Nuclear War Combined Rules 1.50 TSP
Nuclear War Combined Rules 1.50 TSP
Nuclear War Combined Rules 1.50 TSP
Print pages 3 through 10 to a printer capable of two-sided Keep the pages stacked in that order, and trim the edges
printing (set it up so it flips the pages along the long edge). You'll using the guide marks. Now cut them in half horizontally. Put the
obtain pages that look like this: top half-stack on top of the bottom one, like so (showing rectos
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32 1
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26 7 8 25 22 11
18 15 16 17
20 13
recto (9) verso (10)
18 15
Order of Elimination
1 point for the first player to be eliminated, 2 for the
second, 3 for the third and so on. If someone successfully
uses the “If I Can’t Win, Everybody Dies” rule, all the
other players are considered eliminated simultaneously
and thus score the same amount.
Cold War Bonus
1 point for taking out a player by Propaganda. Nuclear War © 1965 by Douglas Malewicki.
Nuclear Escalation © 1983 by Flying Buffalo Inc.
Survivor Bonus
2 points if you are the only player left. Nuclear Proliferation © 1993 By Flying Buffalo Inc.
— 24 — —9—
Introduction • Cards that rely on adjacency (such as Cruise Missiles)
skip right over the Mars Colony —if they start on
Nuclear War, combined with the supplements Mars, they cannot leave it. Planet-wide effects (such
Nuclear Escalation, Nuclear Proliferation, the Nuclear as a chain reaction) do not affect Mars —or affect
War Bonus Pack, the Nuclear War Booster Cards and Mars alone (if at all). Mars can only be reached by or
Weapons of Mass Destruction, is a game for two or more attack with ordinary missiles (Polaris to MX). The
players. Each player represents a “major world power” Spy Satellite can spy on or from Mars.
and attempts to gain world domination through the
strategic use of propaganda techniques and nuclear • The 200 megaton warhead can be delivered by an
weapons. A sound strategy, however, is not always a MX or dropped from the Space Platform. It can also
guarantee of success. As in the real world, the results of be used in the “If I Can’t Win, Everybody Dies” rule
strategic decisions are not predictable and such factors as (or with the Cobalt Bomb). Lastly, you could use
the chance dispersion of deadly radio-active fallout UFO Technology to boost the carrying capacity of a
particles may significantly alter the course of events. Saturn missile or of a B-1 or Stealth bomber.
• When “You Must Find WMD” is used, the revealed
cards are put back in the opponents’ hands.
These rules differ from Flying Buffalo’s on a few • When using the Suicide Bomber, roll a single radio-
points and are not to be considered official in any way. active fallout die. A “1” means no loss of life, “2–6”
means 3–7 million killed.
— 22 — — 11 —
his choice from his hand, face down onto the table, • If, during Final Retaliation, several players use anti-
pausing to allow spies (see below) to steal it. Top Secrets missiles, the last player to use one is the player whose
are just like Secrets —they simply hurt more. If the Secret turn is next.
isn’t stolen, he reveals it, follows the instructions thereon
and places it on a discard pile. • You may not use an anti-missile to stop a missile
Once the Secret’s consequences have been dealt with, being fired at someone else.
he draws a replacement from the centre pile. Note that this • If an MX or MIRVed warhead manages several “lose
means that if the Secret wipes somebody else out, the a turn” results, the affected player only loses one.
player loses the rest of his turn (and may thus be a card or
more short until his next turn in some cases). The process • If a player has his bomber (including the DCX) shot
is repeated until his hand contains no Secrets. The player down by an anti-missile and has neglected to play
on his left then plays his Secrets in the same manner and face-down cards after it, the player who shot it down
so on around the table. If Secrets are stolen by spies, can require him to immediately play warheads (if
several rounds may be required. available) as if they were following it.
After all Secrets are played, each player then makes • When you must “lose a warhead and/or missile”, you
his first strategy decision by placing two cards face down may discard a played Cruise Missile instead. It
on the table in a way that clearly indicates which is first counts as both a missile and a warhead.
and which is second. These cards will be turned up on
succeeding turns; thus the player has committed himself to • The Mole cannot peruse nor pick from the target
a specific strategy for the first two turns. We’ll call these player’s face-down cards stowed on board a Space
cards the Strategy Track. Platform or a Submarine.
