on the Ter- divided SO meter incremenlS (eorr"ponding to
]5 ..13] The Line of Sight mUSt be separalely ITaced rain Effects Charlo Ruins arc mar~ed on Ihe map hexC'S in Clluino. On the zero distanct' lint', locatc
roeach he~ bombarded. with Ruin markers. Ruins rna)' be remO\ed by Ihe height of Ihe higher position, Measuring from
engineer units, All building and rood hexcs adja- Ihi.~ poim (horilontally. in mctcrs) locate the range
15 . .141 No he~ SO meler< or more in elc'3tion may cent to a target hex that suffers collateral damagc 10 the lo .. cr positioo. and then on that line localc
be: largeted by un observed artillery or mortar bom- Ihe height of the lower position. Connecl these IWO
(S.5J are \:onverted into Ruins.
bardment. poi lllS ..·i th a 5traighl edge (a transparent plastic
15.61 ) Ruins cannot be ,Ieared ir Ihey arc in an
[5.4[ OUS.: RVATION POSTS Enemy-controlled hex. ruler is ideal). Now locate Ihe heighl and di stance
or any suspected obslacle. Rcmcmber that In
{5.41 ] Un like OIher types of unll S, obscrvation ]5.b2 ] Unpinned engineer companies may clear CUnino, a building adds ten melers 10 Ihe height
posts arc not restricted to a limited Lille of Sight Ruins at the rate of one hcx per Game-TUTTI, Any orany obs tacle and a crest hex adds ten melers 10
(sec Case '.24), A Playcr may lrace ~ l,i!,~ ()f Sigh,L. RlIin ~ hex c~llIaining a.n enRinccr unit mav be con· ,h.. h ~ ; ,, '" "r ~ ., y "h~'~"lt nr f'!"'<;!;"" "L~ , ~:: ", .. , "
\'/I)M '\flr' o'b\cWli t,'o'rr11~H ~ 'ilny o\~IUlii:~ · (lIt)\\: ~i d ;' "s"ioered cleared al the Slart 01 the OwnUlg l' la )'er·s obslacle IS hight'. Ihan the LlIle of SIght at the
see Case S.2 ). Mo" ement Phase. before any units arc rno"ed lex- poim of inlerstclion. then the Line of Sight is
]5.42] Observation post units cannot be ",o,ed ceptiOli : sec Cast' 5.61). blocked. If the Lint' of Sight t')(3ctly inters«t5 the
except .. hen ",arried" by other units that do han'
independenl mo~emeni capablill y.
IS.b)] An engllleer company cannOI expend more
than 10 Mo'ement Poi ms on the Game-Turn il
obstacle. or passC'S o'·t'r it. then Ihe Line of sight is
not blocked. If there is any doubl. Players should
15.4.1] Obser~alion postS callnOt allac!. in close clears a Ru ins hex. rt'Sort 10 the Algorilhm. Note that, tl'Chnically
assauh (sec Case 12.1). They ha\e 110 Zone of Con- (5.7J MORTAR UOMUAROMI;:NT speaking. tht' Line of Sight cou ld pass as much as
trol (sC'C Section 7.0). bIll rhey can dt'fend .. ilh a one and one half meten ~/o"" Ihe obSlacle and
15.1 1) MOrlar fire is handled differemly from ar- slill not be blocked (this accounts for the a'CI'"age
S(renglh of I. An ObSef"Hlion])OSt Ihal i~ Macked IIlIery and air bombardment. Each battalion head-
..·i,h other units lrl,ol,ed lrl takc.-s no losses height of the firing poim and the target abo,·c the
quaners on the map may fire mortars ..,ith ~ lerraln on which thl')' stand).
