CWCG 3rde Rules
CWCG 3rde Rules
CWCG 3rde Rules
If your target plays a Spin or of damage to whichever side the SIDE. Armor may still
protect against this attack.
Bootlegger Reverse after you ram them, making you opponent chooses. Armor can be
hit them on a different side, you may still follow up used to protect against this damage.
with a weapon attack, but it must be against the side Debris
where you actually rammed them. You can play this card only in response to another
If your target plays a Swerve after you ram them, player playing Bootlegger Reverse, Swerve, or Spin.
your ram missed and you may not follow up with The e ris card is placed in the “Tires” damage area
a weapon attack. If they do not announce a Swerve of the targeted car and does 2 points of tire damage. If
after you ram, they cannot then swerve to avoid your the target of a e ris card immediately plays Swerve,
follow up attack . . . you are firing at point blank the e ris card is discarded without effect.
Ejection Seat Shaken
This card lets you Escape (see p. 5) immediately, Play this card after any Ramming attack, whether it
on any player’s turn. The Ejection Seat will get you is protected by armor or not. Shaken players lose their
out of harm’s way (and out of the duel) even after your next turn.
opponent’s attacks have been launched.
Smokescreen and Paint Spray
Fireproof Armor, Laser-Reflective The Smokescreen card completely blocks any one
Armor, and Metal Armor Attack card. Play it immediately after an Attack and
These three types of Armor cards may be played discard them both.
at any time during the duel – not just during the The Paint Spray is like the Smokescreen, but with
holder’s turn. You may only two differences: You can only play it in response to
play a Fireproof Armor card ARMOR attacks from the Back. Also, unless attackers can play
if you have not yet taken any a Swerve to avoid the Paint Spray, they must discard
damage from a Flamethrower their hand immediately and miss their next turn.
card. If you avoided damage on
a previous turn by playing two
Armor cards at once, or used a Play at any time, up until This card lets you move
you have taken damage from
Swerve (when the Flamethrower a Flamethrower card. No damage from one side to an
one may play Flamethrower
turn is over. time. That opponent may not simultaneously with any
play any more Machine Gun
cards until he “unjams” his Attack card. Apply the damage
The only way for victims of weapon by discarding ALL
the cards in his hand. If
to the tires rather than to the
the achine un ams card to played IMMEDIATELY
after a Machine Gun card, it
also negates that card. original hit location. Cards
“unjam” their guns is to discard Play along with any Attack
showing tire damage are card. Ignore the location on
all the cards in their hand on their the card; instead, apply the
placed at the lower left corner damage to your opponent’s
turn, doing nothing else. They can then draw six new
of the car card. TIRES. Armor does NOT
cards at the beginning of their next turn. protect against this attack.
Players who use a Swerve
aser verheats works the same way as Machine
card to avoid an opponent’s
un ams, but is played in response to a aser attack.
attack will do 1 point damage to their own tires.
Your tires are treated as a single unit. They are
destroyed if they take 9 or more points of damage;
this is not considered a breach. Regular armor cannot At the end of your turn, you may announce that
be used to protect your tires. (Exceptions: Fireproof you are Escaping from the arena (usually to avoid
Armor protects tires from Flamethrower damage, and being eliminated). If your car is still operating at the
Wheelguards protect tires from tire attacks, but not beginning of your next turn and your tires have not
Swerve damage.) been destroyed, you leave the arena . . . and no one
gets credit for eliminating you.
Players whose tires are destroyed may no longer
use Bootlegger Reverse, Ramming, Smokescreen, On the turn you declare you are escaping, you take
Paint Spray, Spin, or Swerve cards, nor may they your turn normally. On the next turn, provided you are
Escape. However, they may still shoot – and they can not eliminated yet and your tires are not destroyed,
still win! you escape. You may not do anything else this turn.
If you are prevented from escaping, take your turn
G duel at the end gets 10 points.
Does 6 Points of
The Next Duel
Damage to Right
When the scoring is completed, gather up the cards.
The player to the previous dealer’s right shuffles and
deals the cards for the next duel. Each player starts the
new duel with a fully healed driver.
Place Attack cards that affect the driver in a new Play a series of duels until one player reaches 60
stack outside the first breach. points at the end of a round. (If two or more players
reach 60 points, the player with the highest number of
Eliminating an Opponent points wins. If it’s a tie, everyone continues playing
When the driver takes 5 or more points of damage, until someone has
that driver has been disabled and can no longer drive broken the tie at the
the car. All damage, Armor, and Special cards applied end of a duel.) That
to that car, along with its owner’s hand, go to the player is declared
discard pile. The player whose Attack card took the an ACE, and
driver out gets credit for a kill. A kill can only be wins the game!
scored with an Attack card – if a player is taken out by
a Skid Into A Wall, the points go to whoever played the
Attack card that player was swerving to avoid.
Game Design: Creede and Sharleen Lambard
Game Development: Steve Jackson and Philip Reed
Cover Art: Jeff Mangiat t Car Card Art: Michael Scott tThird Edition Editing: Scott Haring
President/Editor-in-Chief: Steve Jackson Production Artists: Alex Fernandez, Sabrina Gonzalez,
Chief Executive Officer: Philip Reed and Ben Williams
Chief Operating Officer: Samuel Mitschke Production Assistant: Bridget Westerman
Car Wars Line Editor: Scott Haring Director of Sales: Ross Jepson
Managing Editor: Miranda Horner Prepress Checker: Miranda Horner
Production Administrator: Darryll Silva Marketing Director: Brian Engard
Playtesters: Norman Banduch; Anne Bennett; Ian J. Brotzman and the London, England Autoduel Association; Brian Engard; Rhea Friesen;
James Lambard; Mike Lambard; Tina Lambard; Randy Scheunemann; Craig Sheeley and the Midwest Autoduelling Division; all our playtesters at GenCon,
Origins, and other gaming conventions around the country; and the chapters of the American Autoduel Association who sent comments.
Special thanks to Fred Dobratz and David N. Searle for their ideas and enthusiasm, and to Dick Jackson for his comments after the release of the first edition.
Car Wars, the all-seeing pyramid, and the names of all products published by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are trademarks or registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license.
All car names are trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Car Wars: The Card Game is copyright © 1990, 2001, 2015 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved. Rules version 3.0 (July 2015).
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