The player who chooses to prepare for war places a • If a Cobalt Bomb gets a “Disaster!” or “Orbital
missile, bomber or other delivery system card in the #1 Burst”, the downwind players still take damage as per
position and a compatible nuclear warhead card in the #2 the card.
position (exceptions to this exist and are detailed later on).
Data on the cards themselves indicate how these may be • When playing the Marshall Plan, each player gives
combined. Only when the cards are positioned and played you a card back before you give one to the next
in this order can an attack be started. player. Thus you can give the card you just got to the
Cold-war strategists who hope to secure victory next player.
through propaganda will, of course, play propaganda cards • When resolving the Re-Armament Secret, you cannot
instead of weapon cards. discard other Secrets you may have in your hand.
—4— — 29 —
After you have announced the target of your warhead Foil the Saboteur
and after he has decided not to shoot it down, but before When an enemy plays the Saboteur on you or anyone
you roll the dice, you may play a Cobalt Bomb card from else, play your spy and cancel it.
your hand. This warhead produces lots of fallout, causing
Gather Military Information
downwind players to lose population as well (assuming the
At any time, a player may use a spy to examine all
bomb actually goes off). Each downwind (clockwise)
the face down cards in an enemy player’s strategy layout.
player loses half as much population as the preceding one,
Merely announce “I'm spying”, discard your spy and
rounding down. It is possible for players to be affected
examine the cards of one enemy. You draw a replacement
multiple times. You can use a Cobalt Bomb on yourself as
for your spy on your next turn. This does allow you to
part of Final Retaliation —you only need the warhead!
look at the cards in the enemy's hand, on his Space
Platform and on his Submarine.
— 12 — — 21 —
Answers to Questions Often Asked Once initial strategy has been determined, the owner
draws Nuclear War cards from the centre deck and places
• If you draw a Secret card that says “You miss your them in his hand until it totals ten cards (counting the face-
turn” that is immediately the end of your turn and you down cards). If he drew any Secrets, he deals with them
do not draw another card to replace it. as above, eventually drawing other cards as replacements.
He then places a third Nuclear War card face down on the
• If you must lose population and don't have the correct
strategy track behind the other two (thus making a further
“change”, you may trade cards with the “bank” until
strategy decision) and turns up card #1.
you have the proper combination. All such cards
On succeeding turns, the sequence goes like this:
used in making change should be exposed to all the
other players. However, it is considered bad form to • Move your Cruise Missiles and deal with Supervirus
expose any of your remaining population cards to any and other beginning-of-turn Secrets.
other player. • Draw cards until you have ten in hand (counting the
face-down cards as “in hand”).
• You may look at your face down cards to remind
• Deal with any Secrets drawn.
yourself of your intended strategy, but once placed
• Play cards face down until you have at least three in
they may not be changed or reversed in order unless
the strategy track.
“peace is restored”.
• Reveal the first face-down strategy track card:
• The strategy track, the Deterrent Force and any other • If it is a propaganda card, carry out the instructions
face-down cards (such as those on board Submarines against the enemy of your choice and then discard it.
and Space Platforms) are considered unplayed and in In peace time, population cards change hands.
the player’s hand. They are therefore susceptible to • If it is a missile, bomber or other delivery system, it
examination, theft or loss through play of Secrets and remains face up until the next turn. If you disclose a
Specials. usable warhead on the next turn, you will attack. If
• The Country special powers are usable once per turn, you do not disclose such a card, the delivery system
on the player’s turn, unless the card states otherwise. will then be discarded (there are some exceptions).
• If it is a warhead, resolve your attack or discard it (if
• You may use a spy to help someone else foil the it was not preceded by a delivery system).
Mole or a sabotage attempt or, conversely, to counter • Optionally, use your Killer Satellites, Space
the victim’s attempt at foiling the Mole or Saboteur! Platforms and Submarines.
• If you are wiped out by a Secret card that you turn up Play then proceeds clockwise.
yourself, you do get Final Retaliation.