unless the stack is eliminated. The observation strength of I. The columns on the Bombardment
post may ad~ance afler combat .. ilh its stack. or it
Rt'Sulls Table correspond to the number of head·
may be foreed to retreat. Obser'·ation posts have quarters units engaging in one firt' mission,
onl), one SIl'P of Slrenlllh and arc eliminated if
ror~ to lose a Step. Obsenalion posts cannot be 15.71 ) A battalion headquarters may fire mortars [6.01 MOVEMENT
recreated or replaced. al a targel more than two hut'S from Ihe location
oflhe headquarters unit. GENERAL RULE;
[5.5[ COl-LATERAL UAMAGt: 15.7J) Different battalion headquarters may com· During a Movement PhaSt'. the Phasing Player
bine their mortar firC'S to target the same he~. may mme a.o; man)' or as few of his units as he
At ,ertai n concentrallons of firepowt'r with cer- wishes. The mO'·emt'nt capabilily of each unit is
lain dit' roll rc.-sults, Ihe Bombardmem Rtsults 15.14] Morla r fire may be used against a target measured in Movement Points; t'ach unit has a
Table ma), specify a collolcral damage result hcx that is also being bombarded by Artillery or MOl"tm,nr POinl Allo .....anu. Movt'menl of a unil
(parenlhcsi/.ed results on the lable). This has tht' Air P oin ts in the Sante Preparalion Fire Phllse. illlo a hcx requires the expenditure of a ctTlllin
imml"dialccffects.dcscribed in the foliowing Ca sC'S. 15.75] Morta r fire requirts the expenditure of sup· number of Movement Points dc~nd ing on 'he ter-
15.51] I(the targel hc~ of the bombardment was a ply(sccScction 10.0). rain in Ihe hex (see the Tcrrain Effects Chart. 6.4).
Each unit can be moved each Game-Turn up 10 the T here are differences between this k ind o f disposi- PROCEDURE:
limit of its Movcmcm Point Allowance. No unil tion a nd wha t is Ilccessa ry to fight alld ma rch 011
fleed be mm'ed up 10 its full capability in any the slopes of Abbey H ill. To refieclthis. a unit t hat The Phasing Player moves his units one by olle.
Game-T urn . M ovement is emire!y al the discretion is movtd intoa 50 metcrdc~ation hclt from a clear Eac h time he compLetes a unit's movement. the
of Ihe Phasing P layer. Un its being moved may be or tOWIl hex must stop in that fi rst slope hex and be non- P hasing Pla yer may allnounce that hc will
fired upon by Enemy unil~ utilizing opportunity moved no furt her thai Game-T urn. On the follow- engage in opporl unity fire allainst that unit. T he
fi re. Opportunity firc may result in losses to a ing Garnc·Tu rn. the uni t may be moved norm a lly. no n- P hasinll P laycr may then require that the
moving u nit or in a unit's bcing pinned (sec Case rno~inll piece be placed in any hex along its path of
/6 .32[ A unit ma y be moved or retreated fredy movemen l to undergo opportunity fire. The non-
from the slope of A bbey Hill 01110 clear terrain or P hasing P layer thell armounces the number of
into the town. [ II that cycnt, however, it is again company-equivalents engallinll ill opportunity fire
subject to the movement constraint when being alld dcmonstrateS a Li ne of Sight (5.2) from a ll fir-
Move each unit individually. tradng lhe path or its moved back onto A bbey H ill. ing units to the targct unit. The non- Phasinll
movement Illrough a hexagonal grid primed on the
[6.33) Any units bCllinninll a Movemelll Phase on P la~'er thell rolls the die and consults the columll
map. Each hex has a Movement Point cost as on the Opportullily Fire Results Ta blc (S.3) cor-
Abbey Hill arc not subject to t he movcmcnt con-
specified by lhe Terrain Effects CharI (see Case straint ofCa se6.32 and may be moved nprmally. responding to the Ilumber of companic~ firing.
