Determination of Moisture Content (AOAC 1970) : Flowchart Attachment 1
Determination of Moisture Content (AOAC 1970) : Flowchart Attachment 1
Determination of Moisture Content (AOAC 1970) : Flowchart Attachment 1
Attachment 1.
Weigh the sample as much as 1-2 g in a bottle that has been known to weigh scales
Then dry it in the oven at 100-C 105o during 3-5 hours depending on the material.
ignorance is done in 2 stages: the first at a temperature of around 400 oC and second at
Note : before entering the furnace, used to fuel existing samples in vials of a gas burner
until the smoke is discharged
Attachment 3.
After the volume reached 60 ml stop distillation and then distillate in tit ration using a
standard solution 0.02 N HCl to the end point tit-ration
Record the volume of tit-ration are retrieved and then calculate the protein using the
Attachment 4.
Dried in an oven
Weigh 5 g of the sample in the form of flour in a sieve either directly, as appropriate to
its size, then cover with a cotton-wool fat-free.
Place the wrapped or filter paper containing the sample in a Soxhlet extraction tool
Then install the condenser tool on it, and a fat pumpkin below
Pour the solvent diethyl ether or petroleum ether into the FAT to taste the pumpkin, in
accordance with the size of the Soxhlet used
Do re-flux during minimum 5 hours until the solvent that fall back to clear colored fat
Solvent distillation in fat pumpkin, the capacity of solvent. Next pumpkin contains a fat
extraction results in a heated oven at 105oC
After dried up weight anyway and let cool in the desiccator, weigh the flask with the fat
can be calculated.
Attachment 5.
Add 200 ml of H2SO4 1.25%, heat in a water-bath temperature of 100C for 30 minutes
Then filter with filter paper and then wash with hot water until neutral (test with litmus
Transfer the residue quantitatively into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer, and then the rest in the
wash with a solution of Na-OH 1.25% as much as 200 ml
Filter by using filter paper already in the known reply constant weight (a)
Wash using hot water until neutral (test with litmus paper)
Residue in filter paper and then in the oven at a temperature of 100oC to severe constant,
Timbang 5 gram sampel yang telah di haluskan ke dalam erelenmayer 100 ml.
follin denis ( follin 1:1 ),kemudian tambahkan 1 ml larutan Na2CO3 jenuh kemudian
diamkan selama 10 menit.
Tambahkan aquadest sampai volume 10 ml, kemudian vortex larutan hingga homogeny.
Catat data yang diperoleh kemudian hitung dengan menggunakan kurva standar phenol.
Nama :
Tanggal pengujian :
Diahadapan saudara terdapat 3 sampel jeli campuran kersen dan kurma, saudara
diminta untuk memberikan penelitian kesukaan terhadap ketiga sampel tersebut, penelian
terhadap kesukaan terdiri dari angka 1-10 yang memiliki arti sangat tidak suka hingga suka.
Saudara diminta memberikan nilai sesuai dengan tingkat kesukaan saudara pada setiap
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