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The DCX Delta Clipper is used like a bomber with a The Space Platform is an Earth-orbiting missile
75 megaton delivery capacity. An important difference, platform used to drop warheads on your enemies below. A
however, is that when the DCX is used up, the owner has player may have any number of Space Platforms in orbit.
the option of discarding any other card (excluding Secrets) When a player turns up a Space Platform as his play, he
from his hand instead of the DCX card. He then puts the may put any number of uncommitted warheads from his
DCX card back in his hand for later re-use. hand on it face down. Then he rolls a radio-active fallout
The DCX is also Earth-orbit-capable and can be used die to launch the platform. A 2 through 6 successfully
to launch a (single) Satellite or to reload a Space Platform. launches the platform. A Nuclear Cloud means the launch
This exhausts the DCX’s carrying capacity entirely. In the was a failure (The platform and all the warheads are lost.
latter case, when the DCX is turned face up, you may Draw replacement cards from the deck on your next turn).
immediately take any number of uncommitted warheads Roll the die again. If you roll another Nuclear Cloud, the
from your hand and add them to an already launched platform crashes into one of your cities and you lose 10
Space Platform. When used in this way, the DCX may be million population!
intercepted by a Killer Satellite; this is resolved in the If the Space Platform is successfully launched, it
same way as an attack on a Space Platform. remains aloft until the player retires or it is shot down by a
Killer Satellite. A player who has a Space Platform may
Killer Satellite drop a warhead from it in addition to his regular turn.
These warheads need no missile carriers; the player merely
The Killer Satellite is launched with any one of the turns one over and announces his target. They also cannot
following space-capable delivery systems: Atlas, Titan, be intercepted. Cards on a Space Platform are kept face
Scud, Coyote, Saturn, Space Shuttle or DCX Delta down until used and are considered part of a player’s hand
Clipper. The Killer Satellite is turned up after the missile until they have been dropped.
instead of a warhead. The launch of a Killer Satellite is A player may drop no more than one warhead per
automatically successful (unless sabotaged). Once a Killer turn from any one Space Platform, but could drop one
Satellite is launched, it remains in Earth orbit until the from each of his Space Platforms if he had more than one
owning player decides to use it (or gets wiped out). At the in orbit. The warhead is dropped from the Space
end of any subsequent turn, the owning player may attack Platform after the player has turned over a card for his
an enemy Space Platform or Satellite by declaring his regular turn. If this regular card wipes out another player
target and rolling a radio-active fallout die. If he rolls a 2 (thus causing Final Retaliation), the turn passes on to
through 6, the attack is successful and both the Killer whoever is next after the smoke settles. Thus the attacking
— 14 — — 19 —
Trading Session replacement drawn. When a player makes a successful
“intercept”, the next turn becomes his and play proceeds in
When the Trading Session card is played (or when a clockwise direction. You cannot intercept a missile
Nippyo uses its power), everyone must make at least one being fired at someone else.
trade. The only restriction is that you must exchange a
like number of cards (i.e. one for one or two for two), you State of War
may not show what the cards are to the other person and
you can offer or accept no more than 4 cards at a time. Once an attack has been made upon an enemy, a state
You may tell the other person what you are offering but, of of war exists and peace is not restored until at least one
course, you might be lying. If there is someone that no player has been forced to retire from the game through
one else wants to trade with, the person who initiated the annihilation of his population. (Some exceptions to this
trading session must trade at least one card with him. You rule exist; see Bagmad’s special country power, for
may not trade cards already played on the table (face down example). Propaganda cards are of no value during war.
or face up cards). If a propaganda card is played during war, it is simply
If you wish to discard the Trading Session card discarded without having any effect. When peace is
without starting a trading session, you must play it face restored, propaganda cards are usable again.
down in front of you (like a missile or propaganda). When When peace is restored, following war, each player
it is turned face up, just discard it. may, if he chooses, alter his strategy track by replacing the
face down Nuclear War cards with others from his hand.
Optional Rules He cannot replace a card that has already been turned face
up. The face up cards remain in play, in case he wishes to
“If I Can't Win, Everybody Dies” continue with his previous strategy.