6.4). T hese costs are added in calculating Ihe Any results are app litd immediately.
movement of a particular u ni!. Basically, one [6.41 TERRAIN EFFECTS CHART
Movement Point is expended for ea ch hex inlo (sec Chart and T able Sheet)
which a uni t is moved foll owing a road; Olher ter- CASES:
rain requires thc cltpenditure of mOTe than one [S. II WHICU UN ITS MAY nRE
Movemerlt ·Poi nt. When the Player fini~hes mov_
(8.11] Obse rvation POSIS, battalion headquarters
ing a particu lar uni t, he removes his hand from the
un it, Moye-me-nt is thcn cons idertd com ple-te-d, and
[7 .0) ZONES OF CONTROL units, and platooll sized units callnot use oppor-
that counter cannot be movtd again in that P layer- GENERA L RULE: tunity fire. All other types may.
Turn. Note : At any poim during a unit's move· The silt hexagons immedi atdy surrounding a hex [8. 12) No Friendly un it may engage in opportuni-
ment, t hc non- P hasing Player may interrupt the constitute the Zone of Control of any uni t occupy· ty fire more thall once per Encmy Playcr-Turn.
movemem with opport u nity fire. ing that hex. Hexes upon which a unit exerts a [S. (3) Opportu nity fire requires the expenditure
CA SES: Zone of COlllfOI, called controlled hexes, inhibit of supp ly (see Section 10.0), and units cannot
the movement o f Ellemy uni ts. Move ment of a engage in opportunity fire ulliess the requisite sup-
[6. 11 HOW TO MOVE UNITS unit must Stop immedi at ely upon cntering an ply call be furnishtd by a bat talion headq uarters
[6. 11 ) During a M ovement P hase all. some, or Ellemy-controllcd hex. A Pla ycr cannot move his IInil.
none o f a P layer's un its may be moved. A ny unit ullits directly from one Enemy·controlled hex to
that is moved may be subjected to Enemy oppor- all adjacent Enemy-comrolled hex.
tunity fire (see Sec tion 8.0). CASES: [8.21 ) A unit may use- opportu nity fire on ly
(6 . 12) U n u~ed Moveme-nt Poims cannot be ac- against hexes to which a linc of Sight can be trac-
cum ulat ed from Gamc-T urn to Game-T urn , nor
ZONES OF CONTROL ed fro m the firing unit's OWlllocation.
may they be transferrcd from one unitto a nOlher.
Com bat units excr l a Zone of Control at all times [8.22 ) Targcts for opporhlllity firc arc units. not
[6.13] Moyement Poj,m are- e:o;pended as a u nit is
during a ll P hases of the Game-Tu rn. Co mbat units hexes. All opportunity fire resu lt against onc unit
moved into a hu. A u nit cannot be moved 10 a hn crossing a he:o; has no ('frect on any other unit
include all units exccpt ball a lion hcadquarlC'TS
if it hal; insufficiem Moye-ment Points remaining which may alrcady occupy that hex.
units a lld observa tion post ullits.
toC'Xpend t he apprOpriate terrain cost.
[7.2) EFFECTS OF [8.13) A sinilic movillg unit may be cngaged
[6.2J MOVEMENT INHIBITIONS rcpeatcdly by opport unity rirc along its pa th of
movement provided t ha t no unit is fired upon
[1.2 1) Moving a unil into an Enemy-cont rolled more than once in thc same hex and that no firing
[6 .21) Uniu cannot be moved into Enemy-
he:o; requires no extra Movcment Poilll expen- unit opportu nit y fires more than once per Garne-
oceupied heltcs.
dilure. Turn.
