2.3 Analytical Method 2.3.1 PH Test
2.3 Analytical Method 2.3.1 PH Test
2.3 Analytical Method 2.3.1 PH Test
2.3.1 pH Test
1) Evaporating dishes
2) Dishes of 100-mL capacity made of one of the following materials:
o Porcelain, 90-mm diam.
o Platinum—Generally satisfactory for all purposes.
o High-silica glass
o Muffle furnace for operation at 550°C.
o Steam bath.
o Desiccator, provided with a desiccant containing a color indicator of moisture
concentration or an instrumental indicator.
o Drying oven, for operation at 103 to 105°C.
o Analytical balance, capable of weighing to 0.1 mg.
o Magnetic stirrer with TFE stirring bar.
o Wide-bore pipets.
o Graduated cylinder.
1) Insert disk with wrinkled side up in filtration apparatus. Apply vacuum and wash
disk with three successive 20-mL portions of reagent-grade water.
2) Continue suction to remove all traces of water, turn vacuum off, and discard
washings. Remove filter from filtration apparatus and transfer to an inert
aluminium weighing dish. If a Gooch crucible is used, remove crucible and filter
3) Dry in an oven at 103 to 105°C for 1 h. If volatile solids are to be measured,
ignite at 550°C for 15 min in a muffle furnace.
4) Cool in desiccator to balance temperature and weigh. Repeat cycle of drying or
igniting, cooling, desiccating, and weighing until a constant weight is obtained or
until weight change is less than 4% of the previous weighing or 0.5 mg,
whichever is less. Store in desiccator until needed.
Sample analysis:
( A−B ) X 1000
Mg total suspended solid/L =
Sample volume , mL
B = weight of filter, mg
2.3.4 Ammonia
1) Start program 380 N, Ammonia, Ness. For information about sample cells,
adapters or light shields.
2) Prepare the sample: Fill a mixing cylinder to the 25- mL line with sample.
3) Prepare the blank: Fill a mixing cylinder to the 25 mL line with deionized water.
4) Add 3 drops of Mineral Stabilizer to each mixing cylinder.
5) Put the stopper on the mixing cylinders. Invert the mixing cylinders several times
to mix.
6) Add 3 drops of Polyvinyl Alcohol Dispersing Agent to each mixing cylinder.
7) Put the stopper on the mixing cylinders. Invert the mixing cylinders several times
to mix.
8) Use a pipet to add 1.0 mL of Nessler Reagent to each mixing cylinder. Put the
stopper on the mixing cylinders. Invert the mixing cylinders several times to mix.
9) Start the instrument timer. A 1-minute reaction time starts.
10) Pour 10 mL from the blank cylinder into a sample cell.
11) When the timer expires, clean the blank sample cell.
12) Insert the blank into the cell holder.
13) Push ZERO. The display shows 0.00 mg/L NH3–N.
14) Pour 10 mL from the sample cylinder into a second sample cell.
15) Clean the prepared sample cell.
16) Insert the prepared sample into the cell holder.
17) Push READ. Results show in mg/L NH3–N.
1) Incubation bottles: Use glass bottles having 60 mL or greater capacity (300-mL
bottles having a ground-glass stopper and a flared mouth are preferred).
2) Clean bottles with a detergent, rinse thoroughly, and drain before use.
3) Air incubator or water bath, thermostatically controlled at 20 ±1°C. Exclude all
light to prevent possibility of photosynthetic production of DO.
1) Preferably fill large BOD bottle (>2 L, or alternatively 6 or more 300-mL BOD
bottles) with sample at 20°C. Add no nutrients, seed, or nitrification inhibitor if
in-bottle decay rates will be used to estimate in-stream rates. Do not dilute sample
unless it is known by pretesting or by experience to have a high ultimate BOD
(>20 mg/L).
2) Measure DO in each bottle, stopper, and make an airtight seal. Incubate at 20°C in
the dark. Measure DO in each bottle at intervals of at least 2 to 5 day over a
period of 30 to 60 day (minimum of 6 to 8 readings) or longer under special
3) After five days (± 3 hours) the DO meter is used again to measure a final
dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L), which ideally will be a reduction of at
least 4.0 mg/L.
4) The final DO reading is then subtracted from the initial DO reading and the result
is the BOD concentration (mg/L). If the wastewater sample required dilution, the
BOD concentration reading is multiplied by the dilution factor
2.3.6 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
1) Collect samples in clean bottles. Use plastic bottles only if they are known to be free of
organic contamination.
2) Test biologically active samples as soon as possible.
3) Homogenize samples that contain solids to get a representative sample.
4) To preserve samples for later analysis, adjust the sample pH to less than 2 with
concentrated sulphuric acid (approximately 2 ml per litre). No acid addition is necessary
if the sample is tested immediately.
5) Keep the preserved samples at 2-6 ℃ (36-43 ℉) for a maximum of 28 days.
6) Correct the test result for the dilution caused by the volume additions.