If a player is engaging in Final Retaliation and has a
200 or 100 megaton warhead but no delivery system big Targeting A Specific Card
enough to carry it, he may set it off in his own country in
the hopes of triggering a “chain reaction” on the Nuclear Any player may direct a warhead at an Atomic
War Attack Resolution Tables and thus destroying Cannon, a face-up Submarine at sea, a played Minefield or
everyone! Mars, being on a different planet, survives this Leaky Border instead of at his enemy's population.
—but neither may Mars kill anyone in this fashion. Merely state the target: unless you get a dud or a “delivery
system explodes” or other malfunction that causes you to
miss the target, the latter is destroyed. Your enemy
doesn't lose any population. An Atomic Cannon can shoot
— 26 — —7—
— 18 — — 15 —
another Atomic Cannon, but cannot target a Submarine, Super virus
even if the latter is off the coast of its country.
When the Supervirus Top Secret card is played on
Final Retaliation you, immediately roll the radio-active fallout die and lose
that many million people (the Nuclear Cloud means “l”).
Any player who has been eliminated by violent At the beginning of your next turn, before you draw any
means (such as a Secret card or by nuclear weapons) has cards, pass the Supervirus to either your left or right
the privilege of immediate Final Retaliation before retiring neighbour; this new recipient now rolls the die in the same
from the game. He does not have this privilege if he was fashion. You cannot give the card back to the player who
beaten peacefully with propaganda cards (unless he has the gave it to you, unless you are the only players left in the
Doomsday Device). The eliminated player reveals each game or unless you hold it for an extra turn (losing another
acceptable delivery system and warhead combination from 1-6 million people). Supervirus continues around the table
the cards in his hand, announces his target(s) and rolls the until it is wiped out by the Superserum or until the player
dice (unless of course the enemy intercepts). He must play who has the virus is wiped out (cauterised) by a nuclear
all of his attack cards face up at the same time, but may attack while the disease is still in his country.
specify the targets of each attack one at a time as he rolls If the player who has the virus is killed off by a
the dice. He may concentrate his retaliation on a single Secret card, the virus is immediately moved to the next
foe or he may scatter his attacks against all opponents. He player. If he is wiped out by population migration, the
may keep some non-attack cards (such as Decoys or Smart player who receives the emigrants now gets the virus! If
Bombs) hidden in his hand in case they turn out to be you miss your turn while you have the virus, you must still
useful during the attack. move it to the next player.
Cards in the player's hand that cannot be used in
retaliation are discarded and the player retires. (Yes, you
do get Final Retaliation if you draw a Secret card that
destroys the last of your own population!) During Final
Retaliation, if more than one person plays an anti-missile
card, the person who played the last anti-missile is the one
whose turn it will be next. Also during Final Retaliation,
do not draw a new card to replace your anti-missile until it
is your turn. If Final Retaliation wipes out another player,
that player also gets Final Retaliation, so it is possible to
start a “domino effect” that destroys all remaining players!
—8— — 25 —
8 or 10
7 or 17
6, 9 or 18 Dirty bomb! Double the yield. If the warhead was 200 megatons or better, this
8 or 11
7 or 10
4 or 13
3, 6 or 12 The delivery system explodes (or the bomber runs out of fuel). No population
Roll all three radio-active fallout dice and consult the appropriate table.
misses one turn if he isn’t wiped out.
better, this triggers a chain reaction which blows up the planet —everybody
complement of cards.
You must then, of course, discard enough cards to return your hand to its normal
alive when peace returns, you may take any remaining cards from his hand.
You lose the stated number of population from your own country.
You hit a nuclear power plant. You do double damage and your opponent
Explode a nuclear stockpile! Triple yield! If the warhead was 100 megatons or
Orbital Burst! The warhead goes off prematurely in the atmosphere over your
No appreciable fallout. Yield unchanged.
Radio-active fallout kills another 2 million people.
Beta rays kill another 5 million people.
An additional 1 million people are engulfed by the fireball.
Neutron Bomb! Double the yield. If this wipes out the enemy and you are still
Disaster! You have somehow directed this warhead at one of your own cities.
Gamma rays kill another 10 million people.
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