[6.22] Salta tion headquarters units and obse-rva-
[1.22 ) Friendly Zones of COlltrol affeet on ly t he [8 .24] Results of opportunity firc are im-
tion post units have no move mem capa bility of
Ellemyunit movcment, Ilot Friclld ly mo~e m cnt. plemented imnte-diate ly. at which lime the non-
thcir own and must becarricd by other pieces. Por-
tage of suc h units is an eltception to the stricture [7. 231 Zones of Control b loc k Encmy supply and Phasing P laycr also eXpC'nd s supply (see Section
that units must be moved indiyidually. O bserva- ret reat paths a nd thc ar riyal of Enemy reserves (elt- 10.0) fo r the opportunity fire hc has made.
tion postS IIlld bat1a lioll head q uarters units sufFer eeption: see Case 7 .25). IS.2S[ A Pin rC!;u lt agaillst a moving uni l stops the
from any pinncd efFects incurred by the unit p.24] T here is no a dd itional e(fcct of having u nit's mOVCment for that Game-Turn in the hex ill
transportinll them (on ly). more thall onc uni t excrl its ZOlle o f Control onto which the u ll it was hit by op port unity fire. No
[6.23 ) Ar mored units cannot be moved into heltes a lIiven hcx. other result affects unit movcrnent.
eom a ini ng Ruins resulti nll from eolla teral damage [1.25] Friendly Zoncs of Control do not extend in- [S.l [ OPPORTUNITY"-IRE
(see Case 5.S). to Enemy-occupied hcxes for supply and retreat RESULTS TAUlE
[6.24J O ncc a unit has been mo.'ed into an Enemy- purposes. (see Chart and TableSheet)
comrolled helt. or when a unit reccives a Pin result
from opportunity fire, the unit may be moved no
further in that Gamc-Turn (exception: Case
[6.251 No Germall un it may be moved or advanc-
ed after comba t into allY hex wit hin two he-xes of GENERAL RULE : GE NERAL RUL E:
an Allied Entry Zol'l e (see Case- 11. 1). T he non· P hasing Playcr may use his own com- T he Allied P la)'er may ha ve up to two companies
[6.261 Ce-Ttain terrain efFects movemem. For elt· pallies to at1empt to interdict the movcmcnts of and one headquarters unir in the same hex. The
ample. movemem of a unit from one- elevation to Enemy uni ts by using opportunity fire duri nllthe Ge r mall Player may stac ~ two compa nies. one pla-
anothe-f across II COn to ur lillc (a hexside bet"'een Enemy Movement P ha se. As thc Phasing Playcr toon, and one headquarters ullit in a singlc hCll..
twO colors of terra ill) req uire-s the expenditure of moves each unit. it is subjecl to o pportunity fire in Stacking Limitations have no effect on observation
two additional movemem points for every SO any heJC along the pa t h of movemelll, depending posts.
meteT"S diffe-Te-nce- betwce-n elevations. See the Tcr- on the non- P hasing P laye-T's ability to trace Lines
ra in Effects C hart (Casc 6.4) faT a complete list of of Sigh1 to the ta rget ullit from any non-Phasing PROCEDUR E:
tcrrain effects on mm·ernent. un its used for opport unity fire allai llst the tHlLet P layers move units to Ihe same hn alld stac k them
unit. OpPof\uni1y fire is reso lved using the O ppor· on each other. [n cases of u nits havins Reduced
16.31 MOVEMt: NTONTOABBEY Hill tuni ty Fire Results Tab1c (8 ..3 ) and may result in St renllth marke rs. it is irnportallt regardless of the
[6.3 1] T he cou nters reprcsclll units that a re con- the ta rget unit being Pinned or incurring a Step order of stackinll. to kcep the- unil affccted joined
vClllionally disposed for infantry opera tions. loss. to its Reduced Strcngth mar~er .
Terrain Typt
MOl"tment Point Cost
Combat EH«t
Other terrain in he"
Other te rrain in hex
Defender tripled
Ra vine 8
/"jafllry: twi~ normal Defender doub led
terrain cost
Armor: Prohibited
Roadblock (same as Ruins) None
Stream hexside + \0 cross None I
III~' I , 3 , 5+
River hexside Prohibited, except at
Contbat across River
he"side prohibited
I - - - - P Clear terrain at an elevation of:
o to 199 metrrs
200 to 299 meters
None -
J - P P P P 300 to 399 mete rs
4 Ikfender doubled
400 to 449 meters
450 meters or more , Ikfender doubled
Defender tripled
Tenain Movement Poim \:ost! arc c umu!ali ~c. Terrain Combat Effects arc cumulative;
Opportunity Fire by more Ihan S COl1lpanies is
however, Ihe defender ma~ never be mon: lhan tripled. Terrain bonuses arc applied prior 10
resol~ed on the S + column.
1'111 effects loa defending unit's Dcren~ Strengt h,
510 . . ~ .. :. ... ;. ,I,
.:. ... . . ....• ~ ......,'.~ .•.•. • •. ~ ......... ..... ~ .• ~ . . • . •.•.••.•.. ", . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", • • • • •. ", •••.••
:~ : ::~::;::;::::':::::::~::~::(ti : :~::~: : ::::~:::: ::: '::::::::::: : ::~::i:~::::: .::;:::::::: :::::::::::: ":".";:~::::~:::~::.:: :::~:t~ : :;:::::~::: :::
470 . , •..... :.; .. !•. :. . : . •. ~.. . •.." .... • .••.. ~ ......... ~ ..................... .. .. .. . ... .................. . ..... , .......... . . . ...... ... .
460. .; .. '.. , . ; .. 1•. :. . : . •. ;.. . •. , .•.. ',. .,. ,', ,', . • . . ,', , ', .•. , . . .. ', .•.• . ,',. ., .•..'. ,',. ., ..... '. . •. . .' .. '.. , . , .... ~ ., . , ..' ....•. , ..'. . .. • ., ..' .. '.. ,. . 460
ill .... .... .. . . . .. .... . ill
ili I :.: • :' •'•.:...: •:•: •.' :'::. :.:: .:. :: •.:.~ :i· :.•:: •::•....: •:•::. :•;•:• •
400 I
~ :~ ~. ~ . .
1. :.: :..;: ::.: :.: •:• •• ,: •:: . . :• •: :.. •••. :::.••: [.1 ·
. . . . . 400
m :.;: .:~:,: j::::::... ... ,.,: ••. 1:::1: • :::. i;: :.:.::: .• :;: . ::~::::~: .: .i: ': ;:.::.1; • ::: :'.:::: j.• :.:: i j:::: :::!::,:,. j. m
350 350
]4O . . . ~ .. :.. ; . :.,' ..:.. :.. ~.~ . .'.. ;.. ; . ~ ..:. . . ;.~ ..;.. ~. " ..... ~. ~ ... " .. ,'.! ..' . .'..... , .... . . . : ..> .:.. :.. 1..;..;.. :.: .... :.,,' ...... .' .. , '.' .: '.'';'"
330 ·1· , ..:-.;. . , . j-.;..;..•. , . .' . .;.. '. , ..;. ·1·,· ,. -:..;... 0··;'·;·'··· .... ,.,. 0······· · , ..;. .1., .....:.. ; .......... ;.; ....... ;.; ....... 0.0.; . ..... ,... ....•.
~;~ I: :::::: ::::: : ': :::: ::: .:: :::: :::: : :: ..·· r··.:::: ..... : . : ::: :::·1 :::: .~;~
JOO .:.: .:.: :
. '.' .... ;....: .. :.. ;.; .. '.. :.. ~.; . .; .... ,.;.~ .. :.. I "'~' .:.. .. JOO
290 . . ; ..:.. ;..: ...:.. :.. ;.; .. .. :.. ;.: ..:... ;. , ..:.. :....: ..;.. :.. : ...;..;.. ;." ... :.. , . , . .:. . ~ 290
............. v.~ .... :::::::::::~:: :: ...
~:::: : : : : :. : : : : : : :::::::::; ::::~:::::::: : . , : " ::: : : :
}:~ : ~::::!::~:~:~::~:~:~:~::~::(T~:t~:
' .........
~E ~
240. . . .•.....•. .•.....•... .0. ...... . . .•....... . . ......... : .. 1•... : .... :.. 240
2]0 ....................... . ............ .. .................... . ~ .. ~.. . .. ..... ~ ... ; .... ~.:.; .. :.. 2]0
220. .,., .. '. ". . ....... , . , ....... , . ~ ..:.. .,., . ... .... ., ..... '.. ,. .... .... , . , ....... '.. , . .... ., .....: . .;.. . : ..:.. :.. : ... .; . .;.. : . ~ .... ... ! ..;- ..' . . ;. ..; . .;.. 220
210 . . ; ..; .. :.. :.. ":":,,., . ;.,, .. :.. ..... ..;. ., ..; .. :.. ; . . .: .. :.. ; . \ ... .;.... , ..... . , . I' • I . .: . • •• , ..... , . 210
200 200
::: ::::::::::. :::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::: :::~::.:::: :::::: ::::::::;::;:: ..;.. ::::::;::::: :i:::::t:t:·::~::t:;:!:::::~::; :~::;: : :;::;::;::::: ::
170 . . , ..;. .... , ........ :.. , . . .;.. ;.. j ..: • • • ; . , ..: • .; . . . , .... .;.. , • • •;'';•• , . ; .... ; •• :.. ; ••. • • • ; . , •• : ..... . , ........ , . . . . . . , . , . ,.. • . . . .... " . 170
160 . . . .•.....•. .•.....•... .....•...•....•...•..... ...•....•. .•.....•.........• . . •.. c .. i.::..::.:.: .. ".:.. :. 160
.: : • : ::::":::::;;:!:::·i:··:O:~::. ::::.• ~. :~::;::.:: •• ::..:J:.,:; ••••• ,.: •• :.j:.• :•. : I· :·:.::::·::::.;· • • ,· l~
150 ; :: :. ':. 150
~ 90 . . ;. o· .: •• : • • • ; •• : • .;•• ; • • ••••• :•• ; . ; . ·1·.•.. ;.; ..•..... ; ..:..;... ; ..:.... ; ...:.. ;.: .: .. 1··;·:.;· .:... ........... :.. :.. : ... ·1· .:...... 90
E: :;:;:~::~: :::~::::~: :~::~:;:~::::~ :~:~:::: :;:;:::::~: :;:::::~:;: : :~::~:;:i::::~:i:~>:(:i:~>:~: :~:::::~T:' ::;::;::::~:li: :;::~:t E
< J)
50 . . ... . . .. 50
:::l ~: :::::::::: ...~ .. ~ ... :::::::::::::::::::: ..... ::::~: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: : i::~::~:~: · ::;::::~:~ : :l::~:",,,,,, jg
~~o: ::,:i::~:t :i:t:::> ::;::~::::i: ... :~:~::::: :;:i:::::::: :;::::::::; : ::::::::; :::::::: :;:;::::- ' i:~:::::~: :j::]::~:~:
... ·'1'· rt:~:~:i::!:
... , :t:~:L:~::
. . .. 7~0
co Hexes " 0 2 3 • 5 1 8 9 1011 12 13 10 1511171819 2021 22 23 2.2528 27 28 211 3031 J2 J3 JoI 35315 37 38 19 40-1 012 013 .... 45 46 _7 "II ~ 50 51 5;! 53 50! 55!if! 57 58 59 60
Ra vine
Point Cosl Combat [UKI
Olher terrain in hex
Other terrain in hex
Defender tripled
fJlf' I 2 3 4 ,
Number of Firing HQ Units (MortlT Bomblrdmen1)
6 7 8
• 10 +
I l' l' l' I I PI PI 2 2 (3)
1 (rl) P l' P I I PI PI (2) (2)
j - (rl) l' l' l' I I (PI) (PI) (2) EXPLANATION
4 - - (rl) P P l' (I) (I) (PI) (PI) OF RESULTS
For All Combal
5 - - - (rl) l' (1') (P) ( I) (I) (PI)
Results Tables
• - - - - (rl) (1')
Bombardments by more than 10 Airl Artillery Points or HQ units (in morcar
(1') (P) (I ) ( I)
p .. Pin:
bombardment) arC' resolved on the 10 + column. 1. 2. J - Affected unit mus t lose the in·
di cated number of Steps :
rl. r2. rJ = Affected unit must be
[12.8) CLOSE ASSAULT COMBAT RESULTS TABLE ret reated the indicated number of hrxes
Com hll Rllio (AUacker Strength to Defender S trength) away from its initial hex:
1·3 1·2 1·1 3·2 3·1 4·1 - - Noeffect;
fJlP '·1 '·1
( ) '" Parenthesized results indicate
I 2rV- 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- l / rl
COllateral damage (applies to A rtille ryl
1 2/- 1c2/- Irl/- 1/ - -/ 1 IlIrl -/ 1r! -/ lrl Air Bombardment die rolls only; ignor-
j Ir2/- hl/- 1/- 1/ 1 !llri -1Ir1 - lrl 2I2rl ed for Mortar and $«ondary damage
die rolls).
4 Irl/ - 1/- 1/ 1 -/ 1 - irl - 1Ir1 212r1 - l2rl
5 1/- 1/ 1 -/I I / lrl - / Irl 2I2rl -l2rl -l2r2
Results to left of slash refer to Ana cker: those to right of slash apply to Defender. Combat at a ratio
of less than ' ·3 is resolved on the ' ·3 colu mn: combat at a ratio of gTeater than j . ] is rC50lved on the
j . ] column.
Helles · O l 1 J ' S , • II 10 11 12 13 " lS ul 11 I' " 2021 21 23 ~ 2521 V :2S 2t 3011 12 JJ 301 35 311 37 38 19 40. , U 45 018 '7 ~ 49 SOS! 52 ~ SO 55 58 57 511 51 60
I... . .. . .. . :
Q oM
EltUlion- . t le\llli on
510 ... :.. ,.~ ..:.. ~... .~ . . : ..:.. :'.: .... :.. :. ... : ....•. :.~ .. :.....•. ,", . . . . . , ,", _,.; ... ,: .. :,.;. ,',.1. .:_.; ..:..... t. ',' ',", . . .:. ".'"r·"·· .:.. ;.:.~ .. ~ . 510
500 . .... ... . . . . I 500
:~ ::i
460 ... : .
:::: ,~::: ::.:~ :~:::.:.>. ,», :;:::1:[:.:,::: :::::;:> T::j:I::~::y
. .. _. ... .•. . •.. "..•.•.•.. ", ..... , .... , . , . ,". ,',. .,. ,". ,", .;.. ..;..:. -:.. ; .•. .;. .:.. ; . ','. .,.,. '.' . " . . h. ... .• . . . . . ... . • • . . •.. . 460
450 450
il :I.:~. :• • ~: I::•.• :.: •. .•• :.::; .~:.:. ;.:•... : ;::i. :~ • • :~.: •.• :• i.,:~..,.,.;·.;::.'. :·:.i.:.::: ::::::: ::::::;;: il
:.:.:: •.•
260 ...... ~ ........ ~ ..... ,.
::::y::: .,:,:; :': ::::~: : ::;::::;::::::: : ::H· :'::,::::':':(:;:::,r t m
. .... , ........ ,.: ......... : . .' ..... ; .• : .... ,.. . .. .............. ~ ......... 260
250 : .. : ....• .... .. .:.: .::' 250
240 . . ,., .•: ...... ; .... '.' . ,. ..... . ... ...... . . . ........ . I d . . · . . •. . . .: . . . . . ;. . : . . . .: . . ; . ; . : . • • ; . ; . .. . 240
230. .. ...... . . ...............·.. ·.. 1 • • -: . . : . . " ( . . . . :. . ; . , , . . : . . . ; . , . . ; . . :. . . . . . . . . . , • •••• , . . . . . . . , ..... 230
220 . ..... ~ ................. " ..... ' ...... ... :.~.-: . . . ; . : ..;.-:. . . , ..;..;.. ; . . .: .. :.. ,., ......... , ....................... .............................. 220
210 ... ~.; ..: .. :. . . , .... -:.. : . . .;. .; .. ;.;. .,. , ...... ,., ........ . ................ . .. .. ....... . ....... . . , ....;- . . :.: . 210
200 200
« :;g: .:.: ..;. .... :~::;:::::;: .::::~: : ;:~: .. ::::i: ~::~:: :;:::.:.. :.. :~:t~:~: ~:::::~:~::: : ,:::: ::::::::·:::: ::::::: .... :::::::::::::::::::::: :;:;:::::::: :;g
...:t 120 . . ;. ;.... ....
110. ... ........ . .. ........
. ..... ~... ...... .. ............... , .• d . . . . . . . , . . . . . : • • • : ••: . . : • . ;. . . .; . . ;• • , . ; . . . . : . . ; . , . . . . . . : . i ..... ,.
. .......................... , . . .: ..;- .... : ...... .;.. ; ..;. .. .;.. ; ..: .. ;. . . ,. ,....... •... .......... ............ . .. . ...... . 11 0
\.l 90 . t . : ..;--:. . . .: ..... :.. , . . .: ..... ; . ; . . . . . . . ; . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . : . ' .. · .. 1.; .... ·.. 90
'"o... 80 . . ,. , .. :.. ~ ........ , ........ ,........... .. ............... , ... . ....... , ..: .. :. . . , ..: .. :.. ; . . .: .. :.. ;., ...... ; • .;: .. :. . . :. i .... ~
70 ...................................................................... , .......... ; .......... ;.: ..... ;., .....•.. , ....•. ; ..... :.: .. :.. i.: ....:... "j 70
~ .:.:. ',"" ....... , ...'..... , , . .. -c.,. , ..;. .. ,. ,. -:... . .: .. , •.. ~ r"C':';"';' .. .... . . . . . . . .:.. :.;. ',"1';. < ...... ~
~ ~ I.::~. :;: : •• ~:: • ~.: . :{:.:. j·)t.:·; 0:1: i. lj.;. r;::i.: :I.::i.'. j .~;::. j• • '::'.:'::'.:.::.~. j':::.' ;'::: i. ~
0;' =: •••••
He)(es ~ 0
J ,, e 7 8 9 0;, 12 13 1.
: : I :
5 Ie 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2' 25 26 V 28 29 30 31 12 :J3 301
: I :
35Je J7 JI!I :J9 40 " q 013 44 4506 ' 7 018
I .
019 5OS1 52 53 ~ 55Sf 57 58 ~ 60
. I
map edge tle~ of their original Entry Zone. Ger- Allowance. Oth{,fwisc, its Movement Point
man headquart{'rs ar{' fe-deployed in hex 59 12. Allowance is halved for that Game-Turn.
CASES: Headquarters unit~ have no Movemem Point
[ IO.47J Supply status has no eifeci on a unit's
Allowance Bnd therefor{' muSI be "carried" by defensive strength.
19.1] PLATOONS olher units. H{'adquarters units Ihal are elimina ted
All plalOons (symbol: ••• ) count as one·thi rd of a in combat are removed from ttle game and arc
company for stacking purposes. never re-dc plo~·ed.
[12 .57) All penallies listed in Cao;e 12 .5 are ly I'la yer's nc" MOl-emen! P hase:. The effect of
rllmlilali~. Ho .... e'er. there can ne~cr be a shift roadbloc l ~ for infant/) is 10 double thr normal